Gazette of the United States, & daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1800-1801, November 13, 1800, Image 4

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    Marshal's Sales.
Penhstlvasia DrsTßicr.\
BY virtue of ii writ tome from th .
Hoor.nhle Richard Peters, Esq. Ju'tgt ot
the Diftriil Court of the United States in ai d
for the Pennsylvania Di.'lri<fl, will be expoftd
to pnbl c sale at the MevchantJ Coffee Houfein
the City of Philadelphia on SATURDAY the
Fifteenth 'lay of November infiant, at 7 o'clock
in the evening,
The armed
''§S*3 D I A N A,
Mow lying at Sirns's wharf,
PRIZE t > the United States schooner Experi
ment, Charles Stewart, Esq. Commander, the
fame having been lately «ondemned by the
Court as forfeited, Ac.
JOHN HALL, Marskil.
MarOi.ils Office, )
November 1800.5
puri nance of a writ to me directed from' e
Honorable Richard Peters, Efqr. Judge orthu
Diflriil Court of the United States in and !«r
the diftritfi of Pennsylvania, will be exp.ifrd to
public sale at No. 7, 1> ck flrtet, in the city of
Philadelphia, on SATUR&AY, "the Fifteenth
Day of November instant, at 10 o'clock in the
The Cargo
of th* :rmed Frenh velTcl Diana, prize to the
United States fcheorer Experiment. Charles
Stewirt, El'qr. commiuder, confiding of the
following art-cles :
25 Hogftieads
28 Tierces > SUGAR
55 Barrels J
15 Bales of COTTON,
3 Hogflieads
9 Tierces
26 Barrels
12 Bags
4- Barrel
i Trunk
7be Tjbole is entitled tJ drawback.
JOHN HALL, Mar/bal.
Morffial'S Office, 1
November 4th, 1800. J »
THE public are hereby informed, that the Bal
timore Coacbee will in future flatt from th« In
dian Queen, No. 15, south Forth flreet, every day
txcept Sunday, at 7 o'clock, and will arrive at
Peck's Tavern, Baltimore, the next day at 8 o'clock
and the Stagts to New York, will start every day
at 8 and 1} o'clock.
M. n— A book m kn>t opet at Mr. Elj Chaa
dlcr'a Franklin Head, wlprc festo may aUo be ta
fcea in the above Il4* of stage*.
oAoher a I
TtZlI Proprietors of the Philadelphia and Lan
caficr line of Stages DISPATCH, return their
g.stefnl Aanks to thoir friends and the public in
genera!, for the past favors tiey have received,and
inform them that in addition to the regular Line,
they art provided with Carriage*,fober and careful
drivors, to go through between the City and
Borough in two dayi. Thofs who prefer thii mode
ot travelling ran be accoaimodated at the Stage
Office, t-gn ol United Statu Eagle, Market flreet,
Siougb, Downing, Dvr.moody Iff Co.
A 7 m>. 30. H it—§
James Mufgrave,
No. 44, South Second Street,
Fr-om London and is notv optning en txten
site end elegant assortment of
Plated Goods
Of 'he litrft fafhions and warranted of the very
fir ft quality in.imifa<s)urcdin England, viz.
rnEA and C >(Fee Urns, Plated andjippaned
J Bread Balkets of various patterns round
and oval
Caflors, with plated and silver topi, j, 7 and
8 botilis fr'im 10 t» 3$ dolls, amongst which
are a number of estraordina'-y workmanlhip
with rich cut glass
High candletticks, patent Aide ditto
Low dittoagreat quantity, fconees and branches
Coffeepots, tea ditto and cadies infettsor se
parate with silver bordars and Ihields richly
engraved, a v*iiety of pattern*.
Sauce turwns, salts, toast racks, sugar and
cream, bis ns, Ice patent spring (hoe buckles
silver and plated, some very rich and others
In the jewellery line araongfla variety of other
article*, an aflortment of elegant ear-rings of
the latest fjftiion
Pearl, enamelled and plain finger rings
Ladies and gentlemen's watch chains, seals and
Corals and bells,and con! beads for children
with lockels or without.
Sttfne knee buckles, a number of rich patterns,
&c. &c.
J. MUSGRAVE has workmen continually
employed in the silver and jewellery line and
makes every article in these branches upon the
mod moderate terms : —Hair work in lockets
and rings, and minatures sett in the bell man
ner. —He has on hand a large assortment of sil
ver ware, such as coffee and tea pots, sugar
bowls, milk pots and flnp bowls in fettsor le
par ate, fluted and plain. Soup a»d mi'k ladles,
table, tea, fait and muftardfpoons, sugar tongs
a »il every article in the filler line.
N. B. Setts of plate of any pattern if order
ed will be executed at the lho.uft notice, —
old silver and gold taken in exchange.
Ofiober 30.
HAVING parted with Margaret Brooks by
mutual conlent, I do hereby forwarn all
pe'fons from crediting heron mj account, as I
will not pay any debts of her contriving.
•AoStr jo y f law 3t
TME undermentioned certificates of flock of
tla-> Battle - f the IJcitft * fetes, viz
No. 978, due ; lft January, 179J, for £ve
(hares in the name of Bourdieu, Chojlat
and B"urdi«u
No 17.166. dacrd lft of January. 1798, for
live ft arc*, in the name tha Right hon.
lord John Tbwnflsend.
That ap: lih.»rion i* intended to he made at the
fold B-ink liy the fubferiher, fur a renewal ot the
fame, of which ail pedant toaccraeJ arereqoellcd
to uke nu'ice.
Philadelphia, io mo. 28, 1800 tuthfa^in
I'he following certifirrtes ef eight per cert to hi
in the name of William Ueli.jr. flanciing Loai.
crc'i'on the ho">ksoC the United Statp.
Office of Pernfylv-mia, viz-
No a C.rtificiie dated joth January, f Bco
for one rlui'iftnd dortbrp.
N« joj, a Certificate jorb January, ißco,
for one thonland rioll'rs
Notice is hereby given, that application is in
teadfd be made for a renewal of the fame—o(
which all rerfoni concerned are requested to take
notice. '
Philadeljhia, 10 mo »8, 1800. j<aw6w
IN the (hip Kcnfmgton, captain Kerr, in th« yaar
1794, ! aving been captured by the French on
hfr voyage Irom hence to Amfterilam, the fallow
ing certificates of stock as the Bank 0' the Usiced
Stated; standing in the name of Benjamin Chap
A'os. 432 if 436 of 4 Shares each ;
158 3
1215, I -'6, 1217, 1 do.
Application is made at feij Bank by the fiibfcri
ber tor a renewal ol the hire, of which all persons
concerned arsdcQred to take notica.
ov2. 27
Of the Bank as the United States,
NO. 259*2 to 2jjj6j inclusive, in the name et
Thomas Mullrtt of IjOndon. were forward
ed lbout the ift oC May 175/7. from New-York,
hythe (hip Oneida lor London, which was cap
tured by the French, and said Certificates loft rt
destroyed ; therefore application is made at the
said Bank for the of the famo, of whieii
all persons concerned are iefired to take notice.
Ckmenl Biddle.
Philad : Scptcnrber 3, 1800 ' 1)301
A Young Man,
PEiFECTI.Y versed in Mercantile accounts,
and brought up in one of the firfl coanting
hwsfes in this sity, wishes employment as Clerk.
He is at present abfcnt from Philadelphia, but a
line left at the Office of the Gazette of the Uni
ted Stares be will receive, and i| Ciall be imme
diately attended to. Salary a feoondiry objr A—
Employment hit motive.
august 21 ' dtf
Larding from the ship America, WcUte.
Sims, Commander, from Cantpn,
And f'jr sale er
Souclioug, ift & nit! quality,
Caper fnuchong,
Youtig hyson,
Hyfun, ift & >d quality)
Yellow & whftenanJrcens S
Lutcftrings, b'tck & colur'd ( In Boies
Sinihaws do. C allowed,
Sattiws do. j
maz. blue & dark green .
Sikfhaws do £ , n
Persian HfTrtis, dark green ) * e ' -
They bave 'also on band far sale, received 6r
the lute arrivals from Europe, tfc.
1 Infmallpack-
Striped and checked ginghams | ages afTirted,
White f'gitred & colorM Muf- | calculated for
linens Jrthe Weft-In-
White corded dimities I dia market it
Color'd silk, striped Nankeens | entitled to
J drawback,
14 Trunks printed Calicoes,
5 do. do.
3 Balesfeine twine (Entitled to
to Cases Enjrlifh China wart,
in tea setts j
6 Calks mineral black,
1 do. white,
10 do. colcother,
3 Calks purple brown,
35 do. nails affortcd,
9 do. London porter in bottles,
finglilh fail canvas, No, i ( t & 3,
Ruflia duck,
»7 Bnxeii white Havanna sugar,
13 Pipes old Madeira wine,
Empty wine bottle*,
13 Guns, 6 peunders,
11 do. 9 do.
18 do. 9 do. with carriages, 8t&
jßo,ocolbs. Cerihon coffee, it")
quality PEntitled to
jo,ooo!bs. black pepper I drawback.
ao L«gs ebony j
May 13. rn&w tf
That large and commodious
At tkc cornel of Arch and Niuth flreet*.
To be Let,
THE house, (table, coach-houfc and !oU, lately
occupied by Major Butler, fitaate a* above
For terais apply to J. B. Wallace, No. »8, north
Fifth street.
o&ober 11 law tf
Playing Cards.
SUPERFINE Columbian, Harry the Vlllth
?nd Merry-Andrew Playing Cards, fsrfale cheep
for caih—Apply at this Office,
fefteaiber 13.
Certificates Lbft.
Notice is hereby given,
Twelve Shares
An Invoice
IVnfbwgten, Seftember tjl, 1800.
Public Notice is hereby Given,
In pursuance of an a3 of Congress, faffed on
the 231 i day of April, one tbouftnd eight
hundred, entitled !' An aS to ejtablijh a
General Stamp-OJfict,''
THAT a General Sta«ip Office is now
eftabltfhcd at the feat of government, 111 tne
city of Washington, from whence there will
iflue, from and after the date hereof, (upon
the application of the Supervisors of the
Revenue, under whose management the
colleftion of the flarr.p duties is placed) any
qiiantitit* of paper, parchnwat and vellum,
marked Or ilamped, ; : iid duly counter-damp
ed, with the following rates of duty which
arc d<mandible by law :
For evjry (kin or pi tee of vellum or parchment, or
fttet or piece of paper, upo-i which fliall be
written or printed any or either of the iaftru- <
meats or writings following, to wit,
Am/', c. m.
NY certificate of naturalization 5
Any licence to practice,or certificate
o* the admiflion, enrollment or re
of any counsellor, Solicitor
Advocate attot ney, or proflor, in
any court of the tfnited Sta'e* 10
Provided, that a certificate in ar.y
one of the court* tof he United States,
tor any one o! the said 1 ffices, £hall
fofar as relate# to the payment of the
duty aforefaid, b« a fulfjrjent admis
sion ni all the courts of the United
Statei, for each and every of the said
Any grant or letters patent,under the
teal or authority ef the United
States (exfcept for lands granted
for military fervires) 4
Any exemplification or certified copy
ol any Inch grat.t or letters patent
(except foHands granted for mili
tary Services) v
Any charter party, bottomry or re
fpondentia bond r
Asy receipt crdifchargcfcr or on ac
cmr.t ot any legacy left by -,ny
will or l oilier teltimentaiy instru
ment, or for any (bare or part of
a personal eflate, divided by force
of any ttatttte of diftriiutions other
than to ihe wife, children «ir -rand
children of the person diteafed, the
arnoiint whereof thaU be above the
1 value of fifty dollars, and (kail not
exceed the value of one hundred
d.liars jj.
When the amount thereof fliall ex
. ceed the value of one hundred dol
lars, and (hall not exceed fiv« hun
dred d»ll)'t
And for evrry further sum of five
hundred dollars, die additional
sum of 1
Any policy of infnrance or irfru
rnent in nature thereof, when the
Cum for which insuranCe is made
(hall not exceed five hundred dol
lars jj
When the sum infcired (hall exceed
five hundred dollars x
Any exemplification of what nature
focver, that (hall pass the seal of
any asurt, O'her thin fucA as it
may be the duty of the clerk «f
such court to furnifb for the use of
the United States, or some parti
cular (late j 0
Any bond, bill single or penal, inl;.nd
bill of excUange, prptnilTory
noteor other note (other than any
recognizance, bill, band or other
obligation or contradl, made to or
with the United States, or any
Date, or for their life refpeislively ;
and any bonds required in any caf«
by the laws of the United States,
or ot any state, up.n legal pfocefs,
or in anv judicial proceeding, or
for tbe faithful performance of any
truftor dgty)
If above twenty dollars and not
exceeding one hundred dollars 10
If above one hundred and not ex
ceeding five htndred dollars 15
If above five hundred and not ex
ceeding one thoufjnd dollars 50
And if a hove one thnufand dollars 75
Provided, that 'f any bonds or
notes (hill be payable at or within
sixty days, such bonds or notes (hall
be fubjeiff to only two-fifth parts of
1 he daty aforefaid, viz.
If above twenty and not exceeding
one hundred dollars 4
If above one hundred dollars and not
exceeding five hundred dollars 10
If above five hundred dellars and
not exceeding one thou r and dolls. to
It above one tkoufand dollars 30
Any foreign bill of exchange, draft
or order for the payment of money
in any foreign ceuntry jo
The laid duty being charge
able upon each and every bill of ex
change, without refpefl to the num
ber contained in each set.
Any note or bill of lading or writing
or receipt in nature thereof, for
goods or merchandise to be ex
ported ;
If from one diftritfl to another dif
trill of the United States,not being
in the fame slate 4
If from the United States to any fo
reign port or place io
The (aid duty being chargeable
upon each and every bill of lading
without rsfpcifl to the number cob
taine -' to each set.
Any notes iflued by the banks now
eftablilhed or that may be hereafter
eftabliffced within tfee United
States, sther than the notes of
such of the said banks as (hall a
gree to an annual composition of
one per centum on the annual di.
videiids made by such banks, ta
their ftockhr.lders relpsflively, ac
cording to tKe following scale :
On all notes not exceeding fifty dol
lars, for each dollar 6
Chi all notes above fifty dollars and
not exceeding one hundred dollars 50
Ob all notes above one hundred dol
lars and notexceeding five hundred
dollars x
On all notes above five hundred dol
lars a
Any pro;,ft or noia.ial stf 2 .
Any letter of"attorney, except for
au invalid prnfion. or to oh aiii or
fell warrants for land granted by
the United Statas as bounty for
military ftrviees performed in the
late war
Any inventory or catalogue of any fur
nirure,g«ds or eff;>Sis, made in any
cafe required by law (except in cast 5
of g.»eds and chattels distrained for
rent «r taxes,ai;d good* taken in vir
tue of any legal prncefs by any officer 5-0
Any certificates of a (harem any insu
rance company, of a (hare in the bank
of the Umtrd States, or of any state
or other hank ;
If abovu twenty dollar" and notexcoei-
ing ope hundred dollar* to
If ene hundrtd Jjllara ij
if utirirr tweniy il»llar», at tbe ra»e of
ten ceotn lor one handreJ dullaii,
I hat t4ie power ol tiie fttperviijprs of Ihe
Revenue to murk or (lamp any vellum,
parchment or puper chargeable with c!ut,y,
will ceale and determine from and alter fix
months from the date herjof, to wit, 011 the
iaft day ol February 1801.
1 hat, if any persons fliall, after the lafi
day ol February iSct, h..Ve in their custody
or poOion, any vellum, parchment or pa
per, marked or (tamped by the fupt-,rvifors of'
the Revenue, upon which aßy matter or
thing, charged with duty, fliall not lave
barn written or printed, they may at any
time witbtn the space of sixty days after
the said last day of February ijjoi, bring
or fend Inch velliitn, parchtjicnt and paper,
unto tome office ol infpeftion, and in lieu
thereof, receive a like quantity or value of
vellum, parchment and paper, duly (lamped
in purluanee of the act herein before recited.
And in cafe any person (lull negleft ol re
fufe, within the time afjrefaid, to bring or
cause to he brought unto some officer of in-
Ipetlion, any such vellum, parchment or pa
per, it is hereby declared, that the fame will
•hereafter be of 1:0 other effed or use, thau
it it had uever been marked or (lamped, and
that all matters and things, which may af
ter that time be written or printed upon
vrllul, parchment or authorized to be
exchanged in maiyner aiorefaid, will be of 110
pther effeft, than if they had been written
or printed on paper, parchment or vellum,
not marked or Itamped.
And for tbe convenience of those persons
who m:<y he inclined %o have their own vel
lum, parchment and paper (lamped or mark
ed, it is hereby peclared, that when any per
loii (hall deposit any vellum, pa-chment or
paper at the office cf a tupervifor, accompa
nied with a lift, (pacifying the number and
denomination ot the damps or marks, which
are delircd to be thereto affixed, the fame
will be transmitted to the Stpam-
Offic*, and there properly uiarkqd or (temped,
and forthwith lent back to the fame fuper
vilor, who will thereupon colleft the duties
and deliver the paper, parchment or vellum,
to the order ®f the person from whom the
fame was received.
Given under my Hatjd, and the Seal
(L. S.) ot the I'reafuiy, at W.ilhing
ton, the day and year aJjove men
Secretary of the Treasury.
frptember 2g.
For Sale, or to Let,
, In Cbesnut Street,
Near the corner of Eleventh street, at prcfent in
tb« tenure of Mr. A. M'Call—PoffelEon may be
had the first of November next, or fooncr if re
quired Apply to
Edward Shoemaker.
September 3 $
APERBON poJKAng some capital, a eoafi
derable ILarc of iaduflry, and drfiroua of
engaging a* a partner ir. a lucrative bufinefi,
«aay hear of a flotation. Jkll propolal* os thi*
fubje& to be in writing, fealrd and direded t B
W, K. J. New YoAfind left with the printer
of the Gaiatte of the United Statca, will be at
tended to.
W A Priatac wmU find it (0 aw advantage
. , d»f
OF abilities, integrity and experience in
mercantile business, would willingly en
gage as CLERK to a .merchant or public cf-
Cre, or be concerned with any person as pait
car, as he has an intereflof about onethoul'and
pounds in real estate in the city. Pleale to ap
ply to the Printer ; or a line left at the ofiiee
for B. Y. will be attended to immediately.
Mayro d3t m&th tt
WHO from principle is a Fedtralijl aid defyofeil
to undertake the arduous talk of editing o(
a paper and combating the enemies of America,
may hear of an eligible situation in the interior of
Maryland. 500 fubi'cribers can be counted on be
fore he commences,—A Native American will be
prefercd j—But it is not to bo underllood that well
principled p tribes though not natives, are bo be
*,* Particular* may be learned on application
te the Editor of this Gazette.
Qff.ohor 3.
Ten Dollars Reward.
FROM the subscriber the 16tii inft. a forvant
man, named JAMES, aged ij years, about
5 feet 8 inchtshigh, of a yellow complexion, and
of a bold, sprightly appearance Had on when
he west away, a pair of Fultian trowfers, a vest
and sailors' jacket of nearly the fame colour.; on
the litter of which were large black burtons; his
hat blackand abont half worn. He is accirfloired
to the Farming bufiuefs; but may perhaps cr.dea
vour to enter himfelf en hoard some vessel that is
going to sea. Whoever secures fiid Run away
and delivers him to the fulfcribcr, fliall have the
above rewatd and all reafooable charges pai<j—
All mailers of veflelsare forbid to receive or har
bour said fervaut upon their peril.
New-Brunfwick,Oils-■) (j|) %
l>er to, ißpo. S '
William French,
No. 48,
South Front-street,
I3y the Pennsylvania, captain York, from
An extensive and eleggnt' assortment of
Broadcloths and Ca{|imere«.
oa,her 11 d4wu.Bcf.4w.
A Valuable and singularly eligible
CONSISTING of two handsome dwelling
houses, with excellent Cabling for seven horses,
double coatK-haufc mod completely fitted up; a
beautiful Urge and valuable gardpn richly filled
with choice fruat, surrounded with high board
fence, a.most new. The preroifea are beautifully
fit Hated near the middle of Oern» n town, sur
rounded with rich profp«a» of the adjacent
country ; an orchard of about two acres, witfi a
hanafomc lawn at th* back of the house.
One house haibeen recently built os an appoo
ved plan ; the other has benncomplcteW repaired,
painted and papered, and coniain ten rooms with
an elegant Jrawing-rcom, fifteen feet by thirty.
The new house is well calculated for a store in
either the dry or wk good line.
The air and water are unrivalled, and there are
some mod excellent fchooli in the neighborhood.
tor particulars enquire of the Printer, or ef
, , on tie premifoe
To Printers.
The foil awing MATERIALS will be fald
realonable if applied for inimediately.
1 Prcfs,
3 Founts Long-primer (partly tvorn)
2 ditto Small-Pica on Pica body,
2 ditto Pica,
1 ditto Englifli,
2 Jrtto Brevier,
i ditto Burgeoi»,
Severs! pair of compofW
(ticks, irames and gaJkys, some brass rtfks,
Quotations, &c. See. fcc: all of the above
wiU be fold very reasonable for Cash.
September 8.
Prevention better than Cure.
For the prevention and cure of Bilious and
Malignant Fevers, is recommended,
Dh. HAHN's
Anti-bilious Pills,
WHICH hive been attended with a degree
of success highly grateful to the inven
tor's feaiings, in several parts ef the Weft-In
dict,and the fotithern parts of the United States
pjrticuhrly in Baltimore, Petersburg, Rich,
mond, Norfolk, Edcnton, Wilmington, Charleii
ton< Savannah. *c. The testimony of a rum
ber of persons in e«ch of the above places can be
adduced, who have reason to belitve that a
timely ufi of th e salutary remedy, has, under
Providence, preierved their lives when in th«
mod alarming circKiuttances.
Fafls ofthi'. conclusive nature speak more in
favour of a medicine, than columns of pompous
eulogy, founded on mere affertwn, could do.
It vs nut indeed presumptuously proposed as
an infallible cure, but the inventor has every
possible reason, which can result from extewfiv«
experience for believingthatadofeatthefe pills,
taken once every two weeks (hiring the prevac
lenceof our annual bilious fevers, will prove an
infallible preventative ; and further, that ift the
earlier stages of those diseases, their use wiH
very generally succeed in reftonng health and
frequently in ca r A esteemed defuciate and l»ey
end the power of corocwvi remedies.
The operation ofttcfc pills is perfectly mild
and may be used with iafety by parfoas in ever
situation and of every age.
Tliey arr exctllciirly ad ptert to carry off fa
perflnouj bile andprev ent its mo. bid fecr tioo9 ;
'o ref'ore and amend the appetite ; to produce
a free perspiration and therfby prevent colds
which are dften of fatal coniequence. A doie
never fails to remove a cold if taken on its firlt
appearance. They are celebrated for removing
habitual coftivenefs, Qcknefs of the ftemach and
severe head-ache, and ought to be taken by all
perfr>*» on a change of climate.
They have been found remai kably efficacious
inprevanting and curing disorders attend
ant on lafig voyages, and should be procured
and carefully preftrved for use by every Teaman.
Genuine Eye-water,
A certain and fafe remedy for all diferfo« of the
eyes, whether the effect of natural weakneft, or of
accident, speedily removing inflammations, de
flaxions of rheum, Jullncfs, itching, and films in
the eyes, never failing to cure thelc maladies which
frequently succeed the small pox, mcaflss and fe
vers, and woaderfully strengthening a weak Cgh t
Hundreds have experienced its excellent virtues
when nearly depfivad of fight;
Tooth-ache Drops.
Th* only remedy yet discovered whichgi ve» i(n.
mediate and lading relief in the moil fovere in
ft [Hlces.
The Anodyne Elixir.
For the cure of every kind of head-ache,and of
pains in the face and neck.
Infallible Ague and Fever Drops.
This medicine has never failed, in many thou
sand cases not one in a hundred has hsd oecafion to
take more than one bottle, and numbers not halt
a bottle. The money will be returned if the cure
is not performed.
No. 17, South Sertnd Street,
And no where else, in Philadelphia•
Where also may be had. Dr. Hamilton's Worm
D«ftsoying Lorenges, his Sovereign Elixir for
coughs, Stc. Reparative Drops, Essence and Ex-
of Mustard, Sovereign Ointment for the Itch,
Dr. Bahn's (German Corn Plaifter, la.
dian Vegetable Specific for the Venereal com
plaint, Gov* land's and Persian Lotion, Restorative
TOr h Powder, Damaflc Lip Sv've, Chafch'
Cough Drops, Aflderlon's PilJs, &c <Bcc
april 19 l
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