Gazette of the United States, & daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1800-1801, December 01, 1800, Image 1

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    Gazette of the United States, & Daily Advertiser.
By C. P. VVa'yne, No. 6c, South Kront-flreet. .
i < .. \
l_i 1.. ■ . -- ■ .... . . ,v I » -• - *•
' : ——
PHILADELPHIA PRICES CURRENT, in Dollars and Cents. December i, 1800.
C~T The following Duties are such as arise on Importations in American Vefllis. An Additional. Duty of Ten per Cent, is imposed on all Gopds, Wares, and Merchandize
Imported in Foreign Bottoms.
" —wMle Fomj Vo
ALLUM C 8 9 Free
Almonds b 22 ijprctadv
Anchors II 121 ditto.
Allies pot " none
Bacon it* i° u
B I, mess jj 14
ppnre 12 13 |
cargo 9 11
Beer ®
Bread, ship C 4
pilot 8 9
Rraziletto 1' 6°
Bucks M 6so
Stock 26 27
BrVmftone, roll C 5 55°
Butter in kegs lb l Si
CANDLES dipt 16 17
mouio io
Spermaceti 5°
Cards, wool
Cassia 75 80 isprctady
f.heefe, Enflifli 33 7 cellts -
American 141 1 1
Chocolate, Bollen 26
Philad. 27
Cinnamon none
doves 1 3° 160 ijprctjd.v
Clover feed, red lb 20 d®
white 20
Timothy bu 4
Herd grass 1 5°
Cocoa C 24 26 2 cts pr lb
Coffee lib *S 2 7 5 ce,m
Coal, foreign bu S c,!IU3 buflicl
Virginia 3° 33
Cotton St. Domingo lb 33 47 ? « centspr lb
Surrinam 5° 5
Georgia sea id. 45 ■»
upland 36 3^
Cordage, American C '4 15
Rnlfia, tarred 13 tBocentsprC.
Copper, pot, (lieets, (b 60 J
Bottoms 40 > Fre#
Pat. flieath. 60 J
Copperas C 35° 4
Corks £s 33 43
Cu'-rants, Zant
DUCK, Ravensp II 75 7 lati per ct
Russia fail 14 I? JO \ Y d l A C
Holland lcarce J
Feathers ib 4s s°
Villi, cod dry qu 45° 5
do. pickled
Salmon do. B 9 IO
do. fmoaked
Shad B 8
Mackarel 6 8 50
Herrings 4 4 25
Flax lb 13 liarcc
Flaxfeed H 115°
Flour, fuperfine 3 19 2j U
conmion 10
Burr middlings 7 8
Rye meal 475 5 2 5
Indian meal 4 50 4 75
Ship fluff C 233 267
Pyrs, Otter 333 160
Beaver lb 1 2
Sral [>Free
Mink fk 33
Mulkrat, 33 J
* Note. Salt weighing more than 56 lb. per fculhel, pays 20cents per 56 lbs. per bulhel or left, 20 tent?"per buDiel, in American vefiels; if in foreign vefTeJs 22 cepts. —" From the Cape of Good Hope, or beyond 20
per cent is added to .the cofl of all goods paying an'ndvalorem duty."
t The aforementioned rate of duties upon Teas refp.-tt thole imported direftly from India—lf from Europe, bohea tea pays 14, souchong 21, imperial and hyson +0 cents per lb. It from any other place, bohea pays 17,
souchong 27, imperial and hyson 50 ctsper lb. in American bottoms. In Foreign bottoms from Eu.-ope. 17 1-5, 37, 50 cents per lb. Fronj any other plate, 18, 7-10, 29 7-10, 55 cents perlb.
Alldutied articles, imported into the United States, not having been landed more than one year, are allowed 11 drawback of the duties ftibjeft to a deduction of one per cent except spirits, which is one half ceflt per gallons
j-y* Of those articles that hate no price affixed to tbem, their is either none at market, or'fuch price cannot b* ascertained as to dcpei.d ypon it.
—a—————1 11 1 ■ .11. J. „ .....1 in———■—J——
Law Books.
Imported by fau.lry late arrivals from London
and Dublin,
Is now arranged and ready for sale,
No. 319, Market-Jlreet,
Where Catalogues will be delivered on appli
HE takes this opportunity of returning his sin
cere acknowledgments to the Gentlemen of
the Bar, and th»-ir ftu.lents in the United States,
for the patronage his design h?s met with, for ef
tablilhiug a Store exclusively for the iale of Law
Books. The advastages which offer themfelvct
to the profeffion,frofti having fuc'n to apply to, he
truds are rendered obvious by the coniidera'ion,
tJiat confining his attention to the Imponation of
book 8, only in that Line, he has it in hi» power ro
keep conflantly by him, a general and nioft valu
able ftipply of the lateit and belt Editions, anil
Ifom his ready sales, ta dispose of th. ni, on tern-.s
so moderate as to preclude the i.cceffity of gaitk
men importing their own Libraries.
* Any commands he may be favoured witb, from
a single volume to any number, dull thaukluily
ndpromptly be attended to.
novemher a 6 w&f;- im
At ifae Office of ihe Gazette the LViited
. *0
VVl'K.klal- t rom lo
T3 -c\ n r* DUTIIiS.
CUURKNT PRICK; ft £). C. D. C.
Martin |k 50
v Grey Fox 47
Red Fox 1
Racoon 33 53
Fiflier 50 1
Bear [5O 3
Wild Cat 40 co
foixhem 27
' Deer in hair, fall Ib, 16 17
Ditto red 25
Fuflic T
GINGER, Race C 850 isprct»dv
do. Jam. grd. Ib 12 14 do
Gin fa tig
Glafs,Wind.B by 10bx 11 11 50 15 pet ad v
7 by 9 do
Glue Ib 1 j
Grain, Wheat bu Ijo 2
Rye 75 80
Indian corn 70 Ho 1
y New corn 50 53
Oats 33 40
Gr.tiu, Barley bu 67 80
bell shelled lb 6
Gunpowder Eng. kg 10 12
do Amer. 8 50
v T T AMS, Pork lb 15 154 l 5 pctad \ ]
I I Hair-powder 100 cts p C
Hemp, Russia T 350 j S!
.Tides, La Guira lb 10 ?- Fr?e
St. Domingo 10 J
Gr en 37 :
Hoops,Hhds. Ihav«d M
icl Hogr-lard lb 15 16 *
Honey, country ga none at market
~ Hafranuah di ,80 86 I 1
lb u J I
Hops 45 50
Barrel poles
INDIGO, lb ]
St. Domingo I 1 25 j-25ctsplb
C. Ille of France 125 J
New-Orleans '7 1 12
Carolina 6c I
Iron Callings 1' 74 67 80
Country Bar I 066; 109 33 ) I2 i pct
Russia Bar 100 (ad val
Sweden 110 120 J
Sheet 226 67 1.L.0 v -
Hoops 133 33 138 67
Nail-rods D7 ( t cent nib
LEAD, Bar i i s o 16- >
Sheet 1 j p ct ad v
white, gr. in oil C 14 50 15 f J'
foal 'b 18 20
Lemons, Lifbop. 7 3
Cadiz 5 p d °
Lime stone Hi 525 rree,
Lignumvitx 1" | 65 •
!L - wood 'jo ;
Boards. Cedar M 2J *
White Pine 19 33 J
Ditto Pannel 27 28
li.thlc qr. do. 53 33
- Heart i'i'ie 28
Sap 14 1
Oak Scantling 18
Hemlock Io 12
Red Ceiiar Ft 50
This Day is Publijked>
At Wm. Young's Book-store,
Original and correal Lift
United States Navy,
A Lift of the Ships in Cotmiiiluon, and their
refpeclive force.
A Lift of the Officevs and their Rank, as
well those belonging to the Navy as the
Marine Corps.
To ivbici is added,
A Digest of the principal La.vs relative to
the Navy, &c. See.
Price »j cents each, and at jo dollars
per ico.
November a* eo^t
That large and commodious
At the corner of />.rch and Ninth flrcets.
To be Let,
THE house, ftal !e, coach-hotife and lots, lately
occupied by Major Butler, fitaate as above
For terms apply to J. B. Wallace, No. aB, north
fifth llreet.
«&obcr 11 »aw tf
The Porcupine.
I TAKE this method ofinformii.g the People of
the United States, that on the firftdayot No
vember Boxt, Ipropofeto publication
of Porcupine's Gazette, under the title of I'HE
PORCUFiNE ; and to hotily (in cafe any gentle
man in America fcould want it) that the price of
eavh Number will be fix pence itterling, and that
the cash must he received by me before the paper
can be Supplied.—As to the mode of
so frequent are the opportunities from lon kin to
New-York, that file, may be forwarded to thelat.
ttr place once a fortnight upon an av rage—liom
New-York they can be fpce-iily conveyed to ev
ery part of the Union. When files can be, with
out delay, feilt t.i othh places direct, it may be
done ; when they cannot, they will all be sent ta
New-York, unless otherwise ordered.
Porcupine's IVoris,
Which have been fometimc iu the Pr«fs, wil
be co npktedl in February neit, when the copies
fubferi-ed for in America will bs forwarded to
the Subfcribcrs.
Any of my literary friends in America, who
may be disposed to renew their corrcfpondence
with me; will please 'o direfl to me at my print
ing office, No. 3. Southampton street, Strand, or
at my Bookl'ellcr's (hop, No. rB, Pall Vtall.
London, September 6, IBtJO.
To Printers.
WANTED— in Exchange,
A FOUNT of Long Primer, weighing 6
or 700 lb. or upwards, and a Fount of
Brevier, weighing 4colbs. or upwards.
September 2.
Wholesale From lo
j 1
Shingles,/ 3 ft. drell M 28
2 feet R ' 8
18 inches 5
Limes bll 1
Lard, hogs lb 15 16
MV.CE 6 65c rjprctad\
Madder 25 26 1
Mahogany, Bay F I Free.
St. Domingo 40 J
MolalTes, W. India G 50 60 5 cts per gal
Sugar house 73
Mull.Fl. in Bottlesdz 1 20 • 15 pqt ad v
Nails, 3d ib
4<l A a
6d ,6 1? -5
8 1 U hg-sjt
l3 I i
I 2d 13 J I J S.S.
2cd I 2
Cut do; 3d ij
4<i 13 14
6d i a
8d 11
iod io-J
12d I 0
2od 10 .
Nankeens, long p i2^pctad\
lliort I
Mutmegs Ib 6 6 50 15 pet ad v
OIL Flor. 3 cfla. ,2 7 Ditto
12 bottles 8 J
lOii,I Oii, com. Whale G 50
Spermacetti. Go 7°
Tanners B 15
Lintfeed G 70 73
Onions, bu
100 ropea 6 7
"J3EAS 40 40
.5. Pepper black lb 33 35
■'.mento, Jam. 13 14 6 ctsper lb
Pitch B 4 cents
Plailler, Paris T 10 10 jo
Pork Burlington, B t 8
Porter, Lond. draft 2 SctspgStio
bot. 250 3 on bot - ad
Philadelphia bot. 1 io 120 do
Pearl, Penn. patent 8 9
"T5 AISXNS; bcfij'-S 8 15 pet ad v
jLv Bloom & rou(k bx 450 5
Redwood, ground 'b 20 30
R ice, C j
Rosin, B 3 35°
SALT, A Hum bu 1 18 "1
C » diz 94 1 . > See note *
Lilbon 1 161
Liverpool line 67 J
St. Übes 1 110 Frw -
Salt petre arlined "> 27 30
Sail clo'lt £n. No. 1 I
Segars, Spasifli 10
America 2 17 r per cent]
Shotting, Kuilia 17 75 1 ctut l* r '
Sm t '• 7jo 8
Snuff, in Bl;a!d3rs 33
Bottles 6 i
Rappee 694 2'cents pet ib|-
Soap, Castile lb 20
Brown 9 , 10
White 13 ?. per gallonl
Spirits, G 133 139 S .ift P 2 5 r
Brandy, French 1 1 50
MR. QJTESNKT refpcdlully informi his pre- |
sent scholArs, and thole he had the honor
„ t > teach fer ncrly, that his Ball will be held on t
, Thutfday the 4th of December, at lm Assembly (
1 Ruo,i% .-voilth Fourth street, and will continue ;
. every iortaight, on the fame day, during the fea
r Ton
Mr. QuefnetJ continues to take scholars on
. Monday, vVednefday and Friday —The attend- c
auce for in the morning and afieraoon, F
, Qentltmen, every evening—the l'dtool being di- c
l7 ■"
War Department,
Navtmber 13, 1800.
'"pHOSE Gentlemen who have applied for mi
litary appoir.tmenis in the service of the
United States are informed that their applica
tions with al the recommendatory letters accom
panying were confumcd by fire in the War Of
-1 sice, on Saturday evening last. Thole who
continue to desire to be c-cnfidered as can ! dates
will fee the propriety of renewing their app'i
, cations.
Secretary of War. f
THE Printers in the diff rent St trs are t
requested to give this a place in»the!r Gc/etias 1
HAVING parted with Margaret Brooks by
mutual consent, I do hereby forwnrn all
persons from crediting her on nn account, as I
will not pay any debts of her cor,traflin^.
39 <fiaw3t
I Vv h -icidic ri Ol'. i o
SpanilJ. ' 1 "IdT^T"
Rum, Jamair j 3 e ,33 . ,j g
' l2 I ' 4 £ !> 4 thp,2
w 1 IO I sthp 3 8
Wind wart 1 I 0 J 6thp 4 6
lv New-England 75
Gin, Holland 1 1 1208t0 2 eo « g
Apple Brand;. co 57
Rye 56 60
al Staves, wt.Oak pip V' 69 33 v •
Plhd. 40
' v Heading 40
Red Oak 30
Leogan 26 67
Barrel 26 ' ' -
Steel, German 'l 161 "1
Englifli Wliftered f ; i. 14 1 3 [■ ° c ' n^s
Crowley's : 17 5c 18 J P cl C.
American 1 40 44
Starch 10 11 15 prct ad
Sugar, Havan.-white 16 16 50 I 3 cts perlb
Brow 1 , 2 2 i dr
India, I ft quality 13 , 2 do
Muscovado >'l2 16 751 2 do
•Lump Hj 26 6± do
Loaf, finale res. 28 9 do
Tar, n. c. b 250 3
Jer v y I 25
v 1 allow, Russia b 14 12 percent.
Americi. 1 14
Pea, Imperial Ico 166 ")
young Hyson 1 ~
Hyson , 120 j P er lb t
Hyson Skin 83 87 20 'a
Souchong 'BO 90 18 ds
Bohea 37 12 da
Tin in plates bx jg , Free
Tobacco C 1
Richmond old 6 6 Jo
lb new 6
Peterfburgh . 5 75
Fredericklburg j
Mai) lard
Georgia 4 7S
Carolina t 4 75. j
v Twine, Seine lb 1 400 cts ■
Sewing 46 ) p-r Cwt«
Turpentine B 250
1 fpirit-s ga 49
Varnifl 33 ic
Wine jo
Cydei 18 20
Varnilh 23 25
Verdigreafe - 80
Vermillion 2
WAX, Bees lb 30
Whalebone f
'■ Wines, Madeira 160 200 40 to Jo c g
Bell Lond. partic. .140 40.0J8 do
Sherry S;'i 112 125 40 cents
«i LifboH 14j ,1 j 30 d «
Teneriffe ' 8 c 93 ' q
Malaga 86 90 J °
Fayal 68 70 do
■ Port none at market >°
ib' Claret, fupu Bourd'x
calks 60 40 4j 40 p r ct ad r
i Old fuperfine cargo 60
0 .. *
(i t? .1,. n n j u
ON WBDMESD VY,the lo'.h day of De"
ceinber, w'f. be fol»i at Public Vendae, on
the premises lyin„' in Springfield Township,
County of Burlingt. n and State of New Jersey,
a moil valuable
divided into loti to (uit purchasers The above
propfrrty is a (hare of th t Capital Ellate, once
owned by Mr. Samuel Bulius.
•S5 Due attendance will be given by
November 18. eod4'.^J
This Day is Pu!?liJ}jed y
And to be fold
Second flrfet, oppefite Christ Church,
Ant Essay
Eleventh Cbeptgr of the Revelation of St.
In which is (hewn that the words " And in the
fame Hour was there a great Earthquake, and the
tenth part of the City fell, and in tlae Earthquake
were slain of Men seven thotifand," relate to Jc
rufalcm, and not to Rome or France
By Charles Crawford, Esq.
Lately pubWhcd by this author,
Observations upon the Revolution in Franc:,
&c,& .
oflob«r 31 ' F.;w