Gazette of the United States, & daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1800-1801, December 08, 1800, Image 1

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    sj • - . t - . , " , m
Gazette of the United States, & Daily \ I
By C. P. Wayne, No. 6s, South Front-street.
Numbfh 2558'; P //I LADFLP If I A, MOtwAY EVENING, DECEMBER 8, 1800. .. {Foiuvn XVIM
' • N» * '
PHILADELPHIA PRICES CURRENT, in Dollars and Cents. December 8, 1800. I
/—''' ' ' " -
<0 The Allowing Duties are such as arii'e on Importations in American Veflels. An Additional Duty of Ten per Cent, is impcrfej on all Goods, Wares, and Merchandize
Imported in Foreign iiottoms.
Wholesale From Fo
______ ___ - —— _
A LLUM C 8 9 Free
■J-*- Alraonds # 22 i^prctadv
Anchors U 124 ditto. i
Aii'espot none |
Bacon ib i° n
Beef, mess B 14
prime 12 13
9 11
Beer 6
Bread, fliip C 4
pilot 8 9
Braziletto T \
Bricks M 6 5°
Stock 26 27
Brimftotoe, roll C S S 5° |
Butter in kegs lb 's'" ir> 4
CANDLES dipt 16 17
mould 20 (
Spermaceti S°
Cards, wool
Cassia 7 S 80 Isprctad>'
Cheefc, Englifti 33 7 telrts -
American 10 n (
Chocolate, BolLon 26
Pliilad. 27 i
Cinnamon none
Cloves '3° 160 Isj»rctad.v
Clovtr feed, red Id 20 do
wlute 20
Timothy ou 4
Herd grass 1 5°
Cocoa C * a 24 2 cts pr lb
C.flre lib ZS *7 5 celUs
Coal, fcreign bn 5 cents bushel 1
Viiffinis 3° 33 '
Catton St. Domingo!b 33 47 , cen :spr ll<
Suvrinam 5° j '
Georgia lea ill. 45
upland 36 37
Cordage, American C '4 «J 18
RulTih, tarred 13 iBocentsprC.
Copper, pot, flicets, Ib 60 J
Bottoms 40 V Freo
Pat. liieathi 60 J
Copperas C 35° 4 do
Corks 33 43
Cu rrants, Zant I
DUCK, Ravens p 1.17s 12 1 n( . rct
750 pas'."
Holland icarce J
FEATHERS lb 45 s=-
Filli,cod dry qu 45° 5
do, pickled
Salmon do. B 9 10
do. finoaked
Shad 3 8
M-ac.karel 6 8 50
Herrings 4 4 25
Flax Ih '3 f ' irC:
Flaxfeed H 10 50 11
Flour, fupei fine B 10 10 -$
common 9 5° 9 75
Burr middlings 7 8
meal 4 75 5 25
Indian rtieal 4 5-' 4 75
Ship f't'fF C■ 2 33 267 I
Furs, Otter Ik 3,3 160
8.-aver I i 2
Sal l>Piee |
Mink fk :,3
Mufkrat, j 33 J
1 1
* Note. Salt weighing more than 56 lb. per burtiel, pays 20cents per jfi fcs. per bushel or li;fs, 20 cents per bushel, in American vessels ;if in foreign vessels 2 2 cents—" From the Cape of Good Hope, or beyond H
per cent it added to the colt of all goods paying an advalorem duty."
t The aforementioned rate of duties upon Teas refpeft those imported direftly from rndia——Tf from Europe, bohea tea p<*ys 14, souchong ir, imperial and hyson 40 cents per Ib. If from auv other place, bohea pays 17
Jouohong 27, imperial and hyson 50 cts per lb. in Americanbottoinr. In Foreign bottoms from Europe, 17 t-5, 27, 50 cents per lb. From any other place, 18, 7-10, 29 7-10. 55 cents per lb.
All du tied articlesfimported into the United State;, lvot having b.-en landed more than one year, are allowed a drawback of the duties fubjeft to a deduition ot one per cent except spirits, which is one lialf cent per gallom
iifT" Of those articles that ha»t no nrice affixed to them, their is either none at market, or such price cannot be ascertained as to depend upon it. x
Law Books
Imported by fandry late arrivals Irom London
and Dublin,
i Is now arranged and ready for fait,
No. 3 r<), Marlet-Jirecty
Where Catalogues will he delivered or appli
HK take. this opportunity of returning his sin
cere acknowledgments to th- Gentlemen of
the Bar, and th*ir ftuient* in the United States,
for tha patronage his dtfign h~>i met with, for ef
tablidiing a istclufirely for thq sale of Lavr
Books rh« adra itafs which offer thenifclvci
to tht.profcirio*, from having such to apply t», he
tru'!» are rendered obvious by the confidera'ion,
that confining his atfnnon -othe Imrtrtatii-n of
books, only in that Line, he hs« it in hi* power to
keep eonfiantly by turn, a general and moll valu
able fspply of the latcl and l'ttt Edition*, arii
from bis ready tales, to ciifp ifcol them, oa terms
so moderate as to prcclutV "he ueceflity of gentle
men importing their own Libraries,
ARy commands kf be favsurtd with, from
a finale volume to any number, foall thauUiu'iy
nd promptly be attended to.
November 7.6 w&fr am
OLD Long Primer,
Small Pica on Pica B«dy,
Englifb, Chafes, Oompofing Sticks, and a rca
varicty of articles necefiary to carry on the Fritt
ing Bufioefi. They will be folAcheap tor cash
Apply to the Printer.
VV iiolciaio I From . »
CURItENT PRICK. "H fc). C. D. C. DUll ' s
Martin fk 5: T :
Grey Fox 47 1
Red Fox I
Racoon 33 53 I
Fiflier jo , I
Bear t5O 3
Wild Cat 40 50 I
foutlirn 2- 1\
Deer in hair, full ib. 16 17
Ditt&red J p
Fuflic T
INGER, Rate C Bjo ijpr etadv
ijT d< . Jam. gvd. lb 12 14 do
GlafojWind.B by 10bx 12 13 15 pet ad v
7by 9 ' do
Glue . Ib Ij
Grain, Whejft bu 1 <,O 2
Rye 75 80
Indian corn 70 So C
New corn 50 53
Oats 33 40
Grain, Barley bu 67 89*.
bell shelled Ib 6
Gunpowder Eng. kg 10 12
do Amer. 8 50
HAMS, Pork lb 15 154 15 pet ad v N
Hair-powder 100 fts p-C
Ht-mp, Russia T 1
.iides, La Guira Ib to >• Fr?e |
St. Domingo 10 J
Green 3I C
Hoops,Hhds. fhav«d M
1 Hogs-lard lb 14 ij
Honey, country ga none a, market
Havannah |dj 80 86 C
Hops 45 50
Rarrel poles
St. Domingo I 1 25 j-2sctsplb t
1. Isle of France 1 25 J I
I New-Orleans 17 112
Carolina fio I 1
Iron Calling! T 74 67 80
Fig 34 F
Country Bar 113 33
Rsifi* Bir too fi2|pxt
Sweden 110 120 i ad val i
j Sheet 226 67 240
H"ops 133 33 138 67
Nad-rods 11 67 ( 1 cent pit !
LEAD, Bar T tJO ,6-> >
Sheet * y
U-d white, gr. in oil !> 14 50 15 l j" (
I. ..t!i v, f.->ai ' 18 20
-Lemon, J.ifb iit ' >x 7 8
Maia;a, :o
I Q?dix 5 do
I Lime stone H 5 25 *"
j ' umvitx T 65 S
L .wood 50 S
Boards, Cedar V! 25 ~i
IWliitc Pine 19 33 S
Ditto Pinrttl 27 28 • S
Inch St qr. do. 53 33
Heart Pine • 28
Sap 14 |S
O.ik Scantling 18
Hemlock 10 12
Red Cedar Ft 50 1=
| f !
At Wain's wharfj
The Cargo of the brigEnterprize,
Surinam MolaiTes,
Of an ex-clleat quality, in hoglheads, tierces ant
And about 40 quarter casks
For Sals. dr
Wharton Lewis,
No. 115, Couth Front ftrceL
o£taher 9 til ih fa tf
Glass W are,
A well Affortea Iovo ; ce just Received,
C'injifling nf
Wine-Glades, Tumblers, Decanttlrs, L?
monades, Goblets, See. &c. of the newel
fafhion, and fcr sale.
Nov. t3. -,tawtf
' Gidcon H. Weils
Has 'just Received,
By the late arrivals—a lavgt and general aflort
ment of
Hardware, Cutlery & Sadlery,
Which he offers for sale, Or cash or the
ufnal credit.
JWdrkct-street, No. 135. 3»w4.v
Madeira Wine,
In pipes hhds and quarter calks,
For sale by the Subferiber,
Noi 135 Market Street.
November it. eodtf
August 4<&, •! Sco.
r f 'HE commanding Officers of corps, de- j
£ tachments,polls, garrifsns. and recru ting
psrties, belonging t > the- military eftablilhraent d
of the United States, are to report to, and
receive orders from Brigadier-General Wil
kjnfrs, in the City of Wa(hingt«n, and all
officers ens irloiigb are to report theml'clves to
the lime officer with all poffi'.-le dispatch. 1
Secretary of War.
$3" All Printers wJtfrin the United States
whb have publifced irfvitations for contrafls of
the Ijth ot March bft are requested to insert
the ahpve in their refpeilive papers, once a
week far tw* months
A I.Lrperfor.s iudeVited to the Eft ate of Thomas
jfl Herman I.euff-'r, merchant, lUceafeil, a/a
requsfted to make immediate payment; and those
who have any demands againtt said ei'.ate, ar.- re
queued to produce their accounts, properly atttll- '
ed, forfettlenient,to
Kb. 34, north Fifth street. ]
novecibsr it 3aw4w
Whokfale From 16
)bingli-s, 3 ft. tirefl M 28
2 feet 11 8
18 inches 5
L,ime» lill
,arc',.ltogs Ib l5
MVCE 6 650 1; prct adi
Madder 2 S '26 )
Vlihopanv, Bay Ft Free.
St. Domingo 40 J
VlolalTes, W. India G jo 60 5 cts per gal
Sugar house 73
Vlud.Fl. in Bottlesdz 1 2 o >5 P c ' a( l 1
AILS, 3 d lb
,6 1 ? - I
8 t U hi-gi
tod '3 12 set u.
I2 d 13 J a J S.P.
2od , 2
2ut do. 3d 13
4 d 13 *4
6d , 2
8d 11
iod 1.4
i2d 10
2od 10
Nankeens, long p 1 pctad \
lliort I
Nutmegs Ib 6 6 jo '5 P c * a d v
□ ILFlor. 3 ofla. ,2 1 Dltto
12 bottles 8 J
)U, com. Wh.,le G 50
Spermacetti. Go 70
Tanners B 15
Lintfeed G 70 73
)nions, bu
100 ropes 6 7
PEAS 40 4°
Pepper black Ib 33
'imento, Jam. 13 14 ® cts per lb
'itch B 4 «nts
Paris 1' 10 10 50
J ork Burlington, B 17
J orter, Loud, draft ; z BctspgScic
hot. 250 3 ,ln bot. ad v
Philadelphia bot. I to 120
Vail, Pehn. patent 8 9
Raisins, beftkg 8 t JP cta4N
Bloom &mu(lcbx 450 5
tedwood, ground lb 2 a 30
■ -ce» G 5
tofin, , ® 3 35°
SALT, Allum bu ( 18
®-- a diz 54 1 • See note '
Lifbo-.i t 16
Liverpool fine 67
St. Üb-s 1 tlO Fue.
alt petre refined "■ 27 30 l2 iPCtad
> il cloth En. No. 1 s"^
Jegars, Sp v ' 8 10
flmeffra 2 tzipercen
5h eting, RulHa '7 75 1 ccnt i* rr !l
jhot ' ■ 750 8
inufT, in Bla*ldars 33
Bottles 6
Rappee 6 94 2 cents per It
3oap, Caftlle lb 20
Brown 9 10
White 13 ? per gallor
spirits, G t33 1 39 S p25 c
Brandy, French 1 1 Jo
LtHiol in /\ • if In Pr»l rrn u/>IT-1 e•i r
This Day is PubliJbeA,
At Wm. Young's Book-store,
Original and correEl hi ft
United States Navy,
A Lift of the Ships in Commiflion, and their
refpeftive force.
A Lilt of the Officers and their Rank, as
well those belonging to the Navy as the
M iiine Corps.
To which is added,
A Digest of the principal Laws relative to
the Navy, See. &c.
Price 15 cents esch, and at ao dollars
per 100.
November 16 eo&t
That large and commodious
At tke corner of Arch and Ninth ftrdcts.
To be Let,
THE hcufe, coach-house and lots, Satt'y
occirpied by Major Butler, fitaatc as a!>ove
For terms apply to J. 3. Wallace, No. aB, north
Fifth street.
odtuhcr Saw tf
'A lfoi-f*i . c.-t,' 1
Spar. 1: 1 p
Rum, Jamai; 130 |33 .~|J 3 p 2 g
Antigu Ili 1 .41 £ )>4th P 33
StCroi: j 10 J | s thp 3 S
Windwaro i 10 . j 6:1ip46
New-Englari l .
Gin, Hollano 11 j 12025t0 jo a g
Apple Brand) co 57
Rye 56 60
Staves, wt.Oak pipe Y 69
Hhd. 40
1 Heading 40
Red Oak 30
Leogan 26 67
Barrel 26
Steel, German ! 16 1
English blifleret: si i + 13 f tocemts
Crowley's I 17 50 18 J l >er C.
American 140 44
I Starch 10 11 15 prct a'd
Sugar, Havan.white 17 I 7 ; cts per lb
Brow. , 2 2 ± do
India, Ift quality 13 14. 2 do
Mul'covado -12 16 75 2 do
Lunjp I 5 16
finale res. 28 9 do
TAR, N. C. 3 250 3
Jersey 1 25
fallow, Ruflia b 14 12 percent.
America i^.
I'ei, Imperial 150 166 ) „
Young- Hyfoi ~2 P IK +
Hvfoh ,20 j P" Ib t
Hylbn Skin 83 87 20 do
Souchong go 9a 18 do
Bohea ,37 12 do
Tin in plates 18 Free
Richmond 0! 6 6 jo
do n 6
Peterfburgb j 75
Frederick fburg c
Georgia 4 75
Carolina 475 J
Twine, Seine ' D ? 400 cts
Sewing 46 ) per cwt*
Turpentine 2 50 '
fpiritsv J' a 33 40
Varnil! 33
Wint 50
Cydv 18 20 l
Varnilh 23 25
, Verdigreafe 80 ,
WAX, B-s «» 30
While 1 in-. ' j, ,
Vines, Madeira '' 160 Zco 10 to Jo c g
Belt Lond. partic. '240 4otojB do
Sherry j 112 1 +0 cents
ILifbon t 4 j n3o do
Tener.fFe 85 93 do
Malaga 86 90
Fayal 68 70 *8 do
Port none it m.rkct 3° do
Claret, fupu Bburd'x
casks 6.0 40 45 40 pr ct ad v
Old fuperfine cargo 60
■) \
1 . i- r'■:<• > ■
ents.—" From the Cane of Good Hone, or bevond ?a
Philadelphia Academy.
&• Mr. Francis Gali-et,
AN experience ; in approved lo'.ruA -r, t has
undertake! toifach. -he J-ttF.WCH I.IV-
Gb'.lOE in thisSer.ii i«ry, to fu !i ol the Y ui.g
Gentlemfii as uuy choose to place- tbemfj.ves un
der his care
gy Pare - ts and Guardians are r qicHed to
m:ke imm«d:ate application, that all the fcliokrs
may begin at unce. *
Samuel Mag aw 1 Directors of
Tanif-s \hertn>mbie f be Aoa lemy*
O<V !' V " Wff-
English Grammar,
His this Day bprn piibhlh-d, by AsbuKl
Dickins, opposite Ohrifl-Church,
[Price One Dollar. 2
Oftober 7, 1
To Printers.
WANTED—in Exchange,
A FOUNT of Long Prim*T, weighing 6
or ?eo :b. or upwirds, ind a Pocnl of
Brevier, weighing 400 lbj. or upward*.
September 2.