Gazette of the United States. PHILADELPHIA, DECKMBER lit Prices of Public Stock, PHILADELrHIA, DeCKMBHR. 10. Eight per cent, (lock—rtj a Xl 3 It -2 Si* per cent, fleik )' 41 . 1119 , NuVjr (ditto > Deferred 6 per cdH Three percent. 5 1-2 per cent. J 4 T-2 per cent, j none at market BANK. U. States, 140 p. cent ad.") Pentifylvania, 135 ditto ( N.America 151 ditto ( Infurance'Ca. Ftnns'a UJ«u.l ditto J North America 70a 7*4 Turopike - 2,50 •» 160 Schuylkill Bridge - - - par Water Loan, 8?* dol|s. Land Warrants 25 a 30 dolls. 100 acres St.Augufiinc Church Lutttry TullU, 9 £ Julian EXCHANGE. On London at 60 days ;o a 71J Rates of Foreign Coins and Cur rencies in fbe United States—per act of Congrcs for payment of Du ties. DolU. Cti. Englifli pound fteiling 4 44 "J lrifh di do 4 10 ( t)utch F1 rin or GuiWer O 40 f Hamburgh Mark Uaaco o 33 1-3 J CoßkEcrto »r Cbesnut street, No. 14$. «>» TO THE PUBLIC; SIX months have elapsed, fioce the pief ent Editor of this Gazette, became its sole proprietor, by purchase, from Mr: Jno. W. Fenno. He therefore deems it proper, at this period, to ftat* some particulars relative to it, at, and (ince the time when it became his eilablilhmeut. The Gazette of the United States, hr;d from il,B commencment, been conduced, at different periods, hy two gentlemen, of acknowledged talents and refpeftabiliy ; here; it merited und obtained countenance from a very numerous and refpe£tabl© class of the community. It was, therefore, reufonably concluded, that on its becoming the pro perty of another, who from several years absence from his native city, was recognijed ««tly by private friends, that a proportion of those who had previoully honored it by their support, would withdraw is duly au thorized to fettle the CfMtcerns of ("aid firm. JAMES CRESSON. WARDER EMLEN. December 9. Jt Wanted to charter, FOR EUROPE, A Vessel, -- 1 of 150 or 180 tons burthen. Apply to , James, Clibborn, & Engli/h. it mo. <)th. $ FOR NORFOLK, THE SNOW m» M A. R. Y; ijjSaSGMQ * Captain RICH, ir*n 1 -&L. A Haunch good vcfftl, will take freight on very low tc»m* if immediate application is made to the captain on board, at Pine street wharf, or to Wnii G. is" Robt. C. Latimer. N. B- A few paffwigers can be pleasantly ar commodaecd- December 8. , d3t. The Cargo OF THE SHI P JOHN BULKELY, Capt. Stockley ~from Saiavia, CONSISTING OF, Coffee sugar & pepper Of tU bejl quality, FOR SALE B Y William Wain. December 9. 6t Lorain &c Son, No. 5, NORTH TuikD-SfREEr, HAVE JUST RECEIVED A HANDSOMK ASSORTMENT OF Chintzes & Calicoes, Irift lineni, sewing filjc and best rich scars twi*t: Scotch threads, with a variety of other feal'onable Dry Goods , , / And a large supply of Carpets and Carpeting, Of the late It and raoft fafhienable figurgs. ALSO, To be sold or bartered, For Dry Goods, a handsome three-llary BRICK-HOUSE, With piazza anft kitchen adjoining, situate In Vin« uear Fourth street, built in modern flile,- with excellent materials, and well calculated to accommodate a large family, dccomber 10 A Genteel Tbret Slory BRICK HOUSE, in Spruce ntar Third firset, TO LET. / Enquire of MOORE WHARTON. eod.xw Bteemlcr I. 3000 Bufliels Lisbon SALT, On board the SII6W for tile by Wm. G. 45" ROM\ C. LATIMER. D.-cember 6 ; djt By this Day s Mail NEW-YORK, December 10. Capt. Bell, irom Curracoa, informs us, tliat all the' American vessels that were at Curracoa, when the Englilh took that place, are to pay a salvage of 25 per cent —and that all property pttrchafed by Americans, cither from the French, Spanilh, or' Dutch, after the 10th of September last*, is to be re paid for. He fifrther informs, that a very dt ftrnfl ive fever raged at Curracoa among the Eng lifli soldiery—though the natives remained perfe&ly healthy. Capt. B. 101 l one man with the fever on his passage. On the 30 the ult. the Manlion House of Mr. E. Lucett, on the spot where Fort Clin, ton flood, was consumed by lire—His piste &c, was saved*—The loss is estimated at 5000 dollars. The fire was communicited through a crack in the chimney. The following particulars of tlv Engage ment between the United States Ichooner Experiment, Capt. Steward, and the Enghifh fchoonrr Louisa Bridger, Cap:. Eve, are co pied from the Log-Book of the latter. " On the :6th of November, at ham. got under way at St John's harbour for N. York. At 2a. m. Antigua bore S. S. E. distance 4 leagues, from which we took our departure. At half part 5, saw a fail in cljace of us 011 our weather quarter. At 8, carri ed away our fore top-mast. At la.m. In lat 19 long 62 30 saw the said schooner close by us,—She came alongside, fired a mufketj ordered us to heave too, or they would fire inte us Not minding this fbe fired a gun at us. All our hands being ■ at quarters, we engaged her for tour hours, when we ceased firing, as our hull, fails and ! rigging were very much injured. Afrei this, the Experiment fired two broad fides into us. They sent their boat along fide, when we learned what vessel it was. They informed us, that we had killed the Boat swain. Capt. Eve went 011 board the Ex periment, ar.d Capt. Steward sent 011 board hands to help to put the Louisa to wrights, which was soon tflfedled No person was hurt on board the Louisa Bridger." Capt. Eve informs u», that Admiral Duck, worth, from England, had arrived at Anti gua in a 74, a few days before his departure. The last Paris papers contain the following official order, signed by the Prefeft of the Police, on the fubjeft of Foreflalling : The dealers are enjoined to caTy their cattle direttly to the Market Hall, and not fell them elfcwhere on any account, under the pem.lty of having the cattle confifcated, a fine of 2CO franks. Butchers, under the fame pensltry, are prohibited from buring or giving earned for cattle to the dealers in any other place than openly iu the market. The dealers, on their arrival at the mar ket, (hall declare and register the number of heads of cattle they have to fell, and range them in the flails appropriated fertile differ ent kinds of cattle. Each dealer fliall mark his own cattle, and on no account fuffer them to be mixed with those of any other. Each (hall re main with his flock, and not quit them be fore the sale and delivery. No calves I hall be exposed to falc that are 'ess than 40 days old, under penalty of con fifcation, and a fine of 300 n arks. /The markets to open and dole by the found'of the bell, upon the Rated hours. Before the hburof sale, the infpe&or (hall examine all cattle, to fee whether thsy be fit for consumption. No cattle lliall be fold before the open ing, or after the close of the markets, un der the penalty of confiscation, and a fine of 50 marks, on each of the offenders. The cattle not disposed of shall be kept in the cells of the market place, and exposed to sale the next day ; three hours .before the opening of the market. CHARLESTON,November 22. Extraft of a letter from Messrs. Forfyth, Smith and Co. Halifax, N. S, dated Oft. 24, 1800, to Mr. Robert Lane, of this city. " Your Barque the Lydia, was condemn ed upon the ridiculous ground of her not having a regilter, and on this account, ap pearing a fufpjcious vessel ; although in facl flie had every paper, in our opinion, fiat could be obtained, or was necessary; and the owner's property on board the judge said, was necessarily implicated, i>art of her cargo was claimed in behalf of 71/r. John Fabre, of Charleston, whom the judge suspects to lie an Englishman, and therefore requires further proof of his national char after, as well' as of his property. Part was ilfo claimed for Mr, Stephen Backley, of Charlellon, but futther proof was re quired on the fame grounds. ' Your sloop Louil'a and her cargo were condemned upon the grounds ot the sugars on board of her having been (hipped at the Hav anna by you, and by you and Mr. Fa bre forwarded to Spain, tho' not in the fame vessel. dat —fa tf On Sunday /evening arrived in town, on his way to the city of Walhington, the Hon. Major Rutledge, member of Congress for the city ef Charleston. We have good authority to fkte, that the (late -of South Carolina is perfectly federal. * NORFOLK, December 2. WASHINGTON Clf Y- CONG RESS _ I OF THE UNITMP STATES. House of Representatives. Friday, December 5. Mr.' Macon, from the Committee of Claims, made a report against the petition of Oliver Pollock, which was read, and order ed to lie an the table. Mr. H. Lee moved that the House do go, into a committee of the whole on the bill " directing the erection as a Mausoleum to George Washivg-tqw. On which motion the house divided Ayes 36, Noes 31. Mi> Morris took the chair. ' The Chairman after reading the bill through, proceeded to read it by paragraphs. The fir ft iVilion is as follows : Sec. 1. " Be _it enadted by the Senate » and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled, That a Mausoleum of American granite and marble, in a pyramidal form one hundred feet square at the bale, and of a proportionate height, shall be e'redltd in testimony of the love and gratitude of the citizens of the United States, to George Washington." Mr. Allfton, after some remarks which we were unable to hear from the remoter,efs of our pofifion, moved an amendment to the firft feflion, which was, in substance, that a Monumint if marble besetted in the Capitol, at the City of Walhington, com memorative of the great events of the milita ry and political life of George Washing row. SC?" The length of the Debate precludes its full insertion this day. Mouday, December ?. A Report was made unfavourable to tho n'emorial of S. H. .Smith *nd T. Carpenter, desiring admiffian within the bar to take the debates. The Speaker informed the honfe that it was the intention of Mr. Condy, the present clerk, to give in his lefrfcnation, which he underflood would be done to-mor row, and dated the necessity of then upon' proceeding to an eleflion of a new clerk. The report of the Committee of claims on the petition of Oliver Pollock, which if unfavorable to the prayer of the Pejitioner, was agreed to by the House. PETERSBURG- To-the Gentleman Duelists of Petersiurg f and other places. To you, Gentlemen, the following ques tion is submitted for yourdecifion ) and you will much oblige the fubferiber by iolving it to his latisfa&ion. The queflion is the following Suppose a man, a (Turning ti himfelf, and entitled in his own opinion, to the appellation, of gen tleman, is insulted by one he think? his in ferior, Or (according to the technical phrase of you gentleman of the lhort-g»n) no gen tleman—ln this cafe, is the person infulfd, get redrels by knocking his adrerfary down, by challenging liim or save himfelf the trouble .of both, by running away ?—or in fliort, what must he do ? Please give the lieceffary information as soon as possible, and oblige yours. &c, OBADIAH DREAD-BULLET. November 23, 1800. WANTED, Genteel Boarding In i private family for TWO LABIE'S, With the accommodation of two Rooms* £T APPLY to Mr. JofcpU Anthony, N'o 94 Market Street, or to John Maybin, No. f Chefnut Street. December I. French Schools FOR YOUNG LADIES. N. GOUIN DUFIFF, profcffor of the French language, will open on Tu-rfd&y, the 9th ot De cember, at Mrs. Beck's Academy, in Fifth fhect, oppofitethe State Houfi. garden, a morning ichool or young ladies, from eleven (ill one o'clock (every other day.) Parents or guardians are desired to make early application, that the scholars may'have the mutual advantage of beginning at'oßce. N» G. Dufief, has the honor to inform them :hat he is the auther of a couri'e of pra&ical lec -ures and conferences oiv-tfce mod eflential parts of he French language, by means of which, the lear icr is scon initiated in the most approved practice »f this polite and falhionab'.e language. Ananalyfisof his p aw of tu : tion, and of his vork having t»een given at length in tha public ?aper», they are referred to the Gazette of the Jnited States asd the' Aurora for September hft. * For ternis and other particulars apply at N0.5, euth Filth llreet, or at Mrs. Beck's on the days u»ii hour? of tuition aforefaid. December *. *To Printers. The foll»wing MATERIALS will be fotii rtafcwtble if applied for immediately. I Press, 1 Founts Long-Primer (partly worn) 2 ditto Small-Pica on Pica badjr, ditto. Pica, I ditto Englifli, X iitto Brevier, | i ditto liuigecis, ■ Srvrr*l piroTChjtM, ilkU, fran#» siyl gtikyi,' Oufttitkin*, he, Vo.Tct; IB Ato** < will bcTotd xtry N''?.? September B.'' ■ ... ' '/.' '«r 3taw2w cod6t