Gazette of the United States, & daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1800-1801, December 10, 1800, Image 2

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    Gazette of the United States.
Prices of Public Stock,
Philadelphia, December io-
light ptr c«et. ftotk—wj ■ 113 * », «=«. ftitk 7
N»»j Jitto J
Deferred 6 p:c cent
tht*« (icrcint.
j »•* f« KUt. 1
4 i*» per «ut. J nose at market
BANKU Sliitd, i4o ( >.c«ytMi
- pcDDiyiTttii, iis d,l "> C
HwAmerii* Ij» ditto C
lkfwuceCi.Pno)'' nxttt din* J
North America to* 7|J
Tiropikc - IJA • »6o doUt*
Schuylkill Bridge -
Wizcf Lorn, «7i
Laod Wnrinu »j • 30 100 acre*
mt-Cimni LtHAjTidtti, 9| JtiUu
9° « 9 1
« 57
On London at 60 days 70«7iJ
Bates of Foreign C.qins and Cur
rencies in the United States—-per
act of Congres for payment of Du
ErigUlh pound sterling 4 44
Irilh do do 4 10 (
Dutch Florin or Guilder o 40 f
>Cita*trf ttYttt, No. 143.
-v.t ®
Sl3t months have elapsed, since the pre)'- j
ent Editor of this Gazette, became its Cole 1
proprietor, by purchase, from Mr: Jno. W. ,
Fefiuo. He therefore deems it proper, at 1
this period, to (lat» some particulars rqlatue 1
to it, at, and since the time when it became j
his eftablifhmeut.
Thr Gazette of the United States, had
from its commeucment, been conduced,
at different periods, by two gentlemen, of
acknowledged talc'nia and relpeA. biliy ; hence
■it merited and obtained countenance from a
■very numerous and refpeft*b!e class of the
community. It was, th-ref re, realonahly
concluded, that on its becoming the pro
perty of another, who from several years
absence from his native city> was recognized
only by private friends, that a proportion of
those who had previously honored it by their
support, would withdraw their names.—
This was partially the csfe but so fir
from re'alifing the fears emertiined on this
point, not one fourth of the number contem
plated, ?>ave relinquished. I his alone was
a favourable omen, but it is infinitely more
gratifying to observe, that, the numbers ad
ded to his fiibfcription lift, have exceeded his
calculations two-fold.
In the Advertising department, many
favours, are acknowledged, but as on this
particular, reds the ability to meet large
pecuniary, weekly disbursements, it is found
requisite to solicit a more liberal support.
This paper, exclusive 6f the number cir
culated in this city, is read in every town,
of any Importance, in the United States,
and in the adverufiug line, will be Wind
highly beneficial to the Mercantile part of
the community,
It will be deemed fuperfluous, at this
time, to enter into a detail of the political
principles of the Editor—the motives which
2 ftuite him, and his plan of editing.
Thev are now univerftilly known, and it is
highly pleafii'.g to find, that they are gene
rally approved of, by a refpeftabl" portion of
the community, who have fanftioned that
appiobatioh with their names and purfts.
It >.toy be observed by some honed, wor
thy hnen, that the style of the Gazette is
Sometimes violent, and' that private per
ons, are at those times attacked—To the
charcre of violence he obje&s, that of warmth
js •cheerfully admited and he will here
f.bferve, that advocating truth, and the
cleared intererts of his c untry, he feels a
a l, which he thinks, and thev on refteftion
3 ult admit, is laudable. T> "fe. who ebjea
to his giving full scope to his feelings on
this fubjeft, will do well to consider, that
he has to contend with an unprincipled,
darings and afpirir.g fa&ion ; who threaten
■every thing virtuous, with total fubverfi.on,
whofe only arguments are falfehood and
Private characters, are held sacred, gene
rally speaking, hut when turbulent aliens
and naturalized citizens, become bawlers at
town meetings and write libel after libel on
the firfl charafters iu our country When
they fanftion with their detested names the
most gl»f> n K wifehoods and tlie vilefl: de
tra&ion, amid such an uproar, silence would
be criminal. Such men and thole only has
the Editor dragged before the American peo
ple ; he has opposed them, and will continue
to appoft" thew, and from the flrongell ties
6f attachment to America, he will uncea
singly combat with all the means in his
posver, the infidioug and inveterate foes to
this country whether foreign or doroeflic.
under wherever specious garb tbev may
please to alTume. Nov. 19
Philadelphia Dancing Assembly,
The fcco'nd ffell will lie l;e)<Lou Tluirfday
Evening next it Mr. Er«nc'n'« Hotel.
Tlx futurt &>(!• will be on cxl( alterpitt
Thurfdijr evi-BMig luring. the,fcafwi.
P;«n*>ct 9 ' X
Par amount
of a Jbarc
■ DolU. Cts.
'wABHI NG To N CI ¥ X~.
House of Representatives,
Thursday, December 4.
Mr. Hi!! p clei.ted a memori 1! from Sa
mtiel Hai rifon Smith and ThoriUs Oarpen
reprelenting 1 hat they had uuiertakei
to report the debates nt the Houlejthat foil
urv 10 their ex;>eifta'ion, on the luggeftioi
of inconvenience to the m mbers, th *y had
not received pemulTion to occupy a iituatii
011 ithin the bar, without which, they wen
nimble to (tale with fidelity the t roceeding
and debates ; and praying the permillion o
the Honle to be admitted within the bar
As soon as the memorial was read tin
Speaker role and cbierved, 1 hat kelinj
hmdi-lf re'lponliblc to the honle for tin
faithful difchaige of the duties attached ti
his lituation, he thought it proper to (late
the line of condutthe had purlued it
this butinefs. He dated that he was ap
plied to by letter, on the full day ot the tel
lion by Mr. Stewart, n quelling pemiitlioi
to occupy a place v ithin the bar ; that ht
immediately took the lequeli into confidera
tion ; that in the mean time iimilar re
quells were made hy other individuals ; thai
on obfervinv Hr ; i:tn:c of the room and
the arrangement of the furniture , it at WCi
appeared to him inconsistent with the
n'it) of the House, or tjie convenience of the
members, to grant the permilfion asked
that the area was too small, to afford tht
n.-cetfary accommodation ; that the po
rtion cenfidered as the lead inconveni
ent to the Honle wsi within the window
frames ; that, in his opinion, this politioi:
would not be agree tide tothe ftcnographers
as the view ot the members on the oppolite
tide of the house from either window would
be obllruArd: that if apoliti >ll was afligned
in any other pari ot the h lute, t!ie ttenog.a
phei would iie bet wee-1 the chair and ionic
of the members, w'tioh would render the
preservation of order inipofhble ; tliat lie
had Hated these reasons, and informed the
applicants, that if agreeable to them, he
would ilfign a place in the galleiy; whuh
(hould be let apart for their extlulive ule ;
and that he considered that to be the moll
eligible position. He concluded by re, eat
ing that it was in lus elv
impoflible to prel'ervc the dignit\- ot the
House, and to .maintain the c„uw ut
the members if the requelh-d o .imlHou
were giver.. Such was Ins hiii,hism* .naide
opinion—lt was unaltered —it was Hill
the fame.
Mr. Nicholas fa; 1 that the members ot
the House mull receive a common inierctt
in having the de ates takt»n with fidelity .
If the debates were taken, they ought to be
taken with precision. Thole who to. !: them
Ihouhl not be de barred irom the belt in- ails
of hearing with accuracy. For his part he
could not discern t he inconvenience
to exist. The d lk, which it was necellary
to admit within til. bar, would not project
beyond the window tiame ; and as to the
re in a: kof the Speaker respecting the m
convenience of such a position to ihe Steno
graphers,- it was easily obviated by the
ecu,fideration, that any inaccuracy v Inch
might occur in the repoi t of the individual
who took ' hem on one tide ct the chair
would be checked by the reporter situated
on the other fide.
lie thought thr desire of the meiriuiialnis
ought not to be palled cvei*.lightly. 1 hey
had a right to the heft place that the houte
doulsi aflign. He moved v'.<e reterence ot
tha memorial to a telett committee.
Mr. Hill observed that as the memorial
contained no fads that required the mvef
tigtion of a committee, and a "lie lfoute
poli 1-fed all the info in .1 n .at C*uld
guide thsir decilion, he d 1 r. it dileeru the
propriety of the propoled relertnce. He
had prepared a resolution, which, if the mo
tion for a reference were withdrawn, he
would offer.
Mr. Nicholas immediately withdrew his
motion. ... r1 /• r u
Mr. Hill then propoled a relolution lub
ftantially to tins effect ; that Mr. Speaker
be requeued to aflign places within the bar
far the Stenographer
Mr. Otis was lorry the gentleman from
Virginia, had withdrawn his motion to refer
the memorial to a teleft committee, as lie
thought the fubjea required exammatien
before a deciticn was made. There appear
ed to him much weight in the ideas »f the
Speaker. Grant, for the Take of argument,
that four persons may be accommodated at
the windows. theie. not be other
applications? Was any gentleman prepar
ed to fay how many would be made It
the permiitton were once granted to one,
would it not be necelfary to extend it to
all r Would the Heufe fuiFer any indivi
dual to have ail exclulive benefit whereby a
U a nip of authenticity would be fixed on his
llatements 1
This bufinefs,in one fliape or other,had ot
ten been before the house ; and all con ve il
lation refpeiling it had always issued in lea
ving it to the regulation ot the Speaker.
This appeared to him the best termination it
could receive.
From tlie attention he had paid to the de
bates reported this felTt.ol, he beliaved thf 111
to the better and more accurately taken,
then they had been on former occalions.
This to him was proof that the pre lent litu
ation of ire stenographers was a good one.
lie at the fame time, that
the ability with which thedc ates were ta
ken entitled thole who took them to the
best ate mimodatien the house could afford.
He concluded with renewing the motion tor
a referent e to a feleft committee.
Mr. Nicholas replied that no debate had
taken place which could test the accuracy of
the tienogfaphers. From his own experi
ence he pronounced the situation at prelent
occuried utterly inconvenient. What he
' had I'ome days finte remarked bad been imi
tated. He wett k'hfW that this did not aril
frcm the mabilitv of the reporter to state
cov.reftly what occurred. He knew him to
he intelligent, and fully capable of conceiv
ing and conveying the meaning ot any re
marks which could be made in that bouse
Hut it arore from his lituation, from which
it was inipoflible to hear diftin&ly.
He declared the objections ol Mr. Otis
in relatii-,1 to the number of applicants,
perfectly chimerical. Did the gentleman
fnppole tljiit tlie number would be lo gieat
as to make a demand on our feats ? As
1 well might he imagine this, as that they
! would l'well to the ideal compass be had
j given them. It was known to the haafe,
i that at Philadelphia the number was irwall;
' seldom, ipQre than two, and uiten not more
j than one perfevtred during the leffion, tho'
i a greater number appeared on its earlieit
' days. and experience, therefore, de
| moiillrated the fallacj of the danger appre
hended from this source.
A question was then taken on the refer
ence to a fele& committee, and carried,
ayes 42, nays 34.
And a committee of five, viz. Messrs.
Otis, Nicholas, Plact, Morris, and Hill, was
appointed. __
For the third time here.
December 10
Will be presented, » celebrated new Cemedy, in
5 s£ts, called
Speed the Plough.
.Written by Thomas Morton, Esq. author of Co
. lum'i*' l , the Way to ge Married, Cure fdr the
Children it) the Woods, &c. See. and
now performing at tlieCovcut
Garden Theatre, with appl lufe.
Wttb new scenery and decorations.
Sir Philip Blandford, mr Cooper ; Morrnigton,
mr Wignell: Sir Abel Haniy, mr. Warren;
Boh IHaniy, mr Wood ; Henry, mr. Cain ;
Farmer-'Meld, mj. Bernard; Evergreen, mr
Morris; Gerald, mr Prigmore ; PoOillion, rvsr
Ho 1 .kins; Young Handy'sSerrant, mr.
Peter, Mr Baity
Mil. Ulan If rd, miss E'. Weflny ; Lady Handy,
mrs Shaw; SnUn Afhfield, mif> Weftray ;
Dame Alhfield, mrs Francis.
Country I.aG'es—anf« Arn»ld, miss Solo:noss,
mrs Do&or, mrs Stuart, &c l&c
In act IT,
A Country Dance,
By thecharailers.
To Ahichwill be added, a fjv >rite Farce, in
two atf.<, ca'led
The Prisoner at Large ;
Or, the Humours of Killarney.
3000 Bushels Lisbon
On board the Soow M.iry, for sale by
Wi«v &, & ROBT. G. LATIMER.
December 6
Sweet Malaga Wine.
300 Quarter Calks, on hanl, of the Mentor scar
g... irom Malaga—Entitled to 18 cents per gal
lon, drawback ppiy to
No. 1 49, south Front street.
N. B. A lad of reputable connexions, (-f 'an
oMiginf, mild temper, who writes a tolerable hanJ,
and is w. 1 ver£eJ in arithmetic, will be taken as
an apprentict■- Apply as above.
Dccembci 8. "3' 1
» PETITION to 'he Lrgylature in behalf of
A un/alisjicd Land War* ants, is waiting
for the Signature of luch persons as may be in
terested, at the office OF M. M. Connell,
at No- 143 Chefnut, a few daors above Fourth
ftreet. . t
December 8. '■3 t *
Samuel Reynolds, ,
TA rL 0 B,
H?.s isrnovedvirom No. 4 n , No. 44,
Soutli ThircV-llreet, next door above the
Bank of the "United. States.
Nov. 15. eod2W
20 Dollars Reward.,
RAN away from the frigate Condellation, j
captain Murray, at Marcus Hook, 2 mu-
Utta man, named William Williams, but
better known by the name of JOHNS! ON.-
He was fifer to the marines on board said ship,
; sbaut 2i ye:rs of ape, 5 feet, 7 or 8 inches
high, 4 little pock marked, full tacec! and free,
! open countenance, stout made, his hair tied in
a (hort queue —Had on when he went away, an
! olive coior'd jacket, and pantalooßS, the colour
of which is not recollected. Having been ac
' caftomed to the sea, it is probable he has enter
| ed, and failed, onboard some merchant (hip.—
I Ten Dollars will be given, ft csrtain loforma
j tion, what vefftl he has failed on board of, or
j the above reward and realo*able expences, for
securing him, in any part of the United States,
and giving immediate information thereof, to
Richard Cur.san, Efquire# of Baltimore,
James Seton, Efqr. of New-York, or the
fubferiberb iu, Philadelphia,
Thomas C 3* Peter Ma die,
No. 119. south Front ftrcet.
December %■
A quantity of Home made
Sheeting, to be fold on rcafonable terms, at Tho
and Shreeves, ■ No 37> north Frontureet,
Ncw'aury Smith, >'o. 56 north Second-street;
and Rogers and DonnalJfon, No.- 41, High
ftrect. .
As the manufacturing this linen 13 solely to give
employment to thf Poor, during the winter fca
fon, and asthenics of the Society who emjiley
them, ire much reduced, they hope their fellow •
citizens, who are in Want) of this article, will i; lve
their aid,by purchasing, to enable them to carry
on the manufactory the enluing . w ' ntc !^ri o p «r>
N. B. Also a quantity of good SHOE > HREAJi
at Isaac r. Hopper, No- 39,Pine-ttr»et,
Bank of North America.
Notice is hereby given to- the
>v ockholders of the Bank of Nprth Amer
ica, tint'on tti'e second Monday, the nth day
of January next, an Eleiiion of twelve Direc
tors f>r '.hi enf'iing year, will be li»»4 at the
Bai k at lo of the clock in t'ne f >ren«on.
H- DRINKER, jaiir. Cathier.
December 9. tavr . wSult 1 1 j■
The Partnership
WAS Defolved the 3d instant, by mutual
conl'ent, and James Creflbn is duly au
thorized lo fettle the concerns of Did firm.
December 9. .
Wanted to charter,
A Vessel,
: iSmf 0 f jjo or 280 tons burthen.
Apply to
James, Clibborn, & Englijh;
li mo. 9th. $
M R. Y,
Captain RICH,
A ttauoch good vessel, will take
freight on very low term, if immediate application
19 made to the captain on board, at Pine street
wharf, or to
Wm. G. ilf Robt. C. Latimer.
N. B- A few palT«ngers can be plcafantly af
December 8.
The Cargo
Capt. Stocilry, front Baiavia,
Coffee sugar & pepper
Of the beji quality,
William IValn.
December 9. 6'
Lorain &. Son,
?so. 5>
North Third-Sweet,
Chintzes &c Calicoes,
Irish linens, sewing f»lk and best rich scars twist;
ir'cdtch threads, with a variety of other lcafonable
Dry Goods,
And a large supply of
Carpets and Carpeting,
Of the latelt and molt falh'Oiiible figures. •
To be sold or bartered, ,
For Dry Goods, a handsome -hree-Uory
With piazza ar.ft kitchen adjoining, situate In
Vin« uear Fourth Itreet, built in modern fii)e,
with excellent materials, and well calculated to
accommodate a large family.
decomher 10 dot—fatt
Genteel Boarding
In a private family for
" T W O L A B I E S,
With the accommodation 0/ two Roorr.s.
0- A PPLY to Mr. Joseph Anthony, N-o
94 Market Street, or to John Maybin, No. S
Chefnut Street.
December 1. 3 tawaw
A Genteel Three Story
in Spruce ntar Third street,
Enquire of
Bceember 8. eod.iw
French School,
IST. GOUIN DUFIEF, profoffor of the French
language, will open on Tuslday, the 9th of De- j
cember, at Mrs. Beck's Academy, in Fifth ilreet, j
opposite the State Houft garden, a,morning lchool
or young ladie9,from eleven till one o'clock (every
otker day.) .
Parents or guardians are desired to make e?.riy
application, that the fckohrs may have the mutual .
advantage of beginning at o»ce.
N. G. Dufief, ha« the honor to inform them
that he is the auther of a course of pra&ical lec
tures and conferences on the mod eflentiai parts of
the French language, by means of which, the lear
ner is soon initiated in the most approved practice
of this polite and fafhionaMe language.
analysis of his Jvaw of tu'tion, and of his
work having been given at length in the public
papers, they are referred to the Gazette o£ the
Uoited States and the Aurora for r.eptcmber last.
For terms and other p:rticulars apply at No 5,
feuth Fifth street, or at Mrs. Beck's on the days
and hours of tuition aforefaid.
December». eod6t -H
War Department,
November 13, 1800.
Gentlemen who have applied for mi
litary appointments in the ferVic# of the
United States are informed that their applica
tions with al. the recommendatory letters accom
panying were conlumed by fire in the War Of
fice, on Saturday evening last. Tboie wb »
continue to desire to tve e-onfidered as candidates
will fee the propriety of renewing their fcppli-
Secretary of War .
THE Printers in the.diffcrent States are
requeftud to giv« tbil a place in their Gazettes
By this Day's Mail
From Europe.
SALEM, December i.
From the Gazzette Universale.
A. pap;r received from Caut. Wm. Brown,
of the Brutus, at Legh'orn.
Under Vienna, September 13, we find,
the inl"pe£tars of the army by a new appoint
ment were, of the infantry on the Rhine,
Marquis Zoph, and of the cavalry. General
Linden. In Italy, of the.infantry, General
Mirrowfky, and of the cavalry, General
M lzen. Commander in the Tyrol wa*
Marquis Hiller. . The quarte'r-maiier in
Italy, was General Zach. Commandera in
the infuvredlioii of. Hungary, againfl. the in
surgents were the Prince EUerh.ily, and the
Gfnerals Kejpoth, Mefaros, Benjoulky, and
Spleney, the younger.
Albaiii, formerly auditor of the Apofloli
cal Court!, has received the agreeable notice,
that his Holiness ha* conferred upon him the
honours of the Cardinallhip among the firft
promotions. This aft has been generally
applauded, (.fpecially by all who knew his
merit, and the talents which he.can very ad
vantageously employ is the service of the
Catholic Church.
The Ruffian fleet had entern(}..tlj*^iJiN>N i .
danelles their return from the Medit
erranean into the Black cea.
BOLOZNO, Sept. 16.
We have now in the Tyrol, 55,600 sol
diers 85 Companies of Rangers, and the
people under military discipline.
FLORENCE, Sedt. 23.
The prizrs in Painting, Architecture and
Sculpture were diftri'outeii with great ponip.
In Sculpture the exhibitions were much ap
LEGHORN Sept. 26.
Among other arrivals is a Danilli Convoy,,
the Siren oi 40 guns and 286 men with £
merchant vessels. They come from Berjen r
but had touched at Cnglieri.
UOME, Sept. 26.
The free trade in Grain, which by an.
editSl has been Granted has had the mill
sudden and happy effe£l. The arrival ot
merchantveflels at Civitavecchia, at Fiumici
no, and Rida Grande has supplied our vrants>
and we trust has dtflroyed tiie i n Vetera ted,
obstinate and ill judged commercial reltriA
ions of our Ports.
lu the rcyal editt of Naples is the follow
ing 7th article. All the military corps of
the city and provinces shall have a protettor,
who (lull be the royal hereditary prince, and
there (hall be befidt-s, a commandant infper
tor general, aud fub-infpedprs, which Hiall
be the militiry government of Capua, arid
the presidents of the other provinces.
BOSTON, December 3.
We were Uft evening f'urnilhed with the
Trinidad G.izette of the 18th Oa»ber,
which is feveml days later than the account*
from Havanna, which mention its capture
by the French and Spaniards. In this Ga
zette we find a Proclamation of Governor
Picton, dated the nth of oftober 1800,
allowing In cmifequence of an alarming scar
city of all tlie articles of provision* Ameri
can veflels, coming ditedUy froiji the Uni
ted States, to bring provisions and lumber
of all kinds, the growth of the United
Slates, and to receive in exchang-, ary
.other article, the adual produce of that co
lony, except Indigo, Cotton, Lignum Vitae
Wood, for fix months from the date there
Captain Chipman, who arrived here on
Sunday, in 21 days from St. 1 homas s
heard nothing of the Havanna jreport of the
combined squadron in the Weft-Indies ; and
as the convoy with which he iiiUd cane
from windward, concludes the whole to be
a forgery.
,Apprehensions are entertained for the
fafety of the brig Pickering, lieutenant Hil
ler, of 14 guns, and the Inlurgent frigate,
captain Hetcher, of 36 guns. The foimer
was out in the severe gales of September,
about which tiriie, in lat. 23, a large copper
bottomed brig, with quarter boards, and a
range of ports, was seen bottom upwards#
The Pickering was bound to S:. Kitts.
The Merrimack, of 44 g ulls > ca P ta ' n
Brown, is on the windward llation.
This day arrived, fchoouer's Hope, Grant,
Havannah ; Sukey, Cross, Surinam; brigs
Greyhound, Saunders, Alicant, 46 days ; 13et
fey, Winthrop,,Turks Maud, »,? days
This day arrived, ship Anna, Lilly, Dorm
rica, at days. Left there brig Enterpn/e,
Cunningham, ef and for Wifcaflct, to i ail in a
few dcys i Mary Caroline, Robinson, of and
for Portland, recaptured; fchponer Cjiithu,
of and for Salem, recaptured! Satisfaction, of
and for WifcafTet, just arrived. November
t 6, latitude su, 40, longitude 67, lpoke brig
I Atlantic, of this place, CJark, for Jamaica, 14
I days out, all well.
NEW-YORK, December 9.
[Communicatedfor publication in the Ahr
ca itile Advertiser.]
Ry the Eight Honorable Lord Hugh Sey
mour, Vice Admiral of the blae, an l
commander in chief ot Hi.- Mafrfly's
(hips and vessels employed and to be em
ployed at and about ) amuica, and the li.i-.
hama Maids, &c &c.
All vessels which; arrived at
previous to the capitulation being !,
which added that coluny to His lirr.ann.ic
Majefly's p< ffeffions, are St liberty to tie ir
Out with the like articles, and,paying tl.t.
\ . \*
» ■J •