Gazette of the United States, & daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1800-1801, November 28, 1800, Image 4
For St. Croix, <""1-1 THE BRIG SgSL ARI EL, rclysKSft JolVph Paul, master. Fc Freight or Pafiige, apply N th« matter on board, or JOSEPH SIMS, I j.t, south Water street. Who has for Sale, Imparted in fai i brie. a few h«|»(heid» ST. CROIX RUM, and nfti'of BRIMSTONE. 17 For Sale, the sCHOON*R M ELIZAtfKATY, , George Parker, master ; Burthen 110 tons, 4 mo»ths ©l3, fa:is t'aft. and is pierced t'ori4 guns. Ap ply to the matter on board at Downing'* wharf, or SAMUEL RHOADS, No- 1 1 Ptnn Street. NovrmWer 11 • dtf For Li the ship I Thomas Chalkley, 4 'lW®' To fail in fix or ei(jht days. 5 • * For freigh of a few hundred turrets, or for pillage irriY to MOORE WHARTON. November ti. For Hamburgh, £-j._ The Hamburgh ship iSsl&Threc Friends, ],,fcn "rtr.T J»nfen, matter, A fuSftantial fttorg good 1, and wall found, is intended to fatl prtviout to the 15th of Dec«oi ber. two third* of her cargo being ready to go eo board—For the remainder, or paflagc, apply to JACOB SPERRY W C>. Who have received, per Jaid vejfel and are now Landing, PLATILU&S ROY ALES Britannia* Quadruple SeK-fiai Check), Mo », and Lifladoea Crras a la Morlaix Arabia! Strirei Selefu Handkerchiefs Bassil* Oil CU>ths Gun Flint* AIJ? §Jt Hand, «n«J ilnm #ijccvliilo«, |ikiwU(, W* foFlot, Brjwn Rait Kflopiit»», Crtu i U Mqp bis, BktcCeld fir.e Skirting,<»i DowWt, fii%ra"if«,T»pt» Scytta*, Dcmyjnhut Qm<lU. noYt n K »r l For Liverpool, T ■ return imrp«d»Jtely, T-be Copper bottomedJhip at££: MOLLY, Riebtri &>"*• Commander, 'iiliaßtv'iJe Will fail in a few <l*y«. thr « fourths of her cargo being ready to go on board. For freight of the remainder, apply to the fu'>fcribers or for pifHwc, to the captain on board at Walnut street wharf. NICK.LIN, GRIFIITH Co. noVembcr > 9 For London, THE SHIP £||i> G E O R G E, HAS the greitjefl part of her Cargu engaged—vV,l take Flight it'applied far imniriliJtrly. Tbomctt Mvrgatroyci V Sons. o£tc>'*r Imported, tn the thi» Atlantic, captain Waters, from * Calcu<ta and Madras, And for sale by the subscriber, A great variety of articles mostly suitable for exportation, among which are Blue cloths Meckances Soot Romals Salempoores Ventapolanis Madras Long Cloths Ditto Handksrchiels. Also iooo bags prime Sugar, Hyson and Souchong Tea, JOHN MILI.ER, Juiir. No. ttt>, Dock slteet. niwf tf oSlobA to Philadelphia Academy. 0- Mr. Francis GALbEt, All experienced and approved Inftru&or, has undertaken to teach the FMBWCH LAN GPsfGjt in this Seminary, to such of the Young Gcntlenwn as ma, choose to place thenrfelves un der hit care. „ . tfr Parents and Guardians are requeued to taake immediate application, that all the (choler? may begin at once. Samuel Magaw 7 Directors of tames Abercrofiibie J the Atademy. Oaober «. » tawtf - An Invoice of Playing Cards. SUPERFINE Columbian, Harry the Vlllth and Merry-Andrew Playing Cards, for fait cheep far cafh —Apply at this Office. tytoOker l> | John White sides, INi ORMS his friends and the public in general that he ha* taken the BREWER Y, (late William Pawfoti'i) No. 50, north Sixth (Ireft —where they 'v.ay I e lupplied with Porter, Fable and other beers. N B. A quantity of excellent eld Porter on hand fit for immediate life nove-/)6r 18 Crooke Stevenson HAS REMOVED From bjO. 4 South to the ftorela'.ely occupied by Ma. JOIINTAGGEUT, No. 11. North Water Street. WHERE HE HAS FOti SAI.E 34 Hog(h»'*d« AntiVua and St. Kitts rum 60 l)o. Muscovado sugar 55 Do. Surrinim ; sugar hf'ui"e,a«d Havan n»h tno'iji'Vs Coffee in hog(head« and hag» Ilyfon (kin and bohea teaj Jamaica spirits Country rum French and Spanilh brandy White and browa Hav*fln»h fugirs, &c, November 17. m»&fiw d*w bon, Landing from tbe ship .hnenca, iVttlte, Sims, Commc.nd:r, f'om Carton, AND FOR S.l Lt tr BOHE.V, Congo, Sv'Jchong, ift &»nd quality Caper fouchoflg, Hylo'i-fitin, 'fonkay, ; Singlo, Young hyTon, Hyl'on, ill & td quality, Irnpt-rial, Yellow fc white n»i keen* S Lutcftrings, b'ack & color'd ( In Boxei Sinlhawt do. 1 aflorttd, Sattims do. J Luteilrings, maz. blue A dark green j n Sit.fhawa do. V oxc Perflan taffetas, dark green ) The - have bUo u" hand for salt, received iv the late arrivals from Europe, We. 1 Inlrnjl! p tck - Striped and checked ginghams i ages a(Tirted, White f'gnred & color'd Muf- | calculated for lineit» „ the Weft-In- Whits, corded dimities | dia market & Colot'd silk, striped Nankeens | cn-itled to J drawback, 14 Trunki printed Calicoes, 5 do. do. j Bales seine twine ( Er.tiiled to io Calcs Eoglifh China wsre, 1 drawback, in tea (elf* J 6 Cafits mineral black, t do. white, .io do. colcother, \ Ca&l p'irpit In-own, ,5 do. nail; lflorted, 9 do. Londn* porter in bottle*, Hng ! i(h fail canvas, No. I, I& ), RuiVia duck, %l Bn*ek white l>J»»nna fngar, Ij Hi: -s old Mad> i a w ue, Ounp 'si Ivrt, >■ ..e bottles, Gar.i 4 pcunders, i i do. 9 do. 18 do. 9 do. with ' images, Stc. ißo,coolb«.Ceril> >ii coffee, ia"^ quality (Entitled n iP,ooolb«- black pepper ("OrawliacV »o L-gs eboi y J M^v diot—(aitfr 3W CHINA GOODS. NICKLIN, GRIFFITH & Co. Horses to Winter, HORSES will »e taken to winter at ProfpeA Hill, at the 11 mil« done, on the road, where they will have mm! Timothy and Clover Hay, le well taken care of, and have a field to tun in when the weather is goo.!; enquire ol William Bell, Philadelphia; or, ol Joseph Bunting, 00 the premises. They engage to return them in good order in thefpring or charge nothing foi keeping then, and will not he anfwtrable for accident* or elcape, but wtlltake every precaution to prevent either, o(Sober »7 mwf tf A Young Man, PERFECTLY versed 111 Mercantile accounts, and brought up in one of the fird coanting h»ufei> in this <ity, wi(he« employment is Clerk. He is at present absent from Philadelphia, but a line left at the Office of the Gazette of the Uni ted States he will receive, and it flaa.ll be imme diately attended to. Salary a fecondafy objiift— Employment his native. j aujjvill n ) dtf STAGES REMOVED. THE public are hereby informed, that the Bal timore Coachee will ia future Hart frsm the Ib dian Queen, No. »s,,fouth. Forth street, every day except Sunday, at 7 o'clock, and will arrive at Peek's Tavern, Baltimore, the next day at 8 o'clock and the Stages to New Y»rk, will ftyt every day at 8 and M o'clock. JOHN H. BARNEY U Cs. N. B.—A book is kept open at Mr. Ely Chan dlcr's Franklin Head, where feats may alio be ta ken in the above line of llages. ndobet a $ LANCASTER STAGES. THB Proprietors of the Philadelphia and cafter line of Stages DISPATCH, return tbeir grateful thinks to thoir friends and the public rn general, for the pad favors tley have receive.!,and inform them that in addition to the regular Line, h«7 ar? provided with Carriages,fober and careful drivers, to go through between the City and Borough ia two days. Those who prefer thi« mode of travelling can be accommodated at the Stage Office, sign of United Btate« Eagle, Market street, Philadelphia. Sloughy Downing, Dunwoody W Co. | Nov. 30. H it—f That large and commodious HOUSE, At the corner of Arch and Ninth flrtcts. To be Let, THE houft, stable, coach-houfc and lots, lately occupied by Major Butler, fitsate a< »bove For trrms apply to J B. Wallace, No. »8, north Fifth street. oftobcr 11 llw 'f Certificates Loft. TME undermentioned certificates of stock Of tb« Bark -if the United otatwt, No. 978,chtcl lft Januiry, »79't for ihares in the nasneof Bourdieu, Chollctt and UouriJisu No 17*66, dated id of January, 1798, for five (hares, in the name «f the Right h#n. lord John TownlhenJ. Notice is hereby given, That application is intended to L 4 made at the said Bank by the fiibfenber, lor a renew at of the fame, of which all perfonstoHceraed aire refuelled to take notice. JOHN WARDED. Philadelphia, 10 m» 28, 1800 tuthfaim L oTT, dim The followirg rertifi rtesef eight per cent flitk in the nwie of William Bell, jr. (landing to hU credi' on the hooks of the United Stato* Loan Office of Pennsylvania, viz. No s»j, a Certificate dated 30th January, 1800, for one thouf.ind dollars. Nil 505, a Certificate dated joth January, lßco, for one thonfand dollars. Notice is hereby given, that application i» in tended to be made for * renewal of the fame—of which all persons concerned are requeued to take notice. JOHN WARDER. Philadelphia, 10 mo. »8, 1800. juw6w Loft, IN the ship K«nfingt«n,captain Kerr, in the year T 794, having been captured by the French un her voyage from hence to Amfter Jam, the follow irg certificates ef stock ol the Bank o: the United states, standing in the naive of Benjamin Chap man. Nos. 431 W 436 t/ 4 Shares each; 158 3 do. 1215, lii 6, 1217 1 do. Application is made at fa id Bank by the fubferi- Ser for a renewal ol theLme, of which ail perfem concerned are dufircd to take notice. TEAS, 0.9.17. Of the Bank of the United States, NO 159}* to 15963 inclusive, in th i.arn of Thomas Mulktt of London. w?re forward ed about th* ifl ol May 1797, from New York, l-y the Slip Ooeida fur London, which wai cap tured hy the French, and iaid Certificates loft vr defirryed ; therefore application is nude at the said Rank for the rcpewal of the famn, of which all persons concerned are desired to take notice. Clement Biddle. Philad : hfttmkn J, lßco djni Saw Manufactory. frakcis mason, No. to, {puth Fifth Qre*t, * MANUPAC'rUHfiS niU. croUcot urd piu liwi, c^«f I in quality, ippciruicc U)J Ihtpc to »ny rrcr imported) which i* (rib wbokfsle i( the lollowiatpria—t lut nillbtiij I■% dol i*» ««afc %mhag4* jo ccau f«r {pot; pUt d». 4o ceuu per feat. tt ojd Cattm M* *«W f»w», sad ctcff ««bcr kind.mb u> mj (lartkaUr 4i*cAieo. nowmher tfl FOR SALE, A Valuable and singularly eligible ESTATE, CONSISTING of two handsome dwelling houfet, with excrUiiit fUMing for fevcii horfci, loublr c«ach-h<>ufe most completely fitted up; - beautiful large and valuabla gardeo richly failed with choice fruit, lurronrtded with high board fence, almost new. The prcmife# are beautifully fltuatod near the middle of Germantowo, sur rounded with rich profpsAs of the adjicont country ; an orchard of about two acres, wi»h a handfomc lawn a» tht hack of the house. One houde h»been recently built OB an arpro- Ted plan ; the other hai beei, completely repaired painted and papered, and contain ten rooms with an elegant drawing-room, fifteen feet by thirty fix. «nft« tf The new house is well calculated for a ft ore in either the dry or wot goo' ! line. The and watCTarr unrivalUd, and there are foine most eiiellent fcho»ls in the neighborhood. For particulars esquire of the Printer, < r of M.«. POTTER, on the premifei dtf M»y «. , A FEW COPIES Of GTSwd's Epistle to Peter Pindar, (Price 37 »-» Cent*) AWD OF Dutton's Poem on thfc present state of Literature, (Price I» > » C«nt«) Have just been received by A. DICKENs, opposite Chrill Church, november jr. <«tf Education FOR YOUNG LADIES. COLUMBIA HOUSE, BOARDING DAY-SCHOOL, RE-COMMENCED For the winter t-al'on, on Monday, O&ober 6th, Walnut, between Fourth and Fifth-It reets. MRS. GROOMBRIDGE refpeflfully ac knowledges the liberal enconragement (he has experienced, for more than (even years i in Phitfdelrhil, and, as the most exprtflive proof | of gratitude, will be a contifnui ce of the uore- i mitting attention, already dto her pupils j flatters herfelf, jt will be the best recommenda tion to future patronage. Tfce following branches (or »nv of them sep arately) may be engaged for, as moll agreeable, the Eng'.ilh, French, and Italian languages grammatically ; writing, arithmetic, geogra phy, use of the globes, history, mnfic, vocal and itiftrumental, drawing and darning. Plain work, marking, embroidery and tam bour in jfold; fllver or colours, fillagree, artifi cial flowers, fancy baflceu, netting, hair, print cloth, and muflinwork of every kind. 0 a ij. daw awtj. To Printers. WANTED —in Exd-ange, A FOUNT 01 I.o»g Primtr, weighing 6 or 700 lb. or upwards, »cd a "Fount of Brevier, weighing or upwards. September a. LOST, JOHN MILLER, Junr. djm Twri»< c ti«rr» TREASURY DEPARTMENT, Wajhinglen, September ijl, iB«S-. Public Notice is hereby Given, In pursuance of an a 8 of Cangrefs, puffed on the tsd day of April, one tboufand eight hundred, entitled "An aB to ejlabtifh a General Stamp-Office, '* THAT a General Sta«ip Office t« now eftabltfhed at the feat of government, in tne iity of Wafhingtoti, from whence there will iflue, from ahd after the date hereof, (upon the application of the Supervisors of tlie Revenue, under whose management the colleftion of the ftanvp duties is placed) any quantities of paper, parchment aad vellum, marked or damped, and duly counter-stamp ed, with the following rates of duty which are demindable by law : for every (kU or pirce of vellum or parchment,or (heec or piece of paper, lipoa which (hail be writteu or printed any or either t>f (he instru ments or writings following, to wit, A Dolls. C M. , NY certificate of naturalization 5 Any licence to practice, or certificate | of the adn.iftion, enrollment or re- I < giftry 0/ any counsellor, Solicitor 1 Advocate attorney, or pro&or, in ! any court of the United Sta'.ei 10 Provided, that a certificate in any one of the c. arts tof lie United State*, tor any one of the sard offices, (hall so far a* relates to the payment of the duty aforefaid, be a fulTicient aiirjiif fion m all the courts of the United State*, for each and every of the said offices. Any grant or letters patent,und«r the leal or authority of the United States (except for lands granted for military fervirss) 4 Any exemp! ific ation or certified copy of any such grawt or letters patent (except for finds granted for mili tary lervices) » Any charter party, bottomry or re fpondentia botsd I Asy receipt or discharge for ot on ac count of any legacy left by *ny u will or other teftimentaty inftiu * ment, or for any flu re or part of a personal eflate, divided by force of anyftttuteofdiftriVutrons other than to the wife, children or grand children of the person difcafed, the amotißt whereoi (hai be above the value f fifty dollars, and lhall not exceed the value of one hundred dollars • *5 When the amount thereof (hall ex ceed the value of otv: hundred dol lars, and (hall not exceed five hun dred ddla's 50 And for every further sum of five hundred dollars, tka additional sum of > A».y policy of inftirance or inflru iiicnt in nature there if, when the sum for which infurame is made (hall not exceed five hundred dol lars When the sum infiired (hall exceed five hundred dollars I Any exemplification of what nature soever, that IhaH pass the seal of any court, other than fucja as it miy be the duty of the cleric of such court to furnilh for the nfe of the United States, or some parti cular state JO Any bond, bill single or penal, inbnd bill of exchange, promKTory note or other note (»ther than any recognizance, bill, hsnd or other obligation or made to or with the United States, or any (late, or for their use ccfptilive!;-- ; and any bunds required in any cafe hv the laws of the United States, or of any state, np",n leg's! process, or in anv judicial proceeding, ®r for the faithfnl performance of any trust or duty) If above twenty dollars and not exceeding one hundred dollars 10 If above one hundred and not ex ceeding five hundred dollars »5 If above fiv« hundred aod not ex ceeding one tb'iufjnd dol'.ars jo And if above one thrufand dollars 75 Provided, that if any bonds or notes (hall be payable at or within sixty days, such bonds or notes (hall be fubjeifk to ■ rrly two fith parts of the dnty aforefaid, viz. If above twenty and not exceeding one hundred dollart 4 If above one hundred dollars and-ftot exceeding five handled dollars 10 If above five hundred dollars and not exceeding one' thousand dolls. ao If above one thousand dollars 30 Any foreign bill of exchange, draft or order for the payment of money in any foreign csuntry *0 The said duty being charge able upon each and every bill of ex change, without refpefl to the num ber contained in each let. Any note or bill of lading or writing or receipt in nature thereof, for goods or merchandize to be ex ported ; If from one diftrift to another dil ui£l of the United States,not being in the fame state 4 If from the United States to any fo reign port or placj 10 The said duty being chargeable upon each and every bill of ladivg without r«fpei£l to the number.cou tained to each set. Any notes ilTued by the banks now el. orthat may be hereafter * eilablilbed within the United States, <»ther than the n:nes of f, such of the said banks as (hall a- fl gree to an annual compofitioti of one per centum on the annual di vide? ds made by such banks, t® their llockh ldeis refpeSlively, ac cording to the following scale : On all notes not exceeding fifty dol- ( lars, for each dollar 6 ( On *ll notes ab>ve fifty dollars and , not exceeding one hundred dollars 50 I On all notes above one hundred dol- < lar* andnotexceeding fivehundred dollars 1 On all notes above live hundred dol lars JI IT] DM,. C. fit. prot;(l or other notarial aifl ij Any letter of attorney, excy>t tor an invalid petition, or to obtal-i cr fel! warrants for lift:! granted by the United States as bounty for military Cervices performed la the "late war if Any inventory or catalogue of any fur niture, gnsds or effeits, made in any C|fe required fcy law (except 111 cases of gtods and chattels did rained for rent er taxes, and goods taken in vir tue of any legal process by any officer 5« Any certificates of a {hare in any insu rance company, of a (Hart in the bank „of the United States, or of any state or ofher bank ; If above twenty dollars and not exceed ing one hundred dollars If above one hundred dollars If under twenty dollars, at the ,rase of ten cents lor one hundred dollars. II That the power of the fupcrvifors of tbc Revenue to mark or (limp any vellum, parchment or paper changeable with duty, will cease and determine from and after fix months from, the date hereof, to wit, on the Uft day of February 1801. 11l That, if any persons shall, after the last day of F'ebrnary 1801, have in their custody or pclT.'ffion, any vellum, parchment or pa per, marked or ftajnped by the fupertriforsof the Revenue, upon which any matter or thing, charged with duty, (hall not have been written or printed, they may at any time within tie space of sixty days aftet the said last day of February 1801, bring or fend such vellum, parchment and paper, unto f, me office of infpe&ion, and in liou thereof, receive a like quantity or value of vellum, parchment and paper, duly (lamped in of the adl herein before recited. And in cafe »ny person shall negledl or re< fufe, within the time aforefaid, to bring or CHufe to be brought unto fonie officer of in (peftiou, any furh vellum, parchment or pa per, it is hereby declared, that the fame will thereafter be of 110 other efFedt or use, than fit lud uever been marked or (lamped, and that all matters and things, which may af ter that time be written or printed upon any vrllul, parchment or paper, authorized to be exchanged in miimer aforefaid, will be of 110 other effeft, than if they had been written or printed on paper, parchment or vellum, not marked or (lamped. IV. And for tlie convenience of those psrfoni who may be inclined to Ivave their own vel lum, parchment »nd paper (lamped or mark ed, it is hereby peclared, that when any per foil shall deposit any vellum, pa-chment or papfr at tbe office cf a supervisor, accompa nied with a lift, lpi-cifyin£ the number sdJ denomination of the (tumps or marks, which are desired to be thereto affixed, the fame will be transmitted to the General Stpam -o.':;c-, and there properly marked or stamped, and forthwith lent back to tbe fame super visor, who will thereupon colleft the duties and deliver the paper, parchment or vellum, to the oider (if the person from whom the fame was received. Given under my Haod, and the Seal (L. S.) of the Treasury, at Walhing ton, the day and year above men tioned. OLIVER WOLCOTT, Secretary of the Treasury. djm. fc-ptembtr 2g. For Sale, or to Let, THE HOUSE, In Cbesnut Street, N?ar the corner of Elcvrnth street, at present in th« tenure of Mr A. M'Call—PcffclSon njp* b» lud the first of' November next, or fooncr if re quired Apply to Edward Shoemaker. September 3 5 PROPOSALS FOR PUBLISHING BT SUBSCRIPTION, The Works OF TUB Hon. James Wilson, Esq. L, L. .D Late one of the Associate Justices of the Supreme Court of tie United States and Professor at Law in tbe College and Academy of Philadelphia. From the original manuscript, in the poftcSicm of Bird Wilson, Esq. CONDITIONS. These works (hail be elegantly printed in tW» volumes o&avo, and delivered to fubferibart at five dsllart. Thty fhaU be put to press as soon as the fubferip tions will juftify the ctpencc of publication, Subscriptions will be recfivedby ASBURY DICKINS, The publi flier, oppolite Chrift-Churcfa, Phila delphia; and by the principal bookfeilers througk; out the United States. %• A Profpeflus of the werk may be seen *t the place of fubfeription. feptemter 13 S To be let, That targe and commodious four (lory Brick Dwelling-Hou/e, No. 343, High-Greet. IT'S (Uuati»n is peculiarly pleasant and healthy and it has ttery convenience requisite for the ccoroaiodat'on of ft family ; a pump in the yard, let Htufe, Stable and Carriage House, &C* Pof feflion may he had on the 15th of ne-xt month, «r sooner, with the cofift'Ht of the pr.fent tenant. ALIO, (On very low *crms for the ensuing winter and spring) a larg« and convenient Brick Hotije and Kitchen, Co«ch house, Stable and Lot of Ground, pleafanrly fitußted in tha Norhern Liberties, a little to the wedwird of Hif'h and northward ol Callowhill (Ir.-eta, and within ten minutes walk from the center of the city. Apply to WILLIAM MEREDITH. Attorney at Law—No. lb, fcuth 4th tlreat •£tobcr 99 mwf3w 10 j *5