Gazette of the United States, & daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1800-1801, November 27, 1800, Image 4

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    For St, Ci;oix,
th 8 " R 1G
Jofcph Paul, mailer.
Fo- or Pafiage, apply t>
tb« ouu.r onboard, or
'SS< t"uth Water street.
Who has for Sale,
Iniporred in said hrijr, a few hagfheads
t and o&fe« of
November 17 dl w
For Sale,
George Parker, mailer ;
SSgjsS* Burthen 110 tons, 4 months
old, fails t'afl. and is pierced fori4 g'litis. Afr
ply to the maftcr on board at Downing's
wlarf, or
No. 1, Perm Street.
November 11 - dt f
For Lisbon,
If Thomas Chalkley,
' To full in fix or eight days.
* *„* For freigh of a f^w
hundred barrels, or for piffage
November i». dtf
For Hamburgh,
The Hamburgh ship
|p|&Three Friends,
John p eter Jatifen, master,
A foSttamial (Irorg good Tcffsl, and well found,
is intended-to fail previ. us to the 15th of Receni
ber two thirds of her cargo being ready to go en
board—For the remainder, or paflagr, apply to
Who have received per/aid vejfel
and are now Landing,
Quadruple SelcGai
Check*. N» V and LTfladoea
Creas a la Motlaix
Slri| es
Setcfit Handkerchiefs
Oil Cloths
Gun Flints
Aljo on Hand,
Checks and llripcs Boccadillos, Britannia*, Caf
f rillos, Br wn Rolls EtlopilUs, Crcas a U Mor
laix, Bie!c6eld fine Shirting, Linnens, Dowlifs,
Siamoife, Tapes GlafsWires,Coffee Mills, Scythes,
Demyjohns, Qnills. _
novemher 31 diot—-tu&fr 3W
For Liverpool,
To return immediately.
The Copper bottomed Jhip
*&£ hr molly,
Richard Flitin. Commander,
.jSSßHfibffwn fait in «few days, three
si urths of her cargo bebg ready to go on board.
For freight of the remainder, apply to the
fii{fWiber», or for to the captain on
board at Walnut street wharf.
November 19
' For London,
HAS the gre*re§ part of hei
C-uvtreflguged will take Freight if applied
lor imrictßatrTy.
Thomas Murgatroyd If Sons.
Ofto' er^.tf.
In the fliip Atlantic, captaio Waters, from
Calcutta and Madras,
And for sale by the subscriber,
A great variety of articles mostly suitable
far exportation,
Blue cloths
, Soot Romal* v
Salem poores
Midrn Long Cloths
Ditto HanJktrchie.'t.
2000 bags prime Sugar,
Hyson and Souchong Tea,
No. 80, Dock street.
mwf tf
, »Aoher 19
• Philadelphia Academy.
0- Mr. Francis Gallet,
AN experienced and approved Inftru&or, has
undertaken to reach the FRENCH LAN
GVAGE in this Seminary, to such of the Yt>ung
Gentleman as may choofc to place themselves un
der his care
rtr Partau and Guardian* arc r«rj»efted 10
mpXr bnidiitc apf lidtiotij that all CchoWrt
ta*f begin at once. *'
Samuel Magaw "1 Directors of
James Abercronibie j the Academy.
Oflober at. juvil.
An Invoice of
Playing Cards.
SUPERFINE Columbian, Harry the Vllltb
and Merry-Andrew Playing Cards, fer sale cke-|
for cash—Apply at this Offic?.
John Whitesides,
JNFOKM S hia friends and the public in general
that be ha c t»K<n the
B R E W E R Y,
(late William No. 50, north Sixth street
where they may ' e lupplicd with Porter, A!c,
TaMcanJothar B era.
N B. A. quantity of excellent Jid Porter or
hand fit for immediate u r e.
novcv»bcr 18 dim
Crooke Stcvenfon
From No. 4 South to the (lore lately occupied by
No. 11, Nor lb Water Street.
34 Hogfhrada Antigua and St. K:tts rum
60 Do. Muscovado fijgar
55 Do. Snrrinam ; sugar house, and Hasan
nah molasses
Coffee in hogfneads and bags
Hyson (kin and bohea teaj (
Jamaica fprrits
Country rum
French and Spanish brandy
While aud brown Hivannah fugarj, &c.
November 17. mw&fiw
Landing frc n the ship America, Waite.
Sims, Commander, from Carton,
Souchong, ift & tnd quality,
Caper fouchoMg,
Young hyson,
Hyson, ift & »d quality,
Vellow Sc. white nankeens S
Lutcftrings, b!ack & color'd ( In Boxes
Sinfhawt do. ( aflorud,
Sittiiss do. 3
Lutettrings, maz. blue ic dark green") , t
Stt.fhaws do > , "
Persian taffetas, dark green J »~oxes.
They have also on band far sale, received br
the late arrivals from Europe, J3V.
1 Infmallpick-
Striped and checked ginghams i ages affurted.
White ligtirfd £c cclor'd Muf- | calculated for
linetts j>the Weft-In-
White corded dimities J dia market &
Color'd (ilk, striped Nankeens | entitled to
J drawback,
14 Trunks printed CAiicrccs,
5 <'"• '' '■ ")
t, Biles Tcinc twine f Er.tirled to
10 Caf..-s Eupliih Ch ■w£ fdr-
£.npln.. ..Hi v-Jie ju
in tea I'etts
i C.ifks mineral Mask,
i do. wlmc,
o do. eolcnther,
.? Calks purple Irrown,
!5 do. mill afTnrted,
a do. Lindos porter in bottles,
lSig!i(h fail canvas, No. I, i & j,
KufTia ('nek,
17 B >xc» wHre Havanna sugar,
13 Pipes old Madeira wine,
Emp;y wire N;ri!rs,
10 Gnns, << pi. inidcrj,
12 do. 9 do.
1% do. 9 do. with carriages, Sec.
ißa,ocolba. Ceribon coffee, lit
quality ("ntitled to
jo,ooo!Uj black pepper C drawback.
10 L m:» ebony J
M-v 1 mft-* tf
Horses to Winter,
HORSES will he taken to winter at Profyefl
Hill, at the: I* mils stone. on the Brifli I road,
where they will have on j Timothy and Clovej;
Hay, te wel 11uken care of, and have a 6eld to run
in when the weather is good ; enquire ol William
Bell, Philadelphia; or, o< Jofcph Bunting, on the
Th y engage to return then in good oHer in
thcfpring or tharge nothi.v for k< cping them, and
wi ! l riot he anfw rah for .*ccident» or fffcape,but
will :ake ever • j reeaution to prevent either,
o&oher a 7 mwf tf
A Young Man,
PEJFECTI.Y Terfed in Mercantile auMlti,
tod brought up io one «( Iha Qrfk c«i:itin|-
httfu ia thn «{ty, withe* employment a* Clerk.
He U at present «bfent from but a
line left at tkcOflitt of the Gaietta of the Uni
ted State* be will receive, aod it Ifcall be iiuine
rlia'ely attended • Salary a feaondary otjcA—
Employment hit (net ire.
auguß II dtf
THE public are hereby informed, that the Bal
timore Coachee will w futura flart fr<im thff In
dian Qnren, No j5, fout<h Forth flreet, every day
except Sunday, at 7 o'clock, arid will arrive at
Peck.'* Tavern, Baltimore, the ncxtjdayat 8 o'clock
a»<l the Stag«s to New York, will flart every day
at 8 and I a o'clock.
N. B.—A book \s kept open at Mr. Ely Chan
dler\ Franklin Heid, where feat* may also be ta
k<i:» in- the line of stages.
odloher a $
'-r'HR Proprietors of the Philadelphia .and Lan-
JL caftcr line «f Stages DISPATCH,return their
grateful tTimki to th ir friends and the public in
general, f>ir the pafl favors ikrj have received, and
inform them that in addition to the regular Line,
(hoy are proviied with Carriags»,fober and careful
drivers, to go through between the City and
Joronjh '.s two days. Thofs who prefcrthismode
ol travailing can he accommodated at the Stage
Ofiice, Ago of United States Eagle, Market street,
Siougb, Downing, Dunwoody 13" Co.
\ T ov. 30. it—s
That large and commodious
At the comn of Arch and Ninth streets.
- To be Let,
THE house, ftaM«, coach-house and lots, lately
v cccirjicd by , n .T;jor Hutler, fitsate as above
For trrms apply to J B. Wallace, No. aB, north
Fifth llreet. \
uilofccr si aaw tf
Certificates Loft.
THE imdtrmentioncd certificates of (lock of
tfec Bank of the United Staton, viz
Si' 978,<kteJ ift January, 179f0r five
(hares in the name of BourJieu, Chollctt
and Bnucdicn
-No ij dated Ift of January, 1798, for
five (hire*, in thename "i the Right hon.
lord John Townfliend-
Notice is hereby given,
That application is intended to be made 4t the
f iid bar.k hy the fubfcribcr, for a renewal of the
fame, of which all persons concerned are rcquefted
to take notice.
Philadelphia, 10 mo. 18, 1800 tuthfa^m
The followirg certift<rtes ef eigh* per cent. flock
in the name of William Ucll,jr. (landing to hi*
ere \i r on the books of the United States Loan
Office of Pennsylvania, viz.
No j, a Certificate dated 30th January, lßco,
for one thoufind dollars.
No 505, a Certificate dated joth January, lßco,
for one thousand dollars.
Notice ia hereby given, that application is in
tend-d to be rr.ide for a renewal of the fame—of
Which all persons concerned are requeued to take
Philadelphia, 10 mo. 28, 1800. 3taw6w
IN the ship Kenfingtin,captain Kerr, in ths year
1 794, having been captured by the French on
her voyage from hence to Amfter 'am, the follow
ing certificates <sf strck of the Bank oTthe llßited
States, standing in the came of Benjamin Chap
Not. 432 ct" 436 of 4 Siares each;
ISS ' 3 do.
12 15, t ; 16, 1217. 1 da.
Application is made at faij Bank by the fubferi
her tor a renewal of the fame, of which all perfens
concerned aredeGred to take notice.
0f1.27. djto.
Of the Bank of the United States,
N° *59J* t" ifft} 'mcluGve, >n the name of
Thomaa MalVttof Utiw. ware forward
ed alxiut »h* ift ol May 1797. from NfW-York,
by the (bin Oneida far London, which wai cap
tured by ths French, and said Certificate* loft or
deflroyed; therefore application ia made at the
said Bank fnr the renewal of the f»m», ol which
all frrfonrcofccerneO areieGrrd to take notice.
CUment Diddle.
PhiUd : Septenrfber 3, 1800 djm
Saw Manufa&ory.
No. 10, south Filth ftre«t,
MANUFACTURF.3 mill, cross cut and pitt
saws, equal in quality, appearance and fliape
to any ever imported; which he fells wholefalc
at the following price*—6 feet mill saws 5 I-a dol
lar each ; crofs-ewt d.i /Bcents per foot; pitt do.
66 cents per faot.
Woqd-Cutters c?ft steel saws, and every other
kind, made to any particular dircilion.
nov«mber 18 dim
A Vfinable and singularly eligible
CONSISTING of two handsome dwelling
houses, with excellent (tabling for fcveii horfei,
double coack-houfe mod completely fitted up; a
beautiful large and valuabla garden richly filled
with choice fruit, surrounded with high board
fence, almost new. The premifej are beautifully
situated near the middle of Oermantown, sur
rounded with rich profpc&s of the adjacent
country ; an orchard of about two acres, with a
haadfoinc lawn at the back ef the house.
One house has been recently built o» an appro
ved plan; the other has been com{rtetsly repaired,
painted and papered, and contain ten rooms with
an elegant t'rawing-room, fifteen teat by thirty
The new house is well calculated for a (lore in
either the dry or wet good line. •
The air and water are unrivalled, and there are
some mod excellent in the neighborhood.
for particulars enquire of tbe P.-inter, or <tf
on the preniifet
Mav 0. dtf
Clifford's Epistle to Peter Pindar.,
(Price 37 i-» Cents)
Dutton's Poem on the present state o:
(Price 1111 Cents)
Have just bten received by
A. DICKENs, eppofite Church,
november 7. dlf
For the winter fealbn, 011 Monday, Oilober
6th, Walnut, between Fourth and
MRS. OROOMBRIDGE refpeflfully ac
knowledges the liberal encotirag,ement
Ihe his experienced, for more than seven ye>rs
in PhilafJeJ; hia, and, as the moltexpreffiveproof
of gratitude, will be a continuance of the unre
mitting attention, alseady pi d to Ktr pupils ;
fla'ters herfelf, ft will be tfce best recommenda
tion to future patronage.
Tke following branches (or any of them sep
arately) may be «ngaged t'or, as molt agreeable,
the Eng'ifh, Frerfch, and Italian languages
grammatically ; writing, arithmetic, geogra
phy, use of the globes, liiftory, music, vocal
and iiiftrumenlal, drawing and dancing.
Plain work, marking, embroidery and tam
bGur in gold; fllver'or colours, ftllagree, artifi
cial flowerj, fancy bafketj, retting, hair, print
Cloth, and ciuflin work of every kind.
Oft 1.3. d2w j\vt2.
, WANTED—in Exchange,
A FOUNT ot Long Primer, we>hing 6
or lb or upwards, and a Fount ot
Brevier, weighing 4^0 lbs. or Upwards.
September 2.
Twelve Share*
To Printers.
Wajhinglen, September l/l, 1800.
Public Notice is hereby Given,
In pursuance of an ad of Congress, passed on
the lyl day of April, one thousand eiyht
hundred, entitled "An aS to ejlnblifh a
General Zt atop "Office,''
THAT 3 General Stamp-Office i« now
eftabltfhed at the feat of government, in the
city of Walhington, from whence there will
ifTue, from and after the dale hereof, (upon
the application of the Supervisors of the
Revenue, under whose raansgement the
colle&iou of ilie (lamp outies i 3 placed) any
quantities of paper, pa&chm-wit and vellum,
marked or stamped, aiid duly counter-stamp
ed, with the following rates of duty which
are: demandable by law ••
For every (kin or piece of Tellum or parchment,or
(heet or piece of papsr, upon which (hall be
written or printed any or either of the inflru
ments or writings following, to wit,
A, Doll,. C M.
NY certificate of naturalization j
Any licence to pradlice, or certificate
6t the admifiion, enrollment or re
gistry of any counsellor, Solicitor
Advocate attorney, or proflor, iri
any court of the United States 10
Provided, that a certificate in ar.y
one of the o •rtstof he United States,
for any one of the said officet, (hall
lb far aj relates to the payment of the
duty aforefaid, he a fuflkient admif
iion in all the courts of the United
States, for each and every.of the said
Any grant or letters patent,under the
teal or authority of the United
States (except for lands granted
for military I'ervices) 4
Any exemplification or certified copy
of any such graNt or letters patent
(except for lands granted for mili
tary Cervices) i
Any charter-party, bottomry or re
fpondentia bosd 1
Aay receipt or discharge for or on ac
count of any legacy left by any
will or other teftimentary instru
ment, or for any (bare or part of
a psrfonal cfiate, divided by force
of any ftatyte of diftriiuti-ons other
than to the wife, children or grand
children of the person diseased, the
amount whereof (haH he above the
value of fifty dollar!, and (hall not
exceed the value of one hundred
When the amount thereof shall ex
ceed the value of our Hundred dol
lars, and shall not exceed five hun
dred dollars jo
And for every further sum of five
hundred dollars, the additional
sum of 1
Af.y policy of inftirance or inflrn
nient in nature thereof, when the
sum for which insurance is made
shall not exceed five husdred dol
lars i s
When the sum inCured shall exceed
five hundred dollars I
Any exemplification of what nature
soever, that shall pass the seal of
any court, other than such as it
nuy'be the duty of the clerk ef
such court tofurnilh for the use of
the United States, or some parti
cular state 50
Any bond, bill single or penal, inhnd
bill of exchange, promiltory
note or other note (other any
recognizance, bill, b?nd or other
obligation or contrail, made to or
with the United States, or any
fiate, or for their use refpedlively ;
and any bonds required in any cafe
by the laws of tbe United States,
or of any state, legal process,
or in anv judicial proceeding, or
for 1 he faithful performance of any
trust or duty )
If above twenty dollars and not
exceeding one hurxircd dollars 10
If above one hundred and not ex
ceeding five hundred dollars 25
If above fiv« hundred and not ex
ceeding one tboufmd dol'.ars 50
And it thoufand dollars 75
Provided, that if any bonds or
notes fhsll be payable at or wwhin
fixtv davs, such binds or notes shall
be fubjetfl to only tivo-fifth parts of
the duty aforefaid, viz.
If above twenty and not exceeding
one hundred dollars 4
If above one hundred dollars and Bit
exceeding five hundred dollars 10
If above live hundred dollars and
not exceeding one thou r and dolls. 20
If above one thousand dollars 30
Any foreign hill of exchange, draft
or order for the payment of money
in any foreign ceuntry 30
The said duty being charge
able upon each and every bill of ex
change, without rpfpe'sl to the num
ber contained in each £et.
Any note or bill of lading or writing
or receipt in nature thereof, for
goods or merchandize to be ex
ported ;
If from one diftrifl to another dif
ti iit of the United States,not being
in the fame state 4
If from the United States to any fo
reign port or place 10
Thefaid duty being chargeable
upon each and every bill of Uding
without rtfpeifl to the number con
tained to each set.
Any notes iflued by the banks now
efhfelifhed or that may be hereafter
eftablilhed within the United
States, «ther than the notej of
foch of the said batiks as (hall a
gree to an aaoual composition of
one per centum on the annual di
vidcrds made by fucb banks, t»
their ftockh' ldei s refpe£>ive!y, ac
cording to the following scale :
On all nfltes not exceeding fifty dol
lars, for each dollar 6
On all note* ab we- fifty dollars ard
n'it uxcerdingoue hundred dollars 50
Oh nil notes above one hundrtd dol
lars andiiotexceeding five hundred
dollars I
On all notes above five hundred dol
lars 1
< DM,. C. M.
Ajiy prowll or other notarial aft
Any letter of attorney, except for
an invalid pension, or to obtain or
fell warrants for land granted by
the United Statss as bounty for
military ferviees performed in the
late wir
Any inventory of catalogue of any fur
niture, g®®ds or effefis, made in any
cafe,.required by law (except in cases
of grcods and chattels diflrainsd for
rent er taxes, and goods taken in vir
tue of any legal process by any officer j«
Any certificates of a fliare in any insu
rance company, of a filar ■ in the bank
of the United States, or of any state
or other bank ;
If above twenty dollars and not exceed
ing one hundred dollars X 9
If above one hundred dollars 35
If under twenty dollars, at the rate of
ten cents for one hundrej doltrs.
That the power of the supervisors of the
Revenue to mark or flarop any vellum,
parchment or paper changeable with duty,
will cease and determine from and after fix
months from the date hereof, to wit, on the
last day of February 1801.
111 »
J hat, if any perfojis (hall, after the lift
day of February ißei, have in their custody
or pofleffionj any vellum, parchment or pa
per, marked or (lamped by the lupe-rpifors of
th? Revenue, upon which any matter or
thing, charged with duty, fliell not have
been, written or printed, they may at any
time tvitbin the space of sixty days after
the said last day of February 1801, briny
or frtid such vellum, parchment and paper,
unto feme office of infpedlion, and in lieu
thereof, receive a like quantity or value of
vellum, parchment and paper, duly (lamped
in purfuaoc-e of the adt herein before recited.
And in cafe any person (hall negleft or re
tufe, within the time aforefaid, to bring or
cause to be brought unto some officer of in
fpeftion, any such vellum, parchment or pa
per, it is hereby declared, that the fame will
1 hereafter be of no other effeft or use, than
it it had never been marked or (lamped, and
that all matters and things, which may af
ter that time be written or printed upon any
vellul, parchment or paper, authorized to be
exchanged in maimer alorehiid, will be of no
other efleft, than if they had been written
or printed 6n paper, parchment or vsllum,
not marked or damped.
And for the convenience of those persons
wlip may be inclined to luve their owr. vel
lum, parchment and paper (lamped or mark
ed, it is hereby peclared, that when any per
(011 (hall dejKifit auy vellum, pa-chment or
paper at the office of a supervisor, accompa
nied with a lift, fpecifying the number and
denomination ot the stamps or mar which
are defirrft to be thereto affixed, the fame
will be tranfmittcd to the General Stpam-
Office, and there properly marked or (lamped,
and forthwith sent back to tlte fame super
visor, who will thereupon colleft the duties
and deliver the paper, parchment or vellum,
to the order of the person from whom the
lame was received.
Given under my Haod, and the Seal
(L. S.) of the Treasury, at Wadiing
ton, the day and year above men
Secretary of the Treasury.
fcptembcr 29.
For Sale, or to Let,
In Cbesnut Street,
'Near the corner of Eleventh street, at present in
tlw tenure of Mr. A. M'Call—Pcfleffion may bs
had the first of November next, or fooncr if re-
quired Apply to
Edward Shoemaker.
The Works
of *rnE
Hon. James Wilson, Esq. L. L. .D
Late one of the dissociate Justices of toe
Supreme Court of the United States and
Projessor at Law in tbe College end
Academy of Philadelphia.
From the original maimfcript, in the pofleffion of
Bird Wilson, Esq.
These worts ft .ill be elegantly printed in two
volumes oitavo, and delivered jo fubfcriberi at
five dollars.
They (hall be put to press as soon as the fubferip
tions will juftify the espence of publication,
Subscriptions VJ ill be received by
The pubtifher, opposite Chrifi-ChHrch, Phila
delphia ; and bj the principal booksellers through j
out the United States.
*»* A Profpe>slus of the work may be feel) at
tha place of fubfeription.
feptemVe'riv §
To be let,
That large and commodious four (lory
Brick Dwelling-Houje,
No. 343, Higk-ftreet.
IT'S situation is peculiarly pleasant and healthy
and it has avery convenience requisite for the
cco m modat'on of a family ; a pump in the yard,
loe House, Stable and Carriage House, &c. &c. Pof
feffidri may be had on the 15th of next month, or
sooner, with the confeia tof the prtfent tenant.
(On very low terms for the ensuing winter and
fprir.g) a large and convenient
Brick House and Kitchen,
Co«ch hr.use, Stable and Lot of Grouiad, p!eafantly
fitua'ed in the Nor hern Liberties, a liitle to the
well-ward rf Fif'h and northward o) CallowhiU
flreets, and within ten init.utct walk from the
center of the city.
Apply to
Attorney at Law—No. |6, south 4th ftreel;
Pijtobcr 19
■" t-