Gazette of the United States, & daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1800-1801, November 27, 1800, Image 1

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    Nimbfh iSV9I
t£j" The price of tbis Gazette is Eight
Dollars per annum to Subscribers residing
in the city of PhUadeljihia. All others pay
me Dollar additional, for enclosing and di
recting ; and unUss some person in this ctty
will become answerable far the subscription,
it must be paid Six Months in Aiunce.
*„• No Subscription wilt be received for,
a shorter term than six months.
December i 1799. 1
From Novinber I,<;—to Dcctmbcr 3.
uicu Wiiii.
Samuel Reynolds,
T A TL 0 R,
Has removed from No. 40, to No. 44,
Smith Third-fired, next door above the
Bank of the United States.
Nov. 15. podaw
Thomas Orr,
No. 52,
South Street,
HAS received by the latest arrivals from Lon
doo, a well chofcn aiToriment of the fol
lowing articles:
CALICOES and Chintzes, (a great wariety )
Furniture do. do.
Corded Dimities for par:rent« and furniture
Durants, Joans and Caliinancojs
Bombazctt! and
Printed Liien and Cotton Handkerchiefs and
Laws bordered do. ,
Jaconet and lio k Mnflin handkerchiefs
Shawls, Cotti 11 and Chintz, a great variety
Do. Cam-d's Hair
Flnfiery, Worlted and Cotton of all sizes
Do. China White and Black Silk
Table Cloths, from 5 4, to lohy 16-4 with and
without Napkins
Thread, Gauze, Liwns and Cambrirks
Jaconet and Lapett Muslins, -coloiwtd and plain
White and Black Lace, Lace Veils, Cloaks afid
Black Mode, Heclofiirs and Satins
White and printed Marfeillrs for vests
Swinfdown. ftrrped and plaid.
Cotton Checks (five) 7 8, 4*a> <l-8, f>-4
Black and coloured Barcelona ban'ikerchieta
India Bandanna do of quality
White, U<;d and Yellow F annels
Gucrnfey Worsted Frocks ,
A few doz-'n heft elaltic Suspenders.
He has Also
Just Rcceivrd, a well aflorted Invoice of
India Muslins,
BcrMiona Ocrr»h» | Patna Baft**
AUhahid Enifii'ft. 1 Do Guirahi
Company CianapoN i fanoa Mjmo.>d;ra.
Coflaa. I liy che B>-I« nr l>iece,
04M>crift. d w tawtf.
Robert Smith & Co.
No. 58,
Sour-' t.<oyr-S7R£ET,
Have Received,
Per the Ailiee, Captain M'Dougitll, from
A few bales of white and brown
Russia Sheetings,
Alsn, a general assortment of
Suitable for the; feafem.
novem!>er 11 Hiot
Of the Pittsburgh Glass Works,
HAVING procured a fui!ici#nt number of
themoft approved European Glal's Nianu
fu<slurer»", ;ud having on hii'd a large llock of
the befl Materials, on which their workmen are
now employed, have the pltafiire of afiuring
the public, that » indow glaf# of a fupei ior qua
lity and of any lizr, frorn 7 by 9, to lif by 24
inches, carefally picked in boxes containing
loc feet ea h, may be had at the Ihorteft notice.
Glaf* of larger fiz<*» fc r ot.l.rr pnrpofet, may
also be hai!, t'uch 55 lor piflu-es, rft.ich piaffe.),
clock faces, ?<c. H .ttlei of all kinds and us any
quantity may also be bad, together with pockfi
fiafks, pii klingjirs, apothecary's fliop furniture,
or other h«ll.>w ware—the whole at lead 15 per
cent, lower than article* of !he lame quality
brought from any «f the !ea pons of ihe United
State*. A libera) allowance will he made en
sale of large qi-antitiet. Orders tri m merchants
and others will"he jiunAuaily attended to nn jp.
plication to JAMIiS O'HARA or ISV'VC
CRAIG, or at the Store of Mcflrs PRATIIEU
andSMILIE, in Madiet-StreN, P.ulburgh,
March 1, ttnl.kf.
Neatly executed at the Office of the
Gazette of the United States,
Book-Work—Pamphlets--- Hand-Bills,
C#rds—Biaivks of all kinds,
See. &c.
Will be printed Bt the
Shortest Notice.
Gazette of the United States, & Daily Advertiser.
I Gideon H. Wells
Has Just Received,
By the iate arrivals —a Urge andgeocral ailbrt
ment of
Hardware, Cutlery Iff Scullery,
Which he offers for sale, f r cafli 9r the
uluil credit.
Market-street, No. i^s.
H. M.
10 41
11 23
II 56
o 30
> »5
2 2
m««s ?«T>
- ? 15 4 45
7 16 4 4
7 17 4 43
7 IT—-4 43
- t I« 4 4»
, 7 '»- ■ 4 4!
1 I? -4 4t
A wrll A Sorted Invoice just Rfceived,
Conft/Urtg of
Winr-GUfTcs, Tin rlt 1 , Drcanjurs, Le-
Goblets, See. &c, of tie new*ll
falhion, atid for sale
J ult Received,
Foutth ftrf—t, corn«r of Union flrtet,
Frelli Cloves
Real Ceylon 'Cinnamon of the
best quaJity.
novrmher si tilth fa Bt.
At Waln*» wharf,
The Cargo of the brigEnterprize,
Surinam MolafTes,
Of an excellent quality, in higfheads, tierces an>l
And abnut quarter casks
For Sals. bt
Wharton £5? Lewis,
No ils,fouth Front ftrecb
"ft " fi'Matf
l o be Let,
the Uruvirfjl CI urch, in <u"ibard, hetwr«n
4*handsth treet«, Lately occupied by Mr.Joh*
lavage aiid Co.
K< quire of' John V. n.-fs North Baft Corner of
Walnut in \»at&r St, or E. Huwrell No. 14 North
6th Street-
N'' v M dtw
M A K E R,
Comer of Market and Front Jlreits, Phila
Has receive 1 by rhe Ki'igf.on and other arrivi's,
CHAMBER ami cnjier Clocks, ,C luck Mov:-.
mi vs, Fight day and 30 bciur ta'i hr;.f<, Clock
lirlis. Clock Dials, Cat-gut, Watch Glrfs aud
Spiings, (leel and gilt Chains, (ill; firings, ladies"
cha in gold, gir, a d flrel; rold, gilt, and fteol
keys; irals guld, gilt, and tisel.
(lh band a ge eral of Ciock and Watch
Maker's, and Silver Jmi li'i Tools and materials,
and' Files of all li?:v See.
l'umnvce, Rotten Hose, Emery, B-rax. Sic &c.
N, B VVarches and Clocks repaired as ufml.
Od»brr-»8 todtf
(.'lock is" U r Ati a
To. »o. 36, Al>hke,t Strket,
Where hc'ias for ,S?. ; e,
Spring nhel other Ctofcks ; ftcld and filve
Watches : Tools. FiteSand Materials; fire
■id pile Chains, Scats and Keys ; Springs,
he. k-c.
RcpSired usual.
June 3 UlSd'tf
Madeira Wine,
In pipes hhds. and quarter calks,
For sale by the Subscriber,
No: 13$ Market Street.
November 12. eodtf
200 boxes
Havanna Sugar,
By rhc fuhferiber
ucvember 20 •» IW4C
Glals Ware,
Nov. i j %V:
~ William French, ~
No. 48,
B7 the Peiinl'ylvsnin, York, frun
An extensive unci element assortment of
Broadcloths and Cafiimeres.
nrtahet 2i d«t.tu.&f 4vr.
For Sale,
No. 80,
Spans on strtefk Sovtbwark)
The following
India Goods,
100 pieces poldhead Mamoodi;»
100 do lirmnahei'l do
500 do JaUl loer S wns
9J do Chan. : »rconna Msnfonk
7 J do Handkerchiefs
301 do Burbhoon Gurrahs
o&oher *4 tu th fa jm
Clock & Watch
By C. P. Wayne, No. 65, South Front-ilreet.
* '
Employment fVanied.
APE H SON, who hr<! been many yeirs'rmn
verf .pt in 'Trcide and %o':k Keeping, will
be .glad of fidltr employment witV the pen ; ei
tie -in books, listing accounts, ortran
fcrilvng other writing*. Any tsufinelYof this
defer.ptH>n, th u may he done at the appl cant's
own houle, will suit bis prsleat eircvrmllanres
'■eft. A to!» dire&ed to A. ii. sr.d left v the
Oifi e at ttiis by aiy geptltman want
ing such ajliftante, will be refpe&ftilly attend
ed ro
November l». SSwiw.
Just Received,
3y ths (hips Kingston from Liverpool and til
George from Hull,
nrypEORGE Roberts,
No. 3t, Marjtet street.
A larpe and ejegant aiT.>rtmejit of
C U T*L E R r.
GIL l" and ptated buttons ivory and hnrn
combs, japaned, b!o, k-tin and pewter
wares, brat's arid iron camllefticks, patent tea
kettlrt and faucepain, coffee-milis, iron and
' r<f« wire nf aft fizeft. i
Alf , a'arge afToriinrnt of flit-irons, bake
p!ate»; pots, Sc. direA frem the manufafltorers.
He h.ts alto on Land, a large and extensive
assortment of
Ofhis own manufaflory, manufactured in the
befh manner; all <tf which he will fell on the
molt reasonable terms, wholefait and retail.
Received at tho fame time by the fliip Geerge,
capt. Rice, the much admired improved
These machines are «na e on a Smple and
improved plan for copying, writing, &c. of any
lizc, in an expeditious manner, and arc charged
at a much less price than any other uow in us«.
i'hey are found to poflVG a I'uperiority over any
others, both hy bring more durable and not so
liable to get • ut of repair, and l>y copying any
nombet" of writings atone time, w.thout making
any alteration-in the maeliine, and their occu
pying little ro-rn
he very gener:l use into which these ma
chines are now brought in use in London and
other large trading cities, and the fitisfafllon
tefl fie-1 by all wi.a poflVf. them, rrnder it nn
necefljry to eillaige a'iy further on ihrir advan
:age, both in point of acwricv and secrecy and
in the favmg of t'mie, labour am! expence.
novemher 1 tu&fa tf
Pi opofals
For publifking, by Subscription,
Of the Liw of AcTioniand Trials at
By lfaac 'Elpinaffa, «f Cray'. Inn, Barrier
at Law.
The third edition, torre&ed, with considerable
"'additions from printed and manuscript cases.
£* spa ct ratio studiorum. Juv.
THE work is now printing, and in confident
hie forwardncls, on a f« per fine paper, of
royal size, and oitavo form. It will be f rinVed
page for page with the latcil London edition, and
no pain* will be {pare in render the Work cor, and free of errors.
It wi I b- nutly bound and lettered in two vo
u ne*,royal oil ivo, and tf) fu-iff ibcr* will be j uc
at five dollars and fifty cents per set—to npr.fub
Icriters the price will be Ibmewhat enhanced.-
The price of the Lou.ion edition i-. fevrn dollars
Cho'e who lubfcribe for eight lets fha!l have a
ninth gratis
i'he two volumes will consist, of aV-ut nine
hundred pages, of which the ot.e annexed to the
;.ropofais is a fpccimen. As the work is now
pubiilhing, and will ha complete! with all conve
nient expedition, thofc who wi(h t® profit by the
fuhfeription. willpleafc t > fuUcri'ic 'cafooabfy.
N* B. Gentlemen holding Inscription pipers
are requeOed to return them to horn as »nd Tho
mas, the publifber«,i>y the fir it of January next
The b«">okfeller in Pi ila arc rafpcA
fu ly informed, tha< they will We fold either bound
or gathered in flic t», by the frbferibers, at their
afual low price. Those who wifii to purchait
will please to apply by letter to th**puhlith< rs—
The work will be out of j refs fume time in the
Walpole (?J■ H.) Od 1800 (lli) eo\f
A quantity of Home made
Sheeting, to b» fold on reafonahle terms, at Tho
mas and Shrei-Trs, No 37, north Tront-flreet;
Newfury Smith, No. 56 north Stcond-flre-t;
and Rogers and Dunnaldfon, No. 41, High?
As the niarufaiflurin/ this liner, is folety togive
employ ment to the Ptjor, during the winter fci
fon and as the funds ol the Society who employ
them, «re much reduced, tVry hop* their fellow •
citizens, who are in wuit of thi- article will
their aid,l>y f u<chafit;g, to enable tfem to carry
on the ma: ufa&ory the enluing winter.
N. B. Alfoaquant ty of i>ootl &BOE THREAD,
at Isaac I\ Hopper, N • 39, Ploe*flr?et.
The Printers generally ar* requsftcd 60 give
this a place in their papers.
20 Dollars Reward.
SON, ptivate in the marine corps of the
United State*, he was ho-n in Ireland, is about 27
jeaie old. 5 teet 6 anJ a half inches high, dark
eye» black htltr, and Tallow complexion. Also,
JF.REMUH CI.AHKSON, horn in England,
toT n of Stockport, i< 39 ynars of age, 5 fe-t 7
incuts high, (J.-ey eyes, light brown h iir, florid
com;.lei. on and by trade a Hatter ; fronj the ap
pea-'anc; of his 'ace the most evident mark* of at
tachment to drbk may be traced, they have both
served in the Wetlern Army, and now deserted in
full qni ; 'orm. The aVove amount will be paid
with charges to apprehend them : or l'ea Dolla;
foreitherby a->clyi:ie to
Captain Commanding,
Philadelphia, Vwine Barracks, Sov. 2.
DM from the patentee.
Take Notice.
T"' HE Subscriber intends leav:,.? the Unite'
States early in December. • Therefore all
persons who are irKkbteJare requested to nake
immediate payment, and those havi'g any de
maudi to render their accouftts, for feitk-ment.
i\'o. 3, South Fran: Srect.
Nov. 11. eodfit
Philadelphia Academy.
No. 24,
Night School.
pETER DEL v MAR, profeflbr of Matlie
A matics in this rtlpeflfully in
forms tFie paMic, that he will receive a small,
and Jelcß nuirber of gentlemen (from half af
ter fix, 'till 9 o'clock each night, Sa urdays and
Sundays exefptrd) to be inftrufled in the fol
liwi:ig branches. r
Mercantile, arithemetic and 'accompts on a
new and approved plan—mensuration, gauging,
surveying and navigation,'accordine to the bc!t
authors—Qonic fe<iti tip, fortifications and
uery, a. they are taught in the Royal Academy
at Woolwich—Euclid3 tli-mti.ts, plain and
spherical trigotio:netry, aftrotiomy, algebra as.d
fluxi <ns.
A coarse of le£lares on the use of the Globe,
Geography, and the system of the umverfe,
which has been prepared 'or the use of students
of the Philadelphia Academy will be delivered
Gentlemen of the Navy, and others, who
wish to acquire a I'peedy knowledge of Lunar
Obferviti-ms, may have an oppertunity of be
ing taupht aiiy of the known methods, arid hear
ing the different Theeries explained from firii
November 19. eodtf
Just Received,
By the Gtorge, Amiahle an ! other late arrivals,
On low terms, bf tie package,-at
No. 48,
Soutb Front street,
10 Bales Rose Blankets, 1
f balei Poffill ditw
1j baki Kendal Cnttona
4 tolu l<w pfieed Br'o>4gji*cti*
4 balea LonHon fuperftiie do. '
• ba!«» Plaint »nJ Fereft Ckrthl
I bale fafbiutuble fine Co«ti»ga
s h*le» falhior able Lionflcm do.
f tmill bales luw priced SwaatdowD*
4 l>jl(i Ingrain Yorkt&irc Carpeti aod
10 hhd. Jeio Twiac,, \ "
An cx'.enHve and choice aflortment of
O P K N. , „
d*t tu.Scf.4w.
ofloher 21
The Porcupine.
I TAKE this method of informing the People of
the United States, that on the firftdayof No
vember nr.xt, I propofc to r&fugie the publication
of Porcupine's Gazette, vnderthe title of THE
PORCUPINE ; and to notify (in cafe any gettla
man in America should want it) that the price 6f
e*\ch Number will be fixpencs llerling, and that
the c?fh must be received by me before ihe paper
can be upplicd. —As to tW'modecVf conveyance,
so frequent the opportunities from London to
New York,sba'. file* inaj be forwarded to the lat.
tcr place < nee a fortnight upon an average—from
New-tfork they can be lpeedi!y conveyed to ev
ery part of the Union. When files can fee, with
out delay, sent t other places direct, it msy be
dor.e ; when they cannot, th;y will all be sent te
New-York, unlcls oherwile ordered.
: %J* Pzrcupine s Works,
Which have been fometimc in the Pr«f», wi!
he completed in February next, when the copies
fubferi' ed for in America will be iorwarded to
tiis Subscribers,
Any ol iny literary friends in America, who
may be dUpo'ed to renew their correspondence
with me; will please o disc& to me at my print
ing office, No. j ' SoKth«»n Afreet, Strand, or
at my Uookteller** (hop, No. «8, Pall Vla!J.
London, September 6, 1800.
August sth, 1 Sco.
~Y ME commanding Officers of corps, de-
J tachmemspofts garrjlonj, tad recruiting
parties, hcjjwigi: g tii r military cftabliftraent
of the Uniied .States, are to report to, and
rcceire orders frijin Hcipadier-General W il-
Kinl'on, in the City of Wafhingt-ijj and all
officers on furlough are to report tiiemfelves to
the fame officer with all possible dispatch.
Secretary of War.
All Printers within the United Suies
who havr puhliffifd invitations tor contrailiof
the I jth or March bft are requeued to infrrt
the iliove in their refpe&ive papers, once a
week for tu-<> months.
To Printers.
The follswipg MATERIALS will be ("old
veafonable if applied for immediately.
1 Prcfs,
Founts Long-Primer (partly wnrn)
1 ditto Small-Pica on Pica body,
2 ditto Pica,
i ditto Englifli,
3 Jit to Brevier,
1 Jitto Btfr^eciis,
ScvfT.'l putr'of OaC-n, C'**V»J
ftickt, ff>h«c bras* -rultfi,
Oiotitioniv-W. Stc.* 1 »ll Of :W above
will be fold Ttrj rtaionablt for CM. :
* '■ ' '
At the Offtr oT ff ifie IQnlud.
8u»««. ' • 1
Saulnier & Wilson,
l: r Qollen l)rapers, Mercers, &c*
No. 63,
{North Side) Markit Street,
By the late arrivals frrm Europe, a general sf.
forrment crjififtiug pi
f ' -1 ' .13 ion lup.rfl .c jroad clotlis
A' ' ; <ccnJ audit? rfu •
I)ou!.:>. m, i'.i Wixt,- en.h fs'd and firfli
rats Si:, -ruo. cafiinu-rcs (if nil colours
Fore..':, plains an ! clallic ilripe clot. 1 s
Supcifie cloths r, B ! «thtr coat I—- 1 —-
-■- - - .-»• coati/.gs
5.u0, <!r?h aiM iivcr fearnought
locking baizes and flanneli of drffcrent colours
fewcftla&ion & waiiicoatfag
'•lhionahje aa<; plaui black faatifc®
Jlaek silk si irentinfl
fency cord, veiv.-t, thickfct and corduroy
Jifiercut colour* iiFk.vclvett
:'atand vest iafiii. nable gilt, plated, pearl and
uecl 1: utters
*• w f);k leaver an i w;\>llcn gloves
nfii linrn,brown ha-land an# u w i a f,
niuflins, checks, (bawls and dimity
•• -" l ' i "Cc,:.; ockc-L handkerchiefs
>-'")ure.l i-ur,a tJwca js of all numbers
'-11 -•■ ed blllifcau • '
ray lots' best trimmings.
Also on Hand,
A few bales of fuperfine Cloths and Caflitrers,
entitled to crawback—Ail which they will dispose
of the moll rc.kutx] prices.
nov*. biT »4 (i t £
Notaries Public,
3 iuform their refpedtive
aV friends and the public, that they have re
moved their office to No. 90, foutk Front street,
the four h door below Walrut (Ireet and nearly
oppofitc th« CoftomHouie—where tliey continue
to draw and according to the mo(k
approver! lornj* and with .the greatefl dispatch,
Lettered' prtfKra'ion, attorney and substitution
of kind, sea letters :ni rolls d 4 cquipage,
proof toi property to be Shipped to foreign ports,
affidavits to £l»t«:in leaman's protections at the
Cu'lpm H use, and affidavits of tvery ether kir t d
an i defcciption, charter j arfirs bottojnree. reipon
u-»tia and ot*er mercantile bonds and obligation®,
bill* of sale and all ether inllruments of writing,
certificates and attei> ations relative to the different
kind? of frock, traOe and commerce ; and register
letter:, ot attorney for. the recovery of debts, as
as »I» other documents ufuilly recorded in the
office «f Notaries. They also draw deeds, bonds,
mortgag s, wills, &c. &c.
novereber 11 diw— aaw4w
NO 1 I C E.
Bank of the United States,
November :y, iSC-J.
Stockholders of the 3?.nk of 'he United
. States are intorme.), thit according to the
ftatufe of incorporation, a General Ek&ioa for
twewry five will be held at the 3ank of
the Unite 4 States, in the city of Philadelphia, on
Monday the sth of January r.ext, at ten o'clock in
the forenoon.
And pursuant to thceleventn fr«sHon of the bye
nws,thc Oockhol tiers of the said ftai k are also no
ified to aflemble in general meeting, at the fame
>!ace, on Tuesday tne 6th of January next, at si*
•'clock in the evcr,;-^
G. SIMPSON, Cashier.
Second Fundamental Article*
Not mcretiun three fourths ol the Director* n
office. -xcluQve of the Profj Jer.t ftiall l>e eligible
i« r f 'j i xt enfmng yinr, Iu r tie O edr-r who
&-•. i be k-TQiulf :;t at the tim* of an £te&i« n may
always uc re-elwcte 1. tu t5Jy
English Grammar,
Has this Day b-rii publiOwd, hy Asbukt
Dickins, oppotite Ghrift-Ghurcii,
[Price One Dollar.J
Odlober 7.
Modern Europe.
Second Volume of MODERNs EUROPE,
is now delivering to and may be
had of
W. Y. Birch,
No. 17, Sour:- , .Street
Ofloner n.
Vix trf&fii loidtie/ fclt»tiWrbw*u
A Hcraiia m«rcit*nt« Mittl; n| <
T*qa*(H6 to m*lic iflMu4i«>«»fylt>catv fcpi 1 "flift -
who fc»*<! wy <fc»aa4i t&hft fdi JW
juiAWMtficmfki wiua
• - rj-.'i ,;.■}!'.
VV ticth iprjj * 1
of hv propd'tjr w ykf onww®my*»'
Itch er«flin« «n' n^«»i«' f* j.,
! nun urtb» ftbftf be«i «jjttl'' W«.'
»4 to AMtta <«>\
«*7 the' fcifirwhfcojif 4et»f»t4 '
oimibo « ; > '
*? rf«M«c iv in.
f. ,»