Gazette of the United States, & daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1800-1801, December 10, 1800, Image 4

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THE PliOPKlli rORS .
Of the Pittsburgh Glass Works,
HAVttfo procured a fiiffiettnt number dl
thetnott approved European Glass Manu
fyiflurers, and having on hand a large (lock of
thebeft Maierult, on which tWeir workmen are
now employed, have the pleasure of afi'url?'j;
the public, that window glass of J. fupeiior qua
lity and of anv size, from by 9, to .by 24
inches, carefully packed in boxes containing
100 feet ea h, may be had at the (horteft notice.
Glass of larger sizes for other purposes, may
also be ha'i, fnch os for pictures, coach glaflej,
clock faces, flee, itottles of all kinds and of any
quantity may also be had, together with pocket
flafks, pickhngjars, apothecary's [hop furniture,
or other hallow ware—the whole at lead ij per
cent, lower than articles of the lame quality
brought from any sf the sea ports of the United
States. A liberal allowance will be made en
file of largt quantities. Ordersfrom merchants
and others will fee pun<sYually attended to on ao
plication ts JAMES O'HAttA or ISAAC
CRAIG, or at the Store of Itefirs. PRATHER
andSMILIE, in Mai kct-Street, Pittlburgh.
March 1, tuthtf.
THK Proprietors of the Philadelphia and
caftcr line «f Stages DISPATCH, rsturn their
grateful (hacks to their friends and the public rn
general, for the past favors they have received,an J
inform thepi that in addition to the regular Line,
thay ar« provided with Carriages,fo'oer and careful
drivers, to go through between the City and.
Borough i.» two days. These who prefer this mode
of traveling can he accommodated at the Stage
Office, sign of United States Eagle, Market street,
Slough, Downing, Dun-woody ICo.
Nov. 30. If it—j
THE public are hereby infermed, that the Bal
timore Coachec will in future start fr»m the In
dian Queen, No 15, south Forth street, every day
except Sunday, at 7 o'clock, and will arrive at
Peck's Tavern, Baltimore, the next dayat 8 o'clock
and the Stages to New York, will start every day
at 8 and I % o'clock.
N. B.— V book is kept open at Mr. Ely Chan
dler's Franklin Head, where l'cats may also be ta
kin in the above lino of Aages.
Oiftober % %
An Invoice of
Playing Cards.
SUPERFINE ColumSian, Hirry thi; Vfllth
and Mfrrv-Andrew Playing Cards, f»r sale cheep
for cash Apply a: this Office.
feptember 13.
Prevention better than Cure.
For the prevention -nd cure of Bilious and
Malignant Fevers, is recommended,
. Anti-bilious Pills,
WHICH have been atrended with a degree
of success highly grateful t« the inven
tor's fedifigs, in several parts of the Weft-In
diss,and the southern of the United State -
particularly in Baltimore, Peterlburg, Rich,
mond, Norfolk, Edenton, Wilmington, Charles
ton, Savannah. &c. The testimony of a rmm
ber of persons in each of the above places can be
adduced, who have reason to believe that a
timely ufa of th s falurary remedy, has, under
Providence, preserved their, lives when in the
mult alarming circwmftances.
Fails of this concJ'.ifive nature fpeah more in
favour of a medicine, thau columns of pompou«
eulogy, founded on (here could do.
It is not indeed presumptuously proposed as
an infallible cure, but the inventor has every
poflib'.e reason, which can result from exteufive
experience for believing that a dose of these pills,
®kcn once every two weeks during the preva
lence of oui annual bilio*s fevers, will prove an
infallible preventative ; and further, that in-the
earlier stages of those diseases, their use wiU
very generally succeed in restoring health and
frequently in cal'e« eftecmed desperate and bey
ond the power of common remedies.
The operation of th,-fe pills is perfedlly mild
and may be ufel with fafety by perfous in ever
situation and of every age.
They are excellently adapted to carry off fu
perfluoua bile and prevent its morbid secretions;
to restore and amend the appetite j to produce
a free perspiration and thereby prevent colds
which are (Jften of fatal conlequence. A dose
Sever fails to remove a cold if taken on its (jrft
appearance. They are celebrated f r removing
habitual coflitenefs, fickuefs of the flwmich and
severe head-acSe, and ought to be taken by all
persons on a change of climste.
They have been found remarkably efficacious
an preventing and curing most difordersattend
ant on long voyages, and fh.tuld be procured
and carefully preserved for use by every feamati.
Genuine Eye-writer.
A cKtain and fafc rtmedy for alt diseases of tha
eyts, whether ths of natural weaknef), or of
accident, speedily removing inflammations, de
flexions of rheum, dullncls, itching, and films ill
the eyes, never failing to cure those maladies which
frequently succeed thefmallpox, measles and fe
vers, and woaderiully (lengthening a weak fight
Hundreds have experienced its excallent virtues
when nearly deprived of fighti
Tooth-ache Drops.
The only remedy yet discovered whichgives im
mediate and lallirig relief in the most ftvere m
The Anodyne Elixir.
For the cure of every kind 9fhcad-ache,and «f
pains in the fats and neck.
Infallible Ague and Fever Drops.
This mediciee has never failsd, in many thou
sand cases not one in a hundred has had occasion to
take more than one bottle, and numbers not halt
a bottle. The money will be returned if the cure
is not performed.
No. 17, South Sec«nd Street,
And no where else, in Philadelphia.
Where alto may be had, Dr. Hamilton's Worm
Dsftroying X.ozengss, his Sovereign Elixir for
coughs, &c. Reparative Drops, Effencc and Ex
trail of Mustard, Sovereign Ointment for the Itch,
Dr. Hahn's infallible Oerman Corn Plaifter, In
dian Vegetable Specific far the Venereal com
plaint, Gowlsnd's and Persian Lotien,Jieftorative
Tooth Powder, Damalk Lip Church'
Cosgh Drops, Andeit»n's PiU», <cc. &c
Law Books-
Imported 1)/ fandry la'e arrivals from London
and Dublin,
Is now arranged ;uid ready for lale,
No. 319, Marhet-Jlreet,
Where wil! be dehv.rcd on appli-
HE takes this Opportunity of returning his fin
cere acknowledgments to the Gentlemen ol
the Bar, and th*ir ftiidcnts in the United States,
for the patronage hisdefignh-s met with, for ef
tahliftiing a i<tore, ecclu'Gvely for,thi- sale of Law
Books. The advantages which offer thcmfelves
to the profeflioa, from hiving ftich to apply to, he
truils are rendered obvious by the conGder&tion,
that confining hi 6 attention to the Importation of
book s, only in that Line, lie his it in .his power to
keep confl&ntly by him, a gensral and molt yalu
ablaf'apply of the latest and bed Editions, and
(rom his ready fates, to dispose ot them, on terms
so modcrafo as to preclude the neceflity of gentle
men importing f heir owe Libraries.
Any commands he may be favoured with, from
a fuigle volume to any number, fiiall thankfully
nd promptly be attended to.
i ovember 16
This Day is Pub!ijhei>
At Wm. Young's Book-store,
Original and correal Lift
United States Navy,
A Lift of the Ships in CommilTion, and their
r**fpedtive force.
A Lift of the Officers and their Rank, as
well those belonging to the Navy as the
Murine Corps.
T& which is added,
A Digest of«the principal Laws relative to
the Navy, See. Sec.
Price 15 cents each, and at ao dollars
pec 100.
November if, tnfSt
Philadelphia Academy.
0- Mr. Francis Gali^et,
\ N experienced airl approved lulruilar, ha!
£\ undertaken toteach the FRBNCH LAN-
GtFAGS in this Seminary, to fach of the Your.g
Gentleman as may choose to place themfrlves un
der hi» care
Parents and Guardians are requested to
m:<ke lmraei'Jiate application, that all the fcholare
may bugin at once.
Samuel Magaw 1 Directors of
Jar es Abercrombie J the Atademy.
o<s>otei *i. ttawtf.
English Grammar,
Has this Day been publifiled, by Annum
Dickius, opposite G<i rift-Church,
[Price One Dollar-"]
Oftober 7.
At Wain's wharf,
The Cargo of the brig Enter prize,
Surinam MolaiTes,
Of an eX'tUeßt quality, in hagfheadi, tierces and
And about 40 quarter casks
For Sjle Br
Wharton Lewis,
No. Ils,f(juth Front street.
oA«ber 9 tu th fa tf
Glass Ware,
A well AfTorted Invoice just Received,
Cwft/ling of
Wine-GlilTes, Tumblers, Decanturs, Le
monades, Goblets, See. &c. of the newest
fafhion, and for sale.
James c. & saml. w. fisher.
Nov. 13. 3t*wtf
Gideon H. Wells
Has Just Received,
By the late arrivals—a large and general a (Tort
Hardware, Cutlery Sff Sadlery,
Which he offers for falc, fur calh or the ,
usual credit
Market-street, No. 135. jaw4«'
That large and commodious
At the corner of Arch and Ninth ftrtets.
To be «-«t,
THE houf« a (table, coach-i ouieafld )ot», lately
occupied by.Major Butler, fitaate as above
For terms apply to J. B. Wallace, No. 38, north
Fifth street.
1 r
ALL persons indebted to the Estate ot Thomas
Herman Leuffsr, mercluait, <Ucealed, are
requeued to make immediate payment; and those
vrho have any demands against said eflate, arc re
queued to produce their accounts, properly attest
ed, for settlement, to
No. 34, north Fiftn ftwfct.
novembar at
OLD Long Primer,
Small Pica on Pica Body,
F.nglifc, Chal'es, Coropofing Sticks, and agrea
variciy of jtrtieies nccefiary to ca,rry on the Prin
i»g Bufintfa. They will be f«ld cheap tar cafli
Apply to the Printer.
V; f
w&fr »m
ment of
tiv ♦f.
Certificates Loft.
THE u'Marmentioncd certificates of (lock of
Ihe Bunk A the Unir ri State®, Tiz
No. 978, date 1 t a January, 179f0r five
iharcs in the name of Bourdieu, Chollctt
ami BouiV.iau
No dated 1 ft of January. 1798, for
five {hares, in the name 'ȣ the Right hoa.
lord John Towfilhend.
Notice is hereby given,
That application is intended to be made at the
said Bank by the fubferiher, for a renewal of the
lame, of which all persons concerned are requested
to take notice.
Philadelphia, 10 mo. 28, 1800 tuthfa^m
The following certifitTtes e{ eight per cent, stock
in the pane of William Bell, jr. (landing to his
ere lit on the books of the United State* Loan
Office of PentifyWania, viz.
No 5«3, a Certificate dated 30th January, 1800,
for one thousand dollars.
No joj, a Certificate joth January, 1800,
for 01 e thousand dolhrs.
Notice is hereby given, that applic-.ti >n is in
tsnd;d to be made for, a renewal of the fame—of
which all persons con<«rned are requested to take
Philadelphia, 10 mo 18,1800. 3tawfiw
IN th; fitip Kenfiogttn, captaio Kerr, in the yiar
1794, t.aviog beeo capuncd fey the French on
h<r Toytge Irooi hence ta Amftcr !*rn,tke follow
ingcenihcaies of atock ot the Bank o ji, L ,e IJaited
ataodiag in the name of Benjamin Chap
jVoi. 411 436 of 4 Share J each ;
>SB 3 do,
IHS, m£, iJI7. 1 do.
Application ii made at hid Bank fcr the fubferi
ber lor a renewal of the fame, o! wMch all per
concerned are tltflredta talcc notice. ' .
0(3. IJ.
Twelve Shares
Of the Bank of the United States,
NO. 15951 to 25965 incluGve, in the [jam. ef
Thomas M«llrtt of London, were forward
ed «l»out th* ift of May 1797. from New-York,
by the (hip Oneida ier London, which was cap
turetr-ij. the French, and (aid Certificates 101 l or
aellroyed; therefore application is made at tile
I'iidßlnk for the renewal of the fame, of which
all perfoos concerned are iefired to take notice.
Clement Biddle.
Philad •• September 3, ißod d3m
To be let,
That large and commodious four (lory
Brick Dwelling-House,
No. 343, HigA-ftrcet.
IT'S fit nation is peculiarly pJeafant and healthy
and it has every convenience requisite for the
ccom modat* >n of a family ; a pump in the yard,
loe Hvvfe, Stable and Carriage House, &C. &C. Pof
felfion may he had on tbe 15th of next month, ©r
sooner, with the content of the present tenant.
(On very low terms for the ensuing winter and
fprinjj) a large and convenient
Brick House and Kitchen,
Co*ch house. Stable and Lot of Ground, pleasantly
fituatcd in the Nor'hern Liberties, a little to the
westward of Fifth »nd northward of Callowhill
(Ireets, apd within ten minutes walk from the
center of the city. ■
Apply to
Attorney at Law —No. 16, south 4th flreat
«*Sob*i 19 mwf3w
The Works
Hon. James Wilson, Efq- L. L. .D
Lote one of tht Associate Justices of the
Supreme Court of the United States and
Projessor at Lavi in tbe College and
Academy of Philadelphia.
From the original mairafcript, in the paftcQion of
Bird Wilson, Esq.
These worki (hall be elegantly printed in two
volumes oitavo, and delivered.!*) fubferibers at
five dollars.
They shall be put to press as soon as the fubferip
tions will juftify the eipence of publication,
Subscriptions will be received by
The puMiftier, opposite Chriti-Church, Phila
delphia ; and by tht principal bookfcllcrs through
out the United States.
*,* A lCrofpeilus of the work may be feenat
the place of fubfeription.
fcptember 13 5
The Porcupine.
I TAKE this method of informing the People of
the United States, that on the firftdayof No
vembar next, I propose to resume the publication
of Porcupiue'6 Gazette, under the title of THE
PORCUPINE ; and to notify (in cafe any gentla
man in America should want it) that the price qf
each Number will be fiipenee sterling, and that
the ca(h must he received by me before the paper
can be supplied.—As to the mode of conveyance,
(infrequent are the opportunities from London to
New-York, that flies may be forwarded to the lat.
ter place once a lortnight upon an average—from
New-York they can be speedily conveyed to ev
ery part of the Union. When files can be, with
out Jclay, sent to otuek places direct, it may be
done ; when they cannot they will all be sent te
New-York, unless o;herwife ordered.
£7* Porcupine's W>rh,
Which have been sometime in the Press, wil
be competed in February next, when the copies
fiibfcrited for in America will be forwarded to
the Subfcribcrs.
Any ot my literary friend? in America, who
may be diXpofeil to renew their correspondence
with me; will please "o dircS to me at my print
ing office, No. i, Southampton street, Straod, or
at my Bookfellcr'a (hop, No. jB, Pall Mall.
Londen, September 6, ISOO,
V/aJ>:ingl»n, September Ift, 1800.
Public Notice is hereby Given,
In pursuance of an aft of Congreft, pajffed on
the 2sd day of April, one thousand eight
hundred, entitled " /In ad 'ta ejlublijh a
General Stamp OJ/ict,"
THAT a Genera! Stamp-Office is now
eftabliflied at the feat of government, in me
city of Washington, from whence there will
iflue, from and after the date hereof, (upon
the application of the Snpervifors of the
Revenue, under whose management the
colle&ion of the (lamp duties ia plaoed) any
quantities of paper, parchment a«d vellum,
marked or (lamped, and duly counter-damp
ed, with the following rates of duty which
are demandable by law :
For every {km or piece of vellum or parchment,or
sheet or piece of paper, upon which (hall be
written or printed any or either of the inftru-
ments or writings following, to wit,
A, Dolls. C. M.
NY certificate of naturalization j
Any licence tn pradlice.or certificate
of the adiniflion, enrollment or re
gistry of any counsellor, Solicitor
Advocate attorney, or proflor, in
any court of the United States to
Provided, that a certificate in any
one of the coorts tof he United States,
for any one of the said offices, (hall
fofar as relates to the payment of the
duty afnrefaid, be a fuffircient admis
sion rn all the court# of the United
States, for each and every.of the said
Any grant or letters patent,under the
fcal or authority ef the United
States (except for lands granted
for military services) 4
Any exemplification or certified copy
of any such grant or letters patent
(except for lands granted for mili
tary services) a
Any charter-party, bottomry or rc
fpondentia bond 1
Any receipt or discharge for or on ac
count of any legacy left by -,ny
will or other teliimemaiy instru
ment, or for any (hare or part of
a pitrfonal estate, divided by force
of any statute of diflriVutions other
than to the wifeVcV ildren i.r grand
children of the petfon dileafed, the
amount whereof (hall be above the
value of fifty dollars, and (hall not
exceed the value of one hundred
dollars aj
When the amount thereof (hall ex
ceed the value of one hundred dol
lars, and (ball not exceed five hun
dred dollars 50
And for every furthy sum of five
hundred dollars, the additional 1
sura of 1
Aky policy of infarance or inflru- ,
ment in nature thereof, when the
sum for which insurance is made
(hall not exceed five hundred dol
lars aj
When the sum insured (hall exceed
five hundred dollars t
Any exemplification of what nature
soever, that fhill pass the seal of
any court, oiher thin such as it
may be the duty of the clerk «f
such court to fornitb for the «fe of
the United St>t«, or some parti
cular state jo
Any bond, bill single or penal, inland
bill of eXchjnge, promiflory
note or other note (other than any
recognizance, bill, or other
obligation or contrail, made to or
with the United States, or any
slate, or fcr their life refpetflively ;
and any bonds required in any caf«
by the laws of the United States,
or of any Hate, upon legal process,
or in anv judicial proceeding, or
for the faithful performance of any
trust or duty )
If above twenty dollars and not
exceeding one hundred dollars 10
If above one hundred and not ex
ceeding five hundred dollars 15
If above five hundred and not ex
ceeding one thoufind dollars 50
And if above one thcufand dollars 7J
Provided, that if any bonds or
notes (hsll be payable at or- within <
fixtv days, such bonds or notes (h»ll
be fuhjeift to rnly two-fifth parts of
tl\e doty aforefaid, viz.
It above twenty and not exceeding
one hundred dollars 4
If above one hundred dollars and not
exceeding five hundred dollars 10
If above five hundred dollars and
not exceeding one thoufatid dolls. ao
If above one thousand dollars 30
Any foreign bill of exchange, draft
or order for the of money
in any foreign country ao
The said duty being charge
able upon each and every bill of ex
change, without refpeiSl to thetium
ber Contained in each let-
Any note or bill of lading or writing
or receipt in nature thereof, for
goclds or merchandize to be ex
ported ;
If from one diftrid to another dif
tridl of the United States,not being
in the fame state 4
If from the United States to any fo
reign port or place 10
The said duty being chargeable
upon each and every bill of lading
without rifpeft to the number con
tained to eact( set.
Any notes ilTued by the bauk9 now
eftiblilhed or that may be hereafter
eftablilhed within the United
States, ether than the notes of
such of the said hanks as (hall a
gree to an annual cmnpofition of
one per centum on the annual di
vidends made by such banks, to
thetr ilockh Ideis refpe&ively, ac
cording to the following lcale :
On all notes not exceeding fifty dol
lars, for each dollar
Oil all notes abite fifty dollars and
not exceedingone hundred dollars jo
On all notes abovf one hundred dol
lars andnotexcteding five hundred
dollars 1
On all notesabove five hundred dol
Any prottft or notarial atfl
Awy letter of attorney, except for
an invalid pension, ot 1 to obtain or
fell warrants for land granted by
. the United Statss as bounty for
military fervkts performed ia the
late war
Any inventory or catalogue cf anyfur
- niture, gfc«eds or effeits, made in any
cafe required by law (except in cafet
of g.ods and chattels diflrained for
rent et taxes, and goods ta ken in vir-
tue of any legal process by any officer <®
Auy certificates of > (hare in any infu
ranee company, of a fliar? in the bank
of the United States, or of any Hate
or other bank ;
If above twenty dollars and not exceed
ing one hundred dollars
If above one hundred dollars
If under twenty dollars, at the rate of
tan cent* for one huadrej dolki».
That the power of the supervisors of the
Revenue to .murk or ftimp any vellum,
parchment or paper chargeable wkfi duty,
will cease and determine from and after lix
months from the date hereof, to wit, on the
lad day of February ißt>i.
That, if any persons dial), after the last
day of February IROI, have in their custody
or pofleffion, any vellum, parchment or pa
per, marked or [lamped by the fupr-rvifors of
the Revenue, upon which any matter oi'
thing, charged with duty, (hall not»iuve
been written or printed, they may at any
time within the space of sixty days after
the said last day of February 1801, bring
or fend such vellum, parchment and paper,
unto some office of
thereof, receive a like quantity or value or
vellum, parchment and paper, duly (lamped
in pursuance of the adt herein before recited*
&nd in cafe any person flnill negledt or re
jjufe, within the time aforefaid, to bring or
Muse to be brought unto some officer of in
fpefiion, any lar.h vellum', parchment or pa
per, it is hereby declared, that the fame will
thereafter be of 110 other effeft or use, than
:f it had never been marked or (lamped, and
that all matters and thing's, which, may af
ter that time be written or printed upon any
vellul, parchment of- paper, authorized to be
exchanged in manner aforelaid, will be of 110
other e(Fe£t, than if they had been written
or printed oa paper, parchment or vellum,
not marked or (lamped. 4
■ And for the convenience of those persons
who may be inclined to have their own vel
lum, parchment and paper stamped or mark
ed, it is hereby peclared, that when any per
son fliall deposit any vellum, parchment of
paper at the office 6f a supervisor, accompa
nied with a lift, fpreifyrng the number anA
denomination of the stamps or marks, which,
are defirtd to be thereto affixed, the fame,
vyill be tianfmitted to the General Stpam-
Office, and there properly marked or (lamped,
and forthwith sent back to the fame super
visor, who will thereupon colledl the duties
and deliver the paper, parchment or vellum,
to the order of the person from whom the
fame was received.
Given under my Hand, and the Seal
(L. S.) of the Treasury, at Washing
ton, the day and year above men
Secretary of the Treasury.
Crptember Jo.
b'UK bALE,
A Valuable and singularly eligible
CONSISTING of two handsome dwelling
bouses, with excellent stabling for seven horfei,
double coach-house mod completely fitted up; a
beautiful large and valuable garden richly filled
with choice fruit, surrounded with high board
fence, alinoft new. The prcoiil'es are beautifully
litnated near the middle of Germantown, sur
rounded with rich profp«&s of the adjacent
country ; an orchard of about two acres, with a
handsome lawn at the back of tin: house.
Ouc house has been recently built o* an appro
ved pt-an ; the other hasheeu completely repaired,
painted and papered, and contain t£n rooms with
an elegant arawir.g-room, fifteen feet by thirty
The new house is well calculated for a flore in
ekber the dry or wot eoo4 line.
The air and water are nnrivalltd, and there are
some moll excellent fchoels in the neighborhood.
For particulars enquire of the Printer, or of
on the premise*
May 9: dtf
For Sale, or to Let,
In Cbesnut Street, •
Near tfee corner of Eleventh street, at present in
ths tenure of Mr. A. M'Call—Polfeffion may ba
had the first of November next, or fooncr if re
quired Apply to
Edward Shoemaker.
September 3 $
HF-RKAS Duncan M'lnnes <Kd 011 the thir-
w tieth day of April lift, make an assignment
of his propfrty lor the benefit of his creditors—
(uch creditors arc rcquefiea to present th ir ac
counts to th« subscriber ; and all persons indebt
ed to ths said Duncan M'lnnes, are requeftcd te
pay the fame without delay, to
north Water street J AJJignct
20 Dollars Reward.
SON, private in the marine corps of the
United Stales, lie was born in Ireland, is about
yeare old, 5 feet 6 and a half inches high, dark
eyes, black Irair, and fallow complexion. Alfp,
JEREMIAH CLARKSON, "born in England,
town of {-'tockporf, i< 39 years oT age, j feet 7
inchs*high, g:cy eyes, light brown hair, florid
copulation and by trade a Hatter; from the ap
pearance of-lis. face the most evident marks of at
tachment to dri k ivay be traced, they have both
fervedin the Weflern Arn\y, and now '.sferted in
full uniform The aVove amount will be paid
with charges to apprehend
for either by applying to
Captain Commanding.
Philadelphia, Mariae Barrfcks, Nov. 8,
DMi. C. M,