I Nuvxrit 25591 Tie price of tbis Gazette is E-rr,j:r Dollahs per annum to Subset iters residing in the city of Philadelphia. All ot hers . > oKx.lMlar '-td *k ruiing ; and unless seme forioit in tbis c>'ty will become- for the subscription, it must be paid Six Montis in Advance. *«* A T o Subscription will be received for a shorter term thin six months. December 1 1799- ALMANAC Prom Vecembtr 9 —to Decenirr «6. ..o» • r- • \J'edn»fday Thuri'daf Friday Saturday Sunday Man Jay T uefaay SUM" ■ ■»'»«» im - 1 *J— —*4 n 7 *4 4 3& 7 «4—4 36 •' 7 M 4 56 • - - 7 »J 4 »J 1 »i—4 5J 7 »J 4 SS Wedn«fday ThofMaj FrMaf Saturday Mouthy» Toefday Now Landing, BY THE SUBSCUIi EllS At wharf, The Cargo Of the brig Hope, capt. VTClure, from Kingston, Jamaics —confifl.ir.jf of 11 Hhd». inil 3 bbls. Sugar 80,000 Carrn as Cocoa of the full quality a,500 Bbl:. Coffee- ALSO, FOR SALE, -1 THI SAID la B RIG - As /h« cairw from f.-a, i* coppered -»wd 1ji!» remark aWf I'afl, aud tan be fenc to Sea at a very fmi'l txpe'fe. , Wm. <*. & LA 1 IMER. D'c i 1!? Passengers & Freight WANTED FOR Port Republican. THE °HIP > gggL DISPATCH, Capt. Maxwell, Will positively fail for '.'•rtßepubli ca-i on Wcdncfday nest ll perf»n» dtfir.uso! taking paflagears rrquefted W a ply as fpceitty a. polßble, to captain Maxwell, on board the flup ly ing at the firft whajf btlow Ra c (Irer.t or ro PRATT W KIN i ZING .? * fr mw ' r Pour le Port Republicain, r.\i Le Navere Difpatcb, CapUint Max writ, p.iftira nv rcre» ■ . '• 7, <•« crcchain font t'su'f. Let perf net i ll ' pater on mettre del Jtii" *Tt gierchan'iife< fliblo au ap tahic Vl.xw II a br.Mrtii N.v£re ii 'uille pris d« p-smier (l u■ i 2U deff>us il* Rut BalT*ifi 3» ou A Meflieurs kKaTT W KIN t-IN© Le 5 P6c-mbre tSco. -t " For Sale, TH t SCHOONER M ELIZA y K/\TY, Gt Parker, matter ; apyj-jTy Bui then no tons, 4 months old, (a:ls as>. is pierced I'oruv gttoS. Ap ply to the mailer on board at Dowhing's whaif, or S AMUEL RHOAD3, No. l, Penn Street. No 1 -nib-r 21 • ,dtf For Hamburgh, rtc Hamburgh ship ®s&Three Friends, John n «ttr linferi, master, A fuMl 1 ;y)l (lron£ goo I v.-ff I, aitd w.-H ft und is intendcj to fail | revi us to the a.sth of Decem ber. two thirds of her biitfr r.ady to go on board—For the remaipdcr, or pafl* jr , apply to JACOB SPERk Y Co. Who have received per /aid vejfel and are now Landing, jP I.ATILLAS ROY ALES Bri'annias Qnidrup'c Selefia« Check* No a, at d Lifladoes Crt-r s a la Morlajx AHbi is V.ri: ci S«kfu Hi'.-dhtrthUfi &»«■<» OS CMii Gnu Flint* Aljo on Handy Checks and Irises Boccaditlo*, Britannia*, C*if f rillo.s Brr>wn Rolls EftopiMts, Crcas a;a Mor laix, liielcQelJ fine Shirting, Unncn*, Dow!uf s> Siamoifov Tapes GlafsW arcs.Ci ffee Mills. Scythes, Demyjohns. Quills. a» BENJAMIN CLARK, Clock & Watch Maker, HAS REMOVED To No. 36, Mahket Street, Where he has for Sale, Spring and other Clocks ; gold and iilvf Watches; Tools, Files and Materials; flee nd gilt Chains, Seals and Keys ; Springs, k.c. itc. CLOCKS ANP WATCHES Repaired as usual. M June 3 tuStftf Gazette of the United States,, Daily Advertise?. Black Pepper, December 1. IMPORTED, In the (hit- Atlantic, captain Waters, from Calcutta and Via ra«, 7 And for sale by the fubferiber, A great variety of articles mostly suitable for exportation, among which are Blue cloths Necfcan#es Soot Ronials Vciitapulams Mi ira« Lorsg Cloths Ditto Handkerchiefs. ALSO 2000 bags prime Sugar, Hyson and Souchong Ten, JOHN MILLE'\, Jlinr, JVo. i»o, JJcck street. o&qber 10 rr.wf tf H. M. 9 « 9 S* 10 40 11 .VI 0 *9 1 10 » »7 Saulnier 5c Wilson, fVoollen Drapers, Mercers, &c. No. 63, (North Sidl ) Markst Strut, HAVE RECEIVED, By the late arrivals from Eur pe, a general as sortment, confining of BEST London lupirfiue broad clofhs second quality do Double mill'd, ribb'd, mint, embnfs'd and firlt rate fuprrfine cafliineres of Ml colours Forests,; tains and rlciflic stripe clutia Superfine cloths and »thcr coati' gs Blue, drab and Oliver fearnought Backing lizet and fl onels of different colour* MewcStlalb - n fwa fdewns it other w ifteoating Fafhional le and plain biackfajtins B'act Cik fl irentjrn F nicy cord velvet, thickset and corduroy Different colour* fi'k velvets C. at and veil lailiii nahle gilt, plated, pearl and ftfel hntt >r.s Raw fi.k, !.»4vi*rai) I woollen gloves Irish linen,brown ho.land and d wlafs v alicucs, muslins, checks, (hawls and dimity Flat; binjj»unoe» an I »ockrt handk'rchkfs Coloured ar.d nutisthr«a ,s of all numbers AlT.irted liUnketl Taylor/ bti! trin)tnir)g«. ,' < Also on Hand, A few bales o< iupcrni e Cloths and Caffimers, entitled to drawback—all wh th th' > will difpoli of at the molt reduced prices. aoveuibtr >4 ~ dtf Landing fron the ship America, Waite. Sims, Commander, from Canton, AND FOR SALE Br NICKLIN, GRIFFITH & Co. Bouf.A, Conyo, SOUChOug, ift jcnd quality Caper fnLchongi Hi Ciin t •r lowig liyn n, HffiiW irt & id quality, 11.. |> - r : i, Yellow lc whilcrunkcen» Sinlbawt do. f .V > •. , Sattiss do. j Lnttflihigli iiiaz. hlue Jc dirf green j n Si haws '!■> f . IVi lian »;flctas, da-k green ) axe Tbey l\ive •on -•>.'/ r yjlc, received h tbe late arrivals from lit, rope, isfa. 1 Infmai'.ptck- Striped and checked ginghams i apes aHWijed, White • f.urt i< ■roitir'u Aim- ■ '.:alcniat. c ■lcothrr, . 5 (Jo. uaiU jfl'Tted, 0 in) r< i "rter iri b>>t! Irs ■'ng ilh fail cant as, i\ T o. I, i Stj, xck white Ha nnra fujar, I i Hi it- s n'.d Vtiucir; wine, Ounpnw'er , |f !• niptv wine 'lottlcs, 10 G%ns, (i pt-i c'.i r-, II ii->. 9 'ln. 18 do 9 do. with i arr':2gr». ftc. i|fi|MoVM. Ctntou coffee, i!l f Entitled to jOtCOoHis black pepper f drawback XO L g. eho. y J M:y aj. d printed Marleilles for veils Swanl'dou'l"-- iinpcdand n!*id. Cotton Checks (five) 7 8, 4*"i *!-?» »nd 6-4 ifltk nntl coloured Barcelona hamikercsicii Jaciia Bar..'anna do ct fuper;or quality hite, Ked jnd Ytliow Francis GutrnlVy Worsted Frocks A few dozen k>eli elallic Suspender*. He has Alio Just Received, a well. alTorted Invoice ol India Muslins, co«»iiti»c pr Berbkoom Gurraha Piiim Biftaa Alahabid Emertica Do. GutuM Cnnt,>any Gurtiporj , Jaana Marooi-JW». ; I B y tht B»l* or Piece. OAoUrlSi 1 diwjiwrf. Saw Manufactory. FRANCIS MASON, N. . iovfouth Fifth ftrc^c, M\NUPaC« URBS >nill, crof* cut and pitt saws; equal in qiality, appearance and fl.npe to any ever imported; which he fells wholefa''. at the folitwing.|4rice—6 feet mill fa** f. i- i v lar each ; cross-cut do. 50 cents per fo6t; pitt do, 60 cents per foot. Wo >d-Cutters csft (led saws, and every oth*r kind, male to any particular dire«fl»>n. novembcr 18 dim John Whitesides, TNi OAM° his frier and ;he pyhlic ir gentral that he his taken the BREWER^, (lite William Dawfon's) No. 50. north Sis*h street —where they m»r \ c supplied with Porur, ih by being more durable and pot so liable tc get cut of repair, and by copying any number of writings atone time, without making ar.y alteration in the machine, and their occu pying Utile room 1 he very general sfe into which thef? ma chines a-e now broupiit jn life in London,and other large trading cities, and the fatmfa&ion teftifie l by ait wt:o pofTefs them, render it un nec.fliry to enlatgt any further nfc their advan tage, both in point of ac«iracy and secrecy and in the laving of time, labour and expence. r.ovc'mber t tn&fa tf NOTICE. Bank of the United States, NOV i-MBSR 17, *BO . 1 1 HE of the Bank of I e Unite i Stnes arc ini»rmci, that acc«M!ng to ed. tu :5Jy Thomas Grr, -- 0 -* 5 2 > >• SOUTH DireA from the patedtre. PROPOSALS FO't POiLISWIKG THE Powers of Genius, A P Q E M, IN THREE PAItTS; To which are attached General Criticisms on Author A* D ILLUSTRATIONS OF GENIUS. J]y the Rev. John Blair Linn, Minittcr t,f the Firtt Frtfby ocean Church, in the City of Philadelphia. This work will be put to press as Co m as pcflible, It will (orin a duodecimo vo ume ; will be printed wi'h elrganc:, on paper ot ths he!) quality, and will b- Mivere-4 to fubferi'-t rs at th price - dollar, in boards. The work will be printed un der the ore, and at the cxpence ol the author. Subfcriptims are received by Afimry Kick, ens. *»* Thof» pcrf. ns into wbofehands fubfeription pap rs are deiiv.rid, are refpodHully r. quefte.i to return them to the author, or to Mr. Dickins, Bo kt'eiler, at the fx: i ration of three weeks Irom this date. Phi'ariri'rTtfi f)tfr6" PROPOSAL BY THOMAS DOBSON, At the Stone-Housc % No. 41, south Second street, Philadelphia, FOR PUBLISHING BYo 'B-crUPTION, ENCrCLOP.EDU ; OR A DICTIONARY Arts, Sciences, AND Miscellaneous Literature; On a Plan entirely New, By which The different Sciences*and Arts Are ditrcftp' into the Form , Ddii.ft TREATISES, or SYSTEMS,j comprehending pHE IlifVo^y, Theory »nd_ Pra&ice ©f each, I accorin every nation fr yn r.he eai licllH.cs lewn to the present times vra pried Irom the vviitjngs oi tie best auth rs. in leveral language- ; the mofl appreved di&ionarie*. u well oi general fcierccjs as of psrtuuiar hrsncj.es ; the tranw&ior.s, jour .uls and memoirs, cf learned f defies, both at home and abr.ad ; the Ms* Ledurcs of eminent pfrofeflfors oil different fcit n ces; and a variety ct crigina- materials, .♦'ur::i(h-d by an rxtenfive cwrrefponder.ee The FuhJifher h vmg been solicited to furnifli sets of shis valuable and impor'ant work t>y on volume at a time, which, by dividing the pay merit , make the acquififion t the work more convenient to purch icrs, pro ofesto dispose of the few remaining copies on the follow tfcg CONDITIONS. The Work being already completed in Eigh teen large Quarto Volmes in boards, Lie jrantly piinted on Sup-ifine paper, iTulVa ted with five hundercd and forty two Ccp per*plat«r I. A Volume in boards will be delivered to each SubA 1 iher evfcry three months till the Whole be delivered. 11. The price to the Subscriber will be Seven D.'llam am! a H If for every Volume in in boards, payable on delivery, whirh will atr.<;ui,t to One Hußilied a~d Thirty-ftre Dolla-s for tie Eighteen Volumrs, being tl e pfeftnl price for complete Sets f the work. 111. .ich iubfcrihei lh 1 piy the p ice ©t one Vol l n;e in advance, thai is, wkc th- firft Voluiße is de, verfd the price of t"e fir it and " ghte-iith Vulni'e to ' e paid, atd the other Volumes to be paid o-- de'iv-ry. Any Sublcribf-r who may choose to have the whole in ath r:er time than the above en ion ed periods, miy have a:y umber ®f Volumes that may be agreeable at the fame time at the above prices. I o prevent any mifundt rftanding it is pro per 11 txpfefs that no Volume wil! be dtkvere 1 t.i any pet fen with ut the mon y, and as tKe ?ets on hand ire but few in numb- r, it will be requfit that fmh jstchoofetobe omt Subscribers (houH. apply as early as to prevent d>f appointment* f 0" The Subfrript'OD* will be received by Thorn * Dobfon, as above : Dec 6. ' iaw6w A. Dickins, Opposite Christ-Church HAS JUST PUBLISHED, A neat and correct Edition OF The Exercises, ADAPTER TO Murray's Engjijh Grammar, Defigucd t»r the bcnsUt oi private Learners as well far the uTe of Sthouls, with Key, BY LINDLEY MURRAY. [Price one Dol.ar.j tTcemHer 5, RUSSELL's Modern Europe. pHE Second Volume of VJODfcRM EUROPE r 1 is now dcfiverirgto 1 may b had of W. Y. Birch, 0. 17, Souah Second Street Oflober 15. he American * LADIES FOCKET BOOK, AN*.' .% Gentlemen's POCKET REMEM. BRANCEK, For rus YESR i r o3. Just Published, jßy William YBirch, No. 17, South S:ciH]3-(ir?et. 7 liE Laili?t' Book contains an intcreftlng' Ic?n° iu tiiL life (jit Geiitr-.l \ abelltfhe-* wish a beautiful y ; copying machincsi P a P r and btk powder, fine hot-pres sed post ; an of -the latelt ar.d best Maps ok rol-ert, twelve elegant AtlaiTes He keeps a ways for laier, a gcnrr .l aflortment of stationary ; Ladies 7 and Gentlemen's pofcket books, with and without icltruments; raaho* gany writing desks, pe:-, and fruit knives, play cards, &c &ci Dcember4. we6w P.A T. B N T American Balloon, • • • „■ • • , Vertical Aerial Coachce. Till* • cw, curi us, and elegant M A C H I N T E , Which has ieci: ixiutwi -ti to, an.' j c ;ttoda ted 1 hoijfutd* ps ft ,-ins hi ;>'ew-York, •s no fix.-op at the CI:tCUS, IN FIFTH STREET, In t'■ » city. r f , HB Properties of th s wor.dciful C. nOrnc -1 tion are a bcncfi «ai "s they are various affordirg the m 11 delicate p tr..ure, aud at '.*)« fame time < p<*»a?ine m a refotativ to health, unci for which purje-fe the frequent use Of it is reeimtnended by th • faculty, iu the tick, ibe weak and th.fe The roo'ion of t' e liaUoon is from four to ab»u: twenty miles per hour. The ' at? of ira ve ii>£, however, will be regulatfd by the will of the pafle'.gers ; ei;:lit of whom can bs c mfortably acvor-jtnodated; but the Balloon will fct «'ff with two onl,. Sweet the air, behold below, i hs dtyi country lar arovmd. And then tjeier tin,, quick or 0 iw, V' u tbink y» u move on ground. Coaflanr attendan e will ! e giVji.; f. . a ievr days ... ly. wl.en th# exhibition I ttdfs.— Every refpctftflil attention w.li tie (hewn by PHINEAS PARKER. Ada i:rmce to view, c&e-cighth »f a d.iHar ; and f.ir exercifmg the machine (in the whole) one-fourth of a d inar Any p:r!'r-:: desirous o' purchasing the exten sive privilege thereof for this city <.r State, will be informed i f the terms by applying as above. P. P ig ' Piopofals : T Forpubtijbingy by r ■ ■ A- D I G E Of th» Liw trt'jft' "" • -yrfr n?iutf : i Bj !(.» 'fifpfcrnffb. «r G«r'. Ua, > II U b» jtintat*' page CoT Wittr tbtlfWß (flatten edition, Mfa'' t«d, V>d feM llwmM "MMf.,* ■ ' U t«uc«i£*» t*o «6> . IQWrt^T.'vil<>ai*o.*W (• USty'tbirtkrM« . it ftte (loJt»w ipj'fifty eci?it |trl£«£-ro owi&b'J • (crlbcn thf >»lct wftl befo»p»h«r " The pritt of rtirfNnilnil wllrlrT l< trirtk d/4)«r*i. Tkcfc«wh* XaMw* lot afcta feu- **♦ * ninth gtatj. j ,{ The wtyi W% wilt eotSft of MM hatirfKJ'|>Hpv>H vfcitii , by the of I rj-TK« bookftflßrt-ifV PMlflotohit IK r4jp«4» *r adwW m Qurn, bj dm uVcnM'iV wllr »fu»l.,lo« Witm, Tfcaft wBo ' wtlt Mrif« U •pyjybf tote# ICO cs«'priiS}t>«rt**. : rt>* ps i**f* f«»i that tfths winter.. Walpok (N H.) 1806 (2.3) *•. /MjadeJf^^nev.L v. ' .^BipaS>.d.: ■, •: M. r» . ' -*•'. r>JA>«-*}s • Mi»iiiSfruK V ■ .«** ■■ t . » .V November 12. >..***» ' [yoLomt XVIM« m -