Gazette of the United States, & daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1800-1801, November 27, 1800, Image 3

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    Gazette of 'the United States..
.TfyttKs'PA* : ■ B'y't-Mi Vg»
PROVIDENCE,..(R. I,; Nov. 20.
Ydlerdta'y "ToVii Meetings were held
t}irdugfiou\ this (late for the choice of Elec-*
" '»f PiVli<teijt and ViC£ Preiidrnt «f <he
UfflftV& States ; The votes at the dole of
>'=7ll. y' l tfiis town stood as follows.
Federal. Jfsrcobin,
Mdj. Maj.
*> . "V •
' •'
CranfVon, 13 v
>' b
Smithfield, 6 C
Gloucester, * ~ h
N. Providence, 34 h
E. Greenwich, 8 r
Warwick, 7
• Coventry, 100
Scituate, ijo
Softer, 71
. . -tujrtberland, 39
B.trington, 3.5
679 265
T * 'T.T
• The Britilh Packet Mary, has been
seized at New York, for smuggling
nineteen pieces of broad cloth.
Letters from North Carolina, say
-the Fetfafrgljfts will certainly have live
el eft or s for Preiident and Vice-President
in'that State.
Fine wits, fays Seldcn, destroy them-
with their own plots in meddling
with affairs of State. They commonly
do as the,ape that saw the gunner put
. gullets in the cannon, and was pleased
with it, and would be doing so too ; at
last-he puts himfelf into the piece, and
so both ape and bullet were fliot away
The above shrewd writer has a terri
* ble sarcasm upon the married dames, ex
prefled in the blunt language of his time
"'Tis reason a man that will have a wife
fhoitld be at the charge of her trinkets,
".nd pay all tlje 1 core v'he • fcts on him.
He that will keep a monkey, 'tis fit he
fhoald pay for the glafles he breaks."
A republican Bookseller has lately de
clared, under his own hand, that he is
willing to print for the Devil. Whe
ther or not this fame sooty and infernal
author would employ a republican to
•vend his works cannot be made a ques
tion. -As the falanic scribbler is the au
thor of many a confufcd piece, and huge
folios of treason, rebellion, sedition, con
fifcat ion, and murder, we know very
well to what frtfjes he would apply, pro
vided he* were diiTotisficd with work done
in Hell.
Dr. G. Gregory, a very ufeful and
amiable living writer has iatelv reviled
the Well known translation of Telema
chus by Hawksworth, and publiflied a
splendid edition of that charming and
inftruiftive-Epic. It is decorated with
beautiful .engravings from designs .by
Stothard, and is accompanied by a well
Written life of Fenelon. Hawkefworth's
is the moll perfect translation we have
from the French language. The month
ly reviewers averred op the firft appear
ance of Hawkefworth's' veriion that the
spirit, and genius of t'he autkor had never
been so efteftunlly represented, and Dr.
Gregory allures us " that few translati
ons, or even original productions in our
language, can compare with it in brilli
ancy, elegance, or harmony of fcylc.—
Ihe commendation of the original is
likcwife high, and froin the general im
pression left on the mind by careless pe
rusal when a school boy, it is believed,
that Dr. G. is not too partial, when he
fays " ii).the whole scope of modern li
terature, there is not a work, which
comprehends so exteniive a range of ufe
ful knowledge, conveyed ia so agreeable
and fafqhuting a flyle. The whole my
thology, geography, and science of the
ancients are comprised in this elegant
■work. The mod ufeful lelTons ifi politics
and mofals are forcibly inculcated ; the
fineft feelings of the head are exercised
and improved. The narrative irmore
jntereflirig and pathetic than those of
Homer and Virgil; and, in the perusal
cf it, the mind, so far from being con-,
taminated, is enlightened and refined.
Some limpleron, whose stile is irfuf
ferably tedious and whose sentiments are
unspeakably absurd, torments even the
Jacobinical readers of the Aurora, with
his lf bald and
under the figfiature of R. Slender.—
We fuppoie him to be a lineal dependent
of Master Slender, whose faculty is im
mortalized by the pen of Shakespeare.
2 65
j A droll advertisement occurs in the
< early folio edition of .'Die Tatters, " Any
ruan for Ihooting,
| hunting, letting,'" or any manner'-oj'gawc,
! may hear ps one wejl qualified, at die
printing press. in Little Britain. He i
good scholar andJbaves well,"
A Gentleman lately crofiing a nar
row bridge in the Jersey's,. y which .was
not railed ttYi either fide to (ecure paflen
gers from falling, said to a Countryman,
.whom li£ met, " I think this narrctw
cauieway must be very dangerous, my
honest friend ; Pray, are not people Jolt
here fometimej ?'* "Loft-! -■no, Sir,"
replied the man " I never knew' any
-• ' i
body loft here in my fife ; here have
been several drowned indeed, but they
were always found again."
A cou.r.ry Gentleman, walking in his
Garden, saw his gardener aijeep in the
arbour—" what," lays he, "afleepy m
ftead of at work, you idle dog, you are
not worthy the fun should lhlne on you,"
" I am truly sensible of ihy unworthi
nefs " answered the 11133,, " and there
fore, I laid myfclf down in the /bade-!
A little boy having .been,much extol
led by a fond Mother for his quickness
of reply, a Gentleman rudely observed,
when children were so keen in their
youth, they are generally stupid and dtill,
as they advance in years. "What a
very fenfibje boym uft you have been,
Sir, then," replied the child. •
A gentleman lately called on an oc
culift to consult him about his eyes,
which of late ha,d beepme very weak:
He found t him over a bottle of wine.
" Would you be entirely cured," said
the jolly Eye Doßor, " you muff whol
ly a'bftain from wine"—" I will," re
plied the patient, but it ieemsrto' ine
your eyes, are full is, bad as mine, and
yet you drink pretty freely.*' " True,"
laid the other, " becaufc I prefer wine tb
g<ml eyes."
We recommend the filming piiTxye from
the works of Dr—Jonmson to the can-'
ting Pdtri'fjs <,'( rdtj-Qjlisyi.
in tire form ofanlnlh V.ujrunt, or, of jhe
inconriarrt Tench certainly comes _ to- ut
in a very •' qwrllionable ftiape."
" The people is a very heterogeneous
and confuted mass of the Wealthy and
the poor, the wife and the foollih, the
good and the bad. Before we confer
on a man, who carefies the people,'th*s
title of patriot, we muff -examine to
what part of the people, he direfb his
notice. It is proverbially said, that he
who diilemhles his own character, may
be known by that of his companions.
If then his firft or principal application
be to the indigent, who are alwaysf in
flammable, to the weak, who are na
turaliy suspicious; to the ignorant, who
are easily milled ; and to the profligate,
who have no hope "but from mifchief
and tonfufion ; let his love of the peo
ple be no longer boasted.*' • /
The foliowingextnft, from the Mafljchu
fetts CeiitmrUis replete With trutli and
juflicr, 'itnd Ijonor on 'the heart
that didUteJ, mid the p ti that wrote i .
f. xrn a c r.
General Hamilton stands not in need
of any auxiliary Pupport.'—His political
fame is founded on the rock of public
Tervice, in the cabinet and field ; and
will defy the whirlwinds of malice, or
the waves of fa&ton to impair its . foun
dation.—We lament, that parasites and
ear-wigs lhould have created, jealousies
of him, in the bread of our' excellent
President. • But we think they cannot
long lubfift ; and that the time is not
far cliftant, when such men vis General
Hamilton will enjoy the full blaze of Exe
cutive confidence, while the tins Ephe
mera which recently buzzed rour.d its
chair, will b« aunihilnted by-its rays*
•' A man of high man" anil ancient prin
ciple, though lonely, though {inaflift
ed, though difcncouragccl, though alrnoft
defnonding in the combined efforts >of
the learning and virtue of the age, may
■still contribute fomethrng to ft em the
desolating fprcad 6f "
principles" and " unfettiement of inffi
tutions." - ■
An humorous fellow lately observed
lhat the French treaty ran It be a darl
buiinefs as it is reported to have bean
ilgned at midnight!
Baltimore Pap.
K We are infornicJ, that among many
)ther valuable papers, demoliihed !>y the
\re ntthc; Citr.tliece wasaFrench
of, the Encyclopedia, which cost
(oooi. ItcHing.
V - .... 'Alexa.nder Pap.
? o >.bc Senate and House of .Representatives
of tie,si?>nJ)/j/, yftbe Common^
•wealth of Peimsjfatmia* . j 5 >■
In proceeding' to" lay Ficforc yon a:gen«-
al llate'of the Commonwealth, I derive the
fatisfaftion from an oppoituiiity of
aingrstulating y/>u,- cpoi) t(ie health that
he city of Philadelphia ha? enjoyed y during
he"pre,fein year, as well as, upon the many
>ther blelltngs, which a beneficent Provi
lence has bellowed upor. Our country. '1 'be
;omriierce of the Sta'ti-, relieved from do
neftic calamity artd external outrage, pro
nifes to with all.i't? energy and en
erprized Her agricultural inci.uftry has
>een produftive beyond' the experience of
niy tonrfer period :' Whild the of
lopuladnh and settlement ( notwithltartding
in impolitic of migration
o America) rapidly extends, throughout
ler territory, the various arts and advanta
ges ■ o-f'focial fife. To prelerve, and to
mprove, a situation thus propitious, will,
:ertainly demand and deserves the atten
tion of every dffpa'rtril'tnt of the govern
ment ; but t'iom.the in partieu
ar, much is expofted, and much, I am
perluaded, will br. p;ifornied.
It Is ol>vTqv»?, tljat on tile judicious ftruc
:ure, as well as on the faithful adminifhati
>n of our mnnici])al inoitution, mull depend
the order, frffety afld tranquility of the
:«mtnunity. Hence, it becomes necelTary,
iccalionally to review the genial laws for
regulating our police ; to adapt them to the
incvitabje mutation ,qi'.human aft'ai*« ; 'and
to anient) t.'.em aceurding to the ufeful
iefToiis of experienco With this yieW,
tlierefoie, p«tmit me to introduce teyour
uimediate conljdejation, the propriety of
reviliiig the existing. lyilenis, in relation to
Kleftibiu, to Courts of J uttice, and to the
The law Tor regulating the General E
tfli ns, has been found defcftive in itt de-
Icription of the jqu*J.i|f}Cit;ipn 6f -Voters ; Jin
the rigor of the proof (equired to efla
olilh the privilege. ,of voting, and in
th- oniilTion of a fu'Kjujary mode, to inves
tigate and decide any copteO, -that may
.11 Ile, at a preliminary eledhoti so: ,1 nlpeftors
■'udmher Officers. TVftilH on theone hand,
tlusfacied right of citiiiiMitfiip ought to be
elletluallv protected flr3m invalion, it will
or allowed, that t.n the other hand, no o'j
llaele, II onhi be i'lterprllVd or tolwated, by
which the friends < i arpaftieufir candidate
may cinhaii als and oppivlt their opponents;
or bv which the of a
lin "Ie,fird hi: itoi;. nivy Le cntiangered
and dellroyed. , . . JiT
I* >S-rrfrrrV,f, therefore,.generally to your
wil'doni to divifc.a reriafy for the d fefts
that they have been It ited ; hut the occa
lion f-i ins, in a f|Xci-iJ wan«er, to rrqimc
the |egi(!,itiv«.aid| t».»b#i*:e the doubts,
which have b rll rec-n.ffy created, refp.'dt
ing the valid tv of ad of • n'atur dization in
the lljun of. C-'ininoj) i have al
ways I cmifefs, . lonlidereH-thtife Court, in
their conllitulion and ' iuilf3ia!\ion, to be
Sup rior C.our-s '.'•t "Supreme) a;
well as Dulrifik C urt ; rooliquei tly
exprefslv rnipowered by ihc a '.V of Corr'gref
to gr-.nt (lertificates rf • njfurJiS.itioD, bui
on > qelUon q! f l'ech importance, to so man)
ad jit.-t! Citiafiit, you wiU, pro'iahly deem i
xprd.en: -to - jraf» a drtlaiatory Aft. O
tiie fiibjfejt. of eletfieu'S v'Atli attention'will
lilewife, b« .Oitur.VHy attracted, dun At th.
ftrefent frflims, by
' I'.ch tile ot .te has repeatedly cncountcreil
for wniir ut 'aw, to regubt'
• I.c n.inner ot chooliug 'Senators of the U
nitp:l States, and of tfjljV'intfnj the Eleftoi
of a Pi. (I.lent and Vic-Pivtident.
Adverting tothe (*>u4s of, you
will reidi'v perceive, tl*u tlif extenlion of
Commerce and Agriculture, the met cafe of
.population, «iid tlic,r»pitiplicauon of Coun
tie , have so accumulated the objefts and
duties of the.Judiciary Department; that
the existing TvlleHi has proved to be'Mloh"
ger .adequate to the regular and efficient"
admirtiffration of juflice. An addition to*
the number "of, judge* ,;>f die f Su'prenir'
Court, and a fubJiyjliqn- o|j. the t Circuits -of
the.Courts of Common plft*<j, ~apf oar tlifcffc
tore to be indifpenlaMy wqdijile, for the
fafety accommodttianlttf tlie'People
but how tar such an arrangement may be
made To supply the use, iVitradt the
exneuce' of thf FJigh Court jti Krror abd
appeals, sou will deterjniae. The Conlti
tution contemplates a legiflatiye proviiion
for authorizing fifits to be brought ag.aiuft
the Um moil wealth ; And glides introdu
cing other gttieral provifipns, tp fecin'e, a
faithful executlcn c f the Ofijce ot' iiimrift,
you cannor, I tffinV, rpuder a greater Icr
vice'to otir 'conflituentSi
and enfifcing ft plan for tliff.. rettirq ot Ju
rors, which, in evtry of y»rty
influence, and |>or)ular' i (>pTUi&tV, flia.ft ope
rate freely, without favour,'and without
prejudice. In our pervtl code, few impor
tant alterations-can a: this tittte, be fug
'gtDrd ; .but it may lie proper' to obierve,
.that.the nature Arid- degree of" tome of the
punishments denounced by the Henlth
L»-.vs, are so dilbrbportionate to their rela
tive offences, 9s to afTume a rlia rafter of
cruelty, inconiilt'ent with- rhe spirit of tliCj
conUiuitinn, and obflrutfUve in the execu
tion of tine regulation* t'«>r i the- feeurity of
tlje Port,; . ; 'V
. I't it ar^Kfwixle tha£*r"i» F
fotoi yfcu 6t a nuiA<M(liVn<f<fleiAiva enroll*
nient <*f our Militia (the flrength and fafr.
ty a lVf« People) amounting, «n the betl
cxlcuU'jou to aboat «ighty tHousand Citt
tens. A report of the quantity an 4 diQri-
Ny I butionoi the pubiic Arms lately purchased
J le will be laid before you v bit-many of, the
, old arms ate ia po(reffi»a of individuals in
different pirts of the' state, who ought to
3ft been induced, or .compelled, thetii
to the-brigtids iiiFpeaoi's and an officer ap
pears neceirary,\for-the fafe keeping, repair
i;ig,, and fuperintetiding the whole of them,
v ■ Notwithfianding rhe judicious liberality
1", of the legi/Lature in-. Chei'r former approprta
l(,s tions for,this osje<ft, it will be ttecelTary to
give additional powers, either to tile .Bri
gade iflfpecSlor*,,or'to.the Department of
Aceounts, far the ptirpofe of collecting the
k . arrearages; ,as Well as the accruing fines;
s-r which wnftituw the only permanent fund
he fWidefraying they£jtpen,ces of the Militia,
of Some 1 node should, also? be pref'cribed for
at aectiding cpnteftejJ eleftions; the Judges of
jg ele&iofls ftould be placed under.the obliga
iy tiott of an oath or affirmation, as well as the
1- Officers coinmiffioned ; and it feems'to be
be properdin conformity to thegeneral princi
1- pie of the law,, that a provision (hoyld be
made, for issuing Commilfions to supply any
1— future vacancies, not on a tenure of seven
as years, butonly'for the unexpired portion of
of the septennial period of eleftion.
of Having brought these principal inftitu
ig tion? into your view, and considering the
>ll difftifion of ufef«l knowledge among the
at People, to be the best auxiliary to the admi
»- liiftratiou of a free government, allow me,
:o Gentleman, to remind, you of a conftituti
1, onal injunction, " that the Legillature
- " /hall, as soon as conveniently 'may be,
1- provide by law, for the eftablilhment cf
1- " Schools thrcjigjhout the State, in Ujch
11 " manner, that the Poor may be taught
" gratis." As Another important instru
ment, to unite the iuterells and affeftions
i- ot tlie citizens, the communication between
id the different parts of the.. State should be
le facilitated by every piadicable ineam. An
y, opportßnity taker. cVirmg the present
>r Session, to exhibit a Report on the prpgrefs
le in executing the various. Contrails, which,
id have been'forme?! for the improvement of
il our public roads and inland navigation ;
r, but, belides affording occasional aids froTi
ir the Treal'ury for fpecific. objedls. I
>f that you will render the permanent prOvifi
-0 ons of our law, relative to Roads and
e Highways, :nore general and mare opera
tive. The bufr.iefs of the Land Office, and !
-■ of the Board of property, becomes bighjy
intereflifigto the community. .Some mea- -
n fures be nurfaei to compel perl'oni
i- holding lands under, fettlein.eilts, warrants
1 or locations, to apply for Patents, and you
- cannot be too Sa.rly in spkiug the proper
y precautions/to avert thi ganger, that me
s naces the propetty and peace of the
I, from a 'Collision of titles in the dilkat
e Counties. To these objefts of legislation,
I permit me to add, tha: the prelcnt
- ijeffion it will be necefTary to choose a Se r
y »ator of the UnitedinStes, and'that the
e Conftitulion-rcqnires, an appor'ionnjent of
; tjie reprefrntation in the General Atfernbly
a to the nuni er of tsxaole inhabitants, ic
d carding to the returns of enumeration which
will be tranfmitied to you, s o on a? they
r ire received. *V. ' .
i Since tlie Jfirt adjournment of the Legilla
- ture, the duties devolving 011 the Executive;
e have befcii pundtually performed. 111 orga
iv niziiig the several new counties, however,
- some <!>fficiil;y ha« 9.ccjirred, (which it may
II be ptdjfer to obviate by j decihon of the*
- Judges) in relation to the validity of the
a Commt'ffioners ol msgifti ,tte», whose residence
: does not continue within the boundary of the
s county, for which they were originally ao
; p inted. The sale of th't hotife and lon that
i be'onged to tlie state, situated between Mar
t ket and Chefuut ftrrets, in Philadelphia, has ;
been made to tjie University of Peirnlylva
t n'ia, in the manner, and on the conditions, 1
i_ prescribed, for the Inni of forty-on<- thousand
. 11 x hundred and fifty dollars > but you will '
perceive by the report of the agents, that the J
, premifrs are fubjeft to a ground rent, which ,
, tire state is bound to dife.harge. Though
- tlie commiffi niers employed in executing the
• , aft, for fettling, on the principles of a libe
-5 ral conipronjife, tlie injnriou« controversy at
Wyoming, have not completed their ardu
ous undertaking, you will.perceive, by their
report, that such prog re has been m de, as
f just fies the expeftation of an e irly and latis
faftory teriniiiatio'ti of the bulinel's. It may,
1 lio'w'vev, be proper to prolong the time,
that has been allowed to the parties to de-'
•' dare their accefljpn to the terms of the com- ■
r promise.
(ftmjttnfn of the House of Representatives,
'Hie offirers of Accounts will hy before
you a ckt'arl of the Finances of the State
but permit me, in general, to inform you, 1
that on the firll day of ( a ft. there
was a balance of eighty-fix thousand three -
hundred and sixty dollars in the Treasury,
which oar various 'foiircen of Revenue will,
probably, in the course of the ensuing year,
augment to a sum, of three hundred and
fo-ur-thoilfand and Teventy-nine dollars.-
Uelides, however, defraying the expellees
of (iovern»Metit, paying, the ftlihs due on
1 the Con traits for Anns and lati'.fyihg va
rious nr.feellaneous appropriations, it w ill be
n cefTary to provide., for dH'chatving the
" moiety of the Loan from the Bink of Penn
' f'ylvania. which will lie due oil the fir ft day
' of April next. Hence, you will discover a
c confrJerable deficit (amounting perhaps to
a sum of eighty thousand doll irjJ to fupgly
which you will be under the neceffi .y ,■)!' re
' sorting to a moderate tax, pr co a file of j
the pubiic stock belonging to ,the States ; [
1 btit, I am confident, that in the arrange- I
ment o( our Fma ires you will be equally at- !
tetuive to the priwciplesof'pubiic credit and
'' nfeful otconuniy.
f Gentlemen if the Senate, and
■' ' Gentlemen of the Houze cf Representatives,
With.the,various hther d.x-iii'nents rela
- ting to the topics of tlm the Se
cretary will present for your information,
I copies of reports from the several Land |
- Officers, and a Schedule of the Afts that
- will (hortly expire, in confluence of their
jj. 11, .1, r,
:d1 refpe&ive limitations. I trufl, that ia
le and ill nil my official communications, you
n will perceive the proofs of a sincere difpoti*
,o tion, to advance the welfare of theSltate, to
i» facilitate the deliberations of the Legifla-t
- cure, .and to expedite the tranfadlion of the
- publi# business. ' m-' '
7 Lancaster, Noveviber ai, 1800.
- Wajhington City.
; Monday November *4,, (80-0.
t The following are the amendments to the
e conftitutiori of the United States propefed
,by Mr. Nicholas on Friday, which were
f referred to MelTrs. Nicholas,. Harper, Ma
li* cob, Grifwold and Evans. ,'•
1 Previously to reading them, Mr. Nicholas
f noticed ,the propositions l'ubmitted by him
during the lad feflioii, a-nd the extraordin
ary proviftons made in a bill received from
: the Senate, and stated the improbability of
i his voting for his ovvti proppfitions, in cafe
- they bad been called up by the house.
- RESOLVED by the Senate and .Hpufe of
: Keprefcntatives of the U. States two
. thirds of both houses concßring, that the
f following, articles he piopofed to the lei
1 giflatmes of the U. States as amend,
c ments to the Constitution of the United
' 1. That after ,the tljiid day of March, in
1 the year one thonfanct-eight hundred and
; one, the choice of electors of Prefideßt and
Vice-President, fhill be made by dividing
each Hate iiitp a number of diftri&s equal to
the number cf Eleftors to be chosen in such
. state, and by the jxrrfonjr in each of those
diftii£U who ihall have tlie qualifications re
qufite for ele&ors cf the most numeroui
branch of the legislature of such state ohufing
one elettor in the manner which the legisla
ture thereof (hall prelcribe.
2. That the eleftion of reprefentatiyes to
serve alter the third day ps March, in the
•J year one thoufiiid eight hundred and three
rfhall be by dividing each state into a num
ber of diftridts equal to the number of rep*
refentatives to which such state fliall be en
titled, ar.d by the people within each of thpi'e
diftric*} who (hall have the qualifications
' requilite -for eledtors of the molt numerous
branch of. the legiilature of such state chil
ling one reprekntstive in the manlier which
the legiflature'thereof thai) prelcribe.
On Friday the House authorised their door
keeper to employ an additional affifbuit, and
to-> hire two Hnirf-s enable him to do
which.. tley Hovied him-twenty eigft £ dol
lars* per ,week during the feflion and for 20
days after its dole.
On Saturday, as ter attending the delivery
of the Prefidetjjt'i Speech in the Senate cham
ber, returned to the-ii 1 own kbaniber, when the
speech wns again read, and referred to at
Committee of the whole house, Mr. Harper
in theclia ; r.
The Committee, having.taken the speech •
Into tqnfiderattcm, ftiade' report that a res- .
■' petiful answer should .be pre fen ted to the
President,'with the atTurance that au Htten
tion. would be paid by the boiife to tho leve
r*l important matters fubmuted to them.
---The hottfe agreed to the report, and Mef
fijrs. Grifwold, Nicholas, Macon, Crajk, and
Henderfon, were appointee! a committee to
prepare the atldref».
Monday, Nevemkrr iS.
The Speaker re id a. letter from Oliver Wol
cott, Secretary of rlie Tteafury, Hating, that
( *itb the approbation of the PreGdent he had
, determined to resign his office at the close of
the year ; and iivitfßg if the house deemed it
■ lit, an invcft:gation into his .fficial condudl.
IN SENATE> November 21.
' MefTrs. Tracy, Morris and Baldwin were ap
pointed a Committee tp prepare an anfnrer to
the Piefident'aipeech
1: :
' Gazette Marine Lift,
Schr. Iris,-Hamilton, Norfolk 4.
Salt—William WCluie
Sloop Friendship, Warthman, Stvannah 4
Cotton—A Piefch.
Yesterday the frigate United Sia'ee, Commo
dore Barry, dropped down from Marccs
I Hook.
; Ship Brothers, Bray, Londonderry
.Schr. Sifters, Woodman St. Croix
The following wflels weth'to Seaon Sa.
tui-day last viz.
Brig Hannah Griffen, for Havanna
Schr. Adventure, Lillihtidge C. Francois
Mary, liryaut Surrinan^
Friendlhip, Taylor Port Republican
William, trail No»a Scotia
Betsey, Young Port Republican
Ship Pennfjilvahia,' orke for Hamburg
went to fea,on Monday and tlie Ihip Crite
rion from Charleilon on
N .'A'YOKK, Nov«mber i - '
B?ig Rambler, Savage, Bsngal j 3 »
Schr. KefJliition, Sanfcrd, ?t. Thotnas
| Schr. Mitilda, Sinclair, New Providence
! Shop Minerva, Williams, Jamaica '
j The Ihip Nancy, Cap:a;n Allen, hai arrived
; at Calcutta.
Th» fchopner Harriet, Smith, from New
Providence has arrived st Newport' (K. I.)
The icho mer i<efolution, Sanford, failed'under
convoy of the United State 9 fl >op of war Pawp-"
sco, with about thirty fail, am .iifffl which was
the fehoorier Mary-Apn, ot" New YorS,. Snow
Race-Horse, Captain Whltt'.efey, fr-m Say
brook, is arrived at Kinglloo, (Jamaica.)
! NORFOLK, November I*.
November 16, arrived in Hampton Road»,
tht (hip Juno, Luke, sixty day* Liverpool.