iVu.MBPK 1$ jß"| B■y Tbe price of this Gazette is Eight Dollar-! per an'nym to Subscribers residing ir, the city cf Philadelphia. Ail others pay tat Dollar additional, fvr enclosing and (Si reeling ! eir\d unlessperson I*l t n *s city will become antwerable for the subscription, it must be paid Six Months'in Advance. *„* No Subscription will be itcavtd fat a sbjrtar term six months. December 1 1799. v ALMANAC ' .Vo»r»Sfr H —W Hrwemkr fl. ■IOU St AT I*. H. M. I »0 '9 >1 *6 O % 0 41 . 38 "» 39 1 44 ■ty'cilncf.hy Tharfdaj Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tueftiy BUN' WtdncCfey , Tburfdij Ftid»r Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Just Received, By the fcil* King Aon fraon Liverpool, and the George from Hull, and for sale BY GEORGE ROBERTS, TIo. 31, Market street. A large and elegant affortnaent of c u r l e r r. GILT and p'ated buttons, ivory and combs, japaned, block-tin and pewter wares, brat's and iron candtellicks, patent tea kettles and sauce-pans, coffee-mills, iton and brass wire as all lizes. Alio, a large affurtment of flat-irons, bake plates, pots, Ac. dire<£t from the manufatfurcra. He has also on hand, a large and extensive assortment qf tin wares, Of his own manufactory, manufactured in (he bc(h manner ; ill ft' which he will fell on the most reafonab.e terms, wholefalc and retail. Received at tho fame time by the Ihip George, capt. Rice, the much admired improved patent COPYING MACHINES, Direst from the patentee. These mtefcines are ma .e or. a 3mple and improved plan ft,r copying, writing, &c. of any size, in an expeditious manner, and are charged at j much left price than any other r.ow in ul'e. They are f< und to pnffefs a (uperiorlty over any others, bjlh lcing move durable and not so liable to get > ut of repair, and by topving any number of vritlngs atone time, vMhoul making anv alter ition in the machine, and their occu pying lit'if foptn _ The very general nfe into which these ma chines are new brought in use ir. L r.don and other lar t 'e trading cicies. and the fa!isfj«£i,on teftified by all who pdfTef* them, render it un necrflary to enlarge any further <.n their advan tage, both in point ot r.c«ur»cy and lecrecy and in the Having of time, labour ami expiree, november >1 tu&fa tf Thomas Orr, No. 52^ South Frout Strut, HAS received by tfie Ltfft arrivals *>olll Lon don, a well c'hofen afiortmerjt of the lol lawing articles: CALICOES and Chintzes, (a great variety J Furniture do. d.i. Corded Dimities for garments and furniture Durants, Joans and Caljrnar.co«s Bombazetts and Rumbazrem Prirted Linen and Cotton Handkerchiefs and Lawn bordered d«- Jaconet and 3ook Muslin bandkerc.l icts Shawls, Cotton and Chintz, a great vanety D India Goods, v 1 z. too pieces Goldhcad Mamoodies 100 do do 500 do JalalpoerS wns 95 do Chanitrconna Manfnok 75 do do Handkerchief# $Ol do Burbhoon Gurrah® •ftober 24 tush fa 1 m Landing, frtm the (kfa firmer, captain Gibfon, worn Ham but);. • Jaiko aflorunrnt of l.imi a»d #(b«r OMill. am-Mg which*!* an i*>voi«of J J bait' of real Prroch Bnmanka, 6ar.d 7 4. which are offered f*r sale on rcaiuiable tcra» (or approved paper, or in barter for Well-India produce. Sritaaoiai, real French, I Bnccalt:nlui Rnyalaa L.)cp.i|iJof all dcfcrip tivm Creas a la Morlaix Check* No. 2 Sc Stripes 609 of Bohemia White Window Glass, Of tke fir ft quality, 7 by 9, 8 by 10, 9 by 11 by 1} and upwards. ON HAND, Of late Importation : HftopiUat, Boetadillot, Quadim'l# icUCn, Oow <•*, C uciU, Liftat'oei, hlbrrfrl fine Ch«tk». Bnl patch et, Ftindm Bed Tick*. I'tpr* of ail Coflce (ciiho, Uicutin, Oil) TumbUn. Traveling Oa(«*i tuli'i; Wn, ud Demijohn*,.— to JACOd SPERRY ts" Co. OA.iVr 6 rtiot w*f».im. John Whiteiides INFORMS hi« friends an I --lie public i;i general, that he has taken the BREWERY, late William Dawion'i in Sixth ftrcct, between Market and Arch ftrects, whtrs they may be supplied with Purtcr, Ale. Tible and Small l*enr«. N. i>. A quantity of exceiient old Perter on hand, fit for imtncuiatc ate. October 30 tu th fa 3 w BEEF OF the firft quality, fit for 'niia vayag <•*, now putting up,and for fie by William Sheaff, No. 168, High street. o&»t>«r .10 To Creditors. •VT a county court o f common pleas, held at Union town, for the coui.iy of Fayette, the fe cond Monday of September, in the year of cur Lord one thoufarrt eight rnndred, before the honorable Alexander Addifon, Eiq. President ol the fame court. ON -the periritm of Thomas Pew, nn insolvent dcbtur, praying the benefit of the *& ef Affcnibly, passed the fourth day of Aprjl one thousand (even hundred »11.1 rlnety-eight, forthe 'relief of insolvent debtors. The Court appoints the second Monday of December next te hear the petitioner and his creditors, and orders that he jrive his creditors notice thertoi by a publication for three fycctffiv* *>,eks in the fayette Gazette, and in the United Stutes Gazette, printed at Phi ladelphia, the last ol which publications shall be at leatt three weeks before the day of hearing. By the Court. EPHRAIM DOUGLASS, I'rxtiMtnUarv. FOR SALE, OLP Long Primer, Small Pica on Pica Bedy, Rnglifll, Chafes, Composing Slicks, and agrea variety cf articles necelliry to carry on the Prill ing Bufinda- They will he fekl cheap t#r calk \jiply to the Printer. By C. P. Wayne, No. 65, South Front-flreet. For London, r 1 ■ %x thr SHIP MSk GEORGE, Captain Rick,' HAS the gresteft part of her Cargo engaged—will take Freight if applied for immediately. Thomas Murgatrojd (J" Sons. Oftrcber it. tu.th.&fa.tf. Brlvfei'll.menfc 3i>tn.ipfc »-4co. Tjp-ri nl fcrcril kir, J» Q canters and piut tumblers Tr»*elli:iJ Cifes Obf. Bead*, Tiolini and . Gideon H. Wells Has Just Received, By the late arrival#—a 1 arge and general affort mcr f t of Hardware, Cutltry ijf Sadlery, Which 1- Sl' far cai Or ;fce ulual credit. Market-street, No. Imported, In the ftily Atlantic, captain Waters, from Calcutta and Madras, And for sale by the subscriber, jreat variety of articles mostly suitable far exportation, AMONG WHICH ARK BIJJI CL3TH3 ' Neckaates Soor Huraalt Kalctnpoores Vciila pilaris* Madras Long Cloths Uit'.o Handkerchiefs. Ai-so 2000 bags prime Sugar, Hyson and souchong Tea, JOHN MILLER, Junr. No. 80, Dock street. o&ober 10 rows tf J nil arrived. Per the Brig Perseverance, CAPTAIN SWAINE, Mr. William Bell's Wharf. So hhds. Antipu* and St. Kitts Rum and 10 ditto Coffee FOR SALE BY, CROOKE TEVEN9ON. No. 4, South Water St eel. O&nber 8. dtf Copper, In Sheets, Bottoms & Still Patterns, LE AD, Brszier'a Solder, Tin in boxes. Steel j Sheet-irou, Sewing twine, and a large aff»rt- Bieiit »> Ironmongery, Oitlery, Saileiy, Drafs and Japann'd wares. Forfa'ehy Elisha Fisher & Co. Qdtober 17. mi. Proposals Forpitblifhing, by Subscription, A DICES T Of the Law of Anions and Trials at NISI PRIUS. By Isaac 'Efpinaffe, of Gray's Inn, Esq. Barrrftwr at Law. The third edition, torre&ed, with confiderabl* addition! itom printed and manulcript cases. Eft spes et ratio studiorum. Juv. IN fwo voLUMfs. THF. work is now printing, and in confidera bte forwardnefs, on a fupcrfine paper, <>f royal fize.aud oitivo f<-rm. It will he printed page for page with the latelt London edition, and no pains will be spare so render th? work cor ceS, andfree of typogtavV.ical eirors. It will be neatly bound and letter J in two to lumes,royal o-savo, and to fubicrihers will bo put at five dollars and filty ccntt per set—l» nonfub leribers the price will he somewhat enhanced.— The price of the London edition is fcv;i, dollars Those who fubferibe ior tight fats Cull have a ninth gratis The two volumes will coafifi. of about nine hundred pages, of which the one annexed to the yropojals is a fpccimeui As the work is now publilhing, and will be completed with all conve nient expedition, those who wifli u profit by the lubfeription, will please to fublcribe feafonatily. N. B. Gentlemen holding subscription papers are requ*fted to return them to Thomas and Tho mas, the publiihers, by the firft of January next. £3* The hookfellers in Philadelphia are rsfpeft fully informed, that they will be l'old either bound or gath«red in fhctts, by the subscribers, at their usual low price. Those who wiih to purchaU will please to apply by letter to th« publishers.— The work will be out of press some time in the winter. THOMAS is" THOMAS. Walpole (N. H.) Oil. ißoo (a 8) eats RUSS ELL's Modern Europe. second Volume of MODERN EUROPE, 1 h now dtlivermgto SuMccibers.and may be had of W. Y. Birch, No. i;i South Second Street. O&ober *5. WAR DEPARTMENT, August 4til, ißco. THE commanding Cl.icers of c<-rps, de tachments,pofts, garrifoni, anditecruiting I parties, belonging to the military eftablifhpient of the United States, are to report to, and receive orders from General Wil kinfon, in the City of Wafli ngtun, and all officers on furlough are to report themselves to the fime officer with all poffinle dispatch. SAMUEL DEXTER, Secretary of War. #5" All Printers wiihtß United States who have publiOnd invititior.s for contrails of the 13th or March lift are requcfted to insert the above in their reCpeflive papers, once a week for two mcntiis. John Cliffton, jun. HAVINC declined his former hjlinefs, of fers for fait all his ttock, rorfiftipg of the following articles, viz. Sixteen Anvils, . PJghteen pair of Bcilovr'a, jjr- Vices, with all the otker 'Foals QCceffitvy i jr- contisfling the Smith's Buflnefs. ALSO, About 5 tons of Spikes, of different tizes, 30001b. Sheathing and Draw ingi-Niils, a large iffortment of Tackle Hooks and Thimbles, Swivle Hooks, Scrapers, Hin ges 3n>? Nails, with erejy other description of ready made Iron work, suitable for stocking a Ship SLith'i, or (hip Chandler'j Store. AH of which he will fellon very reasonable terms for calh or approved nojes. * Apply at No. 80, Swanfon 6reet, South ward. Oiloher 15. Utawim. Horses to Winter, HORSES will he taken to winter at Profpe& Hill, at the 13 mile stone.on the BrifloJToad, where they will have good T»mothy and Clover Hay, be well t?ken care of, and have a field to ru* in when the weather is >d ; enquire ol William Bell, Philadelphia; or, 01 Joleph Hunting, ob the premises. They engage to return them in good or«!er in thefpring or charge nochiiijr for keeping them, and will not be anfwrrablc for accidents or escape, but will take every precaution to prevent either. oiSober i; mwf tf The Porcupine. I TAKE this method of informing the People of the United States, that on the firftday o4 No vember next, I prupofe to resume the publication of Porcupine' 6 Gazette, under the title of THE PORCUPINE ; and to notify (in cafe any geotle man in America should want it) that the price of each Number will be fupence ilerlirg, and that the c-[h must be received by me before (J, e paper can be lupp'Ud.—As to the mode of so frequent are the opportunities from London to New-York, that file» may be forwarded to the ii»t. ter place once a fortnight upon an average—from New-York they can be fpcedily conveyed to ev ery part of the Union. When files can '»e, with out delay, feat to othir places direcS, it may be done ; when they cannot, they will all be sent te New-York, unlefe othcrwife ordered. Porcupine's iVerks, Which have beeu fonietime in the Press, wil lie completed in February next, when the copies fubfcri'ied for in America will be forwarded to the Subfcribcrs. Any of my literary fr 1 'litis in America, who may be disposed to renew tUeir corrtfpon'!nce with me; will please ;o direiSl to me at my print ing olfice, No. i,. Southampton flrcet Strand, or at my Bookfellcr's shop, No. 18, Pail Mall. WILLIAM COBBETT. London, September 6, ißco. PROPOSALS FOR PUBLISHING Br SUBSCRIPTION, 1 The Works OF THB Hon. James Wilson, £fq- L. L. .D Li.te one of the Associate Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States and Prajessor at Law in the College and Academy of Philadelphia. From the original manuscript, in the polfeffion of Bird Wilson, Esq. CONDITIONS. These works (hall he elegantly pr>.' t> in two volumes oSavo, and dclivered/o lubfcribcrs at five dollars. TKty (hall be put to prcli a< soon as the fubferip tions will juftify the ex;ri»gsj &c. 85c. CLOCKS AND WATCHES' Repaired s.t usual. June 3 tu&ftf Piano-Forte, SINGING & GUITAR, R. TAYLOR, MUSIC PROFESSOR, STIL4- continues teaching Ladies' the above irt- Orumcnts, &c. Those who may with lor his i n ftr u cti on, i their favors will be duly attended to, on application made t«i him, No. 96, Worth Sixth ftr.-ei, when they may depend on bring inftru&ed with care and attention, and pu;». OSober 23. t.h*3cfa:ny. To he let, That large and commodious (our story Brick Dwelling-House, No. 343, High-tirect. , IT'S fituatian is peculiatly jjleafant heajrny and it bas every convenience rrquifite for the accommodation of a family; a pump in the yard, lot Hsvfe t Stable and Carriage House, &c. &C tfef eilion may be had on the 15th of next ntocth, ©r ooner, with the consent of the prcfent tenant. ALS>f (On very low terms for the eofuing winter ac 4 spring) a large juid tonvc^iect Brick House and Kitchen, Coach ho'iiie, Stable and Lot of C rout* r ' iituai'J rn the Nor i* era Li'ocmei, a little tp the wet . of Fifth and norths atu Jt CaliowhiU (lreet3, at> ! wnviin tea minutes walk from tLs A . ; iv to "WILLTA.M MEREDITH. Attorney at Law —So. 16, Areet GLASS MANUFACTORY. THE PROPRIETORS Of i.be Pittsburg 6 Glass Works, HAVING procure-., a fufficWdt number* of the moil approved Europe** Glais ."anu 'uc.jrers, and having cn hard a large Uock of tb beit Materials, on whii h their workmen are now employed, have the pleafur; of alluring thepubiic, that window glafa of a fupeiior qua lity and of any I ze, from 7 by 9, to 18 by »4 inches, carefully p.. bed in boss* 100 feet ea h, may be had at the Ihorteft notice. Glass of larger sizes for purpofes, may also be bid, fucii us for pictures, coach g!afT.-s, clock faces, Ac. Unities of all kinds and of any qumtiry may also be had, together with pojket Balks, pitklirigjars, apothecary's flirp furniture, or other hfcllow ware —the whole at leafi tg per cent. lower than articles of the fame quality brought from any «f the lea ports of the United States. A liberal allowance will be mide ea sale of large quantities. Orders from merchant* and others will he punfitua'ly attended to on ap plication to JAMES C'.A.RA o. ISAAC CRAIG, or at the Store ... MdTrs. I T' A. TUER. andSMILIE, 111 Matket-Strect,. Pittsburgh. March 4, _ : ■■ PRINTING, Neatly executed a' Ihe Office of the Gazette of ihe Uniied States. Book-Work Haiid-Billi, Cards—Blank of a' Kinds, &c. inc. Wil! be printed at the Shortest Notice, august 25. To Printers. WANTED—in Exabange, A FOUNT or J-ong Prime, weighing' 6 or 700 lb or upwarrts, and a Fountiof Brsvier, weighing 400 lbs, or upwirda. Ser*tsml>? r r. AN APPRENTICE ; • -*■" *rxirrzD, ' *>% . • At iiuQftcc of.tfct of 4* (Mu4 fPoiffjue XVijl. »