Gazette of the United States. PHILADELPHIA, F'lt 10 AY EVFNING, NOVEMBER, 21. Prices of Public Stock, Philadelphia, November 19 Eight p«r cent (lock—to? 1 J a 109 Si* p« cent, fUck 891-4 "89 1-1 Navy ditto g 9 ~1 „ 9C Deferred 6 per cent. 881-49 88 i-» Three percent. 55 J I-a percent. J 4 r-i per cent.j none at market BANK U. States, 37J „ 38 p. cent ad.-\ PcnnfUvatiia, iji ditto ( N.America 1510151 ditto ( ■nfnroceC*. Prnm'a noatzi ditto J North America 80 Tufnpike - 450 a 160 dolls. Schuylkill Bridge - - - p»r Water Loan, 87.] dolls. Land Warrant# 15 a 30 dolls, too acires 6't.AuguJline Church Lottery fitleti, dollars EXCHANGE. On London at 60 days 711 a 75 On Amsterdam, do 39 040 cent? / [per Florin > On Hambargh do 36 a 37 cenu \ [per Mark Rates of Foreign Coins and (.ur. rencies in the United States—pit act of Cong res for payment of Du ties. Englilh pound sterling 4 44 lriih do do 4 10 ( Dutch Florin or Guilder o 40 f Harrllurgh Mark UatKO o 33 >l7" The subscriber having frequently heard compla nts of the want of accuracy in *be price current of public stock, has conclud ed to fnrnifli the Gazette of the United States, (it called for) with what may in his opinion be confid'-red the Market Prices ot Stock, and the Rates of Exchange. M. M'CONNEtL, CBukue strecti No, 143. We regret the Letter from Lancas ter, signed " a Citizen,'' came too late: for insertion this day. Nothing but the turpitude ef their de signs, is more confpicuoifs among the Jacebins than their industrious endea vburs to deceive; although, from the folly of their plans, they have been foiled in a thousand attempts, they are zealous ly. pursuing a' thousand more, equally weak. Their ill fucrefs, instead of having taught them prudence, has made them more bold. Frequent detection, instead of inducing them to use more cunning, has caused them to aft, as tho' none were necelfary. And from a con fta'it disregard of all laws, they have at length'haWtuated themselves to a total ■violation of all moral obligations. This is evinced in their recent at tempt to palm upon the world, as the production of the fpir'ited and witty Portupine, a stupid Jacobinical Pam phlet, which they call the Rush Light No. 6, which is undoubtedly written by some American-Unitcd-Iriih scrib bler. Every person of the least judgment, who reads one page of this stupid and vi cious pamphlet, will be convinced, from internal evidence only, that it never came from the head or the heart of William Cobbett. The public are allured that it is a vile forgery, and (notwithstanding the re peated aflertions of the Republican Bookseller, his having received it from England) that it is altogether Penn/yiva man. Matthew Ditto knows the writer ; James C—y, the printer ; and Mrs. S—, in south Third l'lreet, the person who Hitched them, and sept them to the Re publican Bookstore. Upon the bed authority we slate that .the Secretary of State has not yet re ceived any intimation ot the conclusion of a treaty between the United states a«d France. There are 15 candidates for the pod of chaplain to the House of Representa tives of the United States. The Electors in Maryland will be, it is expected, equally divided. Tie gentlemen appointed, by the Legisla ture of MaffacbuiVtU, to choose Eletlort of Prrefident and Vice Prtfidelit are all true Bederal Republicans and will vote Unani mously for Adams apd

nckney. —At the time the choice was made, there wss 233 n;t mbers present. » • MARRIED}—At Fricrd* Meetinf iu Pine Irett, Joshua Lokojthtu, Merchant, %• thcaniablc Mil*. Saia* William* ofthu City. DIED] —at Milefhorough (Center- County, Penrfylvania) 011 tlie ill inlt. Robert Fleming, Efq, Storihs and raves at the dignifird, and noole It a! id made by the federal Senators j of Pennsylvania, in a conscientious defence | of their constitutional rights and authority SnH.e flatteiy nd pVomiles have been ex baufted, in vain, to draw tliein froin the do ty they owe their countiy, and a i'acred re gard to t! eir oaths to fup-jort the ConiHtu tion, threats to the mod daring* and infamous excels, are run* retorted to. We are told that the people wiH uie rue means in their power to accomplish tiieir will, that a re currence Will fee hail to revolutionary prioci jiks, ;f the Senate ptrlill Can the partial and fliortlivifj success of a daring fac tion lo madden them, that they thus avow an intention ot breaking down the (trong holds ot tjie Conil tution, with the hands of J iaw|efs violence, and of proflrating the law and order of lotiety to carry a favorite pre j ?—Contemptible wretches ! Let them learn that men, adh-png firmly to the Con- Ifjtutiort of their country, can stand by it before God and their country to the lilt ex tremity. and are not to be intimidated from an hnneft performance of their duty Ivy im potent menaces or idle boastings. The Se nate, and House fyoiir country i» spite of a momentary popuh.r clamour, and the infamous menaces i it such wretched creatures of fartion as Dnane. What honest m:n would not now glory in being a Senator of Pennsylvania ? \ What p'ice is toe great for tbe distinguished I hoti itir ? Extratt from two Jetters of the Norfolk Committee in reply to Mr. S.imiH Caates, chairman of the Committee of C rrtlpon drnce, in confequcnce of a remittance of Two Thousand Dollaus, for the re lief i f that c-ty. '■ With lenfatians as grateful as they are new, they aiTtime the pleajing task, of ten dering to the generous and humane inticbU cants of Philadelphia, tilt? efFiifiors of feel ing. and the lvar.tfelt gratitude of a (irge and a 1 tely filtering community—of fending to them the (Irnngetl fentirnents of eileein, and the highefl off rings of relVtt, of thank ing them for their friendly tenders of relief, and their animated interpjfition in favour of the diQrclTed, the needy, ai d the poor.j A(tnre them, Sir, th«c rothing, hut the previous in erference of th.t GOD, who alone " can stay the pestilence a;ul direct ifs course prevents u*, from ;tc. eptng with chjfrfgliiefs and thanks-, ail the o fieri rigs of theiP liberality. We are, perhaps,excited to an uncommon w.umth of feeling and ex pression. on the acculiin, as the ff-r of relief, from the citizens of Philadelphia, is the on ly one we have received---It frauds alone 1 -—a fingl'-, folitaiy arm of humanity, exten d»d " when the time of our calamity came upon i:«." "We pray forth? welfare, tienlth and pio fperiry of the firfl City :ri the Union ; and fervemjy hoping, the aII-feeing- eye of Pro vidence, which marks the emanations of ch rity and benevolence, as well as the chil ling damps of nhgi,kct, will not teach other towns tf- commiserate and relief the fu(F erings of their neighbours; by such severe ch ftifenients, as Philadelphia and Norfolk have experience!!. '• We now return tlv draft, afTuring yqu, and the good citizens of Philadelphia, that we entertrfin the. inoft grateful teii r e of their liberality, which we fh .iiul have acce,?ttd had there been an occuflioii for if" A STATED mmiintrf the American PM lofophktl will Ik held at their lull (bit |T<«iAg, at fia o'clock. DUANE. SENATORS OF PENNSYLVANIA, .<£>: NOTICE. JOSEPH CLAY, Sec'ry Friday, november it From the Connecticut Coxrant. THE party in oppofiti-m ;o our govern ment throughout N;w niakea.noif.- ab jut.the DIREC I I AX. It having been aflerted iu one of Burleigh's pieces, that this kind of tax had ever bftn a favourite with the antif<-deral party in Cuilgrefs', I \«as led to i.itisly nJyfelf about it* fr6iii a perusal of the journal? cf 1 the debates of tlie House of Re presentatives. From '. hit it appears, that the northern federaliffs afjvays proposed arid ad vocated INDIRECT TAXES, while the autifedfi-iiliUs obj»d\esto them, and advocat ed DIRECT TAXES, a {-irciVrai)lc. The notliei n foci ralills ifcirct taxes, till indil}eu(ible for pi'oted'ting our trade againll the hojliiity and affgrefljons of l'rance. Mare of the amifcder'alifts voted tor tins dirett taXj tvhich is here the topic of complai'.t with,their party again!! frderal men, than for any of the internal indjreft taxes. Whatever merits thenntifederaljjar. ty 111 congress may have, J am fatisfied they are not entitled to thai cf being oppafed to taxes on houles and land, Those who tiling indirt ft taxes preferable, will not have their views gratified, by the predominancy of that party in the national councils. I thought this matter ought to be dated, so as to be generally and corredlly underllood. A HOUSEHOLDER. [ ! hose who wilh to have [iroof of the fa£l above (fated, are requcfled to turn to the de bates in the Houle of Reprefentativs of the United States, o.i the Snuff and Sugar ex cise— Ihe antifedejal party prapofld to re peal those taxes, and to substitute*in the place oj Item A DIRECT TAX l'hey went lo far as to name the sum it would be proper t<» raise, fcnd Mr- Fuidley, a leading antifederal member, pr.-pofsd the sum of TWO MILLIONS OF DOLLARS ; this proportion was resisted Ay (hi; ■federal num bers, and through their exertions the ex cise on fnulF and sugar was coiitiuLied, and a land-tax avoided. When in the courfp of thrive vsars after, \Ji<- independence of this count; «as mena ced by fruiter, with demand* ct tribute, and threats of mw.ifiyn ) and wl);n --very portion of citiaensi. from one end of the continent .to the other,came forward :>ud pledged their lives and fortunes in flippant of the meafmes then adopted by the guvertiipeut, thkn the antifedera! pauy, who wcrr igrflterly lb rea dy to raise TWO by a direst tax, in lieu of * trifling iudiittl tax, opposed the measure of raifjntf tjie fame turn for the national d tenet, after many, of thein had vo ted for tin- Army, the N-.n.\, and other men. fures of defence. If through the devices of this party, the country fliviild be embroiled in a war with Great Britain, how many more MILLIONS wilt tliey raifcby a dtredl tax to carry itf'on ? It, on the contrary, the wife and pacific measures of the friertds of PE.M:E, GOOD ORDEK, and the CON- S.ITIUTION, Ibould prevail, the people will never bear of tftuifi tr hind-tax.] Mercury,'] ' <- <£> #e MafTachufetts Legislature. Thursd»Y, November 13. Til- Gommiufcf 011 the fpetCh of his Ex cellflKy the Go.-ernor, rrpoij d an ar.iwcr, which was accepted, and the fame commit, tcr appointed to ptr(l* .11 i;. CHOICE OF ELECTORS. At hall past eleven o'tlotk, to previous alignment, the two branches of the k'giilature met in convention 1" r the choice ol Electors of Prelident and Vice-Prefident.' 'l'lie Honorable MefTri. Bi foo'e und Bigeiow, of the Senate, and VTelT's. Montague, Til lirgb«ft, and Prefcott, of tfy; Hoi.l'e, were appointed the committee to the votes. Wlirn the following gentlemen were chofe'n by Jiftind ballot, except the two ; At large—Whole No. Votes' 2 53. Hon. Samuel Phillips, Esq. had 166 votes Hon. Edward H. Robbins, Esq. 210 First i>'esto n District— Whole No. 241 Hon. David Rofjeter, Esq. 192 Second Westc I—Whole No. 240 Hon. Ebenezer Hunt, Esq. 192 Tiihd i'/em 7;-- VY'-hole- No. 229 John Hooker, Esq. 163 Fvurtb We ;(ern--Wh'ole No. 239 Joseph Allen, Esq. 211 Pint Son hem—WhMe No. 249 Hon. Walter Spooner, Esq. 197 Second Southern—XV h6\e No 229 Hon. William Sever, Esq. 200 Tbtrd Southern Whole No. 227 Hon. William Baylies, Esq. 176 Ftrst Middle—- Whole No. 233 Hon. Thomas Dawes, Esq. . 188 Second Middle— Whole No. 236 Hon. Francis Dana, Esq. 148 Third Middle—Whol- No. 229 Hon. Samuel Sewall, Esq. 187 Fourth Middle'— Whole No. 221 Hon. Theophilus Bradbury, Esq. 168 First F.astern—Whole No. 232 Samuel Sumner Wilde, Esq. I^s Secrmd Eastern— Whole No. 227 Lemuel Weeks, Esq. IS6 Third Eastern— Whole No. 222 Andrew P. Fernald, Esq. 222 In the Senate Hi*-' ExcVl'-t cy's Speech was commniitted to the Hvm. M.'llrs Jgnf.s, DAvtsand Bigelow,wlio ycihrrdsy repot' ted the following A'nftoer, whic.'i was accept ed, and prcfentcd. AtjfSWER of the SEM ITE t ■ the GOV ERNOR'S SPEECH. May it please your ExctJhncy, | IT having been generally «nd.-rflood, that ! the objeft of the Legiflnturr, in ;iflembli rig at this ieafon of the year, is tlie -ppointnient of Ele£V;ood Government! and that the result may promote the belt intrefts of our country. It is matter of regret, that any of our fellow citizens fho.utd be foloft to a sense of their duty and interest, as to set the power of Government at • defiance, and oppose their individual Ifiength to that of the communi ty, So far as may depend on us, your Ex cellency may be assured that proper means will be adopted to i'upprels such pernicious evjls. We are gratifed with the information, which your Excellency has communicated with refpeft to our unproved flat" of our Militia. We feel confident, that so much dependence is to be placed on their difciplmc, courage and patriotism, that their Country has more to fear from the arts than from the arms of her enemies. ANSWER OF THE HOUSE. . May it please your Excellency, THE House ofUeprelentatives concur with your Excellency in the sentiment, that the ob jedt of their prelent fefiion is highly interefling, not only to our immediate coultituent*, but to the Whole people of the United States, fincetSe welfare and prosperity of a Ration essentially depend on the chandler of their magistrates ; and the wisdom with wnich their government is adminifftred, Scriouflyi.-npr. fled with this sentiment, it fkall be our zealous endeavour to feleifl thole who are to five their fuffrages in 'his State, in the ensuing important eledlion from the bed int rmed citizens, and who have afT.irde l pi*oofs of their attachment to order and good govern rnent —And may that wile and gra cious Providence, which has hitherto direcite>l the counfch, and prospered the exertions of the American people, overrule and diredl our deli berations upon this occasion for the public good ! While we learn with fatisia&ion that tran quility generally prevails thrcughout the Com monwealth, wt receive with regret the painful information, that in one C* unty some misgui ded and deluded.citizens have been guilty of violent infraif ions of the peace ot the Common wealth, and have manliefted a Ipirit of tefiftance to the law Yi>nr Excellency, and the good citizsns of the State, may be allured, that this Houle will co-operate in all proper measures to deteil and punifli all futh enormities already commuted, and to prevent, as far as poffib e, the commif Ron of them info: ur> : —F< • they are lu y con vinccd with your Excellency, that indiffereact on 'he part of the Government, will feijv* to embolden the offenders, anJ to invite by a hope of impunity, the repetition o! similar outrages The unusual improved state oi the militia, which your Excellency has noticed, niuft be highly gratifying to every friend t» the rights a:;d dignity of ouj country ; for with a Militia thus trained, and animated with pairiotic and military ardor, America will not hesitate 'oal fert, or be unable to defend her national rights, against any inv«;ltfr. Thr important ot>j»A »f • nit ion il *WlioO having beta the bltocriliuiimc if ibs ptviplt M pnflifeic '*«'■» ■ Poftponemetit. FRESH FRUITS AND WINE AT AUCTION. To Morrow Morning, the ail intiant, at to o'cloik, wilt he lold, at Public Auflioß, at MefTra. Wain's wharf, bel'w the Draw bridge ; in lots to liiit puicSjfuis . THE CARGO Of the brig Mtntor, i! ri SottfbeTd •LMONIJS, in bags Alio, a few tamdn 4 weight SHEE T CORK. .Sn MUKL YOKKE, AUUV. November 11 ff New-Theatre. ON FRIDAY EVENING, November 21, Will be f refcited 2 mud a !mir-d Comely CALLED Reconciliation ; OR, The Birth Day. To v'iiicl) will be added, Never performed here, a MuGeal Farce (in 3 a£U) called A Trip to Fontainbleau. [Written by O Kctfc ] Health-Office, 4t|\ 'Novrm'jtr ißqO> THE Pilots of the River Delaware are delired to t:l< !-,#uce that after the :4th inft. all vtffels f rom foreign ports are peraii - ted to procred to the city without co\j»ng' to > at the Lazaretto, to be ex:ir.iined by tb Krlulent Pbyfician. WII.LIAM ALLEN, Healtb-Ojjficcr. Nov. 4 dzw To Creditors. AT a county court o' cimmon pleas, held at Union town, for the county of Fayette, the fe« cond Monday of September, in the year of our Lord one th.uifantl eight hnndred, before the honorable Alexander Addifon, Esq. President of the fame court. ON the petition of Thomas Pew, info vsnt debtsr, praying the beuefit of the ait of AffeniMy, pafled the fourth 'day of A; one thoufanJ seven hun 'red and m.- cty-eijr'it, lorthe reli sos i'dolvcnt debtors I'he' Cour: ap-.ciuti tne fccmid Monday of Decern <-r next to heat the pet.tioner and his creditor , and biders that he give, hii creditor- r,o;i.ce thrreo! 1 y a publication for thr"c fucc fliv. weeks in the layer e Gazette, an 1 in the UnitesGazrtte printed at P.ii lade phia, tl« ia '5 nlwh:sh Hull beat lean three weeks l-efrre .the - ay ol hcaiitig. By the Court. EPHRAIM DOUG!, VS, l'rctiw:.o'a~vi October 24. V < *«< „ Gazette Marine Lift. PORT OF PHILADELPHIA. Schooner Mary, from New York to Edcti« ton, has arrived at New Castle in diflrefs—hjiv« ing fpi-'ung a leak The Piht of her informs that on TneKay last, he saw two brigs OfT tfl« Capes, endeavouring so get in ; one of thertt having red firlej, rs prelmned to be the £jli*>t, frgni Havanna. Schooner Bilboa, Perkins, from heace„J)a* arrived at St. Sebaftiana. NEW YORK, November 10. ARRIVED, d.yj Brig Abigail, Mathews, St- Sebastians 40 Matilda, Chapman, Tortaia 1$ Ship Shepherdess, , Savannah Schr. Commerce, Tapper, Liverpool CLEARED, Ship Lord Duncan, M'Guirej Jamaica Sarah, jay, St. Sebastian* Phcenix, , Madeira The Abigail was boarded by two Guernsey privateers and well u!ed. The Abigail left at St. Scbaftianj the following vefleis:— Barque Nixon, Ray, of and for Savannah Ship Orlaridn, Smith, of an,d sot* New York Matilda, Travis, of da Alknomac, ~of do . Argus, Main, of do Brig Try all, Glfford, of do Mary, , 0 f do Hit am, , of do Ship Th -mas, Higglns, of CharleAon Hope, , of do Eliza, , (/ do Brig Sukey, Storm, of do ■Nancy, -j of do FrieiH(hip,o'Cinn«rof Philadelphia 3 Siflers, WatOin, of do Mmtrta, Archer, of do , AmnbleCreoie, —-of do Schr. Sally, , 0 f do Minerva, , of do ■A (hip from New York, one from Charleston, a nd a brig name unkn wn. »•*»*■ miiiiw NOTICE*; A LL persons indebted to the Kttate ot Thomas • in. Herman Leuifer, merchant, ;hcre they -~nurmc to draw and authenticate, according to tl*e most .v tonus, and wih the. gre-tcft dispatch, Letters gf procuration, attorney and substitution of every ku.d, sea letters , and rolls d'e<£uipage, proof of property to he fliipped to foreign ports, affidavit# to obtain Teamau'p ?rote&ions a* the Custom and arfi 'avit* of every other kind an 1 defciiption, charter t a -tics, bottomree refpon d-fltiaand other mercantile bonds and obligations, biUs of frle and ail other iation6 relative to the different k ids of (lock, trade jnd commerce ; and regUWtf letters of attorney lor .the recovery of debts, as well as all other docunu-jr •■ecorded in the office «f Notcrr s. i hey a,fo draw deeds, bonds, n.vrtgas s, wills MUEL RHOADS. jVo. l, Ptnn Slrc:t. November 21• del -I *"« i •« *