Gazette of the United States. PIiILMDRLPHI A, Thursday evpnikg, df.cjmber i RfcTURS OF 'V'JThS, lor President and Vice President «f the Untied States. ~ t ■I = *■. - S j 4 |6 16 ,9 9 >: ii 7 7 oo .oo 7 7 8 8 3 3 5 S 5 S 2! ll > 47 i +7 \ 46 I *6 | New-Hanipliire. M'lff.ici- "' t:s, Rh xte>iiliin(L C »fiuefticirt t *few-Jerfty fenuiylvania Delaware, . Ivi ary laud, Virginia, Iv-!itur';y, TrimeflVe, North-Carnlind, South-Carolina, Georgia, The late hour at which the mails ar rive, compels us to make hasty and par tial extrufis from the papers. Insinuations the moil base, are made in the Aurora ag'ainffc IVJr. Craiujbrd one of the Federal Dedtors of Pennsylvania. Mr. C. proffered his ferrices to carry the Pennsylvania return of .votes for Prefi. dent and Vice-Prefidenty to Wafiiington City, gratis, but the Democrats, those eco nomical gentry prefer ed giving away a few dollars of the people's money to one of their own herd and therefore hired one George Nnuman ; to gloss over this bufi npfs the Jacobins profcls to have feared that Mr. Crawford would have fupprelT ed the Pennsylvania votes, although he would have forfeited one thousand dollars had he done it. It is a remark, the justness of which is universally admitted, that men who have been guilty of crimes, themselves are extremely jealous of others. The crime which they have committed, suggests to them,- that another may be guilty of the fame, and a recolledtion of their own infamous naturally ex cites diftruit. Hence the conduit of the Democrats may be accounted for in the recent tranf'a&itin at Lancaster refpetf ing Mr. Crawford. Various reports are circulated refpeft ing the result of the presidential election in Rhode-Island—some fay 2 votes have been thrown away. We have nothing on which we can rely, and shall, therefore, decline for the prelent, placing this state ton cur lift of returns. In the Aurora of this morning ive find the following.— PRUSSIAN TREATY. "It is worthy of remark, that'contrary to the custom heretofore pursued, the Frelident has proclaimned the Prufjian treaty •without publishing the treaty itjif. It should be remembered that the copy publifljed in other papers have ALL been copied from " The Aurora. 1 ' Qui Bono ? fays the anglo federalift—The omifiion •of publication by the Executive, is in it ijelf a matter rffttfp irion—it argues some thing hidden and rotten, when an inuru ment intended to become a law is only pnblifhed by name ; but when a few facts are 'fluted, the fee ret will be known, and it becomes an important matter of con iideration for the people of America." [l'he above is a moll fhameful difrgard of truth and a total abandonment of every thing ■which hastheleaft pictchfioii to honesty. The F-ditor of the Aurora mull l:now that his iiflertions are talfe. The Prelident pro- Claimed the Treaty and did publish the Trea ty itself. The copy published in this Gazr ttie was sot from the Aurora. Jhe Trea ty appeared oJJiciailjt in the Washington Fe deralist and from that source we received it. This is only one, of many barefaced impnfitions pr .fifed oh the readers of the Aurora, by us Alien iiditsr.} We are informed, Tench Tvixe, lies very ill, at Lanrafler—his are ahnoft done D«£tor *••*, mid the most experienced of the Faculty, have now given him over, as Ilia Reft friends had (1 ne 1 ontj fince—lns prefect dangerous Puliation, is said, to have been occasioned bv the foul diilemper (xiccethes Scriber.di. MARRIED] —At Sunbury, Ncrthtunber knd Countr, on the eyening of the id iny cer tain charafleis, in the front ranks of the liti-rati. Its < bjr£ls are to fufnifli Ichocls with cheap and elegant' literature, and by Ihe (bmului of prize qtiefti< •ns. to excite a liberal fp.rit of emulation and indullry, in the minds < f fludious youth. Of the odes i the mellifluous Hafkz, who has bees filled the Anacreon of Persia a complete tranfliitlon is prcpnriupr by a ctatficjl clergy man of Manchester. The Editor us the Walpole paper inform; us, that , " A prcfpeftus.i f the work, on which the Prefiuent ot Dartmnu li c liege has bellow ed near twenty years of unchafing' applicati on, has been exhibited to the "public by a Bodon bnokC'ller for tVpurpofe of promot ing a fubfeription. Tie work is entitled, " A Philolophical Hiflory of the advance ment of nations," and, we donbt not, abounds with treasures of claflic bre, inteifprrfed with general remarks and just oofeiVat'ons 011 the cause of their rife and decline. The learned author, after having literally con sumed the mid 'iglit oil of the better part of i secluded and (hrJious life, in elucidating I the fubjeft on which he has writt: n, now V'hds his into the world with no otl rr support than that of rntrinlVc merit. We ie dily fpply to the conduct of the writer in this inflauce, a couplet fr m Pope. " Ncr fame I flight, nor for her favours call, '. he comes unl- ol'd ior if (he cones at alt." And a paflare si .m Horace .it the fame time ftnkes us with equal force ; and which the vanis,T of the Roman's induced him, though jufliy to fdy of h'iiiift lf, " Exepi m mttnieritnm sere feteuniui, Kegilique situ P\rami um aitiuE i hi.n inv er • on Aquilo impotens Col Tit dirurre, aut inmimerab lis Annorum ferics, et fuga icm," A profpeflus of a new publication, to be entitled the Connexion Magazinf, or Gtn tleman's and Lady's Monthly Miileum, ap pears in a New.Haves' paper. It is to be printed on ail elegant paper and new type, and its typographical execution is intended to equal -.hit of any Bri'.ifli Magazine. The puhlither is Mr. Lazartio Beach, of New field. The numbers are to be delivered free of podage in, a number of towns, amoi.g which, this place is one. The numbers are t>'ilTue frog) the profs. monthly, and will C( ft each, containing 64 8v». p.iges. The fit ft will make its appear«iifetled for some vears b>ck, even in Amenca, to cover the authors of our independence with | odium." PRICED CURRENT. - u'ayg Francois sov. 3. Amercan Produce Flor.r per barrel 16 d»lls. Pork do 22 Beef do 11 'had do 10 Mackerell do 7 Henings do 6 Codfilh per quintal 6 Lard lb. 30 a 35 sous Candles dp 35 a 40 Butter do 35 a 40 Cheese do 35 a 42 F>oap do 24 a 28 Hams do 30 a 35 All kinds of liquors, such as Gin, Brandy St Ruth, are high, Ma ret wine from 52 a 56 dolls. Island Produce* Sugars 32 'a dolls. Coffee 26 u 30 fovjs Logwood & Fuftie 24 a 26 d-olls. Gazette Marine Lift; I'ORT OF PHIL AD FT.PHI A Lift of American velfcls in the port of Cape Francois, taken from Busby's Coffee Houie Book?, or Marine Hegifter, [for merly Hancock & Co's.] November 3, 1800. Brig Venu?, Reynold, of Philadelphia* Polly. Guill of fioftoh Aurora, H?we of Charltfton Ship Defiance, iimitb of Baltimor: Schr, Elizabeth, Swafey of ditto Scorpion. Sampson' of ditto. Evrlitva, Holmes of ditt« Zephira, Frazrr of < ditto Phoebe, Winlloy of Philadelphia Goi-d lute nt,Rowland of New Yoik Paragon, Clark ef ditto to fail in a few days Three Friends, Cole of iJofton, do- Sloop Rainbow, Palmer of N. York, do. Brig Julia, Minor of New bei n,do. Schr. Orange, Dow of Phitadel, do. Two Friends, Gubbon of ditto do. Hazard, Robiiilon of Beai fort, do. Swallow, Diamond of Philadel. do. Brig Betsey, Rider ofCharlefton,do. Schr. Betsey, Patterfon 'of ditto do. (Btston paper.) V •• •* The Merr m ck has taken a French brig of f urieen funs, returning from Curracoa to Guadalouj e with troops. Schooler y, of and f- r :his port, firom Pn t Kepublicin, has arrived at Norfolk in difirefs Brig Sally, Hampton, of and tor Philadelphia from Curra oa, wasfpnitn DecemUer 4'h, in latitude 33, oe, N. longitude 68, 00, W. all well. Brig Weft P 'int. Bl'erCin, of and for Phi ladelphia fr m St Jago rle Cuba, was i'poken id December, in la:i ude 31, 40 N, lor gitude •ji, 30, W. short of provisions, and jntended to put into Charlefion A large inward bound ship was in the Cove of Ntw Castle yeflerday, name unkuown. Arrived, fhipAnri, Lilly, Dom nic», twen ty-cme dnyi. Left there brig Enterprize, for Wifcaflet in a few days; Mary of Portland, recaptured ; Cynthia, Salem, do S-itisfadl' r, Wifcaflet, jult arr,v?d —November 16, lati tude *>, 40. longitude 67, fp ke bKig Atlantic, fourteen day? frofn Boston. for Jamaica- Arrived >.h Thursday, brig Reward, Widge ry, Liverpool, forty-five days, put into Hali fax on her homeward bound paflage. Sailed with'a large fleet from Liverpool, in co. with the Onflow and Friendooncr Lttc* and oil;;. Hvhtft, front Hiv'annr out t. irterri day*-'Si«e_ iotprfETi. put into Ciiar flor umefs provsj rric>re fa'-- V rrbV ?am: dal- the above fr.hooi,er fpofce ther: ? 'Veil j?, jrtt, t-om bt /"go C-.b't 1 fir rh. adtjpbu » f-c I Hgtvanna, T7 1. y3 5 i>r;o; Regulator, Swifc Barbados, 18 days; Oi.j; Oneida,Pailocs. Bofto'n, 17 diy- " . i Che Birmingham Packet, fftckrati from this p"-rt, palled G.-avdend on the ad of Q&ober. ' Arrived, Ship America, V;i l's from M rant Sundtjy evening arrived at Port Royal* the Dinidi fclir JaflKS* from St Doming > to St» Thoma?, with fpeue .a d balail,. detained by his majefly's (lvp Surprile. Schr A it>n, Holbrook. Boston Sloop Maria, Bnnvdrs, MiddL-town Sailed, Schr Fanny, Druminond, Charleston Wi'dnriday. arrivpd tlie American brig Jane, from .the cos ft of Africa, b ,und to St, Jago de C'iba ; w.tli Slives, detained by the teiv/r ( t { H M S- Ab rgav nnv. Ihe Maria wis bo rd-d by a Spanish fe* lucce, d hjd i art. Joivs oft'e fioop]John., taken yft theesftend a few' d.ys ago put do bo id. CHARITY SKRMONS. On Sunday next Charity Sermons, will be pfeached at Clirift Chuich and Saint Peters tor the benefit of the Poor of the laid ! Goneiegations. • D.c. ir. BY JOSEPH AKTHOSYkf CJ. Hyson Souchong and > TEAS. Robe a MuJVovad# in hhif. .Brjndf 4tb . Lisbon,«m in.q«art».*afta'. Madeira wine in pipe* • --* ■»— ."■< Ct ttM, a fluted ..and « few S' f A few bnseichoeolxt* »nd £ipt '.' *pa.e 75 Roine>'s narrative of the to Cayenne I 00 Aim 's Ho I 50 A variety cf Pamphlets on American Politics, december 11 Fifty Dollars Reward. - ; *") AN A WAY on Monday n ht fa't. a Ne lV gr« Man, named HOME, about fie'eet seven or inches high, black complexion, he has a remarkable large mouth, one fore tooth out—his ciothes are unknown, except a | drab col- ured cloth coat. If the aforefaid Ne gro Man is t-ken in the ijiate, tu-eniy do'lars, . ut of the State, the apove reward jnd all reasonable charges paid by me JOHN WHITE, Near Snrivhill, ( Maryland.) Decmber 4 (' •) tt New-Theatre. ON FPJD \Y EVENING, F)cci>nbtr \2. " Will be prefcnteH (for the third time fers) a fa vorite New c O !ED* ,t-illei T! E Votary of Wealth. Old' V forly, rer Francis; Leonard Vilorly, mr Wood ; rooply, - r Cooper; Bhar«fcc, mr Bernar '; Oakworth, mr.Warren; Cleve laud, mr Harry Melville, mr. Cai' P.iai er Hotel, mr Priv;more ; Na'jb.mi Blif fet; Sircrpfon, nir Dii a ig; W alter, mr lady Lady Jemima Vifor'.y, mrs Salmon ; Caroline, ni:fs Weilriy ; mrs Clevj)an<*, mrs Shaw ; Jul a CU«lini4, mifsS rflray ; Gan gica, rors FraUeis. To which will ! ie id led, (for the 4'h time in America) a Ntw MuGcal Entertainment, cdle< St. David's Day ; OH The Honejl Weljhmun. 233 Liverpool ; Surinam Greenock Yarmouth t Kingston, J- ni. October 21. Fpr Sale ' v. ♦ ' 3ta»3W