i Gazette of the United States. tttfLAD&LfUIA, FRIDAY KVKNING, NOVF.MBV-.il 18. Prices 4 I-» per cent. 3 none at market BANK U. States, 139 a 140 p cent ad. Pcnnfjlvania, 133.1134 ditto ( N. America 151 ditto f InfuranceCa. Fcnns'a v»i ditto J —— North America 77J Turnpike - 450 a 260 dolls. Schuylkill Bridge ... par Water Loa 11, 875 dolls. Laud Warrants. 4_t a3O dolls, too acres St. Augujiine Church Lottery Tickets, 95 e/uliars EXCHANGE. Oil London at 60 lays 7 On Amlliriiim, do %q a4O cent<~) [per FJ jriii > On Hamburgh do 36 ij 7 cents \ [per Marie Baiico^ Rates of Foreign Ccins ami Cur rencies in the United States—per act of Congres for payment of Du ties. Engliih pound fteiling 4 44 Trilh do 4 10 f Dutch F1 rin or Quilier o 40 ( HawLiurgh \llrk Banco o 33 1-3 J to* t iic subscriber having frequently heard complaints of the want of accuracy in the pi ice current of public slock, has conclud ed tofurnifW the Gazette of the United States, cccafionally (if called fur) with what may in his opinion be confid-red the Market Prices of Stock, and the Kates of Exchange. M. M CONNELL, Cbrnmit street, No. 143. , TO THE PUBLIC. SIX months have elapsed, since the pres ent Editor of this Gazette, became its sole proprietor, by purchase, from Mr: Jno. W. Fenno. He therefore deems it proper, at this period, to flats some particulars relative to it, at, and since the time when it became his eftablilhmeut. The Gazette of the United States, had lrom its comnicncment, hflert condufted, »t different- peiiods, hy two gentlemen,' rf acknowledged ulrafs and refpec\ahi]iy ; hence *it nierited ai d obtained countenance from a very numerous and refpedxble Class of tht (oihuiunity. It was, therefore, rc f >nably concluded, tint on its becoming the pro perty of another, who from ftvrral yean abf<;nce from his native city, was recognized only by private friends, that a proportion of thofr who had previoully 1 honored it by their fopport, would withdiaw their name*. — This was partially the cafe ; —but so far from rcaliling .the fears entertained on this point, not one fourth ofthe num er contem plated, have rriii qu (lied. This alone was a favourable omen, but it is infinite'y mare gratifying to cbferve, that, the numbers ad ded to his fwbfcription lift. ha\e exceeded his calculations tioo-fold. In the Advertising department, many favours aie •ckiv wledged, but as on this particular, rests the, abihtv to meet large pecuniary, w ek!y dilburfements, it is found requisite to fcin it a more libenl Support. This paper, exclusive of the number cir culated in this city, is read in every town, •ot' any Importance, in the United States, and in t'fce advertising line, will be found highly beneficial to the Mercantile part of the community, * It will be dunned fupeifluous, at this time, to enter into a detail of the political principles of die Editor—the motives which adluate him, and his general plan bf editing. They are now universally known, and it is highly pleaiinij to find,- that they art gene rally approved of, by a refpe&ablc partioir-of tbe community, who ha*e fandtioned that a'ppi ofcation with their name* and puifts. It may be observed by some lioneft, wor thy men, that the llyle of the Gazette is sometimes violent, and that private per fws, art at those times attacked—To the iharge of violence he objedls, that of -warmth is cheeifully a«linited and he will here oblerVe, that advocating truth, and the dearest interests of his country, he feels a teal, which he thinks, and they on refledtion mult admit, is laudable. Those, who ebjeft to his giving full, l'cope to hit feelings on this fubjett, will do well to coirfidcr, that he has to contend with an unprincipled, flaring, and afpirinfj faftinn ; who threaten every thing virtuous, with total subversion, —xvhofe only arguments are falfchood and calumny. Private characters, afe feld t'.icred, gene rally speaking, but when turbulent aliens und naturalized citizens, become bawlers at town meetings and write libel after libel 011 "the firft characters iu our country When they far»6iion with their detefled names the mail glaring fcllchoods and the vilest de traftion, amid such an uproar, silence would be criminal. Such men and those only has the Editor dragged before the A merman peo ple ; he has oppoitd them, and will continue to oppose them, and from the strongest ties of attachment to America, he will uncen fingly combat with all the means in his power, the jiilidiou* and inveterate foes to this country whether foreign oi- domeflic, und-r whrtever fpccious .gaib they may fkafe to alfum*. 4©o IO 300 to IMj. Cu. .: [«. folhnir.g is a copy of the last Utter q/'the committee of Qorrtsj)nr t d;nce of this city, ta the committee of Health in Biiitiuu r?—to which fto miswer is yet reee'tved*"} Philadelphia, i4tl( or O&oher, tßoo. To the Cuffimiitec of Health in Baltimore. WE received your lettfcr'ql the 13th in stant, acknowledging the receipt of our re mittance to you of three tli'miand dtllars. —Believing that our colledliins are com pleted. we iVfI a great. ■ple/firre in Jbcinj* now able to remit vuu, two thousand dollars more from our citizen: for the life of the poor of Baltimore and Fell's Point. It af>p.-ars that you apprehend we have put a wrong conlii uftion on die plain and obvious meaning of your letter, in l\ippq ling that the inhabitants of Baitiluofe were unwilling tp jecive <»ny thing, from this city; if we have, we did nut intend it, neither are we yet able to dil'cover it. Admitting-, 1 however, the inference to na»«been improperly drawn, we c.in alTuir you, that it did not arise from any nui're prefentation made by individuals, rel]*-£tin£ your lituation, but I'olely, from Jrour own cbmrrunicitlons. On recurring t" your publications to your own cititens, and to our letters, and your anfwert, we cannot. fee that you had any reafun For thnfn infinuatinns, which your letter of the i 3t! contains ; and on exami ning our owfi letter* in particul.tr, we fell this confohtion, tV.at there is not a finale feiuirnent orexpreffion in any one of them, in the lraft it confident with that kindness and humanity, which the citizens of Philn delphia and its diftntls were desirous to (hew to the fuffering inhabitants of Balti more on the preFrnt occasion. With sincere withes, that our communi cations *nay not have a tundencv to inter rupt the harmony and friendfhio that eve ry good citizen to cherish between Philadelphia and Ualtimore—We remain, yonr fjiends. In behalf of the Committee of Correspon dence. SAMUEL COATES, Chairman. P. S. Our remittance inclosed is a draft of Jonathan Smith, Onlhier of the Bank of Pennsylvania, 011 the Bank of Baltimore, lor two thousand one hui.drcd dollars, pay able Ht fight.—Of -his two thousand is the grtt ot citizents, awd one hundred is a donation trom Wignell and Heinagle, Ma nagers of the New-Theitre, who requested the CbmiiMttf to fend it to you, by whose order I include it in the bill. [The firnplirity of the following song, the popularity of its tun?, and the circum stance of in being written by " a flaxen headed ploughboy" of Buchap, will procure it a reidy perusal among the lovers of na ture.} ( Fiir.e, " the Humours of Glen ") SOME finp 6t sweet Matty, lome flng of fair Nc 11 \, And some call fwe.t >uOe the cause of their pain Some love K'he jo1l», fpr.e Jove melancholy, k .md some lov« to fingoi e Humour* ofGlea. But ray onlv fancy i» mvp eit' ' -Hey Inventing n>\ oifTion I'll llriv to be plain I'll aflc no ttiore treasure, 1*1! i'erk no more plea sure j«.i But 4b? -, my dear Nancy, j:in thou wert my Her Kearny de l ghtj me, her ki; dnefs invites me, Her sleafir.i ' ehiviour » frre.ir m ill (lain , h refore, my sweet j«Mrcl, 'do n»t prove cruel CVf H! my dear Nancy, and com" he my sin, Her carriage It comely, her lanei age