NVMBFR 15421 c?* The price of this Gazette is Eight Dollars per annum to Subscribers residing • n the city of Philadelphia. All others pay one Dollar additional, for enclosing and di recting ; and unleis'some person in this city will become answerable for the subscription, it must be paid Six Months in Advance. • • Subscription mill be received for A shorter term than six months. December t 1759- ALMANAC Prtm Novembrr 18 —to Nevmlir %$. Old WATER. H. Wedsefday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday - •» taentay • 1 Taefiay SUN- Wednesday ThurMay Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuefdaf jull Received, By the George, Amiable m-i <"ther late arrival, AND FOR SALE, On low term* ,by tfce package, at No. 48, , Sowth t'i cn ( street. I a Bales Rose Blankets, 1 f bale* 'J\ißUi it-rut a 15 bild Kcmlil Cotton# £ 4 biln low friced Bmfclotll £ 4 balf*l.anioa fiiperPne U< • Maim and FortiV CWt>» r § Vtlc faf*i'fuAhjc fine 1 j • % bile» fafbionable ! ianflcio do. r \ latll bale* low f n«d Swanfdowoa R 4 tilc«lnjT^'nYoikiliffC*fpt f **nd •O hbd. Son T mmr. J ALSO, An exttnfiv? and choice nflbrtmcnt of DRY GOODS— Off*. WILLIAM FRENCH* d4t ta.kf.4W- oAoner it just Received, sIND FOR S.iLE, BY SIMON WALKER, Foui th street, com#r of Union street, Frefti Cloves AND Real Ceylon Cinnamon of the best quaJity. notrrmber 6 tu th fa Bt. Landing, From the ftiui Farmer, capta'.n Gibfon, from Ham burg, * lai'ge aiTbrtmcnt ot Lii-tus Sdd o'her Goods, am >;ig whicV a.-n an invoice of 53 bales of real French Uritanni", 6 and 7 4. which are offered Icr sale on rtafonable terms for approved paper, or in barter for Well-India produce. Brirannia., rial French, 4 and 7-4 Britannia# JeleSa* Fl*ttilli*»lUiy*l** ECopllla* of all defer ip tino< Creas a la Morlaix Checks No. i & S:ri-e» 609 B<*xes of Bohemia White Window Glass, Of the firft quality, 7 by 9* 8 by 10, 9 by 11, by 1} and upwards. ON HAND, Of late Importation : Eftopi'.las, Bcccadillos, QuadrupleSelifias, Row las, Coutils, I.iftadoes Mbrrfeldt fine Check'. Bed parchet Flanders Ued Ticks, fapr» of all descriptions, CoOee Mills, Scythes, Decanters, G'll Tumblers; Travelling Cafes,-Sealing Wax. Quills and Demijohns,—Apply to JACOB SPKRUY & Co. 6 <*iot w '^ Gideon H. Wells Has Just Received, By the lite arrivals—a large and general assort ment of Hardware, Cutlery & Sad/ery, Which he offers for file, f r caS> or the ulual credit. Market-itreet, No. 3 ,W 4 W ioo barrels of BEEF suitable for Eaft-Indu Voyages. too do. of Store do. 50 boxes, Containing ench dozen be ft London MUSTARD. FOK SAI. K BT Samuel Rhoads, N*. 1, Penn ftrcet. Noveml>e r 4 PRINTING, Neaify executed at the Office of the Gazette of the United States. Book-Worl;—Pamphlets—Hai>d-Bil!», CircU—BUnks ct all kinds, &c. &c. Wil! c pririted at the Shortest Notice. atigufr *3- No. 52, South Fhowt Strest; MAS received by the lat;ft arrivals from Lon don, a well cnofen afiortment of the :o!- lowing articles: CAT-ICO2B and Chintzes, (a great variety) Furniture do. do. Corded Dimities for g»r»r«atf and furniture 'Durams, Joan* and CalHnancons Rombasrettii and BombaztCns Printed Lir.en ->nd Cotton Handkerchiefs and Lawn bordered d«. Jaconet and 3«A Muslin handkerchiefs Shawls, Cotton and Chintz, a great variety Do- Camel's Hsir Hosiery, Worfte i and Cotton of all size« Do. China White and BliCk Siik Table Ctaths, from,s 4. t0 10 by 16-4 with and without Napkins Thread, Gauze, Lawns and Cjmbricks Jaconet and Lapett Muflini, coloured and plain While and B'ack Late, Lace Veils, Cloaks and 51 54 46 4 3' ' J 54 \ 6 1 7 46 I -• 834 1 9 18 10 o ft lIIS SETS j 7 9 4 J! I 7 10 4 50 7 II 4 49 j . 7 -4 4? • 7 4 47 j 7 >4 4 4(> J 7 14 4 46 , Handkerchiefs Black Mode, l*e?long# and Satins White and printed Marfe'llts f.f vefls Swanfdown, Itrij ed and plsid. Cotton Checks,(five) 7 81 4-", lt-8, iwd 6-4 BUck and coloured Barcelona handkerchiefs Indi Bandanna do «f fuprnor quslity White, Red and Ycliow Fannels Guernlcy Worsted Frocks A few dczjn lnc(t ebllic Sufp;ndtr». He has Alio Just Received, a well affofvd Invoice ol Boccadillos Bielefeld Linens Niam>i'fe spaces Tapes oi fevtral kinds D canters »n Baadt, violin* and PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER iO, 1800! Thomas Orr* India Muslins, consisting or 3erbho r m Gurrah* Vaina KaftH AUliabad Emerges Gurrahs Company lanaa Marooodif*. Cuflas. By 4he B=le or Pirce. 0(SoliM-Tf?. d w^awtf. Just Received, By th« Ihips Kingston from Liverpool and the George from Hull, AND FOR SALE nr GEOIiGE ROBERTS, No. 31, Market street. A lirfte and elegant affortracht of c u r l e r r. GIL T and plated buttons, ivory and h~rn crmbt, japancd, blork-tin and pewter wares, brafj and iron candlesticks, patent tea kettle* and fauer pans, coffee-mil's, iron and brils wire of all tizes. A.lfj, a large aflortrnmt of flat-irons, bake plates pots, &c. direift from the manufaflurers. He has also on band, a large and extensive assortment of TIN WARES, Of his own manufa&ory, mtnulaOurtd in the be(h manner; all »f which he will fell on the moil reasonable terms, who'.efjlc and retail Received at th» fame time by the (hip George, capt. Rice, the much admired improved patent , COPYING MACHINES, Dirrifl from the patentee. These machines are ma e on a Gmple and improved plan fir copying, writing, See. of any size, in an expeditious manner, and are charged at a much less price than any other row in ul'e They are found to poflefs a luperiurlty over any others, b th by being more durable and bo! so liable to get f'Ut of repair, and by copying any n 1 mber of writings atone time, w thout making any alteration in the machine, and their occu pying little room The very geVieral *fe into which these ma chines are now broujjft in use in London and oth*- large trading cities, a'.d the fatisfaiflion teftified by all who pofTefs them, render it un ntci-ffary to enlarge any further .n their advan tage, both in point of accuracy and lecrecy and in the saving of time, labour and expence. November I tu&fa tf The Porcupine. ITAKF. this method ofinformitie the Pecple of the United States, that on the firfldayol No vem' er next, I propose to r«fumc the publication of Porcupine's Gazette, under the title of THE PORCUFINE ; and to notily (in cafe any gentle man in America ftioulJ want it) that the price of each Number will be Gxpencr llerling, and that the calh niuft be received by me before the paper can he fopplitd. —As to the mode of conveyance, so frequent are the opportunities from London to New York, that files may be forwarded to thelat. ter place once a fortnight upon an avrige—from New-\ ork they can be I pee. lily conveyed to ev ery part ot the Union. When tilc» can he, with out delay, ferit t. OTHta places diretft, it may be done ; when they cannot, th.y will all be sent te New-York, unlcfs o herwife ordered. $5" P.rCup'inc s Works, Which have beeu (ometime in the Pr«fs, wil he competed in February next, when the copies fubicri el for in America will be lorwarded to the Subfcribcrs. Any 01 my literary friendi In America, who may be dHpofe.l to renew their correfpondeiiee wi:!i tnr; will plcafe o direct to me at my iprint. intr office, No. Sovthampton ftrcet, Strand, or it my bookfellcr'* (hop, No. , ißco. ; HE cMnm»n«li»f Ctfieera «>f enrp», dc t taehmem«,p n " s g*rrit jnf. and recruiting p-rtics, belongii gt the military eftablilhraent of the United Mates, arc to report to, and receire orders from Brigadier General Wil kinton, in the City of Wafhingt»n, and all officers >w furlough are to report thcmfelves to tbe fime officer with all possible dispatch. SAMUEL DEXIEK, Secretary ot War. All Printer* widiin iht United Stitfj wliohivr publilhfd inviialisnt for contraAiof tjrh of Mirth bit are reijucflfd to infrrt ' lira'R«Ut« ftee ilwfllw i<4t'h'» tin f7 tod CjiftniK vf smwM M i (nuke iunti >t(MalimUM| thMratl A CetasUri ■ may b**i» at ot.«e»^ iiamofl Majfaw Directors of Jjinrn. Ahercrombie y tbe Acmltmf, OfloUei »r. jtimif. QJJES NETS Dancing Academy. No 64, Couth Fourth fireet. ON Mondey, Wed'ieflay and Friday, the hours for Ladies are f om 10 in the forenoon 'till half pad 1 a ; and fr'in hall pafl 1 'till half patt 4 7 ,lK 'g gentlemen are from half past 4 till 6, rn ;Se lame rlays Ou Monday, Thursday and Sa turday, for gentlemen from half part 6 till 9 in til* ereoii'g Mr resides at No. 50, Couth Fifth flreet. novemoer t» mthfa tf A HANDSOME EDITION OF LItfDLEY MURRAY'S English Grammar, WITH AN APPENDIX, Has tliU Day bcrn published, by A.sauni Dickiss, opposite Oilrilt-Churcb, Philadrlphia. \_Price One Dollar Oftol-er 7. Education FOR YOUNG LADIES. COLUMBIA HOTTSE, BOARDING ts* DAY-SCHOOL, aa-comtajaca* Fnr the winter fcafop, on Monday, OAobrr 6th, Walnut, between Fourth and Ftfth-Hrerw, MRS OROOM9KIDGE refpe>fi expreflive proof of gratitude, will be 1 cintinua ceof the unre mittinr a'tenllon, al r en!y p-> dto hrr pupils ; fli'ters herfelf, it wl'l be the be ft recommenda tion to future patronage. following branches (or any of tliem frp irately) r.iy be engaged for, as moll agreeable, ihe Eng jib, Frenrh, and Italian languages grammatically ; writing. arithmetic, geogra phy, use of the glo'ies, history, music, vocil and inftriimental, drawing- and dancing. Main wftrk, marking, Vmbroi. ery in4'am bour in gold, fllver or r«ioii", filligree, artiS cial fliwen, fancy bafketa, retting, hair, print cloth, and mullin work of every kind o. J AN APPRENTICE WANTED, At ihr Ofliee of the Gaze.te of the titffted States, & Daily &c. &c &c ran-AW AT Stale*. Propofais Forpublijhing, by Subscription, ADIG E S T Of tlr Luv of Afliotrs and Trials at NISI PRIUS. By Isaac 'Elpinaffe, of Qray'e Inn, Esq. BjrrrHcf at Law. The tfcird edition, corrt1 (particularly for the Piano Forte) Songs. Opera's, Oratorios, an ' Sa cred MilCc. Any Lady or Gentleman may have Music copied out 011 pruper terms. He has several of Handel's Oratorios, flee- atid all his Oriturfo Songs i many oi Ur. Anidt's, Ur. Arnold's, A - bcl's, Or. Boyces's, Bach's, Clamentiai's, Edel man's, Ooifdam's, Haydn's, Nicolai's, Pleyei's, Schobert's works, &c. &c. A very fweet-toneA, f»coad hand I'iano-Forte to be fold, and a Guitar, with other Piano-Forte's. A«y ptrfon wanting a GRAND PIANO FORTE,may be accommodated with a ve y excellent instrument of tha' kind wor'h their purchale. Songs, See. composed by R. Taylor, to be had ofhim, and at Chalk's Mu ficai Repository, No. 75| North-Third Street, viz. Prefidrnt's March, for tw« performers on one Pi ano Forte ; tfee favourite song of Summer, De Tout Mou Cfleur; Ell Verite, Ruflic Fellivi'.y, Morry Piping Lad, Nobody, Jockey and Jenny, Amyntor, &c. Sic. R. T begs the Ladles ar.d Gentleman who call upon him, (or fend) tha- their a-ldref» he left in writing, fbeuld he r.ot he at home, which will much oblige, and they will be waited o». Oaober 13. th-Scfanw. FOR SALE, The following Real ElUte ; the prnp-ny of Anthony Francis Hnldimaiid, Esquire, of Landon, 582 and tin half Pa tented Land SITUATE on Vin#yard greek, in thetownfhip and county of Huritirgjo'.i, in the state of Pennfylvauii, on a public road about 5 miles from the town of Huntingdon, which n situated on a boatahle river—there are on the premiies a wat r Oria Mill and Saw Mill—several Log dwelling Houf. j—one of which is occu; ied as a Tavern, with a Dillillety (applied by a powerful tyring of excellent water—a coufi'.crable quantity of Timo thy Meadow fit for the scythe, and several acres of araV> e Land already cleared—rhistracS will admit of being divided into thre? farms, with a Jlofcer 14 lawSw Advertiser. THK SHIp I JmM GEORGE, Captain KICK» tfw fir HAS the greajefl part of her Lur^U-.aigH/(ti—wifl take Freight if applied for immediately. ' Thm.is -Murgatroyd 17 Sons. PflrJ'er tti.th,Sd"i.tf. For Sale, £"3 CX' THE SGHOOKfR gm, ELIZA fcf KATY, George Parker, matter ; Burthen no tons, 4 month! old, fa:is fa ft. is pierced for 14 guns, Ap ply to SaMuel rhoads, N6. 1, Penn Street. jooo Bufkrl* rf * ' Sr. ÜBES t ALT, >j Novemher 16. Landing At Wain's wharf, The Cargo of the brig Enterprize, CONSISTING OF Surinam Molafles, Of an excellent quality, in hogfhead9, tierces a fid fcirrels, And about 40 quarter casKs LISBON WINE, For Sale Br Wharton Lewis, No. I IJ,fcuth Front street. o.3«bcr 9 tu th fa tf For Sale, By JOHN CLIFFTON, Junr. No. 80, S'.vanson strert, S mthivark, The following India Goods, VI z. «oo pieces GoHH?ad Mauioodies 100 do Borinphead do 500 Jo JaSaipocrS wns 95 do Chan irrconoa tf&nfnok 75 do do Ha^ciks.rchiefg 301 do Burbhoon Gurrahs o&ober ft 4 tuth form -ft E K F rtw 4r(l for Hifa fujiia, t»r putuog tip,apd for &le by' ■ 1 WiiHam Sheaff, M«*i >4l| Hi|b ftrcct# . «A*Wr^o EPHRAIM CLARK, Clock & Watch MAKE R, Corner of Market and Front Jlreets, Pbila -1 deipbla, Has received by the Kiogifon and other arrivals, CHAMBER, and other Clocks, Clock Move fnents, Eight day and 30 hour tal bras*, Clock Bf.lls, Clock Dial**, Cat-gut, Watch Glass and Springs, steel and gilt Chains, silk firings, ladies' chains gold, gilt, and (led ;~gbid, gilt, and fte&l keys; frals gold, gift, and steel. On hand a giaeralfupply >f Clock and Watch Maker's, and Silver Smith's Tools and materials, and Files of all iizes, &c. Pummics, Rn'ten stone, Ernery, Borax, &c Ac. N, B, Watches and Clocks repaired as usual. OtUber *8 todtf BENJAMIN CLARK, Clock Is 3 WAfcn Maker, HAS REMOVED To No. 36, Market Street, he has for Sale, Spring sue! other Clocks ; pold and filv'e Watches; Tools, Files and Materials'; flee nd gilt Chains, Sieals and Keys j Springs, c CLOCKS ANP WATCHES Repaired as usual. June 3 tnSnftf A PERSON OF abilities, integrity and experience in mercantile business, ♦would willingly en gage at CLERK to a merchant or publis of i c, or lie concerned with any perfoT as part i er, as he has an inter?ft of about one ihoui'and pounds in real estate in the city. Pleale to ap; ply to the Printer ; or i line left at the office for R Y. wHlbe attended t» inwneiliately. Mavio d.;t mfoth tf 20 Dollars Reward- Deserted lad evoking, joseph parkin* SON, privite i'i the marine corps nl the United States, he was I'O'n in Ireland r is abcur 27 yeire oM. 5 i'eet 6 and a half inch»s high, c'ark eyes, black hair, autl fallow complexion. Alio, JEREMI/lH CLAPKSON, horn in Erglan town of Stockport, i» 39 years of age, 5 ft t 7 incf »s high, srrey eyes, light brown hair, florii com-legion, an J by mde a i-fa'r*r ; from tb - a; p.aranc; of his face the mod evi lent mark* of at tachment to dri: k may be traced, they hav? both fcrvedin the Western Army, and now deserted in. full uniform. Ihe amou'it will be paid with charges to ap[ rrbtnd tbcm ; or Ten Do l.ir foreithcrby a;;!)"'-;: to FRANKLIN WHARTON, Captain Commanding. Fhilade'.phia, Marine Barracks, Nov. 8. f VoluMß XVIII. For London, WHO HAS FOR SALE, On board Jhid Schooner± e«t(