By this Day s Mail BOSTON November 7. The Legiflattire of this States will meet in this town on Tatfday next—and the Elei\»rs of Prefidervt and Vice Pre fide tit will be cbofen on the Thursday following, by joint ballot of the Senate and Houfc of Reprefentativcs. Extract of a Letter from Santandar, CSpain) to a respectable bouse in t&is city dated October 8, 180 a. <' I have this moment received a letter from Capt. Crocker, i f the Rodoiph Frede rick who is now in Paris, and who was cap tured by the fame privateer that t-ffels to Lift>on ; —That the Brin(h expedition fleet under Sir. j. Puhency were at GihrnU ter ; and it was fuppolcd woiild proceed to Portugal if that nation fhnuld require af {illanCe ; —That it was generally believed the French would hi Id polTefiion of Egypt j Snd that Klcbrt- had fallen a vifliin to hu determinant n to evacuate that country, a gv.inft the advice of the officer w' o has suc ceeded him ;—That the British cruizers have lately sent several American veflelsin to L fbofi ; and miong them a brig belong jng to Mr. Kimball of Borton. Capt. Ellery, from Malaga, and who paf 'fed Cape St. Vincents; only 19 days before his arrival, informs that a large Englilh fleet from Gibraltar pa {Ted up the Streights about the time he came out. GEORGE-TOWN, Nov. 11. V Yesterday el-ftions were held in this fhte for ele&ots of president and vice president of the United Stats s. At the close ofthe poll for this diftrid the votes were for ' T. Duckett 152, ] F. Deakins 138. At the Court-House it is said Col. Dea kin* had three fourths of the votes. A DESTRUCTIVE FIRE. On Saturday evening the citizens ofWafb ington and George-Town were alarmed by the cry of fire,it broke out in a handsome three (lory building, the property of Mr. Joseph Hc*lgfon occupied by the war De partment. The fire caught in a room on the second floor and raged with such violence as to render it imprafticable toextinguidi it. The papers in the lower story only were sa ved. . . The loss to the War Office is, in feme refpefts, irreparable. Mod of the papers of the Accountant's Office were saved. Mr. Hodgfon's loss is more than 4000 Dol lars. The Adjoining honfe built by Mr. Jona than Jack l'on alio fpll a prey to the devetir « feene ot gr&f and ter ror which ass. &Ed every feeling heart. Mr. Jnckfon after feve-rai weeks illness died that afternoon about 3 o'clock.—ln Ids than four hours after/ this aftii&ing, this heart rending fevne, tl»e family arc alarmed with the cry of fire, the corps is hastily removed and the widow and children are hurried out of theij'houle which can no longer be a home for them. Thus iu one? day are they depri ved of a hufbandand father whose a&ive in duitry, while living,-afforded them a compe tent support, and a valuable house, which would have prcferved them from want, is rendered of no value. Such a loss, with such a bereavement, surely calls for public aflifimceandit is ho ped, fonie influential and a-Ctive citizens, will set on foot a fubfeription for tlieir re lief.—There can be no doubt of liberal con tributions if the bulinefs is commenced im mediately. The remains of Mr. Jackson were inter red on Sundav afternoon—l hey were at tended to the grave by a very long procrffion of citizens. " A Novel, a Poen», a Drama, which represents Virtue in lively colours, models the reader the variou» charaitrs, who ait withouc Uis per cieving it; they become intereftiinf, and the au thor inculcates morality withnut fe miug t» mention it." L* Mercii*. yujl Publijhei, BY JOHN CONRAD & CO. (Sutceffor9 to the late R. Campbell)—No. 30, Chefnut ftrcet, The Beggar Girl, And her Benefaclrefs ; BY MRS. BENNET, Author of the We!lh Heirrf., Jovenile Indiscre tions, A>gnes de Courci.and Ellen, CnUntefs of Caflle H iweil. In 3 volumes—tbret dollars. November 7 diw Health-Office, 4th Novcmoer ißoe. THE Pilots of the River Delaware art delired to take notice that after the 4:': inft. all vcflels from foreign ports are pernn - ted to proceed to the city without comin too at the Lazaretto, to be examined by tb< Resident Physician. - WILLIAM ALLF.N, Nov. 4 2 " Law Book Store, No. 319, HIGH-STREET. GEORGE DAVIS hat jufl imported p.T Ac ti»e from London, an exceeding vilusblc afT rtuent us BOOKv which, added to thole r. ceived by sundry late arriyO«, and to oth rs i!e<2i 11 tk« mod important of any offered (or faie id this country. In a lew days he hopes to have his Bnolu oprr ed and arranged, of which notice fliall Ha and hit annual Cata'o(jlic» diftrihu td november 8 emt Philadelphia. II mo 6. 180 ALL Pcrfons indeUel t» the Eflate •< l-c* Reeve, decease I, are requested to niaVe|>a; ment; a*«! all pcrf->n« having demands agaiuft hi; EfUtc are debred present their accijun.'i I. fcttlemeD: to NICHOLAS WAL .•) eo6t SAMUEL CO A I'ES. i F.xtc«or» IOSFPH - I.P IS ) A f W COPIES Of Gifford's Epiltle to Peter Pindar, (Price J7 i-» Ceuu) AND ')T Dutton's Poem on the present state of Literature, (Price 11 1 2 Hit* just been received by A. PI KKNt, oppnfite Chrirt Church, november y dl/ Take Notice. r **fW Suihfc ibcr Intend# leiviug the United * Sratej Cwfly in December Therefore a'l pt fnn« who are indebted are requeued t • make imme hate payment, am' those haviHg any de mands to render their accounts, tor fetlcment. JOHN MORGAN. As. 3, South Front Srtet. Nov. ta. e-'fit Philadelphia Academy. 0- Mr. Francis Gallet, AN experienced and approved lnftruftor, has undertaken to teach the PRBNCH LAM GUAGE in this Seminary, to I'nch of the Young Gcntlenvn as may choose to place thenrf«lves un der hi« care gjr Parents and Guardians are rcq»efted to make im«o«di»te application, that all the fchoiars may bsgiaatoncc. • Samuel Magaw 1 Directors of James Abercrombie 3 the Academy. O&ober si. 3tawt/. gJJES NET'S Dancing Academy. No 64, f.uth Fourth flreet. ON Monday, Wednesday and Friday, the hours for Ladies are from 10 in the forenoon 'till half pad i» ; and frsm half pafti 'till half pall 4 young gentlemen are from half pad 4 till 6, on the fame days. On Monday, Thursday and 9a turday, for gentlemen from fcalf part 6 till 9 in ths evening. Mr. q_refides at No. 50, south Fifth street. novembcr 1 * mthfa tf Nurse Child WANTED. A HEALTHY married Woman, with a frefli Brealt o! Milt, would take a child, for a few month», to suckle. Apply on' the louth fide of South, near Fourth flreet, to HUGH SHORT. d*t n»vcmbei 3 Robert Smith 5c Co. ~ No. 58, Sovrtt Fxqxt-S'trek?, Have JuJi Received, Per the Attive, Captain from London, A lew bale* of white and trown Russia Sheetings, Also, agtneral assortment of GOODS, Suitable for {eafon. novirmbcr 11 diot New-Theatre. ON FRIDAY EVENING, November 14, Will be presented (for the second time ihii season) a taverijc Drama, in 5 aits, called The Castle Speftre. To which will be added, For thefirft time in America, a npribitipn—li will oe repeated on Mon d jy. Wanted Immediately, \ SERVANT MAN to aite id in a private i X family in N-w Yo k, to whom good wa lte« wi 1 i t j-iveji if Ur produces an imexcepti on»He charaifl-r. *** Apply to the bar at the City Tavern. Nr>teml'f ' % djt To be Let, rHOSE Laree and cnmmcJi- ua, .seller? under the U iverfU Church. in l.umbard, between 4? and sth 'trcets, Lately occupied by Mr. Joha avajre a; d Co & qwjre ol John VVnefs North Fad Corner of *Vjlnut iu *ater£>t r or E. How«Jl No. 14 North 6th Ssreet* N v n diw Post Office, tbilvitiptia- Nyv. i, 1800. Plfi KIHI Far tbe Pofl Often mi die Mail l.toci batwe#o Philadelphia ao5, Souiii Front Street, tiotrembrr 10 § For Sale, tfjLni THE BRIGAtCTINE H ENTERPRIZE, is built of the best feaf»ncd white JjgSggoak and was fal:ed on the frocks— will car: y about Ijoofbarrcls ef fbur, and may be sent to sea at a small tipence. For tern s apply to WHARTON & LEWIS, No. 115, South Front Street. November io §• 3000 BuflielsSt.Ubes SALT, 100 Barrels of beef suitable for EalJ India voyages ico Do. of fliip store do jo Boxes containing each dozen best London,muft»rd tor SALS Br SAMUEL RHOADS. No. I, Fenn Strtet, Novenher 15. to#tf EDITION or LINDLET MURRAY'S English Grammar, WITH AN APPENDIX, Has this Day been publiflied, by Asßi/nt Dickins, opposite fihriit-Churcli, Philadelphia. [Price One Dollar.] O&ober 7. Lofl: this morning, ABOUT ten o'clock; in Walnut flreet, or in fourth near Walnut firect, seven Bank Notes, amour-ting together, to One Hundred and Fortj" Dollars. Any person that may have found the fame is requeued to deliver them to the owner, at No. 117, ii.uth Front street, and fhail be rewarded for his trouble if required. November 10. dI w. Thomas Wotherspoon, No. 56, South Fjioni" Stusst, Has received by the late arrivals from Lo;i don, Liverpool, Hull and Glasgow, a general all'ortment of DRY - GOODS; Suitable for the feal'on—among \vliich are SUPERFINE and second cloths, Do. plain and ribb'd Cj(Timer? Do. taQnonable Swanfdowns Coatings and Backing Baizes F1 inn<-ls and Plains Plaid and ribb'd Caliinancoes Durants and Joans Spinnings Black Ruirels and Bombazetts Plain and llriped Wildbores Cloak Carsbletts Velvets, Thickfrtts and Farcy Cords Clieck'dand flriped Ginghams White and brown Piatillas Checks and Bed-ticks Purple and Chintz Shawls Primed Pocket Handkeichiefs Black and col'd do. White and col'd Satins, Peelongs and Perlians. Twilled black Sattis Florentines Wide rich stripe do. Queen's Grey Luteflrings Stitching Thread, and Scajf Twist Dimities and Marfellors Qmltings Black and white Thread Lac#s and Edgings Rich wide patent Law Veils An of Ribbons Carpets and Carpeting Tapes, quality and flioe Bindings Shirt Weires and Moulds Plain and Fancy Buttons Plain and ribb Cotton Stockings Fancy Handkerchiefs and Cotton Bindannoes. and cotton Counterpanes Thread, Leaders, Ferretts and Gallocwu Britirti Mnllins of every description Ounce Thread in boxes Coloured do. in do. ALSO, Suitable for the Well-India Market, A few boxes »f Mad raft Handkercbic.s, a few do. Fancy Mufliut, a few do. Gingham*, entitled . to drawback. O&obcr it d|.t Imported , In the ship Dispatch, Jacob B.nner waller, from DAT AVI A, Coffee, Sugar and Pepper, Of the firfl quality, FOR SALE RY William Safi/oniy James FiJfjer, Joseph S. Lenuii. novemfcer 10 diw Robert Smith St Co. No. 58, South Front Street, HAVE RECEIVED, By the late arrival* from London, Liverpool, Hull and Glal'gow, A general aflortnient of GOODS, Suitable for the ltifo,n—among which are SUPERFINE and second cloths Forift cloths and plains A variety ol ptain, ribVd and embossed cafli merea of every colour A variety of fafhionable fwanfdown Kendal cottons Bocking and Colchester baize of every color 7-4 to 11 4 roie blankets ail and J do White fergesfuitaMe for fadlers Ribbed and plain ciliruancoes Rattinett and (balloons Durante joans and bombazeens Bombazetts, fltiped and plain, Wildbores ' Velverets, thickfett* and fancy cords Check'd and ttriped ginghams 7 8, 4-4, i>-8 cnttoYi checks Bed ticks, Scotch (hirting Brown linens and cotton bagging Plain and tambur'd jaconet and back nfufUns and handkerchitfs Coloured tambor'd ditto Olive, load and blue muslins Cambricks and lawns Lawn,and printed linen handkerchiefs Blaik and colored Barcelo»a ditto Black love ditto WortUd, yam and cotton hosiery White and coloured threads Tapes, quality and shoe binding An assortment of ribbons Sewing (ilk and twist Ivory and horn combs Shirt wires and moulds Plain and fancy bsttons Knives and forks, penknives, fciiTurs, nsedles, pins,&c. They have also on hand, an assortment of CHINA fc? INDIA GOODS, tfi. Coloured Mid black Senchaws and Sattins —Garrahe, Geffas, Sana?, Bai'tas, Guzeenas; &c. oSober i.j Gazette of the United States. PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY EVENIKG, NOVEMBER, (4.. The Ss.nate of PiwnsrLVANiA Have negatived the bill, from the House of Representatives, providing for the choice of Electors of a President and Vice-President of the United States, by a joint vote of the members of the two house*. Whereupon. Mr. Gurney read, inhis place, a new .bill, and with the permission of the Se nate, presented the fame to the chair. —■ The Clerk having also read the bill, the Senate, on motion of Mr. Gur ney, seconded by Mr. Johnfton, re solved itfelf into a 'committee of the, whole, for the purpose of taking the fame into conlideration ; —after fame time, the Chairman of the committee reported the bill to the Senate; and thereupon, the lame was read a second time, —and, on the question—" Will the Senate agree t© the fitft feet ion ?" the yeas and nays were called for, and the question carried in the affirmative, in manner following, to wit: YEAS. 1 Matthias Barton i Wm. Fi-dley 2 Ab'rn. Carpenter 2 J. Hamilton 3 James Ewing 3 James Harris 4 Francis Gurney 4 John Kean 5 Thomas Johnfton 5 Christ. Lower 6 John Jones 6 Saml. Maclay 7 Samuel King 7 T Mewhortcr 8 Joseph M'Clellan 8 JohnPearfon 9S. Poftlethwaite 9 Wm. Reid 10 Zebulon Potts 10 W. Rodman i x Richard Smith 11 Benjamin Say 12 Dennis Whelen 13 John Woods. The bill was then ordered to be tran scribed for a third reading, which it was to have yeftercjay, and is as follows, to wit: An ACT t» direEt, on behalf of this State y the manner of appointing, the EleElors of a President and Vice-President of the United States. WHEREAS it is declared by the Constitution of the United States, that for the purpose of elefting a President and Vice-President of the United States, " Each State fh all appoint, in fuchman " ner as the Legislature thereof may di " reft, a number of Eleftors equal to " the whole number of Senators and Re fi prefentatives to which the State maybe " entitled to the Congress To the in tent, therefore, That the State may not be deprived of her vote in the choice of the Chief Magiilrate of the Union, but without meaning that the provisions of this aft shall hereafter be drawn into pre cedent. Sec. i. BE it therefore viafled y by the Senate and House of Rej>refentatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in Gene ral Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the fame, That the Electors to e'.eft, on behalf of the state of Pennsylvania; a President and Vice President of the United States, at the next ensuing Elettion for that purpose to be holden, shall, on the fifteenth day of November instant, be appointed by the Legislature of this Commonwealth, that is to fay, Seven by the Senate and eight by the House of Representatives : Certificates of such appointment in each house, lhall be made out and signed by the Speaker, and forthwith presented by the Clerk thereof to the Governor of the Commonwealth, who shall declare by proclamation, the names of the per sons so appointed. Sec. 2. And be it further enaEled by he authority, of ore/aid, That the Govern or (hall cause a notification of their elec tion to be delivered, in writing, to each and every of the E'lcftors appointed as aforefaid, on or before the twenty se cond day of November intrant, the ex pence whereof lhall be defrayed and paid on a warrant, or warrants, drawn by him on the state Treasurer; ahd the said Electors shall assemble on the firft Wednesday in December next, at the court house in the borough of Lancaster, and shall then and there perform the duties enjoined upon them by the con stitution and laws of the" Ujiited States. Sec. 3. And be it further ensß'ed by the authority afore raid, That each of the said Elettors shall receive three TioilarS, daily wages, when-travelling to, remain ing at, and returning from, the pike of meeting aforefaid, the fame to be paid by the Treasurer of the county in vhich the said El colors refpe&ively ' dim NATS. >,' V 'A. on