Nuxnrii Zj- The price of ttrs Gazette is Eight Dollars per annum t;> Subset i'frs residing ,u tie city of Pbiladtlfikia. All others Ua one Dollar additional, for enclosing and tii reeling ! and uiiless*s(Mne person in t-,'is city „t Hltrome mrserobk far the <»'■he very general'wfe into which ma chines are now brought in use in Laudon and otn«» large trading clues, a'id the fatisfail.on test fieri by a I who pofiefs them, reader it un nect-lfjry to enlarge any further "B their advan tage, both in point of" accuracy and ecrecy and in the laving of time, laboui and exptnee. November I tu&fa tf - Thomas Orr, No. 52, South Front Sthebt, BAftttfei'tJ by the latrft miTitt Imm Lon " (100, * well chofcn iflorttnent of the 101. . lovwintr articfc*'- Ct 'iLICOES ar.d Chintzes, (1 great variety ) i Farnturc do. ( ' n - Corded Dimities for garments and, furniture Dorants. Joaus and Calimancoss Bomhaxftts and Bomh;zteiis Printed liren :nd Cotton Handkerchiefs and Lim kon!e(*H , Tac.'nel tni k Muflio >»ndkerch>efi ShiwU, Cum and Cbint*, »g"»i »i r »e«y Ho C*ta«l% Hair lTOJery, Worfied *nd Cotton M all fi«* no.Cbi** VVbiie»ndß!tckWUc> ' T»bV CM Wfroro 14. ,ftb T ,6 " 4 " lth lnd WlAdOt Napkin? ■ . j Thread. Gio*t, Lawm attd C»m»wk» I JactttlMdJApetc W«ft'n», cok>umL M :*' V 4 Kitil at)<4 colwirtd Hsrctiwn«Jjutcluef« India Bjnlanna do of fuprr.V quility o#' Mt "* P,tcc ' (oAab«r iS> diw jtwtf. Voo barrels of BEEF luitabh; for East-India Voyages. iqo do. of Store do. 50 boxes, containing each best London MUSTARD. SAI.F. BY Samuel Rhoacls, No. 1, Penn ft ret!. 3tewti. Mbvember 4 Gazette of'mUi'iited States, By tY* George, Aminhle other Ute arrivals, AVD FOR SALE, On Sow terms ,by rfro*!*k]otliß 4 l-.alcs [.on ion ftrp'rfine do. i ha) * Plains anJ Forest Cloths I bale fi!hionah;e fine Co-utility 1 hales f.iiino-.d'ilc; iJoi.CiMi do. % Imall bales low {.Tired Swanfdowns £ 4 bales Ingrain Yorkcftiife Carpets and i *"* ao hlid. 6cin Twiue. J o 41 '*3S » 39 § 44 lITI lists 7 1 4 jf 7 3 4 57 7 4 4 j6 7 S H S< 7 * 4 S* 7 ' 4 J.I 7 8 At Wain's wharf, The Cargo of the brigEnterprize, CONSISTING OF Surinam MolafTes, Of an ex-silent quality, in hogsheads, tierces and A 0 For Sale, By JOHN CLIFF rON, Junr. No. 80, Swans on street, Smtbwari, The fol'jwing India Goods, viz. 100 pieces GoMhead Mamoou;s 100 do B»nnahe*d do 500 do JaiaipoerS wns 95 do Chan'.rrconEa Manfook 75 do do Hfttdktrchiefs 301 do Burbhbon otfoScr** 'u th fa im From the oii» Fam>cr. cipn : ti Cibfon, from Ham hurfc. a Itiye i(Tonment of Lto«h» ltd ot' tr GnwU, am-injiwhick art la if>v»iceof c t bale of tril Frmch Brmniiiat, 6 tad ; 4, which »r offered fcr lite on rtiCoo«blc trrms lor appruvci? pijicr, or ia tarttr Tor WctMniia produce Britannia', real French, 6 and 1-4 . Britttrftiai Seleftm* Platu lut Kojral«« EQnpillitof •Il d:fcrip lii>n» CrcK'n la MorUii Checit No. • & Stripu Of tie firft quality, 7 by 9, 8 by io, 9 by it, by 12 and upwards. EfloriMas, n ccadiUo., Quadruple SeiiGas, Dov* !as, C< uuU, Li?a6b »b<*r 6 diot w.^ John Whitelides tyPOKM'j Tii« frieids and the public in general, 1 that he has taken the BRKWfc KY, late William Da*lu»'> in Sixth flrect, between Mufkrt and flreets, where thev may.he supplied with Porter, Ale, Table and Sm/!1 beets. N. B. A quantity of excellent old Psrter on hand, fit for immediate sle oftobtr 30 tu th fa 3 w B. E E, F OF the firft quality, fit for India vaj-age*, sow putting for f l» b» William ShcafF, N". >63, Hig'i Ortib ftiwjw AT a county court o :.n h Id at J'nir*) town, for t'.e c< uuty of F.uctte, the fe co:nl Mouday of Btj tcrihe:, in the y< sr of rur LaM nne th'ufand hnndrecf, th< hctu rable Alrrander AdiWcs Esq. Prcfidentof the lanie court. OV the petition of Thomas Pew, in info'.vent "debtor, pray' S the b'ntfit.ul the act cf Aflcmbly, psffcd the frurth day of April one (thouiand (even hundred and ninety-eight, for the r- lief of itifoivent debtors Thj Court appoints the fecoiid Monday of Decern er next to he it the petitioner and his creditor , ar.d orders that he Vive his creditors notice thereof hy a publication for three fare. 19* < w .elt in the- Fayette Gaz-fte, .in 'ir. the United States Gazette, printed at Pm- Udclrhi i, the last of wr.ich publications shall be at lead three weeks before the day 01 hearing. dozer. FOR SALE, OLD Lo»»f Primtr, souii i*tt»x>n Wc* •ntlift. Ctufet, Oomfofißg Siltkt|»n- Importation : To Cfeditors. By the Court. * EPHRAIM DO\JGI.A?S, I'retbono'arv. s \ ■ , v- •' - ,1 - isr 3^-/ By C. P. Wayne, No. 65, Sout!» Front-flreet. Madeira Wine, In p'pes hltds ar.d quarter c;fi.s, Forfait by the Subfcribi ' ' GIDEON ML I WELLS, j jl> 'vi S'. Gideon H. Wells Received, By the late arriva s—a large and general affort mer.t of Hardware, Cutlery fc? Sadlery, hicii he effers for Calf, f;r caih br the ulual credit. Market-street, No. ijs; ■ " * I - K I 3 For London, r THH SHIP GEORGE, Captain Kick, the greafelt part of her Cngu engaged—will take Freight if applied tor immediately. Thomas Murgatrnyd If Sons. Ofioher 2»i A PERSON OF abilities, integrit" ati'l experience in mercantile taifirfdV, would wUiingly en gage a» CLERK ro a mercK.wt en- piiWU of »e, or 'iv- concerned w ; 'h any p»rfon is pait nw, as lit has an : -'er, *1 o) afceut onte tho l/fan d poundt in real estate in theciiv. Pieale to ap ply to the Printer ; <-r s tine lfU at the offiee '*• >r Y. will lie attended toitn» ediatc'y. ttaylo • tf Saw Manufactory. FRANCIS MASON, • "Jo. 10, south Fifth (lri*»t, MXNtjFA-CTIJRES mill, crr.fs rut and pitt saws, eq«a)iA quali'y, appcararcc and C ape toanyrvef imported; which »# ftl's vcholefalc at the following prices—t feet mill ft ws 5 j idol la- each ; cross-cut do jo cents jcr foot; j itt do. Co cents per foot. Woo 1-Cutter*, cist flcH saws, and every other kind, made to any parricular direction oaober 10 mwfim TAKE NOTICE. THAT XV'E hue ayplie-; to the HomMli Ju pe* »f tb» '"< »rt of C 1 ®"" rl«a« of Fu'lii 'ton Cour.ty, lorreiiel ia ibfoly nt dtStrn, ii J ski Dnartluvi ap- .i:«ed the I Jtl- day rt" I>f CCi. k«r ;k it, lo hear iu~n<4 rur Crcduvr* at she Cowt liosfcin Moun: >' ]Hy JOSi.' H CVTTnLL, jBRtIMIAJi HM.L, ADAM RS-HVE I ', WILI.IAYI JOHNSTOM »foTesiber to. For publijbing, by Subfcripiio>i t A DIGEST Of the L IW ot A"i his and Trials at NI I J J RIUS. By Ifnac 'lifpinaffe, of Gray\ Inn, Efq Barriftor at Law. The tfcird elltiuß, corrc&ed, with confi;'.er:dj]e addition* irora printed and manuscript cifes. Et'spes ft ratio sludiorum. juv. IN TWI V'ILL'MFS. T!iE work is now priming, and in cqnfidira ble forwardnefi, on a fupcrfi ie phper, ci royal fixe, and otfovo f'.tm, It will lie printed page for pigv - with rite lati I Loud n edition, in 1 no ?ain- will be fparc to reniiit th: work cor «e&, and free of fypoj;iarfcicil error*. It wi.l h: n.-atly hound aad ! e.ti-r 4 in t>vo *o !ume»,royal o3ivo, and to fu' will bo j tit at five dollars an.! filty ceits p"i '.'et—l9 nonfab- UriSers the price will be fomcwhat enhanced The price of the 1.0n.!0n edition is f. ». ti dollars Tho e who lubfcribe for eight tat', ihall have a ninth gratis The two v«!umc» will coafctl of about nine hundred pa;;cs, of which the one V>nc»cd to the l-ropotalh is a specimen. A* the work is now publiftiir'.jr, and will lie complct. - i with all conve nient expedition,thofe who wiS) t# profit by,the Ulbfcription, will plcafe to fuiilcri',; eal'ioatilf. N. )J. Gentlemen holding fulfcript.on pefcr* are requ«fted to return them to ' hnmasjiil I'ho mas, the publiihern, by the firft of Jnuuary next 0" The bookfslU r, in P c;ti, by the lWcrilitrs at th ir . ul'ual low price.' Those who w'rih to purci afe wili plcafe to apply by letter to the puh:irs The wirk will be out of jrefi fomc time ia the winter. THOM \S isf THOMAS. Walpole (N. H.) Oil. iSoa (a 8) co;f RUSSELL's Modern Europe. r T I HE Pcrond Volume of VODERNETJROPE, A is now delivering to **ubfcrii>ers, and may be had of *»■ W. Y. Rirch, No. 17, Soutfi Second Street. OAolier it. WAR DEPARTMENT, August 416, ißco. rHE commanding ttfficll-s «.f corps, de tachments, ports, garritun:. ind recruiting parties, belonging t" the military eftablifhmtnt of the United States, areVo Vejrort to, and receive orders from Brigadier General V\ 11- kinfon, in the City of Waftii.-gtan, and all* officers on furlong*! are to report thcmfelves to the fn of ready mads [rnn work, suitable for flockinjj a Ship SLith'e, or (hip Chandler's Store. All- f viiicli lie will fell on very reasonable - Oi or approved noies *** I'i''y .i N'.. 8-a, Sv im*o» ft'sct, iontfc vtark. Oflohtr I;. jtawim. The' Porcupine. ITiKF. tbis method of informing the People of the United States, that on the firftdayoi No ven trnc*t, Ipropokto rafume the publication "t Porcupu e's Gazitte, uiider the title of IHE PORCUIINfE ; and to HOtiiy (in cafe any getitW man in Att erica ftloukl want it) that the price o) etch Numbtrwill b- fixpenc; Iterlir.g, and that the cash niuft be rcteiy.d by me before the payer tau he upplisJ —As to the mode of conveyance, f a it-eqoeiit ar: the opportunities froifi London to N' /-York, that file* may be forwarded to the lat. ter p lace once a fortnight upon an av r gc-—from New fork \ can be fperdi t y conveyed to ev ery part ol the Union. When files cau it, with iut ■' '.ay, fern t oihib places dire Ncw-Vorh, unl:f< och rwile ordered. £r Pit cup ': lie's i Vcrks, Which have been 'bmetime 1:1 the Pr*> r «, wil be eoi-./plpted in Febrtjary ncrr, v. fen tbe dopitt fubferibed for in America wiil he to the Subfcribcrs. Auy ot my literary friend* l rrer. j» Southampton Sirand, or Umy 'aop, No. *B, Fall 'all. WILLIAM COB&ETT. London, September 6, 1800 Ten Dollars Reward. RA N- AW AT FROM the jfuluc;i' er the t/>th inft. a fcrvant man, named JAMES, aeed 27 years about 5 'cot 8 ineffcs high-* of a yellow complexion, and as a bold, f} rightly appearance Had 00 when lue wc*t away, a pair of Fultian trowfura. a v.-ft and faitors\ jacket of nearly the fame colour ; on »he* ;hich w« re large black buttons ; his hat b "»*k aii'.faSoHt Half worn. He 1 m'h 1 Fa iriing buffwefs ; but may perhaps endea vlr to enter himf§H en board some yeflVJ that in going to ci Whoever facures fai l Run-away and delivers him to the fubferiber, fliaM have the above rrwaid and all rrafonable paid.— All {natters of v< (Te!f are forbid to receive or har bour fu: i i'ervan; upon the r peri!. RIA CONDIGT. New •Brurtf* icV» 0 V'f 20 I v > ' . \ ' This Day is Publijhed, And to he foid BY ASBURY DICK.INS, Second Or. et, opposite Chrill Church, An Essay' AM tii Eleventh Chapter of the Revelation of St. jcbtu lo which'is ftewo that the words " And in the fame Hour was there a great Earthquake, and the tenth part of the City fell, and >n tUe Earthquake were iluin of M.-n seven t'u.ufand," relate to je. i ufa',em, and not to Rome or France By Charles Crawford, Esq. Lately pubWhrd by this a:!'hor, THE CHRISTIAN, A POZM. 6',fcrvation, upon the Revolution in France,' &c. titc. o(Sober Jf 20 Dollars Reward. Deserted ia!te»«-,irg, jo;eph parkin son, private i > the marine corps of t! e United States, he was born in Ireland, is about 17 yeare old, 5 feet 6 an.l a half bigh, rk eyes black i.air, and fallow complexion. A Wo, JKREMI.iH GI.AV'RiON, born in Eng'and, town of Stockport, i* 39 y Pars a ß e * 5 7 inches high, g:ey c ? es ' ll g ht lr0l,,! * lnir > 1 - or "* complexion and by trade a Matter ; from tt.e aji i ptarance of his lace the moll eviec:it marks of at tachment to drirkmay be traced, they have bosh served in the We.Vrn Army, and now ! tierted in full unilorm. Tlx amoint will be paid with charge* t« spprehind fji either by applying to FRANKLIN WHARTON, Captain Commanding. Philadf'phia, Marine Barracks Not. 8. _ Jell Received, AND FCTR SALE, BY SIMON WALlifitL Fotfi'h ll rt_ career of Union ftrcec, Frefli Cloves AND, . Real Ceylon Cinnamon of the bell: quality. nfVi'mbef 6 " tuthfaSu BENJA MI >TcLA RK, Clock is' IV Ateh Maker> HAS REMOVED To No. j6, Market Street, Where he has for Sale, Spring and other Clocks ; gold and filve Wajfclie* ; Tools, Files and Materials; fletf nd p;iit Chains. Seula and Key* ; Etc. &c. CLOCKS ANP WATCHES Repaired as ofual. *7 une 3 Fi a no-Forte, SINGING & G Ulf AR* R. TAYLOR* MUSIC PROFESSOR,. QTIIA, continue • I adica* the above in- O ftruments, fltc. Thole who may wifti for hi# inOrudion, rh"ir favors wilt be duly attended to, 00 a;, plication 'nacti to fjrfi, No 96, North Sjjctli ft" 't, when they nay depend ori b(inj* lnQrudled 'viih <**. re pndttr;;.»ioh,cottd-hi d Piano-Forte to be foln, andaGuitarj with other Piano-Forte's. Any perl'on wanting a GR ANL> PIANO FQ&TE, may he accommodated with a ve y excelled: inAribnent* cf that kind worth their purchzi?. So&c. cooipofcd by R I'aylor, to he had of'him. Mid at Chalk's Mu ficai Rcpofitorf. No. 75, Ncr„ih-fhiriStrict, viz. frefident's March, for tw« performers on one Pi ano Forte ; tfce favourite song *..( Sumner, Dc Tout Msu Ctrnr; En V write, Ru c Fel'ivity, \Tnrry i,ai(yt»»B«t. <>• • rwd ab««t 5 uiD«»fro»i (he co»o of Hwuingioo, I»hs.Ua fitMtcd o» * HomMc rivr—-tbcrc arc oa the praoiic* • «*ittr ■• Grift Mill »nd Saw Mill—fcneral dwdling Hon (V»—one of which i* occvfiti** »T»*ert r with a.OiflillcTy supplied by » pow«rf»4 Ijprtaff • 1 fTcel' ntw»ccr—*'oC qvaaititp atiaof thy M'«4ow fit for tfc* Ti#', *»4 wWrml •fT«- 6f ir.iVc Land tlrniy (Sortd—lliiwritfwill admit of beitif utvidfd icM thf*" dreprspojtioj of « ' i qm;trri Icrei iJjitfn'Jjdlt'lbwl mi! t'ic finic qya'jty—ll those Wl aaittlMl traMU; ar« fcr»ey» tMylaovkd ankt M- valuable I~r ei.. In Bedford county, acre- f; ;• v • Dunnii gs Lrcefc, fifil rate landmen) a public road to Bedford. 364 and 3 qt> kitcTs acrts adjoining the abovej a:; J t - " fame»tV. 388 rcs ca!U-l tha springs, quality as a'^ovc 198 and 3 qttsfacft acres on hvilf way run, a ,'c -i i ana r.o'.v in o> Jacob M-.lVs. Terms of faie.a* follows v!z-~One fourth part of the coitfideration rrvsncy mu& e paid -2 Md and the rcfi-.IBJ divided into f our or five, annual in 'talnien* s, as niay luic the p..rchifi*rs—to be icoa* red . y m©rtv»a^c. /.pply to John Efq. Councilor at law in the town of Huntingdon, or to • sub fcriU'rsiu the city ©bP ii deJpbia Willings fe? Francis. October 14 iawßv »Mw, PRINTING, ~ Neatly executed at the Office of the Gazette of the United States. Book-Work—Pamphlets—Hand-Bill*, C*rds*--Bl»nks ut ail kinds, Set, &.C. Will I»e printed at the Shortest Notice. august 23. To Printers. WANTED —in Exabans't A FOUNT of Loug Primer, weighing' 6 or 700 lb. or upwards, and a Fount.of Bravier, weighing 400lbs. or upward*. September 2. an apprentice WANTED, ' At tlie Office of the Gazette of the United States. - _ f^* ;• ;• v -*. tn Jkftf • J