By this JAay's Mail NEW-YORK., November 13. A CARD. A gentleman Id ft evening walking from th- lower cud of Librrty-llreet towards Greenwich Hreet, lcll ,ih a trench that had been to convey the Manhattan water to a,cellar, and lhamclully open, (which too ohen is done'aud is of dark evenings highly dangerous) ia his tall his head lull (truck, which is laid op»n jcill above one ot his- eyes in a (hocking manner ; had the blow been received hall an inch lower, one of his eyes must have been loll.— How lliamt fully are the lives of the citizens put in jeopirdv in thii way. If there is a rem edy for fitch evil-, it is to be hoped thole with whom it rests will prevent the like acci dent in future. November 14. Yesterday a fire broke out in Read-flreet it originated in a foap-boilc's houle, from a crack in the chimney. I hree frame buil dings fell a faci ilice—if it had happened in the night, the fire mnft have had a wide (ind more deftrudive range .■# FIRE !—The fire which consumed the wooden building, yesterday, belonging to David Ackirman, the lower end of ltead ftfeet, originated from a (hive pipe-hole iu one of the Chimneys close under the rafter, which was fluffed with rags, lhe building was occ'upied by tylr. John Hull, tallow chandler, Mr. John fiil maker and four other fmail families, who have all fuffered coniiderably. A new (table belong ing to Mr. King was pulled down to prevent the flames from reaching his houie, the corner of Greenwich and Read flreets, and other adjacent buildings—l his, together with ihr nfual alacrity of our fire men prevented the farther progress ot the fire. A few diys since we publiflied, on the authority of the Poughkrepfie Journal, an account of a duel, stated to have taken plate between Lieut. J.C. Cooper, and a Mr. P< rkins. In contradiftion, the paper received Ult evening from thetice fays " We are requcftrd l"y lieut. J. C. Cooper, to fay, that the account of the Duel publish ed in our Itiff, is totally falle. It was han ded to the printers by two person? of Rhine beck, whay hear of an tligiMe situation in the interior of Maryland 500 fubi'cribers car be c' tintedoa be fore he commerce, — A Native American will be prefcred ; Butit Unot to b>. under flood that well principled psrfons thrugh not natives, are to be excluded. ... * » Particular! may be learned on applioanon t» Editor of tJ*is Gazette. Oflobtr j. { New-Theatre. ON MONDAY F.VENIN.G, linvembtr i 7« Will be prcf.ntad (f r the frtandtimc her#) a fa »cui:c New CO MED X, called T';» Votary of Wealth. Written by the author of Abroad and at Home, and performed at Covent Garden Theatre with applaufe. Old Viforly, i»r Francis; Leonard Viforly, mr Woodj ; reoply, mr Cooper; Bhar;fec, mr Bernard; Oakworth, mr.Warren ; Cltve land, mr.Wignell; Harry Melville, mr. Cain ; Matler Hotel, mr Prigmore ; Nabb,nir Blif fet; Simpfon, mr Du ang; Waiter, mr Saily L*dy Jemima Viforly mrs Salmon ; Caro'ine, nnfs Wellray ; mn Cleveland, mrs Maw ; Julia Cleveland, miss E Weftray ; G«n gica, mn Francis. To vibicb will be added, The cde' nted Mifical Romance, ci'led Cymon and Sylvia; The Power of Enchantment* (Written !>y the Ute David Garr > k, Mq ) Cymon, rar. Cair ; '.ierlin, (the cneb l»r) mr. Warren ——Urgnn la (the enchantre(f) mrs Oldmixon ; Fatira>,mr ■ Fra ci . In a& i(t—\ Change lrom a Palace to an En chimed Garden. With a Dance and a d cent Cupids. With an Incantation. AND A D.iNCE OF FURIES. £3" Due n-rtiee will be given of the n-it repre feuutiun of PIZiRRO ; after whith it will, nil accou t of new pieces m preparation, St nectffiri ly 1 xi• afior tome ccntiderable i'mc. }df O" Wednefdajr, a eel, I'ntcd Ti .- s,e*t'»cV Geii'lernen and La"iie» are rrque ed their fcrva'stn to keep plac »io the Sox 1 at a qu irtci five o'-lock Prevention better than Cure. For the prevention and cure of Rilio-s and Malignant Fevers, is r commended, Dh. HAHN'S Anti-bilious Pil/s, WHICH have been attended with a degree as fuccrfa Lifibly griteful f" the inveri toi's fc«Jings, in feveri! parts of the Wr'* In die*,and the futithern parts of the \f 1 itedStaft*- particuiirly in Baltimore, f'tterfhurp, |< cli, niond, Norfolk, Edrnton, Wilmi'ipt n,Charted ton, Savannah. See. i hettftun-nv of a nnm her of perlons in each n* 'he al>ove pi* ft cm he adduced, who ha»e reason to belrcv. that a tii«elv us* of tk »salutary re .«dy, hat, ur.'er Piovide«re, pre'-ived their liies when in th« mnft alarmiv ci:-4ii d > Il is 11 t irid'c.l pr«li;mptuuiifly ;r..pofcl a* an infallible core, bujt the inventor his e-cry poJTi!j!e reason. which can reful' from rxienlivj experience forbehev ligih.i 11 .»f: > (liele pill', taken once every two weeks dnrn ( 'th- p>evs lence of oir amunl hil fevei!, wi I pr t >\ can in allilile prevcnta.ivr ; »>;H further, t hit in the earlier Ilagei of thole dife»tr«, their ile *>ili vrty generally succeed in rer nt; hulth ji.d frequently in cal'erefle med lei";.true ;«d key- the power of c m no; ienieOies The operation of these pil's t» p. i t ly miUl and roayheufert with fa.'eiv l>y pe frnjin ever In nation at d of rvtty ag.- They are excellently adapted t«> c \y ff f« perfluius bile andpreven it mo'htd f. cretimiE ; to reflore and amend the apuetite j t produce a free perfpiriition anil iherehj prevent colds which are often of fatal ron eqneri.e A jpfe never i'»il» to remove a cold t tikro on its PI II appe ranee. I"hev jre re eHrated I r removing hantual coltiveiieTs firkief- .if'he ftniKjck and fevrre and nught to be ttken by all pets im on a change <»t cliinaf. '"hey have fouuJ remitkaMv efficaciom an preventing and curing mw the United States fthooner Experi ment, Charles Stewart, Efq Commander, the fame having been lately «ond*tnned by the said Court as, forfeitel. 3tc. JOHN HALL, Marshal. Mirdials Office, > November 4tb, 1800. 3 For Sale, THE SCHOONIR ELIZA tfKATY, ffitrffrA G Parker, mailer ; Burthci 110 tons, 4 months old, farts faft. is pierced for 14 gtins. Ap ply to SAMUEL RHOADS, No. 1, Street. WHO HAS'FOR SALK, On board said Scho;ncr, 3000 Bufliels of St. UB E S S A LT. N .vri 'ier 16. eotf Kobert Sniith*& Co. No. 58, Sovfl 'ROHf-SfK BEf, Huve jufi Received, Per the Adtive, Captain M'Dougall, from London, A few hales of white and brown Russia Sheetings, Alio, a general assort mint of GOODS, Stumble for tfie season. November 11 diot Wanted immediately, ASKRVANT MAN toa tend in a private family id New Yok, to whom good wa ges. wi 1 • t }:»\en it hi- [ roiluces an uucxitpti oi.atrlc charatfVr. *** "i t vto the bar at the City Tavern. * Ni'vemhd j d3t i o be Let, Thos T! l-ar- U. ivciiil Church, iu Liimbard, between 4' ahd _jth trccts Lately o»cupieU by Alr.J„h» r-avajfe ami Co. ' quire ol John VeneU North Ball Corter ol >\atcr it, or li. Howell JNo. 14 North NiV i.-i diw 1 oft Office, Philadelphia. NjV.\ i, 1800. rpilß Mails for the Pofl (Offices on the Main I Lmc, i-'wm Philadclj ia and New York, wiH u'wrr he clofrd ev rv day, (Sunday except ed) at 8 "'c ock, *. M. »nd the Mails for Iroft ' slices t»rar t v nig from thfm wll be clofeJ on the ulu 0 citys, at 8 o'clock in tire mornug. TJI ><4utl for New-York, nn t th Port Offices eaOward ol it, will continue t the city without coining too at the Lazaretto, to be examined by tb liefident Phylician. WILLIAM Allen, Health-Officer. Nov. 4. d2w A HANDSOME EDITION or r LINDI.EY MURRAY'S English Grammar, WITH AN APPENDIX, Has this D;iy been published, by Asbvm Dic'kins, opposite Clirill-Church, Philadelphia. [Price One DJlar-~] Oftobcr 7. Loft this morning, ABOUT ten o'dock, in Walnut flreet, or in Fourth near Walnut (Ireet, Oven 3ankNots, amounting together, to One Hundred and Forty Dollars. pcrfon that may have found the fame is rcquvjfled to deliver them to the owner, at No. 117, fowth Front street, un J fiiall be rewarded forhi9 trouble if require !« November 10. diw. Thomas Wotherspoon, No. 56, South Fnosr Street", Has received by the late arrivals from Lon don, Liverpool, Hull and Gi.ti'gow, a general a [for tme in of DRY-GOODS; Suitable for the leal'on—among which are Superfine and second cloths, Do.-plain and ribb'd CallitTlers Dj. fafhionable Sivanfdowns Coatings and Backing Baizes Flann«ls and Piaid and ribb'd Calimancoes Durants and Joans Spinnings Black RulTrls and Bombazetts Plain and llnprd Wildboi'es Cloak Carnbletts Velvets, Th'rcklVttS and Fancy Cords Check'd and (Iriptd Ginghams White and brown Platillas Qiecks and Bed-ticks Purple and Chintz Shawls Printed Pocket Handkerchiefs Black and coi'd Barcelona do. White and col'd Satins, Peelongs and Perlians. 'l'willed black Saitin Florentines Wide rich lliipe do. Qu en's Grey Luteflrings Stitching and Scarf Twist Dimities and Marl'eltois Qiiltings Black and white Thread Laces and Edgings Rich patent Law Veils An affurtmeiit of Ribbons Carpets and Carpeting Tapes, quality and Ih'ie Bindings Shirt Weires and Moulds Plain and F.incy Buttons Plain and ribb Cotton- Stockinpfs Fancy Handkerchiefs and Cotton Bandannoes. Table-cl«ths ?nd cotton Cfnmterpanes Leaders, Ferretts and Galloons British Muflir." of every dcfcription Ounce Thread in boxes Coloured do. in do. ALSO, ■ Suitable for tlic Weft-India Market, A tew bjxss at" IVWrafs Handkerchie.s, a few do. Fancy . Muflius, a few do. Ginghams, entitled to drawback. Oftobcr 16 daot' Imported In the {hip Dispatch, Jacob Dtnner matter, from DATA VIA, Coffee, Sugar and Pepper, Of the firft quality, FO I SAL?. BY William Sanfom, James C: Fijher, Joseph S. Lewis. noTember jo dlvr Robert Smith & Co. JVo. 53 > South Front Street, HAVE RECEIVED, 3y the late arrival; from LonJon, Liverpool, Hull and Glasgow, A general aflbrtment of , GOODS, Suitable for the season—among which are SUPERFINE and second clothi Forest cloths and plaint A variety ot plain, ribb'd and embofled cafli mere. of every col-ur A vwiety of falhionable fwanlJown Kendal cottons Bocking and Colcbefter baize of every color 7-4 to it 4 ro!e ul»nket9 » 1 i and 3 do White forges fuitaMe for fadkrs Ribbed and plsin calimancoes Rattinets and lhalloons Durant* joans and bonibazeens Bombazetts, flriped and plain, Wildbnrej Velvrrets, thickfett« and fancy cord 9 Check'd and striped ginghams 7 8, 4-4 H-8 cotton checks Bed ticks, Scotch (hirtiug Brown linens and cotton bagging Piain »nd tambor'd jaconM and book muslins and handkerchiefs Coloured tambor'd ditto Olive, load and blue muHiaa Cambricks and lawns Lawn,and printed linen handkerchiefs Black and colored Barcelona ditto Blick love ditto WorfWJ, yarn and cotton hofitry White and coloured threads Tapes, quality and (hoe binding An aflbrtment ol ribbons Sewing Glk and twist Ivory and horn combs , wires and mou'ds Plain and fancy buttons Knives and forks, penknives, fciiTors, needles, pins, Sc. , They have also onhaud, an assortment of CHINA £s? INDIA GOODS, vi z. Colnured an.l black Lutestrings, Senchaws and Sattins— Garraiis, Calks, Sanas, Baftas, Guzeenas; &c. ' aHoler 15 'aim " A Novel, a Poem, a Drama, which reprefcnts Virtue in lively colours, models the reader on the varLui chara.sUr« who ail withr.ut kis.per* cieving it; they become intereOing, and the au thor inculcates morality without fe miag to mention it." L* Miacit*. JuJl Publi/bed, BY JOHN CONRAD & C®. (Suoccffjrs to the late R. Campbell)—No. 30, Cheftlut ftrcet, 'The Beggar GirL And her BenefaElrefs ; BY MRS. BENNEr, Author of the Wc'£h Heiref., Juvenile ln3ifcre tioiw, Agnes it Ciiutci. and Ellen, Ccunteft of CaQle Howell. In 4 volumes—three dollars. November 7 diw Law Book Store, No. 319, HIGH-STREET. GEORGE DAVIS has just imported p«r Ac tive from London, an exceeding valuable ail rtaient vt BOOK whict, added to those re ceived by fun dry late arrives, and to others daily expeitcd I r«m Dublin, will render his colletiliou t.e important of any offered for sale in this country. In a lew days he hopes to have his Biokt open ed and arranged, of which notice (Hall be given and hit annual Catalogues diftriiuted. November 8 eo?t , PbilmJtlpbiM, nan. i, (8«e, ALL Pcffoot indebted t* tha Efate •/ PuUX Reeve, ia'aftd, »r: to sake pay* xnent | in 4 ill pcricnt kuittg duoioJl ifiioA fiif filiate, wt desired (4 ihcit m^uiuilf' fcltlOMflt tO NICHOLAS WAL ,") eoSt SAMUEL COATES, ( Executors: JOSF.PH S. J.EWIS i A FEW COPIES Of Gifford's Epistle to Peter Pindas, (Price 37 t-z Ctntt) AND ( r Dutton's Poem on the present ftatd of Literature, (Price til) Carts) , Hsve just I «cn received by A. DICKENs, oppefite Chrifl Church, november f. d».F Take Notice. r pHE Subscriber intent* leaving the United States early in Defcember. Therefore alt persons who are indebted are requested to make immediate payment, and those having any de mands t.> render their accounts, for fe^tlcmerit. JOHN MORGAN. No. 3, SoMb Front Sreet. Nov. I*. eod6t Philadelphia Academy. 0- Mr. Francis Gallet, AN experienced and approved loftru3qr, has undertaken to teach the fR&tfCH LAN GUAGE in this Seminary, to fHch of the Young Gentlemen as m.y choose to place chcmfxlves un der his care £3" Pare-ts and Guardians are rtqtefiti] to make immcd ate application, that all the fcholtra may begin atooee. Samuel Magaw 1 Directors of James Abeicrombir J tbe Academy, O&ober M. 3tawtf. ' Dancing Academy. No 64, f' u h Fourth flrcct. ON Monday, Wertnef lay and Friday, the hour* for I.adiesare from 10 in the 'till half pi') la ; and frrm half pad a 'till half pad 4 you g gentLm«r, arc from half pafk 4 till 6, on t e fame days. On Monday, Thursday and Sa turday, for gentlemen from half past 6 till 9 in the t reninp Mi at No. jfo, Couth Fifth flreet. November 1a mthfa tf DISTRICI OF MARYLAND, TO WIT. BE it remtuhcred that on the,l4th day of Oc tober, in the twenty fifth year of the Inde pendence of the United States of America, Charles 'V. QoUfb trough of the said DittriA hath depo j fiti'd ill this office, the title of a book, the right whereof he claim, as author, in the words fol lowing, to wit. An original nnd corrcS lift of the United States Navy, Containing a lift of (hips in commilfion, and their rcfpe&ive force. Ali of officers, and their rank, as we'l those be longing to tbe Navy, as tbe Marine Corps. And a Digest Of the principal Laws relating t» the N«vy, &e &c &c By Charles W, Goldsborougb. In conformity to the rwt of Corgrefs of the United States, intituled "A n ail for the encour agement of learning, hy securing tbe copies o£ maps, charts and bo >lts, to the nuthors ami pro prietors of such copies, during the times therein mentioned. PHILIP MOORE, Clerk of the Diflri has Vt-n many e«n verfant in Trade and Book Keeping will he glad of fuller employment writ. the pen ; ei ther in posting books, tlating account!. or-traM" fcrih ng other Writing!. Any bnfinefs of this deljripti-n, thit may be done at the applicant's own hcufe, will fuii his jirel'ent tircumflances heft. A cou dir.ded to A. B. and left *t the Ofli e of this Gazette, by any gentleman want ing such afiiflance, will be refpeflftilly attend ed to November n. jawu*. NOTICE. rHER'