Gazette of the United States, & daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1800-1801, November 13, 1800, Image 2

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    Gazette of the United States.
Froth the Aiiro'ra of this morning.
Extract oj a letter from Lancaster, dated
November 9, IKoo.
" The two houses of the Lefiflature met
agreeable to the proclamation, on Wednel
day the sth inllant, hut were not duly orga
nized until Thursday and Friday. Mr. J.
Woods, and Mr. Weaver being chosen
Speakers of the Senate and House of Repre
sentatives, Mr. Matlack, clerk of the Senate
and Mr. Wm. Duncan, of Philadelphia,
clerk of -the Ho tile of Representatives, in
the room of Mr. Bullock, who fupprefl'ed
the report lall year in the cafe of the riot.
" On Satujday a joint committed of both
Houses waited on the Governor at 11 o'clock
to inform him they were ready to receive his
communication. He f*id that he was glad
to Tee the committee and as time was prefftng,
he woiild lose no opportunity to meet the
Legislature, and would therefore attend in
the Representatives Chamber that afternoon
at 3 o'cloi k, which he did accordingly, and
delivered the (peech wliich you will have
seen. Im nelhtely after the Governor re
tired, the speech w*s ordered to be entered
on the journal:, and Mr. Boileau rose, and
after noticing the extraordinary urgency of
the business upon which they were convened,
the shortness of the time for deliberation, and
the public anxiety on the fubjedt, he begged
leave to introduce a draft of a bill which he
had prepared, and which might, if taken up"
by the house, be printed in time for Mon
day,, and place the business upon which the
Legillature met in a plain and precise form
before the House. He then moved tlie bill
in form—ind it was accordingly received
and ordered to be printed. The bill \yas
made the order ot the d<y tor Moadiy,' the
10th inllant. After some petition? had been
presented and some subordinate business
gone through, the House adjourned to
" In the Senate nothing of moment was
done, excepting th« presentation of a memo
rial and petition from the county of Chester,
praying the Legislature to appoint eleftors
by a joint vote. This memorial wa» appal
led U|jiin tlie ground of/orm, the fubjedl uOt
beingyet before the house.
Monday Evening, Nov. 10.
On Saturday the following bill for a joint
ele&ion pasTed the House of Representatives,
*nd was read this d;iy a frcond time, com
mitted and amended, the ele&ors to meet
the rjib inllant, in the bnrough of Inncaf
ter. The Feds moved to ttrike out joint vote
and insert concurrent vote. I'he votes were,
ayes 21 —noes 55.' Two of tlie federal mem
bers bei*g absent.
The Senate who had adjourned to three
this day, inftantlv adjourned again. • They
are rirtKh dismayed, we (hall certainly have
our vote."
« Saturday, Nov. 8.
An Aa to dire A on behalf of this state the
manner of appointing the Ele&ors of a
President ~and Vice-Prefiient of the Unit
ed States.
WHEREAS it is declared by the Gonfli
tution of the United States, that for the
purpsfe of electing a President and Vice
?refiden.t of the Uiiited States, " Each (late
fliall appoint in such a manner as the Legis
lature thereof may direst, a number of elec
tors Iqual to the whole number of Senators
and reprefentitives to which the (hte may
be entitled in the Gongrefs —And where-
Ut, have been heretofore appointed
in Penf.l'ylvanra by a general voice of the
people, but to want ot time it is not
practicable to pursue the fime mode ot ap
pointment f°r the purposes the ntxt enfo
■iii£ election of a Prehdeut and Vice-Presi
dent of the United States To the intent
therefore, That the state may not be depriv
ed cf her vote in the choice of the Chief
M.vgifb ate of the Uniar, but without mean
ing that the provifiens of this aft fI»H here
after be drawn into precedent.
Section «. BE it therefore enacted by
the Semite and House of Representatives of
the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in Gene
ral Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted
■by tie authority of the seme, 1 hat the Elec
tors to ekdt on behalf of the Rate of Penn
sylvania a President and Vice-President of
the United State, at the ensuing eleflian for
that purpose to be hoWen, shall be appointed
by a joint vote of the members of the Senate
and House <crf Reprei'entatives of the Gene-
ral Assembly.
Sect. i. And be it further enacted by the
authority aforesaid, That the members of
tbs Senate and Houi'e of Rcprefentatives of
the General Aflenibly fliall meet in the cham
ber of the Hoife of Reprtrentatives, at the I
hour of twelve o'clock on Saturday the 15th
of November instant, and then ami there
appoint by a majority of ths votes of the
members of the two Houses prefen*, fifteen
Eleftors to eleft on behalf of this ftate'a
President and Vice-Prelident of the United
States at the next ensuing eleftion for that
purpose to be holden.
Sect. 3. And be it further enacted by
tfie authority aforesaid, 1 hat the Speaker ot
the Senate, or in his absence the speaker of
the Ho ate of Rcprefentatives, or in the ab
fcnee of both Speakers, the- Members of the
two Houses fliall, as soon as they are a (tern- |
bled in the Chamber of the House of Re- i
pre&ntattves as aferefoid, 6hoofe by a ma
jority of Totes one ot their number to!
erelide, and if tie Elettors (hall not be.ap- j
pointed a- aforefaid at the time preferibesi 1
for holding tlie liid meeting the Speaker or
other per l'on pw;jSfiiiig Hull adjourn the lame
to such * other time and place as a mijority
of the Members «t' both Houses prolent lh»tl
<.grCc upon, and lo from time to time until
tli« appointment (hall be finally made, de
clared and certified.
Sec i'. 4. And be it further enacted by j
the authority aforesaid : That the appoint
ment of Electors (hall be conducted ?.s sol- j
lows, that is to ify:—id- That bejtye tlye
time of the joint meeting of the two Ho tiles
of the General Alfembly above mentioned
each House lhall from its nwn Members
choose and appoint ane iVlle', and coinhfu
niiate the naipr of the member Is clujfcn to
the other Houfe:—2d. 1 hat the peifon*
propoled to be appointed Eleftprs at the
IVid meeting Hull be nominated in the re
f|K£live Houses, and each House lhall com
municate to the other, the names of the
persons so nominated in the House refpeft
ively at ieafl one day previously to the ap
pointment :—3d That the votes of the
metiers at the meeting aforel.iid (hall be
given viva voce ; the Members ot the Senate
Dull full vote, and then the Members of the
House of Rep lentatives, in alphabetical
order, and Member lhall vote foj- fif
teen E'ettois :—4'.h. The name of the mem-i
ber voting and the names of the persons for
whom he votes fit ill he taken down ill wri?
tins' by the Tellers chosen as at' irefaid, who
(hall as loon oS all the votes a»-given report
to the Speaker or otner perl'on presiding the
number of votes refpe&ively given for each
and every of the persons so voted for, and
the President shall theieupon ' declare the.
fifteen persons having the fjreatefl numbr.-r
of votes to be duly appointed Electors to
eleft 011 behalf of the State of Pennfylvac.ia
a JVefident and Vice President of the Uni
ted States, at the next ensuing Eledtion,
for that purpose to be holcien :—sth. That
the Spriker or other person preiiding f] lall
in the presence of tht Members of b.oth
Houses lign three several certificates of the
said appointment of ele&ors, atteflai by
the said Tellers, one of which cert:/i«at?s
lhall be forthwith presented by tl) e said
Tellers to the Governor, ouc shall be enter
ed ctn the journals, and preserved among
the records of the Senate, and one shall lie
entered on the journals, and preserved among,
the records of the Representatives.
Sect. j. And be it further et.acted by
the authority aforesaid, That th». Gover
nor lhall canl'e a notification of t/ ieir elect
ion to be delivered in writing ti» each aixl
every of the eledlors, appointed ' s afoiel'aid
on or before the day ot' November
■iiiflant, the expences whereof, (hall be de
frayed and paid on a warrau-. or warrants
drawn by him on the State Tceafarer ; and
the said eledlors (hall aflemb le on the firll
Wedneftliy in December next at twelve
o'clock, in the Court House, in the borough
of Lancafler, afid shall the/1 and their per«
form the duties enjoined ujpon them by the
conflitution and laws of the United Stsftei.
Sfct. 6. And be it further enacted by
the culboriiy aforesaid, I hat each of the
laid eleftors (ball receive three dollars daily
wages when travelling (.0, and remaining
at and returning from the place of meeting
afort said, tlie fame to Vie paid by the Trea
surer of the State, or the Tirafurer u! the
O'Ut'ty. in which t"fie fa id eleilors re
fpeiSively reside, on a warrant or warrant,
finned by the Prelident of f^id ileflors, if
any they (hall choof- - , or by a majority of
such eleflorsexcluftie of the petfor in whose
favour thf warrant is drawn, and all fomj
pniias aforefaid, by the Treasurer of any
CJotjnty within this (late fliill be allowed to
him on behalf of laid Cotfmy, in the little
ment of accounts with the lUte Tieafuier.
[How often havs the J.:cohijis told us, »nd
sworn to it.tba; General Wafttington was
on their frde ! Read the following, ye
dupes, and »(k yourselves, who the Gen-
ieral wean't by the curse of the couutry and
the cause of its expenct.]
Extract of a letter from General Washington
to Charles Carroll, of Carrolton aated id.
August, 1798.
" Although I highly approve of the raea*
fures taken by government to place this
country in a poflure of defence, and *ven wHh
they had been more energettf, and dull oe
ready to obey its caii, under the reservation
I have made, whenever it is made ; yet I
am not without hope, mad and intoxicaVed
as the French are, that they -%ill
fore they take the lalt That they have
been deceived in their calculations on .the
division of the people, and thepoweiful sup
port they expected from their party, it re
duced to a certainty ; though it is somewhat
equivocal (till, whether that party, who
have been the curse of this country, and
the source of the expences we have to en-
Counter, may not be able to continue their
delnfion—|C7" What a pity it is thiiexpence
could not be taxed upon them."
Madeira Wine,
In pipes hhds and quarter casks,
For sale by the Subscriber,
No-. 135 Market Street.
November is. eodtf
I Employment Wanted.
A PERSON, who ha? been many years c»n
verfant in- Trade and 3o;i-Keeping, will
be glad of fuller employment wit* the fen ; ei
ther in polling books, flatrng accounts, or Iran
fcribing other writings. Any huffnefs of this
description, thit may he done at the applicant's
own feotife, will suit his prelent circumstances
best. A rot's directed to A. B. and iett U the
Oifi' e of this Gazette, by any gentleman want
ing such affiilance, will be rcfpeiWully attend
ed to.
November is. jaw aw. ,
Prices of Public Stocky
Philadelphia, November 13.
Eighr percent (lock —108 x-4
Six pet cent, and 89 a $$ 1-4
Navy ditto ! " a a 9°
Deferred 6 per cent 87 %•}<*
Three percent. 54 1-1 a SS
S l*l per eeut. >
41 -1 per cent. S ndnc at mar,!el:
BANK ,U. States, 37§ " 38 p. cent ad.-)
Pcnnfjlvania, 131 ditto ( 4<JO
N. America 1510154 ditto f
. Inl'aranceCa Fenns'a noai ii ditto J
North America 85 10
Turnpike ' - is*& <* dolls. 3°o
Sch#ylkiU Bridge - par «o
W»ter Loan, 87 J dolls. 100
Land Warrants aj a 30 doll*. 100 acres
St.AuguJiint Church Lottery TicUts, ) £ I loUars
On London at 60 days 7ȣ a 75
On AmUenlam, do 30 a4O cent-)
[per.-Elbnn >
On Hamburgh do 36 a 37 cents \
[per Mark Bauco
Rater of Foreign Coins and Curren
remits in tie United Slates—per
act of Centres for payment of Du
Dolls. Ch.
Hrig'ifli pound ftetling 4 44
Iriih do do 4 10 (
Dutch Pbrin or Guilder o 40 f
Hambwgh Mirk o 1-3J
The fubftriUer having frequently
hfjrd complaints o l the want of accuracy in
tie price current of public stock, has conclud
ed to fiirnftfi the Gazette of the United States,
.occasionally (if called for) with what may U>
his opinion beconfid-red the Market Prices
ot Stock, and the Rates of Exchange.
Cbetnut street,, Wo. 143.
Robert Smith & Co.
No. 58,
ScVTH I~S9 NT-Si It CEf,
Have JuJi Received,
Per the AiAivr, Captain M'Dougall, from
A few b»ks of white and
Russia Sheetings
Also, c "cneral assortment of
Suitable Or tfic (eafon.
November >1 dtot
Take Notice.
THR Sobicibcr leivinj the Un'ted
M»te« (i>lf in December. Therefore ill
pvlor> fch.i arc :yJebted are req<ie'*eJ t> nuke
immeMuu nivmcnt, inil :hsl( wy df-
IMtili to i<;narr tiitir account*, I> r Ic ikiMt.
N»t J. Seutb' Frwt Srtei.
Nov. leodto
Saw Manufactory.
No. 10, Couth Filth ftretc,
MANOFACrURW zr.ifi, uof.tat f* pit!
b<N, i«i #"»r*
(gmy (ftr up^nrtril; which bt IVifc old ale
at tW folk,»mtfri«-— 6 tect millfa«tj i-a dol
lar 4»cb ; «rctf*-cu( d» ja cecti jcr foot; f itt do.
60 mum per tMit.
Woul-C'atrcr* c»6 fleet r»*t,*od t-nrj itbfr
boti.maic to ms p»r:lcoUr 4irc<SiDD.
, T•
Philadelphia Academy.
0- Mr. Francis Galuet,
AN experienced aHd approved Inftru&or, has
undertaken to teach the FRENCH LAI&*
GVAOS in t!n# Seminary, to luch of the Young
Gcnflcnvn as may cheofe to place thenrfilves un
der hi* care
gy Pare ts and Guardians are rcq«eited to
make immediate appliwtion, that all the fchokrs
may begin at one J.
Samuel Mapaw 7 Directors of
James Abercrotnbie j fbe Academy.
O&ober ai. jtawtf.
zo Dollars Reward.
Deserted evening, parkin
sow, private in the murine corps of the
United States, he was botn in Ireland, ,i» about 17
years old. 5 feet 6 and a half' inches high, dark
eyei. black, and fallow complexion. Also,
JEREMIAH CLABKSON, botn in Eng'and,
town of Stockport, it 39 years of age, 5 feet 7
inches high, grey eyes, light brown hair, florid
complexion and by trade a Hatter ; from the ap
pearance of his face the mod evident wark* of at
tachment to drit-k may be traced, they have both
served in the Weilem Army, and now deserted in
full unitrrm. The above amount will be paid
with charge* to apprehend them ; or 1 en Dollar
for either by applying to
Captain Commanding.
Philadelphia, Marir.« Barracks, Not- 8.
WHERKAS Duncan M'lwns did on the thir
tieth daj of April lad, make at) aSgnmeot
of his property ior tlae benefit of his creditors—
luch creditors are rcqueOeJ t > present their ac
counts to th» subscriber ; and all persons indebt
ed to th« said Duncan M'lnnes, are requeHed to
pay the fame without delay, to
JQHN CLARK, No. SJ, "> Aai\
north Water street f
Philadelphia, november 6 lawjvr
Nurse Child
AHgALTriY niarri-'l Woman, with a frcfh
Bread o Milk, would talco a child, for a ftw
months, to suckle. App'Y on thc foutb fide of
tenth, near Fourth flrixt, to short<
nevembcr 3
Thomas Wotherspoon,
No. 56,
Sourv Front Sr-tßsr,
Has received by the late arrivals from L,on.
don, Liverpool, Hull and Glasgow, a
' general assortment of
Par amcuH
of a foare
Suitable for the season among which are
Superfine and fecand cloths,
Do. plain and ribb'd Ca (Tuners
D:j. iafhionable Sa-anl'downs
Cv»tii>gs and Bicki'ng Baizes
Flannals and Plains
Plaid and ribb'd Calimancoes
Durmits and Joans Spinnings
Black kulTels and Bombazetts
Plain and striped Wildbores
Cloak Cambletts
Velvets, Thickfetts and Fancy Cords
Check'd and ilriped Ginghams
White and brown Platillas
Checks and Bed-ticks
Purple and Chintz Shawls
Printed Pocket Handkerchiefs
Black and col'd Barceloqa do.
White and col'd Satins, Peelongv and
Twilled black Sattia Florentines
Wide rich stripe do.
(.Juren's Grey Lutestrings
Stitching Thread: and Scarf Twifl
Dimities and Marfellois Quiltings
Black and white Thread Lacss and
Rich wide patent.Law Veils
An a{Tirtment of Ribbons
Carpets and Carpeting
Tapes, quality and Ihoe Bindings
Shirt Weires and Moulds
Plain and Fancy Buttons
Plain and ribb Cotton Stockings
Fancy Handkerchiefs and Cotton
TahJe-clWis-and cotton Counterpanes
Thread, Leaders, Ferretts and Galloons
Britiih Muslins of every description
Ounce Thread in hosts
Coloured do. in da.
Suitable for Wett-India Market,
A few b.iwt of
Mudrafs Handkerchie.s. .1 few do. Fancy
Muilius, a few do. Ginghams, entitled
to drawback.
Oflober 16 d2ot
Robert Smith & Co.
No. 58, South Front Street,
By 'he late arrivals from London, Liverpool,
Hull and Glasgow,
A general aflortment of
Suitable for the season—-among wbich are
SUPERFINE and second cloths
Forefl cloths and plains
A variety of plain, ribb'd and emVolTcd cafli
meret of every colour •
A vjaicty of faftiionable fwanfdown
Kendal cottons
locking and Colchcfter baize of every color
'74 to 11 4 rose blankets
lit an 4 3 do
VVhiu serges suitable for fadl«r«
Ribbed and plain calimancoes
Rattinets and ihallooos
Durarit* joant and bombazeens
Bombazetts, itriped and plain,
Velverets, tkickfett« and fancy cords
Check'd'and striped ginghams
7-8, 4-4. l«-« cotton checks
Bed ticks Scotch fhirtiag
Brovyu linens and cotton bagging
Plain and tambor'd jaconut and book maiflinc
and handkerchiefs
Coloured tambor'd ditto
Olive, load and blue muslins
Cambricks and lawns
Lawn,and printed linen handkerchiefs
Black and colored Barcelona ditto
Black love ditto
Worded, yarn and cotton hosiery
White and coloured threads
Tapes, quality and shoe binding
An assortment of ribbons
Sewing silk and twist
Ivory arid horn combs
Shirt Wires and moulds
Plain and fancy battons
Knives and forks, penknives, fciflore, needles,
pins, &c.
They have also on hacid,
an assortment of
mwf fa
Coloured and black Lutellringi, Senchaws and
Sattins—Garrsihs, San as, Baftas, Ouzvenaa;
&c> J
oßoler 15 aim
Loft this morning,
A BOUT V=n o'clock, in Walnut street, or in
r\ Fourth near Walnut street, seven Bank Notes,
together, to One Hundred and Forty
Dollars. Any person that may have found the
fame is requnfled to deliver them to the owner, at
No. I ir, ftuth Front street, and shall be rewarded
for his troulile if required.
November 10.
In the ship Difpatcb, Jacob Btnner mafler, from
Coffee, Sugar and
Of the firtt quality,
William Sanfoni,
James C. bijher,
Jo/eJ>b S. Lewis.
November i« < ' IW
vt t.
Pofl: Office,
Philadelphia, Nov. i, 1800.
THE for the Post Office* on the Mate
Line, between mi New York,
wilUn future be closed every day, (Sunday except
ed) at 8 o'clock, A. M. and the Mails for Pofl
Offices branching from them will be clofad on the
ul'ual days, at 8 o'clock in the morning.
The Mail for New York, and the Post Offices
eaflward ot it, will consinu? ta be closed at the
usual hour, o'clock, noon, 1 d»w
IVantcd to chatterfor Madeira,
Sfijjkt A good Veflel,
Of I coo or 1,100 barrels
Ho. 115, South Front Street, §
For Sale,
VmfeSli&She is built of the beat feafaned white
oak and was salted on tha ftocks—
will carry a'lout ijooJbarreU of flour, and maybe
sent to sea at a small cxpence. For terms aoply to
No. 115, South Front Street.
November 10 ?•
" A Novel, a Poem, a Drama, which reprefcot*
Virtue in lively colours, models the reader on
the variom charailers, who aft without hisper
lieving it; they become interesting, and the au
thor inculcates morality withsut fetmiag ta
mention it." L« Maacis*.
Jufl Publijhed,
(Sutctffors to the late R. Campbell)—No. 30,
Chefnut ftrcet,
The Beggar Girl,
And her BenefaHrefs
Author of the Welfti Heiref>, ]»venile Indifcfe
tions, Agnes de Co jrti, and F.llen, Gountefs of
CalUe H jwell.
In 3 volumes—tbret dollars.
November 7 diw
For-tie,winter feafott, on Monday, Oftober
6th, Walnut, between Foarth and
Fifth-flretts. i
knowlertges the liberal encouragement
(he has experienced, for more thin seven years
n Philadelphia, an<j, as the mod expreflive proof
of gratitude, will ba a continuance of the unre
mitting attention, already pa-d to her pupils ;
flatters hrrfelf, it will be the best recommenda
tion to future pitrrnape.
The following brai»che« (or any of them fep»
arately) may he engaged for, as mod agreeabfe,
the English. French, and Italian languages
grammatically ; wriiing. arrithmetic, geogr»-
phy, use of the globes, history, music, vocal •
atul mftrumenial, drawing and danci'-g.
Plain marking, embroi.-irry and tam
bour 10 gold, silver or roloort, ftllagree, artiS
cial flowers, fancy bafkett, netting, hair, print .
cloth, and muslin work of every kind.
(Ml. Ij. dawawti.
Tlk following Real EiHte ; the property j£
Anthony Francis Haldimand, Esquire,
of London,
552 and an half
/Veres Patented Land
SITUATE on Vinvytrd the township
and county of Huntingdon, i* the ftatc of
Pennfylvach, on a p*fclic road about 5 miles from
the town of Huntingdon, which it situated o9 a
boatable river—there ar« cn the premises a water
Grift Mill and Saw Mill—ftveral Log dwelling
HouiVs—one of which is occupied as a Tavern,
with » Distillery (applied by a powerful spring of
cfcellent water—a quantity ot 1 iaio»
Uiy Meadqw fit for the fey the, and ftveral acres
of ara*)c Land already ckarcd-—T-histraA will
admit of being divided into thre- farms, with a
dee proportion of meadow and arable land iu each.
At present in tOiiufe of Adam Hall, Esq. John
Hick«*, and others. .
187 and aii half acres on Trough Creek, in
| Union towr.fhip.a Hoarilhing fettlemcnt, firft rate
; land, with a small improvement.
173 and 3 quarters atres adjoining the aboVe
I and the fame quality —as thpfe last mentioned
tra£s are adjoining surveys they would make one
i valuable farm.
In Bedford county,
374 acres situate on Dunning* Creekj sis ft rate
laid, on a public road to Bedford.
364 and 3 quarters acres adjoining the above,
anil of rtie fame quality.
388 acres called the Springs, fame quafcty as
above ,
198 and 3 quarters acres on halt way run, a
good improvement and now in tenure of Jacob
Terms of fa!e,a» f<ilows viz—One fourth part
of the confidential, mud he paid in hand,
and the refi4»e divided into four or five annual in may suit the p .rchafers—to be fea
red by mortgage.
Apply to John Cadwalladcr, Esq. Councilor at
Law. in the .town,of Huntingdon, or to the fub
fcribtrs in the city »f Phil delphia
Willings Es? Francis.
OdbM 14 {
take notice,
Th at Wli fcave applied to the Honorable
lu'jrcsef lb* Court of Common Picas of
Burlington County, (or rcHdas.nlolvcut Arf**..
and l'ai Court h»i I jtb day of Do
(£m,er next, tohea' us and our Creditor. »t Ac
Co,rt Herein
November 10.