Gazette of the United States, & daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1800-1801, December 10, 1800, Image 3

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    JnWe importing were eftablfee* under the
Bat*mn fro.utho da« hereof
but tile v«He's which havt a«-i*tU i\ .
that period cannot' be deemed entitled to
itie fame advaiitap*, aiu j must tlw ,
be conlidered fubjdcl to the British La .
and to clear out wit], s uch articl-s onlv as
tr °™ British ports -are permitted to
C,V ) r> jT a temporary regulation (W
---gciled by jultice to the captors o £ the ill and,
and to enable the Agents employed
their parts to-copduft the bufmefs w which
they are engaged, with regiilaricy—thr
veflels now in port mult, prior to'tfiey- fail
ing, produce a certificate from Benjamin
Waterhoufe, Esquire, or Patrick Malonv,
Hating that no claim ot theirs, as Agents,
exists again ft the vefTels of pel {bn» about to
depart ;n them.
"•« '1
Given under my hand on board hi-, ma
jelly s (Lip Ainphion, Cu'i-ratoa Har
bour, 30th Oaober, 1800.
„ H- Seymour,
By command of the Vice Admiral.
A true,copy,
B. H. Phillips.
I certify that Benjamin Waterhoufe Esq.
one of the Agents mentioimd in the noti e
annexed, informed me that no v»flel would
be permitted to depart from this place, pre
vious to their paying a certain f.ilvage,'de
manded by Frederick Watkins, Esq. of his
Britannic MajeHy's (hip Nerelde.or lodging;
Sufficient security to wait the determina
tion ot a Cpurt of Admiralty on the rel-
In teflimouy whereof, I have hereunto
let rny hand, and the Seal of my office,
at 4»ir r - acoa ' Novemhsr. 1800.
B. H. Phillips,
Confui oi the United States at Gurracoi.
By the Ship Rose arrived at this Port.
LONDON, Oa. r t 5 .
By the Sally Ameiican ship, which was
tiken by ! a Franchise frigate, and since r..
taken and Wrought int > J rfey, the following
infoimation has beer received : La Concord',
ot 46 i»uiis, and Mcdr., cf 42 ijuns, weie
capufed about three months since, in 17
d? •. I«. lontb, by a I quad run of fix fliips , f
the line and turn frigates, rff the coait of
Brazil. La Franchise eleaped.
Names'oj the ships tcken by the said 3 French
Ei'glifh ships The Albion, with horfej
and provifiolls ; Britannia, with rum, to
bacco and fait ; Maria with dry goods ; '
Matilda, with do ; Tartar, do. and provi
sions ; Jonas, rum and tobacco ; Diana,
dry goods ; Rubuft, do ; Pelerin, do ; Am.
phitrite, do ; Camp oi Lipfiek 14,0031b. of
ivory ; Prosperity, 5 ooolb. do ; M-rlin,
200 negroes ; Enterprise, ,40 do. and dry I
goods , D.fpatch, in ba' all ; and Rebecca, 1
with 221 negroes.
American ships.—John, with 3 ;,ooo
dolls ; Venus, do ; Concorde ruin and to
bacco ; Reliance, do ; Good UnderfWding,
do ; Mentor, dry goods ; Rambler, do.
Poituguefe fhips—l,e Bronfih with io©
ne-roes anj 200 rolli of tobacco ; St- Anto
nio, rum, f<up and palm oil, N. S. del Car
n,»o goods ; St. Anne, provifiuns ; and
Gorfm, do;
Besides the above, (ince the capture of the
Coincide and Medee, the Franehife has
captured four large American ships, includ
ing the Sally.
The Cardinal de la Hochefoucault, A rch
bifliop of Rouen, who died ] itely at Mun
fter, the feuior of the French F.pifqo
pooy. There now remains only two Car
dinals of that nation, viz. the Cardinal de
Rohan, Bishop of StralWrh, and tUe Car
dinal de Laval Montmorency, Bishop of
Mputz, and Great Almoner ot Fra' re, who
has retired to Mittau, to Louis XVIII.
The province of Normandy, or which the
Cardinal de la Rocliefouciult was \Tetroli
ttn, has at present only two Bilhips out of
seven which it'formerly had.
Since Ins trial, Haofield, has remained in
Newgtfte. On Saturday, however, a war
rant was sent from the Duke of Portland's
oflice, to remove him to Bedlam, where an
apartment hjid been prepared for his recepti
on. He was dre fled in a dark coat, and ap
peared to be perfe&ly csim and collected.
When he arrived at Bediam, he exprefled
some objection to the place., but add'd, " I
darr fay there are many better men heie than
myfelf, and I am sure there are nwny out
of Bedlam whadelerve to be in it as much as
I do." He is paler and rather thinner than
he was on his trial. The orders from the
Duke of Portland, are, not to fuffer any
v fits of idle curiosity to him.
For the winter ftafon, 0,. Monday, Oftobet
6th, Walnut, between Fotlrth and
•HyFRS. GROOMBJUDGE refpeilf.Hy » c .
IV.I kr.awledges the liberal enconragemem
lht hss experienced, for more than seven yejrs
m Philadelphia, and, as the most expressive proof
of gratitude, will be a coiuioua ce of tke unre
mitting attention, already pa d to her pupils ;
flitters herielf, it will be the bcft rtcomrrterfd,!
tion to tuture patronage.
Tl-e following branches (or any of them sep
arately) may be engaged for, as most a?rc:eab)e,
the Engliftj, French, and Italian langOaces '
grammatically ; writing, arrithmetic, geogrv '
PJ» u s e ®f the globes, hiltnry, music, vocal I
and iiiftrumentaf, drawing and dancing.
Plain work, marking, embroidery md tam
bour m gold; fllver or colour?, fillagree, artifi-
SMI flower*, fancy bafkeM, nettin?, ha 4 r, print
•loth, and muslin work of every kind. I
AG. ia. djwiwu- 1
i'he Editor of the N-iV-Torfe Mer
cantile Adv;rfiier, lays, that in Rhode-
IHand 4 votes were for Mr. Adams, 2
for Mr. Pinckney, and 2 for Mr. Jav.
—The Editor of the New-York Gazette
lays, ;io ailual rdurn from Rhode
illand has been received.
[ The Electors of Preudent and Vice-
I reflJent of the United Stales, met yes
terday throughout the Union, for the
purpole of giving in their votes for thole
important officers. In this State we can
with confidence aflert (though it is not
our duty officially to announce it) that
they were unanimous for Adams and
PINCKNEY. Boji, Com. Gaz. j
ji' N. Yates.
In the year 1734, a pamphlet was
pubhlhed in London entitled " The
Deformity of Sin cured," a sermon,
preached at St. Michael's, Crooked Lane,
by the Reverend Z. Crookskanks. Sold
by Humphrey Rickets, at the Crooked-billet,
near Cripplegnte.
Mrs. and Miss Gibbcs, and Mr. and
Mrs. Elliott, arrived in this city on
Wednesday evening f 2 6th uk.] from
the northward. [Charleston pa.
No conclusion favorable to the eleftion
of Mr. j. fferXon can be drawn from the
elc t! -ii r,t Mr. Galliard, to the lpeakei's cli ,ir
of the South Carolina Leyifluure, supposing
it to be acclilate. The Senate of Sou: 1
C.n -lint, c> !>>.j Jc ! almoit entirely of Feder
alists, is of 37 members, and the hoafe
of Representatives, when all met, amount
to >2,; l.i that although tin I'r . J,- of M r .
J may have been veryj«dulfrioin,in making
a quorum and choofini; a fjx-aker, yet when
the Icl 1011 of Prt!i Sent and Vice-I J rei". ~ n
came on four days after w irds, matters may
have worn a d fFereni aspect, from the joint
vote of frotb houses, and mm the
ills in the lower house having increased their
number to 70, which hU been f.iid to be
thsir strength. _ Bait. pap.
From ibe London Monthly
The comedy, written hy Mr. Moreton
I entitled Speed the Vtevgb, was performed,
for the firft time, on the Bvh of this totfoth,
a; Co vent Garden Theatre. This play is
confhufled on thi* Geunm model ; but, in
oTi . inghy t!;e blcijiifhcs of the German
dramatic writers, it dors not compensate
w.tli the excellencies of K -zebue, and ore
or two mora of those w t rs , Kvtz-bne,
who, seems to have ©ccalicned a species of
ievolution on out flagr, abayn ls with afTed
mg incidents and delightful expreflions of
palTion ; bqt with th. fe be uties which are
ot the higher order, he fills infinitely short
ot the tafle and refinement of the mod p.-,.
II file d* of bur draiT. tic wr.ters. ' H'i bell |
pieces Tire di-figured with the d-fet\s of a:i
art in its infancy : he is often extravagant, !
irregular and uncouth. If he begets delight >
j Or ad'mlhiHent by fpfnetting beautiful or
gigantic, in the fame work lie difgulls with j
[ Tomething defjiicible for it. nificaiic?,
ior ridiculous for its want of propriety. If
: tli' Englilh rtsgf wa» growing qull, it was
, not amiss to go to Gcthnny sot passion. and
| its c-nlequeot force. But there was no ne
; o ffiH-, in the natore of the traffic, to brint?
| from Germany the absurdities of a ftage-*.
Speed the Plough i; partly comic and nart-
Iv lerious. One of th* charafkers fuppefes
ini, It to be the murderer of his brother.
W hat is to be said to such a circumstance in
a comedy ? or a play ■ for the writer may
he altowrd the benefit of that name ? The
iuppoled murderer ffalks about with A phren
zv that may very well stand for a burl'efque
0,1 such f»rt of composition. The scenes
heie an tided to are capable (enough df pleating
the vulgar. 1 hey sympathize with the ap
pearance of firrow or anguish, however,
matnficially the tale is told. They are like
a lavage for the firft time fees a ffatue,
and who would be delighted with the work
of the moll clumsy carver in wopd. But it
is the bufintis of the ftoge to improve the
talle of every part of the audience. The
actual employment of the writers, who run
to Germ ny for their models, is fall further
to corrupt and injure the feeling and judg
ment ol the multitude ; nor is it true, that
they are onliged to lower tbemfeiwes to the
level of their audience ; there is this impor
tant didinflion to be made,—the inoft igno
rant are quick ip perceiving faithful and
ftr ng exhibitions of nature ; in the word
p.-iure there is a relemblance of the origi
nal, and it is the resemblance the pouulace
admire ; the ignorance therefore that pre
j vents the discovery of faults, is not such as
' 10 exclude the fpedlator from feeling part at
least t.f the charms of maflerly imitation.
Let those who question the truth of this opi
nion reiort to fail ; let them watch an au
dience 011 the fir ft night of a piece ; they will
si »d, that in all pnfftges remarkable for the
truth oj their delineation, applause as often
lprmgs from the gallery as any part of the
Lut although ]\ir, Moreton's pl.»y is faul
ty, atfd even, in the ;.r.-ater part
o( the fevSote incidents ; it has nrmy hcaq
ti s both'of charaftcr and fuuitkm. The
whole cha rafter of fa I'm tfAsbfield is delight'-
iu!!y drawn : it has the two qualities, iliffi-
Gazec:c of fhc Unitcj'sutes.
. •*
•* * 1 1
jCuiij t tt> combine, cf aß^cfcunwwrs. 5
i: !,c H ' :n, y a»->mrJri-n a »stk-r (hie,
,ii« t! ; e fatte ejcre.kmcie*. Thp fituatwi
i K> '* ,■ ■.T?!??'", ?jis- Iniitllorci requires.!
! hn» ti. -.vim. Henry. oot of liij li.Mis;-, H.rirv ;
; the ■'l'.jett vc fit* proleflioit uid l-ive, is ex- i
qwlnWy beautilfu 1. and is even, pe t hnps
without defeft; Thnc are other beautks in'
I the piece.; but thty jire, : for the molt part,
either faint, or aic tuples of other work*.
! In '^ ec} the author his too often condescend
: ed to m others, which is the more
' lan-emedj becatsfe be h« given nne-
Ciiivociil proofs of his capacity to contrive
and execute for himlelf.
Brim the NeWfYorh DcVy Advertiser.
TO I HE CLERGY—Alp'others,'
, 'J Ik. aniuverfary of mournful period
1 when the Full and Best of Men. c'ealed to
I be, will thii year tall on the of
. Dec. 14th. A friend Q f yours, with due
c.efereiie suggests the propriety of adapting
the ciliourfes ; and musical performances of
Urn day, (othe recognition of the character,
talents, lervice and faith of one, whom the
cbriftian world has delighted to honor ;
and which, at this time, will so wdl become
the altars.and temples dedicated to the Cer
vices nf Alnvghty God.
On the fubjeit of the'faith of our deceafcd
j 'ilend, permit me to introduce to your tea
ucrs the following exti'ift :
Ot faith in the
truth and excellence of the holy scriptures,
he gave evidence not only by his mart excel
lent and muff exemplary life, but in his writ
ings ; especially when he afrribei the melior
ated condition of mankind, and the mere a fed
bleuings of society « above ill to the pure and
benign ligf,. 0 f the Uevelation and wh. .
he offers to God his earned priver «that he
woul.i most grarioufly be pieaf d, to difpole
osfll tn'dn'" jtfftice, to tftve mercy, and to
ceme u. juifrlves with t mt cha ty, humility
I and pan lie temper of min4, which were the
I ch rafterirtics of the divine ;mtr, ir of our
j.olsfied UeligicYi ; without an bumble imita
tion of whose example in tFiefe things, we
can never hope to Oe a happy natior
In the address to hiro immediately after
hecommenced his Prrh Jencyover tlitf Uni
ted States, from a venerable and relpeda
ble body of men, who were in the oft situa
tion to know his religious ch;,rafter, and
who, no doubt, exprrflVd what they knew,
is the following to his 'faith in
;hriftian»»y. '« But we derive a presage,"
Ity they, "even more flattering from the
Piib'ic virtue the lriofl certain mean
"f public felicity, nnd.religion i* the surest
bafts nf virtue* We thert-fuie esteem it a
( happineiy to beh Id in our Chief
' gift rate a i :;ttitynf avo.icvcf friend
ceoi his 'dniriiftitioo in rational and exal
ted (entinn ts ut"piety, nod who in his pii
vate-couduA atmrnj thcr*lwftitmes of the
ffilpel of .'hrilt f: Grounded on tTiefc pure
and excellent di><3tr<nrs, t<> which. his life
was emu
luch exemplary ffriflfaefs , ; >i<i . uniformity,
the precepts of Christ, wt have ftr«m; con
flation and. joy,in-believing, that ere this
he has heard fronj Ini Cod and Saviour t 'u
enrapturing fentence—Witt ■ done good nnd
far.bfnl servant, enter into tie joy of your
/>ee is fareweil orders tc the armies of the
(Jilted States, ' dated Rocky Hill, near Prince
ton, N-vtinbcri, 178^.
| See the " Orel's of the General Afletn
bly of 1 he Prefbyierlan Church to the Pi efidcnt
of ths United states," dated Philadelphia, May,
1789. "
From the New-York Gazette.
BY whoin, and wlten, the folloWing Pro
phecy «ii writtes, are intftert pretty much
in thedatl;.
It would ten, from the rt felt bee t* cer-
_ u,n circumflantes, that the pcrfjn m-fides
in thr li.te nt New-York ; and that the
prophecy is of recent date. The events
foretold are all t happen in the latter end
of this year, and in the course of the suc
ceeding one ; so that the truth or futility of
the predictions will i'oori be known.
There are lome who may, peffibly, atFeft
to consider the whole as a fabrication
Such discerning men might be aflced, Are
there not perlons continually
at this day ? Has not a Fanner near New
burgh prophccyed that this will be a hard
winter ? Have not many been prophecying
that Mi. Jeffeii'on would be Prelident ?
Has not the author of' Sefious Considera
tions' ) iret'ild some things * hich havp come
to p„ ('3 ? Did he iT.jt fay, " You may hear
the Minilleri ot Chrilt affiled ? And has
not this been acco W ii!lied ,?.i)id he not fay,
" They will prefer, Electees. if they can en -
lure them, who are infidels?" And does
not one of the greatelV infidels ih our country
(land at the head of one of the Lifts ?
If, then, others have uncfcftkken to pro
phecy, why not this man ? If their pre
dictions, in forne cases, have come to pals,
why thou Id 110 credit be given to his ?
A3 to the manner in which this prophecy
is u(liered to the public, let it Office to fay, "
(hat it is taithfu'ly trjßlcribed from the ori- >
s*l ""antlfcriptjj and fuqh pacts have, been
Irle&ed, as are to' have the earlkft convic
tion. By theft, the imparlance can be
judged of revealing wh it feroaiiis.
" Near die clefe of tlvis year, Envoys
charged with hegociauogr. peace with a
fore: ."n power, will return ; and it will be
found, that they have done nothing final
as to tli fettlcitient of difference* ; nothing
to recompense the absence, delay, and. ex
pence ; and nothing out what might have
been tranfailed with more fafety and dignity
had they not been sent.
' " ' n -si V ..
•' " Som4'of the voces given at aji imfct.r
---; tW.t fkfllon will be contrary w£thc, expert,-
tio,i ot .ill ; and tile refalt will prove ,1
| aerful disappointment to many. Seluom. |
; aave there been seen so many long f aC6r3 . ]
" A certain Democrat, who is become <
bald, through his execrtive anxiety about I
the affairs of (late, and coiifhnt watching J
for the public good, having.befptiken a Wig,
will, on ins being disappointed, in the elect- '
ion of a Prelident, qoinuermand it. j
" A marriage, concerning vUiich there
will be nruth talk and curious {peculation. |
, " D - l>riT< 01, the modefl editor of » The "
Kmpe ot H afon' wih (wear by his sb ul I
that America is a comical "country, .where
•he foulks refttie to be dtslructed, and will
wish that he was fitting by a peat fire, and
roafhng in Ireland
'• On the firit day cf January, about 7
| o'clock in the evening, if I m'iflake not, the
Governor of an arijac nt fhte, towards th.e
letting lun, will grew very drunk and lioi
•y —will rave about old toiies, apostate wigs, J
and Britilh agents; and when hufted by
his Secretary, will bid said to kils*
his*** s '
Some time this month, a member of
Congi fs will make a Speech live hours, wan
ting seven minutes, long which will confirm
his opponents in their own opinion ; dur
ing which some of the members will fall
a(Lep;and none of them, at the conclusion
of the Speech, will Be able to recoil .-fit what
was said at the beginning.
Dr. Prieflley will write aiiother book.
" A battle between Timoleon, and a cook
maid, occasioned by the maid ITngeing a ,
fowl with the fliects of his late " Solemn '
" February. An infidel printer will start,
as though he had (ecu a ghost, at an occur
rence wholly unexpected by him.
" An old woifian will be known to hive
counted her chickens before they were hatch
ed and be laughed at by. all her neigh
'■ The rr.onths of March and April ot
this year will be memorable for an effufion
of nonfenfr, ribaldry and lies. Grotius,
Timolion, Marcus Brutus, &C. will be so
busy in driveling with their pens as not to
pave, time to comb their heads, or garter
their (lockings.
" Some people called Chrlflians will greiv
oufly complain of infidels having attempted
to pa: out their eyes, by blowing powders,
or thruftiug the finger into them ; but tlmfe
who escape will declare that they now fee
tetter than ever.
" A certain pei ion being big in his own
eyes, and who h„s been dipped in political
waters, will not liave influence enough with
his fellow citizens to be elected to tlie low
est office.
'■ In the banning of the fumroer, a
gre t and good man who has held many high
offices, and rendered cflVntial services to
hi? country, will voluntarily retire from
public life.
«' A St itefnian, whose talents have ex
posed him Co- the envy >f rivals, and w'hr.fe
h" efty ha? been abuled by intriguers, will
rfe superior to all oppolition, and take
that plac« in the estimation of liisTellow ci- i
tizein, to which h s unc mincn politic,i
•vifdom and virtu-s entitle him."
TRINIDAD, Oct. 18.
Governor and Commr.ander in Chief of the
Island of Tiinidad, and its De
pendencies, Bcc. &c. Sec.
It b-ing made clearly appear by the re
prelentadona ot the planters, inhabitants,
&c. that there actually does at present ex—
ilt an alarming fearcity of all the articles of
provisions ablolutely neceflary for the Fup—
port ol the (laves employed in carry in >• oil
the cultivation -if the island ; and that th<"
arrival of new fett.'ers, and the d.iil. iinpor
tanion o( (laves from the other iilands,-ope
rates to increaie an evil which already give.s
cause to a fenous alarm,- audit apjtars
upon ftritft inveftigltion, that the quantity
ot Rum and Molasses manufs&ured in the
island, is far JilfufEcießt lor the payment of
the necessary supplies of these arti
| cles. I have therefore thought Jit to issue
j this, my PhoclamArios. to pubiiih and de
j clare, that it shall be lawful for vt.ffcls, tlie
| property of the fubje&s of the United
Slates of Am erica, coming-diietily from she i
la:j rt ites with provisions and Lumber of
J all kinds, the growth and produce of that
j country, to take and receive in exchange,
to the exaft, value of their rfi+'peftive car
goes, and no more, any other article the ac
tual produce of this colany, except, lpdig. ■~
Lotton, Lignum Vitse, and Dyin,, VVood.
And the officers of his majeliy's cuttoms
within this lfl.ind, aie lie re by required to j
take due notice thereof! This is to c n'i
nue in force for Six Months fioni the date
Given under my hand and Feal at arms,
at government houfe,this 11th Oct.
in the year of our Lord, 1800, and
®f his majelty's reign the fortieth.
Thomas Clapbam, Sec'ry.
Infuranct Company of North |
£s* THE STOCKHOLDERS are hereby
informed, that a dated Meeting of the Com
pany will be held at tleir Office, on the i jth
day of Jsnu-iry next, (being the
fday in the Month) for the Ele&ion of Ucaty
five Diredlorsfor the eniairig year.
December 10 f&t'i^thj
Neatly executed at the Office of the
Gazette ©f the United Statees
President and Vtee President »f
United States.
MafiVchufeCM., 16 16
C'mnetf icut, - q q
New-York,! . r '* ■'•'A
New-J<?rJcy, , .7 y
Pi-nnfylvaDia, ■-- 7 n\
a-Uwire,. . !
tyUryUni, -'-- Jv ;< *
, ■ x-'Vr*
, North. Cajslm®,
Gazette Marine Lift.
alcow Sally, Rulfel Antigua 43
Fru ; t, to Captain.
>hip Franklin, I'ucker Cork
Souin Car, Una, Garman Charlelton
■■'•'g Tl '>'J-m i 'New-Orleans
kh'r Beif v Ho lon, Webb Antigua
Da id L'Homcdieu New ,York
jefferfoa, Donaldfon Sc. Tliomas
c k *■ '■ I '■ -'• n > 1 pper' Norfolk
Sn p R- fi>ack, Ki : -f, from London, is laid
o be hi low.
• cl ] •'« :l " '' «' i» V. inflo from Cape Fran
cis, is 1 flow
Ship i.iolly, F in, foi Livrrp ol; brij; Men
or, b' ,-u I..'], ior JLnjo; ; 1 :j:(1 >;i - , vT aiu y,
<rown, New- V -. k # a. J IVveril ot'ier vei
els, went t-o sea on M irifay IaII
Snip a.j;.e, i'-drtionfuii, for /amiica, 2nd
choorser Nancy, f. r Port went
0 sea on M Jniiay lait.
llarquc, Polly, Sntll, for Londonderry, left
New-CdiPe yefisrday.
Scha : -ne He , Crowe;], fr .in .';eiue, has
arrived at Savannah. *
BAtfIEM, December 1.
Particulars cf the ! if- ot me ship Mount VcV-
■ Siiled from Salem, September 17. Nothing
remarkable happened until the mor jng of the
17th Oa.,ber, *hm at half palt 4 in the morn
ing# the breakers \vere diitovered under the
•- ■' i- i••imd rlie;i. to h e he e- of Hie iil.i:d
,ot Little D iv.;, abut tli ■ty laagi/e» to ihe N.
a". U', 01 1 ij'rii M. imuKduteiy a t.-r ftri
kMß ve go. !i a . , r 011 ilkr , n or < r to
•' '.i I . cmn.* weie fruit! '3,
H i.k ail'l (l,e ii! Ed comp te . .a
': 'ten - . r.r <; ijj.t 1 nig of the
!hip, all kan's ottimdjced getting rut provifi
oiis, andafier procuqit)? 1 fufft ien quan
b >ats, and landed • n thejiil-i d of Little Oavi*
iter .andinjj we liegari 'o huiid on b»th our
ats, ;n or. e ,ff ; feie to Vi
n- a, ab;u; 9 isagues dirtai.t. The naming
>r v:y» !«' u' int. ntioe of embarking, a Ber
nl ; n c ' n ' :t ' tr f 1.1) g'n s, RoUin
cii ; m'i ftf. r ! ev: rv afiiita ce in hi* power
111;:, ail .. er iji,s, rieven fix poun
!cr>, a new ciLle, a new hawl'er, a kedger
i'ii !-or, about twe ty bolts thin duck, ei htecn
jrtwer.ty 'ia-:e.s flour, all damaged, and a
r ew other articles. Captain Neil, with twelve
5 b fi-est!..- !" on . mate, let'i he 111 nduf
LittleDavi in the long boat, (with the specie
:i bii'4 «S:fh he ha.l :a.ed) «. V'.-nm,
»he-e he urobably arrived in nine or ien h urs,
s J.V had a fji, wind vd fi;:c «.i a r - the
'••"J ' crew, with in - 1 ,its an 1 third
he Csprain hurr.a .1 ly landed them ai: at. St.
( x; ept the chief m.te, Mr. J. Ed
-1 a:nft t < 1 i t- imp- .Ted on board the En
, lilh i'hips of war -t Tt; .da.
Mr. Oiorge Smith, 'rom whnra \te obtiin
d the torse :t./ p: icular*, was a marriner
lay in a ''ortfm ,:i bliss .*t. Tho:nas.
1 he lofaofthe Mo jtitJjTerno* cannot be at
r"'u '! ' '_anv ' • i - tie of her officers or
:rew, but T lely to:he rapidity of thl cur e :r.
The Reef on wl.i fh w 3 lost, has ; cen f tat
■v 5 fliirs i ■ of » few yfar .
-■' »* •' v 1 n ' sda » ei! fr..'ri this
>i ,r ti pi. Ved i;p th vrc ko' a b a>, wth four
■ ■ " J> , ■; v hie 1 h ■ a! b:en 5 j; j—
hey ' el-jiged to » fh bri,-, from
'd.jOi,, n- " Trd u. d -the reminder of
hf . rew a .d paflVtfgeri* and among whom wa«
ai. 1 tw.i c..iidroj, weic pro
ably !• ft K
JuJl l\ec:-ived by A. Dickens ;
Pefultory Reflexions, .
Political Aspect of
In the United States of America.
Fart II
" And I looked, and behei.l apalehor r e; and
" his name that lat on h-m was Death, and
14 Hell f jliow«d with hiia "
(t rice 35 C nts )
carmen' secular e
December 10. $
- 6 §
5 -5
•8 $ :
12 12
8 . 8
5 ! 5
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+7 I 25 | 25