Gazette of the United States, & daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1800-1801, November 29, 1800, Image 4

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    For St, Croix,
TIM r.R! G
J oft-ph P..ul, master.
To- Fi-cic'nt or PalTage, apply to
thtf iuaU«r onboard, or
»5 south Water itrtet,
Who has for S<//e,
Imparted in fai 1 hrip. a 1 w !\»s;fheadj
and (Safes of
rovemhcr *7
For Sale,
kfk, ELIZA y KATY,
G j orge Parker, mailer ;
Sfegpaiy Burthen no tons, 4 months
of<3,.ftiis tkfl, nnj is pierced fori4*guns. Ap
ply to the master 011 boird at Downing's
wharf, or
No. .1, Penn Street.
November ; 1. dtf
For Lisbon,
■ Thorrtas Chalkley,
X Tofjllin fix or eight days.
' 58£?»-V> Sif-*«* For I'reigh of a few
hundred barrels, or for
November 11. . dtf
For Hamburgh,
a-. The Hamburgh ibip
gpaThree Friends,
Jf hn "eter Janfrn, master,
A fuMVautiaFftrong goo x vcfT l„and well found*
l* intendedto fail previous to the 15th of Decem
ber two rhirds of l»cr carg.» homy ready to go on
board —For the remainder, or p Hag", apply to
Who have % received per /aid vejfel
and are now Landing,
IP i.atillas roy ales
c Selrfiat
Chteks. No 2, and LiHadocs
a la Morlaix
ArrHat •
Stri- p.;
Selefn H»< dkerchicfs
Bazzi §'
Oil CI ?ths
Gun Flints
rflfo on Hand,
ChetV' and lures B 'ccadillos, Bricanni**, Csf
f rillo*, Hr.'Wii Koli» E'topilla*, Crcas a U Mor
laix, Bie'cfeld fine Shirfi n g, I,innen% DowUfs,
Siam *ife. Tape* GlafaWir?» Coffee Mills Scythes,
Demyjohns. Qui'ils.
novcmHcr 21 diot-—tq&fr 3W
For Liverpool,
t To return imm diately.
The Copper bottomedJhip
M 0 L L Y '
Richard Fli/ia. Commander,
' Will fail in a few days, three
fourths of her cargo being rr My to go on board.
For freight of the remainder, apply »° the
fubfcriberi., r for pafH, r, to the captain on
board at Walnut street wharf.
November 19
For London,
fegt GEORGE,
,y Ciptain Rice,
H the grenteft part of her
"<2srflo yrigaged will take Freight if applied
for inimetiiitely.
TLomas Mi rgatrojd fc?" Sons.
Oao L er ij. ni.ih.&
to the ftiip Atlantic, captam Waters, from
Calcu'taand Madras,
And for sale by the fubferiber,
A great variety of articles mostly suitable
for expoftauon,
Blue cloths
Soot Ronials
Salem poores
Ventap ilams
Madra3 1-or-g Cloths
Ditto Har.dksrchieii.
2000 bags prime Sugar,
Hyson and Souchoftg Tea,
No. 80, Dock sir set.
mwf tf
, oilober 10
For Sale, or to Let,
In Cbcsr.ut Street,
Near the corner of Eleventh street, at present in
tbs tenure of Mr. -A. M'Call—Poffeffioo may be
bad the first of November next, or sooner if re
quired Apply to'
Edward Shoemaker.
September 3 5
, That large and commodious
At tfee cornet of Arch and Ninth streets.
To be Let,
THE house, stable, coach-hovfc and lots, hte'y
occupied by Major Butler, fitsate as ahove
For tiT.i-s apply to J B. Wallace, No. »8, north
Fifth ftreat.
tflobcr »l
For Sale*
No. 80, ,
Swafts on street* Soutbivark %
The following
India Goods,
V I z.
•o» pifC'i MamooiJitl ,
100 <]o Bn'nahe- • <!•
j;» J.. il,orrß «t«
95 d 1 "motiu. K «f"uk
75 tia do H "IKirihieti
V' do Burhhcoo Gurr.» »
/.*>.»v r r || 'u th fa im
At Wain's wharf,
The Cargo of the brigEnterprize,
Surinam Molasses,
Of an ex-silewt qual.ty, in hoglheads, tierces ami
barrels, '
And about 40 quarter casks
For Sals. bt
Wharton Lewis,
( No. Us,fi uth Front street.
o ts -h fa tf
William French,
No. 48,
Soutb Front-street,
By the I'enufylvinii, captain York, from
An extensive and elegant assortment of
Broadcloths and Caffimeres.
o<flw!>er "> 1 4v.
Just Received,
Fourth ftrcr. corner of Union ftrcet,
Frefli Cloves
Real Ceylon Cinmimon of the
befl: quality.
rovmHrr 6
John Whitesides,
INI O <MS hi» friends and The j nhli; in geticral
that V e Vti. taken the
J5 R E W E R Y,
(lite William Dawfoii'a) Vo. jo north Sixth ftree*
fh»y tiij « fuppjicd with Poutr, \l«
TaMr »nd atlar B«ra.
N B. A quimtty ot ncclloi alii Partar on
liand fit (or imincdia-a use.
D3IC' htr If <li«
An Invoice of
Playing Cards.
SUPE&FIN'Is Columbian, Harry fhc 11 T th
4tid Metry-Ar-drrw Playing Cards, ier laie cheep
for cafh—App'y at this Office.
fej.umhe- 13. ,
Crooke Stevenson
From No. 4 South to the ftorelaiely occupied by
No. 11, North Water Street.
34 llojfhurli Antigua and St. Kitts rum
6a Do. Mufrovado fuear
55 Do. Surrinini ; sugar house, and Havan
nah molaflrs
Coffee in hoglheadi and bjgi
Hyfoo Ckin and bohea teas
Jamaica spirits
Country ruin
French and hran'v
White and brown Havannah fug* 1 "', &c
November 17. m»&faw
Horles to Winter,
HOUSES will t.e taken to winter at Profpeft
Hill,at the l» mile (Vne.ol the lirilt I road,
where they will have 100J T'mothy and Clover
Hay, be well taken care of and hav: a field ti> rua
in when the weather is good ; esquire 01 William
Bel! Philadelphia; t>r, ot Joseph Bunting, on the
They engage to return them in good or.ler in
the spring nr charge nothing lor k cping them, and
will rot he »nfw rable for accidents or efcap?,but
wltl take every precaution to prevent either,
oiflober if mwf tf
A Young Man,
PF.RFF.C PLY versed in Mercantile accounts,
and up in one of the firft conoting
hrjfes in cliitv viry, wi(he« e-nploymeut a» Clerk.
He is at present «bfent from Philadelphia, but a
line left st the Office of the Gazette of the Uni
ted Sta'cs he will receive, and it fta'd be imme
dia'ely attended to. Salaty a I'econd.vy ohje&—
Employment his sisrive.
augslt 11 dtf
THE pub'icare hereby informed, that the Bal
timore Coachre will in futur* start frmn the Ih
dian Qui-en, No 15, foutli Forth (trcet, rvc-y Hay
ixeept Sunday, at j o'clock, and will arrive at
Peck'. Tiv -rn, Baltimore, the next day at 8 o'»lock
asd the StJgts to New York, will fl3rt every Jay
at 8 and r» o'clock.
N. II —A hook is kept open at Mr. Ely Chan
•tier's Head, where feats may alio be ta
ken in the above line ,ol stages.
oflober 1 §
"I"'HP. Proprietors of the Philadelphia and Lan-
X c-.fter line 6fStages DISPATCH, riturn their
gr=teftil thinks to the ir friends and the public in
genera!, for the pail favors they hive received,and
inforni them that in addition to the rcguhr Line,
thoy arc piovi:ad with Carriages,fober and careful
drivers, to go through between the City and
3'.>ro»gh is two days. Those vvhe prefer this mode
of travil iag can be accommodated at tke Stage
Office, f.j-'i ol Unrted Stat™ Eagk, Market flreet,
SL'tifb, Downing, Dutiivaody IS Co.
Nov. 30. 't—§
M* tl
tn th fa St.
To be let,
Thar large and commodious four floty
Brick Dwe/iing'lioufe,
No. 34)1 Hig*-ttreet.
IT'S function is peculiarly- pieaf-nt an A healthy
and it has every convenient? rcqiufite f6r the
cconvmodat'on of a family ; a pump in the yard,
loe Stable ami Carriage Hottfe y &c. 6lc. Fof
feliion m 2* be had on the Js.*h next month, ®r
i'ooncr, with the cenfent of the prefect tenant.
(On nts low for the esW"; «uit«r n.<
fpriivjr) a large and cor
Brick Hoijc and Kitchen,
"oach hutfe. Stable and I.ot of Great..), plc-fantlj
(iruatcd in the Norhern Liberties * liitle t . ihc
vrltward of Kilrh and northward ot C'allcwliilJ
ilr tts, anJ within ten micut.-h walk from the
ctjiitt r <>f rite city.
Ap: ly to
Atrornt'y at Law —No. 16, f.uth ijth flreet
fcflob- i 19 rowf3W
re* pu/tr-isiiino nr sußscurrrtoif,
The Works r
Hon. James Wilson, Efq- L. L. ,D
Late one of the Associate Justices of the
Supreme Court of tbe United States and
Prsjtssor at la'.v in Ibe College and
Academy of Philadelphia.
From the original mauufcript, in the pulTefljon of
Bird Wilson, Esq.
cos r>t T/oh's.
Thr/e works (hall Vie r'cgant'y printed in two
volune- oitav >, and deliveredro fubferibers at
live dollars
Tlicy (ball be put to pr/fp at f on 3; thefubferip
tiuni will juftity the cxpence ol publication,
Subscriptions null be received by
The puMifher, oppofi'e Chriil-Clmrch, Phila
delphia ; and by the principal bookfillirs through
out the United States
*,* A tV'fpetflus of the work may be seen at
the place of fuhfeription.
f-ptrmVer 13 §
20 Dollars Reward.
DHAF.%TF.I) lad «»«finp, JOSEPH HARKItf
SON. [rrfiie it Ihe marine iorpa of the
Unird J'utea, he wia bom inlrctao'l, {aabont 17
yene .Id 5 leer 6 an.l a half inchn high, dirk
eyrt Mack l-mir, and fallow complexion. Also,
JEHB v;i.*H Cl.a: kiQN, bora io England,
(own olVtcckport, i. 39 y«ar» of tjtc. j fc-t 7
inr'n >-ieyei, browu hair, (lurid
coat. lexinn and l.y trade a Hatter ; from the ap>
pearji c t cf'.it lace the roofl trident *iark< of ar
(achTimt to lirijfc ofay he traced, they have both
fft»e I ih the WeStn Army, and now defertedin
toll u.iiiorm. The uhmv will be paid
wuii tf> »rf rt ' ,ru 4 »htn> : or r*n Pol!at
l&re.thertry a";; lyiof to
Ctiptain Commanding.
Philadelphia, Marjjie barrack?, Nov. 8.
Vor publijking, by Subscription,
Of the Liw of Anions and Trials at
Bj Isaac 'lrfpioaffe, of Gray'- Inn, Esq. Barrister
at Law
The edition, corrt&ed, with confn'.erable
additions rom printed and manuscript cases.
E* spes et ratio studhrum. Jw-
' • -HE work is now printing, and in confidero-
X ble f-rwairtiiiHs, on a fupcrfine paper, of
royal size, and o£tavo form. It will be printed
page for page with the latefl London edition, and
no paiti> will be (pare to render the work cor
,e&. ir.d free of typographical errors.
ft will be neatly bound and lettered in two to
Uin'■•.royal o£tivo, and to fubicribcrs will be put
at five dollars an 1 fifty cents per fct—to nonfub-
Icri'ers the price will be foinewhat enhanced.—
The price, of the London edition is tevrn dollar*.
I-hoic ho fubferibe for eight sets {hall hare a
ninth grit:«»
!'he two v»!ume« will conGfl of about nine
fundrrd pages, of which the one annexed to the
•.vopo'als is a fpecimem A» the work is row
publifting, ai d will be cotnpltted with all ccnve
nieni expedition, those who wlfb t» profit by the
fuhfeription, willpleafe to fublcrbe (eafonably.
N.B. Gentlemen fcr.'ding fu'«feript!On papers
are reijucflcd to return them to '"lioinas abd Tho
mas, 'lie publilherv by the fir(\ of J'.nuary next.
ss* The bookfeliers in Philadelphia ire refpeft
fu'.iv informed, tha< they will bu fpld either bound
or gathered in fheits, by the fabferibtrs at their
usual low price. Those who wilh to purchafs
will please to apply by letter to thu —
The work will be out cf press some time in the
Walpole (}I H.) oa 1800 . (a") eo:f
The Porcupine.
I TAKE this method of informing the Pecple of
the United States, that on the lirtl day or No
vember n:xt, I prrpofeto r»fume the publication
of Porcupine's Gazette, under the title of THE
PORCUHNE ; and to 1 otily (in cai'e any gentle
man in 'Vn-enca ftould it) that the price of
each Number will be fmpence llerling, and that
the Cjfa mull be received bjr me before the paper
can be :uppli«J.-. As to the mOue of convey Rce,
fj frequent arc the opportuniti :s from London to
New York, that files may be forwarded to the lat.
tcr plate mice a fortnight upon an average— from
New \ crk thry can be ipeedi'y mnveyed to ev
ery. part of the Union When files can be, with
out delay, sent t < oTilta places direiS, it miy be
dnoe ; v»hcn they cannot, th> y will all be fejit te
New-York, unltfs oiherwife ordered.
£5" Porcupine's oris,
Which have b-en lometime io the Pr»fs, wil
ho compkted in Februa-y next, w hen the copies
rubferi' ed («.r io America will he lorwarded to
the Subfcrihcrs.
Any of my literary friends in America, who
may he difpoled to renew their correspondence
with mi", will j-leafe to'direa to Die at my print
ing olF.c-s No. 3. Southampton flrtet, Strand, or
at my Bookleller's (hop, No. >B, Vail Mall.
London, Sej ftmber 6, iS'do.
At ifci Office of the Gazette of the
IVaJhingten, September \JI, 180 Q.
Public Notice is hereby Given,
In pursuance of an aB of Congrcfs, puffed on
the 23d day of April, one tboufind etqbt
hundred, en: it led " An a 8 to ejlablifl) a
General Stamp Office,''
THAT a General Stamp.Office is now
effablWhed at the feat of government, in toe
city of Wafhingtou, from whence there will
issue, from and after the date hereof, (upon
the application of the Supervisors of the
Revenue, under whose management the
collection of the duties i« placed) any
quantities of paper, par.chme.nt atid vellum,
marked or (lamped, and duly counter-stamp
ed, with the following rates of duty which
are deniandable by liw :
For every fkita or piece of vellum or parchment,or
(heet or piece of paper, upon which (hail be
written or printed any or either of the inftru
meats or writings following, to wit,
f Doth. C XA:
l\ r.'Y certificate of naturalization 5
Any licence to praflicSior certificate
of the adn.iffion, enrollment or re
pillry o any connftllur, Solicitor
Advocate attorney, or prodtor, in
any court of the United Stages it
Provided, that a certificate in any
one of the c< «rls ttf he United States,
for any one of the said offices, (hall
so far as reiates to the payment of the
duty afarefiid, tie a fufTicient adraii
fion rn .ill the col r s of the United
State*, tor each and every of the said
Any grant or letters patent.under the
leal or authority at the United
States (except tor lands grafted
for military services } 4
Any exemplification or certified copy
of any such grant or letters patent 3
(except for lands granted for mili
tary lcrv:ces) %
Any charter party, bottomry or re
fponder.tia bo*.d I
Any receipt or discharge fcr or on ac
count of any legacy left l>y iny
will or other teftimentary instru
ment, or for any (hare or part of
a personal estate, divided by force
of any statute of diftri '■ utions other
than to tjie wife, children t»r»rand
children of the perforl diseased, rhe
amount wherco 1 (hall be above the
value f fifty dollars, and (hill not
ex red the value of one hundred
d Jlars t;
VP... .t th- jnnnit thereof ir - ' -x
---ceed the value of one I tin ired dol
lars, and lhall not exceed five hun
dred dvllas s 0
An ! tor evfry further film of five
hundred dollars, ths additional
sum of 1
A» v polic) of insurance or inflrti
' en; in nature tl<c>e"f, when the
sum for which insurance is made
shall not exceed five hundred dol
lars 2$
When the sum infiirSd (hill exceed
five hundred dollars I
Any exemplification of what nature
soever, that shall pass the seal of
any «iurt, other th«n such as it
nuy be the duty of the clerk of
fucli courX to furnilh for the use of
the Un t'd Sutes, or some parti
cular (late '' 50
Any bond, bill {ingle or penal, inland
bill of exchange, prnuiiflory
note or other note (other than any
recognizance, bill, hand or other
obligation or contrail, made to or
with the United States, or any
date, or for their use refpedlively ; '
and any bonds required in any cjfe
liv the laws of the United States,
or ol any slate, tip 11 legal process,
or in anv judicial proceeding, er
for the faithful performance of any
trull or duty)
If above twenty dollars and not
exceeding one feimdrtd dollars 10
If above one hundred and not ex
ceeding five hundred dollars 15
If above ■five hundred and not ex
ceeding one thoufjnd dol'.ars r 50
And if above one thcufand dollars 75
Provided, that 'f asy bonds or
notes fhsll be payable at or within
1 fixtv days, such h >nds or notes ill all
jibe ftdijetfl to 1 nly two fi:th parts of
li e du-y aforefaid, viz.
It above twenty and not exceeding
one hundred dollars 4
If above cine hundred dollars and not
exceeding five bundled dollars to
If above live hundred dollars and
not exceeding one thou'and dolls. 10
It above-one thoufan.'. dollars 30
Any foreign fill of exchange, draft
or order for the payment of money
in any foreign csuntry 10
The fiid duty Ixing charge
able upon each and every bill of ex
change, without refpe<Sl to the num
ber contained in each lit. *
Any note or bill of lading or writing
or receipt ill nature thereof, for
or merchandize to be ex
ported ; •
If from one di!tri3 to another d:(- of thc-Uniied States,cot being
in the fame (late 4
If from the United States to any fo
reign port or place 10
The laid duty being chargeable
upon each and every bill of lading
wi'.hout rsfpeifl to the number con
tained to each set.
Any no-es iflued by the banks now
eftahlilhed or that may be hereafter
eflablifhed within the United
States, »ther than the notes of ed,
such of the said banks as (hall a
gree to an annual composition of
ore per centum on the annual di- •'
vidend? made by filch banks, to
their ftockh ldets rel'pedlively, ac
cording to the following scale :
On ail rotes not exceeding fifty do!-
lars, for each dollar 6 o j-
On all notes above fifty doll<r< and , U(
not exceeding one hundred dollars jo c
On all notes above one hundred dol- ed
!ars andnotexceeding five hundred ! pa
dollars ( 1
On all nous above five hundred do!- |
Dalh. C. M.
Any prot;ft or other notarial a.51 15
Any letter of attorney, except tor
an invalid penfiou.or to obtain or
fell warrants for land granted by
the United Stat&s a 9 bounty for
military ferviees performed in the
late u'ir ' aj
Any inventory orcatilogae of any fur
niture, g"»Js or eff/'.fts. made in any
cafe required by law (except 111 cafej
of geeils and chattels ciftraiiwd for
rent er taxes, *nd goods taken in vir
tue of any pfocefs by any officer
Any certificates of a share in any insu
rance enmpany, oi' a fhar? in the back
of the United Statu, cr of any state
or other bank ;
(f above twenty dollars and not exceed
ing one hundred dollars 10 j
If above one hundred dollars 15
if under twenty dollars, at the rate of ,
ten cents for one hundred dollars;
That the power of the fuptrvifors of the
Revenue to mark or stamp any vellum,'
parchment or paper chaegeaMe with duty,'
will cease and determine from and after fix
months from the date hereof, to wit, on the
lafl d.iy'of February 1801. I I
That, if any persons (hall, after the lafk
day of Febrnary 1801, have in their custody
or possession, any vtllum, parchment or pa
per, marked or flainped by the of
the Revenue, upon which any matter or
thing, charged with duty, (hall not have
been written or printed, they may at any
time mitbin the space of sixty days after
tie said last day of February ißot, bring
or lend such vellum, parchment ana paper,
wnto forfj'e office of infpeftion, and in liou
thereof, receive a like quantity or ralue of
vel'iim, parchment and paper, duly (lamped
in puifuanc-e of the aft herein before recited.
And in cafe any person (hall negleft or re
iufe, within the time\aforefaid, to bring oi *
cause to he brought unto fotne officer of in
(pedion, any furh veiluin, parchment or pn
per, it is hereby declared, that the fame will
ihereafter be of no other effeft or use, thari
if it h<.d never been marked or flamped, and
that all matters and things, which may af
ter that time be written er printed upon any
vrllul, parchment or paper, authorized to be
exchanged in m;.rwier aforefaid, will be of no
other effi'tt, than if they had been written
or printed on paper, parchment or velliim,
not marked or (lamped.
And for the convenience oF those pfrf<nii*
who may be inclined Iwve their own vel
lum, parchment and paper fl.imped or mark
ed, it is lirreby peclarc-d, that when any per
foil (hall del*)fit any vellum, pa-chment oi
paptr at tlie office cf a ftipervifor, accompa
nied with a lid, fjycifying the number and
denomination of the stamps or marks, which
are defind to be thereto affixed, the fune
will be transmitted to the General Stpam-
Office, and there properly marked or (tamped,
and forthwith sent back to the (P.une super
visor, who will thereupon colleft the duties
and deliver the paper, parchment or vellum,
to the order of the per foil from whom the
fame was received.
Given under my Hand, and the Seal
(L. S.) of the Treafiiry, at Wadiing
ton, the day and year above men
Clock & Watch
M A K E R,
Carney of Market and Front Phila•
Has received by the Kicg£on and arrivals,
CHAMBER and Clocks, Clock Move
ments, Eight day and 30 hour cast brass Clock
Bella, Clock Dials Cat gut, Watch Giafs and
Springs, steel aad gilt Chains, silk firings, ladies'
chains gold, gilt, and ftcel; gold, gilt, and fteol
keys; teals gold, gilt, and tteel.
On hand a general of Oiock and Watch
Maker's, and Silvet Smith's Tools and materials,
and Files of all sizes. &c.
Pummice, Rotten {lone, Ernery, Borax. See &c.
N, B. Watches and Clocks repair«d as uiml.
Od-her a 8 codtf
Clock Is 1 Watch Maker,
To No. 36, Maukit Street *
Where he has for Sal*,
Spring and other Clocks ; gold and filve
Watches: Tools, Files and Materials; fee
rid gilt Chains, Seals and Keys ; Springs,
he. Sec.
Repaired as usual.
'June \
To be Let,
r £ "*HOSR Large and commoJious, Seller.'under
X the Ui live rill Cliurch, in I umbard, between
4th and sth Street?, Lately occupied by Mr. John
lavage and Co.
H' quire of Jrhn Vt'nefs North F.aft Corner of
Walnut iu water St, or E. Howell No. 14 North
6th Street*
N v 17,
■ y.. ».
A LL pctfors indebted to the Rflate ot Thomai
£%. Herman Lruffcr, merchant, *'#ceaieJ., arc
required to make immediate payment; and jhofa
who have any demand# against laid ell ate, are rc
qucfted to produce their accounts, properly attsft
e<4, for fettlcment, to
No, 34, north Fifth fireet.
t+nm'-ir **
WHERF.AS Duncan M'locesdid
ticth day (if Apri! latl.niake an
of hi* property 'or the benefit of his creditors—
luch env'itors ire reque!>en t ■ pre r C"t 'heir ac
c. un.s to th» fubferiber ; auJ all pcrfons indit
ed to tfe« (aid Duncan M'lnnes, arc requcilcd to
pay the fame without delay, to
north Water street j S-jrZ*"
Philadelphia, november 6
i 6
Secretary of the Trcifury.
cr the thir-
V »
•"v> .