Nuitnpß 2548^ C3"\ The price of this gazette is Erc»r Dollars per annun to Subscribers raiding '« the city of Pbitadv}pbia> -AH other ? "*i Dollar addit": "«:/■',for 'sntiosmg and reefing ; and unless person in this cn% vill become an swi for tbe subscription, it must hepaifi tlx ST.-ntbs in Advance. %• AV Subscript ior. will be received fur 'ft shorter term than six months. December 1 J7»)9. ALMAtfAC Frtm t/mmfhr ij—l» i)etaA*r j UICH *4TII. y»ln«rmhaz.'rr» .mil B »rnhaaw* l'rinfed Li-en .r.d Cotton Idk^chi'fa Jr.d Lawn l»i'l wifhoijt Napkins Thread, Grsze, tnd C'irthri ks Jaconet and I.ipett Mnfl>n, coloured and |> ain Wh»:e an 1 B'acli Lace, Laie Veils, Cloaks an J Ifondlcrrthicf* Blx'W V.oiit. ke-Un*'an4 Whitp ;-rinir(t Mir:ei!t<-1 t/-r»<®i SwinMowrn. Ilrij dai.'l p'aij. Coitiin Checki (f»tr) ? 8, a-», »i-8, »«•! 6-4 an'.* cr'riurr-l lmli. Hiri-bnna do »>f fujjcr.iH'qnsiity Iteil in'na Fast*» Al.ihahul F'.s I Do. On»r*bs my 'Juzz^por. 1 | 'awtia M.mondips. C (T»a IBy the or Pirce. OS d'»w 3aw«f. Robert Smith & Co. No. 58, Sotfr;' : i, Have ftp Received, Fci t 1 ic Ait C.ipuJo M'D.mgil!, from Loud in, A few b-!es of white and brown Russia Sheetings, AiiO, a <*rr>eral assnrtmeit v a mbrr n r * 'o*- GLASS MAN u*'A( TORY. TLIE PROPRIETOR* Of the Pittsburgh Glass IVorkt, TTAVINp procured a fuffic'r*'it number ot Jrl the moll approved Europeais Gla:is Vanu fufhirers, ant! baviftg on hand a large llook ot the heft Material), «n which their workmen are now employed, have the pleal'ure of Alluring the puNic, that « indo'w glafk of a fupri ior qua lity and of any size, from ? liy 9, to 18 by 24 inches, earefatly parked i'/ boxes containlnc lor leet ea h, maybe bad at the fhnt'teft notice G'afs 6f larger f.zej f?r otJicV purposes, tnay alio he h.if!, such as lor piflire?, coach glalTc«, clock far-*, \c H.ittles of all kinds and of any q'iartitr my ai'fn be had, together with pocket tiafk'., pick'iT'jj jars apothecary's shop furniture, or other hwllow ware —the whole at lealt 15 per cent, lower than articles of ihe fame quality brjuifht from any «f the lea ports of the United States. A liberal allowance will be mjde an faleof targcqnantities. Ordersfrom merchants ire! others will foe potuftualW attetuler', to on .ip. pHcatim ta JAMES O'HARA or I»lA,i CRAIG, or at the Store of Meilrs FRATHKfc in Maiket-Street, P ttfhnrgh, Man*b t, ■ t|vl»>f. PRINTING, Neatly executed at the Office of the Gazette of the United States. Book -Woik--Pmnplilet?— Hand-Bill*, C trils—Bl*t'.ks ot' all kinds, See. &c. Wil! be printed at the Shortest Notice. august 23. Gazette of tie United States, H. M. 10 41 . " *1 ft J6 O .10 « «J t » -lists MTI 7 IJ 4 4.5 7 '6 4 4 7 »7 4 *5 - 7 17 4 43 - 7 18 4 41 7 19 4 4< 7 '9 4 41 A well Aflorxd I lvoiff ji-n RrCfivrd, Conjiflinp of Vme-Glaflen, Tu i jltr*, I f mntiatlta, Gobfet*, See. he. of iltc ncwtoerS wns 9J do CluD.lviconi.a Manfnck 75 do do Ha«-'k.^rchi;'fn V' 1 * do B!:rbhoon Gurrahs nS >-ei 9 4 tu th fr. 1 m Landing At H'aln's wharf, The Cargo of the brig Entcrprize, CONSISTING OF Surinam MolafTcs, Of an ex-s:le».t quality, in hnjgflicads, tierce* and barrel*, shir! n/'rnl 4 a -uarter casks LISBON WINE, r For sjl! nr Wharton Lewis, No. JTJ.f. iith Froct ftrcet. o tn jh (j tf i o be Let, T"1!05F. I>»r s 'C>an«l cnmmaJi ts, Seller* ur.der I the U ive'fU Church. in 1 u shard, Ktwo«n 4'h tn'! J!h tr»et;.Liteiy o'cupicd by Mr.j ihn and Co. F quire of Jnhn V n'fs North Haft CorttV of Waii ui m « atcr St, or t. Howell No. 14 North 6th Street* f 1 v n d* w EPHRAI M C L A R K, Clock & Watch M A K E R, Ccrne• of Market and FrontJlrats, Pimai dsiilua, ILis rec;ived by rhe Ki::gl'oi ->nd other Prfvols, CHAMBER «nd osier Clochs, t l«k Move mrms, Kight day »n. J . 36 huur cast hrjf«, ( lock Bells, Clock Dial", Cat-fit, Watch GVa and Springs steel Chain*, firings, 'adies' chains jold, gilt, a> I ftrel; go'd, gilt, and ftcel krvs j 1V;1i gold, gilt, and steel. On han ! a grf ('io.k and Watch Maker's and sidver ;'nii h's Teols and materials, ami tiles of =ll I'zes Bcc. I'ummice, so ten llouc, Finery, Borax Su (ftc. N, B apd Cl. cks repaired as ulnil. Od»h*r 18 to Its BENJAMIN CLARK, Clock iif Maker, ' HAS REMOVED To N't. 36, Makket Strkkt, V.'b. rc he has for Sale, Spring and other Ciocks ; t!;t»ld ant! lilvc VVatrlits ; v l'ools. Filtfsaud M iterials ; ftrc id o'ih Cl.ains, Seals. and Krya ; Springs. &£»' S»c.' CLOCKS A\'P WATCHES Repaired M uf'.nl. 'June 3 tU&fff rlf I L A DE I FHI A, W£DNE''DAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 26, .Poo. Gideon H. Wells Hits Just Received, By the hte arrival—a l*fs* a:u! ge :erjl alTor? Tf»ci>r ti i Hardware, Cut/~ry& Sodlery, Which hi ifier* for Ul>, ( r ciih ortka UflJll ft-Jil. MiV-liel-itrett. Wo. 1 Ji. V''^" Madeira Wine, In p pfs fiidi- arid q 1 arttrcaiks, For feJc by the Subfcribir GIDKON MIL;. v/hl.t.S, *To. 135 Market Sty tet, ■endrf Kn-fmhrr it. 200 boxes Havanna Sugar, FOll SAUK By rhr 'nhi'cri^fr U rot ON H- WELLS. ncfimSw y«c'|t V »fc e pen ei t"e:■ in nortin,' hnokf, *i['-P JCOijrTft, rrir.i:' fcrti>ii£ ofhKr \vnlT-if« An/ Hftitrls ( tfc: dr(>r,pii-11, rhi' may He done at th a t ;p! cai.t' o»' J), u'r, will his ;irr>f>ctj circumflav t • i o'« t« A. U. aiiti left a.t th* Ofi< e r:< this Gatdtif * !»y v pentlfman wanr ir>£ such affillance, will l>e rcfpoftfiil'y attend -.! in N>vertfKer ti. jawiw. J life Received, By tiic ships K'-gfton from Liverp c 4, and ft Ge.'rge ft om hull, AND FOR SALE HYGLORGE ROiiERTS, No. ;!, -'.arkct Cftet. A i;irar aiul afTirciiwiit of C U T L E R r. GfL i" »n'l p'Med hutmns i\r*-y and k m v:idS«, jopiitti), i 1., k t,r. a:id pewin «rarea, brafa and irov. i;i:d!;lliclfk pstinc t«j fiuc • pint, ruffe.-», iro-> and bf4f«-»irf «f ail t ir». n°. 4r (\lfn a 'trfe jT..r'm-n» of fUt-irrii, bate plat*. p A tr,.">c. direrf'roni the manmnflurerj. He b j o'so on lend, and txttnute assortment of TIN WARES, • ): h»» own n -anulaiftciy, rnafii a'liired in the bet) man if! ; all-is which" he ill." tell on the rnoft reafo -ib'e terms, vho;efj!c and retail. Received at thA fame time by thr ship George, capt. It ice, the r.uoh admired imV rov cd COPYING MACHINES, from the patentee. These micti .es ate ma c on a Kmple and improved plan f ;r copying, writing, &c.of a«y f.ze, i.i an expeditious manner, and are charge : at a rhveh lei's price thin jlily oiher row in use. They aie ! unJ to p lufs a fuperinrlty o»er any others, Ii th by being luorc durable and not fu liable to get ut of re;,air, and by copying any n nt er ot writings »to»r time, w thou making any a terj.t on i . the maciiiue, and their 0' cu pyirg lit'le room I'lie very generai *fe int which rlitfe ma chines are iww brou„4i: in irfe in Lind in and ■ •the- large 'ra 'irij» ei'ies, a'd the faiitfaA.on reft,fie■! by a!i wf op fTefs them, render it un nei fl'ir/ to enlarge a y flirt er ini heir advan age, both in point of a -cracy and iet recy and n, the favirtj o ti«i<, labour :w' exprjice r.oveJnbtr 1 t i&fa tf Piopofals Forpnblijh'mg, by A L> I G E S T Oi the L nv o( Atf irn* ri' d Trials at N1 1 I'RJUS. By Isaac 'Hfplni'fle, «f firay* Inn, Esq. Binitfc; ar l aw. The third wrt--dt^\ % with conG.!tcn like forwir lurli, ob a (iipcrCiK pijitr, cf rojal fixe, aoro !• in. it will bejrinie.l i*ge for w.tb the lattu Lond/n editws, •«! no pain* will be spars. to.rfiV.'er th; wort tot ,c 3, and Irer al rrrt>r». It »i 1 bejirttly V" •'lacd 'ettfti is tttn ro li'ii'-i.rr.yil nA iw, aiKl to fuSci ibtrt* ill be ;■«; At five I'tilan ai>.< fifty qrn'i yet (rt—t* uot.fub* l:ri**r» *}it prici vrrlT bc/or.iewha: euhanc J Th; rticc ol 'hi.on edi'ion i\ fint!t l'hc 'wo ».!ooie» will t nU of aSruc iiint liundrtd of wfakf the diie aj.ncxet! en ihc •ropnfilt u S fpecirun; A» the (r.rk la | u)>!il , iin|' l si d *ili be comyli't-"! with all couvi • ui-*' erpedirion.thole w)k> wiM t» (ir.-fil by 'he loWinplJoU. wiU 'u- (tfi h r teifvui ty. N« U. OentWir.rn Holding faVcrtpttno irrtifltd to ri tara ilmi tp llttautind I ho-. mat, thr i{4 eithfr bound or in (he h,. bj thi- at eh'-ir 1 ;:fu»l Iqw price.. Tb-aquantity ofuood Si.'Oß THREAD, at Kmc I". Hopper, Ki • ?g, Pine-ilrrrt. The Printers generally *r» requr.ficd to give this a place in their papers. 20 Dollars Reward. DIVERTED last evening. JOSEPH PARKIN SON, priv'.te ia the mrine corps of th- United Stales, lie was i>orn in Ireland, is about 27 yCTre 'ld 5 leet 6 atij a half i*ichi»s high, dark eye* Mack Irair. aid fallow comp'exiiib. Alio, JKKE'.IvH born in England, •o» n of "tockpert, i» 39 years of age, 5 le-t 7 inchvs high, ft-ey eyes, light brown hair, florid com letion and by trado a ! latt;r ; froro the ap pea-anc; of his lace the moQ evident mark* of at i-achmctit to drink may he traced, they hav both Served in the Wefte-n Army, and now defertcd in full uniform. The aVove amount w ill be paid with charges to apprehend them ; or r«n Dotlai foreitherby a-"lying to FRANKLIN WHARTON, Captain Commanding. Philadelphia, Marine Barracks, Nov. 8. CJI-tit Take Notice. pM" Subfcriher liter,> J a leaving the Unite Sut<-» e«iy i« .December. fhcrefer'c all ;ierfon>i wh are indebted ;<*• requeued t • ake 'm ne iiate p.v. ineni, »u ' those hariig *ny dt mands to render tlitir tor ie:t!f merit JOHN MOiiGAN. M>. J. South Front Srtct. Nov. 11. eod6t Philade pbra Academy. Mo. 24, SPRUCE-STKLET. \ Night School. PETfH tHL.IMAR, prnfeflbf of Mathe o»» in i;.ii AcaJemy, Cl»!I y in* ' p«M:c ( tnat he will rectwe 1 fmal' y .inO ftleS n-jrrb*t «.f gtnilerr.fn ( from half af ter Tia, ' i" (d'll vk rach n'jrhl, in 4 >uud»yi < »c-pt-,l) to b>.- inftr>i£le.l io th« fol -1 wi;»g Vai:.fcei. Me cai'itile, aiithetneric and accompts on a ewand app. vci plan- mensuration, gauging, I .rveyi g and navigation, according to the belt authors —Conlv' fefii-tri, f ryfications and j?u i* liery, a- ihey art taught in the Royal Academy, n Woolwich —F.uclid; cl mei ts, plain aid 'bherical trigonometry, afirouoffiy, algebra ai d fluti ■"■s. A co- rfe of Icflu es n the "fe . f the Globe, Gergraphy, nd the system of the universe, which has i:een prepared or the ife of liudents of the Philadc'p .ia Academy will be •.lelivered occafio .! y GertJen.en of the Navy. Ind otlie-s, w*o wish lo a quire a speed) knowledge of Lunar Obferv ii ins, may hare an opperttinitv of be ing * jus hr a: yof the known mi thod». a,nd hear ing th.■ difT.TCBt Theoriesexplained from fir principles. November 19. e wltf Just Received, 9j the o»orjfe, Amlahk >iU ««cli'th« 5* 4 Lou '.on IvrcrSr.c do. ~ t h«l « :mvi F r. .'loth* )*" 1 hi!f (ine o«*?titni p » Y.'.ci fifli oriSle Lio fkia d >. * f Imsll Me< li'W : Titert iwanld-iw' 1 g 4 h-it«'npr«:n Yorkiftire Carjvtt ar.d *" to hhJ. Seio Twine. ALSO* jAn <**•'nfive a!)|1 choice alTortnicnc of DRY GOODS— 0 P I M. WILLI A M FRENCH. 4'V. er 7.1 The Porcupine. ITaKR chi«intib«»d of in' 'he Pet pie of (hi United Btare«, thu ftn the fail day nl Niv «■' erne it, I ps to r.-fura-. the pu: liocicn of Qjwtit*, ariiier-Tbe tHle of IHE P)f.C'J}TH£ t in< to Boiify tin eafc xnf gr tt»- iru» in erica !V«iL! mm it; rtar ibo )-rke of C3tl» N'i'iibrr will h 4 fiyptiicr (Kflir.g, aud thit the f*lh .uuti he recriv.j by mr k>Jnr*- the | c»n lie —Ai inmoimrj convey *vf, fjtref!M'iir ire the o; iy r;y.iitip».|rtHH London td New Ti'fkjtht file* tcr I'Uie a /rrrnii(hj spnujui ir-t gt —fiwfw 'Sew- > <>rk they on he fpur fen: t« Niw Yurk; uiiUr» b hcrwift ordered. , 0' P rcupint^ . Wbieh b>cii IjiiseiinK fc>4h« Se eflT.pkitd io FtSfqarf nrat, "f<>.eii UW co^iea fvhrcri e Ame<>ca will (ic . lot Jed die Sohfctßifra. \ i ■ Any ot Ttty litrriry ll AWtrict, irKo may He ilfjicfe.r'to nmevr i\iert %orr-Ypja I'»y print-' illy: affee, Hu j Bon.iJkkttim.tii fitcct- B(fau4,-or, it my B »i>'.feJlci'i (hop, IN?, 'ft. '■'•Jl, wii t,iAM I.odle difpatcii. SAMUKt. DEXfEH. Secietaryoi War. All Printer* \»it!,tn the United States whohavr publiAsJ ir.»lt tor contrails ot the f 31It o.' Marcli Ult are to itiff-rt the above in their irfpeiilive papers, nee a week for !\v» months. > To Printers. The .following- will I*? fi>)d \ - ■ * '• I • i'>- .. 4 data. JJjfliJUtfit* ?u Pk» ' . • * rfiuo, i to .Brt*rp t _ .1 4lltO' .', ~. , ',l - jus Cly»l<% fe»rfa) ,ftvctl, frirtni» nixl giJliyt*,<"')»»< tiVilr rulti, Otiotttivni, St?. ,See. See >ll- o{ tl«- .riiOM viUbfcfold rr d I north *r iVen j J Philadelphia, november b j»v. •; «< , 111- . .'t ♦ *•; t,• ■ '**■ Saulnier & Wijfon, // 00Hen Drapers, Mercers» feV, , , 6 3» (Vorth Side) Market Str*st, H.vVE RECEIVED, By the late arrivals fr,/n Europ.-, a general af fortmem, confining of BES 1 I,o n .; 0 „ e t, rol d cioE.h3 'fccii,: quality , do . Uou' Is mi I'd ribh'd, mitt, embofs'd and firft ratu fuj caflimcres of all colours F.-toTis, l la,us and daliic llripe clctug Superfue cloths and ®tner coarirgs u<', drab ami cliver fearnoTighc B .eking fca z:s an J flannels ol different colour* Neweffft(h:Q U (down, & other wniftcoa-ing Fafliit.naijle firip.: and plaiu b) fattins Back kfl irciuini F.ncy cord, ve.v.'t, th-tkfet and cr.rduror Dnrcnt colour. (ilk velvets Coat and vest fashionable gilt, pl.ted, pearj and , (led ' utt ns Raw si k, ' i-averaod woollen gloves Irifil linen,brown and oowlafs alic t s muslins, checks, ftawU and dimity handa'inccs and pocket h Coloured arM nunsthrea.'s us all numbers i'lTo r'ed blankets 1 aylort' be/ trir.rangi. Also on Hand, A few 1 atcs Ot iupc; See Cloths an* Cnflimcrs, ertit eJ to drawback—all whith they will dispose ci at f; c mod reduced prices. v<;v .■ h'-r RemovaL PETER LOHRA AND JAMES HUMPHREYS, Jr. Notaries Public, 'y, E3PE VFULLY inform their refpedlJve the puolic, that they have re moved • Vii office to No 90, f utk Front Arret, rhc lour n dor below Walrat (ir-et and nearly opposite the Cu/tom-Houle—-where they continue to and authenticate, according to the mtfft approve J lorms, and with the greatcil dispatch, Letters of pro air a'ion, attorney and fubOitutmn of every kind, sea -letters unJ ro!U dVquipage, proof <#t property t« be ihippej to. foreign ports, afti '.aviti to# obtain teaman's at the 1 uflom H use, and affijjvits of every other kind .->n 1 ciefcription, chart r a tits bottomree relpon uer,fi»ard otWcr mercantile bonds and obligations, bilU ol f-i.e and a J other inftrusicnts of writing, certificates am! attritions relative to the different k.; di ui ftcck-, t;a!e ;nd com rierci ; and r giftrr letter#, of atcxrriey for the recovery of debrs. a$ wr-!l all other documents ufinliy rec rded in the ffice cf Notari-s. 1 hey afodr w d.cds, bonds, 1:..i»-> a. _ o. . November 21 NO i I Bank of the United States, NOV MBER 17, 1 SOO. i"HE Stockholders oi the ;v».k of 'he United . Sta:-s are in!-»;me:, t'at fccsrJJng to the fl.tu c, of i Cjiporatian, a G&neral EUA« n (or tw-'i'y rive Dir dors, will be held at the Bai:t of tbc Unites States, in the cry of Philadelphia, on Woo .»y the of January ; eit, at ten o'clock in the 1 rcuoc-iT. And pursuant to t l e eleventh f <9io'i of the bye laws, the !' :.ckhol Jcrs of the laid : of an Elefti n may always lis re elt&ed. ' tu tsjy A HANDSOME EDITION Oifld-er 15.' « "i' (Polumk XVIII. t I 'J » i. dl w i* '• tr*. '*■