Gazette of the United States. ■—:o:^ Philadelphia, THURSDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER I . Froth the Aiiro'ra of this morning. Extract oj a letter from Lancaster, dated November 9, IKoo. " The two houses of the Lefiflature met agreeable to the proclamation, on Wednel day the sth inllant, hut were not duly orga nized until Thursday and Friday. Mr. J. Woods, and Mr. Weaver being chosen Speakers of the Senate and House of Repre sentatives, Mr. Matlack, clerk of the Senate and Mr. Wm. Duncan, of Philadelphia, clerk of -the Ho tile of Representatives, in the room of Mr. Bullock, who fupprefl'ed the report lall year in the cafe of the riot. " On Satujday a joint committed of both Houses waited on the Governor at 11 o'clock to inform him they were ready to receive his communication. He f*id that he was glad to Tee the committee and as time was prefftng, he woiild lose no opportunity to meet the Legislature, and would therefore attend in the Representatives Chamber that afternoon at 3 o'cloi k, which he did accordingly, and delivered the (peech wliich you will have seen. Im nelhtely after the Governor re tired, the speech w*s ordered to be entered on the journal:, and Mr. Boileau rose, and after noticing the extraordinary urgency of the business upon which they were convened, the shortness of the time for deliberation, and the public anxiety on the fubjedt, he begged leave to introduce a draft of a bill which he had prepared, and which might, if taken up" by the house, be printed in time for Mon day,, and place the business upon which the Legillature met in a plain and precise form before the House. He then moved tlie bill in form—ind it was accordingly received and ordered to be printed. The bill \yas made the order ot the d 41 -1 per cent. S ndnc at mar,!el: BANK ,U. States, 37§ " 38 p. cent ad.-) Pcnnfjlvania, 131 ditto ( 4 On Hamburgh do 36 a 37 cents \ [per Mark Bauco Rater of Foreign Coins and Curren remits in tie United Slates—per act of Centres for payment of Du ties, Dolls. Ch. Hrig'ifli pound ftetling 4 44 Iriih do do 4 10 ( Dutch Pbrin or Guilder o 40 f Hambwgh Mirk o 1-3J The fubftriUer having frequently hfjrd complaints o l the want of accuracy in tie price current of public stock, has conclud ed to fiirnftfi the Gazette of the United States, .occasionally (if called for) with what may U> his opinion beconfid-red the Market Prices ot Stock, and the Rates of Exchange. M. M^CONNELL, Cbetnut street,, Wo. 143. Robert Smith & Co. No. 58, ScVTH I~S9 NT-Si It CEf, Have JuJi Received, Per the AiAivr, Captain M'Dougall, from London, A few b»ks of white and Russia Sheetings Also, c "cneral assortment of Goobs, Suitable Or tfic (eafon. November >1 dtot Take Notice. THR Sobicibcr leivinj the Un'ted M»te« (i>lf in December. Therefore ill pvlor> fch.i arc :yJebted are req nuke immeMuu nivmcnt, inil :hsl( wy df- IMtili to i<;narr tiitir account*, I> r Ic ikiMt. JOHN MOUGAN. N»t J. Seutb' Frwt Srtei. Nov. leodto Saw Manufactory. FRANCIS MASON, No. 10, Couth Filth ftretc, MANOFACrURW zr.ifi, uof.tat f* pit! b present their ac counts to th» subscriber ; and all persons indebt ed to th« said Duncan M'lnnes, are requeHed to pay the fame without delay, to JQHN CLARK, No. SJ, "> Aai\ north Water street f Philadelphia, november 6 lawjvr Nurse Child ■ WANTED. AHgALTriY niarri-'l Woman, with a frcfh Bread o Milk, would talco a child, for a ftw months, to suckle. App'Y on thc foutb fide of tenth, near Fourth flrixt, to short< •d6t nevembcr 3 Thomas Wotherspoon, No. 56, Sourv Front Sr-tßsr, Has received by the late arrivals from L,on. don, Liverpool, Hull and Glasgow, a ' general assortment of DRY-GOODS; Par amcuH of a foare Suitable for the season among which are Superfine and fecand cloths, Do. plain and ribb'd Ca (Tuners D:j. iafhionable Sa-anl'downs Cv»tii>gs and Bicki'ng Baizes Flannals and Plains Plaid and ribb'd Calimancoes Durmits and Joans Spinnings Black kulTels and Bombazetts Plain and striped Wildbores Cloak Cambletts Velvets, Thickfetts and Fancy Cords Check'd and ilriped Ginghams White and brown Platillas Checks and Bed-ticks Purple and Chintz Shawls Printed Pocket Handkerchiefs Black and col'd Barceloqa do. White and col'd Satins, Peelongv and Perlians. Twilled black Sattia Florentines Wide rich stripe do. (.Juren's Grey Lutestrings Stitching Thread: and Scarf Twifl Dimities and Marfellois Quiltings Black and white Thread Lacss and Edgings Rich wide patent.Law Veils An a{Tirtment of Ribbons Carpets and Carpeting Tapes, quality and Ihoe Bindings Shirt Weires and Moulds Plain and Fancy Buttons Plain and ribb Cotton Stockings Fancy Handkerchiefs and Cotton B.indannoes. TahJe-clWis-and cotton Counterpanes Thread, Leaders, Ferretts and Galloons Britiih Muslins of every description Ounce Thread in hosts Coloured do. in da. ALSO, Suitable for Wett-India Market, A few b.iwt of Mudrafs Handkerchie.s. .1 few do. Fancy Muilius, a few do. Ginghams, entitled to drawback. Oflober 16 d2ot Robert Smith & Co. No. 58, South Front Street, HAVE RECEIVED, By 'he late arrivals from London, Liverpool, Hull and Glasgow, A general aflortment of GOODS, Suitable for the season—-among wbich are SUPERFINE and second cloths Forefl cloths and plains A variety of plain, ribb'd and emVolTcd cafli meret of every colour • A vjaicty of faftiionable fwanfdown Kendal cottons locking and Colchcfter baize of every color '74 to 11 4 rose blankets lit an 4 3 do VVhiu serges suitable for fadl«r« Ribbed and plain calimancoes Rattinets and ihallooos Durarit* joant and bombazeens Bombazetts, itriped and plain, Wildbores Velverets, tkickfett« and fancy cords Check'd'and striped ginghams 7-8, 4-4. l«-« cotton checks Bed ticks Scotch fhirtiag Brovyu linens and cotton bagging Plain and tambor'd jaconut and book maiflinc and handkerchiefs Coloured tambor'd ditto Olive, load and blue muslins Cambricks and lawns Lawn,and printed linen handkerchiefs Black and colored Barcelona ditto Black love ditto Worded, yarn and cotton hosiery White and coloured threads Tapes, quality and shoe binding An assortment of ribbons Sewing silk and twist Ivory arid horn combs Shirt Wires and moulds Plain and fancy battons Knives and forks, penknives, fciflore, needles, pins, &c. They have also on hacid, an assortment of CHINA fc? INDIA G.OODS, mwf fa Coloured and black Lutellringi, Senchaws and Sattins—Garrsihs, San as, Baftas, Ouzvenaa; &c> J oßoler 15 aim Loft this morning, A BOUT V=n o'clock, in Walnut street, or in r\ Fourth near Walnut street, seven Bank Notes, together, to One Hundred and Forty Dollars. Any person that may have found the fame is requnfled to deliver them to the owner, at No. I ir, ftuth Front street, and shall be rewarded for his troulile if required. November 10. Imported In the ship Difpatcb, Jacob Btnner mafler, from DAT AVI A, Coffee, Sugar and Pepper, Of the firtt quality, FOR SALE BY William Sanfoni, James C. bijher, Jo/eJ>b S. Lewis. November i« < ' IW vt t. diw. Pofl: Office, Philadelphia, Nov. i, 1800. THE for the Post Office* on the Mate Line, between mi New York, wilUn future be closed every day, (Sunday except ed) at 8 o'clock, A. M. and the Mails for Pofl Offices branching from them will be clofad on the ul'ual days, at 8 o'clock in the morning. The Mail for New York, and the Post Offices eaflward ot it, will consinu? ta be closed at the usual hour, o'clock, noon, 1 d»w IVantcd to chatterfor Madeira, Sfijjkt A good Veflel, Of I coo or 1,100 barrels APPLY TO WHARTON & LEWIS. Ho. 115, South Front Street, § For Sale, THE BRIGAKTINE Mi ENTERPRIZE, VmfeSli&She is built of the beat feafaned white oak and was salted on tha ftocks— will carry a'lout ijooJbarreU of flour, and maybe sent to sea at a small cxpence. For terms aoply to WHARTON Sc LEWIS, No. 115, South Front Street. November 10 ?• " A Novel, a Poem, a Drama, which reprefcot* Virtue in lively colours, models the reader on the variom charailers, who aft without hisper lieving it; they become interesting, and the au thor inculcates morality withsut fetmiag ta mention it." L« Maacis*. Jufl Publijhed, BY JOHN CONRAD is* CO. (Sutctffors to the late R. Campbell)—No. 30, Chefnut ftrcet, The Beggar Girl, And her BenefaHrefs BY MRS. BENNET, Author of the Welfti Heiref>, ]»venile Indifcfe tions, Agnes de Co jrti, and F.llen, Gountefs of CalUe H jwell. In 3 volumes—tbret dollars. November 7 diw Education FOR YOU NG LADIES. COLUMBIA HOUSE, BOARDING DAY-SCHOOL, lE-COMMENCED For-tie,winter feafott, on Monday, Oftober 6th, Walnut, between Foarth and Fifth-flretts. i MRS. GROOMRRIDGE refpe