A'vmshi 1536^ The price of this Uazett* is Eight Dollars per annum to SJoscriPcrs residing in tie citv of Philadelphia. All others fay Dollar for enclosing-;and tii~ * reeling ; and unlcss'snmc person ;« tfiis city will become answerable for tbc sni'sci tpttjr:, it must be paid Six Mirths iv Adoimcc. "„ * No Subscription will be recerf*d for j shorter term than six months. December i 1799. ALMANAC Pr*m Nttuen'icr Ir- i 0 November X?. HIGH WAIIII. H. M. - - 10 -g Thnrfilay . - - n 26 FriJay - - * o *i Saturday - o 41 Sunday - - - 1 qg M»»day .... » 3 fame time by the ship George, capt Rice, the much admired improved patent COPYING MACHINES, Direst from the patentee. These mackines are ma e on a Simple and improved plan f -.r copying, writing, &c.ofany lize, in an expeditious manner,and arecharged at a much lets price tfru any other i:ow in use. They are found to poflYfs a I'uperimlty over any others, b:ith uy being ihoie durable uul not f<> liable to get cut of repair, and by copying any number ol writings atone time, without making any Alteration in the machine, and their occu pying little room she very general use into which these ma chines are now brotiyht in use in Lmdon and other large trading ciiie«, ai.d the fatisfa&ion ttftified by a 1! who possess thtm, render it un necefiary to enlaige a >y furtleron their advan# tage, boih in point of'accuracy and fetrecy and in the laving of time, labour anil ejkpence. November I tujcfa tf Thomas Orr, No. 52, South Fikwt Stiieet, HAS received by the Inlet) ariivals from Lon don, a well chosen affbrtraeat of the lol loping articles: CALICOES and Chin'zes, (a great variety) Furniture do. do. Corded Dimities for garments and Jurniture Rurants, Joans arid Caliroaucoes Boinbazetts and Bomb.'zeens Printed Lir.en und Cotton Handkerchiefs and Lawn bordered d<*. Jaconet an 3 .So, k Muslin handkeri liiefs Shawls, Cotton and Chintz, a great vavitty Do. Camel's Hair Hosiery, Worflci and Cotton of all sizes Do China White and Blade Sj'k s TaH'c Cloths, from 5 4, to lotyy 16-4 with and without Napkins Thread, Giuze, L»wn? ind Citnbri.-ks Jaconet and Lapett Miifiiw, coloured and p'ain Whi'e an l IJiack Lace, Lace Veils, Cloak* and Handkerchiefs B'ack Mode, I'eolontrs and Satins White a;.d printed Marfeillea for veils Swanfdou'iv, striped an-l plaid. Coiton Cherki (five) 7-8, 4-4, u-8, ssd 6-4 s'lack and coloured Barcelona hcn-lkerchiefs India Bandanna do of.fupenor quality White, Ued and Yellow F ar.ncls Guernsey Woffled Frock-. A few d. z»n be't elastic Sufpeinlers. He has Also Just Received, a N*.t* 11 assorted Invoice of India Muslins, CONSISTING OF Gurrahs I'Thia F.aftn Al.ihabad Kinertirs Do Gu;rah> Company Guzzapora Jauna Marnobclits. Cartas. Nty the Bait or Pirce. October 18. dtw ioo barrels of BEEF suitable for East-India Voyages, ioo do. of Store do. 50 boxes, Containing each dozen best London MUSTARD. SAI.K BY Samuel Rhoad,s, No. i, Penn street. Novembe 1 ' 4 3«a\< tf; Gazette / the United States, & Daily Advertiser. »!iIS » 4 i* 7 .1 4 (7 7 4 4 iO • 7 J* 4 Si t * 4 SI 7 8— 4 .<* Landing At Wain's wharf, 1 he Cargo of the brigEnterprize, CONSISTING OF Surinam MolalTes, Of an ex.client qualify, in hogPaeads, tisrees and harrefs, And ah jut 40 quarter tasks USBON WINK, For Sale or Wharton &>' Lewis, No. I lj,i"v,uth Front ftrett. " T" -h ft ,( Landing, From (he Riip F*r»irr,f»j»u n G.bfno.fium Ham ku'lt. ■ l*iy: iflViruurttf of I.in«A« aa J ©:Ur Ovedt, ui<4ig wkit> in jn ii>*oi»«( (t •nCfeiiFnntliaiittrniu. 6 in J 7 4. which ir- f»!< on rdfoniUc Vmoi l.ir ptpcr, r* id Ulttr f/r ft'cA4ii4ii pruowt. BoctatfllM Bitkfckf Uiieci 9i«no.p"ly to JACOB SPEKIIY (J Co, Oftobrr 6 g ii| ,aud for file by William Sheaff,. Nj. 168. HijfV. Arret. • T a c nroty court o' comi»c» picas h:ld at Union town, for t- r county of Fayette, the ft cor,'. Monday of September, in the year of cur Lord one thofil'and eight hundred. l>efore the honiniMe Alexander Adcifon, lifq. PreCJcut ol the fame c nirt. ON i he petition of Thomas Pew. sn infolver.t d-bt«r, praylr.g the henrfit of the » liri of iiifolvcnl debtor* i lie Court appoints tfa- ftoond Moi.diy ps next t« heat th; Petitioner and hn creditor-, aud orders that ha give iti« tredi'ors notice thereol hy a publication for three fuse lliv* xvee):* in the layet'e Gazette, an Hu the United Gazette, printed at P i bdel)-liia, the lait ol which [ üblications shall be at least three w;cks before the day of hearing. . By the Court. EI-'HRAIM DOUGLASS, i-retbvvo'arv. jfor sale, Om Lnn? Primer, Pniill Hica 00 Pici D -d)-, Chi!'e», Com|.nii U( ; S:iclt, ml ijfrea. Virnty of irticks ncce(f*ry to nrry oh the Prini i»g T!wy H-iti he 'oil! rJie»j» Apl>iy to tl.e Printer, PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 12 , lßto . Just Received, By the George,. Amiable sm.l other late arrivals, AND FOR SALE, On low term* ,ty l 6( ptckjgt, at No. 48, .Suiitl> Front street, 10 Bales Rose Blankets, "1 5 bales • ui»i»l ditto 15 bales Kemial Cottons 4 hales low priced broadcloths 4 bales London luperfine do. 1 baUs l J !aiiirt and F.>rcl f . Cloth* f bfclc fiu; Coating j i baic# fafoiona'tle 1 lorfchi ijg. v * .* Imal! bain low jticoH TlWanfdownt £ 4 haju Ingrain York*fl»re C*rjKti a«J .f*" *o hJ»J. 6cui Twine. J ALSO, Ait cx'cnfivc an J choice *flortment of DRY GOODS— U K M. W J I.LI AM FRENCH •1<: H.Jtf, 4*. oAoher i For Sale, By JOHN CLIFFTON, Junr. No. 80, Swanson strcdt, S ■ulbwarh, He following India Goods, V I z. 100 pieces OoMhead'Mamoo !ir« 100 do Bonnahtfad do 500 do Jaiai;>oerS was 9J do Chan errconua Nanfook 75 do «|o Ha*, .k,chiefs .VI do Burhhoon Gurrah* " , 'B th fl > TO To Creditors. C. 1 . Wayne, No. 6j, South Front-ftrctf, Gideon H. Wells Has Just Received, By the late arrival*—a \ug* arid general a (Tort v merit of Hardware, Cutlery gsf S'adlery, Which he offers l-.i ; " ; J (. - C afo or the ufu;.l crej.'t. Market-street, No. i-5 German Kedempiioners. \T»KET£BH remain! «ftt-ofe, «ho came i. the , ""P Anna frtxo Hamtrurrt, ao4 are wiUiav t» Icttc for t'teir oiSiie ' Afylytß Jacob Spcrry if Co. . Wba have on Bandy fcrmalhiKfr of late unfnrtatiso*, and which »re at fcrcil on rtiUmablc tcrmi, and (fctu'ual credit, 33 cases Eftopillas, FoiuiKiK * cnoxpUat iffjtuneiit C (Tni, Raye taJ coloured Itripci, j J1 c-.r-r fitferillo.? ■ 5 ul.i 1 cvr* q'jiOfUf.lr filtCjj J tafg l:ij *rfi 'c *.iafe.c<.ui,i;iu.; i £„i«)ina.lo» a (jitci A**, I'.l.jcrida c.Vtki j ca;"«< Vj p.r.h.t 1 r.iV r ; »' Vri" .1 titk«,R-4 10 mill*. Koi. 03, to No. A. if fend » cis;« icy;l>, Sol 4o«l1: flint cue DetAorrrt quart aorj P" r l r\ft gl!): j-nilrrv inj J cafe of TrmTellnii; * » _ )> S I cifi» us » ' i-ftonioion felling.wac September zj. d6t lawim. STAGES R EMOVED. THE j-übJi: arc h irl.; (hat the Bal timore Co-ibcc wil: x ivtme rtatr f.-oo the In dian Quren. No 1 5, fruit i.,rth street, r.»ery .'ay .xceyc •unf'ay, it j «-'Jcick. aid will »rriTc «t Pr-V. I'sv.rr,, C3:::-iuirc. the a- Jt dayt: 8 o'eluek »« i the Ki» V. Ik, will km ency d.y at & ' i o'clcch. JOHN H. BAKNF.Y b" 0,3 N- H—A book is kept open at Mr. E'y Chan dler'? FraticH'i H.-ad, where feats may also be ta Iren in the ab vi line- of llages. «.3t her 1 « JJXCASTh.K ST AH iS. \ 'KK P" ; Tariff tii; Ihib line itr£tag»i TCH, return their w>rM«M >b*iiks to their Irknds ami the public if. /■'ii'-ra'i. f..r t!.- }>aft favnrs tiry have reciived.an ! i-.'orm in ad.Mfion to the reg*l".r Line, •;i«e U! with Co«rgea,fijber at dri»ij., to i»D ''.r-iiKii between the City ar.d Bor.il;/,; is two Jayn. T:\ofc who prefer this mode or traWili g cay I t accommodate.l y»t ti-.e Stage Dffics, fj-n ot United Statua Eagle. Market street, L'hi.adil^ih:a. DunvtooJjr iff Co. AVy 30. f at—J Proposals Forpublifhing, by Subscription, A DIGEST Oftiie !>;»« of Ailinivj Trials it JV/ Y mrus. By If.ac ' fifpioaffe j «,f Gray'.- Inn, Esq. Barrrier ihe 1 1'ird c.irtion, torr,&e.!, wirh conudcrahle additions irom printed and ma?; itript cases, Pft sjics cl ratio stydiorux. Juv. T, ,E work i» now printing, and in confrdera- Me forwards-eft, on a fuperfsne paper, of royal fize.ard oitavo •• 1 m ft will' be ; nnted pipe fur page with the late i Lord™ edition, an J tio pan" will he l'pare to r.-ndcr th; work cor ,e&, aid free of fy>j>ogra' Vica! errors. It will be neatly bound and ic.tored in two 10 'unv/*', royal rjl ivo, aad ttj (u^iciitxn will be at five dollars and fitly cents per let—l« nonfjb- Kribcrs the price, will be fomawliat enhanced. The price of th- London cdi'ion i- (evrn dollars lfcj/e who fuSfcribe lur eight lets fha'l have a ninth gratia. (he two v-lunirs will cunfift of abnit nine hundred pages, ot which the one annexed to the proposals is a spec.men. As the wbrk is no.v puMifhing, and will be completed with all conve i.i-nt erpeditior., thvfe who wife t» profit by>he 111' fcription. will pleale M fu'ilerihc (eal ;nat.ly. N. Jt. Gentlemen holding fuUfcription papers arc requeued t > return the* to Hiomas and Tho uia-, the publishers, by the firfl of January next Vi h« hookfellcr' in P ila lrlphiA are refp. el fu'U ; informed, that they will U« fold either bound or j;ath (aS) co'.f RUSSELL 's Modern Europe. HPHE .Second Volume of i'ODERNEURQPE, A is now delivcrißgto nisjr tie had of W. Y. liirch, No. 17, South Second Street. Oflober »{. WAR DEPARTMENT, August 4tfi, i Bco. HE commanding Officers rf corps, de ■'» tachr.iems pelts garni tW and recruiting parties, beSongii I(<3 the military establishment of the Ur.iteii Stales, arc to report t:<, and receife order-i from fcri;j;lirr General 'A il kmfrtn, in the City of \Vafiiingt«H, and all officers c:i forjough are to report themfeives to the f«m< officer with all pcffible dil'patch, SAMUEL DEXTER, Secietarvol War. •2-?" All Printers v&;bi* thr United Sutts wl)o liav.- iJttiilji-'ied ii,«iutht>f for contrail? ot tf.e 13th o:' March Us: are requrlted to i;:fert the above in liicir paper*, or.ee .i wick f.-r iw-j iiipotin. at Law. IH TWO vmuMri. L John Cliffton, jun. TTAVINC declined his former business, of fs« for *H W« stock, confiding of the following articles, via, Sixteen Anvils, Eighteen pair of Bellow's, five Vices, with all 1 " t ' ,er r «ols neceflary for condaitting the iklincC,. 6 r»w4* ALSO, About 5 tons of Sfik.es, - of different sizes, 3 oooib. Sheathing and Draw Nails, a larjre assortment of Tackle Hooks and Thimbles, Swivle Hooks, Scrapers, Hin ges an 1 Nails, with every other defci iption 0 t ready m adj (ron „ ork> f „ jtiSlr fc| . llocki a Snip SLith's, or fliip Chandler'. Store. All oj which he will fell on very rcafouable ' e # mS '° r fa " l ®l WilJurtW P'tmiYtt Jaftph BuotiD S> 00 T h»y engage to return then in good order in t e fpriEg or cltarge nothi.ig sot k cping them, aud wi. not t.e anfw rable for accidents or escape, but will lake ev£ry either oiaob « *> mwftf Ihe Porcupine. J Take this method ofinforjru.tr the People n{ the United States, that on the'lirfl day ol No vem 1 er next, I propofoto rnfuou the publication of Porcupine's Gazette, uudtrthe title of I'HE POKCUI (NE ; and to notify (in cafe any gentie man in A; erica fiiould want it) that the r rice ol each Number will be futpence ltcrling, -and that the calh mull be received l»y n.e before Uie pa;>er Can be iipp,i«d. —Hs to the mode of cor.Vvj' thcc, 1j frequent are the opportunities from London to New York, that iiles may be forwarded to the iat. ter place once a fortnight upon an average—from New-York they can be fpeediiy conveyed to ev ery part of tlie Union. WUeo files can be, with out delay, sent £•■ ot«u places direiS, it may be done ; when they cannot, they will all be fciic Cb New-York, unLfs otherwise ordered. P-ttupint j Wtrii, Whith hiM beet, iometiaia w th* Prafi, wil h«c»Pß|ilrud in Fctrmry gut, wtcs the copin fulifcri en /'.r ia Aiucrica will be Itwwarded to the Subfcii'-cri. A..y ol n-.j literary fri;nds in Ame-ica, who may be dtfpofedM renew their correfpon.lcnce .Withme; will pk-afe o dircA to me at my print ing oti:c.', Wo. - Southampton street, Strand, or itrny B.ioifeller's fbop. No. >B, Pall Mall WILLIAM CODBETT. Load on. September 6, itco. PROPOSALS FOR PUBLISHING BT SUBUC/IirTION, The Works « OF Til R Hon. James Wilson, Esq. L. L. .D Late one of the Associate Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States and Professor at Law in t(>e College end Academy of F'hiLidclyhia. From the original mauufcript, in the pnfTeflion of Bird Wilson, Esq. CONDITIONS. ** rhefc works (hall be elegantly printed in two Vijumos o.tavo, and ddivercdio fubferiheri at five d*»ihrs. TKcy Iball ptr to press as soon as the fu'ofcrip tiotw will juilify the expeucc of publication, Subscriptions tvtll b{ r eceitedby AS BURY DICKINS, The publilher, ofipclice Cltri# Church, Pliila (Jetphia ; znd by rl.c principal bookfc liti s through out the United States. *,* A rrorpetfus of the work may be fecu at the place of fubfeription. This Day is Publjhed y And to be fold BY ASBUIIY DICKINS, Second fir.et, Chrill Church, An Essay ON THE Eleventh Chapter of the Revelation of St. J.hn, In which is shewn tjsat the words " And in the fame Hour was there a great Earthquake, and the tenth part of the City fell, and in rise Earthquake weie flam ot Men seven thousand," relate to Jc iufalenl, and net to Rome or France By Charles Crawford, Esq., Lately publ,»h,-d by this author, THE CHRISTIAN, A POtiM. Obfcrvations upon the Revolution in France, &c. ike. oft l*r 3 " I': EPHBAIM tILARK, j Clock &< WatcK j . Jlf A K A R, ' Corntr of Market rid »nltj!rettt+ Pl>ila\ " ' Jti/ihla,' l-U» rrcrir*4 Kj- (>*• KigCo* and «H|er wri»»l^ CHAMI'.F.fc i!iJ~ur>.er lVfc tnr»t*, KMII it>£ jc h< Brill', 'CIMI uilt*, fcit JTJt * led ft eel «t:i glli Chain'. ft Ik-firing Min.' chiitu fijM, gilt, apd, ftrcJ i «Dai»l 4|r 'i>f "ifrtV ltd Wctch MkLrr'i. avd.jucwtr '('(44* ltd SMriitl, and Filet of tu. ' '" " ' i'uc-.uicc, R4.ua /Ve*u, Pmety, V ftc. N, B wrch«>>4ncckt tW ©1 ■ • ■ todtf. Jull Received, AND FOR SALE, BY SIMON WALKER, f ouith firert. corner of Union fttict, Fresh Cloves a>: D . I Real Ceylon Cinnamon of the be/} quality. . 6 • tnth fc Rt> BENJAMIN CLARK, Cluck (y Watcii MakEm, HAo REMOVED io No. Mauket Stsf.et, Vt lu rc lie has for oa^e, Spring 11M j other Clocks ; pold and filv, Watches: Tdbls, Files and Materials ; {!« ™ tylt Chains, Seals and Keys ; Springs, CLOCKS AXP WATCHES Repaired as usual. nowrm. sfane 3 Piano-FORTE, SIN GIJV G & G3J.it AR. MUSIC PROFESSOR, STH i. contir.uo teaching Ladies' the abovein- Oruments, Ac. i hose who may wiflifor his inflruclion, th~ir favor* Wii! be duly atc ;* ned to, on aj pticatiuii made'to fcim, No, 96, North Sixth tlreet, when they may depend on being"inflru»sted with cars :\nd 3ttc.':tion, pu isualiy waited on. N. B. tc. Taylor having a iti-od i ocltof Music, I'oth vocal jnd liiitrununt I (particularly for the Piano Forte) Song., Opera',,. Oratorios, ;ni Sa cred IV ..uuc. Any I.nd y or Gentleman may have Mniic copied out on fri-per terms. He has several of Oratorios, &c and all his Ontorto Sones ; many ot Dr. Arndt's, Dr. Arnold's, A bd's, Or. S-iyce-'s, Bach's, Clamentini's, Edei man's, Goirdam'., Haydn's, Nicolai's, Plcyei's, Schobtrt's works, &c. &c. A very sweet-toned, focond hand Piano-Forte to be fold, and a Guitar, with other Phno-Forf>- s. Asy fterfon wanting a GRAND PIANO F(Jls- or upwards. AN APPRENTICE WANTED, Art ihe Ofsi< of thf Gize'ts of the United f Voiemt. XVIIL tnSd'tf R. TAYLOR, %