Gazette of the-United States. PBILjIDSLPHTA, WEDNESDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER, 19. ■ ■ LrTERARY Annunciation. A new political pamphlet from the German of Gent!:, and recently trans lated by an American gentleman of rank and learning, will speedily be published ,by Mr. Asbury Dickins. It is entitled " The origin and Principles of the Ame rican Revolution, compared with -■ the Origin and Principles.of that of France." It is said by judges of fufEcient accura cy, that this is no ordinary pamphlet, but that it will demand anil- deterve the attention of the American politician and philosopher. 'J, he preface states that the work in question was originally pub lished in the Mjforic 'Journal, a monthly print, which appears at Berlin, antl that it is written by oue of the mod cfiftin guifhed political writers in Germany.— On the publication of this pamphlet spe cimens shall be given, and remarks made. On the question of the propriety and good faith of revealing the general recol lections of prUnite convcrjation or of pub lishing the frank and unstudied commu nications of a private letter, what is the language of a Lord Loughborough, a man not taught in the new school of French Villiany ; what is the universal language of our r.nhjlors ,• what is the corr.mon sentiment of all men, except dpoftaies, traitors, and rebels ? " Private correfp6nder.ce has hitherto been held Acred, jn times greateft party rage, not only in politics, but religion. The betrayer forfeits all the respect of society and of men—lnto what com panies will he hereafter go, with an un embarr wTed face, or the honest - ' . ■ By a gentleman wlio arrived lafl evening from l.ancalter, *-e learn,that che couimittte of coiiteteiiee did not make report to tlie Legislature on Monday as was ex-petted. Lancaster, To the Editor of the Gazette of the United States. S 1 R, AS I was muling this morning on the liffeiriice in the Atlembiy the .hotcf of Electors oi Fielidenc and Vice [l<- I ILl*' i 1 1, 1t i t I'ltC k 1)1: tvl i' !'! Viii *C t it.' Ilß' - hod propufed by the floute of Ktprefeuta ives (it' appointing Electors by a joint vote, * in direst oppplttion to the I'pirit of our oiiltiuition. on will remember, Sir, thai Alien the piefent form of government «ai >rop >' d, it was aguated whether the A! etnoiy tliould Contiil ut one or two linufvs • he re.:lons urged in favbr of a legiflatu; it ;••••o branches were, tint each house \v. til: luunally oe n c -ik on the other, „,„| :ht, Tfvtoi any luliy and imprudent meatures i"! .litre •.• the vie wo of intrie uiir{ in a a - nil-. -In a legitlati re ef tin; kind 10 it't of on.- house can b- oi«.,- a law or hi Jindifig oft tfh» people without it meets wit! •1- I: \-tmrf ot the otr r houfc. c • r ather .voids, Til t he- laws whit'li are i-.,ar'-; *>■ -l.e legiil iture, are by a com w !'■ 'll vo?C —and this U tile ralo with every aft o !c ( : ilia l .i n Now, lir, if the .»!-•: pr. -a fed by ti>- I l ime .f H ft t lives ' f el 'on. ling the ! ii : 1 . i i ;i .j it would, I c lovnd. ia: in .!(.•.y cpnolitio; "> the •> ir ■!'t: e r l; f or the; tile two houles wouid tmt not as checks .uld reduced into one, aid \herrby th- vrn words of the conftiiution which exprrfsh requires the content of bulb bouses c j ewn act n; t«•.h in ouier to make trie act i, i- a. ■vonlti be complrtely viol .ten; i .>•, -,s in vote the majority governs, t'-e :> en pr ;:~i t . b anp -'nted F.leftnrs, (wucb is the cale ut pre lent.) the H.iule ot utatives wouh pr-Ail and c .riy their men without the con currei c-Tif the Senate, the j- nction tl en oi the two liouie-, tor t'ne pin ;i. i * ol appoint ing Ekftors wo iIJ be a mej*e form and Cere inony, finre the Senate would have no void "1 the el, is a f pai „te it .life. ... i,.- r . power of cootio;i!in t ; the Iloule of Uepre lentat've.;, no •. Ik ir number is l'nialler. Ther: is ' ■! -v, ;• ii i dill:nc\ion nndr in the vote o a Sei.atai from the vote of n Heprcfentative— the rt fait will then be, that the -pinion c the more numerous bra:uh will ■' e tiie ops nion of the majority of the :w ■ houses le i!;:ced -.j o:.e c .. . .-i —v. the Si ; at< then have had a voice i:i cli.mling the Flee tors ? Wouid tiley tiieu have exertifed th r 'Kht which t!ie ce.nflitution gives tliem c i - jffting the ojnnion of th.e.Heu-efcutatvv-s /Ind it rI. -y hud e\eu; 1. the power, tlu't indubitably pofiVfs, by f> v-ne so" the men the lower bouse might have felecfed would lucii a retjfal have prevented tliof. men (the choice of the Ueprefentatives) fron heiiij; eleded ? An : would no: their rh c\mi then have been wit 4 ut tiie coneurrcnce the Ser.ate, an 1 an act of nnh one branch of the Legidatuie r i ake an.;- lie rale, S r, — Had the men wticm the Senati ooglit luve cli 'leu lor hi: con's I ■ e.•;i r-jc. i: by the lower honfe, v. hir ii v. mild liave bee: the cafe ; would this rcjeftion on the part o the reprcfeiltative? have alf.-Aed tie- vahditi ot the eleftion of the n: n chosen by th' low.-r bouse r If a joint vote had been tin method for appoint t>; th m ? ii is then tin conflitution given moic power to the lowc ii"ule than it has given to the upper—or an the i not h .*,h eq.rilly component parts of th. 1.e.. idatnrc ? l hat a r | j r ion on the pil ot the Ueprt leiitatives of tl..- men chosen In the Senate, can completely oVerlett the Se nnte's choice, at the lame tune that a refula l.e the Senate to clioof*- the men felefted Oi toe Reprel'entativf S, ilie; not vicakeil tin Choice made by the Ueprefentatives ? It is to me, Sir, clear and decilive, tha the content of both hottfes us Ivji scharat bouses, is nt war, by* the Cumberland troop-os horfs and Cariiile infantry In Captain Steele tWfrivice has loft an intrepid, enterpriling and a.:l ve officer. A CITIZEN. i he fallowing txarJlatbrt of one of Th.- mcfl tiry odei from HoJl iVI is from t:»t pen of Mis? UROOKS, the 4HrU.. r of " jn her la.'t open; M a . riaiu" (he puts i;it« the K.u'ith of Sir Philip, as a forg to a Srifphe dels the •' Vitas hin - nuelo tns fimdis" of VfoKact- . W«-do 'not rememt>er t» have peruied a «n »re faithful or fpiriied verfjon.^J Pa ttv fl»es me like 3 n Which, through [ fequefter'd lawn, Panting fceks the mother desr Not witKout a panic fear Of the gently b e»thiuar kiieze the -mrtirtti or tlie tree«— .O'er the co.nj frqiitflc'd awn Patty flics 11,e hke 1 fawn. Ift!-« curling leaves but flnke If » Lizard ftirthi bake frighted, it begins to i'ref ze T'triybiirg, both atjjearj r.n.l knee's, rfcsrtaiarm'd with ca.fvlels ittr, f icy p;:rts j lover near> Whilst along the dewy lawii Patty Hers ii»e lilts a fawn. We ydienhy announced the arrival of C.oxt from Lancnjler ; as we expetted, the Aurora, of this day, contains one column in juftification of his base con duct, written by himfetf; it is signed A DEFENDER. His objedt is torepel the charge of treachery, as it respects Mr: Adams, advanced against him in this' Gazette.—He commences his EiTay by a quotation from this paper, which bears no resemblance to the original. The article alluded to, was infe'rted in last ednefday's Gazette aqd was introdu ced thus—" IVhateven improprieties Air. Adams may have 'been guilty of," See.—this is confirmed in the Aurora, thus—"The Editor of the Gazette of the United States allows, " that John Adams has been gfi.b •: of improprieties." We did not fay we aljopMd the fa A, as any candid man will per :e;ve by reading the above. The base hrr.i cner in which the paragraph has been mutilated, the deceit endeavoured to be palmed on the public, by perverting its meaning, are worthy of the treacherous Tench. Extraft of a letter from Liverpool, dateJ 6th ultimo. Capt. , jult arrived from Virgin ia, fell in with a vcflel, bottom upwards coppered, apparently 80 or 90 feet Keel* and llour floating about her—He toiik up one barrel, which was Philadelphia Inspection. It a Lonl.m paper us tie lytb September last, I'Jt fini tie adttrt:smrnt. | PEtfNA DUPLEX.; $ bi» .rAjedy's | Royal L"tter- patent, .newly in-vented | machine f«»r writing «1;1j TWO i'KN.S, pioducibgat ' vo QuIGIN ALS, according t« the tonn ion mode i f writing-, is »/T red to tli< (Commercial, pdJ luteal, lem.l «hd htterary. world, a l , wrll a$ to 'ail perlons driirous "I fifpfcrvinp; authen tic record? of their .1 orrefpapdence, flaie meim.'coiippofitioiis See. inc. 1 his Invention, which is reduced to a practice both ealy and tree fioin every defed lias been lauclioned by tlie patronage of fonie t the murk eliaractrrs m the kingttom and of levers! loteign atiib.i!7.idors. Many pei Ibjis who have been oblige:! to have recti 11, l< to the copying or father prefljng 111 ichme, have experienced the 1110 D com. plete I'atisfa&ion in the use of the DOU JLK WKII wU. The trOtinlc md inconve nience ascending- the former, are totally fu perfjdt d by the latter, which is so jiiltly for med that there can be 110 in its use, and conlinu'ted with luChr nircli uiical exaft nels and I lidity, as topr .elude the lieceffity of all repair. fly this machine, on the tueiits of which alone tie pr>.ieiui"iis to £en encouragement,"tiff merchant and tra der, those concerned in Abe various depart fliesu of tfie public service, of alnioft every description in the law, and all persons engaged in an extcniive and tant corivl' ; . mdcnce,will be'cnaWrd n.n enly to the great trouble and expe; ce but also to avoid the possibility of incorre£l ; nel's, tojwhioh the bell copyilh are too fre quently liable" 1 hj Double Writer will be found pecu liarly ufeful in copying Drawing ; and to Gentleman what, travel, it mufl be Juable in point of accuracy and fecrrcv than the mott able and amantienlis. 1 be execution of the Machine is l'o rxaftly minute, as to render it impofliblf to discover the (lightefl dilTerence in a hair ftioke, or in the marks of punfVuion. The fynce oecu pied by tile machine is very trrflinp, *s it is contained iti a final I sized pjrtable writintr dejj:. Manufaftured & fold only by J. H. I'jw thing No, 43 Cirnhift, LonJon, Poc et book intktr, and Portable Writing desk manufadlurer Wliolefitle, and for exp >rta tion. C\KLISLE, Novembern FOR SALE, ; OLD Lort£ Primer, ] Small Pica on Pica Body. 1 Englifa, Chafes, CompoHng Sri' k«. jmi aprea viritty of srticirs neceflary to rarry'.iH the Prill ing B'jfinpfs. Xhty tvilf he foldf iitap tor cafli Appir to the Printer. Prices of Public Stock, P FtILABELf HIA, NOVEUBFR ip. Par amount tf a Jbeire percent flock—a 9 Si* pit ctnt. flscic 891-4 gc, i-i ■ Navy. dittp . 89 ;-i a9O Ueierred 6 per cent. 88 14 a 88 i-i 7'hree percont. _ • 55 5' » per cent. > rt 4 *-i per cent j none at market jJAN'K TJ. States. 2,1 h " 38 p. cent ad, > Pennfj Iyania, 131 ditto / —N.America 1510151 ditto C InfuraaceC« Fenns'a ditto J —N, uh Anicri:* 80 rurnpike - a;© a 160 dolts. Schuylkill Bridge - - - par Water Loan, dolls. fcpnd Wprrantstt a 30 dolls, iw acres St Augujline Church Lottery Ticiets, 95 dollars EXCHANGE... On Londo" at 60 days a 75 " On A,uilter<2am, Jo 39 a4O ceutO [per Florin > On Hamlmrgh do 36 a 37, cents V [f>-r Mark Banca 'Rates of Foreign Coins and Curren-. rencies in the United Stat*?—par act of Curigres for payment of Du ties'. Dolls. Cis. EngKfh pound failing 4 44 «v Irifli cl - do 410 / Dutth PI Tin c* Guilder o 40 f Har.Mirgh Mark Bmco . o-- 33 ifj the fiibfcriber having frequently heard complaints of the want of accuracy in *be pike current of public slock, lias conclud ed tofurnilli the Gazette of the United States, occalionally (if called for) with what nmy in his opinion be confid.-red the Market Prices of Stock, and the Hates ol Exchange. M. M'COMNELL, tjittnut ttreetj No. »4J. For Liverpool, To return lmmtdiatety. The Copper bottomedJhip moll Y, 'i jatfflg Richard Flinn. Commander, ~ Will fjil in a few days, three fourths of h,tr cargo being ready to go on board. p or freight of rhe remainder, to the f .blci ibr • , or for to the captain on board at Walnut flreet wharf. NICKLIN, GRIFFITH Isf Co. novembrr 19 *|jf Robert Srtiith & Co ; No. 58, South FitoNr-STRF.F.r, ll.ive Just Received, Per die Adtive, Captain M'Dcugill, from A fe» wtuieradtraitf a ' Russia Sheetings, iAttn, a federal rlm«nt ; bo. ks, Hating accounts, cr tran fcrib up; other writing*. hfifineft <>f th'ia description, thi' -nay be done at th- applicant's own hcufe, will suit his present circumlfances belt. A cort directed to A. B. and let'tat the Offire r,f thi'. Gazette, by at y gentlr man want ing such affillance, will be rc'fpeafnlly attend ed to November i». sawaw. Crooke Stevenson HAS REMOVED * From Ko. 4 S. uth to the Aorelately occupied by MR.JOHNTAGGERT, No. 11, North Water Street. •f WHERE HE HAS FOR SALE 34 Hogihsa ls Antigua and St. Kitts rum to Do Mufiovado fngar ,jS Do. Snrrinam ; sugar house, and Havan nnh moljfles Coffee in hogfljrads fnd bags Hyl'oll ftin and bohea teas Jamaica spirits Cojntry rum French ai-d Spanilh branny White and brown Havannah sugars, &c, November 17. mw&f2\v To Creditors. AT a county court ot common pleas, held at Uninn town, for the county of Eayette, the se cond Monday »f September, jn the year of cur Lord one eight hundred, before the honorable nlexander Addifow, Esq. President of the fame court. ON the petition of Thomas Pew, an info!vcj>t debter, praying the benefit Of the ad of Afienibly, palled the fourth day of April one thousand ieven hundred and ninety-eight, for the relief ofinfolvent debtors The Court appoints the f«cond Monday of December next t-» hear the petitioner and his creditor-, and orders ihat he giv; his creditors notice thereol by a publication for three fucc JTivo weeks in the Fayette Gazette, an " r " OAobcr *4< .4*>] London, 1 d iOf diw V- Gazette Marine Lift. I'Olh- OF PHILADELPHIA. , ARRIVED, day. ! s chr - Mehitablr, Mahan, Norfolk 16 . . Tobaeco and coal Comet, Poffin, do 14 CLEARED, Sb.p Pcnnfylvitifa, Yorke, Hamburg Bng Nancy, B,,rk, Mldir & lofciui, Hi.tihifon, Barcelona Rover, Brown, , Norfolk Sealer, Rogers, Edentdß Scbr Fair Eliza, Childs, Surinam XT BOSTON, Nov;raber 8. November 9, arrived, Briti/h brig E ar ( Moi ra, Fawf «, Halifax. A gentleman patTneer acquets us, that a coasting veto! has just ar rived fro.nHhelburne, informing of the arrival y.eroftw" American brigs, from New York, for,ftp. ilavaonah, one of which was lad.n with dry goods-taken by the private armed P Dllt ~9> ' ven N about the ißth Otfober November , , arrived last evening, ship Un cle 1 oby, <)f hew York; irom Gibralter— lor.g paflage, , Arrived at, quarantine, Captain Rice, in 1 lchoon»r from the Havannah. CLEARED, . . Ship America, HuOey, fpr St Sebaftfans fitv I' 0 "' for Liverpool Bng rothill Bourn, ... . f or St . C ' roiK Schr » Brokers, Lymburner, for Tobago Schr. Succef,, Ihomas, f or St Barf.. Schr Couner, Staple, f or p. R epub . r e frcm P oflon ' {or Venice, was spoken October *, latitude 40, longitude. 26, -twenty-two days out. ClouAancU of Boston, f ram Norfolk, for Dublin, was spoken October 26 latitude 38, longitude four days out. NEW YORK; November 18. ARRIVED, Ship Jamaica; Sherry, J amaica _ Brig Dove, , Newburyport CLEARFD, ™ Ship Potomack Chief, Allen, Hull Brig Brandy wine Miller, Fram, Grenada Schr Anny, Larkm, tlo The BritHh picket V'eftmoreUnd, f or thii port, left Falmouth the nth ultimo. . . , NORFOLK, November 8. Arrivedl.aft evening, brig Eliza, captain £. vans, 54 days trom L Ibip. .1, 0 h ,; tV n ' ?t " ,7 ' t ll ' 33, S3, spoke n ? Mjri * cipt. Livingfton, from Charles ton bound to Malaga. A airift'Kij of Tfe; ful»«trifcer*»tha rhi]jdtlphi» D*t»ciiig ilfcrably WiJt Se WM tint Evening kt 6 o'«locfc«t fussii'i HmL Nov, to. ». • . ~ .'« Philadelphia Academy. , No: 24, SPKUCESTREET. A Night School. TjETfR i)FL .MAR, profelTop of Mather 4- m»t»c» ip, thisl 'Academy, refpeftfully ,ri- the p«l,i, c> that he will receive a fmJl ntm b,, o»>, lt le n ,en (from hair J. ter fix nl, 9 o d .clc each night, Saturdays and Sundays exapted) to be inftrufled in the fat. 1 .wmg Stanches. Mercimile, aiithemetic and' accompt. on a new and approved plan-me. YuV.tion, gatigim,, furveyu g and navigation, according to the best authors—Conic fedti r, s , f, rtifeatione an ■ ..ery as iheya/e taught in th, Royal . c J cm at WoolwicK Eiichds elr me , !tS) plaiD a „J ffuxY'nt tr ' S ° no ' ,,ary ' algebra ar.d A coirfe of leflu-es on the use of the Globr, Geography and ,he fjftem of-thc umverfe, ,H P? ? > Prq ; jrt ' l ,or the " fe °f indents - 1 V I ''! adcl P - 11 Academy will be delivered jjccafioniliy. Gentlemen of the Navy, and other,, who wtlh .0 acquire a fpe tf d> knowledge of Lunar ' V'tnqs, may have an pppertunitv of be ing tau-htary of mrthodi, and hear ing the i increiit Th-ories explained from firft principle* N'.-r. f „,her TQ. Sor Sale, I^BrigWlliam -ymg betwosn Mmket and Chefnut Street. 3urthen, 94 tons, carries remarkable well hav ing excellent accommodations, If nut so d in 3 lays, laid BiUG will take freight for 'Bolton and IWburvpert, a'fo, cnt hundred barrels of be t", No 1 and 2, of tile fir ii crdcr, foal lea ther, candles han !fpik.-s boards. *** Frr freight <:r palfrge or any of the above articles pleal'e 10 apply on board. November 19 ' NOW LANDING, AtMrflrs. Wain's wharf below the Drawbridee The Cargo Of the brig Mentor, direfl from Malaga viz M ALA OA WINE in quarter calks 7jokegs frefh SUN RAISINS 40c hemes MUSCA TEL Do. Sco h'xfs BLOOM Du. Soft (hellV ALMONDS in ba«-3 GR in jars FIGS in kegs—jud A fin ail quantity of SHEET CORK, Apply to EDWARD DUN ANT, IS r o 149, Souu Front Street- November 19. Wanted to Cha FOR NEW rORK, TWO OR THREE |||p: s V ESSELS, Drawing not more than 8| feet water. Apply to WlLL'ra G.'fc? i'iiOß't C. LATIMER, Pine street wharf. |S nsveir.Ucr 19 d-t >—7l