Gazette of the United States, & daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1800-1801, December 12, 1800, Image 2

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    / Gazette o£ the United States.
FRIDAY f .TNING, li Kf.K MII Kl* 12.
House of Representatives;
Concluded. ]
Mr. H. Lee spoke for several inihutes
without our being able to hear in connecti
on a (ingle sentence. The amount- of his
remarks appeared to be, that during the
last session the house, after lorig debate, had
decldred ttfelf in favour ot a Maufolevim,
and that as lio reaforis had been assigned
for a change of opinion, he. hoped they wond
persevere in the result of their
Mr. Otis was ready to acknowledge him- j
fictf unacquainted with many of the circum
flances e/nbaced by the fubjeft. He, there
fore wiftied additional information to that
which he had received. His present opini
on was that a jl/aufoleum w*s preferable
to a monument. He acknowledged that in
forming this opinion he had felt great de
ference for the judgment of the committee
■which had recdmmendfed it* It was un
doubtedly » fubjett S.but little understood.
The formation of a proper deeilion depend
fcd upon a cpncurrence of several citcuin
ftnn■■ ;:'ii a comparison of the expence |
pliftied He fide this it bad many peculiar |
features not comprehended by every gentk
inan. He thought thele considerations
fufficient tcr induce the house to decline vo
ting for the amendment whereby the plan
of the committee, who had maturely conli
dered the fubjeft in all its relations, would
be fruilrated, unlets stronger reasons were
assigned than he had yet heard.
Mr, MtfiHla-. 9bferved,<firs* the bill d»-
.j' tot'a Maufoleui n «t cer
_ . I> r '' "i ifcertain the e x P e ' le^ 0 '
whiiu »« cA-inaie r had Ween made. > But
that estimate was Mot latisfa&ory.
/naJr without information. Ihe sum rt
expended was not'fixed. It might vatk y
exceed any sum nf>* contemplated. Ilu
Mausoleum v,« t* consist of a huge ugh
mass of Hones heaped one upon another, to |
raise which ahe apd utelets expence,
would b- incurred- And what was the ob-
Vft ? It was to perpetuate the memory
of Oeorpe Waftm &° n ' W " the > nt f °" >' I
of that preat man be pe'«ti»to{ 1 »y »
heap of large in -"mate ob,efts f Ihe belt
• ' wV* hi* ' -vvc could be prclcrveu
vuuni -•» w.«-vry. i s iii„ .».••* • ' ■ ■
pi tee tfiey now lay, by depolitin 6
them in the capitol at the will of the na
tion, interring them in such a manner as ha'
never heretofore been done, in placirig over
Vhem a plain tablet, on which every man
could write what hU heart diftated. 1 his,
ant! tliis only, was the basis of his fame.
It was ftot to be blazoned by figures or re
pictentations of any other fort. It coniiit
ed in the wndecaying recollection ot his vi>-
tues. It mull live on the national feeling
and this called not tor ufelcls expence. -
Twenty thoutaßd dollars was as competent
to its expreflion, as two hundred ihv-uland.
tfe hoped, therefore, the amendment would
be adopted, and that she serins which .ela
ted to military and poli'iciil achievements
would be omittted. He hoped a plaiH mo
nument would be erefted.
His preference of a monument to a mau
soleum arose not fr-m any indisposition to
helebrate the memory of our American
hero. He could fay as much in his praise
as any man. Neither a committee of Con
gress not the four fecretaiies, on wh- tm the
"Kill devolved the ! :it U'° lc
oi al fa# ctfifra&ei ox vw»i g re *fc in^l
lit aid.
Mr. Nott did not rife to consume the
'time-of the committee by going at large
into an examination of the subject ; but to
explain the reasons for the vote he meant
to give. He had lad feflion co-operated
fcofWlie&i fully in all those measures which
had'been pursued to express the national
sensibility at the !ofs of that great and im
mortal charafter. In the feelings ot grati
tude which his fei vices excited, no man (
could out do him. Among other mealure«
he had been frifudly to the erection of a
inaufoloum. -But on more reflexion he had
charged his opinion. He did r.ot believe
that a huge mass of stones would add to the j
reputation of Washington. or be mere ex
pveflive of national affeftion than a marble
monument. This being the cafe he preter
ed the latter, because it was the leaftexpen-
Mr. Gr'.fwould hoped the amendment
would-not prevail. It was the objett of'the
bill to raise a monument which Ihould latt
for ages, and which fliould be a perpetual
memorial of tfoe gratitude of America.
Such would not be the cafe, it the propoh
-tion made by the gentleman from North
Carolina should be adopted. Ihe monu
ment pro pa fed by hira might be broken and
destroyed- by a lawless mob or by a let ot
fcfcoftt bays. For his pait, he would not
content to rife fuel) a monument to the
memory of a m*n who had deserved so well
of his country.
The bill proposed the ereflio" of a monu
ment that would Hand unimpaired for ages.
It is true, that it will not prepetuate the
fame of Wa3iington;his tame eqiiurd no
tiling wVich he would detogiveit prepetui-ty,
but it will preoetuate the gratitude of tht
country. It will be a tlruaure that wil
commanded refpeft ;it will be pointed tc
our children ; they/will «nter it Witt reve-
V '
I rfiice, as the spot in which the assies of this
j great uiMi are deposed.
It was amloubtedly a fuhje£l of fentr
vfrent ; and fubjedls of lsch a kind mult be
guided bv feeling. Various opinions, there
fore, may naturally be exp'cVcl. His
opinion was that the national feitfimen.
called fur the erection of a ftruiture correi
pond. »t in size to the tharafter of the man
to whom it was rai fed.
The general outlines of the bilH might
How be adopted ; and it there exilted a va
riance of opinion the fubordin.te members
of it wight be
Mr. H- Lee laid, if it were the with of
gentlemen to avoid the adoption ot mea—
sureS commemorative of the talents of the man.we have loft, it woild We candid
in them to tell us lo at once. For his oart
he saw little difference between the adop
tion of the amendment and the rejeftioti of
every plan proposed that was adequate to
the ovcation. Sir, laid General Lee, there
is not a rich man in Europe who lotes his
miftref* that does not raise a trophy to her
momory ; and ihall it be laid that we, who
j have fullfiitied the molt irreparable lot's in
the death ot our chief, shall it be said that
we refufe to pay him those lvonors which
are lavished so liberally upon such inferior
objefts ? If you do not mean to come for
! ward 011 the occasion. fay so—Then we
ihall underlland the real'ons of oppofiuon
' to the ground taken l»y this house last let
fion. As yet no real'ons had been atfigned
f;t. abandoning it—We then declared that
we would art. \Vc exhibited a tpiiit
worthy of the immorcal Wafhingtsn, wor
thy of the dignified charafler of this Jiotile.
But Ihsuld this honorable spirit, kindled
by an enthuliafm in the virtue! and talents
of our departed benrfattor, lublide, and be
chilled by the adoption of the proposed
amendment, he would condole with the
hoiife ; and would rather they would be si
lent forever than disgrace themfelvrs and
! their country by lo lubordinate an act.
It is true, Sir, that the celebrity and the
glory of Walhington hang not on our plau
j dits History will tranfinit to poftrrity
the luflre of his fame glittering with un
tarnillied purity. It is not in our power
either to increase or diminifli it. But, fir,
we ma) imitate his virtues and his great
example. We are deeply interefUd in
holding them forth as illuflrious models to
our sons. Is there, then, I aflc, you, any
| other mode for perpetuating the memory
: of such tranfeendent virtues, lo (liong, lo
im pre (live, as that which we propose. Ihe
. grandeur of the pile, we wilii tJ raile, will
irnprefs a sublime awe on all who behold it.
It ivllU'ucviVe the present generation. It
tc .,ve h : of >BJ children's ehil
dien, aud they will leaui that true It
way to gain honor amidst • tree.people is to
be ufrful, to be virtuous,
This will not be the aft <?l' an individual,
it will be the aft of a Govei—vicnt exprel—
ling the will of a Great Nation. eize
then,T pray vit, feiae wittr raptuir the oc- .
:aj- - • ; j.,vt' : the |
SiiprriT.c diipji'cr of cvefl"J|rr giving you |
an opportunity of reaiTfe knie tutu,f
Washington. Thii is a~grea; objeft:
frown then upon all tha littve eifots made
j to defeat ic. >
It iscertainly true that if you erec* a maufo
i leaui, you must expend some public,money.
< Hut are you not the guardians of tf-.« pub
lic treafute ? Does not the lele£Vi*n of the
\ best objects to wbiih to appropria - it, de-
j volve on you ? and can there 1.-; a o 'irater,
a more patriotic purpose ? Is it
not your great duty to proniate the public '•
j good ; and can that be rv'ire completely r
I promoted in any other way ? Ihe turn at- a
ked is seventy th««fand lobars. Who can c
lliew mc in ( Wbftt I manner the . line ,
good can be eiVefted b; t# tmall a sum ? (
BUt it %■ laid, tha: the bill velts a dtfere- j
tion P the Seer*taries, and they may ex- (
cee.d iheetlimate. But, Sir, are the Secre j
i taries unworthy of confidence? Do not ,
w know that we may fafely rely upon them i
fidei, if thought expedient, the ex;'rdi I]
• .ure may be limited. Thus furrly, w.thout . |
- } prodigality on the one hand, or partiniony , ,
on the other, you may do honor to youi- • .
selves and your country.
Mr. Macon did not pretend to know
vnurti about that-kind of things proposed by |
the bill; but he believed, trom the liule he
did know, tb&t such a thing had not been
attempted fer a thousand years. Ihe ex
pence, attending the propoled hjd
! been treated lightly. Forliimlelf. he wa«
n.t difpoled to consider leventy thousand
dollars a trifling sum. He thought it a
«at sum; and belriv.d every man. n .lie
! country thought as he did. In torming
his idea of any particular sum he was not
carried away by the vifiona.y notions «t
speculation ; he looted at the labour it re
. quired to produce it: and he well knew how
hardly earned was the money from which
. this enormous sum mult proceed.
He further beleived that no mafl couW
" tell how much tie Mar.folcn would coll
The feienry thousand dollars was probaly
only a beginning ; and when the objett
was ones expenesce tells us that,
we must finifh it at all events, let it colt
what it '.night. Tlie hale was fixed at a
hundred feet. Why not decide ';«
; proportions ; Did not the Ulencc ol the bill
, on this point (hew tlie ignorance ot gen
tlemen ! All was doubt. bat ftrength
-1 med his opinion of the total w ant of inlor
mation, was the exhibition last feffipn of
t two ellimates : one of which pie
, dicated on a bale •of sixty fret, andl requi.
ii ed iTxtv-leven thousand dollars ; the otbei
was predicated on abate ot one hundred
feet, making the Structure nearly o time*
I as large, and required onl> seventy thou
i land dollars. Could this be " rieA ■
; Both estimates -certainly could not be mie. ,
The probability was that neither could be
: tlepen ded upon.
For what purpose was this great mats to
be raised ? saw ns good purpole like
ly <o be anfytertd by it under -tne lun.
Can Rones (hew gratitude ? If the nation
withe Jto fliew gratitude, let thein <-o it 1
: by ««sifcing a liidory of the life of Wall.- J
ington a Ichool-bosk. Oar children then
. will learn and imitate his virtues—l his
i will be rendering the highefl tribute to
bis fame, by making it trie mifiufflent ot
. enlightening the mind and improving the j
1 hea>-t. _ . c
While there are such modes ot j
t diftinguifliing the me mory of Washington.
- can Congrel's so far forget'the intereit of (
s the nation ; can they so far forget t heir | (
own duty, as to expend millions in acts j (
f of useless and pernicious ostentation 1 Since ! (
_ the invention of types, monuments are ;
e j goodfof nothing. The records of hiflory will i
' remain long after their decay or detli u c\iou. j
We are told that the bell mode of perpe- j
tuating the merao.y of Wa(hingt»n is to j
cieft a Mausoleum. I have beard, laid Mr.;
Macon, of Ariftides I have lwftid of Ham. .
den i but I have never heard ot monu- j
inents raited to their memories. Yet their j
virtues fliine as bright now, as they did
while they lived. I have heard of a place
called Weihninifter Abbey, full of the mo
numents of kings ; yet. notwithstanding
these grand memorials, 1 have heard very
little of them after they left this world,
and I quettion very much whether any man,
let him have heard what he may, if he
were to go there could tell one of them trom
the other.
But, it is fait), that the monument
proposed by the amendment, may be
thrown down and destroyed by mobs of
school boys. God forbid that this should
ever be the cafe. I do not believe, said
Mr. Macon, this to be pollible, If it Were
made of gla : s, frail as is it is> it would
, be fafe all would revere all would refped
The house is told by one gentleman,
1 who advocates the Mausoleum, that a
rich man in Europe cannot lose his mis
tress without railing a monument to her
■ memory. Was the gentleman serious
' when he made this remark ? would he '
place tiie memnry of Walhington on a )
r footing with that of a rich mans mistress t
t Better, Sir, said Macon, far better
1 would it be, more honorable to the Gov- ■
j ernment, and more conformable to the j
swish of our deceased friend to devote
f the seventy thousand dollars,defigned for |
0 a Mausoleum, to the education of the i
e poor. Then indeed we might flatter j
, oarfelves with having extended the Em- j
pire of his virtues, by making those un
derlttnd and imitate them who unin-
Itru&ed, could not comprehend thein.
If he thought that by raising a mug- ,
nificent monument to Walhington he .
could give duration to his fame or carry ;
his name into a sing e country which it j
had not yet reached, he would give the ■
acv)ue his fuppOi t. jjyj ua lueji. r ff ; '* ;
would bC* produce J. It n gl
adorn tms City ; and that was the only
plaufi'ole argument in favor of it.
Before gentleman aft in this business
let them lock to Egypt; thtrc they will
behold price lent? in profufion •, men j -
made gods and statutes and monuments
and maufolea covering the whole face of i
the country ; but where will they find J
the virtuous or the talents of the men |
' they meant no commemorate ? Now
is the time to make a stand against this
■ monument mania. Walhington is j
- admired anal beloved by all. No one j
1 can be charged with ■ ilefire to dimi- ;
nifh his fame by oppolinga useless expen- ]
diture of money —The precedent we :
now cftablith will be auspicious to 1)
our future measures. If we decline rai- •
I sing a Mausoleum to Walhington, no |
man who succeeds him, can expe£t one j
reared to his memory, On the other j
hand, if we now, raise one to Wathing- ;
] ton every pretender to greatness will aim j
. at the fame diltinction.
Mr Macon concluded by declaring i
himfelf hostile to the bill, and friendly to
the amendment, bacaufe it pxopofed a
plan that was more rational, more econ
omical, and more conformable to the
resolve of the old Congress, than that
contained in the bill. _ |
The Committee then rose without
coming to any decisions reported progress
and obtaiued leave to lit again.
jujl Received by A. Dickens ;
Opposite Christ Church,
i Deluhory Reflections,
Political Aspect of
i In the United States of America.
, Part 11.
t •' And I I«cked, and beheld a p»1« horse i and
a " hi« same that fat on him was Death, and
r " Hell follow«d with hira "
II u ( Frice a 5 Cent«.)
} f For the year 1800.
c ' By Heary James Page P.L.'
, ' Superbly printed in 4 to
er (Price 75 Cent..)
,j IWember 10. "
The Partnerftiip
WAS JJefo'.ved the 3d instant, by mutual
content, and James Creflbn n duly au
thorized to little the concerns of laid firm.
December 9.
Foreign Intelligence.
LONDON, Oft. 15.
Yesterday a Court of Common Council
was held for the par pole of petitioning the
King to aflemble Parliament, in order to
co 11 fider of some effectual means for leduc
ing the pre lent high price of piovifions.
Previous to this bulienfs being tntr red upon,
the Lord Major deli*errd in a paper on the
fubjeft of the apprehended tumults in the
metropolis op. Monday night, ot wrich the
following is the fubltance*
*• Gentlemen of the Common Council.
After the tlillurbances which cxift-d within
this City a mouth ago, it is very natural
for every one to be alarmed by the appear
ance of the least symptom of their re-turn.
1 have the faisfa&ion to ft ate to this Court,
that, from the time I had the honour to fit
here'lart, to the pre font moment, I have not
received the flighted information of that
-endency, boV has any one person expressed
to me an apprehetifion on that head. I should
not have tho't it necessary to have made
this declaration, had it no' been that consi
der agitation prevailed in the City yel
terdaiy, because the Peace Officers round the
City >h»d ordered out various Military Al
fociauou ~o affiftthe Qivil Power, in con
sequence o? information received from the
; Secretary yi' State that riots were expetted
—no suci information was given to hi."
Therre port. r t of the, provilion committee
was then i troduced and read, wherein it
wa* slated, as their opinion, " that the ore
fent pra&.ce of contrasting with the seve
ral farmers, for the whole produce of their
dairies, inHe-ad of beir»g brought periodical
ly to market. was the cause of the present
high price df butter, cheese, &c. iuafmuch
as the markets were supplied in what pro
portions wrve mod advantageous to the deal
er, and perjfejit had not the opportunity of
making the^ r pitccha&t as. formerly, which
called for | e .dative interference for the
cure of the ev.l so justly complained of."—
After t. long deba'e, the report was agreed
to, and referred birk to the said committee
to proceed furti. - in their enquiry.
The immediate business of the Meetings
w.s tl en" proc ed»d in, and it was unani
mously agreed \ 0 present a dutiful Address
and Petition to his Majrfty ; which was
forthwith prepared by a Comniittee ap
pointed for th*t purpose, and oadered to
be presented to t'foe King upon the throne,
by the whole c n urt of common council.
The fheriff* .. le ordered, to wait upon
his majefly, to know his pleasure when he
would receive tht; said petition ; and th:n
the -meeting » ,-oke up.
Wanted to charter,
( fJlps* A- Vessel,
| 0 f ijo or 280 tons burthen,
j Apply to
James, Clilbcrn, ts" Englljh. i
ti mo. 9th. $ I
The Cargo
Capt. Stocklty, from Baiavia,
Coffee sugar & pepper
Of the beji quality,
William Wain.
December 9. _
Lorain St Son,
No. 5,
NaRtH Third-Sweet,
Chintzes Sc Calicoes,
Irilh Hum, sewing (ilk and best rich fcasJ: twist'-
Scotch threads, with a variety of other seasonable
Dry Goods ,
And a large supply of
Carpets and C-arpeting,
Of the Uteit and mo ft f jfhionable figures.
To be sold or bartered,
For Dry Goods, a handtome three-story
With piazza anft kitchen adjoining, fitoate In
Vine ueaf Fourth street, built in modern flile,
with excellent materials, and well calculated tp
accommodate a large family
drcomSer 10
French School,
N. GOUIN D'JFIKF, profctfor of the F "" ch j
language, will open on Tuetday, the 9 1 , *
cember, at Mrs. Beck's Academy, in Fifth Oreet,
opposite the State House garden, a marmnglchool
or young ladies,from eleven till one o cock (every
°' guardians are deGr.d to make early
application, that the fckolars may kave the mutuai
advantagti of beginning at OOCC.
N. G. Dufiif, has the honor to inform tn cm
that he is the auther of a course of pradicil lee
tures and conferences on tbe effetuu. P arts °
the French language, by means of wnic. » t e ear- i
ner is foot..initiated in the mod approved
| of this polite and falhionable language.
I An analyfi, of.M» P aß of tu:ti ° n ' . v."
work having neen given at length in th<i puohc
papers, ihcy *re referred to the Gazette of the
United States amfthe Aurora for ieptemlier last.
For terms and other particulars apply at -5»
fjuth Filth street, or at Mrs. Betk'ion the days
and I o»r« of tuition jrfoiefaid.
December a. <= od<!t ' l
General Charles Scott, we learn. has been
eleaed one of the Prefulential eleftors, for
the-Stale of Kentucky.
RALEIGH, December 2.
His Excellency Benjamin Willi .iris, is
re-ele&ed by the Legislature, Governor of
this state—he had 126 votes, Colonel Jofepli
Taylor 26, and Colonel John B. Aflie i 7«
David Stone, Esq. a Representative in
Congress for Edenton DiftriiSl, is elected
Senator in Congress, in the room of Timo
thy Bloodworth, Esq. whose time expires
on the 3d ot Marc-h next.
Yesterday the Circuit' Court of the Uni
ted States for the Diftrift of North Carolina,
was opened in this City by the Houourabfe
Bufhi od Walhington, Esq. one of the Asso
ciate Justices of the Supreme Court of the
United States ; the Graud Jury being em
ptmneled and sworn, Jadge Walhintjton de
livered an elegant and psrtinent Charge, and
adjourfitd the Court untill ten 0 clock this
Travelling gentlemen of refpe&ability
from Sohth-Carolina, inform us that the
Legislature of that state will roost assuredly
appoint Federal Eieftors.
We congratulate our readers on theprof
peft of Mr. Adams' re-eleftion to the of
fice of Chief Magi Urate we cofider
it as pretty certain*
dit—fa tf
By this Day's Mail
UNION, Decembei" 5*
December 12,
Will be preferited (for the third time here) a £**►
Torite- New COMEDY, called
Votary of Wealth.
Written by the author of Abroad and at Ham*
and performed at Covent Garden Theatre
with unbounded applause.
Old Viforly, n»r Francis; Leonard Viforly, mt
Wood; Drooply, mr Cooper ; Sharpfet, mr i
Bernard;; Clere
land, mr.Wignell; Harry Melville,
mr. Cain j Mailer Hotel, mr
Prijfmore ; Nabb,mrßlif»
set; Simpfon, mrDu
• ang; Waiter, mr
Lady Jemima Viforly, mrs Salmon ;
mi ft Weftray ; mr!> Cleveland, mrs Shaw j,
Julia Cleveland, miss E eftray ; Gan
gica, mrs Francis.
To which will Be added, (for the 4<h time
America) a New Muflcal Entertainment,
St. David's Day ;
The Honejt fVelfbman.
Written by i'homas Dibdan.
- frgfowilara n+ ]
Infuranctc Company of North
0- THE STOCKHOLDERS are hereby
intormed, that a flatcd Meeting of the Com
pany will be held At their Office, on the 13th.
day of Janiwry next, ( being the fecoad 1 hurf
day in the Month) for the EteAiioo of twenty
five Diredlors f.»r the eufaing year.
D«cember 10 fftttiyhj
Bank of North America.
No f ICE IS HEKEBY GiViiN to the
JtocWho'ders of the 3ank of North Amer
ica, thatonthefecond Monday, the lath day
of January next, an Ele<ftion of twelve Direc
tors for the enl'uing year, will be held at the
Pank at 10 of the clock in the forenoon.
H- DRINKER, j»nr. Caihier.
December 9. ta 2w&dtnj.
For Sale
Souchong and > TEAS.
Buhea )
Muscovado sugar in hhds.
Brjndy Ift proof
Lifbun wine in quarter casks
Madeira wine in pipes
China, aflorted, and a few bales white and 7
yellow nanke«ns i
A few boxes chocolate and dipt candles
Spermaceti oil and candles
December 11.
opposite Chril Church. '
Millars Gardner's Didti»a&ry,
new editien, folio oo
Weld's Travels, a vols 7 00
R ochefaucault's Travels, 4 09
Anti-Jacobin Examiner, a vols. 6 SO
Buonaparte's Intercepted Letters 3 71
Crutwell's Gazeteer, 3 vols, and atlas I'd 00
New Biographical Dictionary, It vols 37 JO
D'lvernois's Survey of the LofUs of the
French Nation • S°
Parson's British Chflics, 36 vols 4« °<>
New Syftemof Natural Hiflory,3 vols l»
Payne's Epitome of History, » vols 6 OO
Chefterfield's Works, 4 vols II 00
Bishop Wilfor.'s works, 8 vols I» °°
Goldlmith's works, 7 vols 9 °*
Walpole's royal and noble authors
Peron's new geography,, 4 ™
Pirkt,onlnfuianct,newi.on. ed. »f 1100 500
Dr Currie'. edit, of Burns's works, 4 vols «a 00
Fenno's edition of Gifford's works, a vols a»i
Duieenan'a reply to Grattan, . ,
Report of the fccret committee of the houre
of commons on the Info rebellion X C»
Rofc's examination of ths increase oF th«
revenae, commerce, &c, of O. Britain
Oifford', letter to the Earl of Laaderda.e
Kernel's narrative of the Deportation to
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A variety of Pamphlets on American Politico
december II ■ ——
Neatly executed at the Office of the
Gazette of the United Stages
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