Marftial's Sales. UNITED STATES j (r _ pENKSTLFANi.t District, j BY virtue of a writ to me direiled from tb* Honorable Richard l'eters, Esq. " the Diftri& Court ps the United Stairs in .»»d I for the Pennfvlvania DiPricS, will be expofcd to p»bl c Me at the Merchant.i Coffee; the City of Philadelphia on SA rURDAY the Fifteenih day of November 7 0 cUxk in the eveninr, FRENCH VESSEL D I A N A, lying at Situs's wharf, PRIZE to the United States Hhoorier Experi ment, Charts Stewart, Efq- Commander, the fame having been lately condemned by the laid Court as forfeited. Ac. JOHN HALL, Marshal, Mar(ha!s Office, ) November UNITED STATES, ? IT Pr.NNsri.vAHiA Dninict.S Notice ls hereby given, Thnm pur(nance of a writ to mt dire public file at No. 7, D"ck ib-eet. in tie city oF Philadelphia, on SATURDAY, the Fifteenth Day of' November instant, at 100 clock tutlic forenoon, The Cargo .[ tht armtd Fnn.h .riTtl«, priwt" lie United States schooner Experiment, Lharlci Stewart, Ei'qr. comminder, confiding ot ttie following art'cles: 2C Hosfflieads ~) 28 Tierces £ SUGAR, c c Barrels j ?5 Bales of COTTON, 3 Hogflieads ~j 9 Tierces 26 Barrels 12 Bags 4 Barrel 1 Trunk Tbe whole is entitled t,> drawback. JOHN HALL, Mar/hat. Marffial's, 1 November 4th, ISOO. J STAGES REMOVED. THE public are hereby informed, that the B.\l timoic Coachee will m futuru start fifcm th« In dian Queen, No. . s ,fouth Forth ftre*. every day txcept -iinday, at 7 o'clock, and will " at Peck'» Tavern, Baltimore, the n«t day at 8 o «locl: and the to New Y«rk, will flart every day at 8 and i» o'clock. lOHN H. BARNEY C«. N. n A book is kept open at Mr. Ely Chan dler's Franklin Head, where (eats may aWo be ta ken io the abovs lide of ftajjes. e&ober a LANCASTER STAGES. TKB PropriewM of the Ph«Wtlpfc» *®d L,n " „{Ur be •{?«*« DISPATCH, r«ui«thc.r —la! *tnk| to tl»-ir frteoib «nd the public ni *Ucrml, for tht hi*r, xlej bit. r«W«d : »4 Fmiu rhczn 'l"* in »S9J» to vyuj ii*lufive, in the name 01 Thomas Mullttt of Loudon, were forward ed shout the lit of May 1797. ' rom New-York, by the (hip for London, which was tured the French, and said Certificates loft or" deftrwyrj | therefore application iimade»t th; said Bank far the rcfcwnl of the fama, oi all persons concerned are iefired to take netice. Clement Biddle. Phila.l : SeptenAer 3, i"Soo COFFEE, A Young Man, PERFECTLY vcrfed in Mercantile acc»um». »"..l brougTit irp in one of the firft co»ntirg- in this kity, wifhe> employment as Clerk. He is at present »hfent from Philadelphia, but a line left -t th« Office of the Gazette of the Uni. ted States he will receive, and it Bull be imme diately attended to. Salary a feoosdaiy object— Employment hii *i®tive. augaft at dt ' _ Landing from tbc ship America, Write. Sims, Commander, from Canton, AWJ FOR SALE BT NICKLIN, GRIFFITH Of Co. B'JIIKA, 1 Congo, | Souchong, xrt Sc and quality, Caper, T ;ikay", Single, Young hyfcn, [lvl m, Impfcri-I) Yellow It white nankeen* J b it* & eolov'J ( In Boxe. V.ihaws do. C afloKed, "itti».s d«. J _ Luteltriugs, greeny u C Lox f * v Perfiau KIT-tne, dark green J Tl-ty have elso on band J >- sale, received ,■ the late arrivals from Europe, Wc. 1 Infmallpack Str!p-cl and checked ginghams | ages assorted White figured & co'.or'd Muf- | calculated foi linetts Weft-In- White corded dimities I d >a fliarket & Color'd lilk, striped Nankeens | entitled to LOST, LOST, Loft, CHINA GOODS. Jrawbaik, t Trunks printed Calicoes r J(). JO. } .... 1 Bales seine twine ( Entitled to to Cases Englilh Chin* ware, I driwback, in tea setts J 6 Cases mineral black, i do. white, 10 do. colcother, 3 Calks purple brown, lj do. nails afTortad, 9 do. Lon;!oB porter in battles, Eng'ilh fail canvas, No. I, 4 & 3» Knfiia duck, 17 Boxes white Havanna sugar, 13 Pipes old Madeira wine, Gunpow• Public Notice is hereby Given, In purfiance of an aS of Congrefi, pajfed on the 23 d day of April, one tboufand eight hundred, entitled "An a& to ejtabhjh a Genetal Statr.p-Offiee,'' THAT a General Stamp Office is now eftablKhed at the feat of government, in trie city of Wafhingtou, from whence there will ifl'ue, from and after the date hereof, (upon the application of the Supervisors of the Revenue, ander whose management, the colle&ion of the (laoiip duties is placed) any quantities of paper, purchmont and vellum, marked or (lamped, and duly counter-damp ed, with the following rates of duty which are dcmandableby law : For every (tin or piece of vellum or parchment,or (heel or piece of paper, upon which fln'l be written cr printed any or either of the ioftru ments or writings following, to wit, 21. NY certificate of naturalization j Any licence to practice,or certificate ot the adir,iflion, enrollment or re gistry of any counjellar, Solicitor ..•ulvocate attorney, or prmftor, in any court of the WniteJ Staies 10 Provided, that a certificate in ar.y one of W.e courts tof he United States, for any one of the said ' slices, (hall so fir as relates to the payment of the bottomry or re fpondentia boed I Atsy receipt or discharge fcr or on ac count c.f any legacy left by any will or other teflimentary instru ment, or for any (hare or part of a purfona! eflote, divided by force of any statute of diftri'tuttons other than to Uie wife, children cr ;rand children of the person dileafed, the amoiiut whereof fhaU be above the value ' f fifty dollars, and (hall not exceed the value of one hundred dollars 4-j When the amount thereof (ball ex ceed the value of one hundred dol lars, ind (ball not exceed five hun dred dollars 5° ■w\nd for every further sum of five hurdrfd dollars, Uts additional sum of > Any policy of insurance or inftru n.ent in nature thereof, when the sum for wh* h insurance is made (hall not exceed five hutdred dol lars 2 S Wlieu the sum infiitred Ihall exceed M five hundred dollars I tc Any exemplification of what nature ('a foevcr, that Dull pass the feat of any OTurt, o'her than such as it may be the duty of the clerk ef such court to fiirniQi for the use of the Unitfd States, or some pirti cular state 5° Any bond, bill single or penal, inl. nd bill of exchange, ptwmiflbrf note or other of te ( i.ther than any - recognizance, bill, bond or other obligation or made to or with the United States, or any fllte, or for their use relpcCtiveiy ; and any bonds required in any cast > bv the laws of the United Statei, t or ot any state, up n legal process, h or in anv judicial proceeding, or q for 'he faithful performance of any trust or duty) If above twenty dollars and not exceeding one hundred dollars 10 If above one hundred and not ex ceeding five hundred dollars If »!,ove fir* hundred and not ex- , ceediag one thnufind dol'ars 50 i And if ahoveonp thoulind dollars 75 I Prfividrd that if any bonds or notes (h'.ll be pjyable at or within 1 sixty days, such bjnds or notes (hall 1 be fubjeft to only two fiith patta ot the d«ty aforefaid, viz. If above twenty and not anceeding one hundred dollars 4 If above one hundred dollars and not exceeding five hundied dollars 10 If above five hundred dollars and not exceeding one tlioufand dolls- 10 If above one thpufand dollars 3° Any foreign bill of exchange, draft or order far the payment of money in any foreign csuntry *0 The fa id duty being charge able upon each and every bill of ex change, without refpettt to the num ber contained in each fct- Any note or bill of lading or writing or receipt in nature thereof, for goods or merchandize to be ex ported ; If from one diftriA to another dif trifl of the United States, not being in the fame state * If from the United States to any fo reign port or place 10 The laid duty being chargeable upon each and every bill of lading without rafpeft to the number con- | taineJ to each !et. | Any Botes iflue4 by the banks eftablifoed or that may be hereafter eftablifbed within the United States, ether than the notes of such of the said hanks as (hall a gree to an annual composition of one per centum on the annual di vide* d? made by such banks, t® Iheir ftockh' Idets refpeflively, ac cording to the following scale : On all notes not exceeding fifty dol lars, for each dollar On all notes ab-we fifty dolhrs and not txceeding one hundred dollars 50 On all notes above one hundred dol lars andnotexceeding five hundred dollars , , . , 1 On all notes above five hundi ed dol lars 1 TEAS, m&w tf law tf Doll,. C. M Any protjft or other notarial aft ij Any letter of attorney, except for au invalid penlion, or to Obtain or fell warrants for land granted by the United Statss as bounty fur military services performed in the late war 4 5 An) inventory or catalogue of any fur niture, g«eds or effj&s made in any cafe required by law (except in cafcs of gsods and chattels drained for rent »r taxe-, and goods taken in vir tue of any legal p-r >ceil by any officer JO Any certificate" of a (hire in any infu ranee company, of a Ihnre in the bank of the United States, or of any state or other bank ; If above twenty dollars and nut exceed ing one hundred dc.Uars 10 If above one hundred dollars If under twenty dsllars, at the ra?e of tto cents for one kvadfed dnlloia. II That the power of fupervflfsrs of the Revenue to mark or ftanip any vellum, parchment or paper chargeable with duty, will cease and determine train and al'cer fix months from the date hereof, to wit, on the isft day of February 1801. 11l That, if any persons (hall, after the lalt day of February ißpi, h .ve in thtir custody or potTeffion, any vtllum, patchmeflt or pa per, marked or (tajnped by the fiipe.r>'ifors of the Revenue, upon which aay matter 0* thing, charged with duty, lliall not have been written or printed, they may at »ny time -within the space of sixty days Lifter the said last day of February 1801, bring or fend fuoh vellum, parchment and papei, unto lome office of infpeftion, and in leu thereof, receive a like quantity or value ot vellum, parchment and p.iper, duly (lamped in pursuance of the aft herein before recited, j And in cafe any per ("on (hall negleft or re-; fule, within the time aforefaid, to bring or cause to be brought unto I'ooie officer of in fpeftion, any fu< h vellum, parchrjient or pa per, it is hereby declared, that the lame will • hereafter be of no other tffeft or use, than ,f itfcad oever been mar Iced or Itamped, and that all matters *nd things, which may af ter that time be written ar printed upon aaiv vrllul, parchment or paper, authorized to be exchanged in manner aforefaid. will be of no other effeft, than if they had been written or printed on paper, parchment or vellum, not marked or (tamped. IV. And for the convenience of those persons who maybe inclined to Ivve their own vel lum, parchment and paper stamped or mark ed, it is hereby peclared, that when any per son (hull deposit any vellum, pa-chment or p;iptr at the office of a liipervifor, accompa nied with a lift, the number and denomination of the (lamps or marks, which ] are defirrd to be thereto affixed, the lame will be transmitted to the General Stpam j Office, and there properly yiarkod or damped, and forthwith lent back to the fame super visor, who will thereupon colle£t the duties and deliver the paper, parchment or vellum, to the order of the person from whom the fame was received. Given under my Hand, and the Sea' (L. S.) of the Treasury, at Wpftling ton, the day and year above men- tioi'cd. OLIVER WOLCQTT, Secretary ot the Treasury djm. feptember 29. For Sale, or to Let, THE HOUSE, In Cbesnvt Street, Near the corner of Eleventh street, at present in ttvs tenure of Mr. A. M'Call—Polfeffion may he had the first oi November next, or fjonsr if re quired Apply to Edward Shoemaker. September i i A PARTNERSHIP. A PERSON pofltlTingfome capital, a confi derable lhare of industry, and defirout of engaging as a partner in a lucrative bijfineft, may bear of a fituaiion. All propoi'a's on this ftibjta to be ir. writing, sealed and directed to W. R. J. New York, and left with the ;\riater of the Gazette ol the United States, will be at tended to. tpf A Printer would find it to bis advantage J one? • A PERSON OF abilities, Integrity and experience in mercantile business, would willingly en cage as CLERK to a merchant or publk of f' .e, or be concerned with any person as patt per, 28 he has an Interrftof aiicut onethoufand pounds in real estate in the city. Please to ap ply to the Printer ; or a line left at the office for R Y. will be attended to immediately. May lo m&th tf A PRINTER, WHO from principle is a Feitralifi and to undertake the arduous talk of editing ol a napcr and combating the enemies of America, rrvay hear of an eligible situation in the interior of Maryland. 500 futx'cribers can be counted oa^ be fore he commences, —A Native American will be prefcred ; —But it is not to bs underltood that well principled l>erfon» though not natives, are So be excluded. *,* Particulars may be learned on application ta the Editor of this Gazette. Qdtehar 3. ___ Ten Dollars Rewar RAN- AW AY FROM the fubferiber th« «6lii inft. a fexvant man, named JAMES, aged » 7 y«ars, about C feet 8 inches high, ol a yellow comptex.on.and of a bold, sprightly appearance Had on when he went away, a pair of FufUan trowfers, a veA and sailors' iacVet of nearly the fame colour ; on the litter of which were large Mac* buttons ; hk hat black and abont half worn. He isacciAomed to the Farming hu'iucf,; but may pcrhap% endea vour to enter t imfelf en board some veff.'l that is going to sea. Whoever facurrs said »* n - lwa J fnd delivers him to the fublcr.ber ff.ail have . he above rewaul and all reslonable charges paid— All mailers of vessels are-forbid to receive or har b ou,faidlervantuponthe,r^r.l^ NDicT _ Newßfunfwick,Oil«-7 i*4W. ber so, 1800. j William French, No. 48, South FitoNr-amsisr, JUST RECEIVED, Br the Peoafyhrania, cap uu> Vcrh, trosn LONDON, An extensive and elegcnt assortment of LONDON SUPERFINE Bioadcloths and Caffimeres. o&sber II d4',tu.&f 4vr. FOR SALE, A Valuable and singularly eligible ESTATE, CONSISTING of two handfiwne dwelling houfej, with excellent ftabjing for feveo horfea, double coack-houfe mod completely fitted up; a beautiful iarge and valuable garden richly filled with, choice fruit, furrouoded with high Hoard fence, almaft new. The premises are beautifully fituatcd near the middle of fur rouuded with rich profpefls of the adjacsnt country ; an orchard of about two acres, with a hanclfomc lawn at the back of the houic. One house hi* been recently built o» an appro ved plan j the other has beqn completely repaired, painted and papered, and tin rooms with an elegant iks on achange of cli>natc. They have been found rcnaikably efficacious in preventing and curing nisit dilorclev- attend i ant on I