NuMßrn.ls62l Sj" The p> ice of this (iazetie is Emttr UqlLabs per ainum to Subscribers residing in the city of Philadelphia. All others pay one Dollar additional, fir enclosing and recting ; and utiles- ':> me person in this cflj* will become answerable for the subscription, it must be paid Six Months in Advance. Mo Subscription v ill be received for a shorter term than six months. December > 1799. ALMANAC From December 9 —to December 16. HIGH WATia. H. M. f cdmfday - * 9 8 Tbarlday . - - 9 51 Friday - - • XO 40 Saturday - II 33 Sunday - - - o 19 Manday .... > 10 Tuesday . - » 17 SUN IISI9 9KT3 Wednesday . - 7 11 4 37 Thurfdty - 7 »4 4 36 Friday 7 *4 ■"4 36 Saturday » 7 *4—4 3& Sunday - • 7 »5 r4 35 Monday - - 7 »s—-4 3i Tuesday • - J *5- —4 35 Now Landing, ANDtfOR SALE BY THE *UBSCKI lERS At Pine-tyre»t wharf, The Cargo Of the brig Hope, c*pt. M'Olure, from King&on, Jamaic*—c .nfiflitig of II Hnds. inft 3 bbl» Sugar 60,000 Carraras Cocoa of th • firft quality 1,500 Bhl». Coffee- ALSO, FOR SALE, THE SAID Ml BRIG, Ai flic carna from fta, i» coppered and l'iil# remarkably faf>, aud can be sent to Sea at a Y*ry fm»U exptnfe Wm, G. W Robt. 0. LATIMER. D»c. 1 f5 Paflengers & Freight WANTED FOR Port Republican. THE SHIP gOjL DISPATCH, J®?!®! C.apt. Maxwell, Sk?-'—'cy Will positively fail for P«rt Republi c»» c-n WedncCfiijr next .'ill drfiraus of taking arc rcquefted to at.ply *« (pcetUlT a» * p.ii:: i. , t • ip)u dt pofllhk au . v - taii c Maxwell a lord du N .vere mcui ie pr£» d« premier quai ju deflLut i* Rue SaiTafras ou a Messieurs ; 4 RAT T & KINTMNG Le 5 r j >Bco . «n is pierced tor 14 guns Ap plv to Hie marter on board at Downing': ■wharf, or S MUEL RHOADS, No. 1, Penn Street. November 11. ptf For Hamburgh, a-. The Hamburgh ship lli® Three Friends John Peter Janfen, miller, A fu.%ftantial ftronjf goad tiff 1, and well found is intended to fail previous to the *jtb of Decem ber. f.Vo thirds of her cargo btir j> ready to go an beard—For the remainder, or p-.flsjr?, apply to JACOB SPERRY Ki Co. Who have received per /aid vejfel •and are kow Landing, I* i.atillas hoy ales 'Briuapiii Stlrfut Check*. No l. tod Litidoci Cr"* a U Motliii AMUu Stqj e* Slcui Hafidkcrcbißf* l)>rxi!t Oil Olnths Cun Flint* Aljo on Hand, Chocks and flrifjcs Bocca tilios, P>riranr»ia«, C?;f f.rillos, Brown Rolls. Elopiija l , Greas a la Mor hix, Bielcficid fine Shirting, LJnr.cns, Dawlafs, Siamoif& Tapes G1 ass W aroiuc Mills, Scythes, Demyjohns, Quills, novcmber 21 BENJAMIN CLARK, Clock Ist Watch Maker, HAS REMOVED To No. 36, Market St*kkt, Wh»rc he has for Sale, Spring and other Clocks ; gold and filvt Watches; Tools, Files and Materials ; ft re nd gilt Chains, Seals and Keys ; Springs, &c. Sac. CLOCKS AND WATCHES Rvprtfred a? '.;fual. Jmie 3 Gazette of tkUnited States, & Daily Adverlhfr. For Liverpool, To return an early Spring ship to Phila delphia, TUI SHIP fflfa ROSE, of Philadelphia, «<-feS£=W SII>AS JONES, matter, Burthen a?o tr.rts. la intrnl.d to he speedily riif patched. For freight or paitjgc apply to JOHN ENGLISH, No. 147, .Water Or ret, or JAMES, CLIBBORN £5" ENGLISH, Phiiadclp n ' a New-York, Dec. td. 1800. § Imported, In the fti-p Atlantic, captain Wate rs » from Calcutta anrl Madras, And for sale by the futyfcnber, "A great variety of articles m&tlji suitable for exportation, AMONG WHICH Alt I '- Blue cloths Meckar.«cs Soot Romals Salfm fioorM Ventapolains M.idra* Long Cloths Ditto Handktrchieti. J A I, SO 2000 bags prime Sugar, Hyson and Souchon'g Tea, < J Ofl N MIi'.LEH, junr. mwf tf osober 10 Landing from the ship America, Walte. Sims, Commander , from* CiVtioH, ASO FOR SAL £ H ? NICKLIN, GRIFFIT H iff Co .II'JMEA, O Congo, Souchapg, if! Sc and qmlily, Caper > _.. hong, ' • Hyt"n-lkia, T .nk..y, •3ing;o> Hyl'.n, Yellow it white ninkeeoi ■) LiiiUtrinnk b'fck t eglw'ii ( In Boxti jin(hiA» do. f affbrtcd, 'lltt'.ki do. j Lureltrlligt, r;;z. blue ic dark preen") s; ; ..nuws <. f . Persian Mfleta»,, on tand for sale, received bv the late arnvuls from Europe, life. 1 lnfmaliptck' Striped and ch« H ginghams t apri all"' rted vVhitt f'pnrc ! 3c cr 'or'd Mul- | calculated fbf l"i '> the- VVefMn t irdefl dimities I dia market I Color'd silk, stripe 1 Nankeem I entitled to J drawback, 14 Trunkt printed Calicoes, 5 do. do. Biles feme ine ti o Calis Enpl Hi China vuie, fr" *lact tnpl.i,. 'av in C.ifks rr.i':-al 1 la;k o do. cole .ther, 3 Casks p irplc brown, 5 do. naiU a (Tor tad, o do. banana porter in bodies, •iig ifh fail can .is, No. I, *lk 3, <>. i.' 1 duck, 17 Wr>xe» white Havjnna "ujrir, 12 Pipes old Madeira wire, 'jtinp .w !er, Empfy wine bottlrs, 10 Guns, 6 prur.der?, M do. 9 do. v iS do. 9 do. with carriages, Ac. ißo,ccolb«. Ccrihou coflfte, l!l "J (_Futitle! 11 jo,coo!bs Mark pepper »o ebony J May ij. Horses to Winter, HORSES wHI he taken to winter at Profpeil 1111 i, at the li milt (lone, on the Uri(t..l road, where they will have 1.00.! T'mothy and Clover Hay, he well taken cSrcof, and have a field to run in when the weather is good ; enquire ol William Bel), Philadelphia; or, ot Jofcph Hunting, on the premises. Tfu-y engage to return them in good ore'er in thefpringor charge noit.i.ig for keeping them, and wi'l rot be anfwirable for accidents or tfeape, but will takr every precaution to prevent either, odober 17 mwf tf diot—tu&fr 3W MR. FRANCIS refpeukftilly inform? his ■Scholars audthole Gentlemen wko have already honored the Suhfcription with their naines, th»t the fir ft Ball will be on Saturday the 6t!i el December. Su'jfcription tickets will ready for delivery on TnuriHay the 4th instant. Days of tuition {for the future J Mondays and Fridays, at 3 o'clock in the aternomi loryeung Ladyi oniy,—Tuefdtys and Tfcurfdaya at 4 «'clock tor gentlemen, and on the Tuesday an,l S'hnrfday evenings at 6 o'clock for thofeofa more advanced ajje. December i. d6t tu&sftf PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY EVEN IN I 30,000 lbs. bej 4 . heavy Black Pepper, FOR SALE BY SAMUEL RHOADS, No. i, I'cn" Street. | December i. CHINA GOODS. V j"iAS, A »d qutlitf. MR. FRANCIS'S Firjl Subfcripiion Ball. By C. P. Wayne.'Ko. 65, Sout Thomas Orr; No. 52, South Front HAS the latest arilvulVfroßfl Lon doyii a well chosen aflortmetit of the fol lowing article-: Calicoes arxi chintzes, ( a great witty) Furniture do. do. Corded Dimities for garment: and furniture Durants, Joaus and Calimancots K' mbazctts and Burribazeens Printed .Linen and Cotton Handkerchiefs and Lawn bordered da. and '*,> k Muslin handkerchiefs Shawls, Cotton and Chintz, a great variety Do. Cant' I's Hair Hosiery, Worsted and Cotton of all sizes Co China White and Black Silk Tabic CI 'tbs, from 5 4, to joby 16-4 with and without Napkins Thread, O.mze, Lawns and Cinibricks Jaconet and Lapett Muslins, coloured and plain White and Slack Lace, Lac* Veils, Cloaks and Handkerchiefs Black Mode, Pedongs and Satins White and .printed Mlarfetiles for vefls Swuildown, ftriprtl and p'sid Cotton Checks {five) 7 8, 4-4, 11-8, and 6-4 Black and coloured Barcelona handkerchiefs India Bar.danna do of fuptrior quality White, Red and Yellow Fianncls Gucrnley VVorftec) Frocks A. frw dozen ke(f elastic SuFpeiTders. He has All'q Just Uci'eivrc], ;t well .dTovted Invcj&e of India Muslins, ' CONSISTING OF Berbko«m'Hurrahs Patna Baft»» Alahabad Emerttes Do Gurrahs Company (juzzapora Janna Mamojdies. Codas. By the Bale or Pie^e. diw 'U I . ' • / Saw Manufactory. FRANCIS MASON, No. 10, south Fifth drnt, Manufactures mill, crosscut and piti saws, eqHalin quality, appeiranceaad (hape to any ever imported; which fells wholcfafe at the following price*—6ieet mill saw« 5 1 » dol lar each ; cross-cut do 50 cents jfer foot; pittdo. 60 cenr» per foot. Wood-Cotter* cast steel saws, and every oth#r kind, made tn any particular dircfiion. November, 18 dim John Whitesides, INFORMS hi* friends and the public in general that 1 e ha* tak'-q th« .BREWERY, , (late wJTTie iu -awfonT) So". jf'o n/jrftWiiph street —where thfy may tie lupplied with Porur, "Je,, TaMeanrl other Bei r3. NBA quantity of excellent «ld Porter or. hand St for immediate u 1 ?. novonhcr 18 dim "X ■•i Just Received, By th« (hip* Kingrton from awl tie George from Hull, AND FOR SALE ' HY GEORGE ROBERTS,' No. 31, Marker street. A large and elepaiU alTortrtient of C U T L E R r. GILT and plated buttons, (vory and horn combs, japaned, bleik-tin and pewter wares, brass and .iron candlellicks, patent tea kettles and faucc pans, coffee-mills, iron and b'ial't wire «f all Alp.., a large aflortment of flat-irons, bake plate <, pots, tic. direit froii* the manufacturer* He bjs also on band, a large and extensive assortment of TIN WARES, Of his own manufaflory, manufactured in the belh manner ; all st which he will fell oh the mod reasonable terms, wholesale and retail. Received at ths fame time by the (hip George, capt.Kice, the much admired unproved patent I COPYING MACHINES, Direifl from the patentee. These machines are ina 'e on a simple and improved plan far copying, Writing, &c. ot any lize, in an expeditious maimer, and arechaiged at a much less price than any other now in uii. They are found to piffefs a luperiority over my others, h.ilh by being more durable and not so liable to get out of repair, and by copying any number of writings atone time, without making any alteration in tke ma»hine, and their oicu pying little room The very general life into which these ma chines are now brought in use in Lmdon and 01 her large trading cities, and the falisfadlion teftifiel by all who puflefs them, render it un rreciUary to enlarge any furtl eroij their advan tage, both in point of accuracy and fecreoy and in the laving of time, labour awl expence. November t tn&fa tf m&w tf N O 1 I C E. Bank of the United States, NOVtMBFR 17, igo_-. I' 1 HE Stockholders of the Bank of the United Statts are in:»rmeJ, t' at acc#r.;ing to 'he statute of incorporation, a General Elcftion tor twenty five Dirr&ors, will be held at the Bank o! the Unite J St am, in the city of Philadelphia, on Monday the sth of January next, at ten o'clock in the fcrenoon. And pursuant to the eleventh feSion of the bye laws, the lltokholders of th<; said Hank arealfo no 'tified to assemble in general meeting, at the fame place, oil fuefday the 6th of January rc*t, at fix o'clock in the e*niHj». G. SIMPSON, Caftier. Second Fundamental Article. Not more than three fourths ol the DireAon in office, cxcl"Sve of the Prafidert, {hall be eligible t g<«n.cipCUo Kerr, in I7S>4. Uviirj becii uptjiqed fcy iht Fi«nc'» on her voyige from hVte to Am&er'am. (be follaw. iiin Chap* man. *. \ iVo*. 4}» & 436 V'♦ Meb ; .'s* 3 I*ls, 1:16, 11171 du ' her | u r»rcjit»3) ot the Ante, oi«tUcJk«U conccrifed are deEhcd to ta',7 Law Books LATEST F.NGJLIS H is" Ik IS H EDITIONS, GEORGE DAVIS'S EXT' NSIVK. COLT.KCTION, Imported by fandry late arrivals from Lpndon and Dublio, Is now arranged >nd reatlv for sale, AT HIS STORE, No. 319, Marlcl-Jlreet, Where Catalogues will be on appli cation. HE taket this opportunity of returning his fin cere ackn iwicdements to th Gentlemen of the Bar, and (iuilents in the United States, lor thnd-ft THE I.adits' Hook contain? an intereftitig iCene In tb-e life of General Wafhipgton, em bellifhemv and navy, several ufcful tables, and other inter, ft in> martyr _" " W " Y, , !l !:' ch »!Wjuft'«?c«verffrorh •a general ffortmtttt of Errclifli Writin- an,! , - £imi v\ ruin" ana Drawing pa P e» rtf- the flrit quality; crp ~»., pap-r and ink p ,wc!er. fine hoi nr f lojpoft; an alToriment of the Uteft r.ri'belt Maps or. rovers, twelve e'e,>ant Atiaffes. He k*ep. a way, for tale, a pcnerl i aff.rtment of flitinnsry ; Ladies' and Gentlemen's pocket books, with and without ir.ltruments; raahd gaily writing delks, pei and truit knives, play* cards, &c flee. P A T Tnt American Sadoon, Vertical Serial Coacbce. This new, curi u«, and elegant machine, W , h 'fn; ,B r : ' n . CX] cV e -' : °' a " J * c comm.da ted . houl n.js of lerloi. 3 in New-York >» no v fixed up , t the CIRCUS, IN FIF ( H STREET In r>,>s (Al'j. Troperlie. ol tM. v» on dr,f u | C'mfttifci --;-t- t:c»ica.c /lira iUe, an:ir not tre i'alfoon is 'rom to abvur tM-crty n- ilcs per hour The rat» of tea "eling, however, will be tefuUt.d by 'he -vill ot tl.e pafletigers ; eight of whom can hi c trnfortaWy »ccofc.mod»tcd j but ihe 3aliooi Will set f5 *ith wo c,r,l«. 1 Sweet the a>r. r ehold helow, 1 h« cicy. country around, And the., defccndfofr, quick or llow, Y. u think ynu move on magic grnund. Conflan: 'fen '.an-e '-.ill lie given, f.w 1 lew days or ly, when ths exhibition v'l clo r e.— Every refper exercising t'ne tnachine ,i the whole) me fourth of a (]>)■ '.ir ny p rion desirous of purchafir.g the extent ive privilege th-wrof ft tnis city .-.r State,- ill >e informed >t the terms \h/ applying as above nnv. mW 19 Pi opofals 'torpubfifimg, by Subjcr-' ADIa E S ' Of U'c Law o' A<3 i err* and Trials at NJSI PRIUS. By Isaac 'Eipinaffe, of Gray's lna, Esq. Barrifler at I,»w. The edition, corre&ed, with conflderable ad.'itio-!s .torn' printfd and manulcrip: c.ilea, Et sfies el ratio studiorum. j t y, IN TWO V4LUMF3. THE work i, now printirp, and in confidera- Me fi.rwardnels, on a flipeffine pappr, of royal size, an,' n6hvo form. I; will hefri-fed page f«r pngr with the Ute/l London edition and no pain? will he spare to render the work cyr leil, and free of typographical errors. It-will be neatly bound and lettered in two to- Iu Tin, reyil oftivo, and to fubiciibcrs willb - put ■it five dollars an,! fifty cents per fct— to'nonfub (rrihers the price will be (omewhat cnbanc.d The price of the London edi'io:. ! vrn dollar#, rjiole. who fubferibe for eight lets stall have a ninth gratis The two volumes will confjfl of about nine hundred pages, ot which the one annexed to the iropn'als is a fpecimert: As the work is now puMifliirip, and will be completed with all conve nient eipctfitior, those who wifli t» profit by tfce fubtcripticn. will pleas; to fublcribe seasonably. N.B. Gentlemen, holding lukfcription paper* are reqaefled to return them to rhoma».md Tho mas, the publifiiefs, by the firft of Januarv rcxt. 0" The hookfeller? in Ps iladclphia are refptpes l.hdi and quarter calks, For f ah by the Subfcriber t GIDEON HILL WELLS, No-. iJS Afarket Street, eo it,' November 11. ; .M* [ Voi.UMK XVll-I. r. ' £i u- -jT it ' j. cm «• • r~ • *