Gazette of the United States, & daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1800-1801, December 03, 1800, Image 3

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    Gazette of the United States.
w»dx«soat kvcning, crcMßtn \
In lad Friday's Gazette, in Mr. Buck>
lev's observations on the ]).i(Tn*e of the rlcc
toral bill jin the Peniifylv.inij
the last iVntence.," For his part he -wiHild
cheerfully do," ftc. re-|<! For h's part he
would cheerfully bewi he.
{1 he following F.xtri& was ilToed from this
office, in a lafl evening—
Ext raft of a letter from a Gentleman in
Lancaster, to the Editor of the Gazette
of tlx United States, dijted last evening
(December 1.)
" This day the House of Representa
tives, (notwithstanding the many pro
testations to the cohfrary) agreed to the
bill from the Senate, which dire&s that
eight persons should be nominated from
each house, out of which a choice of
fifteen electors lhoulcl be made, by joint
vote. The nomination has already taken
place, and the electoral election, will
commence to-morr6wat 12 o'clock. —>
On the part of the House of Represen
tatives, the following persons are nomi
nated :
Nominated by the Senate,
Mfjjrs. GEORGE F.GE,
Samuel King, Tellar.
" The Demo's we suppose, will strike
at Mr. Coleman—but that is immaterial.
The others are all equally fouml> for
Adams and Pinckney."
From the closing paragraph, of my
observations in last Monday's paper,l put
myfelf under the engagement of lixing
the charge of disfranchifing the Hate,
upon the Democrats, in the House of
Representatives, but it appears that even
their hardihood has shrunk from this
responsibility, and that we are likely to
have electors chosen upon just priuciplcs,
I fulpend or relipquilh my further pur
suit of the fubjedt, recalling the attention
of the public, however, to the fadts anu
arguments I hyve adduced," tofhew that
the true foundation of the controversy
between the two houses on-this occasion,
is the systematic design of the Demo
crats in the House of Reprelentatives,
to force the bounds of the constitution,
overthrow the Senate, afl'ume all power,
and declare themselves permanent. —
This the annals of mankind prove to have
been the invariable maVch of democracy,
from the flrft inftitutioh of civil govern
Important Day !
This day decides the grand, the im
.portant qucftion, respecting our Chief
Magistrates. It is in faift already decided.
Although some time mult eiapfe ere the
official returns can be known, we can in
full confidence greet the Federal Repub
licans, those genuine friends to Liberty
and the People, on the election of those
•venerable Patriots —
The Hon. JOHN ADAMS, Esq.
The Jacobins of Charleston, S. C.
it appears, have determined to contest
the recent election of certain Federal
gentlemen in the State Legislature
this movement of the Jacos has an ob
jeft in view of more importance, than a
feat in that house.
The pre-concerted plan has doubtless
been conrununicated to the Jacobins
here, hente. their prediction of the Prefi
'" dential Electors.
The Ganges and Conneflicut floods of
'■ war, we utulerftand, arc to fail shortly for
Eataria, and will take convoy for thence.
Penrose, Tei.ler.
i„ The Governor of Maryland has lift
ed his proclamation, notifying the fol
lowing gentlemen of their ele&iun -as
Electors of a President and Vice-Prefklent
of the United States :
Edmund Plowden. is elected an elector
for the diftrict ; Francis Deakins,
for the second diltrift ; George Mur
dock, for the third diftrift ; Martin
Kerfhner, f«r the fourth diilrift ; Gabriel
Duvnll, for the fifth difrrict ; Nicholas
R. Moore, for the sixth diilricft; John
Gilpin, for the seventh difcri<ft; Perry
.Spencer, for the eighth diiirict; William
M. Robinson, for the ninth district; and
Littleton Dennis, for the tenth diftrift.
Domejlic day of Dryden.
The accurate and laborious Edmond
Malonf., Efqr. in his elaborate life of a
great poet, prefixed to a late invaluable
edition of his prose writings, after in
forming us, that " even the domejlic day
of fuel; a man cannot be uninteresting,"
adds, Dryden usually devoted his morn
ings .to the composition of his various
works. The hour of dinner, even in
the latest period of his time, did not ex
ceed two o'clock and plays began at four
in the afternoon. Between 3 and 4
o'clock, he rep;iired to the coffee-houie,
and there a great part of the evening was
spent. " Addifon, fays Pope/' p .fled
each day alike, and much in the fame
manner, as Dryden did. Dryden em
ployed his mornings in writing ; dined
en famille, and then went to Will's ; only
he came home earlier dnights" In Ad
difon's time, it was cqflomary, at about
7 or 3 o'clock, to retire from the cofree
houfe to the tavern, where wine and fre
quently pipes and tobacco, were imme
diately called for ; and in an hour or
two afterwards they flipped, and then
again circulated the bottle.
JDomc/lic day of Aildifan.
Adtlifon, as Pope related to Mr.Spence
studied all the morning, then met liis
party at Button's Coffee-houfe, dined
there, and stayed five or fix hours, and
fometimcs for into the night. " I was,"
fays Pope, " of the company for about
a year, but I found it too much for me.
"It health and so I quitted it."
Addifon's chief companions before he
married Lady Warwick, were Steele,
Budgell, Careu, D'Avcnant, and Colo
nel Brett. He used to breakfatt with
one or other of them at his lodgings in
St. James' plice, dine at taverns with
them, then to Button's, and then to
some tavern again for supper and the
evening ; and this was the usual round
of his life.
Jfing William 111, fays, Lord Or ford,
had so little regard for men of letters
arid wit, that when St. Evremont was
introduced to him, the King said coldly
" I think you lucre a Major General in
the French ferviee!"
,In ' c good King Charles's, jovial
days," when the most extravagant wit
had like the " loyalty" of the time " no
harm in't," it is recorded that when a
gentleman drank a lady's health as a toast,
by way of doing her still more honour,
he frequently threw some part of his
dress into the flames. In this proof of
veneration to the ladies, his compani
ons were obliged to follow him, by con
fumipg the fame article, whatever it
might be. One of the friends .of Sir
Charles Sedley after dinner at a tavern,
perceiving he had a very rich lace cra
vat on, r hen he nanjed the lady to whom
hpnour was due, made a facritice of his
cravat, and Sir Charles and the reft of
the company were all obliged to follow
Jiis example. Sir Charles bore his loss
with great composure, objerving, that
|it was a good joke, but that he would
have as good a frolic some other time.
On a fubfequcnt day, the fame party be
ing' ailbmbled, when Sedley had drank
a- bumper to the health of some beauty
.of the day, he called the waiter, and or
dering a tooth drawer into the room,
whom he had previously Rationed for
the purpose, madeliim draw a decayed
tooth, which had long plagued him.
The rules of good fellow (hip clearly re
quired that every one of the company
should lose a tooth also ; but they hoped
he would not be so unmerciful as rigidly
to enforce the law. All their remon
strances, however, were vain, and each
of his companions successively, multa ge
metis, was obliged to put himlelf intp
the hands of the operator.
•'• • • , - •1 • » • - ' , !
The modern French style of writing' j Capt. Sherman/ of the brig Eliza, J
is totally different from thofg pure mo- i from Leghorn, on the 19th Get. near
dels, which are-to be round in her early | the i-flrmd of Majorca, parted, company
writers. Fuftjan nonsense and bombafi ! with (hip Philadelphia, a fleet of 5 fail
are the natural language of iof men war and a cutter brig then in
mountebanks, ruffians and pillagers; %ht—the cutter brig hailed, the Phila :
'the new men of regicide naturally,talk , delphia, pafled her in chace of the other
in the tone of butchers, Ihoe- blacks, hrigs, came up with the Eliza at 9 o'clock
chimney sweepers, and lacqueys, be- :at night, spoke her and continued in
cause eaAch individual, whether i' raur- ! if ace of the Betfcy ; they saw the Phi
derous Marat, or a limping Le Paux,ladelpeia heave too and wait until one
whether a three coloured director, or a'j of the men of war came up, .and after
Harlequin Firfl Gonllil muj] use the gross i about half an hour's detention llie stood
gibbcrifh, the mother tongue of every on again—next day at noon, saw* {hip a
low bred rebel. Nothing .can be truer ! d*tftance oft' which they supposed to be
than the aflertioti of a great Statelman [the Philadelphia. Capt. 5. has no
on this fubjeft, Edmund Burke, whose ] doubt the above fleet were Britilh men
political truths will " flourilh in immor- j of war.
tal youth'' when cart-loads of French
Jacobin, Constitutions have been
eflayed in vain, allures us " that State
Papers in the modern style of French
bureaus are mere fanfaronades, things,
which have much more the air, and
character of the fancy declamations of
their clubs than the tone of regular
[ The poet Dibden is remarkable for h's faccefs,
i-ii bunting metaphors, without hunting tb'm
dovjn. The following finn'ituJe of life and
ihtcbafe is a proof of our ItaCcsiedt, and of
his fertili'.y.J
Life's a general cliafe, and the world ia the
Where friends hunt, and brothers hunt bro
Where to day fairly hu-ited, to us others yield
Andtomorow were hunted by others. v>
Through calling, profelTUn, and trade to get
1 ich
All wrangle, and fqnabble and fcratnble
Through w <«ldale and bjttom, o'er hedge,
Hile arid duch
Through bush, and thro' briar, and thro'
Then come round mn, ye hunters—in lire's
hark away
We have portions of pleasure and forraw
And the man after game that'j a hunter to-day
May be gatne for fon>e hunter to-morrow;.
The poor pne'» of virtue, who'd fain be the
Crie» the age is corrupt and he'll Ihew it
But, while hunting his brains tVc world's mari
ners to mend
Paie poven.) hunts the poor po»t •
Whi'e hunting in battle for glory and fame
(irirn Death hunts the I'jldier and >ailor
And t.'ie heir .>ut of cash who can dart noiuoie
Is a l . laU hunted down by his Taylor
The*, ctmc
Country Squire* di(h away, nor their ooddtea, ,
'Bom tlitt world, or !tj.jolil;n«;s aid croHi
' Fdl »t length to die bottom, aiflirtii* tliry tu
Eaten up by tluir and their h ties
For the Gazette of tbe United Slates.
The late publication of General H imil
ton, concerning the official coiidin of our
worthy Weliilent, eh ted for a moment the
defending hopes of tbe J whins cti 5 -' tluit bad b«fore oecoired to Ihow
them tbe fallacy jf tbeir boalk. d fuccefa, as
the cnl'uing election vanifhrd at the eventful
ippearanre of this fortunate letter. TKfe
tl.fyth'Ught, would i ; efleitnaily divide tbe
as todeflroy tile eiccltion nf
both Adams'and Pmcknty, in which c«6i
their own abandoned views would be gained,
rtut now alas ! What a change do we per
ceive i By a lin«le gUticr, wr can discover
the downc ifl countenances of the Amcrfeiri
foes turned with d-fp.iir towards the abode
•<f tbe r infernal friend, in whom finding
110 rfclit f, f ime >" are revolving iiv their
minds the bi tckefl deeds," while others, not
quite so desperate, are preparing to Itibmiu
for tour long years to order and good Go
vernment. r
Before General Hamilton's letter appear
ed; the Jacobins were pofeclly convinced
thjt the patriotic Semite of Penniyivani-,
were not, by the menaces of a few dtfperate
foreigners, to be frightened out of tbofe
rights with which their own Countrymen
had invelled them. They knew too well
that though a final I majority promised them
fonie success in New-York, yet the balance
of Fideral politics in many other Stntes,
that at tbe 19(1 eleftion were Anti-federal,
would more than comp;nfate for tbe loss of
one State. Rut 'hen this letter was puh
liflied, in (lead of proclaiming aloud the as
cendancy of their power, they ought rather,
if their were any ccnliderate among them,
to have attended to the prefages,of reason.
By doing this, they would have indantly
peicei»ed that this letter, so far from divi
ding the federal party, has had the contrary
effeft in making their union m»n: firm than
ever ; they might h<ve eafilv ' discovered,
notwithftandinp tbe thiukuefs of their brains,', ■
that the willi of Mi. Hamilton was fully
accomplished-, in giving tu Mr. Piiickney
an equal chance vfith Mr. Adams, and by
that means enfnring to the Fecteral p>,rty a
President and VicefPrelident both of their,
own principles ; whereas vf he had not have
pnbliflird tt, it is very probable the votes
in the New-England State? -would have
been the fame ;rs at the former eleftion, in
which cafe the President only would have
Oeen federal.
This is the end, Mr. Wayiie, to which
the vain hopes of the Jacobins have arrtvrd,
an end, which I fi.icerely deiire will place
them in eternal disgrace and infamy.
iiiGazetfe Marine Liit.
Ship Lavln'a, S«-ect7cr, Charleflsn >5
S'lTJr SiKl Cutton—to Samuel Khodes
Brig Eii«, Shervnan, Leghorn 48
M lrbie, orimltone, &c. —to P. Waiter
Hope. M Cliire, Jamaica 26
Klin. $c In ► —to Wra, &R. Latimer
Iturti and Mary, Seiiy, Halifax '25
Sugars—to J. Coulter
Sthr. Theiii, WTijte, Norfolk 7
lobacco— Ruflel and Boone
: Brig Morning Star Kelly, from hence, hai
aTrivcd at Port KepubUtan.
Brig Amiable Matilda, , brig Fair
and schooner Jupiter, as and from
Nrw York to Spanish ports, are captured, and
sent into New Providence.
Three inward bound ft. hooners below, names,
See unknown.
An inward bound brig has v come too at the
Point, name unknown.
The ship T~mas Ruflell, of this port, had
arrived at Portland fr. in Leghorn.
The Jun.', of New Bedford, from London
for New York, was fpolte in latitude 40, long
itude 69, t*'cnty-one days out, all well.
The Governor Sumner, Leach, was at Bar
celona, 35th September.
NEW YORK, December j.
ARRIVED, * diys
Brig Anna, Noer, Antigua 2
Ja r k, Winis, Toriola, 23
Debbe, Starre, g
Ut . Jane, Parker, Port Republican 25
Polly, Turner, Ma 6p
H >pe, Poller, Oporto
Matilda, Ti'ton, Nova Scotia 25
Schr. Jane. Fowler, St Thomis 26
Yesterday arrived the fehr. Polly, Turner.
6o daJrs Malawi. Lett there ship Phenix.
Br.iy, and !hip Reserve, of and
for this port. Lat. 37, 00, long. 85, 00,
("poke fchr. Herkimer, Chipmm, 47 days
from New-York, bnudd to Lisbon.
Lelt there the United States brig Au
gulla, Lieut. M'Elroy, (hip Olive, Johnson,
ol' and for New-York", TO fail in 10 or 15
days ; brig Susannah, Cummins, of arid for
■Philadelphia in 4 days, brig Morning St r,
Kelly, cf do. just arrived ; fchr. Governor
Clinton, do; fcbr. Indoftry Bradflnw, of
and for 'Salem, in if d*ys ; Hiram Rodgers,
for Chnrlefton in lo days.
Samuel Reynolds,
T A TL 0 J R,
H.'.s removed from N«. 40, to No. 44,
South ThirJ-ftreet, next door above tbe
Bank of tiie United States.
Nov ie. eod2w
•' <
For the fecund time here.
December 3.
Will be prafentcd, a celebrated TRAGEDY,
n, •- CALLED
Law of Lombardy.
With new f.enery, drefTes & decorations.
Ki<jj» cf Lcimbarjy, m'r Warr.n ; Bireno, mr
FaMore, air Coojer; Afcatiio, roc
V<"oinl; Ki -■ i\<\u; cie'Jailey ; Lucio, mr Cain ;
S»nator mr Prigrnorr; ill Foreft.r, mr Blif
!d Fojefter, mr. Uflter ;Old Srht pherd, mr Mor
ri»Squire, mrHepkins; Officer, mr Dtirang
Sophia,Pnn'cefsof Louibardy, mrs Merry ; Alin
da, mil". E Wedray.
Attendant.—Mis« Arnold, mill Stuart, mrs Doc
tor, n>T» Warren, miss Solomons, Ac. &
lh aft sth, a Procession Mid Dead March.
To which will he added, for the second time
here, a Musical Fares (in three ails)
/V Trip to Fontainbteau.
; j;;; ,Kr. franciSV ;
•' • • Firji Sub/criptitm Ball.
vwyrk- FH4VCiS rafyeAfully infertni tli
< Gcetlcmen wko hive
•tkfjtdt >)" rrpciv* with tbvir
n«o«». that the firfcjbll trUlbe -oa
6ti of - ,
tickets will Sc rea4y tor del.viMt
oaTmirway nitiw. aj
; li«y*4((aitiM (f <r Ibe fatwej MMdoyaaini
(i j
Utfjri *fl<) i'l
Juad on the T
Thi>rS|» at 6 o'clock fpf .(VA *?*
Neatly executed at the Office of the -
GaEette of the United Statees
n si ri 1 p
BOSTON, November 26.
. grrT-
Notice is hereby given, . i
TH AT ir> pursuance n< 9 e Qll cr pipe dirtficA
stem tl*h'ir.o!nblc Richard Peters, Elyuiftfj
Judge ot the Ditlria Court of the United 3-itesj
in and for the PenufyHrania Diilriift, will bs 'e*i>6»
fed to fait at the Cuttom-lioufc, in the t-Sty of Phi
ladelphia on Friday th. J:h ay of December :nlt
at to o'clock in the fur n ®n
Fourteen Cheeses.
' Tht tf itme having been libelled agaiiift, prol'.cu
ted and condemned in the fiid crurt as forfeited.
JOHN HA ; .L, Marst. i.
ftif.vrJfa.tl9 Oni , >
Dccrviber 2,d t 'i800.5 ""
" just receivedT
N'e. 5, north Third street, an cxtufive supply
..... ol •• • , ;' ..
Carpets & Carpeting,
OF the latest and mod ialhionable figures
Now LknSifig^-
At yine-faxt »luiK, •' ' ' •'
• The Cargo
Of chc lr!f irom ri riflW< .
conflSing it
~ if md j bb)t. Boj*f
- Cocid~of I^Ai& r qua)jtr
«J0« Bbl»<C°®e«' ' y; :.
ALSO, FOR SA\>., . „•
MBSS ** csa * f ratß k»« ** <oyy«r»il
f»H. •ad S«*
•t a, !r,«U 'iv*- -V - * ■
Wm. G. W Hobt. G. IATTMtIk 1
© 6 ? '■•-•■- ' -
French School,
N. GOUIN DUFIF.F, prof.fTorpf the French
language, will open an the grh r. 1 De
cern er, at Mrs. Beclt's Academy, in Fifth ttieet,
i.ppoGte the State House garden, a morning ichoij
for ycung ladies, from eleven till one o'clrcJc (every
other day.)
or gusrdians are dtGrsd to make early
application, that the fchohr« may have the mutual.
advaiftag" of ; egujn.nfif atones.
N. G. Dufief, ha> the hjr.or to infoim them,
that he is the mthcr of a courfc of f radical -lea- •
ture» and confer neei on the parts of
the Krench ' > m an "{ "hich.xhe lear
ner is soon iiiitl ed n them rt approve j>r»fiico
of this P'.lite and (aihi-».a ■ e Jangu4ge.
An anu!yfr« of his paw cl tu'tion, and of hii
work hsvi. g 0.-en given at length in th' public
pa , ;l.t y re referred to tie Gazette <>f the
United .States anU the Aurora fur epumber last.
"F.'r ternis and other particulars apply at No j,
ituth T,i th itreet, ur at Mrs. Beck's on the day ?
ant! hours of tuition aforefaid.
December». eodSt.^
The American
A * D
Fob run tea* 1800.
J ust Published,
By Willuim T. jJitch,
No. it, S.)u:li ScCundrflrvot-
THE Ladies' Bot k contain* an interefling
fc»ne i . rhe life of wei.cral W«fhn.gton, ein
be!lt(hetl with a beautiful en i v ng
An Almanac—ruled piget for meir.oran-'
iluirs an i acccnnt ot mow es, &c tor evej y day
in the far ; ,V:if. rl'aiie US, mi i al*amt eiiter
;iinng •.;« es in pr 'ft an 1 'erfej ne«y and Cele.-
I brated longs *n ] u'eful
The Gemllman's Book
Con-ai.' s an in resting fccne in rhe life of
General alhington, with an engraving.
. An Almanac, rul d pages rbrmenv randums
and cafhaccount; the hankrrpt Law complete;
Dut'cs ou g~ods impurted, ilamp .:i,iit-s, no.
on domeltic article? ; Congress of tiis" United
States, Departments of State, War, Navy,
Treasury, and Judiciary, lift of the arniy and
navy, several u'l'cfut tablts> an,i othjer iir.ereft.
ing matter
IV. Y. Birch has ju!l received fr<-m London,,
a general iff runent of Fnglilh Writing and
Dialing us the si It q- a lit y ; cipvmjr- .
machines, pap. r ajid ink powder, fine hot p/cf
fed poil; an aflortment us the latest and bett
Maps, on ro.lers, twe'.ve e'egant At!afles. ' He
keeps a wav» fur lale, a general aflbrtment of
stationary ; Ladies' and Genilenen'i po:ket
book«, wi'h an.) witho'ii r.Ur'jinerta; maho
gany writing defcs, pi: anj fruit knives, play*
cards, &c 4cc.
December 4. we6w
Genteel Boarding ,
In a private arnily'or
With tbe acc?mmodjtion of ftcorr.s.
0" <>PPLY w Mr. J of; ph Anthony, jV'o
94 Market Street, or tJonn i«lajb.n, No f
l)f; emher 1 ifviw
Kot«aW tt. ' • •J4 1
• n