By this Day's Mail" WASHINGTON CITY, Nov. 27. OFFICIAL. Extinct of a if Her from captain Little, of the (hip Boston, to the Secretary of ths Navy, dated Namaskct Road, Nov. 15. jfjoo. I L-. the honour to intorm yeni, that I arrived heie lafl evening, in company with the French national corvette Le Berce*n, citizen Louis Andr. Se.ues, commander, cap tured 911 the 12th of October, 111 lac. 2;, 50, North, long. 51, Wed, after au action of two houra. L<- Bcice iu was lafi fjom Cay enne, on a crui*e, mounts 22 nine and two twelve pounders, one deck, and had o:» board 230 tneti. . With regret I our loss on buirJ the Bolton— 4 killed in the action, 3 mor tally wounded, since d-;ad ; among the latter was Mr. Samuel Young, the purser, who requeued liberty to quit the cockpit and allilt on the quarter deck. He fell early in the action. Eight were wounded, but arc all on the recovery. I have fuhjoined a par ticular lift ot the 'killed and \vound'*d. It is a cause of fatisfaction for me to add, that »the officers and crew of the Bolton, without an exception, discovered courage and firm nefs during the action ; and ii would be un jult in me not to acknowledge, that the cap tain of Le Berceau fought his (hip gallantly, to long as flie was 111 a situation capable of being defended. Soon after he had (truck, his fore and main marts went over the fide, and his (hip was otherwise in a very (batter ed condition. The Bollon was much injured in her malts, spars, rigging »nd fails, considering the force of the corvette, which compelled nie to re turn from my cruile to refit. By next mail I (hall be able to furnilh you with every par ticular, and Remain with great respect, Your obedient Servant, GEOKGp LITTLE. Lift of men killed and wounded in action on board tbe Boston. Willijm I'ord, ordinary seaman, killed. James Higgins, do. do. do. Mathias Jafey, seaman, do. William M' Kee, marine, do., Mr. Samuel Young, purler, mortally ■wounded. Thomas Hartley, marine, do. Nathaniel Dill, orninary Teaman, do. Mr. John M. Hafwell, midfhpinan, (hot thro' the wrist joint. George Grooms, seaman, one leg fliot off, the other wounded. Gavin Walkinfhaw, seaman, one arm (1)0* off, and put of the other hand. ■ Francis Role, seaman, (hot through the thigh. John Runlett, do. (hot through the arm. Frank Francis, ordinary seaman, wound ed with splinters. John Alt'ied, John Collins, ordinary teaman, do. The enemy's loss I Prate not been able to ascertain, as they h .d thrown overboard their watch and Quarter bills and most ot' their papers ; but from the belt information I have been able to obtain, they had upwards of 530 men when the a&ion commenced ; 197 Were found on bo i d after the a&iou, 'lll -- the woundd, who were 18. POItGHKEEPSLE, November 25. Messrs. Power and S>ulbvjick, 1 observed in your p.iper of the 4th ult. a (latemenc of » Djrl laid to have been fought between David L. Peikin*, saddler, and mylelf. I t&ve- delayed contradicting it in order to obtain froln you the names of the authors. Mid laying them before the public to appear in as odious a light as they too jullly deserve. Mr. Frederick Teator and Mr. Hugh Walker are the au thors names, given to me by my friend Mr. Samuel Htke, who was authoriled my be to demand them of you, they aie inhabitants of this town, well known for their refpedta bili'.y alias rascality. The farmer is a tavern keeper, and a man of a turbulent and malevolent difpofiuou*—the latter a poor drunken taylor. A profecutioti, however, is commenced against tlrfm for Defamation. JOSEPH C."COOPER. iSi'ov. 20, 1800. SAVANNAH, Nov. sf. We learn from Lovifville that the - ilatnre of this State, were to appoint elec'- tcrs for Prefidentand Vice-Pielident, on the 14th inflant. The brig General Warren, Bowman, from Tobago, to this port, has put into Chuvrlellon in diflrefs, having been our 33 (lays. FVdm TtniastU November 7. A Dtjel took place on Wednesday lad be tween Mr. William Bowyer of Staunton, and Thomas Botts, Esq. Attorney at law, lately from Dumfries ; the latter received a wound in his body, which put a period to his exigence in a few minutes. NEW YORK,.D-cember 1. It is with pleal'ure we luarn, that the utmost refpeilt is piid to the Ame -iran flag by the En glilh iu tht Eatl India fettlenenta. RICHMOND, November Is. The Circuit Court of the United States ccm- Ibnenced its ftfiinii in thii ci'y on Saturday last We und«r(lan>'' that the trial of several pcrfons for piracy will come on durirg the fcfiion. Judge Patterfon prefixes 30,000 lbs. bejlheavy Black Pepper, FOR SALF. BY SAMUEL RHOADS, No. 1, Penn Street. Dec*mtier i.- § W F nK BS nA V KVK NIX G, DttCKMBfiR ,2 Fight prr cent (lock—tie 1 2 a ill Sis per cent. IWk 1 Navy ditto j9° '" a "9* Deferred 6 per cent 90 Three percent. ( M per e if. ) 4 l-» per cent j none at market BANK IJ. Scutes, 140 p. cent ad.~\ Pcnnfjlvania, 134 ditto / 400 N. .America Xsl ditto f iiif»r»',ceCw. Finns'* in atn ditto J North America 75"77 i 10 furnpike - i;o a 160 dolis. •■uhuylkill Kridge -■ . - p ar 10 Water Loan, 87'. dolls. ICO i Warrants 15 ,t 30 doIK too acres St.AuguJline CLurcb lottery Ticitfi, 9 J daUart On Londoa at 60 days 7 j j Rates of Foreign Coins and Cur rencies in tbe United Slates—par ace of Congres for payment of Du ties. Erigiifh pound Aerling 4 44 Iriih d*- d*> 410 I nu chPl rin or Guilder 0 40 f Hamburgh Mark Banco o $3 1.3 J CoiißTcriuißr ) M. M-CONNELL, Cbesnut street, No. 143. The Rhade-Ifland papers, received hy this day's mail, give the complete return for electors, by it appear"., that the fede ral ticket has carried by a majority of 254. Bilhop Clagcet is chofrn Chaplain by the Senate nf the United States, and the Rev. Mr. Lyle, by the House of Heprefentatives. Thomas Jefferfon, Vice-President of the United States, arrived at the Seat of Go vernment 011 the 28th ult. SIX months have elapsed, since the pief ent Editor oi this Gazette, became its sole proprietor, by puichaie,.fl'oi'n Mr: JllO. W. Fenno. He therefore deems it proper, at this perioi', to ilatk font?particulars relative to it, at, and lince the timt. wnen it became his ettabliflimeu:. Ihe Gazette of the United States, had from its commeiicm'ent, bren conduced, at diffrent y tivo gentlemen, of acknowledged talrntsand reipcdabiiiy ; hence it merited and obtained countenance Irom :» very numerous and refpettable clals of the community. It wa% therefore, re..(onably concluded, that on its becoming the pro perty of another, who from fcveral years abl'encefiom his native City, was recognized only by private friends, tliat a proportion of thole who had previoully honored it by their feimun, do. support, would, withdraw their names. This wa,s partially the Cafe ; —but Co faf from rea.ifing the fears entertained oil thi point, not one fourth of the number contem plated. have relinquillied. This alone was a favourable omen, but it ii liffir.itely more g*a:ifying to observe, that, the numbers ad ded to his kbfcription lilt, hitve exceedrd his calculations two-fold. In the Advertifmg department, many favours a-e acknowledged, uut as 011 this particular, reds the ability to meet large pecuniary, weekly difDurfeiiiertt*, it is found reqinlite to solicit a more liberal support. This paper, exclulive of the number .cir culated in this city, is read in every town, of any I m porta nee, in the Uni'.ed Sutes, and in the advertifmg line, *ill be found highly beneficial to the Mercantile part of the community, It will he deemed filjierfloous, at this time, to enter into a detail of the political principles of the Editor—-the motives which af.Unte liin), and his general plan of editing. fhty are now univeri'ally known, and it is highly plealir.g to find, that they are gene rally approved of, by a refpeetable portion cf the community, who li tre fanttioned that appiobution with their names and purses. It may be übferved by 1 me honefl, wor thy men, that t;he style of the Gazette is j fometime# violent, and Vnat private per- I Inns, are at those times attacked—To the charge of violence he objects, that of warmth is cheerfully admited ; —and he will here observe, that advocating trutl», and the denrett mterefls of his country, he feels a zeal, which he thinks, and they on refledlion mull admit, is laudable. Those, who objeil to his giving full l'cope to his feelings on this fubjeft, will do well to consider, that he has to contend with an unprincipled,! daring, and aspiring faction ; who threaten every thing virtuous, with total subversion, —whole only arguments are fa lie hood and calumny. Private charadters, are lield sacred, gene rally fpe.king, but when turbulent aliens and naturalized citizens, become bawlen at town meetings and write libel after libel on the fiill characters iu our country When they fandlion with their detcfted names the molt glaring fall's hoods and the vilefl de traction, amid such an uproar, lilence would be criminal. Such men and those only has the Editor dragged before the American peo ple ; he has opposed them, and will continue to oppose them, and from the llrongeft ties of attacliment to America, he will uncea fmgly combat with all the means in his power, the insidious and inveterate foes to this country whether foreign or domelHc, under wherever specious garb they may please t'> assume. , Gazette of the United Sutes. A fUILAnS.UHUA t Prices of Public Stock, pHILADhLrHI A, DECEMBER 2 EXCHANGE. Dolls. Cts. TO THE PUBLIC. CONGRESS; 1,1 t' l "- il-'iiff of K-rprtlVwiiitive* »f the U. .'J iud lcv«i.J ik-w ircsbrrs -.fipear-d, wu* jqujlifirj, 4 j„j took th«>r Oats. A Comtui'-te- of fr-veis was appointed to cany into effect the refuluuoivs of lall ses sion, coinife/worative of the military and political services ot General Walhington, Sundry petitions' and reports of commit tees were read, and ordered to lie on the table. 4 Par amount viz. 7to 8. The Eil! was then frnt down to the hcnife of Reprefentatives,who amend, ed it, so that each hoi'fe (liould nominate 15 and out ot the 30 so nominated is electors fhotild be appointed by a joint vote. 1 liis bill will go up to the Senate to morrow, who will no doubt rejected it. I t is thought by fortje that the house of Re. prefentatiyes will then recede from their amendment and take the 7 and 8; others are ot a different opinion. How it will terminate it is impoflible to fay. * ' 1 1 lie I-.arthquake which was felt at cafler, Wilmingten, Wc. andof which an ac count was ptiblifhed yesterday, was felt here about the fame time, though as it is not unolual to hear a similar noise in the city, fioin the driving of carriages, waggons &c. all hours ot the night,—it created a very lit tle enquiry. A perl'on who paid some atten tion to the Ihock was wakened by it be tween 4 and 9 o'clock on Wedliefday mor ning the 20th instant, when he (tood upright rn his bed, which appealed to rock like a cradle, concuflion and noise gradually decreased till it lubfided, In the neighbour hood of the city, we unaerftand it was felt much more sensibly. Quere. 1« this a fulfilment as an old pro phecy, which }>reetids thit " towards the latter end of the year 1800, and the 3 fol lowing years, there fliall be great Earth, quakes in Auerica, Europe and Atiia ?" [ Baltimore paper. There is now living in the tovn ofClon mel, Ireland, a man lixiied 5-heedy, who from every real'onable calculation, can vv ant little of bing 100 years of age. He has three times cut full grown timber of his own planting, and c now be seen retting under the (hade of tjie fourth planting. His wife has been more than ten years bed rid dsn, and has had no other attendant than himfelfj jis memory it tenacious, ail the fact,hies of (enlr uinijtpnired, and he waJks ereft, and appai emiy as ftiong as at the age of fortv. It is tp be remarked that s .hi* man has always had a great aversion to (Irong liquors. 1 he following (ingulal- account of a phe nomenon which appeared to the sir near the village of Quintans, in the Province of Bur gos, in Spain, is giveh in tile Paris Papers, »» an extraft from the Journal of Madiid, of the hhof >ly " At 1 I o'clock in the morning of the 11th ot June, a ftorniy cloud was seen at the extremety of the village of Quintana, tow ards the north, and a very thick fog which feemedto proceed from the adjacent moun tains having joined it in a veiy gross column they fornjtd together a very fantailic figure, with arm*, feet, &. a long tail. The refein blanfe oi a very large '.erpent, of a sky blae colour, was f«on after plainly discerned as proceeding from the junction of the cloud Sc tog which extended itf'elf so fir as So tv)ch the tarth. It emitted from time to time to' Vinti of fire of a dark colour, ai>d at length lejYrated itfclf from the cloud in the direftioH of the village, with frequent erup tions of flames and (parks »f fire. The inha bitants were very much terrified, but Jvio lent gale froth the north separated it in the louthern extremity, while the greater part advanced within 40G paces"of the village. " It was l'e-en to tear uo in its pafTige fe- 1 veral large (tones and trees. In particular, a very large oak was firft ftripp.d of its leaves, and af.erwnid torn up by the' roots. It destroyed all the clierVy and apple trees in its way, & burnt up the ground over which it palled for more than sixty paces. This lingular phenomeno*continued itsdepieda tions for al out 25 minutes, and then again joined the cloud out of which it came. The damage which it did to the vineyards is very considerable.'' This account is given upon the authority of the Curate of the village, and several :el pe&able inhabitants who were eye-witnesses of the tranfa£lion. A convi&ed flit-cp lle*)er, in Ireland; when called upon for his defence on his trial, *nade the. Court fraile by the following cu rious one : " My Lord, this is a very pretty ft ry '■ thffe hen witce(T;s have told your hon iur about me. They want to make you believe that it. was an uncommon affair to find a few joints of nuttou in mv house, whereas they all knows that I've been in the but chering line these many years ; that is, my Lerd, I buys up all tha rotten ftieep and cows. The farmers knows it >ny lord. Now you mud know my lord, thi« here man, (pointing to ane of the witnefiVs,) this here fellow, is the only one that sppofes me in that line : he knows, :ny lord if hfi can do • ■ m *r*> f me, it 'H be a pretty penny in liis pocket. I -I tlaie lay my lord, if I'm don", it will be ' a fortune to him for full 15/, a year. So • on fee, my lard, he is a pretty fellow for a witnefj. Then, my lord, lit re's this otl&r tellaw, (pointing to another witnels) he owes me a grudge, as you may suppose, fjr you must know, I'ft a law suit with Jiira, and cast him, so he's fpre. Indeed, my lord 1 only ci ft him, as you may say, because che taiSt was,we was both cs ;that is, my lord, we were laid upon our backs for this law yers got every farthifig of him and me too. •o you fee, my lord, taking all thcfe things into Conliderafton, there's not much to b; depended on what they fay." Anecdote of Frederick tie Great. An ordinance' of Frederick's had created gieat dilcontents- among Ins troops. In the firft moment of indignation, the i'oldifrs of the garrison of Potzdam wished to take advantage of the facility which the Monarch afforded to all his fubjeas, and pa: ticulai ly to the toldiers, to approach him, for the purpcfe of dating any grievances they la bouied under. I his philosophical King certainly liked to hear them as little as any other King. He knew particularly tfie danger of fuffering ■ the spirit of del bera tion to infißu:ite itlelt into troops with arms in their hands. Ihe deputation from the garrison began their march. An officer, acquainted with their intention, informed Frederick. He ejfpe&ed to receive orders from liim to make them return to the bar racks. No iuch thing, <( They want to lee me ? Wei!, let them come—Good Sol diers are fond of being near their General." But, Sire, tlte incanveniences of luch a measure. This will lead to a second, and soon each of your orders will be difctilT d." " No matter, l.e: them enter." The lol diers entered.l o do honour to the Pruliian discipline, they drew up in a line, with the air ot re'pedl due to their General. soon as Frederick saw them he drew his fu-ord, and gave the word of command which is usually give» before tWe men begin their exercife—Atbtung .' In Englilh, Atttntion. After this command no talking is alio ved in the ranks. The greatest llill j ness and lilence prevailed—l o the right j wheel—to the left wheel. 'Hie loldiers j executtd these command* with the Pruf- I lian precision. All at once the King called J out J'o the right about." They then | forced the door—" March." The soldiers immediately marched out, and as the King did not cry " Halt I" they kept marching on till they arrived at the barracks. Their comrades immediately prelTed round them to demand the result of their petition —- We did not I peak to the King.—But you h, he made a spring, with which to the terror and adoniflmient of all piefent. he reached the top of the lofty railing which j divided the hbufe, and wotdd in another second have be ( -n down among the tbicked of the crowd, had not the mailer of the school fortunately had a loaded gun by h'nn, and at the critical inflant fired, and Ihot. the animal who received the ball hetween the bieall and fli .older, and immediately over into his enclosures, The conftertia:ion which prevailed among the Ladies and Gentleman on this alarming occasion. can be better imagined thnn aefctibed, eaeh person being willing te wave all ceremony, io order to eflablilh his own right of prece dency, the gallery (lairs being rather nar rower than luited the defircs of the company many betook themselves to the windows, through which they made a very rapid pas- A quantity of Home made Shecting.ui h» fold on reafnnable terms at Tho mas anl Shrecvrs N'o .17, north Front /Iree'; Newbury Smiih, No. 56 north Second ilreet; and Roges and Donnaldfon, No. 41, Migh- I'.rcct. As the manufa&unni,' (Ms liner, £>!«',y to give employment to the k'oor, during thtj wirterfci fon, and as the funds ol the Society who employ them, sre much reduced, tkey hope their [elluw citkxer.s who are ia want of this article will y'.vc their aid,hy furchifmg, to e'lahle t! em to carry on the mar u .iilory the enluiDg winter. N. B. Alfoacjuant.ty of good SHOE THREAD, »t 'taac T. Hopfrr, No 1 39, Pin»«llr.-e% The Printers g«ncfally ar> to give his a place in their piperss yefierday, CHARLES AU/1 a.ij (-fond son of the Prefiknt u,tj are toilVnil.le, this dayj it 2 o'clock, IJ.1 J . X.. £t Levctt'j Hotel, Broadway. New-York, Dec. 1. ...... - ,. fe-,;'j POUT OF FHiI.ADEI.PMI ARRIVED, c.-r;* schr. Delaware, Hqlt, New Y irlc 4 —to bott.-n - ; Ruth, Don, ' Bixf, Bjrky, ■ Drufilla, Crtndo*, Kr* Betlfort la •4k—to i , [ t Cleared Ship Old Tom, Morton . Londonderry B,! r ! * üb >'> New Oi'kM'o Five Sifters, Halfled '\ ~, t<,i„ Ship China, Jofiah, of this port i• *ni Ratavia, was left by the Efl'ex frigate ..i! well off C ape Hatteris. The brig Lapwing, si om'Batavla to Nc-.i ork, ha , p it inco the Cape ol Good iJe>;:< difmsfted. - 1 F.n >pfro sloop of war, Cap'jin Oe ' 's. froro j rruizt has arrived at Hew Caflle. *[' 1 "• ck Terry, for this port left St Helepa iclh ssptember. rt'r fan 1 .. K n Huliley, for thi; port, fail?, fir st. Helena, i- ro.with tlie iflVx. • re Mr l ■ er New Yo'k to i!.' port, futik off Creat Egg Hir The brig- reported Ruth and Mary, selby twenty-five days ' Halifax. An inward bound brig is below, under Fri« tilh colour-, name unknown. Brig Eliza, Sherman, from Leghorn i> t'e low ship Lavinia, Sweetzer, from Chailefloo, is below. Sloop Friendlhip, VVaitman, cleared ont frcm Savannah f»ir this port Nov-niber t|. Afl'ip|,.a frd with naval ft ires, has beta cast away on Montague Point. The frigatPfeflex, Captain Preble,arrived at New York. St. Helena with the follow ing vefTels und.r her convoy, v.z (he Chin* nr:d JuhH Bulk'ey, of Phi idelpith ; the Nancy, of Baltimore, Juno, i.f Rhode Iflilid ; the Lyd.a and Sally, of Barton ; and the Exchange, of Salem. On the r4tb of Nwvernh-r, in latitodr 17, N. the Salty left tie convoy s on the i6tH (he Ex chai ge left the eonvoy ; erf the 19th the John Bu'klfy le'tthe convoy ; on the *oth th" Ly n the nit, in Ja*i tur!e .;4, long tiids 71, go, 13 ;i sale, fcjjircu \ from the remaining pari of t e fl-et the Jont) Butktey arri.el a; St- Heler.a t n the 21ft of September ; and had on the 14 !i ot Atiguft, fp,,ke the kjig Lapwing, C ,™-, to -vew York. The Lapsing fc..,l been dismasted in tint gale which feparatel the convey to the cast ward of the Cape of G oj Hope The Dominick Terry, F rmir.g, Ailed from ot litlcfta, on the ijih of September. The 'rigate Eflexfpoke tie following vefiels • November 4. latitude ar, 44, N. lenrn. 'e 57. 45. W. spoke schooner iJcaor, j Glenney, inafter, from New Haven for Mar j tm que,. twcn'y-"Me day* out., .November 5. Utitu.le 41, 4J> N. long : tu le. 58, VV. fpojte brig William, J. hn Walker, matter, from Ketniebunk, for St. Viscema, thirteen d ys out. ' November it latitude t 3 , 3! , N. longitude 60, W. spoke brig Eliza, Ifracl Bullnrk ma", ter, from Providence of 'Turks Ifhad, ten days out. N-v mbcr 13, latitude 24, 5», N. longitude 67. 15, VV. Ipoke fcho.-,ncr Miry; Abraham Jackson, rafter, tr m Tortola, for Wiiusff t, four oa,y§ days out, and fno for Portland) tour days out out. NEW YQRK, December I. Arrived Gnce nr lift Brig; Tartar, Carr, from Fortola. Left there company aitli a fk-et; of rui;re than a hundred fail, under at> Englifo convoy The el.owinj* vefftls bund to different ports iis the Un rtd States, oarted convoy i n t'.e icth : —fchoc-ner Ja< k. Var.nelo, New-York j hri~ L.rdinier, Alibnv, arid I.tig .Nor folk ; frontier Experiment, U'lliim , Middle lowr. j brig Hope,—-New-1: veil ; fcliooner •iflive.ißurnhaii), (Turks's Island s fli op In dufl y, Dapge;t, Boifon ; b-ii • , Buntid, N'ewboryp ;rt ; and >ri K Betky. • f Kenm bunk. Novembrr 25th, in lat 39 _|c lon s ' 7 j 20, houner jane, Conhw, ». tit 30 da-, a from sr. Birtlioloiewi, bound to n w-York, iu want of Irrad. For the second time here. New-Theatre. ON WEDNF. D.\ V EVENING, Dicemter 3 Will b: prcfcnttd, a -.-l-b TRAGEDY CAIXEU TB H Law of Lombardy. With new fernery, didf.s & dfCoratioi s. Kii'P of Lombardy, mr Warrin ; Bireno, Wigrii-ll; Paladore, nu Co ;j c ; Wood; Ri'oalio; rcr Baile} 5 i.uao, mr O.V. • Sufintor. mi 1 Vrijmore; '% Foreii-r, mr ' r «d UflierjOlM phcrd mr M„r ri<; e, IVr h, pkirr; Cffi. r m : - toj.hia,Princcfiof Lombard)', mrs Merry : Ai.Z da, miss E. We"ray. Attendants—Mils Arnold. mis» Stuart, rnrs D< c . tor.mrs Warren, mik Solomons, Stc. See. In ;idl 5,1., a Pr c. Jlion and -I>-ad M To which will be added, for the iecond t m. here, a Mufuai Farce (in three ail*) A Trip to Fontainbleau. FrJifi »\ *= *. • ■ r