Nvmbfr 2546? PiiILADELi HIA PRICES CURRENT, IN DOLLARS AND Cents. NOVEMBER 24, 1800. Beer 6 Bread, fliip q 4 pilot 8 9 Braziletto 7 60 Bricks M 650 Stock 26 27 Brimstone, roll C 5 55° Butter in kegs lb Iji 16 CANDLESdipt 16 17 moiilr l 20 Spermaceti 50 | Cards, wool Caifia, 75 80 xjprctady Cheese, English 3 J 7"ce«»ts. American to 11 Chocolate, Borton 26 Philad, 27 Cinnamon jicuie Cloves t3O 160 isprctad.v Clover feed, red lb 20 do white 20 Timothy bu 4 Herd grass 1 5° Cocoa C 24 26 2Ctsprlb Coffee lb 25 27 5 cents B Coal, foreign bu 5 cents bufliel Virginia 30 33 I Cutton St. Domingo lb J} 47 ? , n c /r, h cents pr lb Surnnam 50 j r Georgia lea ifl. 45 upland 36 37 Cordage, American C <4 15 18 Rufiia, tarred 13 180 cents pv C. Copper, pot, fhects, lb 60 } Bottoms 40 I Fret Pat. iheath. 60 , J Copperas C 350 4 do Corks gs 33 43 Currants, Zant n DUCK, Ravensp 11 75 «2 ~) ■ 1 * U '4 ' .7 SO Holljnd scarce J Feathers ib 45 50 Filh, cod dry qu 45° 5 do. pickled Salmon do. R 9 10 do. fmoaked Shad B 8 Mackarel 6 8 50 | Herrings 4 . 425 | Flax lb 13 scarce Flaxfeed H 11 50 Flour, fuperfine B 10 50 common 10 Burr middlings 78 D Hye meal 475 525 Indian meal 450 475 Ship fluff C 233 267 Furs, Otter Ik 333 160 Beaver Ib 1 2 Seal >• Free Mink (k 33 Mulkrat, 33 ♦ * Nate. Salt weighing more th;in 56 lb. per bushel, pays 20 cents per 56 fbs. per bulhel or less, 20 eents per buftiel, in American veflois ;if in foreign vessels 22 cents.—" From the Gape of Good Hope, or beyond so per cent is added to the cost of all goods paying an advaloremduty." t The aforementioned rate of duties upon Teas rcl'peft thole imported ttireftly from India—lt from Europe, bohea tea pays 14, souchong Ir, imperial and hyson 40 cents p£r lb. If from any other place, bohea pays 17,. fouc-hong 27, imperial and hyson 59 per lb. in American bottoms. 111 Foreign bottoms from ElSropc, 17 1-5,27. 50 cents per lb. prom any other place, 18, 7-10? 29 7* I0 » 55 cents perlb. All dutied articles, imported into the United States, not having been landed more than one year, are allowed u drawback- of the to a dedu&ion of one pe? cent except spirits, which is one half ce*it per gallon; BC7- Of those articles that'have no price affixed to them, their is either none at market, or such price cannot b« ascertained as to depend apon it. V a * NOTICE. - p Bank of the United States, £ NoVfMBfcR. 17, ISOO. W THB StockVolders of the Bank of 'he United fit' States arc iofwrmed, t'rat according to the »l fhtate of itcoiporation, a General Ekdion for lot twesty f:*e Dire&ois, will be held at the Bank ot the Uuitei States, in the city of Philadelphia, on Monday the sth of January next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon! And purfuantto theeVvsn'h fe<3ion ot the Lye laws, the stockholders of the said !>ank arealfo no tificd to alfcrnble in general meeting, at the fame place, on Tuifday the 6th of January next, at fix o'clock in the evening- G. SIMPSON, Cafbier. Second F,undamental Article- Not more than three fourths of the Dire& jrs in office, cxcluftve of the Pr#fidrnt, frail be eligible u, for the next ensuing year, but the Dirc&or who a g, stall be Prelldeat at the tinw of ail Ek&inn may m; always he re el««Se 1- tu tsjy p n A HANDSOME hDIi'ION or LINDLEY MURRAY'S English Grammar, AN APPENDIX," las this Day been publiflitd, by Asbu Dl(KItfS, opposite Ghriil-ChuicJ), Philadelphia. [Price One Dollar Oftober 7. Gazette of the United States, & Daily Advertiser. District of Maryland, TO WIT. BE it renumbered that on the 14th Oc tober, in thj twenty filth year of the inde pendence of the United Mat'-s of America, Churles W. &oldfbordugh of the fiiJ Diftri U 1 L A D E L r if I J,MONDAY EVKNIN6, ,800. Wliolcfaic • From i o current prick. 15 D. C. D. C. DUTI'^S -J Martin Ik 50 Grey Fox 47 Red Fox 1 Racoon 33 53 j Fiflier 50 J Bear 1 5° 3 Wild Cat 40 50 l'ou the rn 27 ?/Deer in hair, fall lb. 16 17 Ditto red 25 Fustic T GINGER, Race G 850 isprctad\ do. Jam. grd. lb 12 14 do Ginfang Glafs,Wind. Bbylo bx 11 II 50 15 pet ad \ 7 by 9 do Glue lb 15 Grain, WheSl bu 150 2 Rye 7j 80 — -- -—jc So New corn 50 ; Oats bu 33 43 Grain, Barley lb 67 8o"~ bell fliellrd kg 6 Gunpowder Eng. 10 12 do Amer. lb Bjo HAMS, Pork 15 , s .»ispctadv Hair-powder T ioo cts p C Hemp, Ruflia lb 350 1 Hides, La Gtiira 1 o j> Free St. Domingo 10 J Greeu M 3-} Hoops,Hhds. Ihavsd lb Hogs-lard era 15 16 Honey, country dj none at market Havannah 80 86 Hops 45 50 Barrel poles lb INDIGO, ] St. Domingo I 1 J S "5 ctsp lb Isle of France • 1 25 J New-Orleans I 7 112 Carolina T 60 x Iron Callings 74 67 80 Pig 34 Country Bar 106 67 109 33 1 I2 i. pct Raffia Bar .100 \ va l Sweden 110 120 J Shcci 22G 67 240 Hoops 133 33 138 67 Nail-rods I 122 67 i x een t pll LEAD, Bar i jQ [6o S , Sbeet C 15 pet ad v Lead white, gr. in oil lb 14 50 ij Leather, foal bx ,8 20 Lemons, Lifboii 7 8 Malaga, 10 Cadiz H i do Lime ftotie T S 2 S ec * Ligiiuujvitx 65 Logwood 50 Lumber M Boards, Cedar 25 White Pine 19 33 Ditto Patinel 27 28 Inch & qr. do. r 7 2-i Heart Pine 28 Sap 14 Oak Scantling 18 Hemlock Ft 10 12 Red Cedar 50 Education FOR YOUNG LADIES. COLUMBIA HOUSE, BOARD IN G is 1 DA Y-SG HO O L, RE-COMMENCED For the winter season, on Monday, Oftobt r 6th, Walnut, between Fourth and Fifth-flreets. MM RS. GROOMBKIDGE refpeflfully lt> , knowledges the liberal encouragement ftie has experienced, for more than (even yeiri in Philadel, hii, and, as the raoft expreflive proof of gratitude, will he a continuance of the unre mirtmg attention, already p»d to her pupils ; flitters herfelf, it will be the belt recommenda tion to futtirt patronage. Tfce following branches (or any oflhem sep arately) may be engaged "or, as i*o(t agreeable, the Eng'ifh, French, and Italian languages grammatically ; writing, arithmetic, geogra phy, use of the globes, history, music, vocil aud instrumental, drawing and (lancing. Plain wflrk, marking, embroidery >nd 'am bour in gold; silver or cotpur>, fillagree, artifi cial flowers, fancy balketf, netting, hair, print ( cloth, and muslin work of every kind. Oft ij. diw »wn, i FOR SALE, \ > /"\LD Long Primer, e U Small Pica on Pica Body, Engllfli, Chafes, Competing SticJu, and agrea- . variety of article necdlary to carry on the frill ing Business. They will be fold i heap t»r calk Apply to the Printer. VVholefule From I To I CURFKNT PRICE. "8 D. C. D. C. DUT, ES. Shingles, 3 ft. drefl M 28 2 feet R 8 18 inches 5 Limes bll Lard, hogl lb ij 16 MifjE Si 6 . 650 ijprctad M»dder 25 26 1 Mahoj:anr, Bay F I Free. St Domingo 40 J Molafies.VV. India G jo 60 sCtsperga Sigar house 73 / v Mull. Fi. in Bottles dz 1 20 15 pet ad Nails, 3d lb 4<* ) X £ i 6d l 6 "1 g» j-5 £ 8c ! 15 l iod 13 (3 k J '3 J = J^s.B, 2Cd 12 Gut do 3d 13 l3 H 6d 12 <.d 11 1 od 1 o-i »2d 10 2od x o 1 Nankeeus, long p limpet ad •• fliort I do Nutmegs lb 6 6 50 15 pet ad OILFIor. jofja. 12 I Ditto 12 bottles 8 J lOn, com. Whale G 50 Spei ma,cetti. 60 70 Tanners B 15 Liutfeed G 73 75 Onions, bu 100 ropes 6 7 iPF.A§ 40 40 pepper black lb 33 35 Pimento, Tam. 12 14 6 cts per 1 Pitch B 4 cents Plaifler, Paris T 10 10 jo Pork Burlington, B* 19 Carolina Porter, Lond. draft dz BqtspgSci bol. 21 co 3 on bot. ad Phifadelphia bot. 1 10 120 do Pfraif, Ptnti; patent 8 9 y) ■'♦ißlNS. bef-kg 8 85© Ijpct ai i V Bloom U inulk bx 4 j® 5 , Redwood, grouud lb 20 30 • 27 30 nipctad Sill clotb En. No. 1 Segats, Spa will Ms 10 America 2 1 per cen Sh-eting, Ruflia P '7 7J I cent per 1 Shot C 75° 8 Snuff", in Blaildars 33 Bottles z 6 Rappee 6 94 2 cents perl Soap, Castile lb 20 ! Brown 9 10 White 13 ?pergallo Spirits, G 133 139 ) P*s jßrandy, French 1 1 50 < WILLIAM BLACK, Ol D v«r, iii Delaware, HAVING obtained th« copyright of D W's Poetical Nosegay, and other works, by va rioui hands, offers them for sale, viz - Newcomh's Version, at is cents a copy. Mite of Praise, at 11 l-» cents a copy. Thii work originated from respect To Him, who rul'd, and Him who rules the Land And tho' imp.rlcft—it may not difflcale. NARRATIVES OF THE PIRATES, (Baker, Lacrois, & Beroufe or Brous—-price so cents. BALL'S FAST DAY SERMON, price 30 ceiKS. Here piety and policy combine, To prove Ball both a statesman and divine ; Tfiat the best way to guard the c.vil rights When piety with policy unites; From France expelled pirty we fee, And in her place fta'.ks murd'reus ar.Orchy. VHE POETIC iL NOSEGAY, By D. W. price cuts. Where Woiknan (Unas the Semple of the day, Or, revu!uii«niz ng, Ualas away ; Array'd with guilt—the tharpir play? t!.4 fni ak And leaves the heart of innocence to break. Impos'd on innoccnct, in anguilh, weeps. While onward to his lain', Hugh Wscl:maa keeps. MORAL SKETCHES. And a varisty «f other Work.. Oricrs pod paid, and y rice feß', led to hjf WILLIAM BLiCK november ij Ijir I»m 3 Vv'tialcirte I Fiu:i, 11, CURRENT PRICE. $ D. C. D. C. DUT IBS. -f I SpanifL, 1 2d p25 Rum, JamairC 130 133 3d p2B Antigua 112 114 i J>4th p 3 2 St Croix 110 J I sth5 th P3 S Windward 1,0 J 6 thp 4 6 I v New-England 75 Gin, Holland lij 1 28 to 50 « g Apple Brandy cO 57 Rye 56 60 >' Slaves, wt.Oak pipe M 69 33 Hhd. 40 v Heading 40 Red Oak 30 * Leogan 26 67 Barrel 26 Steel, German ,'b 16 ") Englifli blistered fa 14 J3 f '®o crnta Crowley's Tl7 5c 18 J I* r G. American 140 44 Starch lb 10 11 15 prct ad Sugar, Havan. white C 16 1650 3 cts per lb Browr, 12 2 x do India, Ift quality bx 13 14 2, do Mulcovado C 12 16 75 2 do Lump fc 26 64- da Loaf, lingle res. 28 9 do v ' E ''AR, N. C. 3 250 3 X Jersey I 25 v 1 allow, Ruflia b 14 12 percent. American i^. Tea, Imperial 1 c 0 I 66 1 Young Hyfor ,1 2 P'Tl I Hyson , 20 ' Jperlbt Hyson Skin 80 3° do Souchong l 8 do Boliea 37 12 da Tin in plates )>• 18 ' Fre« Tobacco C Richmond old 6 6 50 b do ne* 6 Peterlburgb 5 7j Frederickfburg 5 m Maryland Georgia 4 75 0 Carolina 475 5 v Twine, Seine lb ? 400 cts Sewing 4.6 ) per ewt« Turpentine S 250 v i fpiriti' i' J 33 40 -» nr.. ln . t VINEGAR, ja Wirt S o Cydei 18 20 , Varnifli 23 25 * Verdigreafe 80 Vermillion 2 WAX, Bees * 30 Whalebone. v Wines, Madeira ■ 160 200 tri J° c g Best Lond. partic. 1240 +ctojB do Sherry , ? 4 | 112 125 vo cents Lisbon *' i 4 j i 8 3° 'b Tenerifle present their ac counts to th« fuVcriber j and all persons e 1 to the said Duncati M'lnnes, are requeued to pay the fame writhou l - delay, to JOHN CI.AtJK, No S5, 7 north Water flreet J Affiance Philadelphia, november 6 lawjw TAKE NOTICE, THAT we have applied to the Honorabls Ju ges as tht 0 urt of Common j'Uas of Burlington County, lor relict as insolvent debtors, aiid lai Court have appointed the 15th day of De. ceraoer next, to hear us and our Creditors at the Court Honfein Mount Holly. JOSIAH CATTMX, JEREMIAH B"LL, ADAM REEVE?, WILLIAM JOHNSTO *. 1 it Kovec.lier 10. [Volume XV lit,