Gazette of the United States, & daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1800-1801, November 20, 1800, Image 3

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A Gentleman of refpcftability arrived
in New-York, faft Tukfday, from New
port, by water, which place he left on
Monday. He informs us, that on Sun
day last, he fawi-a gentleman at Newport
who had left Bolton the day before.
This gentleman informed him that the
United States Slip Boston, Capt. Little
had arrived at that port, with a Frentjh
Ship of war of 28 guns, which she had
captured oft" the Weft-Indies, after an
engagement of four hours. The Boston
had xo men killed, and about 20 woun
ded. The lo{s on the part of the French
was not mentioned. Our informant
adds, that he lias no doubt of this intel
ligehce, as the gentleman from whom he
had it, saw both vefiels come into
Boston. >
Mr. Wjvyne,
TOUR ready infertioli of «ny former let
ter, induces me to offer you some remarks
upon the.theatrical performances qf the palt
week. ,
The popular play of Pizvirro, was rrpre
fented on Monday, and the principal cha
racters were uniformly well fuppurted. The
merits of' this drama, as a cwmpafition, are
so well e(l?.bli(hed, that it would be fupeiflu
oils to enlarge upon them here. A.ll altera
tion was made in the sth a£t, at thelail re
prefchtatioh; upon whitlv, very different
opinions will, doubtlcfs, be entertained.—
The drama was.clofrd with .the death ol
Kolta. This if the mode in whicf! Kotze
bue terminates the original play. Mr. She.
lidin, in order to execute poetical justice,
or, as some of the critical journalilts ot' En
gland affer», with a view to exhibit a battle
Und a funeral procelfion in the immenle Rage
of new Drury, added the concluding scenes.
l r or these additions, he is much censured by
a majority of the transatlantic critics. It is
' indeed questionable, whether they have im
proved the pltiv. He lus in conl'equence of
them, been obliged to change the hero of
the drama. Uolla, is Kotaenue's hero ;
Piza'rro is Sheridan's. The liberty taken
with'hiflorical tru;h,(in the ciicumfUncei at- ;
Tending the death ot Pirflrru, is so glaring, j
that thr mind' revolts at it. We can admit
the probability of the temporary repulle, 1
■Which the Spaniards fullain in the fecoiiG
»St ; 'btt not of their total defeat, which
occurs in the fifth. On the other hand, the
mind contemplates with fatisfa&ion, the
merited f<«te which overtakes the ferocious
tyrant ; and is ioothe'd by'th<- honors which
* *re paid to the memory of Rclla. Perhaps
there is 110 dramatic charafter more calcu
lat'd to interest the feelings of the fpeitators,
t. n that of the Peruvian chief. For thel'e
' '•h'Tf-'fei something may be (
" Hu.," it will be difficult, t* find an apology, (
for the intreduftion of Elvira in the fifth ,
. aft. This, is i> pantomimical trick, which ,
bears too dote a refembhtice to the entrance ,
' of the Gholt, in the concluding scene of .the , |
Caflle Speftre. It is unworthy the genius j
of Sheridan ; which has in every other part I ,
of the play, > purified the gold of Kotzebue j
from the dross which obfeured its splendour, j
and bellowed upon it, the highest and moll
eqnifite polifl).
Before I dismiss this fubjeft, it may, per
haps, be amiifing, to trace the coincidence of j
opinion, between a Philadelphia and a Lon- j
don audienCe. The cbara&er of Cora is so :
exquiTitely drawn, that it Ihould ferm, tha.t j
the fpeilators would in general, be fatiified
with a U fs animatedprrfonification of Elvira,
if they could, by this means, witness a per
fedVrepreientation of Cura. Ihewilh, that
Mrs. Merfy's pre-eminent talents hid been
displayed in that charafter, has been fre
quently exprefled; In a file of l.ondon pa
pers, which now lies before me, it is lament
ed, that Mrs. Siddons had not chosen it, in '
preference to the part of Elvira ; although,
the latter was expressly adapted to her unri
valled powers.
A new comedy, called The Votary ol
Wealth, was performed on Wednesday.
It is the production of Mr. Holman, and
contains some excellent lhe
pifture of life and manners, which it exhi
bits, is, in general, far more just, than that
which occurs in a great proportion ot mo
dern productions. Nlhey too often, depend
for their effect, upon the ludicrous eccentric
cities of some prominent character. I his
play was well performed. The part of young
Viforly, found an able and correft represen
tative in Mr. Wood. Miss Wellray, per
formed the part of Caroline, with a degree
of accuracy and precision which conteired
importance upon it, and excited a wilh that
the were brought forward more frequently.
The play was received with general approba
tion. The m'ufical entertainment of the
Poor Soldier succeeded, it, in which Mr.
Darley, jun'r. made his second appearance.
The improper oppolitiun which was attempt
ed at his former appearance, was not renew
ed. He sung his with his usual ex
cellence, md was honoured with universal
#P A new performer was brought forward
on Friday, 111 the character of HafTan in the ]
" Cattle Speftre; It is difficult to judge of his
talents from that night's re pre fen tat ion. He
aopeared to enter into the febpe ot the cha
racter ; but he does not seem to have attain
ed that command of voice, which u necel
fary in an extensive theatre. Mr. Cooper
and Mr?. Merry, fuftrfned their parts, with
their usual excellence. Mr. Warren s father
Phillip, niould not be )afTed over
remark. Tt was admirably performed. Per
haps it wonid be difficult to find in any part
of Great Britain, a more accurate iepre en.
tame of Falftaff. And it is evident from
piany of the turns both of thought and ex
prefiion, that Mr. Eewis, m Hutching the
riiaradler o
his nrlnd.
A new Muficjl Farce, called S:. David's J
D<y cloied the evening's eVitertainm-nt. j
The princip >1 merit of this piece, 'as may be i
supposed, consists in the Mulic. This is !
entitled to llw highest praiTe. But its j
excellence does not depend en the mulic i
alone. There are one or two (ketches of
character, that of Peter PlimUmmon in
partcular, which a little more dilated,
would be productive of much comic I
effett. Peirhups however, the humour
and alluficms are too frequently local,
to rendtr this production a general f.ivorite,
nnlefi ihe admiration which the Malic inuii
excit- in every'judge of musical compulition,
ftiould supply theft dci'efts.—ln our scene,
a little Wclfli nymph in reply to a number
of queflions which'are put to her, uses two
words which, it is said, fignify nu English,
or some think of similar import. Hut this
part of the plot, to use an expreflion of
Bayes in the Hehearfal, (liauld have been
" inliiiuated into the box, J s," for without
this explana;ion, the humour of old Town
ly's next speech and his alluGons to Moun
fieur NopgTong Paw—is he calls him, are
aim elf unintelligible.
The Performers acquitted themselves
with ability. Miss. E. W.-flray, performed
the chara&er of Ellen, with the mod cap
tivating limplicity. Mrs. Oldmixos's vocal
excellence is well known. She introduced
the favorite fang of i|ie Blue'•Bell of Scot
land. We believe that no psrfon who has
heard this exquisite Scotch mel >dy, will be
surprised at the univeiTal admiration which
it has excited in Great Britain. Mr. Ber
; nard, a* might be expe&cd gave full effeft
■ to the charafter of PcterJPlimlimmon.
The Managers delerve praise for their ex
• ertions in bi inging forward two novelties
• in the courle of the fame week. We doubt
1 not t hat the liberalityt>f the citizens of Phi
• hdelpbia, will (till continue to keep pace
: with theefforts which are made, to render
: the entertainments of the New Theatre,
. worthy of their patronage,
Extraft of a letter, dated Lancaster, Nov. (
18, 1800. V
" This morning the committee of confer
ence made its report to the Hou!e of Repre- tc
| lentatives. It contains elaborate reasoning
! in iuftificition of the Hojfe so'" the part it
; had afted, and calculated to impress on the
j minds of the people, tha* th«* fiult is the,
■ Senate's, that we have no EliAoral Bill—
I and it winds up with a resolution no. to re ti
1 cede from the vote of noti-concurrence.'! he 11
queflion was instantly taken oil the refoluti- t
,on and carried by a large majority. W. o
• Penrofe then read a new bill in his ihce, S
| containing the principle of a joint vote, but
f lo rmoritfiej, that the Senate Should nr tninaie
I 15, & the H. of Representatives 15 •letters.
That on Fiidaynext (after such nomina- {
;icn and a mutual notification thereof) the ]
members of '..lie two Hf'iOs Qimld mc: t J
together and chufe 15, five whereof to be (
sot of the Senate's nominal ion, and i»out f
of the nomination of the Houle of Repre
lentatives. This bill was made the order
for this afternoon, th« usual rules being
dil'penfed with. ;
At four o'clock, the House met, and the
firft fettion being under consideration, M r '
Mitchell, from Cumberland, rose and sot
lemnly declared his opposition to it. No
a word was uttered on either fide of the
House. The quefli»n was put and to the
amazement of all parties—was lofV, thirty
members only riling in favour of it. On
the queflion being reversed 36 rose. - The
House dire&ly adjourned.
t mmmmm
Extra A of a letter from an officer on board
the Petapfco sloop of #ar, to his friend in
this city.
On the 22d of September, we arrived off
the island of Curracoa. Having previously
been informed that a French force fff 16
vessels and 1400 men from Gaudaloupe
were besieging, the city of Amllerdaji, in
that island, we reconnoitred, and aifcover
ed the privateers, 15 in number, laying
close under two forts, which we thought
tooftrong for us to attack, having only the
United States (hip Merrimack to support
us. At the fame time, spoke tlif British
frigate Nereide, who had the governor of
Curracoa, and the American consul on
board. The latter informed captain Ged
des that the enemy intended to take the
town by florin that night, and that to pre
serve the proj#erty ot the America#
chants afloat as well as afhoie, it
opinion one of our Ihips ought to run into
the harbour in order to prevent the enemy':
entering. At sin the evening we flood in,
when the French opened a quick and well
di.eardfire upon us from a fort of two 18,
one 12, and 2 nine pounders, within halt
pidol shot, and from the windows, roofs of
the houses in the L'othra Banda, which was
filled with the enemies troops—who kept
up a conftantfire of mulketrv, which was as
warmly returned from the /.cannon and
muikets of the Petapfco, and thole deluded
people who efcapeddeath, returned to their
camps, but at intervals, engaged us all
night, which we returned from our great
guns. On the 23d they appeared to be |
more in motion than in common, but kept i
up a constant fije ,from their batteries, they
embarked with great precipitation, leaving
behind them eighty or an hundred men, all
their guns, ammunition, provisions, fee—
with pleasure 1 am enabled to flat# we had
but two wounded, one of which was Mr.
Calder—the loss on the part ot the French
j is computed about 150, with one Genital
: ! Officer We received considerable damage
■' in our hull, rigging, find fails. On the
; 24fU thfe Briiilh frigate Neriade entered
. mdhoifted the Mritifh flag, «gr.eeably to the
i capitulation entered into with the Governor
. previous to our arrival. All the American
; property is fafe. 7
| Monday, November 17.
A Constant Reader»
this being,the day fixed by law for She
meetihgoi Congress, Fotty four members
aflVmbled, in the Capital, viz.
M-ITrs. Foilsr, freeman, S.iiephard, Reed,
Vanillin, Sedgwick, Silas Lee,
Williams, Bilbop, John C. Smith, Daven
port, J»hn Smith, Cortland, Piatt, Glen, ,
Thoinpl.n, Baijy, Lieb, Thomas, Hotter,
Brown', Muhlenberg, Woods, S.nilie, Dent,
Bear, Crink, Christie, Jofcn C. 1 homas,
Nit holfon, Pgwel, Page, Nicholas, Dawfou,
New, Jack foil, Holmes, Macon, Stanford,
Allftpu, Sumptex, Huger, W. C.'C. Clai
bornfi". ,
, The Speaker observed that it had here
tofore been the invariable pra&ice of the
House to admit new members to take their
feats previously to being sworn, though the
Confutation diredted diredlly tbe reverie.
As there was a new member present, he fug
gelled the propriety of adininiftering the
| oath to him before he took hisleat.
| Mr. Macon, thought fucn a.step prema
ture. He was of opinion that no inconve
nience would arise from delaying to admi
nister the oath until « house was forced,
and he thought great cautioo (hould. attend
an innovation opp fed to all precedent.
Mr. Nicholas aflced, whether it had here
tofore been usual in the cafe of a new house
to swear the members before the choice of a
Mr. Speaker, Teplied that it had not.
Mr. Nicholas laid that on though firft
thoughts, he was favorable to admiuifterng
the oath at the present time, yet this pre
cedent inclined him to think such a (tep im
The Speaker waved the question.
The members present not being fufficient
to form a quorum, the Speaker adjourned
the body till to-morrow.
Tnirteen members appeared, viz.
Me firs Anderfon, Baldwin, Brown, Chip
man, Cocke, Foller, Hiilhoufe, Howard,
l.angi'.ou, Livermore, Schureman, Tracy,
But not forming a quorum adjournjd till
Maflachufetts Legislature.
November i».
After the reading of fevral piivate peti
tions, the tw» branches, agreeable to align
ment, met in convention in the Represen
tatives Chamber t and at 12 o'clock his Ejd
cellency, the Governor, came in, and addres
sed the Legislature as follows
Gentlemen of the Senate, and
Gentlemen of the Hou±e of Representatives,
AS the welfare and. prosperity, of a nation,
efientially depend «n th» sh.uafler of t'leir
rragiftrates, and ,the wisdom, with which
their government U adn>imfk-irrd 1 the objett
of your present Scflion mufl fee highly inter
eHtngt not only to your conftvtnrnts, Sue to
the whole people of the United States.
The time approaches when, by their con
stitution and law, the elc&ion of their Pres
ident and Vice Prciident must be completed ;
and you are now alTeinbled to take the
meafnres that are previoiifly nccefiary on
tlie part of this Commonwealth, to aecotn
plifh that important purpofe—Yoy will en
deavor to felctt tlmfi who are to give the
ultimate fuffrage State, from the bed
informed citizens, and the friends of order
and good government j may that wife and
gracious Providence which has hitherto
guided and fuftaincd the American people
preliJe in your deliberations, and direst the
result of them.
Although I have the pleasure to observe
that tranquillity generally prevails though
this Commonwealth, yet it is my duty to (late
to you, that by letters and affidavits, which
the Secretary will l»y betow you, it ap
pears, that since the lalt frffion of the Gen
eral Court, a number cfpcrf4fcs in the coun
ty of Hancock, have, ii>a vitiknt manner,
obftru&ed the buiitiffs of furveyi'ng land in
that county by firing upon and tlangeroully
wounding and chain-men who
were employed in that lervice. The necef
lity of fupprt-fling difur'ders of such a fatal
tendency is' obvious. Indeed the prrfons
guilty of these outrages were concealed or in
dilgutfe ; but they are fuppoied to have been
a&uatedby a spirit of refinance to the law ;
which -would be increi.fed and emboldened
by an appearance, of unconcernednels oil the
part ot the government to restrain or punish
From the reports of several of the Major-
Generals, I am happy to be able to inform
you that the militia of the commonwealth,
are in a state of unuftial improvement. A
large proportion of them are completely e
quipped and uniformed and in the course of
the late reviews their discipline and subordi
nation refletted honor on the officers and
faldiers, and art titled them to peculiar com
mendation. \\ T 'th a militia thus trained,
•and animated with military ardnr, through
the Union, America will n6t hesitate to as
sert her national rights, or bennssblf to de
fend them when ther are invaded.
I f prefumi you will not be willing to pio
traft a ftfllon at this unufaat firafon of > the
year, by attending to befinef? that may
'conveniently be postponed to t'le timt when
you will for the ordinary purpose o:*
icALF.B Strong.
Boston Nov. 12, ISOO. .
The Convention then proceed to the
choice of a Senator for the county of Hamp
shire in the room of the Hon. D. Sexton,
Efq, deceased ; and vl " es b y lellot
being taken, it appeared thai F.ara Stark
weather, F.fq. was choien. Tlx Hon: Sen
ate retired to their chamber.—
ptTectous letter,
Frou a vert Aioiiasr Miti.
From a vert Modest ALiif. j w
Sir, i
•> 1 Came to New-York for the purpole of r
asking General Hamilton, in pe:)'on, whe- e
ther l*e was the author of an attack on the
character of Prelident Adams, which bears c
his naitie ; and" to f..y that I mean to use
that information ior the purpcie of inflittvt
ing ag,ioft you, Sir, a prosecution under the '
deteftaMe aft of CWifffcfs, commonly known
by the name of the " sedition law."
Under this law, puffed through the infiu- a
enee of a party, of which yoa are (and I think
justly) regained as the heari, I have suss red c
fix months tedious impiifonment and paid a '
Gne of four hundred Dollars. I therefore. v
have a right to retaliate ; I have a right to >
try the experiment, whether ripimxamsm i* ?
not tn be the viftim of the law, wh'oh aris
tocracy can break through with impunity.—
There have been many petty offenders in
this relpeft anjong what is called the federal .1
party ; but I have, nothing to do with ti c '
Ferino's the Wayne's and the Journeymen of | J
Federalism. You are worth trying the expe- 1
riment unon. Your energy and your talents '
have rendered you a conipicuous objeft of '
praise and bl irhe.
I, therefore, have determined that in one
way or the other yiu fliall be brought befurfc
the public on this account ; and I did so tar
cajlhilate on your c lift rafter as to fuppoie,
that you would not 1 deny *ljat you have al
ready wrr ten and sanctioned with your name.
I expeft by yrtur answer (directed to me, at
Lancaster, PennTylvat»ia) the fame informa
tion which I should have hoped for person
ally. I c;:me to. town last night between
seven and eight, and sent to you imm'-di
ately. I write this hastily at eight, this
morning, to fend by the ft.ige. 1 (hall'pur
chafe your pamphlet at Lang's, but make
no use of that opportunity of profccution
till I hfcar from you, which I exprSt by
return of the pofi. The answer, I have
no doubt, will'be such as becomes your
I am your obedient servant,
of Northumberland.
To Gen. A. Hamilton, at Albaiiy.
—■ .11 -I II ■ ■ ■! ■ I I ■
Territory of COLUM3IA, November j
The committees of arrangement,for celebra- ;
ting the approaching fsffion of Congress in the |
City of Wellington, have adopted a plan of;
proceflion, wrjiich tjjs ntcommend being firm
ed in front of the Little Hotel, for the. purp St ;
of accompanying the President ot the United !
States 10 the Capital, on the dsy lie meets con- |
grefs to deliver his lpeech. The plan is calcu- |
lated to embrace all dalles and del'criptions of
perfonswho may attend —It is req-erted of
thole who chufe t > join th« procefilo:> ,n their
Corporate, Official, Military, Profcflional, or
Mechanical capacity, to meet at 10 o'clock, A.
M wK-n they will receive from the Marihals
of Hie d y, tfcc uewfTary infor'mton i> to the
i rank or Ration fever illy afiigntd by the order of
arrangement «dej>te.i—After th# proceflion a
refpe£Htil, and appropriate add r els, or commu
nication from the inhabitants of the territory,
to Congrels, is contemplated.
AUGUSTA, November^.
The Legifliture o' this State were by law to
have c mrr.encfd th/iv session on M nday last.
The appointment of JEleSlors of P~tfident
and ice Fiefid .-m of the United Saies will
P'obably be a fubjeil or earlv confidsration —
the motieof theft appou tmen's is not y • p- i -
tedout, no doubt however extol, but the
choice of the Eladors w'Jl retl with the L*»:ifla
ture —A concurred refolutioii paflid the Senate
and Heufe of ReprHcntative» Uft fcfTion, requi
ring the Eleftors of tht fcveral Counties in ihis
Stale at the next general eWtion for the Su-'-
Lcrg-flature, to vote »if four perf. ns as Elefton
of Preiideut and Vic«-Prefidcnt— Put tne law
of the"" : Jnite«i States, requiring the Electors to
be cholen within thirty-lour days prece ling the
fir't Wcdnplday in December ; and >e genera
eleitton In this State, being upwards of sixty
days preceding that day, the refolcticn of ihe
two leg';fliiiv< bunches, was negatived by the
Governor, and this negative being at the clof?
of the fefli. n, no further proceeding was had
on the fnbjea.—The myde therefore of choos
ing Eledlors now remains to be pointeJ out—
ami the resolution which provii s the -T.ode,
will without dloub; u this ite period, leave the
«le<Slion of Eledfors with the Legillature.
The following is a correal ftnteit»ent of
the Eleflors chofew in Maryland, viz.
Mr. Moore, G. Duval!, J. Gilpin, P.
Mr. Murdoch, Mr. Uickins, Mr. Plow
den, J. Doaue.
Alleghany and Washington form one
d'tftriift, Caroline pnd Dorchefh-r another,
No certain accounts are received from eith
We are credibly informed that in each
of the counties of Loudoun, Berkeley,
Hampshire, Hardy, Pendleton, Bith, and
Augusta, the majority of votes have been
in favor of the Adams Ticket.
NORFOLK, Nov. u.
The Governor of this Commonwealth has
issued a Proclamation revoking the injunc
tion of quarantine on vefiVls coming from
the ports of Baltimore and Norfolk.
HA LEIGH Nov. u.
Monday next is the tiay by law appoint
ed for the meeting of the General Assembly
of this (lite, in the Citv of Rafejgh,
Returns from several dillrict of the Elec
tion of Eleftors, held on rttrinday the 3d
inftint, arc as follow:
The diftrift of which Raleigh if a ; art, we
have not accurate returns, but 'vr believe
Colortel Taylor, the Antifederal C . didnte
to be elefted by a majority of 40 vctr-i,
over the Federal Candidate Mr, Bender,
Ti* dirtriA of whith Halifax , .
we in»,' not all the r*tnni», bnt-from
we h ivc leeit, and the pixbab!} refuh o
run imdei, Mr G'.deoti Aifton, tb- Ant.'led*
eial has lour votes wlieie Johrfc
Haywqod, Elq. the Federal Candidate hsid
'one. '•
Fayettevilie c'jflrift except Sampfort
L'sderal Antifed.
Tot. soY W. Martin, 2a44 j J. Potts 366
Wilmington dillritr, B1 d. n county, Gen*
Brown, the federal.cflfdidate got 341 votes»
and c amuel A (he'Efq his opjtonent, 6-
Newbern diltrict verh!il returns froifl the
counties of johjifton, Wayne, Jews, and
Craven ,in pa it j leaves a majority oi 50
votes for Mr, Shepp'rd,, Eedcral, over thfl (
Antifederal Mr. B. Whitefif Id,-—J~>hnftort
g">ve Mr. S. nearly two votes to one. Mr.
S* we believe is elected..
the Aiitif-dcnl Candidate, r,ot a ma
j'.r.ty of 189 votes, ind Guilford gave ti c
Federal cndiiLti, Mr. W.ilter Alves, a ma
jority of 241. Randolph -i; Ve a majority
to Ma), 'i •iioir,---From Ca'.'well wc have
no return. We expect Maj. TatOm i»
Gazette Marine Lift.
The following vefTeli were at Li
verpool the fth 03ot>ef.
Ships Pcfe, Jone., Philadelphia; SwjHvpick,
Kirkbridge, ito. >» fiil -t, 6 <iays ; Mi-s, C.
CeOrge, for New Or!e*p9 ; Pomona, Hierrill.
Arrived yesterday, ship Perfeverjnce, Nor
man, 48 days from Lifbo . —Left no Baltimore
vtfTeb h?re, ar::! »f»oke -'jthmK on the paflaee.
Brig Two Frifnrfs, Hart, 88 'Jays From Ja»
mail J —fprke l'cveral veflels, 3!! which have
lines arrived.
Ti<e of war Baltimore, Capt. Cowper,
last fiotii PT. rfolk. ,
A fchooaer from New England.
NEW YORK, November 19.
Arrived the hermaphrodite brig :.tue ia
rah, thirty-five days fruni v '. w Or
leans Sailed with the follow ng reifds
Brig Fame, for Philadelphia ; brig do.
and (hip D vid, for Havantia. Left there Ihip
Peggy, A. Brifher, to fail in fourteen days sos
New York j (hip Cleipatra, Waterman, f-r
do. brig Union Burk. do brig ? ally, An*
drews, do (h:p Fain:, Goodrich, do- fhif">
ive O'Urif n|, Baltimore ; f.hooner itiiiTiflippi,
But'*, Alexandria ; frhooner Polly, ,
Wilulingtin ; flaop Betfcy, 3 .tman. Charief
tan, ccndemr.fd j brig Edwin, Krupp, New
buryport Left is th? River, schooner Fair
American, Chaiinings, of Mew York. In the
Guiph spoke the Engitih man of war York ot'
sixty-sour guns an the Apollo thirty-fix
| ens; detained a few hours, tteated poliulyand
fuffered to p'oceed.
Sloop Maria, ten days from Newbern, (N.
j C.) On the nth spoke the sloop Ann, Thb»
| rna>, «ut vi ne days iiom Boston, bound to Nor
Brig William, Half, thirty-four days from
Multttfr '-y-
Brig Venyj, Stanen, sixty days from Dublin.
Ship Flora, twelve days from Savannah.
Left there the {hip S'ntpfctr3t~Y IfYj.J ".a",
brig Ceres, fchopner Laurel, and tLuouiier Su
key, all for this port.
Ship Jamaica, hirtyfeven jays -ora ,;_rrvai
•Schoonr-r lietfev, Hatfiti, fix day»frorti Ply
mouth, N. C. Off-he Cape*, ot Virginia spoke
the brig fiagle, from Am'terdain. 1 und to
Baliim re, out ferty-eight day?. Onths 16th
spoke schooner Dolphin. Vi'nite, fioin Cadiz,
bound to Philadelphia, out fifty-four d vS,
Captain > i'liite i*forr. Ed thit or. th ■ sth, in lat*
I itude 34, he fv.v a (hip b t,tr>n) up" 'ls ; corld"
not leaxn her n?me on acoui.t yf th- ,rreat
swell of the f a—no person on the wreck
. Brie Dsrfey, bsmuel K' is, kirn-Win jays
from Fort au-Piii'ce Lett'here'h (hip Oiive,
Johoirn, for New York; fchu.per Jur- , Par
' ker, do bri SnUnnali, Ci'mmings, Philadel-
I phii ; brig Mi f rd, Thomp'on, and Fanny,
Kvertfon, Baltim j fchoorier Governor Clin
ton, Allen, Philadelphia; fchtiurer I idi'ft-y,
jof New York, for Churleflon. The lch.crier
Lydia, ot Hartford, Captain John Clap, failed
with the Dnrfey tor this pprt.
Britilh Pack-t Mary, thirty-five days from
F.ltnou h via Halifax.
Same day fl;v,p P.nie re. MontgoT.iery, thir
teen days frcm Philadelphia-
New- rhcatr
November 21,
Willbe prefenteii a much adir,i> •*, ".'ome'}
Reconciliation •
The Birlh Day.
To vjlicb will he added,
Never performed hart,a Miiucal Farce (ii 3 aft«)
A Trip. 'C Fontainbleau.
tli bv O Kecft ]
200 boxes
Havanna Sugar,
I Fy .'he !V>icri'-^r
, rovembc* to •-*
' To Morrow Morniiv,, the ivjt inftsnt, at io
o'clot'i. w ; H t>e fold, at Public AutSSon, ;tf
' •! r.rf, bfl-xv the 'draw
bridge ;in ioi ' ->>t :
Of the brig Mentoi, •'■ fro Malaga, con
fid ef
Sweet V IN"
Muscatel and R1 iom RAISINS, la boxes
FIGS, in kegs
G?i • ' ' "• j jrs >
i Soft ftell'd AI yo ll 3 inbarrs
Alfe, a few hundred yvtight SHEET CORK,
| November io «J