In a second letter from -Mr. Dallas to Mr. Leiper, inserted in the Aurora of this morning, it is ftatcd, that, from our silence (as members of a late committee appointed at Dunwoody's) in answer to the fir ft letter, he is entitled to presume that a rumour of our having dHlented from the report made to that meeting, is well founded. Although the truth of rite po fit ions, contained in the report of that committee could not receive much support or dimi nution from the avowal or disavowal of our afient to them, yet we think it jit ft to declare, that we perfectly approved and concurred in' the report, and that we have yet neither seen nor heard any thing to alter our opinion on the fub jeft. WILLIAM LEWIS, William rawle. Philadelphia, NoVltnhrr 15, 1800. In " Ramah Droog, or Wine does Wonders" a comic opera from the pen of the lively Cobb we find the follow ing tolerable fpecimert of dramatic wit. " Chellinf honour between MefTrs. Bayard and Champlain. This tale has been fa bricated by the very few political foes of that gentleman jn his own State v but we kave fufficient reason to declare that Mr. Morris will be l'upported as usual, by a very full majority of his Federal friends. Extract of a Utter from a Politician of rank and consider ation abroad to his JYtcnA at home. " You will have heard of the extraordi nary success which has attended the French arms, through the course of the prefenc campaign. If it were polfible for tbe Go vernments of Europe to take leJons from ex perience, there was an opportunity, last winter, which might have produced a gene ral peace. Buonaparte had >uft seated him felf at the head of the French, Governmen t powers had, in form, few limits, in sub stance scarcely any ; but his authority was new, and extremely precar'nfus. Peace was for his incereft, and he prpbabi,' wiflied for it. Hut Austria refilled the terms he offer ed, and England refufed evento negociate. The refufal of Austria was foely, and pro felTsdly, because flic ly continuing the war to make greater conqiefts of terri tory ; —and such was her tjlugl, infatuated confidence in her own means -that (lie wan tonly threw away, from tlte ft me spirit of \ capqurft, the alliance of Ruil'ia, which had j been th« great means of her success in the last campaign. 'J'he French had tkea f chehousi.t übsi'Ollsd the &ing of Sar dinia, of all his domimons on'tfir continent.' One of the express prirpofes for which Au stria and Ruflia began the w„r was to re. store them to hjm ; But no focner had Au stria gut in poflcfiion of the strong places of Piedmont, tbertUhe harfelf lays claim to the j Country itfelf, and relufes to rf store it to the King of Sardinia. Nothing could be more natural than the indignation of the Emperor of Rulfia at this Cijiduft of his ally.'iior is it l'orprifiljg that m consequence of it, he (liould immediately -vithdraw his troops, and enter into a negaciation with Pruflia to defeat the ambitioUs views of Aullna ; not content with this, the Au strian Gnvernm'nt removed from the com mand of their army upon tlte Rhine, the Arch Duke Charles whole military talents were certainly great, who had repeatedly re pelled the iiivafions of the Ficnch, 011 this iide of the Rhine, and who was worth a large army by the mere attachment and enthu liafm ot his army to liini—lt is beyond all c} that hfe was removed, because the Autlrian Prime Miiifter, 'J'he Baron de Thugut, was afraid c.f his influence again ft. hiiul'rll'. Thus wit'n one haiitl, Austria larned herfelf fbr war, and with'tfie other rejefled Peace. She is now Tuffernig tl;t penalties of her infatuation? her armies, both ill Germanvand It 11 y h ivebeeii defeated with tmmepfe U'f-, Mid (he has by tlie iflue of a (ingle day been expelled from the whole of that Piedriiont, for winch (he so ftrangcly -spurned the alliance- of Ruflia— She will now deem herfelf efctremely fortu nate to fettle again with the fame territory, I Ihe |iad, when the war.began. The Eoglilh Governtue nt, without being chargeable on this occafiijn, with such ex treme folly, as that of the Auftrinns, can by no means be complimented for their wiftlom. They, 'who had twice sent to alk for peace of the French directory, now twice rejeded the offers of Buonaparte to treat, and aggravated this rejeftion, by public personalities in both Houl'es jot' Parliamrnc againll Buonaparte. They will now again be compelled to implore peace of the very man, whose offers they fpunied, and whole petfon they insulted. Of the three allies, afusr all, the condutt of Rullia is the molt though the violent fUrts from one Mctrtyrie of Policy, to .mother, which llir has d'feovered, are not arguments of penetration or of csnfidency, St" the dilgrace into which every person has fallen who had any agency in the forme r fyQem, has been extended bevond the bounds of jii(lice aud of prudeuce—That Country has now furnifhed the world .vith one more example" on what foundation liands the warrior's pride.'* S a war row nine months ago, che grcatefl general in Europe < whom | through a long military life, victohv had ' scarcely once abandoned o;i the field t.f bat tle invetled by two fovereixns with prin cely titles and dignities, pray'd for by name, iin conjOir£\Jnn with the Emperor, in all the Churches throughout Utiffin, within the ■ space of fix'itfonths is recalled iiorne. entire ly difgraeed, and dies in solitude and ob fciirity ; defer ted by all the wo/Id : the Em peror liiml'eW having refufea to fee him And for all this not even a pretext is made known to ;he Public. ,k Oh liiw wretched Is thit poor man, who hangs cn princes fa vours-" It is the province of wildom to take found and good advice, tlio' it he given by an <- i>c my. As the bee extrad\s honey from p<:i foii, so ought Republican Fpderalifts to pro fit by whslefome counsel, Ihbuld it even I e f :und in the Aurora. i 111 his jjs.pcr ol' the 31ft of O&obcr, the Editor of the Aurora cautions the of Perjnlylvan'u, refpeSlng their legislature at Laucafter, and indicates very intelligibly an opinion that as in the Polilh Diet where '• the deltiny of the nation jvas dependent on a sirgle vete, the Machiavilian policy of courts, whose ambition levels all maxims of morali ty, could not be blind to such a contin.gen cy," so; if there be a fiimlar contingency now exiding in Pennsylvania, similar attention will be paid to it. This hint ought not to be neglettid. tt isperfetSily ascertained that in the Senate of Pennsylvania the federal republican Major ity is Only two; so that bringing over ore man deflroy* this majority. Oil-preventing this, exists the hope of every well wisher to a fair and equal reprelentation of t: e good peo ple of Pennsylvania- This elettion depending on this single vole, and the ccurt at Lancaster not being " blind to such a contingency," the event will shew, whether" a Machiavi'i>n policy," or, " an ambition which levels all maxims of morality," will succeed with thissingle vote, and thereby refufeto the republican ps Pennsylvania the invaluable right of being repefented in their ele&orial college. £Washington Federalist 1 ® W- ® Oto- [OFFICIAL.] Department of State. WaJbington, 30th QAober, 1803. SIR, I ENCLOSE a lift of Men, who al lege they are American citizens, born in the State of Pennsylvania, and who are detained on board British {hips of war, for want of proof of being such. I re quest you, therefore, to take such mea sures as you may deem most practicable and effectual to discover their relations or friends, and, in communicating to them refpedlively, the cause of the. deten tion of the men, to them, that ! this department will receive the proofs i of their being citizens, and pursue the ! means proper to produce their liberation. Proof of citizenlhip, should be in every cafe, accompanied with a description of the man's person to whom it relates. I am, Sir, very refpe&fully, Your most obedt. servant, (Signed) J. MARSHALL. To the Collector of the Cujloms 7 at Philadelphia'. j State of Pennsylvania. Henry Vents Philadelphia James Hewes x ditto Jefl'e Brown ditto Christopher Brenham ditto John Moore * ditto Abiel Sovens ditto John Peafole ditto Thomas Williams ditto James Scott ditto Thomas Greenfide ditto William Lane ditto James Mc Lure ditto John M'Awley ditto Michael Grouing Unknown Benjamin Bagtiold Philadelphia William Elkins ditto Joseph Goodwin ditto Richard DelaVanghum ditto William Voy Lancaster John Johnson (negro) Phrladel'a William Hues ditto Robert Nugent ditto James Simpfo; ditto Henry Burl or Burel ditto David Blake ditto Michael Burk ditto James Burrows Unknpwh Phineas Toody ditto George Dunn ditto George Darrath ditto William Penrofe ditto John Cooper (negro) ditto Christopher Collingway ditto John Rofs ditto Walter George ditto John Oliver ditto Jfilljam Gunnis ditto Thomas Coffon ditto IVill'iam Hill ditto James Colvin ditto Abraham Morgan Bucks C ounty Nurse Child wanted. A HEALTHY m«H?d Woman, witb a frefti Breast o' Milk, would take a cliil 1, lor a few months, to iuckle. Apyly on the fide of South, near Fourth Ilreet, to arf^T d6t ■OTtn;! *r J Gazette Marine Lift. PeiiT OF PHILADELPHIA. ARRIVED, days Brig Aerial, Paul , St. Thomas »i Rum & brimflone ; Joseph Sims. CLEANED. Schr. JVimrod, Makins Port Repuiljc^ri Adeona, Cox St. Bartholomew* gjf THE Lettar-IJag of the ship Thomas W' fori, captain "Smith, will be taken from the Cofftejiotife to morrow evening. November 17. Frnm Lloyd's Lifl of September 30. Gravefend—arrived, Katy,. Philips, New* York ; Adventure, Wardel, Virginia; Sarah, Maf.n, do. Rebecca, for Char lefton ; V lant, Harvey, arrived from Phila delphia ; Fiir American, Bolton, from New York ; Brothers, VViierman, do. Sophia C'hrif tiana, Ruter, New YoHt j Elila. Pr.'y, Vir ginia ; Trelawney, Planter, do. Minerva, Bar ber, failed tor 801 l n Liverpuoi—arrived, Oiifl >w, Barney, Boston; Eliza, Dorgan, Charleston ; Commeice, Ero mins, Virginia, VVarriiigion, Delano, Bolton j Commerce, Chew, New York j Lydia, Tred» weli, da. Clyde—Favourite, Walker, failed for New- York; Britannia, Smith, for Charleston; Elixir, Lerex, from Chari fton- Yarmouth—Delight, Inghaia, failed for New York. Milford —Patty, Snsll, Dublin, bousd t« Philadelphia; Crescent, Stewart, from Charles ton. Coweir— Boston Packet from Philadelphia. Whitehaven—Urania,Walker, from Virgin!* Kaft Bourn, Nancy, Smith, from Bolton. Hull —Commerce, Delano from New York. Deal —V'il iam and Mary, Dalingham from New York ; .Reindeer, Frost, Baltimore; Ho rifon, White from Charleston ; Eloifa, Mark from New Yoik- Lifbon—-Msntor, Trivitt from Boston. Brifiol—Eiigene sloop from New York. Cork—'arrived, Lady W>fhington,Lul'comb«i from Charleston ; PHncefs Royal, M-Keller, do. Neptune, Deybtrg, do. Peggy, , New York. Hamburg— , Ingcrfon, from N. York. Cadiz—Two Friends. Magrath from New* York ; Wifllington, Stevenson, do. Dublin—Jacob, M'Ewsii, from New York { Jacob, Bair, Baltimore. Bremen —Halcyon, Gale from Boston. Barcelona—Therel'a, Culhing, from Phila delphia . , . Anger-Point—John, Bu'kley, from Philadel phia ; Smallworth, Fearon, Baltimore ; Mary land, Saint, de. Nancy, Boyd, do. , Waterford—Warren, Fawn from Virginia. The John, Warren, from Charleston to Li verpool, is oti (bore on the Bar, and will be o bliged to unload. ffce Cotnmerce, Emmerfon, from Virginia, ie en shore at Liverpool, and full of water. BOSTON. November 9 Arrived, schooner Filhawk, Allen, from The British brie Fatl M-s > foa, arrived in three days from NEW YORK, November 15. ARRIVED, days Ship Juno, Stephens, London a 8 Atalanta, , PortCnriowth 9 Thiee Brothers, flfcll, Wilmington 5 Charlotte, Mafterton, do 3 -Nancy, Laboyteaux, Montego Bay 50 Schr. Adventure, BeII, Tortola CLEARED, Schr. Laura, Cock, Shelburne Union, M'Donald, Havana* Snow Pallas, Cunninpilum, Jamaica There was only a Swedish beiow latt evening. Ship Magnet, Marfo, has arrived at Liver pool in thirty-three days from ihi« port. Schooner Kelolution his arrived at St Tho mas in fourteen days. For St. Croix, THE BRIG M. ARIE L, Joi'rph Paul, matter. For Freight or Pafiage, apply to ttw maicvi onboard, or JOSEPH SIMS, 155, Cuith Water flrcet. Who has for Sale, mperted in fa id brifr, a few hsgfheaA ST. CROIX RUM, and €% si« f m brimstone. & novemher 17 Crook? Stcvenfojy, HAS REMOVED. From No. 4 South to the ftorelately occupied by Mr. JOHN TAGGERT, No. 11, Nor lb Water Street. WHERE HE HAS FOR SALE, # 34 Hogftieads Antigua and St. KitU run) 60 Do. Muscovado fngar 55 Do. Snrrinam ; sugar hovjfe, and Havan nah molafles Coffee in hogfiieads and bags Hyson fltin andbohea teas Jamaica spirits Country rum French and Spanish hran iv White and browr. Havannah sugars, &c. Novtm' er 17. mw&fiw 20 Dollars Re\ ( DESERTED la(t evanitig, JOSEPH PARKIN SON, private in the marine corps of the United States, h£ was bofn in Ireland, is about if yeare old, 5 feet 6 and a halt' inches high, dark eye». black hair, aud fallow completion. Alio, JEREMIAH CLAPKSON, born in Eng'and, town of Stockport, is 39 y ears of a g e > J feet 7 inches high, grey eyes, light brown hair, florid complexion and by trade a Hatter ; from tfcifc ap pearance of his face the mod evident marks of at lachment to driulc may be traced, they have both served in the Western Army, and now rteferted in full uniform. The aV.ov- amount will be paid with charges to apprehend them ; or Ten Dollar for either by applying to ER.ANKLIN WfcIARTON, Captain Commanding. Philadelphia, Marine Barracks, Mot. 8. 7«- - ;* * r