It is a duty which the Edit&r at the (tin? time owes to hiinfclf, to declare, that after a particular invelligation ofthecircinnttdticrs by Mr. Hamilton, he has confefltd himfelf to be fatisfied that no blame reds with either of the pubiilT%«rs of his iett'ir on account of the appearance of the extrafts in tlie Aurora. The gentleman from New-York, who in cautiously expreflVd a conjeftnre at Albany, that the pamphlet was treacherously made pubtis, on a review of circumftauces, is con vinced that the tonje&ure was premature and groundlcft. RUTLAND, [Ver.] November On Thursday lall, water was publicly raised in this town to the perpendicular height of 38 feet, by means of a machine .newly ihvented by Mr. Barnabas Lar.gdon. Tubes were unfortunately wanting to make an experiment to a greater height. It is »ot known that any machine heretofore conflrutted has ever raised water, by the prelTure of the atmofphers, to a greater height than thirty four feet We under Hand th;\t Mr. Langdon has applied far a patent, for securing to him the benefit ufeful an invention. The small compass of the machinery, the facility of its opera tion, and the height to which it may raise water, seem strongly to recommend it for drawing water, in tubes under grounds, for family use. GEORGETOWN, November 24. The Electors in this St;:te are equally di vided, five federal republicans in favvur of Mr. Adams and Mr. Pinckney, five demo crats Poi' Mr. JefFerfon and ( may be) Mr. Burr. iV. B. If thtt Utter gentleman would «»ly ho convince ! of the fears of his p<.rty, pirticul:rly in Virginia, left he should be ele&edPrtiideiit in preference to their IDOL Mrv Jefferfon, he would quit them in d f gulk, and come over to our lUe. Even the democratic papers allow him no more than 45 or 50 vote«, and while he fees that in this refpeft he is perfe&ly stationary, he can never expeft to be eletted even Vice-Pefi dent. F 1 this widdle Ration, which Phi losophers have at all times and in all ages supposed to be raoft conducive to human happiness, be may hold himfelf, indebted ta democratic jcaloufy. RALEIGH, November 18. Yefterdny being appointed by law for the meeting of the G.-neral ,\fTcmbly, a fufficient -number of members convened in the State H -use, qualified and took ih'ir feats, when they proceeded to appoint Speakers of the two Hotifes—Col. Jofe»h Reddick, of 'Gates, was ele&ed to the Senate Chair, and Stephen C barms. Esq. of Chowan, to that of the H.iufc of Cotnmons. The Sena?* re-~lefted Montfofts Stokes flnd Robert Willi ims, Efqs. Ciertr*, and the Hottle of Commons re-elrflfiß John Hunt and I'leafant Eiijr's. Clerk of that Howft. The House 'then adj.iurr.rd until 10 o'l 'oele this duv. For Norfolk and Richmond\ The r." f h-oner ELIZA ANNE, 'vVillit Groc- miter—laying at Jack fen & Wharton'i wharl—will fai. prbt.vcly on :;»• urday the ly'h inft. For freight or palfagr ai ply to captain Groce. «n board, t to WALKER & KENNEDY. novanber 47 dit SCHOONER Regulator, Alexandria and Washington > •To fail «>tli ill difpacch—now tyiof ** Vine tea «kirl For freight or palTage, apply on board, nr to GEORGE ARMROYD, 109, south Water street. novembw %j dtf By Dejirc. New-Theatre. THIS EVENING, Novem/xr 18. Will be prtfented (for tka third ti'ne this f.afon) < celebrated tragedy, in 5 aits, called PIZARRO ; Or, the Spaniards in Peru. Written by Kotzjt.ue. t [Charailem ai before.] To which will he (f>r the third time in America) a New Mu'.ical Entertainment, oiled St. David's Day ; ou Tie lione/t Weljhman. Written by Tkoinas Lhlirfus. {CKaraiSem as bslorej On M nday, » celebra'eu new Come dy, SPEED THE PLOUGH ! with r.?w Scenery and 1) cora'Jons,—To whie 11 *,{.[ be add-.', THE SPOIL'D CHILD. *„* The Tragedy, of the LAW OF LOMBARDY, which wa« received with diftinguiihed marks of approbation on Mon day lail, will be repeated on Wednesday next.-—With (Fo> the second time here J A TRIP 10 FONTAINBLEAU. , NOTICE. , HAVING parted with Margaret Brooks by mutual consent, I do hereby forwarn all persons from crediting her on my account, at I wiU not pay any debts of her contracting. WILLJAM BROOKS. October jo Gazette of the United Slates. PBII.JtDB.It HI A, m»nAT 'HVtTNIIte, >I..V>-M»I « ?jj Ihe Editor of the Aurora in his low and vulgar fcoffing at the President's Speech to both Houses of Congress fays " the State of the ntgociation on the 6th article, by Mr. Sitgre<ivcs> we are told not so much about as we knew be fore. For wo are not alarmed about the abrupt refufal to hear Mr. Sitgreaves our supernumerary Ambffador &c." It is painful to notice such base fabrica tions, but having seen the fame thing repeatedly aflerted in that paper, it seems proper to state, that the whole i« untrue, without foundation, cau'fe or pretext— this we have from a source rot to be questioned. Thomas Cooper, a foreigner libelled the Government of the United States— for this libel his friends paid for him -400 Dollars. John Ward Fenno, a native Ameri, can, talked about A. J. Dallas a foreigner and for this he is to pay two thousand '' five hundred ! i ! ! ! ! ! ! ! f ! / / I ! ! ! §hiere —How much better is a fo reigner than an American ?—had We uot better all turn foreigners, fays Pat. In UAurorc of yesterday morning a score of letters is published, to prop up the dying hopes of the Jacobins. In Maryland, "we shall have fivo, and they Jive, one fellow dolorously whimpers,— this according, to Boileau, is no vete, _at all, at all—Another gentleman to fill ftp vacancies, fays,. Carolina is ours, but they wont vote for little Aaron, and " I hate compromise as much as you do,"' — A third gentleman, for they are all gen tlemen, fays, he wont think so much of Pennsylvania Republicariifm, as he has done; if the House of Representatives goes below ten and Jive, yet he hates compromise; another finds that the bu siness has not gone right in Carolina, for Gen. Hamilton has had great weight in the South, and there is a prospect of the e'eftion of General Pinckney to the Vice-Prelidency Thus the Jacobins proceed—they were going, up, up, up, but now they go down, down, doVnj down, a. The Jacobins being now convinced that Mr. Jefferfon cannot be Prelident, ire bending their whole force to divill— on of their lik&ors " iince we cant have- Jeifcrfon and Burr," fay they, we must at all evehts keep out Pinckney, we will therefore, try to compromise with, and divide the Elc£to;s, and will vote for Adams and Jefferfon ; but it is too late ; —The game is up, and the people of America arc to be blefled with two ge nuine Americans, as their Rulers, John Adams, and Charles C. Pinckney. The resignation of Olivkr Wolcott, Esq. is now officially announced. It appears, th .t this grutlem'tn, ag-.iintt whom uocharge of has been urged, except by ths Jacobir.s, foes to every thing virtu ous, requeds that nn enquiry may be made into his offici..l conduit. "l*his is highly Ivi. nourable to the Seer.t-iry ; but we deem the requefl fup*i fluoui>, as 110 American ev?r en tertained an idea of iwvproper condntl in his official capacity. Should Coiigtefs think proper to invrlligate the l\ibjcd\, we do not doubt, but even the Demo's in that body will obj<-<3 to it, as all their falfe accufatipns a gamfl bin), will br found to have protceaed from the ntoll baf- motives. In a late miscellany, cftndu&ed by a grtod man, and a profound scholar, the old efiablijhed Englilh reviews are cal led with great justice, " admirable lite rary almanacks, conden/lng into the nar rowest compal's much curious, important, and often original information." Religious iita-Jfcrcuce, it has been said, is the fatal charaeteriftic of the present age. Tt may be added, that political apathy, is th? cardinal vice, in this coun try, of those, who profefs tliemfelves auxiliaries to government That wis an elegant compliment paid |>y Captain Topfeam to a Persian ambalT-idor. At tl.e Utter was /hewing the many wounds he had received in the wars with the Turks, the Captain said that"Tns Excellency's flcin would fell fay Little or nothing, it bad so many boles in it. A gentleman lately boafling in London of the quitlcnefs of his fight, said by way of confirming his remark " that he saw, at that moment a mouse on the top of the monument." " I canivt fay I fee it," replied a sneering and incredulous friend, " but I plainly bear it run,'' . Thi following G.'Ut'emen are elechd ! of Prcfulent and Vice-President, 0} she United Scutes, f'>r the (Lte of North i pdroliii.-.—The firtt mentioned four "will votel'or M,r. Adam; and Mr. Pinckney i"d the other eight w li Vote for Mr. jeftciloU and perhaps Mr. I'urr. Judge M.acay, for South Salisbury, Cvlkiicl, Natiiaii Miij'o, Tarborough, &c. William MaruW, Esq. Fafettev.lle, General Thomas Br iw.n, Wilmington. Colonel Joseph Taylor, Rafoign, Sep, Bryan Whitfield, Eltjf Newbern. Major A. T.uom, IHlftioiough. J"l\ph Winftun,, Hf<[. Noijh Salisbury. . A.!fton,' Halifax. Grneril Hamilton, Edci;;on. Colonel Thomas Wyntis, \V>udfor, &c. James Tata, Esq. Mwrgaii. Estrafl of a letter from a gentleman in Pro vidence, (fihode-lffand,) to a mercantile house in New-York, dated November 21, 1800. " Majority of votes for Efeftors of Prefi dei;t and Vice-Pre fide nt, for the Hate of ft. Island. Fedei al. Jacobin. Tenons. Maj. Maj. Newport, o 6 Portsmouth, of jy Middletown, o 28 Jamertown, o 2 Tivertown, o y e Little Comptoii, io Providence 456 o Smithtield, 8 Scituate, i^o Glouceller,. xg Cumberland, 39 Craaftop, 1 j jf>hnfton,v 6 N. Providence, r± Foster, E. Greenwich, 15 Warwick., 7 Weft Greenwhich 23 Coventry, 104 Briftoi, - 104 Warren 2 2 Bairiii;mn, 49 North KingAon, 4.9 Si utii Kingflon, 50 Bi> jio Total frdrral rrt.ij. 3: a Nrw Short *m, VVchrrly, Hopkintott, Ex f«r, Richmond anil Cb-rlrlk>il, not heard lioir. ■ Bets art: teji to one in f*v6r of the iVilcraJ lie let" Ihe following, if the serious reader will pa 1 don the piophane exel mation of the libertine, is one of the mr.ft exqi.ifite re partees which can be found in any li»n- A back ehane'd to meet a younp beautiful Maid, Her che-k ".ike therofe in+'uli bk.flom array'd, Act! laid, with nfj, (V/hife 4irj"-ir,g her veil with great holdnefs a fide) " By G—H, ma'am paifitcd !" " Tis she replir.dy^ Ism in :ced pu.ited—by G»d. ANIIPATnt P. s. Erasmus, though a riatiyc of Rotterdam, b id such an aveifmn to Jfsh, that the l'm-l! of it threw him into a fever. Ambrose P e menti >na a gcmfemsiv, who could not fee an eel, with-ut fainting. J frph Scaliger and Peter Abano never could drink miik. Car dan wa< particularly riifpufted at the fight of Uladiflaus, king of Poland, coiiid not bear to fee apples. If a Pear were (hewn to Clufne. secretary to Francis I, his nose weuld Meed, from exertion to reftraiw his dilpleafure. Henry the third, of France, never could fit in the room with a cat. One of the tjravelt of officers, nevrrdarrd to look at a mouse, tyilef* lie had a sword in his hand. '1 hephilofopher Chryfippu* had such an aversion to be tainted, that v »f any one bowed to him, he .would full down. A lady, who afTeded li rd wordsj aftt 'ti her foil, " who had placed the ladder again!) the garden wall ?"—The hoy replied—" the gardener to get some fruit." " Oil !" 'said file, *' I was afraid you weregoitrgto mount the nostrum." Mr- Burkk, in his juvenile days, was extremely fond of private A few of his companions propnfed that he (hould pUy Richard the Third, and havirtg given him the part at a very short notice, he arcfe by times, one morning', and walked down a lane adjoining- his f'atfars house, so in tent on studying liis part, that he did not perceive a filthy ditch before him, and had JUst uttered, with heroic dignity " thus far we have pot into the bowels of the land, uhrn he found himfelf'up to his middle in the wire. Mrs. Wrighten bi*ing one day rather in difpolerl with a cold, her Jilvfbajid came in to the parlour, wlie:' flie win pra&icing an air f>r Vaufchall, and obfcrving a phial 6f phjsic ft .Hiding by h -r, he flung it »t her head. Up >n it was drily oblefved hy a punfler that, Mrs. W was finginfr, and Mr. W. only accompanied her with the viol. The following independent Utinam for the prosperity of an independent author is worthy ofthefpirit of the late high mind td, and regre.twd I will not present you with the unmean ing compliments of the season, but I will feud you my warmed wiflies, and moll ar dent prayers,that Fortune may never throw your fubfiftance to the mercy r>f a knave, or li t your charafter on the judgement of a fool ; but that rpurGHT and ekrct, you may walk to an honed gr«ve, where men of letters (hall fay here lies one, who did honor to Science, and roen of worth (lull fay, here lies one, who did honor to human nature. ■ • ', I' !. ' • A. very homely man, »dtin;»'Mltlitulattt <*ri a French Theatre, when Monimia fays to him, My lord,you change countenance, a young fellow in the pit exclaimed, 11 tor Heaven's fake let him. . A man of genius, in circnmftances rathe l " poetical, being in conversation with the late J.ord Chatham, his lirttfliip alked him, what in his opinion was v>it, " Wit," tie repli ed, my Lord, is what a p:iri(ion would he given b» your Lord Blip to yoyr humble i'er vant ; a good, thing, well applied. E'eclors of a Prcfident ir.d Vic -President I °f the United StnfS, are to be chosen by ! 'he Legiflat ure ol South Carolina this day, in conformity to a la-w of that state. The Legifla.ture.was to Convene at Columbia on Monday last. A Tchoonpr of 10 nine pounders was in company with the Berceau, when descried trpm the, Boston- but (he .tnftantly fled.— The Berceau failed from Cajenne in. com pany with a Corvette of 24 twelve pounders and 280 men ; two brigs, and the fyhaoner. The prize had 60 Marines the Boston had but 3d. Extradl of 1 letter from a gentleman at Au- gufta, dated November 10, IHOO. I '• The election of Prefidjnt seems to occupy the attention, of moftofjOurpnlitkiaßs this way. I. have it. from good authority, |that contrary to all expedlatijn, the newlv eledteji legifliture of South Carolina, consist of a lage majority of Federal members ; fo-that we may calculate up on all the votes in that State being for Mr. Adams and Pinckney.—As to Georgia, Ibe lieve you may place it in th« oppoSte fcaJc, though feme expedt one Eledlor will be fede ral." Extract #/ a letter from Charleston, d.ited Jfettttbtr j< " This state will certainly vote for Mr. Adams and General Plnckuey. Xl* elec tors in the lower country are generally fede ral, and in the upper country more- federal than usual. Major Butler is not eleded. Lowndes, who is flrongly federal, is eletted in tie room of Major Pinckney, who de clines lerving in the next Congress j and who at present is so lame that he wi(l. not be present at opening of Gontrrefs, having (trained the foot v. hich was fliot during the last war. J. Rutlei'ge i? positively re-eled* ed and Huger alf>. Mr. Moore, who is thought to be » federalift, is in the ri>oin of Not , .11J Gen. Butler in the rpom of flar-> per. Mr. Nott and Harper both declin-d lervinK, or they w julcl Certainly have been re-elecled. In North Carolina there will certainly be five federal votes.'' Exlratt of a letter from a pthlleinan in (.am.itn Si C. to bis friend dated Ottc her jo. " The majority of our Aitenibly are certainly made up of that party which yo u call Fedehil, and will no doubt, give tt> G neral t'inckney eight votes ; but whether the other eight will be for Adam» orjeffcr fon is uncertain. Another letter frern Cbarhtte t A r . C. to the same gtnukmar. dated Nov. 3 . says, " I have lately travelled through South- Carolina, and from all thfe information I c n collefi, it is more than probable Mr. Jffcf fon will not get a vote in that (late. ' The /rw Republican Members with whom I have converted, fay they will fupnnrt the ticket of General Pihckney and Mr. Jefferfoti ;but I am pretty coufident such a vote will not prevail, as two thirds of the General Affcm biy are composed of Federal Members." Washington, Nov. 22, 1800. The following letter was this day read in the House, and ordered to lie on the table : TREASLRY department. SIR, I deem It proper through you to inform the House of Keprefenuuves, that 1 have obtained the permission of the Presi dent of the United States, to resign the office of Secreiaiy of the Fre a fury, at the close of the prsfe'nt year. I indulge a hope, that I may without pre sumption declare, that the difTeient offices with which 1 have been entrulled since the effablißtqi'rivt of this Department, have been executed according to my belt skill ;md judgement, with a conscientious regard to the rights of the public and of individuals, and under an impressive sense of responsibi lity to tne government—ln conformity with thel'e profeffions, I now freely submit the whole of my conduci to any investiga - tion which the House of Rrprefentatives may be pleased to inltitute. 1 cannot omit this- only opportunity which may ever be afforded, of exprefling the fmcere sentiments of gratitude, wliieh i now feel and fhatl ever cultivate for the many proofs of confidence ind indulgence which I have experienced in the cdurfe of my official communications V'(h the I cgi flature at the fame time I reqtieff, that if the liberty I have now taken, ts» invite their attention to a matter of perfmal con cern, should be deemed in a<iy degree un fuitabla, the error mav be attributed to a just and reasonable desire, 'hat my conduct may, on propef evidence, appear to have tjie'r approbation. I have the honour to be, With perfefteflcem and deference, ' Your most obedient servant, (Signed) OLIVER WQLCOTT. The Hon. Theodore Sedg wick, F.fq. Speaker <st" the House of Ueprelen t suites. Gazette-Marine Lift. PORT OF PHILADELPHIA. ; ■ ARRIVED, dm irrg Aminn, Devercux, . J.imzici Cnflee and —Morgzn and Price ichr. Sukey, Grage, fiofton iS Oil, &c—to Captain ■ aiagon, Lord, New York 5 Salt—RufTeland Boose Independence, Rap£, .. New York 7 Salt—to Captain President, Lumbprt; , d'o 14 Sugar, fait, Ac.—J. Wcl Pi'grim, Worth, Boston I£> Pbifter P„-ri»—to Captain Liherty, Johnlon, . Alexandria 10 "" Tobacco and fait— to Sloopßmger, Sherb. rn, St. Andrews to , ' Plaifler Paris—J. W*Jn S<*h r Nancy & Kitty, Webb, . . Norfolk g Salt-—To captain »,v Sloop Resolution Ireland, New-York ; Salt—To captaip Two Crcth'ers, Shiw, : Richmond 4 Tobacco & Flour-—To captain Cleared. , SYip Oronr?, Greene, Londonderry Bug William, Lunt, Newburyport Schr. Mary, Franklin, . §t. Thomas Sloop Sally, Houston Cape Francois Hook. A ship inward bound, received a Pilot 011 I hurfday last, name unknown. Brig Nancy, Burk, for Madeira, aiid Schr. La Plata, Newel, Cape Frasscoisj went, to Tea «n Sunday lall. SWp I homas Wilson, Smith, for Am ftexuam, lay at Reedy Illand sn Wednelday" aft. SALEM, November 2x. CLEARED, Ship Margaret, Derby, SumKra Ship Iris, Conway, Alexandria Brig Uover, Lovett, Leghorn Proiler, Demarart. 1 he brig Sukey, Captain Nathaniel Brown bound from this p..rt to La Guyara, was cap lured on die 13th of Oflobec, by a fix gur fuhoantr, a tendar to the British frig;te Decade and Cent the next diy into Curracoi- Wher Captain Brown li Ift fell in with the tender, it being near nipht he took her to he a French privateer, and exchanged a few (hot with her; but on finding her to be an English vtflel, per mitted her to hoard him. The commander of the tender, on examining Captain Brown's pa pers, acknowledged them to be perfedlly clear and reguhr, a>,d said he had no other pretence for fending him in, thin his tiring upon his. ma jesty's fcho jiier, At Curracoa lie could nei'her obtaiH of the commander in chief of the island (C.-.ptain VV'aikins, ofthc3r:;i(h frigate Ne reid) an examination or a rJc-jfe of his veflel, De see inm port, the time of which was uncer tain. As t<*o .imerican vefT-ls had been lately condemned at Curficca, because they had <*z nabyivs Jiid ticHinhtsrgj .m bo-iri!, calling them faihdoth, there was reason to expefl that they would endeavour to convert tome article oil hoard the Sgkry in'o Contraband, as a cause of condem ation liktwife. Au biifinefs fs at * fiarid in Curraroi, since the Brii (h have got pofleffion of it. Tte Amer ican VefTeli were embaigoeJ t' ere previous to the i° Qcl b;r, and then were permitted to l'ail in ballast only. NEW YORK, November ijl ARRIVED, rfav? i Ship Marrina, Curtis, Greenock ia Brig Veins, Ward, St. Sebaftune 14 Shepperdefs, Hand, Savannah 14 Schr. Hetty, Weeks, Philadelphia * CLEARED, ! Ship Augusta, Hughes, New Orleans 1 Brig Saliy, L rd, Belt'aft Twins, Sco.t, Jamaica. ! Minerva, Bobbit.fon, do | Abigail, Steele, » do Schr Saily, Story, Halifax I The brig from St. Joh ,s, on Saturday last, | fpokethe !ch >-ner Harmony, fcrty, days from tiavantn for this in Jiftrtfs. —She was bearing away for R< ik lfiand. The Shepperdffs, on Monday last, spake an English (hip from Glasgow fur this port. — she i had loft her b - wfprit * "The Ramble, u hidr vesT I put in here yes ! terday for protifions, l«ft Calcutta the 6th Ju ly, and St. Helena the 30th S pteraber. Left at Calcutta the (kips William Pefin, and Dela ware of ihiiadciphia} fh p '"-arcy, of New- York ; ftiip Iphi/ema, formtrlv of Newbwrv port, atvd the 1 rig Rufitl, formerly of! i Boflon, both from London. The (hip John, Rops«, had arrived at from Salem. The (hip Union, a whaler, of Salem, was at St. Helena. The Rambler, two weeks ago, offßerinndi wa» c a fed fix hours by a frigate. The Rambler is ladea with piece ,?oods, and is going to Bolton. The schooners Hetty and Harmony, from Philrde'uhia tt pped here y fler lay on their way to the east* ard. Sailed from St. Helena, s6th September, ißoj, b'.g lydii, Bernard, Hofton ; (hip Ju no. Sr. iih, Newport ; (hip China,- 1 , Phi ladelphia ; brig Exchange, Webb, Salem ; un der convoy of the United States Irigate ElTcx, Captain Preble. NOTICE FOR FARMERS. vitt be -rtiuV 1 • KwK** ♦«.«< terMntx# dU>tKjkr#l**l*fc>t«Mye* k nfjgC . *•-• «i|W » r fiuMl inixuMwwie*r HmatoM.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers