* Gazette of the United States. ■ rtio: ftiILADSLPHU, WWWISBAT fTKMIMC, NOVKMOER 16. In one of our London papers we find the fol lowing interesting report of the Trial of two men charged with Uluminatism. IMPORTANT TRIAL. AYR CIRCUIT COURT. ILLU MIiJATI. Wednesday, September 17. ' (Concluded from our lad ) Evidence in Exculpation. John M'Clure, jun. in Ki.ikland Hill— faid he was a member of the Royal Arch Lodge, Maybole ; was admitted a Knight Templar along with Quinttn Stewart, and took the ortth, which was " to conceal the secrets of the Knights Templars, treafoli Si murder only excepted." John Andrew sdminiftered the oatla. There was no poli tical conversation in the meeting; of the Knights Templars* Wm. Hamilton wai under lodge scandal of having a child in a dultery, and lift the lodge after that. Gave an account of the ceremonies of admiflion ; does not remember of a pillol being fired at his admiflion, or any pistol fired that night ; and nothing was said about putting him to death ; saw a b.ilh and a caudle burning in it; was delired to look, and fee the candle burning and the buflt not confunied ; foine piece of fc-ipture was read. viz. the third ; chapter of Ex xltis : was led round the room —-and after that the obligation was taken. Qfleftioti by the Court.—Was any thing done after he was led round the room ? Anf. A human fku'l was difcove,red, and all Knights J emplars were to drink out of it. i He put it to hia lips. He was dubbed in the i name of the Father, Son and Holy Gbost. John M'Clure, Schoolmaster at Craigen croy. Said he is a Knight Templar ; was 'made in Maybole, along with seven more, 'wai present at Quintin Stewart's admiflion. The witnefa took an oath ; remembers little of the obligation in it, and cannot repeat i it; Murder and treason were except ed in iti, the fame as in the Mailer Ma- j sons oatfs that is to conceal the Mailer Masons secrets, murder treafon 'excepted, and that he fuppoled himfilf at liberty to t'eveal murder and treifon. He did not rh.iil: the ceremonies had a tenden cy t'6 Vidicute religion, as the observations ■wei'e I'uch a- ;t giod Chriflian migh: make ; and he heard nothing hoflile to religion or government. Croft questioned —Said he was a Royal ! Arch Captain and Hig') Prielt. Gilberj SadJer, Msybole, iani lie vvSTadmitted a Knight Tcfmplar at Maybole, about three or four years ago. 1 William Hamilton was alf> admitted, and the witness was present at his admiflion. The Knights are bound by an cath, but does 1 not reTe.uber the wurds of it. He w» b->und toconceal agi eat many things,"tree son and mwder only excepted." The fame oath was given to Hamilton, afid he ne ver heard any difference in the oath. Vari ous ceremonies wefe praclil'ed, but he can not give an account »f them. Queflioned by the Court.—Said he does not recollect he was dub'd in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Crofs ceuain, then, that the Colony ol E gypt is a moll excellent acquisition for France, that all the expence ot its tratimi.and retaining it, need coll nothing to the Republic, since tint country has a territorial revenue more than fufficient to cove" every expence, and all the produce ot its commerce would be a net profit to France, but fliould we abandon it, the would take polTefllon of it, and entirely deltroy our commerce in the Levant. In conlequence of the conduA of the En glifli, the General in Chief has resumed a warlike attitude. Th< Grand Vizier's army is molt wretched.fix thouland Fieurh would I put it to '-he route, and we have more than I triple that number to eppofe to it. I am on j lyafiaid >elt the Englitli difccver iheit eiror, j and become lenlible of the nvi.xnL advan- I tage which the evacuation of Egypt Would j procure to them. In that cafe, what will j tfie General in Chief do? General Galhaud has arrived at Darniet ta, -.vhich was previoofly i,n the pofTefiiou of the Turks. He was taken ihere and con duced to Belays to the Grand V izier, who receiveH him well. In the audience the Fiench General tellified to the Vizier his aftonifhmcnt at the coalition of the Porte with Russia. The Vizier observed, that about two months after tlie mvafion of F.— gypt, the Englifii and the Uuliians propoled to the Grand leignior to enter into the coalition. He replied, tkat he had no ground for declaring war again II France; that it was true Egypt was invaded, but he required two months to fend to Fiance to iiiQtiire into the motives which had induced the French to take poflVlfion of Egypt. The Mmillers of England and Ruflia then declared, lhat they .would only allow him 24 hours to decide on w*r againfl France, or war againlt the liuffians and the Englilh ; then laid the Grand.Vizier, the Port was j obliged to vie Id. Fhe HulTians had confi de raule forces in the Black Sea, and there was nothing to oppoie them at Conflantino ple. It whs, therefore, necessary to declare war againll France. I have this important -anecdote from General Galhaud htmlelf, who was lent by the Grand Vizier to Damietta, proceeded ■thence by land to Roletta, and let out the day before yesterday lor Cairo. ABDALLAH J. MENOU. F;Soi a late timiWi P^tr. A gentlemnH who lias had the cunofity to Cep and convt<|r with the raw llesb Eat-er, has furnilheu us with the following fingnlar anecdwte, which he related ol himl>lf. About five years since he fell desperately in love with a butcher woman at Brell, and having plenty of money the produce of a fuccefoiul cruize in <* privateer, he made np scruple of paying bis addresses inform, not did he think that he had, at firft, any reason to complain ol his reception. But having, on his second visit devoured two. raw bullocks livers, his niiflrets expreilcd fomu.h dilguft, snd even horror, that he absolutely interd.fled hit *p|;ro>.tlitis for the future. Inflamed with love and stung with difappointnient, he made a foletnn vow to ablfain for ever from raw fiefh, and thr.tigh it was then dinner time, actually kept his resolution for the space qP fc.cn hours. After the lapse of that period, his hunger was so raging, and his love so ardent, that life became, as he thought, insupportable and he went down to the lea tide with the intention to dellroy himfelf— " Silent he -»an< their accounts for Settlement b fore the 3d of February next, oihtrways forfeit all demands on said Eft.te. JAM!?S LOGAN, Admitiiara'or. November 14. eod3t*[ War Department, November 13, 1800. '■"• HOSE G«ntlemen who have applied for mi liary appointm n.s in the fci vies of thnfi Itred as candidates will lee the propriety of renewing their applU cations. SAMUEL DEXTER, Secretary of War. £5" THE Priptsrsin the diff r,:nt Stites are req.eltsd to give t.iit a place in their Gazettes This Day is Publi/bed, _ And to he fold BY ASBUKY DICKINS, Second flroef, oj»pofite Chrifl Church, An Essay ON THR ELvcutb Chapter of lie Rcvtlatun of St. John, In which is (lirwn that the woras " And in the fame Hour was iherc a great Earrhquake, and the tenth f art of the City fell, and in tie Earthquake were slain of Men fe*en thousand," relate to'Je iufaiem,and n< t to Hom« or France Bj Charles Crawford, Esq. Lately pubWha) hy this author, THE CHRISTIAN, A I'OH Mt Observations upon the Revolution in France, &c. &c. 1 oA-Wji NOTICE. HAVING parted with Margaret Brocks by mutual content, J do hereby forwarn all persons from credit ng heroa m> acc< unt, as I will not pay, any dcbt9of her contracting. WILLIAM BROOKS. Odober 30 fiaw.n TAKE NOTICE, TH\T WE have applied to the Honorabls Jur ge» «t th< Court of Common Pleas of Burlington County, for relic! as mfolv:nt debtors, and lax Court have apf.i&tert ihe day us De cemoer ucxt, to hear us an . our Creditors at tfce Cou-rt Hoalc in Mount tlolly. JO3I AH CATTELL, JEK.KMI AH BELL, AI>AM REEVE'!, WILLIAM JOH NSTON It 1 November TO- FOR SALE, OLD Long Primer, ! StnaU Pica or. pic* Body, Englift, CUfes, CompoQng Sticks, snd agrea variny of articles neccfi'ary to carry oh the frin ing Bufinefi. They will he Told cheap tor c?fti Apply t? the Printer. By this Day s Mail BOSTON, Novembrr I y. TO WHOM IT CONCERNS. Why are lint fomtf of the American cui fers lutioned ofF Cayenne ? The Warren lloap of war, of 18 guns; Capt. Birron, 011 Thursday fell down to Preiident-Roads. The ships of war in our harbour, are, the Conllitinion, of 44 guns, Gipt. Talbot ; the of gyns, Capt. Little, repair ing ; the Warren of 18 guns, Capt. Bar ron ; and the HeraU ofao guns, Capt, C. C. RufTcll, impairing. The Confiitution and Warren, are ready for sea. On the ilthiitll twenty-eight (liips, thir teen brigs, and twelve schooners and (loops, were preparing to fail from New-York, on foreign voyages !—-and yet —New-York is represented in Con/refs by an u!ui-f«d;ra iia ! ! Marhlehead is now fuflfering a heavy cala mity—Three thousand of iti inhabitants now are, or in a few days will be, under the operation of the Irtinll-pox.--- Bulinel's is wholly at a Hand, and the p*ft fullering of the town render it ill-calculated to I'upport the privation, The season is inclement. The cause of charity is the caule of all. Wc trult, therefore, we need only fay, that a fubcription for the relief of fuffering poor in that town, is now open at the Bo(loi) Muri lie lnfur New- England, is, '• and Pinckney." The Editor of the Portsmouth Oracle, in troduces the lift or Electors, with the fol lowing gratuluory parody " Mnny States have done virtuouily but thou, MalTachufetts, excelhrth them all." NEW-YOKlt, November 25. INFANT MURDER. On the 13th ir.lt. a Gentleman palling, by a small l oule at the lide of the Kdlatc river, in liergen county, discovered a hog in the ad. of devouring an infant ; it had already des troyed both the arms. Peoplr in the neigh bourhood were alarmed, and the bods being, examined by a coroner's inquefl, they foiind that the child had been murddred by its mo ther or Some other per lon unknown. There were marks of violence on the childs nccli, and there Was other c.use tor fuppuling that he had been defhr.ed, before Ins birth, to im mediate d.-flru&ieu. The mother, or lnr affilUnu had covertd the child (lightly in a small Hack of corn-tops in the garden, and the hog, trefpafßng in the gaiden, had found it. Suspicion fell heavy on a young woman who had lived two 01 three months in the houfs ra-ntior,ed. Herfkupehad attrafled notice ; llle had lately be.-n lick, and had re moved. But the witnesses who had observed her IhapeP could fay nothing certain ; for the fafhionable dress eludes dtlcuvery. BALTIMORE, November 14, From the North CarolVtia pipers it appears that in the county ol Bladcu, Wilmington diihifl, general Brown the Inderal candidate for elednr, had 341 votes and Samuel Aftie, the republican candidate, 6 votes. In Newberildiftridt. William Shepperd, the federal candidate, has a m-.jority of 70 votes, exclilliis of Wayne and Joluifoncoun tirs. HAKRISBURGH, November 24. Can it be true, »fks a Correspondent, that the two nten who were convifted in Cumber land courtfy, of whipping a poor negro so death, ai.d whole crime the Court declined to believe wss murder in the firll degree, have been pardoned ; have escaped all punishment ? Though such a thing is afTcrted, I will not believe it, until 1 am made acquainted with a cause adequate to this more than humane txeicife of the pardoning Prerogative. Tjw EARTH QUAKE. On Thursday morning iaft. the 20th of November inlt. two fliocks ot' sn Eartb Quake was sensibly felt by the inhabitants of this town and neighbourhood. The firft, took place about 15, minutes before 5 o'clock, and laded about 40 seconds ; in l'ome houles, the etfedls were more vilible than in others the knockers on some of the doors, rap ped as though they were moved by hands , and in one dwelling, a set of china was shaken from a table and broke to pieces. The fright occasioned many of the inhabi tants to rife from their beds. The second fliock took place 5 minutes ..fiter 5 o'clock, and lafled about halt" a mi i Bte , it was not fofeveic as the other, but was also very sensibly felt in alinoft every dwelling. In both in fiances, a rumbling noise, accompanied the treiubliug ot tie earth. V w N Prevention better than Cure. For the prevention and cure of Bilious and Malignant Fevers, is recommended, Dk. HAHN'S Anti-bilious Pills, WHICH have been attended with a degree of fucceis highly grateful to the inven- I tor's in several parts of the Weft-la dies,and the fjuthern parts of the United State-- particularly in Baltimore, Peterlburg, Rich, inond, Norfolk, Edenton, Wilmingt n.Charlef ton< Savannah. &c. The testimony of a oSm ber of ptrfons in each of the above places can be adduced, who have reason to believe that a timely us« of this salutary remedy, has, under Providence, preserved their lives when in the melt alarming circmnilances. Fails of this conclusive nature speak more in : fav.jur ofa niidii ine, than columns of pompoul | eulogy, founded on mere anerti"ii, could do. It is not indeed presumptuously proposed at : an infallible cure, but the inventor has every ! pofiib'.e reason, which can result from e*tea(ive | experience for believingthat a dofeof these pills, : taken once every two weeks during the preva { lence of oui annual bilious fevers, will prove afl infallible preventative ; and further, that in the ! very generally succeed in restoring health arid frequently in tales citecmed desperate and hey end the .. w.er of common remedies. The operation of these pills is perfeilly mile j and may be used with fafety by persons in ever situation and of every age. — j They are excellently adapted to carry oft fu 1 >erftuou4 bile and prevent its morbid fecretioos ; 0 reft ore apd amend the appetite ; to produce 1 free perfpiraticn and thereby prevent cotds which are «fften of fatal coniequence. A dqfe fievcr fails to remove a cold if taken on its appe trance. They are celebrated for Amoving habitual coiyvenefs, fickucfs of the'ftenaich and severe head-ache, and ought to be taken by all perfotfs on a change of climate. They have been found remarkably eflicacr.ma an preventing and curing itfftft reorders attend-' ant on Idfig voyages, a-id (hould be procured and carefully preserved for use by every feamaii. Dn. HAHN's .Genuine Eye-water. A certain and fafe remedy for all difcafas eyes, whether the efF*s of natural weaknef>, or of accident, fj eedily removing inflammations, de flexions /of rheum, duUncf*,*itching, and films in the eyes, never failing to cure thofc maladies which frequently succeed the small j>ox, mealies and le vers, and wonder ull y strengthening a weak tight Hundreds have experienced its excellent virtues* when nearly deprived of fight. Tooth-ache Drops. The only rtmrdy yet discovered whieligivesim mediate and tailing relief i» the most feverc in ttanccs. The Anodyne Elixir. For th? cure of every kind of head-ache, and «f pains in the face and neck. Infallible Ague and Fever Drops. This medicine lias never taited, in many thou sand cases not one in a hundred has had occasion to take more than one bottle, aud numbers not halt a bottle. Thp money will- be returned if the cute is not performed. SOLD BY Wm. Y. BIRCH, STATIONER, No. 17, South Secund Street, And no where else, in Philadelphia, Where also may be hail, Dr. Hamilton's Worm Dsftsoying Lozeugss, his Sovereign Elixir for coughs, Sec, Reiterative Drops, KlTcncc and Ex trait ol Murtard, Sovereign (Ointment for the Itch, Dr # Hahn's infallible Herman Corn Plailler, In dian Vegetable Specific for the Venerial com plaint, Gowland's and Persian L<*i-n, Reflorative Tooth Pow.ler, Damaflc l.ip »lve, Church,' Cough Drops, Anderfon's PiUs, &c FOR SALE, The following Real Estate ; the property dF Anthony Francis Haldimandy Esquire, of London, 582 and an half Patented Land SI ■■■ITUATE on Vinnyard Greek, in the townlhip and county bl Huntingdon, in the slate of I Pecr.fylvir.il, on a public rhe town of Huntingdon, wli.'i is Pi:uated ou a boatable river—there are on the premrt'es a water Grift Mill a. .1 Saw Mill—l'everal Log dwelling Houfrs—one of which is occu', ied as a Tavern, with a Dilliilery supplied l.y a pow'erlui fj.ru g 0 f excellent water—a coufi 'erable quantity of IVno. thy Meadow fk for the scythe, an-t several teres of ara->'e Lund slrcidy cleared—l'histra.9 will ! admit ol being d.viicd into three iarms, with a ! due proportion ol meadow and arable land in e.irh. ! At pi efent in tenure of Adam Hall, Esq. Jehu Hick*, and other^ I 187 ai daH half acres on Trough Creek, in Union towufhip, - floorilhing fettleai.nt, hill rice land, with a small improvement 171 and qmrters ..ere: u ij.'ining the abovtj and the fame quality —as those lad mentioned t'-.iiU ire adjoining furvsys thty would make one v.Juablc farm. In Bedford county, •P4 acres fuuate 0:1 Dur.nmgs Creek, firft rate land, on a public load to Beiford 164 and quarter acres adjoining the above, and ot the fame quality. 388 acres called the Springs, fame quaiity as above 198 and 3 quarters acres 011 half way run, a good i mprovement and now in tenure ol Jacob Moses. Terms of fala, as follows viz —One fourth part :>f the consideration money ruull he paid in Irnnd, ihd the rtfidne divided into four or five annual in- UlaWKS.at may suit the perchafers—to be feu*- ■ed Vy mortgage. Apply f> Joha Cadwallader, Esq. Councilor at ,aif i . the ''i ■ii of Huntinvdon, or to the fub cribers in the city of Phil .de'phia Williams £# Francis. o lawSvr O&ober 14 BEEF OF thcfirft quality, fit for India voyages, now putcw.g up,and for sale by Sheaff, No. 168, High ftrtct. ofl-.'ser jo I»iwjw '«! \