Gazette of the United States, & daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1800-1801, December 11, 1800, Image 4

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Of tbe Pittsburgh Gluss Works,
HAVING procured .I fijfln:i«nt number of
thctnofl approved EuropeaH' Gla!» Mann
fudturera, and having on hand a large (link of
tKe beA VJatcviab, on which their workmen art
now employed, have the pleasure of
the pub!it'., that -window gUfs of i superior qua
lity and of any size, fma 7 by 9, to iS by i.t
inches, carefully packed in boxss Coht'ainmj;
100 feet ea h, may be had at the fhortcft notice.
Giafs of larger lizes for other purposes, may
also be ha?!, such as foe pitfiures, c<iach glalTcs,
tlock faces, &c. li'ttlcs of all kinds and of any
quantity may llfo be had, together with poehti
flaiks, pickling jars, apothecary's ihop furnit ,
01^other hollow ware—the whole at least 25 pt'i
cent, lower than articles of the lame qualify
brought from any <*f the lea ports of the United
States. A allowance will be made
sale of large quantities. Orders fn;m merchants
and others will lie pnnflually attended to on ap
plication t« JAMET 1 O»fJARA or I">
CR/MG, brat the Storeot'M<lTr? PRATHEK
andSMILIE, in .'Maiketj&treet, Pittlburgh.
March 4. tuthtf.
THE Proprietor!" of the Philadelphia and :,ai>
caflcr line ®f Stages DISPATCH,rsturn their
grateful the.; ks tc their friends and the public in
general, for the pall favors tkey have received,ar.'.
inform them that in addition to the regular Lin'.-,
thjy are provide ! with CarriageSjfoher acu careful
drivers, to go through between the Ciiy ansl
Borough in tw,> days. These who prefer this mode
of travailing can be accommodated at tV.e Stage
Office, figu of Ucited States Eagle, Market street,
Donning, Dumvoody If Co.
<T at—s
Nov ?o.
THE public are hereby informed, that the Bal
timore Coachee wili in future start fr«m the In
dian Queen, No n, Couth Forth street, every day
except .Sunday, at 7 o'clock,, and will arrive at
Peck'» Baltimore, the next dayat 8 o'clock
and the to Mew York, will flart every day
it 8 and I % o'clock.
N. B—A book is kept open at Mr. Ely Chan
dier's Prank'iu Head, where feats may also be ta
ken in the abova line of fiages.
odlober 1 $
An Invoice of
Playing Cards.
SUPERFINE Columbian, Harry th« Vlllth
aad Vliyiojj Cardi, farfale cheep
for caih —Apply at tfcia Office.
(c piL-:.>l*er 1.1.
Prevention better than Cure.
For tbe prevention and cure of Bilius and
Malignant Fevers, is recommended,
Du. HAI-IN's
Anti-bilious Pills,
WHICH have been amended with a degree
oFTuccet~> grateful to the inven
tnt's'TMinsu in several parts of the Weft-In
di*s,ani the fwttthem parts ps the United -
particularly in Baltimore, Ptterlhtirp, Rich,
niond, Norfolk, Ed nton, Wilmir, ton,C irld
tpn, Shvimtfih. &<;. Ihe teffjmnny of intD) 1
her of uwni.-m mi »->i h~
adduced, who have reason to believe that a
timely ufc of th's salutary remedy, has, under
Provi'denre, prcfirvetl their lives when in the
m.<!l alarming circsnvftance*.
of thi conclusive nature fprak more in
favour ota medicine, than columns of pompous
eulogy, folinded on mere Mull do
It is not indeed prefumptuoully proposed as
- an infallible eure, but the inventor has every
possible reifon. which can tefult from rxteafive
experience forbelicvingthat a dose of these pills,
taken once every two weeks during the preva
lence of out annual bilious fevers, will prove an
infallible prevent*;ive ; and further, that in the
earlier flagts of those diseases, their use wili
very gerrerally succeed in relloring health and
frequently in cafe* eiteemed desperate aHd bey
ond the power of cotr.moii remedies-
The operation of these pills is perFeilly mild
and may fceuW with fafety by perfonsin ever
situation ar.d of every age. 1
They are excellently adapted to carry off fu
perfluousbile andprevent it: morbid secretions ;
to retlore and amend the appetite ; to produce
a free perfpintion and thereby prevent colds
which are dften of fata! con equence. A dose
never fails to remove a cold it taken on its firft
appearance. They arc celebrated frr removing
habitual coftivcit«f§, ficknefr tif the fterwach and
severe head-ache, awl ought to be taken by all
pcrfilis on a change of climate.
They have been found remarkably efficacious
in preventing and curir.g molt'thforders attend
ant on king voyages, at>d fh mldl be procured
and carefully prel'erved for use by every feamiri,
Genuine. Eye-waiter.
A certain and fafe remedy for all diseases of thj
eyes, whether the ciFvit of natural weatnefs, or of
accident, fyeedily removing inflammations, de
flmions of rheum, dulhiefs, itching, and (lhaiia
the eyes,never failing to cure thsfe maladies which
frequently fuccced tbe small pox, meafle? and fe
vers, and wonderfully lengthening a weak fight
Hundreds have experienced its excallent virtues
when nsarly deprived of fight.
Tooth-ache Drops.
The only remedfyet discovered whichgivesim
mediate and lading relief in the. most severe in
The Anodyne Elixir.
For the cure of every kiid of head-ache, and of
piios in the face and neck.
Infallible Ague and Fever Drops.
This medici-e has never failed, in many thou
sand cases not one in a hundred has had occasion to
take more than one bottle, and numhers not halt
a bottle. The money will be returned if tkc cure
is not performed.
No. I 7, South Secant! Street,
• And no -where else, in Philadelphia.
Where also may bt barf, Dr. Hamilton's Worm
PauroyiiK Luztw£<-'S his Sovereign ulixir (■ r
•coughs, *c. Reflorative Dreys, Etfence and Ex
trail cf MuSarcl, Sovereign Ointment lor the Itch,
Dr. Hahn's infallible German Corn Plaifler, In
dian Vegctablfc SpeciAc for the Venereal com
plaint, Gomland's and ferfian Lotimi, Reftorativr-
Tocth Powder, Damalk Lip Solve, Churd
Cough Dropt, And«-[«n'» Pills, &c. Set
april 19
This Day is P'ublijhed,
At Wm. Y-oung's Book-store,
Original and cor red Lift
United States Navy,
A Lift of the Ships in ComniitTion, and their
rt fpeftive force.
A L.ft of the Officers and their Rank, as
well tliofe belonging to the Navy as the
Marine Corps.
To ivbich is added,
A Digest of the principal Laws relative to
the Navy, &c. &C.
Price a 5 cents each, and at »o dollars
nov*n>hc %f*
Philadelphia Academy.
0- Mr. Francis Galljet,
AN experienced and approved Inftru&or, has
undertaken to teach the FRRSfCH LAN
GUAGE in this Seminary, to luch of the Young
Gcnt'etwn as Buy choofc to place themsfe»ve6 un
der his care
Pare ts and Guardians are requeued to
make imirt<?diate application, that all the fchokrs
may begin at once. '
Samuel Magsw | Directors of
Jan es Abercrombie j the Atademv•
OfloVft ai. nrwrf.
English Grammar,
Has this, pay been publilhed, by AsßUltt
Dickins, opposite Ctii iil-Cliurch,
[Price One Dullar.~\
Oftober 7.
That large and commodious
A: the corner of Arch and Ninth (Ireets.
To be Let,
' pHE house, flablc. co ich-houfe and iot», lately
t occtrjicd by M»jor Butler, Gtur.te as a' ovc
For terms apply to J. B. Wallace, Na. aB, nor I 1
Fifth ftrtit.
o<ftn v rr 1!
\U. perfort S:cJ :o the P.lbte ol Thomaa
i.mff.r, r:crchwit, ar^
r.."j \r I to uiaicf it.i;;,edi-.fcpayment; anci those
•vSj . iff .r.y cirfUiix** 'ifilt Ta*4 cl I *' '>
q-a---!tc-1 to accouoti, proptrly a(t«ll
i-J,'f- ,
novemHar n
OLD Long Primer,
Siaill Pica on Pica iWly,
Euglili, Chalet, Slicks, and a-rrea
va-itiy of articJ. s neceffiry to carry < n the Frill
ing Bulmrfi. They will be fold cheap tor cash
1 pp!y to the Printer. *
rou publishing cr sußScntgrioir,
The Works
Hon. James Wilson, Efq- L. L. .D
Late one of the Associate Justices of the
Supreme Court of tbe United States and
Pro/ossjr at I aiu i'l tbe College and
Academy of Philadelphia.
From the original maiiufcript, in the polfeffion of
Bird IVilscn, Esq.
These works shall ! c elegancy printed iu two
volumes oAavo, and Jciivered jo fubferihers at
fiv: dollars.
They lhall be put to press as soon as the fubferif
tiuns will juftit'y (he exjirnce of publication,
Subscriptions mill be received by
The publifcer, oppoGte Christ-Church, Pfcila
dolphfa ; and bi the princi(-al bookfclltrs through
out the Unit, d.Statss.
A l"roi'peiln<! of the work may be seen at
the place of fubfeription.
feptcm'.er 13 S
BE it renumbered that on the 14th day of Oc
tober, in the twenty fifth year of the inde
pendence of the' United States of America, Charles
W. UoldlborouKh of the hid Difhiift hath depo
sited in this offic«, the title of * book, the right
whereof he claims, as author, in the words fol
lowing, to wit.
An original and correit lift of the
United States Navy,
Containing a lift of Clips in commiflion, and their
refpe&ive forct.
Ali of olEcets.and their rank, as well thofc be
longing to the Navy, as the Marine Corps.
And a Digejl
Of the frincipal Laws relating ts the savy,
&c &c. &ci
By Charles IV. Gvldsborcugh.
In conforaiity to the at of Congrtfs of the
United states, intitule.! " An aft for the encour
agement of learning, by iecuring the copies ol
maps, charts anS bo ks, to the aucTiors aaii pro
prictors oi such ccj.iss, daring the times thtreis
Clerk of the Di[kri£t of Maryi d.
HOT.mber :2 laAkEl4w
To Printers.
WANTED—in Exchange,
A FOUNT of Long Primer, weighing 6
f or 700 lb. or upwards, and a Fount of
Bruvier, weighing 4Colbs. or upwards.
September 2.
' /
OT Til K
per ico.
At the Sione-ILnase, No. 4r, south Sxmtd
stred, Philadelphia,
or A
Arts, Sciences,
Miscellaneous Literature;
On a Plan entirely New,
fey which
The different Sciences and Arts
Are dijiefled into the Form of Difhntt
rHF. History, Theory, an<) Praflice ps each,
according to the latest Discoveries a:id iaa
prcver7ie:*t6; and full t.xvlaiations given 5t the
•various detached parts of Knowledge, whether relat i~
to natural and artificial objects or to matters <»c
clefa'lical, civil, military commercial, &c. In
luciJations of the mod important topic*
relative to religion, morals, manners an"4 the eco
nomy of life: together with a dtfan ition of all
the countries, cities, principal mountains, 1 eas, ri
ver* throufchous the world; a gen:ral HiOory,
ancient and modem of the different empire*, king
doms and (laces ; and an account of the iiven of
th ■ most enoineßt persons io every nation, froii the
earliefl ages down to the prclent times, Compiled
from the writings of the best authors, in fevera»
language* ; the mod approved dictionaries, as
well ot general sciences as of particular branches ; j
the trania&ions, journals and memoirs, c( learned
f.»cii'ties. both at home and abr ad ; t7»c M?.
Le&urcs of eminent profeffor* on different icim
ces; and a variety of original materials, furniflied
Dy'an xtenfive carrefpoudence
The PuHlifhet having been foliciled to furnifli
sets of this valuable a:.d important work by cne
volume at itimp, which, by dividing the pay
ments, migk.t make the acquisition i f the *.*ork
more convenient to pfopoles to dispose
of the few remaining copies on the following
The Work bring already completed in Eig'n
teen large Q^a r to Volmei in boards, Ille
gibly pi inti o.i Sup-ifine paper, illuilri
ted with five huadered and forty-two Cop
per -platM -
I. A V.lumrin boards will be delivered to
each Sublcribcr every three months till the
Whole be delivered.
11. The price t. the SuWcriber will be Seven
D liars and a Hdf for every Volume in
in boards, payable on iltlivery, which will
' mount to One Hundred and Ihirty-five
Dollars for tie Eighteen V lumes, being the
preftnt price for complete Sets of the work.
111. Kach fubferiher (hill pay the piiceofone
Volume in advance, that is, when the firft
Volume is delivered the price of the firft
and eighteenth Voluu.e to 1 e paid, atld the
other Volumes to be paid on delivery.
Any Subfcribrr who may choose to have the
while in a Ihrter time than the above n ention
ed periods, may have a y humber »f Volumes
that may be ageeable at th«- -w»«-*t4jKi
ahove t . ,
To prevent any mifunderflanding it is pro
per t • express that no Volwmc will be delivered
to any peri'on withiut the motr yvand as the
Sets on ("and are but lew in number, ii will be
requfit that ftuh asjchooTe become Sublcribers
fiionld apply as early as pefib e to prevent dif
app intmeuis.
The i-'ubfcriptKins will be received by
; Thomas Dobfon, a? a'>ove ;
i Ice 6. rivf'.w
Powers oi Genius,
To which are attached
General Criticisms on Author
sty the Rev. Join Blair Linn,
Minister ef the First p'refbyterean Church, in the
City of Philadelphia.
This work will he put to press as soon as poffiide'
It wilHown a duodecimo volume ; will he printed
wi*h elegance, on paper < Jh«bcft quality, and
will he delivercl to fubferhers at the price of «ne
diill.r, inboards. The work will be.printed un
'.sr the cire, and at t' c expence of the author.
ygj- Subfcriptiors ate received by Albury Pick.
».* Thof. perfuns into whose hands fuhfeription
pap ri arc deiiv.rid, are refpe<afully rcquelle.: to
return theni to the author, or to Mr. Dickins,
Bo kfeller, at the expiration of three weeks from
this date.
Philadelphia, D*r. 6
The Porcupine.
I TAKE this method ofinforminp the People of
the United S.atas, that on the firfliiayof No
vember iuxt, I propose to rafutnt the publication
of Porcupine's Gazette, under the title of THE
P3RCUFINE ; and Co notify (in cafe any gentle
man in An erica ffeould want it) that the price of
each Number will b- Czpener. sterling, and th't
the ca!h mult be received by me before the paper
can be iupp'.itd —As to the mode of convey»wce,
so frequent are the opportunities from London to
New-York, that file, maj- 'je forwarded to the lat.
rer place once a fortnight upon an average—from
New-York they can be fpcedily conveyed to ev
ery part of the Union. When files can fee, with
out delay, sent to othsj placei diretft, it msy be
done ; when Wiey cannot, they will all be sent e«
New-York, unlcfs oherwife ordered.
0" Pcrcupitie's H^orks,
Which bf./e hceu lomctime io the Prsfs, wil
be competed in February next, when the copies
fubferioed for in America wxll be forwarded to
the Subfcribcrs.
Any of my literary friends in America, who
may be riiXpofed to renew their correspondence
with me; will please *0 dircift to me at rnyjmut
irtg office, No. 3. Southampton street Strand, or
at aiy Uooki'eilcr'g (hop, No. JB, Pall Mall.
London, September 6, 1800.
Modern Europe.
iniE Volume of MODERN EUROPE
is now d..!ivej-i»g to ■'uVfcribers, and mayb
W. Y. Birch,
o. i/ t Sjujfx Sscoad Street
o&c>ber 2j.
had of
September, \fi, lßos.
Public Notice is hereby Given,
In pursuance 'if an ad of Congrtfi, pnjjed on
the 23d day of Jlprrl, one tbaufand eight
hundred, en. illed " An ad to ejlablijh a
General Stamp Office,"
THAT a General Stamp Office U now
eftabliflied at the feat of government, in tr.e
city of Washington, from whaice there will
ifiiie, from and after the dale hereof,'(upon
the application of the Supervisors of the
Revenue, undeT whose management the
collection of the (km{> duties is placet]) any
quantities of paper, parchment and vellum,
marked or stamped, a<id duly couuter-ftamp
ed, with the following rates of duty which
are tkmandable by law :
For every ski» or piece of vellum or parchment,or
{beet or piece of paper, upon which (hail be
written or printed any or either of the inftru-
ment9 or writings following, to wit,
A Dolls. C. M.
NY certificate of naturalization 5
Any licence to pradlice, or certificate
oi* the admission, enrollment or re
gistry of any counsellor 9 Solicitor
Advocate attorney, or pro&or, in
any court the United States 10
Provided-, that a certificate iu any
one of the ccarts tof he United States,
for any one of the said office*, (hall
f%> far as relates to the payment of the
duly aforefeid, be a fuffkicnt admif
lion rn all the courts- of the United
States, for each 2nd evtry_of the laid
Any grant or letters patent.undcr the v
leal or authority of the United i
Statss (except for lands granted' /
for military fervii'ss) 4 f
Any exemplification or certified copy
of any such grant or letters patent
((except for lands granted for mili
tary icrvices) » I
Any charter-party, bottcmry or re- '•
fpondentia bop.d I i
Avy receipt ordifcharge for or on ac- t
count of any legacy left hy my ,
will or other tcitimeptary inftru- ,
nientr or for any '.hare or pitt of
a personal eflate, divided by force
of any fiatyte of cliftri. utions other
than to (the wife, children or grand 1
children of the person etifeafed, the
amount whereof (hall be above the
value rf fifty dollars, and (hall not
exceed the value of one hundred
dollars aj
When the amount thereof shall ex
ceed the value of one hundred dol
lars, and (hall not exceed fiy« hun
dred dollars jo
An 1 for every further sum of five
hundred dollars, tfce additional
sum of , i
Ap.y policy of infnrance or inflru
ment in nature thereof, when the
IVni for whirli infuranic is made
lhall not exceed five hundred dol
lars I?
When the sum infiired, lhsll exceed at
five hundred dollars I t(
Any exemplification of what nature j- a
soever, that (hall pass the seal of
any wurt, other than fu<'h as it
my be the duty of the clerk f
such court to ftirriifh for the tile of
the United Stitee, or some parti
cular state jo
Any bond, bill fing'e or penaUinl nd
bill of exchange, pr itniflbi y
note or other note (other Jhan any
recognizance, bill, b.-nd or other
obligation or contrail, made to or
with the United States, or any
state, or for their life refpetftively ;
and any bonds required injny cafis
bv the laws of the United States,
or of any state, up n legal process,
or in anv judicial proceeding, or
for :he faithful performance of any 1
truftor duty)
If above twenty dollars and not
exceeding one hundnd dollars lo
If above one hundred and not ex
ceeding five hundred dollars ij ~
If above fivs hundred and net ex
ceeding one tboufand ilofUrs jd
And if above one thcufarid dollars 7J
Provided, that if any b >nds or .
notes {hall be payable at or wi'hin
sixty days, such bonds or notes (h»l!
be fubjeit to only two-filth p*rtt> of
the d«ty aforefaid, viz.
If above twenty and not exceeding
one hundred dollars 4 j
I If above one hundred dollars and not
exceeding five hundred dollars io j
If above live hundred dollars and
not exceeding one thou r and dolls. no
It" above one thouCand dollars 30
Any foreign bill of exchange, draft
or orderfor the payment of money
in any lorei n country ao
The said dxty being charge
able upon each and every bill of ex
change, without refpeil to thf num
ber contained in fet-
Any note or bill of lading or writing
I or receipt iii nature thereof, for
gotWs or merchandize to be ex
ported ;
If from one liiftri fl to' another dif- t
feifl of theUnived States,oot being „
in the fame state 1 4
If from the United States to any fo
reign port or place 10 j
The saul duty bemg chargeable
upon each and every bill of la ling 3
without r,:pe<ft to the number con
tiinei to each set. s
Any notes ifliucsl by the banks now
eiHbliihed or that may be hereafter
eftablift.ed within tbe United-*
States, (-ther than the notes of
such of the laid banks as ihall a
gree to jn annual composition of
one per centum io" the animal di
vidends made b- such 1.3-tks, to
their flockh Idccs rel'ptflively, ac
cording to tl>e following scale :
On all notes not exceeding fifty dol
lars, for each dollar
On ail notes abjrc fifty dollars and
not exceeding one hundred dollars 53
On all note? above one hundred dol
lars andnotexccedingfive hundred
dollars I
On all notes abore five hundred dol
DoUt. C. M.
A/iy protoft or other notarial sdl 25
Any letter of attorney, except for
an invalid petitioner to obtain or
fell warraßts for land granted by
the United Statss as bounty for
military ferviees performed in the
late war 2g
Any inventory of catalogue of any fur
niture, gsads or effefts, matte in any
cafe required by law (except in c.i/es
of g*edraod chattels diftraioed for
rent »r taxe?, and goods taken in vir
tue of any legal prccefj by any officer s°
Any certificates of a (hire in any insu
rance company, of a (hare in the bank
of the United States, or of any (late (
or other bank ;
If above twenty dollars and not exceed
ing one hundred dollars 10
If above one hundred dollars a 5
If under twenty dollars, at the rate of
ten cent« for one hundred dollars;
That the power of tlie supervisors of the
Revenue to mark or (Uftip any vellum,
parchment or pap:r chargeable wwli duty, l
will cease anil determine from ami after fix
months from the aate hereof, to wit, on the
iaft day of February ißt>i.
That, if any persons lhall, after the lift
day of Ftbrmjry jSei, have in their cudody
or ppfTt-flion, any vellum, parchment or pa
per, marked or (lamped by the fupe.reifors of
the Revenue, upon which any matter or
thing, charged with duty, (lynll not lvave
been written; or printed, they may it any
time ivitbi/i the space of sixty days after
the said last day of February 1801, bring
or fend such vellum, parchment and paper,
unto f me office of infpedlion, and in lieu
thereof, receive a like quantity or value of
vellum, parchment and paper, duly {lamped
in purfuanceof the aft herein before recited.
And in cafe any person (hall negleft or re
fufe, within the time aforefaid, to bring or
cause to be brought unto some officer of in
fpeftioir, any f«r.h vellum, parchment or pa
per, it is hereby declared, tliat the fame will
thereafter be of no other effecl or life, than
if it uever beeti marked or flamped, and
that all.matters and tilings, which may ?.f
---ter that time be written or printed upon any
vellul, parchment or paper, authorized to be
exchanged in maimer aforcfaid, will be of no
other effcft, than if they had been written
or printed on pr.per, parchment or vellum,,
not marked or (lamped.
And for tlw? convenience of those par Tons
who may be inclined to liave their own vel
lum, parchment and paper (lamped or mark
ed, it is herel>y peclnred, that when any per
son ill»! 1 deposit any vellum, parchment or
paper at the office of a supervisor, accompa
nied with a lift, fpecifying the number and
denomination of the Clamps or marks, which
are deli red to be* thereto affixed, the lame
will be transmitted to the General Stpam-
Qffice, ai)d there properly marked or (lamped,
and forthwith feilt back to the fame super
visor, who will thereupon collect the duties
and deliver the paper, parchment or vellum,
to the order of the person from Whom the
Tame was received.
Given yrrder my Hngd, and the Seal
(L. S.) of the Treasury, at Wadiing
ton, the day and year above men
Secretary of the Treasury.
d }wi.
fcptember 29.
For Sale, or to Let,
In Cbesnut Street,
Near the corner of Eleventh street, at present in
the tenure of Mr. A. M'Cal!—Pofleffion may be
had the first of November next, or fooncr if re
quired——Apply to
Edward Shoemaker.
The following Real Eflate ; the property of
Anthony Francis Haldimand, Esquire,
of Lond«n,
582 and an half
/Veres Pa tented Land,
SITUATE on Vineyard Greek, in thetowofliip
and county of Huntingdon, is the state of
Pecnfylvanil, on a public road about 5 miles from
the town of Huntingdon, which is situated on a
boatahle river—there are on the premilei a water
Grift Mill and Saw Mill—several Log dwelling
Houses—ore of which is occupied as a Tavern
with a Distillery fapplied by a powerful spring 0,
excellent water—a coufiderable quantity of Timo
thy Meadow fit for the scythe, and several acre*
of araVe Land already cleared—This tradl will
admit of being divided into three farms, with a
due proportion of meadow and arable land in each.
At present in tenure of Adam Hail, Esq. John
Hicks, and others
-187 ar.d a» half acres on Trough Creek, in
Union townlhip, a fiourifhing fettlemont, firlt ratt
laud, with a small improvement.
17.1 and 3 quarters acres adjoining the above
and the fame quality —as tbofe lad mentioned
trails are adjoining surveys they would make one
valuable farm
In Bedford county,
314 acres situate on Dunnings Creek, firlt rate
lan J, on a pu! lie road to Be.iti rd.
364 and 3 quarters acres adjoining the above,
and of she fame quality.
388 acres called the Springs, fame quality as
198 and 3 quarters acres on half way run, a
good improvement and now in tenure of Jacob
Terms of fsle, as follows viz—One fourth part
of the confiderition money mull be paid ia hand,
and the r'.Cduo divided into four or five annual in
ftalnun' may luit the p.rchafcrs—to be fees
red by mortgage.
Apply 10 John C.-. Jw illader, Efq.Counfeflor at
Lav. iw th« town ><f Huntingdon, or to the sub
scribers in the city of Hit! delpbia.
Willings £5? Francis.
October 14
At the OfSee of the Gazette [of the Un'l