Gazette of the United States, & daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1800-1801, November 27, 1800, Image 2

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    Gazette of the United States;
From the N. Y. Magazirte.
otf American newspapers.
" Thk Ait kric ans,'* said a fplewetic
friend of mihej who has travelled a. good
3pal in America, " are a nation of readers.
Taking oiie with aliother, a far greater rinui.
ber of the people devote feme of tlieir-tii)\e
to reading, than of apy other people in the
world. In Great Britain, France 4n<i Ger
many, theft who do, or who tan' read, bear,
a very small proportion to the reft. They
are scarcely one to twenty"; but in America
almost every man is a student.
" They read, not casually, or now & then,
but regularly and daily. They betake
themselves to reading a* punctual as to dine
or to labour. Surely, then, they must be a
yery learned nation. All their minds mull be
turned to a generous and enlightened key.
Society mu2 weaj among them, a face to
tally different from that of any other aati
on—and is not this so ?
" Why one must pause a little and en
quire what is it they read ? Books ef his
tory, or poetry, or science or morals ? Much
depends upon their kind of reading. Are
they meagre bkllads, ar fabulous legends ?
If they be, can only expert them to be
confirmed in every filly prejudice or rile fu
perltition. A fort of volume is left, daily,
at every man's door. What are its usual
contents? n 'o judge of its efficacy, it is
to know the tenour of it.
<l If we examine them, we fliall find
them to be nothing more than Newspapers;
pages in. which the two factions, who di
-vide the nation, perpetually,fight their bat
tles ; and in every species of invedtive axd
stratagem, endeavour to get the better of
their adversaries. In this school, you may
judge h hat progref* the American student
13 likely to make in the art of governing his
paflions, enriching hi» fancy, or enlarging :
hit undeiftanding."
It is tlulf that the traveller affefteJ -to 1
sneer at us poor Americans for our attach- I
ment t<> the noble pursuits of history and po. ]
litks. '• 1 would fain know, Mr. Caviller," '
returned I, " how the time of a citizen can '
be better employed than in watching the
conduct of hts governors, in dete£Ung their
millakes) and, it need be, cefifuring or dif- '
placing thrm. For what end has the pow- 1
er of chooling our governors and legislators 1
been vetted in its, if we do not cxercife it
with judgement and vigilance ; jf we do
not inquire into their claims to our favtfurs,
Htid regulate our tjioiee by the tendency of
tliofe mcafutc* which we know they .will | |
adept. j
" But mere political difcuflions do not
wholly engrots thd'c publications. Are
tliey not continually supplied with intelli
gence fcom all parts of the world ? And
do they ihh inform us of the fate of battles,
the lchemes of (katel'men, and the change
of rulers in every part of the world ? And
■what objects are more sublime, more intr
refting to the rational inquirer, than the
successive scenes of this great drama ?,
" There foul among us fa fordid Sc
grovelling that has not an attive r.nriofity
in relation to tliilr great events. He will
always-lay down hi* groat for the fake of
kr.owing what they are about in Germany,
Egypt or Bengal. The Icene cannot be Co
remote but we have an rye to it; and Sul
tan Tippoo, and Field Marshal Suwarrof,
are people with whom every American, the
meanest and mod laborious among us, is as
intimately acquainted as with his next door
Not convinced by these reafonings,my
companion continued to inlinuate, that to
know the incidents of a German and Italian
campaign, cannot very materially benefit a
native of America, who has his bread to get
by his indult'y, and his family to cherift by
donieftic virtues. He <prated much about
the nece fTity of limiting our attention, in
the firfV place, to our own family affairs
and, if those will allow any of our time to
be elitp'.oy.rd iti general puifuits, he urged
that it ought to be devoted to the improve
ment, of the heart and the underflanding,
by writings that explain to us our personal
dtities, and illustrate them by familiar,
pertinent and amufiug examples ; by books
that advance us in the knowledge of the
properties and processes of nature ; that
us, or tend to make us, better fathers,
husbands and neighbours, better artiils or
" Now, no inftrufUow of this kind,' 1
he continued, " can be gained from the
oickeringS of fadtion, vulgarly called
politics, and from the shreds and frag
ments, trifling, con trad i&ory, and vague
ro be found in newspapers, and gravely
dignified w th the nam® of history is any
profeflion skill, any maxim of domestic
economy or of social condu£t, any im
provement in the condition of ourselves
or our neighbours, to be drawn from
these fountains ? How is any man the
better in hi? tafle, his temper, or his
fottune, how is any man the wiser, in
any art or feienee worth knowing, by
liear'mg that so many Auftrians were
killed ini this affair and so many French
flian in that; that the Pope died in Tuf
cany, and Suwarrof in Lithuania ; that
the Queen of Naples faffed from one
part of Itnly to another in a Ruffian fri
gate , and the like particulars.
" A newspaper,. considered as one
among a merchant's documents, is a
very good thing ; as conveying, in due
season, ,informatii n of what is to be
nought and fold, of ships arrived or dc
>arting, br taken, or fhipwrccked, may
lot be conveniently difpented with by
he owners of ihips, and the venders aiicj
>uyers of commodities .; bur why fc
nany of its pages should be ftuffed witi
leclamation again ft individuals and wW
craps of news relpetting the operation
>f armies and embafladors in anothe
lemifphere, is not easily conceived. ■-
" If those events are worth knowing
t is riditulmrfly ablurd to seek the know
edge in tins >"ay. Stay till a little tinn
las rendeid the ilfue of teanfW&ions certain
k Hay till you have the whole of a particulai
:vent, iri all its parts and incidents, befor<
inlfead of indulging a childish impati
ence; and eagerly fwalUwing every muttla
ed lying rumour. A little time will-noi
inlyaffo'd you an authentic account of ar
•vent, hut will lave you all thattXpenle ol
imi which is wafted in procuring and read
no- premature, unauthentic, and, wlut is
vorl'ej unintelligible ffatemrnts.
" if the Icn .»ledge of events, pal"
ing i» the other hemisphere, be of any va-
U", newlpapers, as at prej'ent conduftecl.
lie liable to insurmountable obje&ions ;
nasniuch a.-, itillead of faithfully and accu
rately affording this knowledge, tliey only
:eud to confnfr, bewilder and mill. ad. In
ill they give us, there is such confulion -or
:ontradi£\ion of dates—such oppohte ac
lounts oi the fame events—lnch idle and
nceffant repetitions, that no mortal can ex
ricate himfelffrom out of the chaos. After
i week or a month's Hudy, a man may fafely
:onclude that a ceitain battle has been
ought, or a certain treaty has been ratified ;
)Ut as to the caales and circumlfances that
lelong t i them, the memory is burthened
■vith a dilcordant and oblcure mass. Of
hefe he knows nothing, till some impartial
md enlightened observer has collected, ar
anged, lifted and weighed the accompany
ng teflimony, and profiting by lights for
■vhich it was requisite patiently to wait, or
lerply to search, lie delivers, in a narrative
>f half a page, what had filled, in its impure
md chaotic state, not less, perhaps, than an
lundred columns of an hundred Gazettes.
" But even admitting that there is some
ife in perilling these desultory and imperti
ient details of news, what have I, a plain
armer perhaps, or -a man of some lludious
phyfician, lawyer or divine—or
i Country (hopkeeper, or city artisan—.
vhat ha» Inch an one as I to do with
his long hillory of (hipping—this, cat
alogue ,:f (loops and brigs to be Gild or
reiglited— thef lifts of goods, wet j-nd
lry, 'o be found ai such a corn: r or in such
in a;!ey ' 1 liele thing 3 occupy thiee out of
our luge and overflowing" pages which I
laily and are ablolutely of no use
>Ut as blank p-jper.
" A d uly gazette contains, when collec
:ed, at a year's end, no lets than twelve
lundred and fifty-two page*, and these are
•cjtiiv all tit to, a lead, twelve th ufand pa
{es of a good'fized o£Uvo, and these would
Tiake, at le-ift, twenty-four bulky oftavc
k>lnines. When we (deft uj>o.n the infi
lite vauety ami quantity of valuable mat.
.er which lv- squeezed into twenty
icJnvos, how mud we lament when w f
""me to scan their aftual contents ! Three
fourths of them ai-e nothing to the world at
aige. 1 hey are of use, of temporary use,
inly- to the traders—to one of the nume
rous callings into Which the people are dif
t'ibuted. To all the reft they are juff a>
foreign as if tome eminent Uylor flionld
en I his ledgers and receipt books, for the
ten years, to r'.ie press, and I fiionid be
lerved, every morning, with h«tf a volume
full of the precious contents. What is the
"argo of the (hip Xiilfall tome ? is
the bale of dry go-ids, or * thouland bag!
of pi imegreen coj'ce, to be fold to-morrow
by an auctioneer, to uie, who live ail bun
dled miles oil", or whose purfuics have
thing in them of a mercantile calf? Yet
such is -.he vanity of falhion, and the ca
price of the paliions, that two thouland co
pies of such iWf Hull be daily printed, and
difptrfed with n a sphere of an hundn-d
miles. Though never read by any but
traders, it is b.ought and laid upon the
table, because it is connected with the
news and politics of the day ; a counec.
tion that is incongruous, and ir
rational and unnccelTary.
" Among other causes for regret, whicl
the contemplation of the world and it;
ways furnillies to a friend of mankind, is
the ahfurd or pernicious application of an
indrumem capable of the liioll illultriou!
and permanirnt use. It is impoliiblr t(
pi ail'c t«o highly the invention of the pYesj
Of all the forms of publication, that of a
large sheet, filled with small type, ant
printed anJ difprrfed daily, is the niod to lac
admired. By this means, a man (hall have
for eight dollars, in daily and convenient
portions, put into his hand, without effort
or forethought of his own, a quantity cqua
to tu enty-four volumes in oclav*.
" How pnwerful in the caul'r of true
virtue and beneficial knowledge might this
indrument be made 1 Put into the lianis o
philanthropy and genius, what wandefi
would be wrought bv it ! flow might the
knowledge di flu led through codly, or inac
reliible, o-i" widely fcattoed volumes, bi
comprefTcd, with inw form', arrangement
:»nd illudrations, into this tafy and curren
vehicle 1 How might the truths of science,
the maxims of morals i'nd economy, be mo-
delled mid dilliibutcd anew, be familiarized,
and rendered, at the fame ti,nr, captivating
and intelligible, in a daily paper 1
" Such are its poflible. tiles, but it is
mournful to refleA on the a&ital applica
tion of it. Three fourths of its contents
are whollyufejifs fc faieigm to nine-tentba
of its reader.. By the remaining fourth,
the itiufioiis and mifrepiefcntations of fac
ti . are convejcd to lis. Our understand-
ings arc milled by i'ophiflry, and our pas.
fions are irritated and depraved by inveciivr
f>ii<i by fl-ujiler, or a hlly curiolit) is tania
lizci! {not gratified) by t|)e Ihrrds arid
patches, void of cantieftion, aathenticity
and order, of events >0 Which we have no
. concern,' and attention to which usurps the'
place of eve"ry-f*irttar.y (Judy.
" Ctinfidering the popular newfpap-r as
the uft: of :avili«auon' or wil'dom in its re*-
very luiv. fluid link' our opinion
of Americans ! Thejr connection with us,
as lmjtes of a common country, may rescue
therrt'f? o in m»i contempt, and prompt us tp
cxtenuirte the cetrlure, b/ extanding it from
Americans io
risons, to (how, that if Americans arp no
6errcivin-tliis' : ftli«:&, than other <utious,
.yet it JukyV'-at leall, be said that they are
not** 1
Such was my- good friend's invc£\ive
againlV newspapers. It is easy to fee that
thifc was much .error and extravagance in
it ; and that the fault tbu* imputed to
people at large, can only fall on the head
of the editors or 'publithers of newlpapers.
As to the contempt call upon the mercan
tile portion of, a Gazette, it is plainly ab
surd. Gnce 'intelligence of what is to be
bougfit and fold, is ufeful to every one vrhe
buys and fells; and that is. the cafe with
member of foci*ty. Every man is
no? rfitere'led in every artiele, but tnere are
I6me to whom every article, is of ule ; and
in pt'oppfing the gratification or advantage
of all, each one mud be contented with a
In a performance of this kind, nothing is
more unreasonable than for any one man,
or one c'<afs, to- exprft that his benefit or
pleal'ure (hall Ut solely conftilted. It is
lufßcient that there among a
multitude of which is of life to him,
and the scantiness of each portion is made
up by the number of those who receive it.
There is ho valid'rtafon why mercantile
intelligence and general I'pecul&tions (hould
not be connefted rn the fame paper.-
Every merchant and townsman a citizen
and a man, though eveiy citizen is not a
merdTant or inhabitant of a town; and,
while- one is contented' to receive (for he
nerd not read) the falelman's catalogue for
the (Sire of the literatiii'e or politics connec
ted with it, tV trn'cfer is prompted to extend
his view beyond liis profelfionul concerns by
the vicinity of other topic*.
As to the politics nf new.fpapers, the ca
riofitjr-that is attentive to thr character &
conduft rtf our rulws, so far from being
merely hantile'fcr, or only moderately ofefu'l,
seems to be the grand and indifpenlible duty
of every citizen. Since it is our privilege to
choof-, it is our duty to ch»o(e wifely ; and,
ifor th:it-ei»d, 'to be'vigilant in scanning the
prafUces, Hild prlUfcrples of public men, to
en-ploy all pi'jr&ieible-means of forming a
true decilton 'ourfefvifs, and to recommend
•hattrue decidbn to our tieighbours.
Irt aH l tT*|tfjisWW*/»rh'tl our,
we rtiuft make,account for the influence of
paflions ic prejudices, and draw from their
folly, their precipitation, & their l'clfifhncfs
new inojpej for;induliry in Searching truth
for ourlelves, and lot- p-rfeverance and ar
dour in palfions and re&iiy
ing the ignorance of .other*.
It" newfpa|ierj be, in general, the vehicle*
of fallelAfod. alii men are betrayed, by faith*
lei's in the purluit of their true alte
red, and \jie feMjkioiVef tlieir tr*e friends,
it is criminal to Hand idly aloof, or to
content,ourfeUes with reviling either the
deceiver or the dupe. No ; it is ourbufuiels
to exert ourfelve* to Ihow them tlieir pr«-
fe table, path.; and,\by ihunuiug all abl'urd
repoaches, all gromndlcfj calumnies, all per
sonal altercations which obl'cure the pene
tration in proportion, as thay inflame the
pail*:ons of meiv"w.*, : may confer the molt
tignal Sc illultrioiis betirfus upon our couh
L'oliuc jl intelligence, as conveyed to us
through<pcrs, :i» liable to many ob
jections; but tome of these objections arise
from the, nature oi tt>e thing, and aru inl'e
paiable from human teltunony ; but much
it is evident, jnulk depend upon thi indultry,
and candour, und judgment of the pu6l<liter.
The proof, of momentous e-vttus mult ever
be wanting in abfalute coniilkency and cer
tainty , agd in general, mere tumour and
conjecture are jull as. likely to be wrong at
rightout this ii not applicable to cvejy
documentor intimation, and there is con
ltantly occurring pi cots of a proper and le
gitimate kind, ihe lele<tiou ot thele evi
deuces, and the conveyance of them to the
inquilitive or ltudious part ot mankind, are
fiti*ly laudable aud beneficial undertakings,
and atUiid )a<ge lcope for the exergile of
diligence, penetration, and impartiality.'
The- constitution of a newlpaper will al
ways allow.lonic col6mils to be alTigned to
general information or lpeculative dil'qui
lition. It is in this relpect, chiefly, iha. it
is an important and incttinmble inlirument
tor influencing human' lociciy, and that a
wile luperinteiidiuit will have occation lor ,
all his wildom.
Tlirre or four columns of economical or
moral cttt'cullion, daily l'upplied, will be
qui tt as much ai the occupations ot mankind
! ill allow them to attend to. More would
be tedious 4i redundant ; and the liaripwer
!oe the compart of our lucubrations, the
more incumbent on us will be the earetul
lt-ltdioHi, and she judicious management
of pur topics- inltcad of lamenting that
ilrree-fcurthi are othefttife the
tricud of mtnkiud Ihould rejoice that litera
ture and morals occupy la large., a poruon
of a production that i'o widely pirculates ;
and, inllead of the connedion
that uthua formed between literature,lucre,
St politic?,he lliould give honour to. bus coun
trymen; for permitting the alliance, and
ardently approve of effectual means
for introducing the teacher of virtue, and |
the preceptor Hi ufeful arts, to the j
ters, dc/ks and tea-tables oi every rauk and,
profelfion in society,
Your rfTorts, Mr. fcditor, to attain thefp
ufeful ends, will gain you tire approbation
nfevsry lover of bis country, i>ud, among
the rell,ot a JUOOJt-liUfcjUN.
By this Day's Mail
BOSTON, November 20.
by his excellency-
<; CALEB.STRONG, Esqjjire.'
Gitoernor and Commander in Chief of the
Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
WHEREAS the Honourable the Gene
ral Court of the f.iid Commonwealth, •>» toe
fourteenth'day of November current, rtfolv
,en, Thift the Governor be iccjuefted, with
the advice a:«d con feat ol the Council, to
iflue his proclamation, offering rewards to
any person or pnfons for, apprehending and
bringing to legal punifliment any of those
notorious offenders, who were concerned in
| firing upon and wounding Broadstreet Wig.
gins and others, on the eighteenth day of
July lalt :
I do thkkefoue, by and with the ad
: vice and consent of the Council, issue this
Proclamation, promising a'reward of FIVE
HUNDRED DOLLARS, to be paid out
of the public treasury, to the person or prr
fons who (hill be the firft to tlifcover and
give int'ormation, to proper authority, of the
(aid offenders, or any one or more of them,
so that he or they (hall be convi&ed of laid
offence in a due courfeof law—And all offi
cers, civil and military, of the said common
wealth, are required to use their utraull
endeavours to bring the said offenders to
Given in the Council Chamber, in Bos
ton, this Fifteenth Day of Novem
ber, in the Year of our Lord, One
Thousand and Eight Hundred, and
in the Twenty-Fifth Yearof the In
dependence of the United States of
By His Excellency's command.
JOHN AVEHY, Secretary.
SiDce his excellency John Jay, has declin
ed serving again a* governor of New-York—
the cUdevant governor, George Clinton, tlie
father-in-law of Genet, has b*en nominated.
The Chief Magistrate in Pennfyivania is the
father-in-law of the late Spnnilh Minister.
If such a connexion exifled between an
American MagiftratCjand an Englifl) Minis
ter, what an uproar ih^imp:rtial Democrats
would make I—They would eftrem it it broad
avenge far foreign influence. Whenever the
candid Editor of the Aurora, has observed
an American Officer return the compliment
of a bow to the F.nglifh Minister—he ha*
not failed to record it -as an important cir
We are told that a fubfeription of Two
Tfcoufand Dollars has been filled up a; Sa
lem, far the relief of the inhabiiant* of Mar
blehead. .
BALTIMORE, November 25.
A letter received by a Gentleman in this
city, dated Raleigh, November 16, fays.
" The mail will close in two minutes after
this letter is wafered. I can only therefore
tell you that our eleftors are chosen, and
that 4 are federal and 8 anti-federal."
NEW-YORK, November 26.
AT a General Meeting of the Clergy of
difT-rent denominations, on Tuefdav the
twenty-fifth day of November, 1800.
I Rrlolved', that as difficulties have unex
pectedly occuired, to render inexpedient
the observance of I'burfday next, the 27th
i .ft. ai a day of Public Thankfgitfing, agree
ably to a fortner appointment and notice ;
the icrvice intended to be then performed,
be poltponed till a future day ; and thatfea*
fouable intimation thereof be given by the
chuirmnn ot this meeting.
By order of the meeting,
JOHN RQDGEKS, J uirm 1..
The November 178 a.
I Yesterday the Anniversary of the evacua.
1 tion of this city by the Britilh troops, and
the fucefsful termination of a Jong and de
! (IruClive war, was celebrated by a.genrral
parade of all the uniformed companies, thr
artillery and the horse ; the whole under
the command of Brigadier General Stevens.
In obedience to his orders the d.fferent de
itac|imeuts assembled at half part 10 o'clock
I in Broadway ; the right, oppoiite St Paul's
! Church and the left extending beyond the
| Bridewell. At twelve o'clock, they took
!up the line of march, and moved down
Betkman street, through Pearl llreet, up
f Wall street and down Broad and Beaver
j streets to the Battery, l'he numbers, the
brilliant uniforms, the military discipline
' and order that charailerifed the troops on
this occafiiHl, merit peculiar praise.' We
rejoiced to fee the inimenfe crowds of fpeita.
tors, and the llrong mat ks of . approbation
that were visible on every countenance
Fur tliefe evidences of tlie applause of their
fellow citizens, irnilt have been remarked by
the troops, and copld not but have afforded
them high gratification. Arrived at the
battery ; the whple were reviewed by Ma
jor General Clarkton and Brigadier General
Giles. In commemoration of the fame event,
a national f.ilute was fired at Fort Jay.
[ After a few evolutions*nd firings, the duties
of the day were concluded by a feu de joie.
We are happy in adding that not ft tingle
accident uccuired, to interrupt or damp the
pleasure of the scene.
VF.RGENNES, Nov. 13.
The Legillature of this State ..<]joui r.ed
line die 011 the 7th infP. Their next fcflion
is to be hulden at Newbury on the second
Thurfduv of next.
fJiir readers arc moflly apprised 'ef the loss
us Mr. King's Hoop of iiurlington, in the
month of September lafl, which is Juppofed
to have funk near Stave island, on ber pas
sage to St: Johns, and.all,ber crew drown
ed'; we have not been iu pofleflion of the
particulars so give an accurate statement of
this melaniAoly. occurrence in, this paper is
the realon of its being- deferred .to this late
period.' The particulars are as follows .•
Mr. George King; Mr. Alexander Catlin,
jun. Mr. ol Burlington, and a Mr.
Taylor of Williflon, failed from Burlington
on the 2 jth September, for St. John's, m a
weak crazy (loop, of 17 tons burthen, laden
principally with pot ash. 'f"he morning of
their departure was calm, but a violent gale
H.on came on } before noon they were seen
by a Mr, Allen, riear the Grand Isle ; the
(loop was ther. labouring under a press of
fail ; in about 2o minutes he looked for h£r
again and (he had disappeared, the time be
ing too lhort for her to run out of fight,
it is supposed (he funk ; only two of the
bodies have been foUnd.
For Norfolk and Richmond\
fjfci The new schooner
y2ijs£gj»WilH« Groce, maler—laying it Jaclt
& Wharton's wharf—will fail
poi.t.vcly 011 Saturday the 19th infl.
For freight or passage, apply to captain Groce,
on board, «r to
norember 17 " ( d»t
sML Regulator,
John Barley, mailer,
Alexandria and WaJhinglon,
To fail with all dispatch—now lyine at Vine
ftrc;t wharf. ,
For freight or paflajrc, apply on board, or to
109, south Water street.
November it dtf
MR refpeillully informi hi» pre
sent scholars, and those he had the honor
to teich fii'.ncrlr, that his Bait will be held on
Thursday the 4th of December, at hit AflYmbly
Room, South Fa.irth street, and will Continue
ercry fortnight, on the fame day, during the sea
Mr. Quefnet; continues to take fcholari on
Monday, Wednesday and Friday —The attend
ancr for are in the morning and af-trnooo,
Gentlemen, ercry evening—the fchoo| being di
November 47 t «<,s c
By Dejire.
November 'aß',
Will be pr«fented (for the third time tKiTfeaTon)
Or, the Spaniards in Prr«.,
Writt«u by Kotzebue. '
[Charailers *« before.] •
To which will ba added (for the third time in
America) a New Mulicil Entertainment,
St. Davids Day •
The Honejt Weijhfnan.
Written by Thomas Dibdtn.
[Chara&er» at before.]
tCf* On Monday, a celebrated new Come
dy, called SPEED THE PLOUGH ! with
new Scenery and Decorations, —To wlvch
will be added, THE SPOIL'D CHILD.
*„• The Tragedy, of the LAW OF >'s
LOMBARDY, which was received with. »*
diftinguilhed marks of appfobation on Mon
d y lad, will be repeated on Wednesday
next—With ( Fat tbe second time here) A.
Prices of' Public Stock* -
Philadelphia, November 17.
Par amount
of a Jharc
Eight per cent, flock—To9 r a 110
Six per cent, fleck 89 I-a a9O
Navy ditto 90
Deferred 6 per cent. 89 1 89 I-a
Threeipercent. 56 a 56$
S I-a percent. )
4 I-a per cent. J none at market
BANK U. States, 1.19 a 140 p. cent ad."\
Pennfylvania, 133 mJ4 ditto (
N. America 15a ditto f
lnfuranceC*. Ftnns'a >ai ditto J
North America 77J to
Turnpike - 15a a 160 doll*. 300
Schuylkill Bridge - - par io|
Water Loan, 87 5 Jolls.
Land Warrants If a 30 doll*- 100 acres
St Augujiint Cburcb Lottery'Tichtt, 9$ JoHari
, On London at 60 days
OA Amsterdam, do 3c a4O cent" )
[per Florin >
On Hamburgh do 36 a 37 centi N
[per Mark
Roteq of Foreign C'vins and Cur
rencies in tie United States—per
act of 'Ccngres for payment of Du-
Dclh. Ctt.
EpgHOi pound ftetling 4 44 ~)
Iritli do do 4 to (
Uutth Flrrin or GuiUer o 40 f
Hamburgh Murk Uancn O j; 1-1J
ffZf l'he fuUicriWr having lrrquejitl)'
heard complaints ot the want of accuracy in
tbe price current Of public slctlip has Conclud
rd (ojitrmdi tilt Gazette of the UilitedSraiej,
occklionstlly (if called for) with whit may in
his opinion beconfidrred the iVI ißlcet iVMjcs
of Stock, and the Rites of Exctangr.
Ciesni't street, No. 143.
• p» r
•'' V