NUMIiPK 2 537 1 Jj" The price of this Uazi'lie is Eight Dollars per annu>n to Subscribers residing m the city of Philadelphia. All others fey »ne Dollar additional, for enclosing una Ji. reding ; and person in this city will become answerable for tie subscription, it must he paid Six Months in Advance. No Subscription will be rcceixed for a shorter term than six months. December I 179;. ALMANAC Fr»m Nove.»'j:r 11— to Nwtmlur 18. UIGUWAHB. H. M. ro t) It 26 o •» O 4! » ;8 * -39 3 44 WednefJiy Tkprfday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday • Tuesday WodneMay Thnrfday Friday luirdi; 3»»4»y Mosdif Toettay Just Received, By the (hipte Kingrton from Liverpool, and the Georpe frqm Hull, AND FOR SALE BY GEORGE ROBERTS, No. 31, Market street. A large and elegant allortroent of c u r l e r r. GILT and p!ated buttons, ivory and horn combs, japaned, black-tin and pewter wires, brass and ir»n candlesticks, patent tea kettles and fiuce pans, coffee-mills, iron and bnfs wire as all fixes. Alio, a large aflbrtment of flat-irons, bake plates, pots, ic. direcfl from tlie manufacturers. He hjs also on band, a large and extensive assortment of TIN WARES, OF hit own matftfa&ured in the befh manner ; all ®f which he will fell on the most reasonable terms, wholefalc and retail- Received at the fame time, by the (hip George, capt. Rice, the much admired improved patent COPYING MACHfNES, Direcfl from the patmtee. These machines are ma le on a Smp!e and 'lmproved plan ?»r copying, writing, &c. of any (izr, in an expeditious manner, and arechaig*d at a much lef» price than any other now in use. They are found to pnfiefi a luperiority over any others, b.> the machine, and their occu- pyi:ig little room The very, general wfe into which ihefe mi- chines are now brouspit in use in London and 4t oths» larjjt tradingcities, and the fatisfaAion teftified by all who poflfefs them, render it un necrflary tr> enlarge any further on their advan tage, both in point ol' acwracy and fecreey and in the favmg ni time, labour and expence. noveaiber I tu&fa tf Thomas Orr, No. 52, South Fro».t Sthebt, HAS received by the arrivals from Lon don, a well chosen alTortinent of the lol loping articles: CAIICOF.S and Chintzes, (a preat varietv) Furniture do- do. Corc'ed Dimities for garments and furniture Dtirws, Joans and Caiimanc.Hts B i.bsz- fund Hornby ens Prinu 1 Linen and Cciton Handkerchiefs and Lawa bordered d». Jaconet air' Book Muslin hwdVerchiefi Sha Is, Couor ail Chintz, a great variety IV Cjmel'tHair Hiiliery, W irftc J at!"* Cotton »fall sizes Do. Cbitia White and Black Silk Tabic Clith«, from 5 4. to ioby 16-4 with and wrhout Napains Thread, Gauze, Lawns and Cambricks Jaconet and L.ipett Muslins, coloured and plain White an.l Black Lace, Lace Ve.'s, Cloaks ind Handkerchiefs Black Mode, freelongs and Satins White and printed Marseilles forveAj Swaufdown, ftripedand plaid. Cotton Checks (five) 7-8, 4*'»> m-8, »*a Baftii AUhabad Emeriiea Do. Guitahs Company Guzzaporj Janaa Mamood'ts. CofTas. By the Bale or Pieoe. Oflnber 18. diW3awtf. ioo barrels of BEEF suitable for East-India Voyages. 100 do. of Store do. 50 boxes, Containing each befl London MIJSTARD. FOB SAI.E BY Samuel Rhoads, N*vembe r 4 Gazette of'the United States, ■& ni si 9 SITS 7 i 4 J* 7 4 4 Si ■ 1 *-r<~4 14 I rzt ii dozen N«. i» Fenn street. 3«wtf. /' in 1, A DEL /HI A, THURSDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER , 3 , ,* 00 .; j trft 'deceived, Hy t)vc CtnTfe. AmitM* wl . Kt adal Cottcm £ 4 hklci low priced Ur.uiclothi S| 4 bale* l.on ion Aqirriae do. . » bit » Hliim ind Fordt Cloths ?■ 1 bat) hD.i<4iable fioc JJ ft halci fa!Hiora : >Je l.toofcia do. *. 3 Ini.ll bale* low ; nca! Swm.yowot » 4 I>jlh Ujfr 1 q Yorky io, 9 by h, by 11 uid upwards. ON HAND, Of late Importation : Eftopilla», Boccadillos, Quadruple SeliGas, Dow las, Coutils, Liliadoes, Llbcrfcldi rine (Checks, Bed parchet, Flanders Bed Ticks T apes of all defer.ptions, Coffee Mills, Scythe? Decanters, O 11 Vumhlori, Travelling .Sealing Wax and Demijohns,—Apply to JACOB .S PERRY & Go. .!io? ♦' ' Mm. O&obrr 6 John Whitefides INFOUMS hit ftienils and the public in general, that he has t;-ken the BREWERY, l„te William Pawfou's in Sixth llrcet, between Market and ,A.reh streets, where they may be fopplied with Porter, Ale, Tible and 3mi|l Beers. N. B. A quantity of cxcelleut old Parter on lund, fit for immediate ale. * oiSobcr 30 tu th fa 3W BEEF OF the fir ft quality, fit for Irvlia voyag e«, now puttfog up,and for file by William Sheaff, No. 168, High street. of>«W 10 To Creditors. AT a county court of common plea», held at Union ttfwn, for the county of Fayette, the fe cor 4 Monday of September, in the year of cur Lcr J cine thousand eight hnndred, before the honorable Alexander Addifoa,Efq. Prefidtntof the fame court. ON the petition of Thoma* Pew, an insolvent dcbrt»r, praying the bea.-fit of the a6l of AfTrmbly, passed the fourth day of April one thousand seven hundred and ninety-eight, for the relief of infoivent debtors. The Couit appoints the f«cond ps Diremhcr next t« heat the p-titioner and hi> creditor", and orders that he give his ci ediiors notice thereot by a publication for three fucc fliva week* in the Fayette Gazette, and in the United Statu* Gazette, printed at P.-j. the lad of which publications flull be at 'east three weeks before the day of hearing. By the Court. EPHRAIM DOUGLASS, rrctb;m»tarv. FOR SALS. OLD I 41 kind* D-cntiM Quirt and pint tumklera Tri*Wlig| Cafe* Glaft Bndi, Ttoluif and worlr is now printing, and iu confldera- X ble f< rwardnefs, on a fupcrfine paper, cf royal size, and oSavo fcrm. It will be vr'.nted page lor p-gi; with tlie Uted Lundin edit,en, and no pains will he spare 1 to reuder the work cor ce&, and (rc<: of typr.gTajiMcj! etrors. It will be r.catly bound and ie;kertj in two to lurries, royal oftivo, and to fubicri'jers ariU'oe pui at five dollars and fifty centi per let—ts nonfub ltribcrs the price will be fomewha' enhanced.— The price oi the London editioc is seven dollars T4iofe who lubfcribe for eight fat' ;hall have a ninth gratis. The 'wo vslnmes will ctAfill of about nine hundred pages, ef which the one annexed to the j.ropolala is a fpeciniea; A* tHe work is now pul.lifliiug, and will be competed with all cciive nient expedition, those who wilh i» profit by the subscription. will please to ,üblcrit>e leafonafcly. N. 11, Oentlenien holding futfeription papers are requcfted to retnrn them to Thomas jnd Tho mas, the pubtilhers, by the lirlt of January tvxt. SjpT Tht hookfcllers in Philadelphia are refpcA fuliy informed, that they will be fold either In nni or gathered*!!! fherts, by the fubfcribjrs, at their usual low price. Thufe who wiih to purchafs will please to apply by letter to th» publishers.— The wcrk will be out of jrefs fo.-ue time in the winter. THOM\S y THOMAS. Walpols (N. H.) Oil. lßoa (»S) ea:f RUSSELL's Modern Europe. THE Second Volume of VODERNEUROPE, is now delivering to ''ubfctijieis.and maybe had of W. Y. Birch, No. 17, South Seeocd Street. October at. Augus: 4tb, ) Bco. "T"'IIE commanding Officers of, de ■A. tachments,polls, garrifens. and recruiting parties, belonging to the military eftablifliraent fcf the United States, -re to -eport to, and receire orders from Brigadier Genera) Wil kinfun, in the City of Wilh. >gt«n, and all officers 00 furlough are to repor> themselves to tbe fime officer with all pcffiblt lifpatdi. SAMUEL DEXTER, Secretary of War. £? Ali Primoo wilhi* lb- United States who have pi>blMh«d invintior.sTer contrsdls of the 13th of March last arerequefted to insert the above in their refpciHive papers, once a week for twa months. Gideon If. Wells Ua.i Just Received, By the late arrivals—a large and general affort meot of Hardivore, Cutlery Sadlery, Which he offers lor sale, f..r calh or tbe ulual credit. fJo, I 5. 3.1W4W tor London, ihh SHri ' gP||| GEO R G E, the greatest part of her O-irgu engaged—will take Freight if applied tar immediately. Thorn is Murgatroyd t? Sons. Od-her n.. IMPOR T E D, In the ihiji Atlantic, captaia Waters, from Calcutta and Madras, And for sale by the fubferiber, A great variety of articles mostly suitable for exportation, AMONG which ark BLUECLOTHJ Ncckuici Soot &>wk Balem poorc* VentajnUma Madrat Long Cloth* v Ditto Hudkntkicfi, ALSO 2000 bags prime Sugar, Hy(on aad Souchong Tea, JOHN MILLER, Junr. No. Ho, Dock strict. oflotvrr 10 mwf tf Just arrived. Pf.R VHR 1 Brig Perseverance, CAPTAIN S W AIN £, AT Mr. Williagi Bell's Wharf. 9o hlids. Ar.tigua and St. Kitto lliun aod 10 ditto Coffee FOK SALE UY, CROOKE STEVENSON. No. 4, South Water Sleet. Oftobcr 8. dtf Copper, hi Sheets, Bottoms & Still Patterns, LE >D, Br>zicr'« Solder, Tin iu boxes, 3tc*l Sheet-iron, Sewing twine, and a affi»rt tnent of Iron 1 ongeiy, Cutlery, Sadlc.y, Brass and Japann'd wares. For fa eby Elisha Fisher & Co. Olftobtr 17. Tints'* im. Piopofals Forpublifhing, by Subfcription } A D I G EJS T Of the Lhw of Anions and Trials at Ni l PRIVS. By Isaac 'Efpioaffe, «f Gray'» Inn, Esq. Barrister •t Law. r*fce third cj??ion, corrt&ed, with eoufiderable additions !rom printed and miaulcript cases. spes et ratio studiorum. Jvr. IN TWO VOLUMFS. WAR DEPARTMENT, John Cliffton, jun. tf/tVJNC rtcu-flneiJ liit form* b«iine&, of- | XX ffr* forfcull hi» flock,-rw > a, five Vices, with jll fli« other Tools neceflary for the Smith's Business. ALSO, About 5 tons of Spikes, of different sizes, 30001b. Sheathing and Draw Nails, a large ifl'oriment of' Tackle Hooks and TUimides, Swivle Hooks, Scrapers, Hin ges an 4 Nai'.i, with every other description of really iron work, suitable for flocking a Ship SLith's, or(hip Changer's Stare. All of wh'ch he will fell on vtry reifouable terms for cash or approved nojei. * ** Apply at No. B®, Swarifon street, South war k. Ofloherij. jtawim. | Horses to Winter, HORSES will be token to winter at ProfpeA Hill, at the 11 mile stone, on the Bristol road, tyhere they wilt have Timothy and Clover be well tsken care of,and havt* a field to run iD when the weather is good ; enquire' ol William Bell, Philadelphia; or, ol Joseph Hunting, on the pix miles. ji hey engage to return them in good order in or clfcrge nothing for k eping them, and wiGt not he anfwcrable for accident* or efcapc, but wi.l take every precaution to prevent either. 01 Sober ij mwftf The Porcupine. ITA -KB this method of informing the People of t'te United States, that on the firfldayot No vember, I propose to relume the publication o? Pcti upine'a Gazette, under the title of THE PGRCD ANE ; aii4 to notify (in cafe any gentle man '1 A I:erica ftould waut it) that the price of each N*onbrr will be sixpence sterling, and that the c»ih uft 'je received by me befsre the paper can h* up,plie J--» As to the mode of conveyance, I j frequent are the opportunities from London to New-Vork, tha> files may be fcrwaroed to the lat. ttr on ce a fortnight upon ail av. rage Neiv-Yorlc ( hey can be speedily conveyed to ev ery part of cue Union. When files can be, with out ie'iy, feltf tn other plates direift, it may be done ; when they cannot, they will all bo sent t« New-York, rniUfs otherwise ordered. 0- Pcrcupine's IVirks, Which have beeu lometime in the Pr.fs, wil b< completed in February next, when thexopij? lubfcrii-ed for in America will be fonv:ir*ed to Uie Subfcribcrs. A / o> rny fS'l'.rary friends in America, who may be Jif..ofe.l ' > renew they- oorrrfponde'Jce with roe; will pltaifc 'o direfi to tne at my print ing office, Wo. j, S mtharcpton lireet, Strand, or at my BaoM'cller's Aiop, No. 18, Pal! Mall. Wi'LLIAM COBBETT. London, September 6, 1800. PROPOSALS for PUBLismsc. Br suescmrrioir, The Works OF THE Hon. James WilfoD, Esq. L. L. .D Late one of the Associate Justices of the Supreme Court cf tbe United States and frojessor at Law in tbe College and Academy of Philadelphia. From the original manuscript, ill the pofle!Eon of Bird IVilson, Esq. CONDITIONS. These works (hall be elegantly printed in two volume o&avo, and dsliveredjo i'ubferiber, at five dollar*. They (hall be pat to pref» as soon as the fubferip tioos will juftify the eipence of publication, Subscriptions -mitt bt received Iff ASIURY DICKINS, • The publisher, oppoßte ChrlftChurch, PtuU dly f Clock 'Vatch Maker's, and Silver Miiiih's Topis and materials, and Files of all liz« Ac, Pummrce,Roten flone, Emery, Bcrax, &,c See. N, B. Watches and Clocks repainsd a* usual. Uctfcbir 28 cojtf 1 < •• BENJAMIN CLARK, CLock is" Watch Makbr, Has removed To No. 36, Market Street, Where he has fpr Sale, Spring and other Clocks ; gold and f.lve Watches ; [ oolj, Files and Materials ; !lre nd gilt Chains, Seals and Keys ; Springs, &c. foe. 6 ' CLOCKS AND WATCHES Repaired as usual. Piano-Forte, R. TAYLOR, M Üb] C PROFESSOR, STIJA. continuo teaching Ladies' the above in struments, Ac. Thole who may wilh for .'.is inflru£Hoji, thi'ir favcrs will be duly attended '', on application made to ham, No. 96, Nor'h Sixth ftr et, when theymiy depend on being inftrudied with care snd attention, a.:-itreet. IT'S fituatiwi is peculiarly pjeafant and hcllrhy and it las every convenience requisite for the accommodation of a family ; a pump in the yar.l, lot titufe, Stabh and Carriage Hoij/e, Ac. &c. Pof eflion may be !iad on the 15th cf next mofitli, er ooncr, with tiiu conftßt of the tenant. Brick Honfe and Kitchen, Coach house, Stible and Lot of Qiound, pleasantly fitiured in the Nor hern 1 iutruss, a little to the weilward of Fifth and luirthwaid ct Callcwhili streets, and within ten mit.utes walk lrotn the center of the city. Apply to WILLIAM MEREDITH. Attorney at Law—No. I(•, south uh ftree* oitobtr a 9 rtwf^w GLASS MANUFACTO TUB PROPRIETORS Of the Pittsburgh Glass IPorkSj ErAVING procured a number of I the mod approved European GiafsMann fu&urers, and having on liud a larpi. »Wk of I the best Material*, in which their workm* are: now rniployed, have the plea u of iflVuiag :he p'jbjk, that window gjafapf a iu; ,r i.>r nu, - j lity and of any frzcj from 7 by 9, to • 8 by jj inches, carefully picked iu bi-*eii too feet en i, may be had at tße viOi l 1 notic<:. Glass of larger lizes fcr fttittr *iurnOiV W 6 tu th fa Bt. June i INGI G & GUITAR. ALS~ f (On very low :erms for the ensuing winter a&^d fpriaf) » htg* wd cnftn , *4? *; V;