Gazette of the United States. PHILADELPHIA, SATUHDAY EVENING, NOVKMBEIt, 15. Prices of Public Stock, Philadelphia, Novf.mbpr 13. Eight per cent, (lock—loß 1-4 a rc>B£ * Si* p« cent. »nd 89 ■* 1-1 Navy ditto 89 1-2 a 90 Deferred 6 per cjnt 871-21; S8 Three percent. 54 t-i a jj i J I-i per eeut. ) 4 l-a per cent. } nJnc at market BANK U- Slices,-H7& J c;nt ad.T\ ■ PcpnfyWania, 13a ditto / ■ N. America 15ta15» ditto ( 400 I InCuraiceCw Ftims'a lioain ditto J North America 85 10 i Turnpike - 150 a 260 dolls, 30c] Schuylkill Bridge ... par t o j Water Loan, 87$ dolls. 100] Land Warrants 15 a 30 dolls. 100 acres St,AuguJisnc Church Lottery' Tickets dollart EXCHANGE. On London at 60 days 72\ a 75 On Amlkerdim, do 39*u 40 centO ' [;-cr Flonti > gfr a 17 cent* \ [per Rates of Foreign Coins dn.l Curren rcncics in ibe Uiiitt'd States—per act of Congrts for payment of Du ties. On Hamburgh urs, is, I think much diforaced by the admilßnn of fucli criticifin : t s appeared in your j»*aette of Molidav, on the Theatrical performances of the priced in » Fr day. With a,d-cided exprefTi >ll of thofs polit'- cal principles which v u deem important to the well-being of society, you have, upon many occasions mingled topics of literature, and talte, and added at once, to the enur tainn.ent and improvement of your readers. The (late of the drama has juflly octt'.- pied %cm 1 attention. It is important, that the aniufemetus of a polished people, ,'hould be tinder the conjroul pK jufl and liberal cri tififni ; but it fli uld not be in the power of every forib*>le»To protec.d to d.cide tor the Community. ; Stci te, wbilfl in contemplating the vari attract the notice of the audi*(ice , and if encouraged by their kindness and approbation, he may make rapid advances in his prof 11. But imdiftinguillnng seventy may dtjprels his fpi rits .and paralyli'every effort. The prnfellional merit of our lamented, favourite Morton, was nlniotl entirrlv, the growth of this country— Hen he fiifl ap peared, he liaicely ever voi't; above uie'Ho crity, yet we well remerr.ber to what excel lency he attained beneath the fullering foule* of a Philadelphia audience. I beg pardon for the length of this letter. If you think proper to insert it, I'maV, per- , h;ips, occasionally solicit a corner in your paper for future comtnunicatjoiis. Ru'., 1 i trust, that no further remarks'will be nvcef fary, upon fncli a fubjefl as the prefect. A CONSTANT READER. TV French oT Intf/iorJ T,. Riiiiitrai tv, i)i !i:s t'jiredi r-t' chc 23d !S*pt. in i.'i. 1 c*nj>l.- ut Mart, h,d um ;i|u)lh'nphc of I'JMic beauty, in wiiicn lli- ci,;ht-»iuli trnt*i ry, nt'.ut t(>o-it to rxjjirr, t> imJc lluis m addrcli tlnj c t iicory, vliicli .3 to luccicd 1:; r in tlir t'oll.ivMßjv :ciiMr :—'• I Ivqurath to yoo a£rr>t iniiciitHMf. I luu 1 nIUeW ;ilt 111111411 Afc nt 'l'hilr.lojihv. I .1111 row aSout to dil ;:H'l tcii-p Ih 3ccnsvp;i:.y ;u- into :lir oil a it-ivnr #i i\ : i-rlcive ihvn rrp.-tf? and lib*i :y, tlic |i,iii:i Lil tunis i>t n:y 1 j!ii>i s wh.i li '.lt'iil -irt to itii-.-f. 11 it:111 nitii In-iv-ir Ill.m iry 1.01u.n lii-v-.3lit 1 < hetr It.Mie ptr'CiiifcT U'.iicu: .tier;, [ > y 1 +or it will br < rily fnr tlire to pi - r crve what ;!iou ha't rece.vrd, lilrlU"..';i unnii\ed nw? fclluw trvfcn to tiiy l;il> fc>jnr. Do-iut tiie lmjy» of the wiiV 1" J ALGIJ-rtS Par amount of a.Jharc Citizen D iboii T-nidville, sent to Al giers by the full, in brd-r to necbci ate an accomodation, concluded there, on the 20th July, tie following arrwiftice UNLIMITED AH.'vTISTICE. CancluJ do yon think.-will he President," [ j_ • is a qui'Dion afkcd by •Imort; stfery psilon ; I , 0 I the aufwer g'eneir-.ily torrefpi'Jids , with the , r ' wishes of the- individual, vyhu makes t''e 0 | reply. The fear? of many, bo. lie ft men have j's btert excited, and they frankly declare they • jC | are apprehentive the Jacobins will prevail. 0 ! In order to remove all doa)>ts, to confirm 0 J the w,..vering, to convince the deluded, and , s |to ftreijgthen the friends'pf our government, j I tye 111 til (how by a comparative Internet) t, | t I that it remains witfi ths Federal Republi )r j caiiS to fay, who Until, or who* (hall not ;i ; fill these important ntlices. In ord'r to cf- ' v j fstt this,, we this day pisblifl; the vt>t'e« giv ,, I en in 1796 and then Hate, from authentic ,(■ f inform noH, wh'lt will he the piobabjt; t'- , j f'lt at the approaching e'.ecUc.rv, -by ,whidb, I it will clearly appear that we ate, at lealt s years longer to be blelfed with in dependence, piofpcrily and plenty, provided the Federa >. lifts art as becomes them on this important queftkm. - I -5 , « -5 >- - .5 1 £ <5 hi *■ ~ .2 3 L ~ i " dj 4 ' New-Hnmplhire, 6goco 00 6 j a MaiV.tchufetts, 16 13 00 00 3 s Rhodr-Illand, 4 co 00 <>„> 4 y Gonnerlicut, 9 4 co oJa 5. d Vermont, 4 4 01 00 co • t New-York, 12 12 00 co y <>f thr :tr 1.1.1-11 ;•> <|>c uft ij-ction. i.y \»n>ch » l ■ t 'is, 1.11 .*t Mr. JrlKriloii uOtxinrd V •< I'n 'Mrrc-, by only i »ntcj ; and' be •' ■ i<> l'<"'-ty t',c S'tw- v it , a'. '_b'i i>»r it ..ojiran 4. Nrw.M.,it I'm:-, M.its.. i iifttw, fthode 1 li.i i Ca :m: it:re ■» awxy |8 v .. i'r f'i.: r ; ■: r w*», thaj Mr. Jcflffr t'M, V. :iS .-U- "c l. ]•; rriii, U»tl thfJP VOttd f-'f A:Li:k ini I'iiitkiry, Mr, Jcffrr r.lll VVTrii! I.: VI- h. >a left out l>v 16 » co] 00 00 -If! i::ci, 4 4 en 100 OQ C ; now is, that Rhode-lilaiul will give 3. for Jt Berfon, Maryland 7, Tennefce 2. Nor-.h- Carolina 7 Should this attually be the cal'e, which we do not V.efitate to f«y, will not be so in Ulwide Illtiid, it would t.ihe 8 votes from Mr. Adams, and 8 from Mr. Piuckney, the votes would then Hand thus ; Adams. Pickney. JefTerfon. Burr. Scat. 71 68 68 Thus it appears, that they carnot pos sibly obtain their Candidate unlets it is by neejleft 011 the part of the Federal Elrft op Nifcit. I rem Orleans to this port, in dift c's , in end j ed putting into Sav/nnah or the firft port he could m tke ; ar,d in latitude -4, on the groand, I fp ke :he sloop Dependence, ChurnfiJea, lrom We»\ r Orltau9 to this port Ship Bnrtoti Paekei, S»mng, henre, has arrived at Cowes, and proceeded lor Am sterdam. Srhnoner Speedwell, Blarch-.rd, From hence to Kiiigftoil, (Jam.) is totally lofl. —Captain and crew laved and arrived at iiavanna. BOSTON, November 7. ARRIVED, days Ship Flora, Ilarfkiil, MaUga 33 S( hr-Catueron, Folger, d» 35 Schr. Vafa, Elka!;nd, St. Barthoiomeu s is Ship Minerva, Barber, L. .ndon 31 from the Downs, and from'.ands end .4 Schr Samuel, William*, do 35 and from land stj Left there, th« Scl.r Hope, Alltn) cf B'ftm Fancy, W niflpw, of Philadelphia ] Ship Phenix, Br.iy, of New JOlk ttuby, Saflf'i'd, of do Brig Morning, Star, of do Ship Flora, Lepelly, of Pe:erfburg waiting t> ial. Ship Harriot, of Phi adelph'i just arrived from Barcelona Ship Juno, Ding ley, of Bolton frig Hannah, White, of Pslem had fai.ed tor Ahcant Schr. 4 eieran, Millef, ot Polton failed for Barcelona the 30th S'pierabef. Ship tJ<»v. Strong, Millar, of FoftVn had arrived at Bai'c^lona On the t;tb Oflober, the Simuel carried awayhrr b wi'prit and sprung ih forctnaft. Th Samuel fpuke two Engliflibrrgs from New foundland. C»ptain Bnrber, of the ship Minerva, fprke in latitude 46, longitude 35, Hup .lanenoau Htro, Liwdf. y. of Salei*, t \v>. n{ y foUrda\9 from Alexandria, for Amftsr iam. Pas sengers in the Minerva, Captain La'Cflti and lady ; Captain's I t«el atid hobi ion ; and MefTr;. Center, John Elkry and John Hal. <® s::- © \ * r M Captain Feller, o r the (VV.coner C*Jtt»e^O|L on the Grjud Barks, f hooncr -n, fro n Malaga, tor Glouccfter, in diftrtJo *■ had ir.a hi'wat-er, 1)ojt 4 . quarter b-ar-ds A»i«i •' 1 and other wile touch i j'lred ; cha weather was so bad that CV.taia F. could afford ri > aflifta- ce Ex' ail From an' lin;!i(h paper. 1 he Ihip H Han i, Csptaui Pev , loaded Witty tobarco, Uora lv, bound to past Falmouth, Ssptember 12. Coasting Craft for'tbe week past. ARRIVED, Sylvii, Dagger;, , Philade^ljLi Wafmngtujn, Taylor, Alexandria Falmouth, York, Philadelphia Swallow, Ruw£ly . do Polly,. do Bcfti.ah, Bei.k ( ndß, New York ; (hijj Voltaire,, Bov en, antk>rig Roetnik , for Philadelphia, all to fati 111 a lew dsvs In latitude 48. 54, longitude—, was boarded by the Madrafs Englilji 64, from China, wi:h a convoy ..1 Sixteen fait. The fame d*v was boar ded by a French privateer /hip of twenty gurus, eighr days but from Hoiirdeaux ; iftforraerl thai they had order« 6 capture no Americans, unless arnie ' and commiflionedi About thirty league? F.ait (if Cap* Henry, was boarded by a bla k privateer, fvppofed from New Provi dence ; being in a.'aft, was fufferei to pro ctel. Tf« 'h p has brought dflpatches from our Commiflijneis at Paris. NEW YORK. November 14. ARRIVED, Jay, Schr. Regulator, , Virginia. 3 CLEARED, Ship Two Friends, V«sfe, London D Iphin, P.*terlon, Hamburgh Brig I,u .a, Stephenfcn, Madeira Sc. Leghorn Twu ftlips be;ow, one a lignt ship supposed from the nil* .rd. ThflhipS'-u hCiio' na Port, from Charles ton for' Leghorn, wa* takuri by a Unt ih crui zer, retaken by a Spaniard ..nd sent into the ]fl and oi' M a.orka. WILLIAM BIACK, O: D. vsr, in Delaware, HAVING obtained the copyright of D *V's P. ctital acd other works, by va fiuu hinds Iff rsia "i for i'ale, Viz. JScr;jcc?)?h's Verjion, at 25 cent , a copy. M:le of Pratfr, at i a i 2 cents a copy. Thu work originated I'ri m rcfpo& To Him, who rui'd, and H sa who rules the Land Ami tho' impi-rji-fl—it may not difj Ic^fe. N.iRKA riVES OF THE PKtATES, (>?aker, L.\cr.x & Bjroufc or Brous*-price ao cents BALL'S Fast day serv on, price 30 cents. Here piety a-d policy combine, To pr ve 'oh a ; at faun and divine • TMt 'h- 'Aw »y t"'guard the nght» iteitj Fr .1 1 .1 >c exp lie 1 i ty we jfee, And m her plac : ki nwiY.'rlbiar.archy. THE i'OETI :L NOSSG.iY, By D W price ocents. Where W ikn-antiu the Scrap.c of the day, Uf,Tefoi«i'>-ng, (talk* away • Affey'd with guilt--tV afj.>r plays tie sneak And leaves tii; heart ot inn, c -, ict | ( ; hr-alc Impoa'd n innocence, 111 angti'ilh, weeps, Wl iie onwridto hinlalti-, Hugh Workmankeeps. MOKAL jKE; CHtS. And a variij v i oilier Works. Order? post paid, and pi ice fenc, attended to by Ui T I.UvJ. BL VCK cn»en-Ver i f t.i :am 1 58 Hhds. Mo'ifles 36 Boxes White Sugars 24 Do. brown c i his 1' 7 Ltrdifig jron on bt ari TH '• SCHOC MF. R Phoenix At Sum's wharf ANDFORS A i. F. B Y SAMUEL R HO ADS, V, : 1, Pen,l St; r.-:. N vcuv «r \; § A quantity of Home made **« K« J7,.Qtttk Jb | Ncwiiufj Smiib,' lio. jt aAt^vj »Bd R»2«ri.«h4 Doau&k|( Dj Mo» 4u.&zk > ttrtct. 4 • • r ' At the (hi* toot, l« (bMy tftffa' foplornicct «u ih< YcOr, durjajj tfee wi&tcrs*"* so*, and u the tomb • &■ *tip _ them, He ncxb ciuta*j wbotrt 1* w»nc of thi» croti#, will fTM . tbeir »fc«)s> t*-nrry du (ft* ««r4lof ■•■* / 11. 1. Atfu*T»«W 5! *o*l fttUAp, ' At lluc '. ~ :*>•7\ 1 ■■ Tto rdu.« l .fc«^ th'myVeto •.•> t -;• ■■, ;„ .'U~'-'; : Samuel ReynoL i A 1 !' 0 1\ Has it mov -d from No. 40, to No. 44, South Th rd-ftieer, : ext door above the Bank of the United Sates. Nov. 11;. eodiw Nurse C liid WANTED. A HEALTHY mart-ied Woman, with a frcfh Bread o Willi, wouM take » chili,for a few montha, to tackle. '-p?ly on the south fide of South, near Fourth ftrect, to HUGH SHORT. d6c nov&m'jer 3 Norf.ilfc Augsil* do Philadelphia Baltimore tin Philadelphia •i A ('