Gazette of the United States, & daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1800-1801, December 05, 1800, Image 2

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    By this Day s Mail
BOSTON, November ail
£T'ne following extraft from the inftruflions
of the town of Franklin, in this state, to
Colonel John Boyd, its representative,
will be read with pleasure by every one
who wilies a continuation of those blef
f.ngs, which, under God, have been the
happy efl'edts of the administration nf our
national government, oil truly federal
jj'rinclples, the lad twelve years.]
To Colonel John Boyd,
«< S I R,
" THIS town, relying on your ability
and integrity, have'ehofen you to represent
them in the General Court of this Common
wealth the prelent year- This year, some
of the mod important concerns of the Unit
ed States are to be tranfafted ; and in which
our General Court will loon, take a very
interelling part, (viz.) the appointment of
Ele&ors of Prelident and Vice-Frefident ot
the United States- That even one eledlor
should be appointed who is likely to give his
vote for a man to be Prelident or Vict-Pre.
fident, who has, from the press in the inoll
public manner, given his opinion, it is
quite indifferent whether a man believes that
there are " twenty Gods or no God," and
Adds this as a reason (viz.) " it neither picks
my pocket nor breaks my leg," must be a
painful consideration to every serious rniud.
And that there is any ptofpeft, that any man
of atheiftiqal or deiltical principles will be
chosen into teitlter of these important places
of trust, is ft til. more a'anning. Therefore
to prevent, (if pollible,) a calamity so much
to be dreaded, every precaution becomes ne
£e(Tary. And as the General Court at their
next futfion, are to choose Ele&ors for Pre
lident o»tid vVice-Prefident of the United
Statesf.' yoa are inftruJled to do all in your
power so prevent any person being chosen
an Ele&or of Prrfident and Vice-President,
who yon even flilpcft will give his -vote for
*ny man'of in atfieiftical or deiftical charac
ter, «r for anv maiv that will vote for the
author ai' J ffei foil's Notes on Virginia."
NEW-HAMPSHIRE, [6.]—lo the
«• Concord, Nov. 26.—The Legislature has
this moment completed the choice of Elec
tors of Prefidtnt and Vice-President
They are .
« On this choice, I feel a proud fatisfac
tion, in congratulating the Federal Republi
cans of the United States. They are truly
all Adams and Pinckne* Eleftors*"
y 7* Thus far our correfpond'nt.- In
the above lift we recognize Tome of the mofl
eminent men of New- Hamplhire. Two or
three of thein arc Judges of the Supreme
Judicial Court—one is Speaker of the
House of Reprefentativcs—another is Trea
surer of the Sute ;—and all are men
hive fuilain d the higbert offices with un
sullied reputation.
On Thurday last orail'om, prail'e and thanks
giving were offered up, in all the templet dedi
cated to the worlhip us almighty God, in the
New England States. In this commonwealth,
at far as we have been able to ascertain, the in
vitation of our excellent Caief Magifcate was
unrverfally accepted, and the ciergy, in their
prayers and discourses, paid their grateful and'
affe&ionaie homage to the author of all good,
for his distinguishing kimlnefl to our forefathers
and to us, in providing them a refuge from op
preflion, and protecting them when surroun
ded with innumerable dangers. In b'.slliing
them with civil liberty, asd the light and in
fluence of the gospel. and dialing them to
nurture their posterity in the love of learning
virtue and rational freedom : In supporting us
through the difficulties of the late revolution,
and giving us wisdom to establish confutations
favorable to liberty and happiness. In prof
peringtae admii.illratian of government, and
preserving the impoitant life of the Chief Ma
gistrate of the Union: In exempting us during
the last year, from the calamities of war, and
from wafting sickness and every deiolating
judgment t and in fuccetdiHg ihe labors of the
bufband-raan, and crowning the year with its
fruits ; and for that degree of protection and
prosperity which he has been pleased to afford
to our commerce, navigation and fifhery : For
the prugrefs of literature and the ufeful arts ;
for the sumercui bounties of his Providence
and all that variety which supports or delights
onr lives ; atid especially for the blefling of the
gospel of his son, who has brought life and im
mortality to lieht. On th«fe fuhje£U of thankl
giving, and which their precepts and examples
have been so inftrumenlal in prelerving The
clergy amply dila'ed ; and inculcated, in the
morals and applications of their discourses,
thpfe principles and duties which, under the
l'miles of Heaven, will perpetuate the I leflings
we enjoy. The time did not call forth the ex
ercise of their right, on these occasions, to de
nounce from their pulpits the arts, intrigues and
designs of faAious i. or the " diplomatic
ftiil" of fortign na ions ; —But when the times
do c*ll for the exercise of it, knowing their in
dependence and pamotifm, we know they will
not shrink from their duty ; fearlefa of the
perfections they may fuffer therefrom ; or
theal-ufe which they know wilt continue t(i be
poured on them. They must ere this, have
learned to pity the tneansefs and inconsistency !
of their caluminators. Thry ought to feel suit- 1
ably imprefled with their importance and "influ
ence in l'ociety ; and he determined, that it shall
ever be said with truth.
That Eagles tow'ring in their pride of place
Have been by mouing owls hawk'd lt t and kil
led," J
On Tuesday arrived at Portland, (hip
Thorna* Rutkl, capt. Jackson, uoro Leg
horn. failed I'roiTi thence Oftober 5-
Mr. Tildeni who cf>me in the ihip, arrived!
in to fa 0:1 Wcdnefiay evening. He in
forms, that the new armistice had been au
-1 nuunced to the trench audGemwn armies
ill Italy. That tl*e French were in poflef
fion of Lucca ; That the inhabitants ot
Leghorn and its vicinity, appeared to d. tell
tlie French mofl heartily—and determined,
young and old, to them, by every
means in their power,,it they Ihould attempt
the invasion of that place ; 1 hat leveial
piratical cruizers, were out from Corhcaj
and captured every vessel tliey could njtet j
among others, they lately took the lJ.ana,
Capt. ThomaiS, of IV'llon ; but he had the
good fortune to retake Ins vellel. A great
number of American vellrls have recently
entered the ~\leduei ranean ; and have redu
ced the markets in mott«f the p >rts in that
sea. The Thomas Huffel,-/old her cargo
at Genoa. The Boston of BolVon was at
Leghorn, intending for Naples. Ihe Hi
bernia and Tamerlane, were at Genoa.
Trio had arrived at Leghorn. The Thomm
Ruflel, fpoUe 110 velfels on her homeward
pall age.
The French prisoners made by the cap
ture of the Berceau, have been landed at
Fort Independence. The Officers we under
ft*nd, have been admitted to parole, and are
now in town. Several gentleman ot this
town, by fnbfcription, have presented the
prisoners wj;h a quantity ot the bell pro
visions of the feal'on, to afford them a
" Thanksgiving Entertainment."
NEW-YORK, December 4.
The American Envoys to France took
leave of the First Consul on the foucth day
of O&ober. It is judged necessary to men
tion ihatcircumfance, because, io transcrib
ing the aricle for the Mercantile Advertifcr
of Tuesday morning, we (bted that the cert:-
hisny took place about mid-day of the twelfth.
To make this erroneous statement were tl.e
appearance of probability, the printers of
the other papers altered cither the date ot the
article, or the time of taking leave, each ac
cording to his own particular judgment.
The fa£l is, the convention *as finned on the
Ninth, the entertainment was given on the
Eleventh, a,id the Envoys took leave on the
Twelfth —but it was the month Vendemi
aire. of the Republican calender, correspond
ing with ill, 3d, 4th of O&ober. 'J hey
were at Havre on the Bth.
It is said the Pennsylvania Legislature
l ave palled the Eleftoral Bill, agreeably to
the Senate's Bill of 8 and 7. The Demos
here don't like this—their imprecations are
louder against the lower house than they
were agaiufl the Senate. These fellows
there's no plealing them.
Some of Jefferfon's friends (lill hope—
They hope that fomeof the Federal Electors
may have dropped Pinckivey
Tt is lionourable to the citizens of Phi
ladelphia, that after making generous contri
outions to the inhabitants of those places
which have fuffered by the yellow fever,
there still remains, unappropriated, upwards
of zooo dollars,
Extract of a letter receivedfrom a master
of An Amcriccn vessel carried into New
Providence, dated
New Providence, Nov. 8.
■" I found here a number of American vrf
fels belonging to different ports sent in, in
coufequenre of a late order to flop and con
demn all Spamfh produce, or manufacturers
of an enemy's cowntry."
At length the great queflion which agita
ted the public mind, is decided. The House
ofßeprefentativesofthisftate have agreed to
the lad bill on this fubjeft. from the Senate.
In confequencc of this the two Houses met
yeflerday in Convention in the Chamber of
the House of Representatives. The Speaker
of the Senate presided. Eight persons were
nominated on each fide. The federal no
mination confiftad of Frederick Kuhn, ]as.
Armflrong, George Ege, Robert Colemavi,
John Hubley, William Hall, Samuel W.
Fisher, and James Crawford, fen. Thote
nominated on the demscratic fide, were Ro
bert Whiteliill, Samuel Wttherill, John
Kean, Jonas Hartzel, Gabriel Heiller, Prel\
ly Carr Lane, Nathaniel B. Boileau, k Isaac
Van Home. As by the bill only leven of
the Senate's nomination were to be appoint
ed eleilors, the democrats all oppefed Mr.
Coleman, and he was consequently thrown
BALTIMORE, December 3.
Notwithstanding the late and severe cala
mities which have fallen with such ruthless
fkrokrs on our city, it appears to derive new
life and vigor from every blow, And become
a greater distant as well as neigh
bouring diftricls. Our markets now vie, is
plenty, variety and cheapness with any to
be found. 308 market waggons and carts
were counted by the markct-maftcr at half
past 10 o'clock this morning ; vd at 7
o'clock, he thinks there mud have been
nearly 400 ! !
RALEIGH, fJovembtr 25.
The Legislature on Tuesday last, made
choice* of Thomas Rogers, William Hill,
and K. Love, El'q'rs. for engrofling clerks,
and on ThUrfd-y, voted Mr. Joseph Gales,
public printer. Nothing of importance has
yet occurred in the Aflembly.
Was executed at Fayetteville, an Friday
last, pursuant to sentence, John Rogers, for
the murder of his brother-in-law.
A bark hiu!e containing 60 hides, Bc c ."
belonging to Mr. Christopher, of this place,
was burnt to the ground on Saturday evening
lafU' -v»
ANNAPOLIS, [M.] December 1.
On Thqrfday } :! 'U an important queltion
was to be argued before the LrgilUture of
this State. Tliere are upwards of 130 appli
cations tor tho benffit of an infulvent law.
A memoriaUigned by 113 merchants, See. of
Baltimore, w-.?s lent to the house of Dele
gates, rrqueftirig to be heard by counsel
ill oppoticion to the petitioners; R. G;
Harper fcfq, was to appear in behalt of the
merchants, and it is 1111 lerftood that he pro
poll dto (liew that the bankrupt law of the
United States, is the only mode by which a
debtor can be released—Luther \lartin Esq.
Was employed <tfi behalf of the petitioners
and would defend the validity- of the State
Prices of Public Stock,
Philadelphia* DietMBER 5.
Par amount
of a Jbare
High' per cent, (lock—m i-» a 113
Six per cent. fleck 1 .
N»vydi«o J' a '
Deferred 6 per cent. 90
Three percent. 56*
S 1-1 per cent. }
4 1-1 per cent. } none at market
BANK U. States, 140 p. cent ad.")
Pennfylvania, 134 a! 35 ditto ( 4®o
N. America 15» ditto f
hifurauce Ca, Feun»'a t»i alii ditto J IO
tforth America , 700 ?2i
Turnpike - sjo j i&o dolls.
Schuylkill Bridge - - par JOo
Water 87') dolfj.
Warrants tj doll". 100 acres
St.Augujlinc CLutcb Lottery Tifkett, 94 dollars
On London afc 6o days 7 1 }
Rates of Foreign Ccins and Cur
rencies in the Ifnited States—per
act of Cougres far payment of Du
D'Jh. Cti.
Englilh pound Veiling 4 4'4 ")
Irish do do 4 'O C
Dutch Florin or OuiWer o 40 (
Hamburgh Mark Banco 0 33 1-3 J
CoruecTsd ar
Cbestuit street, No. 143k
Ne. 5, north Third 4reet, an extenfiye fujply
Carpets & Carpeting,
Of the Uttftind mod iafliionable figures,
deccmber 3 $
Of tbe Pittsburgh Glass Worts,
HAVCNG procured a' fufficisnt number of
the moll approved Eurtfyea* Glals Manu
fuiWers, ami having on Ward a large stock of
thebeft Materials, «n which their workmen arc
now einployed> have tht pleasure of ifluring
the public, that window glass of a superior qua
lity and of any size, from 7 by '9, to 18 hy 14
inches, carefully packed-, in boxes containing
100 feet ea.h, may be had at the fliorteft notice.
Glass of larger sizes for other purposes, may
lifo be ha J, such 33 for pi£hires, coach gladis,
clock faces, Sec. Bottles of all kinds and of any
quantity may alio be had, together with pocket
tlafks, picking jars, apothecary's Qiop furniture,
or other hallow ware—the whole at least 1$ per
cent, lower than articles of the lame quality
brought from any ef the sea ports of the United
States. A liberal allowance will be made
fait of large quantities. Orders from merchants
and others will he punflually attended to on ap
plication to JAMES O'HARA or ISAAC
CRAIG, or at the MefTrs. PRATIIER
and SMILIE, in Maiket-Street, P.ttlbnrgji,
March 4, tuthtf.
BK it remembered that on the 44th day of Oe
tcber, in the twenty-fifth }ear of the Inde
pendence of the United States of America, Charles
W. Coldiborough of the slid DiftriA hath depo-
Gted in this office, the title of a hook, the right
whereof he claims,- as author, i» the words fol
lowing; to wit.
Unoriginal and correct lift of tht
United States Navy,
Containing a lift of ships in cofumiflion, and their
refpedive force.
A li t of ofliceis, and their rank, as well thofc be
longing to the Navy, as the Marine Corps,
And a Digejt
Of the principal Laws relating to the Navy,
&c Ac. &c.
By Cbarles Goldslrorofigb.
In conformity to the aif of Congrcfs of the
United States, intituled " An a& for the encour
agement of learning, by securing the copies of
maps, charts and boiks, to tlje authors ami pro
prietors of such copies, daring the times therein
Clerk of the Diflrid ef Maryrd.
Bovembcr IS Uasbi4 j
A quantity of Home made
Sheeting, to he fold on reafonablc terms, at Tho
mas and ShrecTcs, No 37, north Front street;
Newbury Smith, No. 56 north Second street;
and Rogers and Donnaldfon, No. 41, High
As the manufa&urinf? this linen is solely to give
employment to the Poor, during the winter fca
fon, and as the funds of the Society who employ
them, are much reduced, racy hopg their fellow -
citizens, who arc is want of this article, will jjive
their aid,by furchafing. tofenable them to carry
on the manufactory theenfuing winter.
N. B.Alfoa quantity of good SJfQE THREAD,
at Isaac T. Hopper, No* ag, Pinerflreet.
Neatly executed at the Office cf the
Gazette of the United Statees
or t,
December 5,
Will be presented, a celebrated new CVfliedy, in
A— —ll —• ■ '
5 aits, called
Speed the Plough .
Written by Thomas Morton, Esq. author ol Co-
the Way to jje Married, Cure tor the
Heart Ache, Secrets Worth Knowing,
Children in the Woods, See &c.aiid
now performing at the Covciit
Garden Theatre, with
uuiverfai applf-ufe.
With ncio sebntry and decorations•
Sir Philip Biandiord, mr Cooper; Morrington,
mWigneU ; Sir Abel Haniy, mr. Warren ;
Bob Hanay, rnr Wood ; Henry, mr. Cain
Farmer AfV.fieid, mr. Bernard ; Evergreen, mr
t Morris; Gerald, mr Prigmore ; PofUllion, mr
Hopkins; YoungHandy'sServant,mr. Durang;
Petti", Mr Baily
Mils Blanif .rd, miss E. Weftray; Lady Handy,
mrs Shaw; Susan Aftifield, miss Wettray ;
Dame Aihfield, nirs Francs.
Country Lasses—.mils Arnold, mifi Solomoas,
mrs Do&or, mrs Stuart, See fcfc
In act 11,
A Country Dance,
By thechara&ers.
To which will be added (not aftcd this season) a
Comic Opera, called
On Monday, (not atted this season)
ROMEO and, JULIET. With, for the
fiifl time, a celebrated Musical Entertain
ment, called N E.TLEY ABBEY.
For Liverpool,
To return an early Spring ship to Pbi!a
of Philadelphia, •
SILAS JONES, matter,
Burthen »8o tons, is intended to "ne speedily dif
vitcbtd. For freight or paflage »fP'y t0
No. 147, Water fireet, or to
New-Youk, Dec. «d 1800. $_
Now Landing,
At Pioc-fti«et wtuxf,
The Cargo
Of the brig Hope, capt. M'Clure, from Kingston,
Jamaica —confiding of
11 Hhd>. and 3 bhi». Sugar
60,0c0 Carracas Cocoa of the firft quality
2,500 Bbhi. Coffee-
ffljk BRIG,
As lh« came from Tea, is coppered
and laiib remarkably fafl, and can be sent to Sea
at a very small expense.
Wm. G. if Robt. C. LATIMER.
Dec. 3 45
Genteel Boarding
In a private family for
With the accommodation of two Rocms.
fvPPI.Y to Mr. Jofcph Anthony, N\>
q4 Market Street, or to John Maybin, No. f
Chcfout Street.
Dertmber T. 3taw2w
ON WEDNESDAY, the loth d.iy of De
cember, will be fultlat Public Vendue, on
the premises lying io Springfield Townlh'p,
County of Burlington and State of New Jerl'ey,
a most valuable
divided into lot« to suit purchasers. The above
property is a dive of thit Capital Eflate, once
owned by Mr. Samuel Llullus.
0- Due attendance will be given by
November *B. eod4:^f
Forpublijhing, by Subscription,
Of the Law of Anions and Trials at
By Ifaaa 'Efpinafle, of Gray's inn, Esq. Barrister
at Law,
The third edition, corredfed, with considerable
additions Irom printed and manuscript cases.
St spes et ratio studiorum. Juv.
THE work ii now printing, and in considera
ble forwardnefs, on a fuperfinc paper, of
royal size, and o&avo form. It will be printed
page lor jjage with the latest London edition, and
no pains will he spare l 10 render the work cor
ceSt, and free of typographical errors.
It will be neatly bound and lettered in two vo
lumes royal o&avo, and to fubicribcrs willbt put
at five dollars and fifty cents per set—to nonfub
lcribers the price will be i'omewhtt enhanced.—
The price of the London ediiion is seven dollars.
Thole who fuhJcribe for eight sets fhal 1 have a
ninth gratis.
The two volumes will con&ft of about nine
hundred pages, of which the one annexed to the
]>ropofals is a specimen; As the work is now
publilhing, and will be completed with all conve
nient expedition, those who with t» profit by the
fubferiptian. will please to tuMcribc feafonaMy.
N.B. Gentlemen holding fuVfcription p*f®r s
are requsfledto return them to I'homasand Tho
mas, the publilhers, by the firft of January next.
£s* The booksellers in Philadelphia are reipefl
fully informed, that they will he fold either bcund
or gathered in fherts, by the f*bfcribers,ifat their
usual low price. Those who with, to purchafa
will please to apply by letter to the publiihers.—
The work will be out of j rel's some time in the
Walpofe (N. H.) o<ft. 1800 (»8) estf
N.OOUINDUFIBF, prof'fior of the French
language, will open on lusiday, the qrh of De
cern' er, at Mrs. Beck's Academy, in Fifth llieet,
cppofite the Srat-- Houli garden, a morning (choof
or yuung ladies, from eleven till one o'clock (every
other day.)
Parents or guardians are dtlirod to make early
application, that the fchohrs may have the mutual
advantaga of beginning it osce.
N. G. DufieJV ha. the honor to inform them,
that he is the auther of a courfc of .practical lea
ture» and conferences on the moll eflentia! parts of
the French language, by means of which, the lear
ner is feori initiated in the mod approved pra&ice
of this polite ard fafhionable language.
An analysis of his p au of tu ; tion, and of hii
work f avi.ig been given at length in the public
paper*, they are referred to tie Gazette of the
United states and the Aurora for September last.
For terms and other pjrticolars apply at No j,
f.iuth Fifth street, or H Mrs. Beck's on the day»
and hours of tuition aforefaid.
December». eodSt.l
Firjl Subscription Ball.
MR. FRANCIS refpe&fully informs his
Scholars and those Gentlemen wio have
already honored thi Subscription with theif
fumes, that the firft Bill will be on Saturday
the 6th of December.
Subscription tickets will be ready for delivery
on Tnurfday the 4th instant.
Days of tuition (for the future) Mondays and
Fridays, at 3 oVJoeft in the aternoon foe young
Ladys on'y, —'fuefdays and T bur frlay 9 at 4
a'clock for gentlemen, and on the Tuesday ani
Thursday evenings at 6 a*clock for those of a
more advanced a^e.
December 1. d6t
American Balloon*
Vertical Aerial Coackee.
> ___
Thi9 ■sew, cur'nus, and elegant
Which has been exhibited to, and accommodiS
ted Thousands of Persons in New-York,
is no v fixed up at the
In this city.
THE Pr»perties of this wonderful Construc
tion are as beneficial as they are various
affording the nv-ft delicate pleasure, and at the
fame time operating as a restorative to health,
and for which purpose the frequent use of it is
recommended by the faculty, to the lick, the
weak and those recovering
The mo'ion of the balloon is from four to 1
about twtnty miles per hour. Tfie rate of tra«
vel ing, however, will be regulated by the
will of tli* paflengers ; eight of whom can lw
c mfortably accommodated ; but the Balloon
will set ess with two only.
Sweet the air, behoU below,
Tht city, country far around,
And thob descending, quick or flow,
You think you move on magic ground.
Conflan: attendance will be given, for a teur
days only, when the exhibition will close.
Every reipedlful attention will be fh?wn by
Admittance to view, one-eighth of a dollar;
and for exercising the machine {lathe whole)
one-fourth of a dn'Ur
Any pcrfon ileSrous o' purchafing-the exUn
five privilege thereof for this CM7 or Stale, v« ill
be informed of the terms by applying a-; above.
P. P
novembfr 19
The American
Fob ruE teas, i Soo.
Just Publiftied,
By William T. Birch,
No. 17, South Second. (Ireet.
THE Laditt' Book contain# an interesting
scene in th? lif» of General Wafliipgton, em
bellished with a beautiful engraving.
An Almanac—ruled piges for mesneran
dums and acconnt of monies, &c. for every day
in the year ; Mifccilaneous, mora), and enter
taining pieces in prufe and verse; new and celt
brattd songs, and fcV£.al ufeful tables.
The Gentleman's Book
Contains an intercffing foene in the life of
General Washington, with an engraving.
An Almanac, rul'd pages for mero randums
and calh account; the Bankrupt Law complete;
Duties on goods imported, iiamp duties, do.
on domestic articles; Congress of tha United
States, Departments of State, War, Navy,
Treasury, and Judiciary, lift of the army and
navy, several ufeful tables, and other interest
ing matter.
W. Y. Firth has jufl received from London,
a general .iflbrtfxnt of Esglilh Writing anil
D/awing papers of the firft q ality j copying
machines, paper and ink powder, fine hot-pref
led poll ; sii aflurtment of the lau-fl and heft
Maps on rollers, twelve At!afles. He
keeps always for la!«, a general aflortment of
stationary ; Ladies' and Gentlemen's pocket
books, with and without ir.llruments; maho
gany writing desks, pet. and fruit knives, play
cards, &c &e.
I) cni:ber 4. wefiw
To Printers.
The folUwing MATERIALS will lie soW
reasonable if applied for immediately.
t Prt Is,
3 Founts Long-Vciruer (partly worn)
2 ditto Small-Pica on Pica body,
2 ditto Pica,
1 ditto Englifli,
2 -liuo Brevier,
1 ditto Buigeois,
Several pair of Chafes, several coiiipoinif.
Aids, frames and gaihys, some brass rotes',
Quotations, See. &c. &c: all of t!.e above 1
will be fold very reasonable for Caili.
September 8.