A LWIBFM 1556' t? n< pric* of 30,000 Its. bcflhewoy Dollars ptr annu** toSito;ciiturs reiiiltug t\ _. J J im tbt city of Pbitadtl'ibia. AU otlxrs Jqj Ij AC K. P*E PP E R *re D'lUar fur nvLxsi t.g cud .J» v * milt bttvme fur U t >«<6irr/|>r. rrceix+d Jar D-rentbtr /. J 1 « shorter term 'bm rJK^Worttli. Yit'.twhtr ) ITVV- ALMANAC Fr*m Dccembft 3 —io Vtctmbtr 10. hiOH WATCH. . H. M. < 4t , 4 3.1 .1 13 6 10 . A 57" 7 4: 8 14 Vcdndiby Tlurfdlf Friili; Hatar4iy Snndiy M«nd»y T«cfo«y Wednefre than three fourths ot the DireSors in office, exclulive ol' the i'rofident, (hall be eligible for the next enfoing year, hut the Dire&nr who shall be President at the tiaw of an EleAi ti may always be re elaSed- t" '5 Jy A HANUSOME EDITION or LINDLEY MURRAY'S English Grammar, AN APPENDIX, Ha* this Day been publilhed, by AsbVß} DicKiNS t opposite Corift-Church, Philadelphia. [Price One Dollar. ] October 7, Philadelphia Academy. 0- Mr. Francis Gallet, AN experienced and approved loflrudler, has nndertaken to reach H.c PRK "*'CLAN GUAGE in this Seminary, to such ot the Yonng Gentleman as may choofc to place theurfslves un der his care gj: Parents and Guardians are reqaeftcd to make immadiatc application, that all the fchokrs may b«i!"i at once. Samuel Mafjaw 1 Directors of James Abercrontbie J the At a h my. Oflober it. y.awtf. BALL. MR. QUKSNET inforsit his pre fen: scholars, and JiMe he liad tfe honor to teach i-rjierly, that hi* Ball will be h-lef-hy a:id Friday ance for *,adie«are is the m>rning.ind af-<7Hoom, GcatUmen, every evening—the fckool being di vided. November >7 eo6 This Day is Publijhed, t AIIO to he fold BY ASBUKY DIGKIKS, Second firset, oppoGte Christ Church, An Essay ON TBI Eleventh Chapter of the Revelation of St. John, In which ii (hewn that the words " And in the fame Hour was there a great Earthquake, and the tenth part of the City fell, and ia tfee Earthquake were (lain of Men fe«en thousand," relate to Je rusalem, and not to Rome or France By Charles Crawford, Esq. Lately pubUflid by this author, THE CHRISTIAN, A POkM. Observations upon the Revolution in Prance, &C 4c. o<9«b«r Jf . Fjw RUSSELL 1 s Modern Europe. THE Second Volume of MODERN EUROPE is now delivering to Subltribcrs.an t may b had of W. Y. Birch, o. 17, South Second Street OAober »*. To Printers. WANtTED—in Exohange, A FOUNT of Long Primer, weighing/, or 700 lb. or and a l'ou:vt oi Brtvier, Weighing 400 Ib§. or upwards. September 2» Gazette »j the United States, § Baity Advertisir'. This D..y is Publijhed, AND FOtt SAT.K At Wtn. Young's Book-store, AN Original and correal Lift -•!*«« IBTI 1 4. 40 7 *' 4 39 7 »t—4 39 • 7 *» 4 i* 1 »» 4 38 7 13 4 37 or tub 1 United States Navy, CONTAINING A I.'ft of ilie Sinjjs in Cunihiiflion, and cheii ■refpetlivc force. A Lift t»i" the Officers and their Rank, as well tli<'ft- belonging to the Navy as the M rine C-rps To wbicb is adtkd, & A of th • piiricip.l .Laws relative to • the N:tvy, Set. Etc. By CHAULES W. GOLDSBOROUGH. Price 15 cents each, and at aodolhrt per 100. rocpr-Kpr it-, eVjldt LATEST EXOriSH Is" IRteH EnillOW, EXTEKSIVK COLI KCTI )N, Imported by sundry late arrival* from London and Dubli , Is now arranged and ready for sale, AT HIS STORE, No. 319, Alarket-Jlreety Where Catalogues will be delivered on appli cation. HF. takes this opportunity of morning his fin cere acknowl. \mentsto th Gentlemen of the Gar, and thrir flu t*ms in the United States, for ths patr iate hi; dtfign h s met with, I res- Üblifbing a store ui.luiively for th.-. sale of JLaw 801 ks. I'h« advantages which Iff r thcmlelvcs to the profeffioa from having such to apply t», he .trulls are rendered obvious the couliierauuu, that confining his att< ntion *othc Imj-or'ation of Hooks, unly >ll that Line, he lias it in his power to keep conOantly !ty him, a gctural and ir.oft va'.u ableftpply of the latest and bell Edition", and from hisr-ady lale*, to dilpofe ol theui, on terms so moderatt as to preclude the nectflity of gentle men iinpor iiig their «w>r Libraries. Any commands ke o>ay he favoured with, from a finale Volume to ?ny nu*ibir, fiiail thankiuily rr* promptly be attended to. November 46 w&f- tm The Porcupine.^ ITaKP. tJiis method o! inkirtr.i-jir the People of the United States, thai on the H:Udiyot No vember i propose to r lum. the puftKcation of Porcitgiuc's Gafcttte, uudrrthe title of P;|f. POHCUtINK ; .inJ to notify cafe any man in \r.er.< i fhoul 1 want it) that the (.rice of each Number kill i> (i-rli:.g, and that the cast mud h* received by me before t:tr-pa«cf can be !up| ii«i. —As to thf. .<( con*ij--m.e, so frequent ar. the opportunities from Lon to Now York, that file* may be frrwardej to the tat. tcr place once a fortnight iipninji av rige—from New-York they ran be fjueTily convej ,-d to ev ery part of the Union. When file* ran lie, with out (May, sent t • othh placet diredl, it m y be done ; whfn ihey cannot, th y y wiil all be feni cm New-York, unl.fs o herwile ordered. Which Kjvt beet, lometirae |l> iJie Pr«r», ril he omplried ia ntjt, when tScn»pie luhferi-cl (prio Antcriea will be :«i warded (o the Sulifctil'crv. Ai.y oi my literary friends in America, who ' av be difpofcd to renew their corrrfpondence with me; will p.leaf.! o diredl to me at my print it.g oiSce, No. 3 Southampton flreet Strand, or at my BooklVller's (hop, No, >4all, WILLIAM COBBETT. London, September 6, 1800. War Department, t November 13, 1830. 'T'HOSE Gentlemen who have applied for mi- A li ary appoi.itir, n;s in the (ci vic# of the United States arc informed that their applica tions with al the recommendatory letters accom pinying were confnmcd by fire in the War Of li;e, on Saturday evening lift. Tliole wh • continue to desire to te o. nfidtred as cand dates will fee the propriety of rcjie A ing their appli cations. SAMUEL DFX TEX, , Secretary of War. $5~ THE Printsrsin the different Stitcs art reqveil«d to give t\i« a place in their Gazettes 20 Dolkrs Reward. DESERTE'V lad ewiling, JOSEPH PARKIN SON, private in the marine torp* of die United Stales, he was i-.orn in Ireland, is about iy yeire old, 5 feet 6 anj a half inches high, dark eyes, black hair, and (allow completion. Also, JEi??&> For London, -j. 188 SHIP JSR GEORGE, Captain Kick, the greajeft par: of her -engaged—will take Freight if'applied •or iinmeiliiiWy r Thomas Mttrgali-ryd lit Sons. xi. « tii.th.Scfa.tf. For Liverpool, To return immediately. The Copper bottomedJhip M 0 L L Y > Richard Flinn. Commander, Will fail in a few day*, tl.ree fourths of her cargo being ready to go on b.ard. For freight of the remainder, apply to the fubferibers, or for paflVe, to Lite captain on board at Walnut flreet wharf. NICKUN, GRIFFITH £3* Co. hoveinber 19 Jtf For Hamburgh, <"jB"l_ The Hamburgh ship Friends, SrRSBb? J°hn p cter Jatrfc-n, mjfter, •/ A ftrong vcfiVi. and wcllfoyOd' ««intended to'fail previous to< the ajtb of Decern - Her two thirds of her carga bcix g ready to go on board—For the remainder, o4* paflage, apply to JACOB SPERKY & C >. Who have received per/aid vejfel and are now Landing, P I.ATILLAS HOY ALES I. Jritaunias Quadruple Seldiai Cbeckn, Mo i, aod Lifladoci Crrif a la Morlaix Arabia* 6trii«* Selefu Handkerchiefs Batsi'i Oil Cloth. * Gun Flints Aljo on Hand y Check' and itripes Britannia?, Csf f. lillos, Brown Rol's, EPonillav Creat ala Mor laix, Bit'cSeld fine Shirting, J,innen«, Dowlafs, "iamoife, Tape? Gi*fsWar. For St. Croix, £"""1-1 THK BRIG soku ARIEL, i'icSjySgL Joseph Paul, marten \J For Fveigfct or Paflage, apply to t..« malttr on board, or JOSEPH SIMS, 1 j\<, south Water flrcet. Who has for Sale, Imported in fai i l>rig, a f*w f.tgfheads ST. CROIX RUM, ant! flfefp* of BRIMSTONE. November 17 diw SCHOONER i£#i Regulator, •Si v. '£*<9 John barley, roaster, Alexandria and Washington > To fail with ail dispatch—now lying at Mer ton't wharf. For freight or passage, apply oa board, of to GEORGE AKM 110 YD, 109, south Water street. novemfcer dtf Landing At Wr.lri's wharf, The Cargp of the brigEnterprize, CONSISTING OF Surinam Molafles, Of an excellent quality, in hoglhetdi, tierces and barrels, dnd about 40 quarter casks LISBON WINE, For Sjlb or Wharton fc? Lewis, No. I li,fnoth Front street. oflaber 9 tu th fa tf Thomas £)fr, No. 52™ South Fuont Stkest, HAS received by the btett art iwls from Lon don, a well tfcofen aflortment of the ioi lowing articles CALICOES and Chintzes, (a,great Mar-ifty) FtjrU'ture do. ( 10. Corded Dimities fop garments and furniture Ourants, Joong and Calirnancoffs Bnmbazetts and Bouibazt-ens Printed Linen and Cotton Handkerchiefs and Lawabordered d/» T Jaconet and Book Muslin hinWkerchiefs , Shawls, Cotton and Chintz, a great variety Do. Camel's Hair Hpfiery, Worsted »ud Cotton ofall fizea Do Chir.a White and Black Silk 1 able Cloths, from $4, to 10by 16-4 with and without Napkins Thread, Gauze, Lawns and Cimbricks J»c^net and Lapett Muslim, coloured and plain White and BUck Lace, Lace Veils, Cloaks and Handkerchiefs Black Mode, Heelongs and Satms White and printed Marseilles far Teds Swanfdown, ftripedand plaid. Cotton Checks (five) 7-8, 4-*, 11-8, »nd 6-4 Black and coloured Barce'ona handkerchiefs Indii Baiidanua do of fupenor quality White, Red and Yellow l<:anne!s Gurrnu y Worsted Frock* A few dtzen feeft elastic Suspenders. Hq has Also Just Received, a well affortfd Invoice of India Muslins, CONSISTING CF Berbhoom Gurrahs Patni Bafta* Alahabad Bo>rrtit9 Do. Gin rah* Company Ouzzapofa Janna Mamoodies. Cofias. By the Bale or Piece d i w 3awtf. / OiSober rB. Glass Ware, A well Afibrted Invoice just Received, Confifling of Winc-Gladcs, i'un bleis, Decanturs, L'"- mouadet, Goblets, &c. &c. of the i:twe!l falhion, and for sale. JAMES C. & SAML. W. FISHER. Nov. 13. 3t*wtf i Gideon H. Wells Hrs Just Received, By th« late arrivals—a large aud gcucral aflort mer.t of Hardware, Cutlery cis Sadlery, Which he offers for falc, Itt ti!h or the ufiul crtjit. Market-street, No. 135. Madeira Wine, In pipes hhd<. arid quarter caflis,- For sale by the Sttbfcribef, 1 GIDEON HILL. WELLS, No. 135 Mark' S'net. November li. eodtf Employment Wanted. APEKSON, wh • has been msriy years cen verfant in Trade and So k Kreping. will he glid of fuller employment witV the pen ; ei tlier in posting bhoks, slating accounts, or tran fcrih rig other writings. Any business f this delcripti n, thTt mjy he done at the applicant'* ow i houle, will fait iiis prefeat circumlHncei A eou dircdlcd to A. B. and left at the OiTi e of ihij G.azetie, by at.y gentleman want ing Inch afiiitance, will be refpe<£M'u!ly attend ed to November ti. ;av.jw. FOR SALE, The following Real F.ftate j the pr p rtt of Anthony Francis Hildimand, Etquire, of London, -582 anclxm half Axres Patented Land SITUATE on Vin iyard Prick, in the township and county of Huntingdon, in the (late ol Pennfylvanii, on a public road shout 5 miles frrm the town of Huntingdon, which is fitusted on a boatable river—there are on the prcur or five annual in ftalmenis,as may suit the parchafers—to be feats red by mortgage. Apply to John Cadwalhdcr, Esq. Cminf llor at Law in the town of Huntingdon, or to tfcc'ful fcribersin the city ef Phil delphia Willings fc? Francis. Oftober 14 a»B\r an apprentice waited, At tfee Office of the Gazette the Übit*d States. Just Received, By the lhips K ngflon from Liverpool and tie Gewge from Hull,, And for sale BY GEORGE ROBERTS a No. jt, Market street. A J,irp? and flegant.aff. rtjTjf.pt of CUTLERT. V 1 P ated buttons, ivory and hrrn v>» crmh«, japaned, bio, k*tin and pewter ware,, brals and iron.ciwHefticks p «em r ea . br r coffee mill., iteQ ariA brjls wire ■■{ a!f iizes. Aifo, a ,'arge aflbrtment of fl'af-ircns, balce ' ' P a, V' ;c - dir from the manufaflurcrs. He has also on hand, .a large and extensive assortment of tin wares, Of his own manufaiJWy, manufactured in the beih manner; all ef which he will fell on the r-ifor,able terms, wholefalc and retail. Received at ih# fame time by the ftip George* c?pt. I,ice, the much admired improved j" patent COPYING MACHINES, Direa from the patenter. These machine* are ma !e or. a flmp!e and improved plan far copying, writing! of any lize, ui an expeditious manner, and arechatgsd at a much iris price than any other now in use. » hey are toippfTefs a fupericjjity.over any others, hulh by J>cins. rr t bre durable and BOt fc* liable tr get out of repair, and by copying any number o, writings atone time,' w.thout tasking any alteration in the maahine, and their occu pying little room The very genen I wf e into which these ma chines are now b.-ougiit ih irfe in "London and other large trading cities, and the fatufsfl on teltifie 1 by all who polTefs (hem, render it un neceffiry to enlarge auy furtl.er on their advan tage, berth m point of accuracy and letrecy and in the favirif of time* labour and cxpercc. November I , u& f a t f CHINA GOODS. L&ndir# fro it iiv si'ip America, Waited Sims, Commander, f r om Canton, AND tOR SALE DT NICKLIN, GRIFFItH fa* Co. Congo, Souchong, id &and quality, Caper fuuehong, Hyfou-fkio, Tuiikay, Siuglo, Young hyson, HyO>n, itt & jd quality, imperial, Ytllow Se wliite nankeens black & color'd sji*awt do. do. j I.eft rings, ma*. blue fc dark .Teen") . Sihjhfwi do v PerCjn '.atTrtas, dark green j koxes. They have also on band for sale, received iw tie lute arrivals from Europe, iSfe. 3?.»'4W .. . 1 Siripea and chtiicd gingham* White figured & cdor'd Mai- London porter in bottles; Entflilh Tail as, No, i, t Sc ' j, Kuffia duck, *7 white Ha7:nna lugar, 13 Pipes old Madeira wire, Gunpowder, Empty wine bottles, 10 G»n», 6 pounders, 11 do. 9 do. lU do. 9 do. wiili carriage, &c. >Bo,occlbs. Ceribou cofiee, lit") quality (Entitled to jO,coolbs. Mack pepper »o L-»gs ebony J May »J« mfcw tf * FOR SALE, A Valuable and singularly eligible EbTA 1 ii, CON3l!?l iNG of '.wo ftardfonr.e dwelling hcufes, with excellent fial ing far feve , horfcn, louMe moft completely fitted up; a '..csutiful large and v.ihj.ibU gardou richly £ued with choice fruit, surrounded with high Hoard ience, aiirutt new. The premises arr beautifully licuated near the middle of Qcrmaotown sur rounded with riih profp*&» of the adjacent country ; aa orchard of about two axres, with a iiaudCome lawn ac the hack of tbe tvouie. One htiuCe hjs been recently built ou an appro ved plan ; the other has Seen coiyjfletdy impaired, | painted and papered, »..! contain ten rooms with an elegant inwing.room, fifteen feet by thirty fix. The new house is well ca'.cttlated for a store in either the dry orw* good in*. The air and water are unrivalled, and there are some molt excellent fchoels in the neighborhood. For particulars enquire of the Printer, or of Mi. POTTER, or» the premifej May 9; dtf FOR SALE, Ol.n Long Primer, Small Pica on i J ica B^dy, Englith, Chafes, Conipofine Sticks, and a >rea variety of articles neceflhry to carry on the :'rin mg B' TtncTi. They wLI lie fold rheap tor cask I Apply to the Printer. FPeLvm* XVIW. _ •. .1 f * \ ta. Bo*e» ifitHtr ■ i - «■ *''*