Gazette of the United States, & daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1800-1801, November 17, 1800, Image 1

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    Gazette of the United States, &
By C. P. Wayne, No. 65, South Front-street.
******* p i-i Cade iph 1 a, mon;vw- evening, November ,» on -
. PHILADELPHIA PRICES CURRENT, , :i Dollars and Cents—November ,7, ,800.
CS- The following DoTtK are fuel, a. arise on Importation, in American Velfek. An Additional Dmy of Ten per Cent. i, impofej o» all Good,, Ware,, and Merchandize
Imported in Foreign Bottoms, ' '
sV lo
-rt i~\ n 1"v /' DUTIES (
ALI,UM C 8 9 tree
Almonds lb 22 isprctadv
Anchors 11 12-iditto.
Allies pot none
Bacon it> i° h
Beef, mess R [4
prime 12 13
cargo ,9 11
B-er 6
Bread, fliip C 4
pilot 8 9
Braziletto T 60
Bricks \1 650
Stock 26 27
Brimttone, roll O $
Butter in ke,js lb 16
CANDLESdipt 16 17
moivlH 20
Spermaceti jo
Card*, wool
Cassia 75 80 15 prct adjf
Cheefc, Enrjlilh 3 J 7 cents.
America]! 10 11
Chocolate, Botlon 26 27
Cinnamon none
Cloves 130 160 ijprctad. v
Clover feed, red lb 20 de
white ' 20
Timothy ho 4
Herd grass I 5°
Cocoa C 2 4 26 2 cts pr lb
Coft'ee lb 25 27 5 tents
Coal, foreign bu 5 cents buthel
Virginia 30 33
Cotton St. Domingo lb 33 47? , ce n:s P r lb
Surrinam 50 } J r
Georgia sea ifl. 45
upland 29 30
Cordage, American C '4 'S 18
Rullia, taried 13 iBocent»prC.
Copper, pot, sheets, lb 60 1
Bottorts 4° > Fre.
Pit. (heath. ( 60 J
Copperas C 3S° 4 do
Corks X i 33 43
Currants, Z»nt '
DUCK, Raven.:o 1' 7? 12 ,
Rufiia I ji ,4 .750
Holland scarce j ad vaK
Feathers ib 4$ 50
Filh, cod dr/ qu 45° 5
do. pickled 1
< Salmon do. B 9 i°
do. fmoaked
Shad B 8
Macknrtl 6 8 jo
/Herrings 4 „ 4 25 U
Flax lb 13 scarce
Flaxfeed Hi it) jo 11
Flour, fupcrfine B 16 10 2$
common 9 75
Burr middlings 7 8
Bye meal 475 525
Indian meal 45c 5
Ship fluff C 233 267
Furs, Otter fk 333 160
Beaver Ib 1 a
Seal J> Free
Mink fk 33
Mulkrat, 33 J
I 1 ' |i 11 1 I I 1 1 I I I' I'll
* Note. Salt weighing more than 56 lb. per foufhel, pays i6cehts per 56 Its. per bulhel or less, 20 cents per bushel, in American veflela ; if in foreigri veff-Js 22 cents.—" From the Caps of Oocd liope, or beyond 20
per cent is added to the cost of all goods paying an advalorem duty." . *
t The aforementioned rate of duties upon Teas refprtt those imported direflly from India—lf from Europe, bohea tea pays 14, souchong 2t, imperial and hyson 40 cents per lb. If from any-other place, boiica pays 17,
fonchong 27, %-iperial and hyson jo cis per Ib. -in American bottoniSi In Foreign bottoms from Europe, 17 1-5, 27, 50 cents per lb. From any other place, 18, 7-10, 29 7-10, $5 cents per lb.
All tliitied articles, imported into the United States, not having been landed more than one vear, are allowed a drawback of the duties fuhjedl to a deduction of one per cent except spirits, which is one half ceflt per gallon;
JC7* Of those articles that ha»e no price affixed to them, their is either none at market, o. fdeh price cannot be ascertained as to depei.d Jpon it.
For London,
Captain Hjce, .
HAS the gi-eweft part of her
(Lrgo engaged—will take Freight if applied
for immediately.
Tiom :t Murgatrojd If Sons.
OftnVr ni.tb.&
"Gideon H. Wells
Has Just Received,
Bjr the late arrivals—a large and gciertl affort
metit '»f
Hardware, Cutlery cis Sadlery,
Which he offers for fak, f r cafy or the
ulual cred't.
Market-street, No. 135. 3a«4w
Saw Manufadlory.
No. 10, south Fifth flre«t,
Manufactures mill, crofi cut and pitt
saw«, eqaal in quality, appearance and fh«pe
toany rver imported; which h». fells wholesale
at th^^lowingprices—6 £eet mill saws 51-4 dol
lar each ; crol» T cut do 50 cents per foot; rittdo.
60 cents per foot.
Wond-Cuttcrs cast Reel saws, and every ot!y:r
to any particular direilion,
lO mvtf Im
Wliolelals >roin To ' I
ftjartin Ik 50
j Grey ?ix * 47
Red Fox l
Racoon 33 j3
Fi flier 50 .
! Bear 150 3 '
\Vild Cat 40 50 1
southern 27
Deer in hair, fall Ib. 16 17
Ditto red 25
Fuflic T
GINGER, RaceC 850 15 prct ad \
do. Jam. grd. Ib 12 14 do
Glll fang
Glafs,Wiail.B by to h* 11 11 50 15 pet ad v
/ 7 by 9 do
Glue Ib 15
Grain, Wheat bu Ijo 175
Rye 67 75
Indian corn #0 (
Oata 43 4 6
Grain, Barley bu 67 j
best flielled Ib 6 *
Gunpowder Eng. kg 10 12
I do Amer. 850
TT A MS, Pork Ib 15 «s4
jLJL Hair-powder 15 pet ad v N
Hemp, Ruflia T 550 100 cts p C
Hides, La Guira Ib 10 1 si
St.Domingo 10 !- Fr.»e :i
Green J 1
Hoops,Hhds. Ihaved M CJ
Hogs-lard lb 16
I Honey, country ga none at market
Havannah Wj 80 86
Hops 45 50 G
Barrel poles
St. Domingo 1 I 25 1
Ille of France 1 25 wjctsplb p
New-Orleans 17 112 J jP
Carolina 60 1 P
Iron Catlings T 74 67 80 '?
Wg 34
Country Bar I 6 67 109 33 P
RslTia Bar 100 ) 1 .
Sweden ~o ,20 V »1 I
Sheet 226 67 240 J *4
I Hoops 133 \33 138 67
Nail-rods 122 67
LEAD, Bar T 150 ,6i I , cent pIV «
Sheet ) '3
l>eaJ white,gr. in oil C | 4 15 pet ad v p
Leather, foal lb 18 20 J (
l.emons, Lisbon b x 7 8 k
I Malaga, 10
Cadiz 5
Lime stone H 5 25 do
Lignumvitac T 65 Frei>
Logwood 50 c ' o S
Lumber S
Boards, Cedar M 1 25
White Pine 19 33 |S
Ditto Pannel 27 28 iS
Inch & qr. do. 53 33 rfs
HeaitPine 28
Sap 14
Oak Scantling 18 jS
Hemlock 10 12
Red Cedar Ft 50
At Wain's wharf,
The Cargo of the brigEntcrprize,
r' Surinam Molafles*
] t J
Of an ex«cllefet quility, in hogsheads, tierces and
And about 40 quarter casks
Lisbon Wine,
For Sale nr
Wharton fcf Lewis,
No. iij,fouth Front street.
ofloher 9 tu th fa tf
Clock & Watch
Corner of Market and Front-Jlreets, Phila
Ha' received hy the Kingfen and other arrivals,
CHAMBER and other Clocks, Clock Move
men's, Eight day anrf 30 hour cast hrafx, Clock
Bells, Clock Dials Cat-gut. Watch CJafs
t Springs, steel aad gilt Chains, silk firings, ladies'
s chains gold, gilt, and fti-el; go'd, gilt, and ftcel
c kcy<; seals gold, gilt, an l fleet.
On hand a g' jeral f.ip:,!y nf Clock and Watch
. Maker's, and Sdver Smi'h's Tools and materials,
and Files of all lizes, &c.
r Pummire, Rotten (lose, Emery, Borax, Sac &c.
N, B Watches and Cloths repaired as ttfual.
Ocl»brriB codjf
For Sale,
No. 80;
Swanson street, Soutbuiarki
The following
India Goods,
ioo pieces Goldhead Mamoodici
100 do Bonnahead do
joo do Jalal(>oerS wns
95 do Chanderconna Manfook
75 do do Ha»dk«rchirfi
301 do Burbhoon Gtirrabs
•i9ober»4 tiithfaim
_j » ■
Madeira Wine,
In hhdi and quarter cafbs,
For Jaie by the Subferiber,
No\ 135 Market Street.
November i». eodtf
OF abilities, integrit- and experience In
mercantile budnefs, won! 1 willingly en
gage as CLERK to a merchant or •pnblU of
-14 e, or he concerned! with any perfoc a 5 pait he has an intereflof alicut orietlioiifand
pounds in real eltate in the cit j. Pieafe to ap
ply to the Printer or 1 line left at the office
for B. Y. will be attended to i'twuediately.
Mayio djt m&th tf
Wljplefile | I From j To I
Shingles, 3 ft. dreffM 28
2 feet R 8
18 inches 5
Limes bll t
Lard, hogs lb 16
6 6 5P 15 pr ct ad v|
Madder - 2 j 26 "1
lahogany, Bay F I Free.
St. Domingo J
Molasses, W.lndia G jo 60 5 cts per gal
Sugar house 73
Must. FI.. in Bottles dz i 2C 15 pct aid v
N A,L H d ,b w
if J J JS 2.1
2cd i 2 .
Cut do. ?d 1 -j 1
iJ ! »
l3 '4
6.1 1 2
3d 11
l od ici
1 2d ,0
2°d io .
Mankeehs, long p i2Tpctadvf
fliort I do
Nutmegs lb 6 6 50 IJ pet ad v |
o,LF,r.ktt0 ,LF, r. k tt ■{ . } »»° ,
Oil, com. Whale 6 50
Spennacetti. 60 70
Tanners B ij
Lintfeed G ' 73
Onions, bt.
100 rojjes 67 1
PEAS 40 40 1
Pepper biack lb 3j
Pimento, Jam. f 3 6 t-ts per lb
Pftch B 4 cents
Plaifler, Paris T id 10 Jo F
Pork Burlington, B 19
Porter, Lond. draft ir SctspgE'.jo
bot. ijo 3 )n bot * v 1
Philadelphia bot. 1 10 1. 20 do
Pearl, Pc'iii. patent g . 9 I
Raisins, belt kg 9 10 ispcta»iv
Bloom & muflcbx 450 5
itedwooH, ground lb 20 30
lice, * C j
Rosin, is o
SALT, Allum bu 1 8 118 "1 \
\ Cadiz 1 1,8 ( Se i f, otl .'i
Lilbo 1 1 6 i 18 (
Liverpool fine 67 j
St. Üb*s lij 120 Free,
"alt petre refined "> 27 30 '2-§pctaav ;
3 lil clotk En. No. I
segars, Spaailli M 8 10
America 2 n4-p erce bt
Shietirg, Ruflig p 1775 I cent yr lb
Shot 750 8
Snuff, in Bl uJdars 33
Bottles ' z 6
Rappee 6 94 2Ctnts perlb|c
Sojp, Caflile lb 20 I
Brown 9 10 j t
White 13 ? per gallon
Spirits, G 133 139 j'ftp 4 s c
Braudy, French 1 1 50
Clock if Watch MakHr,
To No. 36, Market St*ekt,
Where he has for Sale,
Spriiig and other Clocks ; gold and filve
Watched; Tools, Files and Materials; ftee
nd gilt Chains,' Seals and Keyj ; Springs,
&c. Sc-c.
Repaired as usual.
June 3 tnStftf
John Cliffton, jun.
HAVINC declined his former of
fers for fait all his ttock, conlilting of the 1
lOllowing articles, viz.
Sixteen Ativils,
Fightten pair of Bellow's, five Vices, w>llh alt '
the Other Tools necessary for cond-.tfli»g tht j
Smith's Bufmefs. .
Abolit 5 tons of Spikes, i
of di/Tereat fire.'., joioih. Sheath.Hjr an l Draw
ing Nails, a large assortment of Tackle Honks
and Thimbles, Swivle Hooks, Scrtpers, Hin
ges and Nails, tyith every other defciiptinn of '
ready made fron work, suitable for flocking a
SSip SLith's, of fliip Chandler's .
All of which he will fell on very re.\fonable '
terms for cash or approved no'.es. ]
*»* Apply at No. 80, Swar.fon flreet, South- >
wark. . i
Otfoherij. atawtm. ,
Vv h it Idle" From io '
Spa nil! I j 2d p IT"
Rum, Jamaica j3O , , j 2 g
Antigtn, ~2 ~4 % >4thp , 2
St Croix i, O J|xthp 3 8
Windward ~0 j 6t , 6
1 New-Engtana
Gin, Holland xl 5 ,28t0 20 to « g
Apple Brandy co 57
%e 56 60
Staves, wt.Oak pipe M 69 ®
Hhd. 40
' Heading 40
Red Oak 30
Leogan 26 67
Barrel 26
Steel, German h j6
English bliflerec! fa l3 [too cuits
Crowley's I' 17 jc 18 J l ,f " r
American 140 44
Starch 10 11 15 prct ad
Sugar, Havan. white C 16 3 cts per lb
Brow 1 12 2i do
India,' ifl qualit) bx 13 14 2 do
Muscovado C u , 16 7J J' do
Lump ,so 26 ' 6-J- d®
(Loaf, Tingle res. 28 o do
TAR, N. C. B 2so 3
, J erse y 125 , ~
I allow, Russia "lb 14 12 percent.
Americai 14
Tea, Imperial 1 r 0 i 66 ")
Young Hyson 1, 2 132 cents
Hyson x 20 J P" lb t
Hyson Skin 80 8; 20 do
Souchong gg 18 do
Bohea 37 12 da
Tin in platis 'JX 18 Free
Tobacco C
Rjehmond oJ<i 6 6 Jo
do iv* 6
Peterfburgb 5
Frederick fbnrg j
Georgia 7J
Carolina 4 v - *
Twine, Seine ) 4 30 cts
Sewing 46 ) per cwt>
Tuipentine B 250
? 33 4.0
Varnish 33 ic
Wiiv. |0
Cydc iS 20
Varnifii 23 25 ff
Verdigreafe 8o
Vermillion 2
WAX, Bees 'b 30
Wines, Madeira '' 160 200 40 to eg
Btfl Lond; partic. 240 401058 do
Sherry s a 112 125 40 cents
Lisbon 14J 18 30 do
IVnerifle -l'" 85 93
Malaga 86 90 28 do
Fayal 68 70 do
Port none at market 3°
Claret; sup; Bourd'x v
casks 60 gals. 40 45 40 pr ct ad li
Old fuperfine cargo 60
OF the firft quality, fit for ; adia voyages, now
putckig up,and for file by
William Sheaff,
No. 168, High street*
o<fl®Wr 30 wjw
so Creditors.
AT a county court of common pleas, held at
Union totfn, for the county of fayette, the fe.
con ! Monday ol September, in the year of rtr
Lord one theufami eight hnndr:d, before the
honorable Alexander Addifon, Esq. of
the fame court.
ON the petition of Thomas Pevs\ sn iniblvent
debt»r, praying the benefit of the ait of
Alfenibly, pal Ted the fourth day of April one
thousand (even hundred ar.d ninety-eight, for the
relief of insolvent debtors The Court appoint*
the second Monday of December next te heat the
petitioner and his creditors, and orders that he
give his creditors notice theredl by a publication
for three fucccflivs Weeks in the Fayette Gazette,
and in the United States Gazette, printed at Phi- , ,
la&lphia, the lalt of which publications shall be at
14aft three weeks before the day of hearing.
By the Court.
OLD Lotig Primer,
Small Pica on Pica Body*
Englilh, Chafes, Composing Sticks, and agrea- "
variety of artioks necefTary to carry on the Prin
isg Business. They will be fold cheap,tor cash
Apply to the Printer,
3 jft's