Marihal's Sales. UNITED STATES \ _ PttHNsrLrAmj Dis-mcr. | BY virtue of a writ to me direfled from the Honorable Richard Peters, Esq. Judge of the Diftndl Court of the United States in and for the Pennfylvariia Dillriil, will be exposed to pnbl c sale at the MerchaHta Coffae Houle itl the City of Philadelphia on SATURDAY th# Fifteenth day o[ November instant, 417 o'cluck in the evening, FRENCH VESSEL D I A* N A, How lying at Sirm's wharf, PRIZE t i the United States fi-hooner Experi ment, Charles Stewart, Esq. Commander, the lame having been lately condemned by the said Court at forfeited, Ac. JOHN HALL, Marshal. Marfhils OiGse, > November j^tb t 1800. $ UNITED STATES, ? ff PRXNSrLVjANIA DISVtICT,} NOriCE IS HEREBY GIVEN, Thit in purlaance of a writ to me directed from the Honorable Richard Peters, Efqr. Judge of the D.ftrifl Court SUGAR. 55 Barrels j 15 Bales of COTTON, 3 Hogflieads "] 9 Tierces 26 Barrels 12 Bags ~ Barrel 1 Trunk The whole is entitled JOHN Mj r Jfial's Ojfice, November 4th, 1800. For London, 7H K SHIP GEORGE, HAS the gre»te(l part of her jw^txiigaiafed—will take Freight it'applied tor immediately. Tlom it Murgatri.yd (J Son*. tu-th.& Oftoher For Freight or Charter, Tne remarkable fall filing Fair Eliza, Burthen eight hundred barrels. t Apply to the Captain on board at Welsh's wharf, or to Joseph Anthony @ Co. covtmber 6 § Imported, lo tk* Atlantic, captain Water*, from Calcutta and Mad ra», And for sale by the fubferiber, A great variety of articles mostly suitslle for exportation, among which ARE Blue cloths Neckahses Soot Romals Sabmpoorrs Ventap 'lams Madras Long Cloths Ditto Handkerchiefs. ALSO 2000 bags prime Sugar, Hvfon and Souchong Tea, JOHN MILLER, Junr. No. 80, Dock street. mwf tf on New-York, hythc (hip Oneida for London, which was cap tured hy the French, and said Certificates loft r deftruyeil; therefore application is made at the said Bat,k for the repewal of the famu, of which all perform concerned are iefired to take notice. to drawback. HALL, Ma'fhJ. A Young Man, PERFECTLY versed in Mercantile accounts, and bi ought up in one of the firll coin ting h»ufek in this city, wishes employment ai Clerk. He is st present absent (ram Philadelphia, hut a line left at the Office of rhe Gazette of the Uni ted States he will receive, and it lba!l Vie imme diately to. Salary a objtvSl— Employment his mative. augsd n dtf Landing from tie ship America, Wdftf. Sims, Commander, from ASI) FOR SALE BT Bomea, Congo, Souchong, ili & ind quality, Caper souchong, *■ Hyion-ikin, WeAS, Tonkay, J *inglo, Young liyfnn, Hyson, ill & ad quility. Imperial, Yellow k. white nanVcjns ") Lutclirings, black & .olor'd ( In Boxea Sinlhaws do. ( assorted, SattiMs do. J Lutestrings, maz. blue Jc dirk green } , Siwfhaws do f , n Persian Ksffrtas, dark green J ox ' Tbey have %'so on band for sale, received b v the late arrivals from Europe* isfc. 1 Infmallpack- Stripfd and checked pinghams [ ages alTirted, White figured & celor'd Muf- | calcu'ated for linettt Weft-ln- White corded dimities I dia market & Color'd Qlki Rnped Nankeen* | entitled to J drawback, 14 Trunks printed Calicoes, 5 do. do. 3 BnU-s Peine twine (Entitled to 10 Casts Enplifh China t»are, in tea setts J 6 Casks mineral black, l do. white, 10 do. colcothcr, 3 Calks purple brown,, 35 do. nails assorted, 9 do. London porter in bottles, Rnsj'ifh fail canvas, No. 1, 1 & 3, ttuflix duck, 17 80/es white Haranna sugar, 13 Pipes old Madeira wine, Gunpowder, Empty wine bottles, 1© Guns, 6 plunders, 11 do. 9 do. tS 4o 9 do. wiih carriages. Bcc, 18 j,ccolbs. coffee, ift quality to Mack pepper f drawback. 10 L-gs ebony J M.iv 13- m&w tf Certificates Loft. LOST, No 17366, datk* of tha United Bttt*> Loan for one thousand dollars JOHN WARDER. Philadelphia, 10 mo iB, 1800. 3taw6w Loft, JOHN MILLER, Ju-.r. . d3«n. oA. 17. Twelve Share* Clement Biddle. Phila.l : StptoiAtr 3, ilee d)> CHINA GOODS. NICKLIN, GRIFFITH far Co. That large and commodious HO US E, At the corner of Arch and Ninth flreeu. To be Let, l HE houfs, flable. coach-houfi: and lots, lately i occup-d by Major Butler, fltaate as above For ti ruis apply to J ii. Wallace, No. 18, north Fifth ftifet o&obir zi law tf An Invoice of Playing Cards. SUPERFINE Columbian, Harry the Vlllth m 1 Merry-Andrew Playing Cards, Isr fa!e cheep for cash—Apply at this Office, feptcrr.bev 13. TREASURY DEPARTMENT, IVaJbington, September \JI, 1800. Public Notice is hereby Given, In purfuancc of an act of Congress, pajfed on the 2sd day of April, one thousand eight hundred, entitled " Ar a3 t» ejlabli/h a General St amp Office,'' I. THAT a General Sla«p-Office is now eftabltfhed at the feat of government, in tnc city of Wafhingtoti, from whence there will iflue, from and after the date hereof, (upon the application of the Supervisors of the Revenue, under whose management the colleftion of the flamp duties is placed) any quantities of paper, parchment and vellum, marked or stamped, and duly counter-stamp ed, with the following rates of duty which arc demandable by law : For every (kin or piece of vellum or parchment, or (heet or piece o!' paper, upon which (ball be written or printed any or either of the iuftru ments or writings I'ollowiog, to wit, ADM,. C. M. NY certificate of naturalization 5 Any licence to praolice,or certificate ot the admiflion, enrollment or re gilli y of any counlellur, Solicitor Advocate attoiney, or pro&or, in any court of the United States 10 Provided, that a certificate in aay one of the courts tof he United States, tor any one of the said officei, (hall (0 far as relates to the payment of the duty aforeraii, be a fufifcjent admis sion m all the courts of the United States, for each and every of the said offices. Any grant or letters patent, undej t'.e teal or authority as the United States (except for lands granted (or military fervh«) j Any exemplification or certified copy ot any such grant or letters patent (except (or lands granted for mili- * tary ferviees) 2 Any chartei party, bottomry or re fpoudentia bond f Any receipt ordifcharge for or on ac cuunt et any legacy left by any will or other tdlimentaiy in(tru men t, or for any (bare or part qf a personal ellate. divided by force of any ftatuteofdi(lri'ns other than to dhe wife, cUldrrn or children of the person rfileafed, the amount whereof fliaH be above the * value of fifty dollars, and (hall not exceed the value of one hundred dollars aj When the amount thereof ftiall ex ceed the value of one hundred dol lari, and (hall not exceed fiv« hun dred dollars 53 And for every further sum of five hundred dollars, Uie additional sum of i A:>.y polic; of infiirance or inllru inent in nature thereof, when the fiun for which infuraoce is made shall not uxcecd five hu- drcd dol lars 25 When the sum inlwreJ (hill exceed \ five hundred dollars I Any exemplification of what nature focver, tjiat (hill pass the seal of any <»urt, o-her than I'ucJi as it * my be the duty of the clerk ef such court to furnilh for the use of the United States, or some parti cular Date so Any bond, bill single or penal, inland bill of exchange, promilToiy note or other ucte (other than any recognizance, bill, bind or other obligation or contrail, made to or with the United States, or any (late, nr for their use refpedlively ; an.l any bunds required in any cafe by the laws of the United States, or of any state, upon legal process, or in anv judicial proceeding, or for the faithful performance of any trust or duty) If above twenty dollars and not exceeding one hundred dollars lo If above one hundred and not ex ceeding five httridred dollars 3j If abote fiv« hundred and not ex ceeding one thoufind dollars 50 And if ahoveone th< ufand dollars 75 Provided, that if any bonds or uotes (hall be payable at or within fixfy days, such bom's or notes shall be fubjeft to only two ft th parts of the tiaty aforefaid, viz. If above twenty and not exceeding one hundred dollars 4 If above one hundred dollars and not exceeding five bundled dollars 10 If above five hundred dollars and not exceeding one thousand dolls. 10 It' above otje thousand dollars 30 Any foreign bill of exchange, draft ur ocder for the payment of money in ar.y foreign country 20 The said duty being charge able upon each and every bill of ex change, without refpefl to the num ber contained in each set. Ary note or bill of lading or wriring ' or rectipt in nature thereof, for goods or merchandize to be tx iu>ricd j If from one diftrieSl to another dif ttiifl of theUniied States,not being in the fame Jtate 4 If from the United States to any fo reign port or place 10 Thefaid duty being chirgfible upon each jnd every bill of lading wiihout rslpeifl to the number con tainer! to e.irh set. Any notes iflTucd by the banks now elWUifhcd or that maybe hereafter eflablilhed within tt.e United States, wflitr than the nmes of such of tlx- said banks as ftiall >• gree to an annual composition of one per centum on the annual di. vidff.ds made by fucb banks, la their flockh ldeis refpo&ively, ac cording to tke following scale : On ail notes not exceeding fifty dol lars, for each dollar 6 Ofti all notes ab >ve fifty dolUrs and uct {Receding one hundred dollars 50 On all note? above one hundred dol lars aiulnotexcccding five hundred dollars 1 On all notes above five hundred dol lars 1 . . Any promt or other yotarial a& >j Aiy letter ofinarctf, (icrptifw Is invalid pension, or 10 ob'ain or Oil warrant! for land grariti dby the Onited States »• bounty lor military fcrvUes performed la the late war Any inventory or catalogue of any fur niture, ge»ds or effesfts, made 1:1 any cafe required by law (except in caks of g-ods and chattels liiflraiued for rent er tajtes,and good-s takefl-in vir- tue of any legal process by any officer 50 Any certificates of a (hare in any insu- rance company, of a (hare in the bank of the United States, or ot any state or other bank ; If above twenty dollars and not exceed ing one hundred dollars 10 If above one hundred dollars 35 If under twen-y dallars, at the rase of ten cents for one hundred dollars. That the power of the fupervikrs of tbe Revenue to mark or Ibmp any vellum, parchment or paper chargta-ble witii duty, will cease anc', determine from and after iix months from the date hereof, to wit, 011 the last day of February 1801. That, if any persons (hall, after the lail day ot February 1801, have in their cuflody or pofiVffion, any vellum, parcluneut or pa per, marked or stamped by the iuperrifors of the Revenue, upiffl which ai»y matter or thing, charged with duty, shall not Iwtvc been written or printed, they may at any time within the space of sixty days after tbe said last day of February 1801, bring or fend such vellum, parchment and paper, unto some office of infpeftion, and in l:eu thereof. receive a like quantity or value of vellum, parchment and paper, duly (lamped in purluarioe of the a£\ herein before recited. And in cafe any perfoH shall neglett or re fufe, within the time aforefaid, to bring or cause to be brought unto some offiper of in- Ipection, any such vellum, parchment or pa per, it is hereby declared, that the fame will thereafter be of no other effedt or use, than if it had aever been marked or stamped, and that »\\ matters and things, which may af ter that time be written OP printed upon vellul, parchment or paper, authorized to be exchanged in manner aforefaid, will be of no other efFeft, than if they had been written or printed 011 paper, parchment or vellum, not marked or damped. IV. And for the convenience of thoje persons who may be inclined to have their own vel lum, parchment and paper stamped or mark ed, it is .hereby peclared, that when any per son (hall depolit any vellum, pa*climmj or paper at the office of a (dpervifor, accompa nied with a lid, fpecifying the number and denomination 0! the (tamps or marks, which are desired to be thereto affixed, the lame will be transmitted to the General Stpam. OiTic;vand there properly uvirkitd or damped, and forthwith fei.t back to tire f ime I'r.fwr vilor, who will thereupon collcdl the duties and deliver the paper, parchment or vellum, to the order of the per lon from whom the fame was received. Given under my Hapd, and the Sea (L. S.) of the Treasury, at Wnfhing ton, the dry and year above men tioned. OLIVER WOLCOTT, Secretary of the Treasury. kptember 29. dyn. For Sale, or to Let, THE HOUSE, In Cbesnut Street, Near the corner of Eleventh street, at present in the tenure of Mr. A. M'Call—VoifelEon may be had the first of November next, or founcr if re quired Apply to Edward Shoemaker. September 1 $ A PARTNERSHIP. A PERSON poffeffingfome capital, acoiifi deiible share of industry, and dcfirous of engaging as a partner in a lucrative business, may hear of a lituation. All propola's on this fiihje»i"l to be in writing, sealed and to VV. R. J New York, and left with the printer of the Gazette of the United Starts, will be at tended to. » ved p>an ; the other has been completely repaired* painted and papered, and contain ten rooms with an elegant drawing-room, fifteen feet by thirty fix. The new house is well calculated for a store in either the dry or wt>: good line. The air and water are unrivalled, and there arc Come most excellent fchooli in the neighborhood. For particulars enquire of the Printer, or ef q To Printers. The following MATERIALS will fee fald realoaable it applied for immediately. 1 Pre ft, 3 Founts Long-primer (partly worn) • 2 ditto Small-Pica oh Pica body, 2 ditto Pica, 1 ditto Engli(l), 2 ditto Brevier, i ditto Burgeois, Several pair of Chafes, several flicks, frames and fome brass rifles, Quotations, &cT&c. kc: all of the above will be fold very reasonable for Calh. September 8. Prevention better than Cure. For the prevention and cure of Bilious and Malignant Peters, is recommended, Db. HAHN'S Anti-bilious Pills, WHICH have been attended with a degree of fucctfs highly grateful to the inven tor's fellings, i n several parts of the Weft-In die#,and the jouthern parts of the United S'tatei particuJarly in Baltimore, Petersburg, Rich, mond, Norfolk, Eduilon, Wilmington,Charlcf toi« Savannah. &c. she testimony of a num ber of persons in each of the above places can be adduced, who have real'on to believe that a tiixelv us« of this ftlutary remedy, has, under Providence, (>txfervert their lives )vlci) in the jnott alarming circanrtlinces. Fails ofthu copclufive nature speak more in favour of a medicine, thau wliinm* of pomp Jus eulogy, founded on mere aflertion, coujd do. It is nt indeed prel'umptuoufly proposed as an infallible cure, but tiie inventor has every pofiible reason, which can rei'ult from exteiafiv#. experience forbelievingthat a dofc of these pills, taken once every two weeks during the preva lence of our annual bilious fevers, wiU prove an infallible preventative ; »nd further, that in the earlier (lages of those difcafesj their use wiU very generally succeed in reftoriiig health and frequently in cafre eftecmed desperate aad irfy otid the power of common remedies. The operation of these pills is perfectly miltj and may be used with fal'ety bf persons in ever situation and of every age. They are excellently adapted to carry ofFfa perfluousbilf and prevent it» morbid fecretioos ; to restore and amend the appelite ; to produce a free perfpiraticn and thereby prevent colds are often of fatal con'.equence. A dose never fails to remove a cold if taken on its firft appearance. Thev are celebrated for removing; habitual coftivenefs, sickness of the ftsnnch and severe head-ache, and ought to be tfiken by all parfous on » change of climate. They have been found r emarkably efficacious in preventing and curing most disorders attend ant on long voyages, and should be procured and carefully preserved for use by every fejmari. Dit.HAHN's Genuine Eve-water. A cartain and fafe remedy for all difeafee of the eyes, whether th« cffu£t of natural weaknefa, or of accident, fneedily removing inflammations, de fluxions of rheum, dullnds, itching, and films ill the eyes, never failing to cure those which frequently succeed the fmn.ll pox, meafle» and fe vers, and wonderiully ftrengthenirig a weak sigh t Hundreds have experienced its excellent virtues when nearly deprived of fight. Tooth-ache Drops. Tha oaly remedy yet difcovercd whichgives im mediate and lading relief in the moil l'uvere in ftanccs. The Anodyne Elixir. Fer the cure ef every kind of head-ache, and of pains iu the face and neck. * Infallible Ague and Fever Drops. This medicine has never failed, in many thou sand cases not one "in a hundred has had occasion to talte mere than one bottle, and numbers not halt a bottle. The money will be returned iftkoture is not performed. SOLD BY WM. Y. BIR.CH, STATIONER, ' No. 17, South Si t«nd Street, And no wbtre rise, in Philadelphia. Whcrt also may ballad. Dr. Hamilton's Worm Dadr'.ying Lozenge«, his Sovereign Elixir for coughs, i aprilip M«. POTTER, 60 th« yrttmfm «tf < i- J**' .'iW '.'l