STAGES REMOVED. ' THIE pubii \rc hiysby int«»rmfd, that the Bal timore Coacbee will in future start fr®m the in dian Qur ( nr, No is,'(ouch Forth street, every day except Sunday, at 7 o'clock, and will arrive at PecV* Tavern, Baltimore, the next day at 8 o'clock and the Stages to New York, will (lart every day at 8 and 1% o'clock. JOI-IN B. BARNEY W C«. N. IJ.—A book is kept open at Mr. Ely Chan dler',B FrtuikUn Head .where feats may aHo be ta ken in rhe above line of llages. o&ohcr a § LANCASTER STAGES. THK Prnprtetnri of the Philadelphia ted I an alter hoe »f Stoge* DISPATCH,r»turB their gTatelul thanks to their trieudt and the public ro J|eneral,f»r the past favon liey have received, nfarm them that in addition to the regular Line, (bey are p«cvi :«i'. with Carriage*,foher andejtreftil drivera, to go through between the City and Beeoegh m two day*. Thole who prefer thia mode of Mnllinf can he accotnawxiated at tXe Stage Office. Cgu n( ymt-J Sutui bigle, Market strut, Philadelphia. Slougb, Dov>nwg, Dun&oodj W Co. JVw, jo. 5 jt—f Just arrived. Per the Brig Perfeverancfc, CAPTAIN SWAINE, Mr. William Bell's Wharf. 80 hhds. Antigua and St. Ki|ts Rum ar 10 ditto Coffee FOR SALE BY, CROOKE STEVENSON. No. 4, South IVaier Stmt. O&ober 8. dtf Imported, tn the (hip Atlantic captain Waters, from Calcutta and Madras, And for sale by the subscriber, A great variety of articles mostly suitable for exportation, among which ahe Blue cloths Neckanies Soot Komals Salem poores Ventapolsms MaJraa Long Cloths Ditto Handkerchiefs. ALSO 2000 bags prime Sugar, llyfon and Souchong Tea, JOHN MILLER, Junr. No. Ho, Dock street. o&oher 10 Cppper, In Sheets, Bottoms & Still Patterns, LEaD, Brazier's Solder, Tin in boxes, Ste#l Shdet-iroo, Sewing twine, and a large afforf mer.t of Ironmongery, Cutlery, Sadlery, Braf9 and Japann'd wart. For fa eby Elislia Fisher & Co. 'm. Oiflobm" 17 PLATED WARE AND JEW ELLERY. James Mufgrave, No. 44, S utb Second Street, H \S JOSl' RRCEIVIiD From London and is now opening an exten sire and elegant assortment of Plated Goods Of'heliteft falhionsand of the very firfl quality manu tailured in England, viz. and 0' ffee Urrw, Hated a.idjsppaned J Bread ul various patterns round and oval Castors, with plated and silver topi. 5. 7 and 8 bottle* si hi 10 to 35 dolts amongst which are a number of extraordinary workmanfliip with rich cut glass High caudlefticks, patent Hide dittc* I,ovv'dittoagreat qmntity,fconcsi andbsanche# Coffee i.tea ditto and cadii-s mfettsor se parate with silver l>e takea to winter at Profpe& Mill, at the 11 mile tlone. on the Uritlol road, vhere they will have too '. T'mothy ami Clov»r Hay.leweM tiken tare of »nd liavi a field to iun in when the weather is gooit; enquire oI William Hell, Philadelphia; or, o. J feph bunting, on the p^emifes. They engagr to return them in good orrler in the spring or chafge nothi.ijj for k cping them, and will not be anfw.rablc for accidents or escape, but wfll ukf every precaution to either, o&ober 2 7 mwf tf NOTICE. H YVING parted with Margaret Brooks by mutual consent, I do hereby f irwarn all persons fro:n crediting heron mv account, as 1 will not uay any debts - f her contraiflinp. WILLIAM BROOKS. Oiflober 30 flaunt Certificates, Loft. THE u"d»rn)entinnet! certificates of (lock oi Bank rjf rhe United States, viz No 97g,dateJ ill January, 1793, for five ftarct in the nasne of Bourdieu, Chollctt and Bourdieu No 17366, dated ift of January, 1798, for five fliare', in the name or tb« Right hon. lord John Townfhemi. Notice is hereby given, That application is intendsd to be made at the said Bank by the fubferiber, for a renewal of the fame, of which all perfonscoHcerßci are requested to take notice. JOHN WARDER. Philadelphia, 10 mo. 28, 1800 tuthfajm The following«f eight per cent fK-ck in the name of William jr. (landing to hi credit on the books of the United Stato» Loan 1 Office of Pennsylvania, viz No 5 • ■'» a Certificate dated «oth January, 1800 for fiic thousand dollars No 505, a Certificate , for one rhoufand dollars Notice is hereby given, that application ii in tended to be made for a renewal of the fame—o! which all persons concerned are requeued to tak • notice. fOHN WARDER. Philadelphia, 10 mo. 1800. 3taw6w IN the (hip Ksnfingt«n, captain Kerr, in thG y«ar I 794, having been captured fey the French on voy >ge (rom hcrce to Amfter'am, the follow ing certificates of stock o! the Bank of the Upited States, standing in the name of Benjamin Chap man Nos. 432 £3" 436 of 4 Shares each ; 158 3 do. 12 Ij, iti6, 1217, 1 do* Application is made at (aid Bank by the fubfcri her for a renewal of the fame, oi wl.ioh all person* concerned arcrdefired to take notice. JOHN MILLER, Ju-;r. d|«n oA. 17, Of the Bank of the United States, NO. >s9S2 to 15963 inclusive, in the namcol Thomas M»lUtt of London, wzre forward ed about th« ift of May 1797, from Ncw-York, by the (hip Oneida lor London, which was cap tured by the French, and (aid Certificates loft or' dertroyed; therefore application is made at the laid Bank for the renewal of the famw, of . which all persons concerned are rfefired to take notice. Clement Biddle. Philad : Septeorber 3, 1800 djm mwf tf A Young Man, PERFBCI'LY vcrfed 111 Mercantile accounts, and brought up in one of the firft cganting hmifes in this -ity, wilhes employment as Clerk. He is at present absent from Philadelphia, but a line left at the Office of the Gazette of the Uni. ted States he will receive, and it (hall be imme diately attended to. Salary a fetondu y objeil— Employment his motive. august it dtf CHINA GOODS. Landing fron the ship America, M r .i/te. Sims, Commander, from Cirnlon, . JINIJ FOR SALE Br NICKLIN, GRIFFITH & Co. BO'.IEA, Congo, Souchong, ift & and quality, CaiJtr fourhong, Hyton-ftm, r .nkay, Single, Young hyfan, Hyson, ift & id quality, [tnpwnl, j Yellow Si white nankeens Luttftrings, back & color'd (In Boxes Sinfhawt do. 1 affortcd, Sittins di>. J Lutrftnugs, maz. blue k dark green . Si' " WI du C I " « Perliarr MfTitas, dark green J °* Tbey bavt also on band for sale, received 6v the late arrivals from Europe, tSV. 1 Infmallpack- Striped and checked ginghams | ages iff>rted, White figured & color'd Mufi | calculated for I'wetts £the Weft-ln White CT.rded dimities I dia market Ik Color'd silk, itriped Nankeens | entitled to J drawback, 14 Trunks printed Calicoes, 5 do. do. 3 Bales seine twine (Entitled to 10 Cafss Enplifh China ware, (drawback, in tea let Is J 6 Calks mineral black, 1 do. white, 10 do. colcother, 3 Calks purple brown, 3j do. nails affined, o do. London porter in bottles, Rng'iih fail canvas, No. I, 1 & 3, Kuffla duck, a 7 Boxes white Haranna sugar, 13 Pipes old Madeira wine, Gunpowder, Empty wine bottles, ' 10 Guns, 6 pcunderi, 11 do. 9 do. ig do. 9 do. with carriages, gee. z8 jjccclbs. Ceribon coffee, lU quality to jo,ooolbs black pepper ( drawback. 10 L-'gi ebony J M-.y j.; eod^w. That and commodious H 0 U S E, At tke cornet of Arch and Ninth flreeti. To be Let, {'"HE house, ftahle, coach-house an 4 lots, lately A, occupied !>y Major Butler, fitaatc a« above For t- rus apply to J B. Wallace, No. 28, north Firth Ureet. om-e.nt aad vellum, marked or stamped, and duly crvunter-ftamp ed, with the following rates of duty "which are demindatile by law : For every (kiia or piece of veil jm or parchment,or Ibeet or piece of paper, upon which (hall be Written or printed any or either of the inftru meuts or writings following, to wit, AM/,. C. M. NY certificate of naturalization 5 Ai)y licence to pratfire, or certificate o* the admifl}on,entol!mentorre gillry ot any counlellor, Policitor Advocate attorney, or procSor, in any court of the United State» 10 Provided* that a certificate in any one of the a mru tof he United States, for any one of the said c ffiees, (hail so far 33 relate« to the payment of the duty aforefaid, he a I'uilkient admis sion m all the courts of the United States, for each and every of the fiid offices. Any grant or letters patent.under the teal or authority ef the United States (except for lands granted lor military fervicas) 4 Any exemplification or certified copy of any such grant or letters patent (except for lands granted for mili tary services) % Any charter party, bottomry or re spondentia bond I Auy receipt or discharge for or on ac count of any legacy left by my will or other tellimentary inftru nient, or for any (hare or part of a purfonal eflate, divided by force of any ftaiuteof diftrikutions other than to the wife, children <;r grand children of the person diseased, the amount whereof (haH be above the value • f fifty dollars, and (hall not exceed the value of oue hundred dollars 35 When the amount thereof /hall ex ceed the value of one hundred dol lars, and (hall not exceed fivt hun dred d .liars 50 And for every further sum of five hundred dollars, tie additional sum of 1 Any policy of inf»rance or inflri/- ment in nature therejf, when the sum tor which infnrante is made (hill not exceed five hundred dol hrs , a j When the sum intired (hill ex«eed five hundred dollars I Any exemplification of what nature soever, that (hill pas» the seal of any court, oiher than such as it nuy be the duty of the clerk rf such court t« fumifh for the wfe of the United States, or some parti cular (late 50 Any bond, bill single or penal, inland bill of exchmgc, promiifoiy note or other n te (other !han any recognizance, bill, bind of other obligation or comra, made to or with the United States, or any flate,nr fcr their use relptdiively ; and any bond" required in any cafe by the laws of the tfnlted States, or ot any (late, upon legal process, . or in anv judicial proceeding, or for the faithful performance at any trust or duty } If above twenty dollars and not exrerling one feundrcd dollars 10 If above one'hundred and njat ex ceeding five handred dollars * aj If above five hundred and not ex ceeding one thoufind dollars 50 And if above one thouland dollars 75 Provided, that >f aiiy bonds or notes (hall be payable at or within fixtv days, such h .mis or notes (hill be fubjedl to petty two futh parts of the duly aforefaid, viz. If above twenty and not exceeding one hundred dollars 4 If above one hundied dollars and not exceeding five hundred dolla* 10 If above five hundred dollars and not exceeding one thousand dolls. 10 If above one tltoufand dollars 30 Any foreign hill of exchange, draft or order for the payment of money in any foreign country ao The said duty being charge able upon each and every bill of ex change, without to the num- * ber contained in each fiet. Any note or hill of lading or writing or receipt in nature thereof, for goods oF merchandize to be ex ported ; If from one diflrifl to anotliar dif triilof theWniled States,not being in the fame state 4 If from the United States to any fo reign port or place to The laid duty heine chargeable upon earh and every bill oflaiing without r#(peifl to the number con tained to each set. Any notes iflued by the banks now efl j'alithed or that may be hereafter eflablilhed within the United States, »ther than the notes of such of the laid banks as (hall a gree to an annual composition of one per centum on the annuaJ di vidends made by such banks, to their ftockh' Idets rel'peilively, ac cording to the following scale : On all notes not exceeding fifty dol lars, for each dollar 6 On all notes ab ve fifty dollars and not exceeding one hundred dollars 50 On all nr tes above one hundred dol » lars andnotexceeding five hundred dollars * On all notes above five hundred dol lars k ? m. Any \vfot*Qf <»r other not Aria) * except for aE invalid penfion,or to oWa'm or ft-H warrants for lend granted by the United Statss as bounty for n\il tjry fe£*iees performed in the Ute *'»r x jj Any inventory or ca:alogM of *O7 fur niiure.g»»d» or clTcdt,-nude in any cife rrq«irnl l)r law (tMt,v in cilet of g«r»ui ai.d chittcli CiflrifMH for rent *r ucet.tud goods cakeD in vir tue of any legal pMcdi by u; oOnr - 5® Anj crrifi(it':i of 1 Jhnreis any iufo rartcr compiry, of 1 1 Iturtio ch» baak of (he United 8ut»», or of »oy {Late or other' bank; If twrrty Solhri lad not exceed- . , ing one hundrp i dollars 10 If above one hundred dollars is If under twenty dollars, at the ra'e of ten cents lor one hundred dollars. Tl;at the power of the fupervifjrs of ike Revenue to tn.irk or ftuup any vellum, parchment or paper chargeable wi:(i duty, will cease and deteroiine from ;uid after fix month* from the date hereof, to wit, on the lift day ot February iSoi. That, if any persons (hall, after the last day of Febrrwry ißei, h-'ve in their cirllody or pofleilion, any vellum, parchment or pa per, marked or flapped by the fupe.rvifors of the Revenue, upon which any matter ot thing, charged with duty, (hall not have been written or printed, they may at any time within the space of sixty days after the said last day of February 1801, bring or fend such vellum, 'parchment and papei, unto f. mt- office of infpedlion, and in lieu thereof, receive a like quantity or value of veil um, parchment and paper, duly llamped in pui fuaric-e of the !t(\ herein before recited. And in cafe any person (hall negieft or re fufe, within the time iforefaid, to bring or cause to be brought unto some officer of in (]ie (On very low rcrnis for the ensuing winter and iprHg) a large and convewicat Brick House and Kitchen, Coach house, Stable and I.ot of Grooiarl, pleafan'ly Ctuated in the Nor hern Liberties, a In tie to tha wed ward of Fif'h and Eorthward ot CallowliiD streets, and within ten miiiutcs waik from the center of the city. Apply to ' WILLIAM MEREDITH. Attorney at—No. 16, south 4th flreet oftober 19 mwfjw Marshal's Sales. C. M UNITED STATES, > rzsNsn.VANiA District, \ BY virtue of a writ to me diren which their workmen art now employed, have the pleasure of afiunng the public, that window glaf» of a fupei ior qua lity and of any size, from 7 by 9, to 18 by 24. inches, carefully packed in boxes containing 100 feet ea h, may be had at the Ihorteft notice. Glass of larger sizes for other purpofei, may also be bad, fiich as for piftures, coach glaflcs, clock faces, &c. Bottles of all kinds and of any quantity may also be had, together with pocket tiafks, picklingjarf, apotkecary's £hop furniture, or other hollow ware—the whole at least 15 per cent, lower/than articles of the fame quality brought from any of the sea ports of the United States. A liberal allowance will be made en sale of large quantities. Orders from merchants ind others will fee punctually attended to on ap plication to JAMES O'HARA or ISAAC CRAIG, or at the Store of MefTrs. PRATI'IER andSMILiE, in Muket-Street, Pittsburgh, March tuthtf. To Printers. The following MATERIALS will be fold rr-.f'oM iblo if applied for inniediately. I PriTs,*~ 3 Feint's Lwc-Primer (partly worn) 1 dnflJ Slll 11-Pit* tin Pica body, 2 ditto Pica, t ditto F.ngfiri), z •!itto Brevier, 1 ditto Bmgeois, Several pair of Chafes, fcveral comp'ofiiig flkLs, frillies and gallirys, some brafe rules, Quotations, etc. See. &c: all of the above will We fold very reasonable for Cadi. September 8. mts tS ■V .T . . . -'• ~ fc : _.s