Gazette of the United States. fJHILADAtfUIA, FR Ir> AY KVKNIWG, DKCKMBg') y. 'To Renders and Correfpondcnts. The well rcafoned EiTay ts On the Qucfirion between the Senate and House of Heprefentatives" ,of Pcnnfylvania, shall appear to-moi-row. The Addrcfs from New Jersey merits cloie meditation. We shall be happy to hear again from "Viator." He is an able tourifl-, and we relish journeying with l'o observant a tompanion. Extract of a letter frcrn a gentleman in Lane after t to the Editor of the Gazette of the United States, dated Laneafter, December 3 " By the Lancajer journal Extra, herewith tranfinitted, you will perceive that the Presidential election is over. We had expected some jacobin votes for Mr. Adams, under the idea that all at tempts to raise the Alontieello Chief would * be Hfelefs. In this, however, we have been disappointed, and happily too ; for I am of opinion, that every thing supported by the Mushroom patriots will soon be withered, beneath the ihade of, political orthodoxy. The Federal thirteen deserve the praises and the bleifings of all America. They have checked the mad enthusiasm of a deluded populace, and the wicked speculation of de/Tgning demagogues. t)n reviewing the recent afpeft ''of our political affairs, it may be figuratively /aid, they have saved a falling world. It is grateful intelligence to hear, that so far from losing the esteem of their con stituents, their conduct is applauded by every real republican." Wednesday, December 3, 1 o'tioc k, P. M. the electoral eleftor's have met and have completed the ekftion. The re sult of their votes is as follows : For Thomas Jefferfon - - 8 Aaron Burr - - 8 John Adams - . 7 Charles C. Pinckney - 7 • In the Boston papers it is mentioned, that in the First Western Didrift Mr. Bacon, the Jacobin candidate is not elec ted. The whole number of votes was 283 a. Mr. B. had itjo6 and Mr. Will iams 1261, and there were 43 (battering —lt requires a majority of the whole number to be elected. In the Second Southern Diftrift there is no choice—there were 523 {battering votes. A gentleman not long since palling through the street, overheard another speaking very bad French; upon which he observed to a companion that the French ought in future to be clatTed among the dead languages why so ; asked his friend because, replied the gentleman, it has just beei tmurdtrei. A fanatic Curate being requeued to perform the last fad office for a dying young woman prefled her to believe, as a preparation to. the beatific state that Jlefh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of heaven. lam fafe thenj replied the witty Patient, for I have been so long ail ing, that I am nothing • now, butJkin and bones. As the servant maid of Mrs. H. of the Dublin theatre, was following her mistress on a cast to Cork, where she had gone a few days before to join a ftrolHng company, she was overtaken by three ruffians, who brutally violated the unfortunate girl. When she arrived at the theatre, the violated damsel ran im mediately to her mistress behind the scenes, and told the dismal tale. At the conclusion of the story, Mrs. H. who was drefling for the Queen in Hamlet, ■exclaimed with a solemn voice, in the language of Shakespear « Aye, it had b.en lo with us, had we been there !'* A lady once a (king a French A mbaf fador, who had refidecl a long time in Poland, whether it was true that the Poliih ladies were as white and as cold as the snow, which covered their plains ; he replied " It is so true, Madam, that I have often caught cold, by conversing with them." Mn Watbk, % I ba*r f 0 ; « whiL- ' >lO not. mnn W uruylhe corrclj) »:iirnw , u I IK.VC brean wi.b you. A»I, ;W : „c to oiler you it f e «? if (tM rks upon thr C.mreiv o. SprcJ IrH uyl,, which w* ( iepr . r. „ w j Mr tunc .in Moisd*y rnnuj; * *•'* f/ICCc IiHS b;c;i intilh l";,okrii <,f, ; , u( ; •I'C 'tiu .n excite witn to it, ;7.* r ac " n '«•«r. a numerous sn.d | OMMMIIT NuiliO'Cr* l-ikr Murton s otlur ilrimalic ]wihJu<\- I""?. :fiu J)l-v it »livcililird hy tenons mid 1 liul-.ciou., irndv-nti. In- tul'penl'e > i rlic Ip-r.t.imrs, is wll fijlt»i.i.-d. i'li; di», il;« xutiior tat l'jctcdcd. ~rot).iL-tli:y ot In. lloiy, |-.e hat I tliifck full c4. It m y perliapj, be qurflionrd, wtvthrr ihc^iai of tlie lprt\ator be enliii> ced, bjr tlie d:rp m>flrry, whicli, during to l>e too pr wonted bri^hinds, in pr portion as the renwnftrailces at" conieienre beanie gradual ly weaker. •' Unilitrrruptcd UliiVry," fays Lord i'olmgbioke '■ his this good as it calitltlijfrliy tinm.'lifcs, it finally hai dens." Ihe author IhouM also have given an iti eiefl to the character ot* Monpngtoii. more iuitrd to its importance in the con duct of his story ; and in she concluding scene .ot the Drama, rapture .it finding h ill icit treed troin the weight of ijuilt, which lad so long oppi fT-cl him, would apoear to i)e a inorf- na.ur .i emotion, in ?>it Phillip !>l indlord, than an ebulitiou ot uoappc* aicd refeiitment. But, although th»re be in this dranvi to centuie, its uctccls are amply ito;i ed for by numerous beauties and excellen cxi ot the fiift oidcr. The < barader of Sir I'lnllip is finely fetched : tliut of Farmer Allifitld, is a builhru portrait <>f uncommon excellence. I lie »rt;efs ingenioufivfa of Mds Bi.indtord, th* ir.tercftiuj; hmplxity of ' uftn Afhfirld, and the native energy of l mind ft niggling again It the prrflWe ot'adver'fe t wcu.i'O.uice-,, in Henry, are delineated with great truth and prccifiutt. The characters of the Handy 's and of Damr Allifield, .re pro ductive of much conjic rffrcl ; but, tlie dil" lolution oi his Abel s man a tge v is too direct an imitation ot the concluding fecne of Sic-l'-'s cotordy of the Fultrral. I he performer* exerted thnnf-lves to the To (MrtitulsiriJV th.-ir various ex c»-! encies, would compel mc to clairti too laige a lhare in ycur p The fpec\*tor t>f Speed the Plough, at the New- I'heatrr, will have little c>tolj: to regret, #:;it he Hoes ivit witness, its perform arcr, on the boards of (Movent Garden. It l!iou!fl alio be remarked, llut, there was .1 «!rgrec of corrednefs both in the dialogue and (lage-litu.ition, which 1$ 100 rarely wit nefled at a firft iYprefenu.tio'>. It was re rcLei*ed with dillmguifherf applause ; am! wi!|, no doubt, prcve attractive f.n many future nighti daring the piffent If.l'urt. A CONSTANT ttIiAUF.U. At a meeting lafl evening of the contribu tors to the Fund eolle&jtd fei- the relief ol thepoof of Baltimore, Norfolk St Providence, during the late fever, held at the State House in Philadelphia, 12th ino. 4th, 1890/ •JOHN MILLER, 'Jan. was appointed Chairman, and GEOdGJL WILLIAMS, Secretary. A report from the committee of corres pondence, appointed at a meeting of the citizens held 'Jth 1110 16th lull, was read. Whereupon, resolved unaiiinioufly, that this meeting do approve of the conducl, of laid committee 01' cbrrefpondence, in the tranlaCtion of the buliiicls entrulled to them; also, that an * abrtuft of their Trea furcr'i accounts be published, for the infor mation ct luch contn utors as are not pre sent. On motion, relolved, That one thousand and fifty dollars forty-lix cents of the ba lance renauiintf in the hands of the Trea surer of the CoAiitiittee of Correspondence, be paU to the Treasurer of the J/jgdalen feciety, tor the life of laid society. 1 hat five hundred dollars of laid money, be paid to the "1 tea fit re r of the female as« iociatioii lately eftabliftied in this city, for the relief of Tick and indigent women and children of this city and liberties for the Ul'e of said aflorinion. Ani also that the remaining Cunt of five hundred dollars oi laid money, be paid to the Treafsrer of the Female Society, for merly eftaftiflied for the r-lief of the sick and poor of this city and liberties. Jean Miller, jun. Chairman, Attest, George JVHliams, Sec'try. • !he Abftuft is omitted ti!l to mbrroir for want of room* The (hip Cecilia, Orphen, from Kingston, to London, out 42 days, has put in Charleston, South Charolina in distress. Lines, written on a Hermitage, ; n Nithf d,. --- \P aC 5' trr.iV, rll Ho aicr m* fpriyg t P.eihnei, infe;l 3 0 n ttie « jag. Til 'le tfiaf lip the dew tfone, Make ihe t uft«rf!ie> ih-.- own : Those tft it would ths bio *iti devour, Crnfc the locuiH, lave (he flower 1' r the lutu e lie prtpar'd," >, Guard, wherever thou c*nfl guard j But, thy utmotr duly done, Wefcou.e wiut th -u. cauft not shun. Follies pad give thou to air \T.ike their consequence thv care j Keep the name fit inin in mind, Art! dishonor not thy kind, Kevcrence with lowly heart, Hirti, whose wnnil'rous work thwii art. Keep his gooHnefs ltill in view, f by irufi and thy example 'oo Stranger, go! haven Ue thy ftuide Q'iOth the 3«ad..>an of Nitli-fiJe. The following finfiular account of a phe nomenon which appeared in the air near the village of Quintans, in the province of .Bur ges, in Spain, is given 1:1 th* papers,as an extract from the Journal of.Madrid, of the 7th J ll£ . l At I I e'ciock in the morning of the 1 Ith ot June, a stormy cloud w« seen at the extremity of the village of Qjintaua, towards the north, Jc a v»,.y thick .tog which lee.r.ed to preceed f.oni ihe adjacent moun. tains having joined it hi a V»rv {"tiljcoliimn tlicy formed together fav.taftic figure, with Jrms, feet, ar,d a long tail. The re Irmblance rf a very large ferpant, of a Iky blue f.Uour, was ii,on after plainly dilcrnrd as from the j. nflion of -lie cloud • and fog which I extended itfrfffo far as CO tpncl, thee.rth. It emitted from time to tima Orients of fire or a ;:»rk red c .lour, and at length fepara t.'d itlelf trom the cloud in-the dire'ftion otthe village, with frequent eraptions of flames and (parks of fire- The inhabitants were vhole ou the bill granting the ol franking to the delegate from tlie tertritory of the United States north velt ot the river Oh o, and providing foi his Compeniafiott—Mr Mo-ris in the chair. I ht {.iil was reported to the house, wli-re it was puffed without debate l and ordered to be fur its third reading. J be houlr also resolved i.tfc!,!' imo a com mittee on tlx: flateof the uu(vH*l t hc.PtcliJent'»;fpetch being under con . liberation, Mr. Grifwold propoltfii the f'ol | loumitr refolutiaiis, viz. xV' iteiolved, '' hat lo much of I I'peech as refpeiii the dittriA of Columbia. on 6 -ht to be refeued to a l'eletl cowjiittee, and that tile laid committee be »o report b) bill or otherwile. ltef'lved, That so much of the orefi dent's speech as refpefts the li'atYoKal admi ni(lration of ought to b$ refeued to a felecl committer, and that -the. laid fvmmittee be authorised to report by b II or otherwile. Resolved, That so much of the pitficfent's speech zs reiucct > seasonable and fyilematic arrangements, proportioned to our natioaai rtfources, for a navy adapted to defenfive purpefes, ought to be referred to a IVleft committee, and that said committee be au thorized to report by bill or otherwile. Resolved, That so mticb of the preli dent's fp'-j-ch as refpecls the fortification ß of lome of the principal ports and harbors of the United States, ought to be referred to a Seleil committee, and that the lYid committee be authoiizedto report by bill | or othc wife. Resolved, That so much t>f the pre sident's speech as refpe&s the manufac ture of arms within the United tates, ought to be referred to a felecl com mittee, and that the said committe be authorised to report by bill or otherwise.! Which being feveraliy agreed to were reported to the house and pafled. Five members were appointed conformably to the firft and second resolution ; seven. conformably to the fourth and the fifth. Several petitions, left undecided at the last fellioH, were referred to the committee of claims, as was also one presented by Mr. Wain, from a mer- ■■'J ''»■» A; tils ci' Vicl h-J been long itgo furfei. ted with y -Lir Mcisphyfico ; politico ; tlieologico ; joridiCo ch.rgcrs, f<> it hid been thought, that, you were yaurfe'f latta'ted, with the appleaufe, reai or whxft you h..J i ?.citcd more efpecully as you had ;:t i .ft, got them in a hook, and in a tair way to travel, by l'ubfcription, to V..ine.dilUucr. But, not the love'of fame, hut & i'enle of duty, led you to this task Ah, niartj it you knew the reverie effect of your endeavours! That imtliinjy c >uld be more c d to fiiwck the public mind, I and difgu.l. than four families | tfftfiinf ! ninre likely to bring about an IN'.UREC- ! 1 KVN, by bppofite iWans to the iiifl ; i I,at. i by yielding to popular opiiit.-n, ,:r ila.ter-I i«« it; Th's, by iutolenint ibufe ; .official ! • .contempt, and dcfrradiin.- it i'ult. liut yuit mull leflure, you mail Icclare. your sentiments. Have you not cOLi.'s I p-Cy ; hut, now thai the majesty of the tieopie has deci ded, you Quit cr.dei vcur with your corrupt opinion, to corrupt the opinion of others, rcfoiving- his election into fraud and ■ chant in Philadelphia; and then the H?ilfe adjourned until Monday morn ing. December i. The bill forcompenfating, and exten ding the priviledge of franking to the delegate from, the Territory N. W.' of the Ohio, was read a third time and palled. INSURRECTION ! h Tumul;, Vio'.este, a n , view, it altonilhes me, and is 1 ftrantf pn t ;ot the love of order, and for the jl*w« apong the people, that under a sense los the groundless and degrading LIBEL, j :liey were not lurd with fuddm indignation, j'AND DID NOI" DRAG YOU PROM YOUR SKA I', AND TREAD Y'OU L 1 NTi)I-.R bOO 1 . The Übel was calculated i l"i" people at a diOaiiCr ; but it retjuned a face as haul as ebony or horn, to lUnd up and i-xprel's it, where the contrary was l'o v,ell known. On the part of the Go -1 vernoi cleft, ihe error was excess of fiy upu . h>us hjuour, aid delicacy, iiU'l'uoooitiiiir , 1115 eleftion., ' On the Arti «f wh'ch v'"ffl|>eak, I never hear I before. Whether thef. are the in digikous otiVpriiy of your own brain, or imf.trted trom y ur aflociation, 1 am at a 1 lolj to lay. But be lhat as it may, it is 1 notorious in tins country, where 1 writ*, and a«!drefj you, that they h.,d no exillcnce. | However much you maybe difpol'ed to un dervalue the uticteHHnding of the people, there 11 not l'o fjreat a foul, from Lake Erie to Dixon's Line ; trom the D.n to the Beer Sliebi, of the citra-montane IVttle ment, aa to Le imposed upon by any l'uch niea in. I suggestions ; in your Judicial c„ j dernmimg the executive authority, =, !W to bring ihto difntpute, and rendef unpopul;,: his adminittratipn ; a iigb Crime and mi.dcmenor in law ; contra boiios mo res i a breach of civilty,tnd lccq.rum ; and, in foflLle reipeel, blam«ble, and ofieii-* live. ! " P r cpogating lies" are the terms you ufej a language which marks your want of pa- Wrat delicacy, or your low breeding. Bub the men dax in/ami a is your own; you are A caiuinuiatpr ot the l> c]y politic ; you are it aei uiicr-ot" Pennfylv.-.nin, You will wonder at the leverity ps my ' rxpieflions, and be dilpokd to think that irfeihing flrongiy roust enter intp the coinpotkion of my indignation. How " Ur a recollecTi'tin of peiiqnal inlult or inju iy may inflv. Schf oner Swallow, fr>m Cape vranc; s ; and a fch'>oner Cuf3U\a» name unkr.otvn, arc t.elow. Thi following veflVis wrnt to sea oa Tuesday Uflf, Vl7. Ship Orono, Greene, for JLondon '.t rry Brothers, Br-y, for d . Aihity, Kl 'L(ver. for Aroftfrriani , rh»mas Wiifoiu Smith, far do AJIiVe. Iz>tt, for Tcne- fe Swi r .'Vk-t, Hall, for MwuC-ibo Bng Fur, Columbia I aas far Madeira ' Sc <.r. Phoenix, U 1«rwooJ. f>r do Schi, Watfo.j, f r Charlcfloa Sloop Sady, Houflor, for Cape FfancoU NEW YORK, December 4. ARRIVED, n board the (hip ly- . ing at tiie fir.! «i>uf Uflo-v : j e ftr.—t « •» PRATT I? KINTZING v , fr nt w. Pour 1c Port Republic an, m Le Ngver ' S'fpatch; Wf&fyn Ca P' ,s » ! < Ma««!. partirji'ri'.'ere. ,vi ' - r '' uc - Ics Ps iie» -"• r-.-r.: ; affrr a m t't c' a" (ilea a' or H u tit hi .ve-e, Sont prilli efa drrffr, le p,u6t pofli ' Mine M.'xwll a Hr:. u S \ire ru u .le pr?< di' inenier quai au rn ct Ed. tion ■ OF • ■ • The Exercises, At) APT El) TO Murray's Englijh Grammar, Dcfigned tor the' ut piiva _• as well for the ule oi ' with a -r BY LINDLEY MURRAY. W [P) c one Doiia' J TVceipK-r j, Samuel Reynolds, T A YL 0 R, Has vrmoved fiom No. 40, to No. 44, South 1 hird-ftreet, next door above the I Bjuk of the United Siatss. Nov. 15. codjw $ » -uivV ' \ A. *•