Certificates Loft. ai'f • ,LOST, THE u dtrmeutioin.il certificates of {lock o the Bant of the U«ite ! "Intes, »>z No. 978, date >ft jaiiuaTy, 179?. for five fharcs in the name of Bourdieu, Cholktt and Bourn! isu No 17*66, date* ift of January 1798, for five liiares, in the name Right hon. lord John TownfhenJ. Notice is hereby given, That ape iication is intended to be made at the said Bank hy the fubfenber, for a renewal of the fame,of which all perfomcoßceraed arerequelted to take notice, JOHN WAKDER. Philadelphia, iom iS»o tuthfajna LOST, The following eertiEcrtea ef eight per cent ftoclt in the name of William Bell, jr. {landing to his credit on the books of the United Statot Loan Office of PennfyWania, viz No j»i, a Certificate dated 30th January, 1800, for one thousand dohar*. No joj, a Certificate dated joth January, lß'o, for one thouland dollars. Notice is hereby given, that application is in tended to be made for a renewal of thelaine—nl which all perfont concerned are requeued to take notice# \ JOHN WARDER. Philadelphia, lo mo »8, 1800. 3«w6w Loft, IN the fcip Kenfuigt-n, captain Kerr, in the year 1794. having hem captured by the French on her voy?ge from he-cc to AmfkerJam,the foilow ing certificates ef stock ol the Bank o the United States, standing in the name of Benjamin Chap man Nos. 432 436 °f 4 Shares eacb; 158 3 do ' 1215, i:i£, n?7- i do. Application it maijp at laid Bank by the fnbfcti ber for a renewal of the fame, ot which all perfana concerned ared«fired to take notice. JOHN MILLER, Jut.r. djm. •it. «;• Twtlve Sjiares Of the Bank of the United States, NO. *S95* 10 inclufive, in the cam- of Thomas Mulletf,of London, were forward ed abont the id of M*y 1797, from New-York, by the Ihip Oneida lor London, which wat cap tured by the French, and said Certificates loft or ideftroyed; therefore application it made at the said Bank for the renewal of the sam», of which all perfoni concerned are desired to take notice. Clement Diddle. fhilad : September 3, 1800 V '<'*>■ To be let, That large and commodion» four (lory Brick Dwelling- House, No. 343. Higfc-ftreet. r '5 flfuatlen is peculiarly pieafant and healthy and it lv*» »very convenience requiGte for the cc6tnmodat : nn of u family ; a pump in the yard, 7* Himfi, Stailc aoi Carriage Houfc, &c. &c. Pol fcflion piay be hid on the 15th of next month, ®r sooner, with the 'content of the present tenant. (On very low terms for the ensuing winter and fpHng) * Urf* urf c«D«oTi«Bt Brick House and Kitchen, Coach house, Stable and Lot of Groe»'\ pleasantly situated in the Nor hern Liberties, a little to the weflward of Fifth »od northward o( CallowhiU streets, ar 1 within ten nm.uici, walk from the ceuter of the city. Apply to WILLIAM MEREDITH Attorney at Law —No. 16, south 4th ftreot cAoberi? mwfjw PROPOSALS rot PUBLJSIIISG Br SUMSCKIPTIOH, The Works OF THE Hon. James Wilson, Efq- L. L. .D Zjjtc one of lie Associate Justices of the Supreme Court of tie United States am. Projessor at ciiu Itoe College an~ Academy as Philadelphia. From the original manuscript, in the pofleflion of jßird Wilson, Esq'. ■ceitfitJ-riofs. Thefc works lhall be elegantly printed in two volumes iKilavo, and d. iiveredro fubferiher* at five dallars. / ■ ,«!#• They (hall be put to press as soon a« the jubferqv tions -will juftiff »he cipence of publication, Subscriptions will be received by ASBURY DICKINS, The pubWV.r, opposite Christ-Church, Phila delphia ; and bj the principal booksellers through ' out the United Statea. *,* A ProfpeAus of the werk may be fecn at the place of fubfeription; ' feptemher 13 5 Education for young ladies. COLUMBIA HOUSE, HOARDING is* DAY-SfcHOOL, re-commenced For the winter feal'on, on Monday, Oftober 6th, Walnut, between Fourth and Fifth-ftreets. MRS. GROOMBRIDGE refpeflfully ac knowledges the liberal encouragement she has experienced, foe*mok than seven yean in Philadel; hia, and, as the molt exprefiive proof of gratitude, will be a continua-ice of the unre mitting attention, already pa d to her pupils ; flatters herfelf, it will be the best recommenda- tion to future pat. 'nage. The following branches (Or any ot them lep arately) may be engaged for, as moll agreeable, the Eng'ilb, French, and Italian languages frfammatically ; wri'ing* arrithmetic, geogra phy, use of the globes, hiftcry, music, vocil and iiiftrumentll, drawing and dancing. Plain work, marking, embroi-ery and tam- V#ur in gold; fllver or colour?, fillagree, artifi cial flowers, fancy balketa, neuii p. hair, print vltxh, and ruufiin work of every kind. AO. 13. daw * wts " ALS> John Whitesides, IN FORK : hi. Friend* nod ilic r uh:i{ * ge° crll rti»« e' »• nkfii th« brewery, (late Wilaam Dawfoii's) Nc. 50 north Sixth street —*wherc they *v»ay '■ c lupphed with Porter, Table and other Beers. N.B. A quantity of excellent «ld Portw on hand fit for immediate use. n :Y9ex\h er 18 dim Saulnier &Wilson, Woollen' Drapers, Mercers, &c. No. 63, (North Side) M»rk«t Stuit, HAVE RECEIVED, By the late arrivals from Europe,a general af f'ortment confining of BEST London iuperflr.e inroad cloths second quality c!*> Double miil'd, ribbM mixt, einbofsM and firii rate fuprrfifte cafltav res of all colours Forest*, plains and «UUic stripe clotJ-s Super6n« cloths an* wther coalings Blu/, drab and oliver fearnought Backing baizes and flannels of different, colours Newcft faibion iwa r .fdowne 6c other w .illcoaiing F.itf.ionable Itripe and plain black iattins Back silk fl >rentine cord, velvet, thickset and corduroy Different colour# (ilk velvets Coat and veil ialbionable gilt, plated, peaxd an«' steel butt r.s Raw fiik, beavr and woollen gloves Irish linen,brown ho land iind d'»wlafs Calicoes, muslins, checks, shawls and dimity bandannoes and pocket handkerchiefs Coloured ai'.d nuns threads of all numbers Aflorted blanket! Taylors* best tri.Timings. Also on Hand, A few talc* of fuperfiue Clothi tmi Ciffitn4 ®' , Crooke Stevenson has removed From No. 4 South to the ftorelaely occupied by MR. JOH?J TAGGERT, No. xi t North Water Street. WHERE HE HAS FOR SALE 34 Hogfhciads Antigua and St. Kitts rum 60 Do Muscovado sugar 55 Do. Surrinam ; sugar house, and Havia rah molasses Coffee in hogsheads an 1 bags liyfon (kin and bohea teat Jamaica spirits Country rum French and Vrar.dy White and bnwn Havanoah sugars, &c. Novrnlitr t7- m>*&t2w Saw Manufactory. FRANCIS MASON, ' No. 10, south Fifth trcM, Manufactures mill, cross cut and rtti saw«, equal in quality, appearance and fti»p< to any ver imported; which Kir frlls wholci-uc at the follcwin/price,—6 feet mill saws 511 dol lar each ; croft-cut do 50 cents j-er foot; pitt do 60 centi per foot. Wood-Cutters cast flccl saws, and every othei kind, made to any particular direilion. <.!• ,R dim A F: If COPIES Of Gif Ford's Epistle to Peter Pindar, (Pnct37> * Cc.it«) AfD OP Dutton's Poem on the present state of Literature, (Price 11 i % Csots) Have jiiCi i een received by A. DI KEN», opp->fite 0.-i I Church, november 7. dtf Horses to Winter, HORSES will le taken to winter at ProfpeA Hill, at the 11 mile store on the Brift I road, where they will have , 00 J T'tnothy and Clov r Hay, be well careaf and have a field to iua in when the wra-hrr is pood ; eaquire ot William Bell Philadelphia; or, of Jufcph Bunting, 01: the premises. 1 They engage to return them in good order in the fpritig or ' norli.v for k eping therti, and *iJ 4tot be.anfw rabie for accidents or will take ewer; precaution to prevent cither, o&ober a * mwf As Young Man, PE'tvFBGfLY v-tfed in Mercantile accounts, and biought up in one ot the firtt coat '.ing havifck in this ■ i r v w.fhes efflpl yrnanf a* Clerk. He is at present *bfeM from but a line left it the Office 01 ihe Oaiettc of the Uni ted States he will receive, and it lhall be imme diately attended to. Salary a fecood< ___ zt—■{ An Invoice of Playing Ca^ds. I SUPE'AFINE Columbian, Harry the Vlllth I and Merry-Andrew Playing Cards, ferfais cheep fir calh—Apply at this Office. I feptcmber 13. Imported, In tfie Ihiv MJaetfe. eapralir Waters, from Galcu'W® Mliras, And for sale by the fubferiber, A gnat variety of articles mostly suitable for exportation, among which are Blue cloths Ntcka»«es Soot lAomal« Salem ponres Vcntapolams Madras Lop? Cloths Ditto Handk«rchiefi. Aj-sa 2000 bags prime Sugar, Hyson and Souchong Tea, JOHN MlLLfcft, Jtrnv. No. ISo, Dock street. iSohrrio " IW^^ For Sale, or to Let, the house, In Cinsnut Slrett, the corner of Blevrtith street, at prefect iD ,»«.• » e rur« of Mr. A. M'CaU—Poffeffion may be had the first ot November next, or fooncx if re quired Apply to Edward Shoemaker. * 5_ That large and commodious HOUSE, At the corner of Arch aod Ninth Ortcts. To be Let, houfe, (lable, co2ch-ho»fe and 1ot«, late'y i occupied by Major Butler, fitsate as al'ov* For trr . 8 apply to J. B. Wallace, No. 38, north Fifth street. •aoVr n ts WAR DEPARTMENT, August 4fft, ißco. 'PIIE commanding Officers of corps, de 1. tatiiments, polls, garrilons. and recru t : nj! parties, belonging t>> «he military efialiliihwent ot the United itates, are to report to, and recei-.e orders from Hripadier-Gcneral Wil li in inn, in the City of Walhingt-n, and ail office <« on furlough are to repoit themselves to th< f«me officer with all pofli'ne rfilpatch. SAMUEL DEXTEK, Secretary of War. 0" All Printers vnithin the United States who hav.- puhli&ed invitations for contraulioi the 13th 0" March last are requcfted to iulrrt the abiove in their refpe£live papers, once a week f'-r month*. Prevention better than Cure. For the repetition and cure of Bilious an« Malignant Fevers, is recommended, Dr. HAHN'S Anti-bilious PiUs, WHICH havr b«vn attended with a degree of fuccef. Miuhly gratrful to the invtn- tor's fedii.g«i in fevenl parts of the Weft In dies,an th<- southern par sos the United Sta:e pjrticn'i 'y in Halt; ore, i:v. Ric , tnond, rfolfc, Edenton, \ itnungt»ii,Ci■! iiuv.l who have rcaio to Vlieve th.it . •iifdv ufc of tfc »Talutary rrtnetty, haa, un'ct Vovidrn' e, preltrved their lives whsii in the tjuift alarming cirrsm(Unce>. l-a.'.U o! 'hi cnnrlufive ra:ure (peak more m 4v u ofa mcUi:iiie,-than colunii)Bof pomp u» eulogy, fouu.'ed on mere afferti Hi coul.! do It u 11 t indeed prefumptuui fly propol'ed al - infallible cure, but the ift»enfor has everv pofltble reason, which ran refoli ■ <->n xre-..;n experience f\.r believing ihat a ''.of- . -f tlici'e pilh, taken once every two weeks during the preva lence of out annual hiliottt fevers, wjil prove an ill.aUible preventativr ; md furtTicr. that in the earlier Itagea of thole .iifrafr-, th-ir >.le *.: i. very generally succeed in reftftring health and frequently in ca!e» e'.tecmed defperatt and bey- Biid the power of common leiredies The operation of thelie pil s is p.-tt :lly mile! and may be used with falety by perfooain ever fituatiin a .d of every age. They are excellently adapted to c Try IT fj peidunin bile andpreveni it - morbid secretions ; •|> It -ore and .iniend the ip; etitr , 1 • product a fret perspiration and thereby prevent cold, whico a« nt-n 'if fatal consequent e. A e elebrat. i! eoenin* hj fnl IlivetKis, lak -I- if the h. p. an i . * ere head-ache, atvl ( i>zht t > be taken 'v per font on a change of cfimat'e. They have been found remai kably efficacious an preventing and curing molt -ul 'rders attend ant on l"ng vovaire-, and fh ' 11 lie procured andcaref lly preserved for life by every leamaii. Dr. HAHN'S Genuine Eye-water. A certain ani fcilfc yenie J y for all diseases of tha eyes, whether th« iff.-i of natural weakncft, or of acci irnt, f'eedily rrwving ißfljirinwtiom, de fldxion.i ol rheum dullncl-, itching, and films in the cy,ea, never tailing to cure thole ma'.a lies which frequently succeed tlie fraall ]tnx, "ne-ifl and fe vers, and wonder ully llrcn'gthening a weak fight Hundreds have experienced its excellent virtues when nearly depfm-d of fight. Tooth-ache Drops. The only remedy yet discovered whichgives im mediate and lasting relief in the moll f»vere in ftancci. / The Anodyne Elixir. For the cure of every kind ei head-ache, and ef paint in the face and neck. Injdllible Ague and Fever Drops. ' This medicine has never taik d, in many thou sand cases not one in a hundred has had occasion to ■ take more than one bottle, and numbers not halt | a bottle. The money will be returned if the cuiic ( is not performed. SOLD BY Wm. Y. BIRCH, STATIONER, No. 17, South Secsnd Street, And no where else, in Philadelphia• Where also may be I.ail, Dr Himilton's Worm Dtftrnying his Sovereign Elixir for coughs, &c. Reiterative Drops, Effencc and J"x trail of Mustard. Sovereign Ointment for the Itch, Dr. HahnV infallibleJOeiman Corn Plaiftcr, In dian Vegetable Specific for the Venereal com plaint, Oowlaud's and t'erlian Lotian, Refiorative Tooth Powder, Daroalk Lip iialve, Church' Cough Drops, Anderfon's Pills, &c. &c aprilij * > TREASURY DEPARTMENT, Wnjb'mgten, September \Ji, 18co. Public Notice is hereby Given, In pursuance of an a3 of Congrefi, paffid on the 23 d day of /fpriJ, one thousand eight hundred, en '.tiled " An ad ts cjlabl))h a Gen ct al Stamp- Office,'' THAT a General Staraip-Office is now eftabltfhed at the feat of government, in trie city of Washington, from whence there will ifTue. from and after the date hereof, (upon the application of the Supervisors of the Revenue, under whose management the collection of the ftanip duties is placed) any quantities of paper, parchment and vclium, marked or llamped, and duly counter-stamp ed, wilh the following rates of duty which are demandable by law : Tor every fkU or piece of vellum or parchment,or fheec or piece oi paper, upoo which (hall be written or printed any or either of the inftru tneuts or writings following, to wit, * » DM,. C M. Any certificate of naturalizati in 5 Any licerfce to ;>raiitice, or certificate of the adn.iflion, enrollment or re gistry of my counfeltar, Solicitor , Advocate attorney, or pro&or, in any court of the United State* iq Provided, that a certificate; 1a auy one of the c< mrts tof he United States, for any oneufthe said offices, fhill so far at relates to the payment of the duty aforcfaid, be a fuflkient admis sion rn all the.conrts of the United States, for each and every of the said offices* Any grant cr letters patent,finder the teal or authority as the United States (except for lands grafted tor military fervicc*) 4 Any exemplification or certified copy of anyfuch grant or letters patent (except for lards granted for mili tary Services) » Any charter-party, bottomry or re fpondentia bond 1 Ai-y receipt or discharge for or on ac count of any legacy left hy my will or other teliimentary iriftru rnent, or for any {hare or part of a ptrfonal eflate, divided by force of any ftatuteof diflri 1 . utions other thin to the wife, children cr grand children of the person dileafed, the amount whereof shall be above the value -f fifty dollars, and shall not exceed the value of one hundred d. liars *S Vhen the am • nt thereof fliall ex ceed the value of oar hun 'red dol lars, ind fliall not exceed f.vs hun dt rd d liars S° 4nd for every further futn of five hundred dollars, the additional sum of 1 A»y policy of infarance or inftru 1. cut in nature there if, when the sum for which insurance s made shall not exceed five hu .dred dol lars *5 When the sum info red shall excetrl five hundred dollars Any exemplification of what nature foevcr, i .at fnill pal's the seal of any wurt, o.her than Inch as it may be the duty of the clerk »f fui h court to fnrniOi for the use of the Utrtrd Jiutc*, or some parti cular state 5° Any bind, bill fingie or penal, inland bill "t exchir.ge, proniifTory note or other n re (. ther than any recognizance, bill, band or other obligation or contrail, made to or with the United States, or any ilate.cr for their u!rretpe<3ively ; and any bond* required in any cast bv the laws of the United States, or of any state, up n legal process, or in abv judic al proceeding, er for 'he faithfil performance of any tru't or duty ) If above twenty dollars and not exceeding one hundred dollars 10 If above one hundred and not ex ceeding five handred dollars i$ If above fiv« hundred atvd not ex ceeding one thousand doHars 50 And if above one th< ufand dollars 75 Provided, that if any b'Tids or notes be payable at or within sixty days, such bonds or notes (hall be fubjeft to c.nly two filth parts of the dwy aforefaid, viz. If above twer.ty and not exceeding one hundred dollars 4 ]f above one hundred dollars and not exceeding tvehundted dollars 10 If above five hundred dollars and not exceeding one thou r and dolls ao ff above one tbouland dollars 30 Anyfoeign bill of exchanee, ib-ast or order f.r the payment ot money £i *r.y foreign c'taufry »o The laid d>cty being charge able upon each and every bill of ex chatg , without r«fpe<3 to the num- Ary note or bill of lading or Writ ing or rcrrij)t 1:1 nature thereof, for go >ds or merchandize to be ex ported ; If from one diftriA to another dil"- tii.:l oftheUnited Statss.oot being m the fame state 4 If from the United States to any fo reign port or place 10 The said duty being chargeable upon each and every bill ot lading without nipeifl to the number con tained to each set. Any notes issued by the banks now r eftiblilhed or th.it may be hereafter eftablitfccd within the United 1 Stales, «ther than the notes of such of the said banks as fltall a gree to an aunual composition of one per centum on the annual di vidends made by Inch banks, to their ftockh Ideis refpeflively, ac cording to tke following scale : On all notes not exceeding fifty dol lars; for each dollar 6 On all notes ab >ve fifty dolhrs and j not sxceeding ohe hundred dollars 50 On all nc tes above one hundred dol lars andnotexceeding five hundred dollars ' i On all notes aboye fire hundred dol lars DM,. C. *l. Any protest or othtr notarial at>iverfal Church, in V-umbard, betwetn 4thand ith treets, Lately occupied by Mr.Juha lavage and Co. Kr quire of John Veneft North Haft Corner of Walnut in inatar St, or E. Howell No. 14 North 6th Street- Nov. r.v diw ' NOTICE. ALL persons indebted to the Estate ol Thomau Herman Leuffer, merchant, «Uceale4. arc requeued to make immediate payment; and those ■ vho have any demands ngainik laid ertatf, re* queOed to produce their accounts, properly attcft-*" vei, for fettleir.ent, to SUSANNAH LEUFFER, Admin'x.- No. 34, north Fifth (Ireet. novemKir xi NOTICE. I HERRAS Duncan M'lnnes did 00 tha thift • tieth day of April latfc. make an aSignment of his pr"]urtv lor >he benefit ot his luch cr - litors are requeued t • pre'e' t their ac 'ci unis to the fubferiber ; and all persons mdrbt* c;J to tlx ;,iid Duncan M'lnnc6, are requeH*d t» pay the fame without tlelay, to JOIiM CLARK. No 55, "J M'-z north Water ftrect J AIT'S"" Philadelphia, nevember 6 iaw3w 4 I I *5 16 *5 W, »* V->