Gazette of the United States, & daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1800-1801, November 11, 1800, Image 2

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Foreign Intelligence.
By the ships jlSlive and Aintrica % frim
Surrender of Malta, i
MALTA, Sept. 2.
The generals, the commanding officers by
land and lea, the coinimffaries of war and
of the marine, the commandants of the fort'?,
and the officers of all ranks whi command
the the difTerfiit corps, hav
ing been convoked by the G.neial of Divi
sion, Vaucoie, Commander in Chief in tlie
lllands of Malta and Goza, to held a council
of war the iid of this month. l'lie council
Con si de ring.
That the garrtfon of Malta having been
reddced to' a r itioh of one third for the Ir,lt
two years, his fulfilled with honor the duty
whtdh was impoied upon it, of preserving
this place tp th - republic till the lad extre
mity ; that lifter having repelled all the at
tacks the enemy has made upon It, it has by
its fortitude a:ii its energy, obliged the ene
my t» pi-rfevere in a ftri£l blockade, wliich
does not permit us to hope or any fuccnurs
from without.
That the forces which the enemy employ
-to secure the blockade both by land sea
do not afford the brave garrison of Malta any
opportunity of supplying themselves by their
'courage or devotion, in a country naturally
barren and Cull of fortifications which na
ture and irt have multiplied to confine us in
our fortifications ; that belides every enter
' prize for that purpose would be unfuccefsful,
from the precautions the enemy has taken,
according to the report ct the deserters, to
keep their corn irr tfieir (hips.
Thit we cannor without riflcing tte ex
iftcnte of 12,000 men, of which the popula
tion cotifills and -'f the garrison of this place,
def;r longer to enter inn a parley with the
enemv, for the purpose of obtaining an ho
norable capitulation, and such a one as isdue
tobry/e folJiers, who have so long fjffered
for their country.
•'That the marine has partaken of the ho
nor of the labors and privations of the gar
rison, and that it his fought, by fending a
way the two frigates, the Justice and the
Diana, to dinvnidi the lofTes the Republic
-will fnff'-r in these parts.
That the labours of war and those of hu
manity luSciently authorise the general,
of this place, toeivcer into a nfc
gociation with the enemy.
Hisrtfilvcd that General Vanboi? fliall
on the 4th of thit month demand a parley of
the Englifti commander, to propofi? a capitu
lation ; and .hat Hear-Admiral Villfneuve
(hall, join toftipulate in favour of tire marines
to the end tint they may have the lame ad
vantages as (lull Ipe granted to the garriGn,
Here follows the fi^natures.
(Tiae 1) O T,
Commissary of War.
Articles of Cap, *illation between the Gen
eral of Division, Vaufois commander in
• chief of the Island of Malta aid Goza,
and Rea• Adrrur nlVi! Unouve, Command
ing the Marin oil the one p i--. ;
and Major Ger.eral Pi got, Commur.J ng
the troops oj bis Botanic Majesty and of
bis and Capt, Martin, Command
ing the Vessels of His Britanic Majesty
and bit Al!:ts before Malta, on the other
Article I. The garrison of Malt/, and
of the dependant forts, (hall march out to
be embirked and, carried to Marfeiles, at
the day and hour agreed on with all the hon
ours of war ; that is to Cay, with drums
beating, colours flying, and matches lighted
preceded by two pieces of cannon, four
pounders, with their carriages, tobeferved
by the artilleiy, and a baggage waggon for
the infantry. The officers, civil and mil
itary, of the marine, and all belonging to the '
department, lhall be also condu&ed to Tou
lon.—Anfwfr. The garrison (hall receive
the honoui-9 of war demanded, but as it is
inipoffible tint they (hall be all cmuarked
immediately, they flull be supplied accord
ing to the the following arrangement.
As soon as tin capitulation (hall be fign
?d ttw forts Crcafoli and Tigme shall be de
livered ttf the troops ot His Britanic Ma.
jetty, apd the velTels (hall -enter into the
port. The national gate lhall be occupied
by a guard composed ef an equal number
of French and Etlglilh, till the veflels flull
be ready tb receive the si' ft embarkation.
• Theti all the garrison (hall defile with the. ho
nours of war to the fleet, where they shall
lay down their arms. Those who (hall not
be included in tl>e fir ft embarkation (hall
occupy the island and the fort Mannel, hav
ing an armrd guard to prevent my persons
from going ..bout the country, The garri
son (lull be coujidered prisoners of war, and
shall not fcrveagainft Uis Britanic Majesty
till rxchanged. To this cfTeft the refpeftive
officers fliall give their word of honor. All
the artillery, -maga
zines of all I'crts, fliall be delivered up to
the officers fixed on for the purpose, as al
io the inventories and the public papers.
11. The general of brigade, Cbanez,
commandant of the place and the forts, the
general of brigade, Debenrezel, command
ant of artillery and engineers, the officers,
fublltern officers, and foUliers, belonging to
the land forces ; the officers, men, and crews,
and even every difcription of persons em
ployed in the marine, chizeA Tiprre Al
phonfe Guys, commiflary-gereral of com
mercial affairs for the French Republic in
Syria fiid Palestine, accidentally at Malta
with his' family, the persons in civil/and mil
itary employments, the ordonateurs and
comiriiflfaries of war'and of the navy, the cu
vil a:id ail rrtembers whatso
ever of the" cMJIWKtPd Authorities, (lull
have liberty to cany away their arms, their
perioral < ffrcls and to dilptjfe of their,pro
perty of whatever del'criptioo* Aus.
" Granted, with the exception ofthearm
laid down by the fo'idiers conformable to
tlie provilion-s'of the fiid article. The sub
altern officers (hall retiin their Übres.''
111. All perluns, of whitfoever nation,
who have borne arms in the firvice of, the
Republic during the Jiegej v ffiaU be tQiilider
ed as forming put of the garrifon,—/fhs.
"Granted." ,
IV. The divisions (hall be embarked at
the expence of his' Britannic Majrfty. Every
soldier or peri'on employed iii any ojvii, dtj
[MrtTH»Bt • Ihill receive, during hir, pillage,
the rations allowed to the rank of each ac r
carding to ' he French laws and regulations.
The officers, members of the civil admi ni
dation who pals into France,, (hall" enjoy
the i'trne treatment, themselves and their
families, by assimilating them eo the milita
, ry degrees corresponding with the elevation
of their fur.Aiotis—Ans. " Granted, con
formable to the usage of the English marine,
which allows only the fame ration tn alt
per lons of whatever rank or condition."
V. There fliall be furniflied the necefTary
number of carriages and boats, for carrying
and putting on board the personal property
of the Generals, their Aid de Camps the or
donnateurs, and commilTaries, the Chiefs
of corps, the officers, citi*ens Guys, the
civil and military administrators by land
anil fja ; as also the papers belonging to the*
councik of the administration ot the corps,
thole of the commiflaries of war, by land
and fes>, of th? paymafterof the divifion,aod
of the fever ,1 other perfans employed in the
civil and military sdminiftrations. Their
eflet\s and papers Hi,ill not be fubjefled to
any search or infpeclion under the fectjrity
given by the .generals, who ffipulates - that
they (hall not contain any public or private
property. —Ans. Granted.
VI. All Ihips of every description, be
lo'ip-ing t« *he Republic in a Itate capable of
putting to.fed, (hall depart at the f*me time
with thedivifion on their return to a French
port, after having been furnilhecl with the
neceflary provisions. Refuted.
VIL' The lick capable of bcin' removed
(hall be embaiked w'rth the division, and
fup]>lied with proviGons, medicines, fiirgical
chefls, rfTce 1 .!, and officers ps health, necefla
ry for tlie if maintenance and cure during
the pafTagc. Tlv>fe who shall remain be
hind, fliall he freated prnperly, the general
m chief leaving at Malta, a phylician and
a furgcon in the service of France to take
ore nf them. They fliall be furniflied with
l gratis, fliould they leave the. hospi
tal, and lent back to France, when their
Puliation will permit, with every thing be
longing to them, aud in the fame manner as
the garrison. The generals in chief by
!a;id and sea, in evacuating Malta, confide
themselves to the loyalty and humanity of
the English general.—Grapted.
VIM. All perfins of whatever nation,
inhabitants of the Illaud of Milta, or others,
111.111 neither be troubled, or mo
lested, for their political opinions, nor for
any done da ring the time that Malta
has been in tlie power of the French Go
vernment. This difpnfition applies princi
pally in its whole extent to those wh:> have
carried drivs, or have filled employments,
civil, adminiflrative, or military. Their
conduct lhall not be liable to enquiry in any'
refpefl, much less (hall they be persecuted
for aiKs done in office. •
" This article dues not app-ir to be a
prnprr ohjeft'of a military capitulation, but
*ll the inhabitants who (lull wi(h to remain,
or flull be permitted to to Co, may be -(Tar
ed that they dull He treated with Jitflicc
and humanity, and enjoy the full prOteft
ion of the laus."
IX- The French who inNabit Malta,
and all the \J iltefe of whatever description
who may be desirous to follow the French
army and reptir to France with their pro
perties, (hall be at liberty to da so. Thole
who poflefs moveable t or fixed property,
which cannot be immediately disposed of by
fafe, and who (hall have an intention to be
come inhabitants of France, shall have fix
'months from the date of the prelen: capitu
lation to f;ll their landed or other property.
—These properties (h ill be refpefted. TliPjr
shall have power to aft in person, if they
remain behind ; or by their agent on the.
(pot, fliould rlk-y follow the divilion.—
When they lhall have liuifhed their busi
ness, within the stipulated time, they (hall
be furnilhed w«h paflports for France, and
be at liberty to carry away their remaining
property, and also thrir capitals in money
and bills.—<kns. Granted : with reference
to the answer of the piece(!ing Artic'e,
X. Immediately after the filling of the
capitulation, the English General lhall leave'
it entirely at the difpufition of the General
commanding the French troops to fend a
(VIl eta, with the ntceffary crew and an ,
officer, charged to carry the capitulation of
the French government. He (hall receive
the necilTary passports for his fafe pa(Tage v
Arts. G'.intrd.
4X. At *3 *4— trtKJos of capitula
ting fhaJl he signed, the gate called the. (liatl be furrendeied to the Englidi
General, and ihnll be occupied by a guard
of English awl French, each of equal force.
These guards (hall not luffer either the fbl
diers of the befig.ifig troops, ct any inhabi
tants of the Iflund whatever, to enter the
city, until the French troops (hall have been
embarked and out of fight of the port—
Thcfe precautions are indilpenfable, to pre
vent any fpbjeft of dispute, and that the
articles of capitulation maybe tltgtouQy 61?-
served.—Answer granted, conformable to
the prov Ji )BS in tiie answer t? th- firll
i v
article. All precautions (hall be alio taken,
to prevent the »rmed Maltese from all access
to the ports occupied by tlie French troops,
XII. Aliefrations or falei of moveable or
immoveable prnpsny Qy the French govern
ment, /during the time it htt I>ecti in pof
frffiou of Malta, and all trai.factions be
tween individuals, lball be held inviolable—
Anlwer "granted, fof»ras they flull be
jull and lawful.'*
XIII. The Agent of allied powers, who
fball! e found in the Valetta upon the for re ri
der of the place, flu!) be in no wife molefled,
•and their perfoift and property, Ihall be gua
ranteed by the pietent capitulations.—Anl".
" Grilled."
XIV; i'.vtry Ihip of war or merchantman
cording from Cmince uAtli the,republican
to the part, Ihjll not be eonlidcred hwful
prize, nji>r. Il\iil m crew be made prisoners
during a )V;*ce of twenty days from the date
of the p-efent capitulations, but it Ihall "he
lent batik to Frmce.—Anf. " Refufed."
XV- The General in Chk'f, and the o
tlier Generals, (liall be embarked with their
Aids-de-Camp, the officers attached to them,
as also the Ordonateurs and their ftiite, with
out refpeflive separation.— ,l Granted."
XVI. The prisoners made durine* the
siege, coinprifing the crews of' the William
Tell, and the Frigate Diana, (hall he given
up and treated like the garrifen. The fame
provision fb.ill extend to the crew of the
Jurtice, if it has takep on ifs way to one of j
the ports of the Republic.
" The crew of the William Tfll is alrea
dy rxt ha need, and that of the Diana is t_p be
fen: to Minorca, to be there -.xchariged im
XVII. Nobody in the service of the Re.
public (hall be ful jest to any aft of reprisals
of any kind or under any pretence wh ttever.
* XVIII- Should any difficulty arise ref
peftinp the term* and conditions of the capi
tulaiVon, they (hall be interpreted in the
fehfe most favourable to the garrison.
Granted stcouling to justice
Drfne and agreed upon at Malta, 18th
Frnftidor, (Sept. 5,) in the Bth year
of the French .Republic.
General of DivilTon, VAUB&IS,
R-ar Admiral VILLENEUVE,
PIGOT, Mi-jor General.
martin. Ciptam,
Convnnitilng the llripi of liis Britannic
majvftj, and his allies before Malta.
By this Day's Mail
Moiviay I.JI being the day appointed bv
■ the Conilitutior. for the annual meeting of
tbe Lrgiflature of this State, the Houfc of
Delegates accordingly met, and after quab-
Fying, «*sj' till the next rooming when
they iTUjtjt;. choice of Edward H.ill, Efqr. as
thrir fpeakcr.
A fu'iicmnt number of senators to com
pose an houie attending 1 on Tuti'day morn
ing, they, met, and chnfe the Honourable
John Thomas, Efqr. their Prrfident : the
General Affenibly then proceeded to bu
Robert, Smith and James H. M'Gulloch,
Efquirrs, are elrftrd Delegate* ta represent
the city of Baltimore in tht pre leal General
Thomas Sett Bond, Efqr. is elefted for
Harford county, and not Thomas Scott.
NEW-YORK, November to.
Yefterday-rfcrrived in town, the company
of the U. S. Artillerifls and Engineers, com
i inanded by cspt; James Still, and for foitie
time .pall stationed at Weft Point; They
are on their way to New London in Con
iieft cut, and by their number's, appearance
and dijipline- (lefrrvedly merit the praise of
being the fiiieft company in the service.
i They do-honor to the government and the
1 country. ,i
oi ,■>
Two GompSrtfcsof tfiir 2d United States
Regiment of ATrciHerifh and Engineers, un
der the commfjul of Captains Eddins and
Bi/hrip, Itl't Foft Jay on Tliurfd.ty lad for
Newark, and frum thente for Fort Pitt.
Law Book Store,
No. 319,
ft I G H - S T R E E T.
GEORGE DAVIS ha» just imported par Ac
tive from London, an exceeding valuable
affortmeiit rf BOOKS, which, added to thofc re
ceived by sundry la'e arrivals, and to others daily
expend from Dublin, will render his Colle>ftioii
t>c. mo'.t importtfbt of any offered (or sale in this
In a few days he hopes to havehis Books open
ed and arranged, of which notice (hall be given
and his annual Catalogue!, diUribuicd.
November S eojt
20 Dollars Reward*
SON, private in the marine corps of the
Uoi'ed States;-he was botn in Ireland, is about IJ
yeare »-l<t 5 fist 6 an,! a half inches high, dark
eyes, black hair, at,d fallow complexion. Alio,
JEREMI.kH CI.AHKSoA" born in and,
town of Stockport, is 39 years of age, J feet. 7
ischfs h , grey eyes, light brown hair, florid
complexion And by trade a Hatter ; from the ap
pearance ofhis lace the moil evident marks of at
tachment to cirii £ may be traced, they have both
fervedin the Wejern Army, and now deferttd'lll
full uniform. The atovc amount will be paid
with charges to apprehend their ; or Ten Dollars
for either by applying to
Captain CcmithziiJing.
Philadelphia, Mar ice Barracks, Nov. t
Thomas Wotherspoon,
No. 56,
Souiu Fiiour Strssi',
Has received by the late arrivals from Lon
dun, Liverpool, Hull aft GUfgovr, a
general allortnient of
Suitable tor the season—among which are
SuPEKFiWE and ftcond cloths,
Do. plain and ribb'd Callumrs
Do. fadiionable
Coatings and Bocliing Baize*
FlannsHs and Plains »
Pi&id una r:bb'd Calimancoes
Durante and Joans Spinnings
BLack HulTels and Bombazetts
Plain and striped Wildbores
CI oak Camhletts
Velvets, Thickfetts and Fancy Cords
Check'd anu (Iriped Ginghams
White and brown I'latillas
Checks and Bed-ticks
Purple and Chintz Shawls
Printed Pocket Handkerchiefs
Blacjc and col'd Barcelona do.
White and col'd Satins, Peelongs aijd
Perlians. %
'i'willed black Sattin Florentines
Wide rich rtripe do.
Quern's Grey Lutertrings
Stitching Threads and Scarf Twist
D mities and Marfellois Quiltings
Black and white Thread Lacas and
Rich wide patent Law Veils
An assortment of Ribbons
-Carpets and Carpeting
Tapes, quality and flioe Bindiags
Shirt Weires and Moulds
Plain and F.mcy Buttons
Plain and ribb Cotton Stockings
Fancy Handkerchiefs and Cotton
1 able-cloths and cotton Counterpanes
1 hread, Leaders, Fcrretts and Galloons
Bntifh Muflms of every dtfeription
Ounce Thread in boxes
Coloured do. in do.
Suitable for the Weft-Isdia Market,
A few boxes »f
Madrafs Hmdkerchie s, a few do. Fancy
Muflius, a few do. Ginghams, entitJt-d
to "drawback.
Ottober 16 djot
Robert Smith 6c Co.
Ho. 58, South Front Street,
By the late arrival* from London, Liverpool,
Hull and Glasgow,
A gejieral aflortment of
Suitable for the fcsl'ju —among which are*
SU n BRFINE and second cloths
Forrft cloths and plains
A variety of phin, ribb'd and embsffed caffi
meres of evi'ry colour
A variety of falhionable fwaiifdown
Kendal cottons
Bocking and Colcheßcr baize of (very color
7 4 to 11 4 ro!e blankets
112 and 3 do
White serges suitable for fa llen
Ribbed and plain calimancoet
Rattfhets and (balloons
Durants jor.ns and bomhaztens
Bombazetts, liriped aid plain,
Velvcrets, thickfett* and faoty cords
Chcck'd and striped ginghams
7-8, 4-4, rt-8 ctton checks
Bed ticks Scotch fhirtlag
Brown liaens and cotton bag«!ng
PJain and tambor'd jaconet and book mullins
and handkerchiefs
Coloured tambor'd ditto
Olive, lead and blue mufliut
Cambricks and lawns
Lawn,and printed linen handkerchiefs
Black and colored Barcelona ditto
Black love ditto
Worftud, yarn and cotton hoflcry
White and coloured threads
Tapes, quality and (hoe binding
An assortment of ribbons
Sowing silk and twist
Ivnry and horn eombs
Shirt wires and moulds
Plain and fancy bartons
Knives and forks, penknives, (ciders, needles,
pins, &c.
They have also on hand,
an assortment of
ti z.
Coloured and black Luteftrmgs, Senchaws and
Sattins—Garrahs, Codas, Sanas, Uaftas, Guzoenas;
oflplcr 15 dim
B O A R D I N G to" D A Y-S G HO O L,
For, tlie winter season, on Monday, O&ober
6th, Walnut, between Fourth and
MRS. GROOMPvRIDGE refpeatyly ac
knowledges the Jiberal encouragement
(he has experienced, for more than fevr-n yesrj
n Philadelphia, and, as the mofl'expreffive proof
of gratitude, will be a continu.v.ce of the unre
mitting attention, aleady pi d to h.r pupils ;
flatters herfelf, it will he the bed recommencl;-
tion to future patronage.
Tt>e folio wing (irMichfS (or anv of ihem frp
arately ) rr>ay be engaged for, as mod agreeable,
the Eng'ith, French, and Italian languages (
grammatically j writing, arithmetic, geogra
phy, use of the globes , hiftorv. tmifii-', tocj'i ,
and instrumental, drawing and danci £.
Plain work, marking, eoibrni. ery Hid am
bour ip gold, fllver or rolourt, fiil'gree, artiiv
cial flowers, fancy hafketi, netting, hair, print
cloth, and muilin work of every kind
Odt. xa. ■ 1 daw twta.
r T I HAT WE fcaVe applied to the Honorable ,
X Ju gen o! th' Court of Common Pleat of
Eurlington County, forreliel as infolvcnt debtors,
and (aid Court hive appninted the 15th day of De
cember next, to bear us and our Creditors at the
Court Honfe in Mount Holly
4tli November i8oo»
THE Pilots # the River Delaware are
delired to take w«tice that after the 14th
in ft. all veflels irnm foreign ports are permit
ted to pracred to the city without
too at the Lazaretto, to be jexamined by the
Refidem Physician.
WILLIAM ALLEN, Health-Office.
4 d2w
Poffc Office,
Philadelphia. 1, 1800.
rHS Mails for the Post Offices on the Mai a
Line, between Philadelphia and New York,
will in furure be doled every day, (Sunday except.
ed)at 8 o'clock, A. M. and the flails for Folt
Offices branching from them will be clofsd on tlie
usual days, at 8 o clock in the morning.
The Mail for New York, and the Post Offices
eastward ol it, will continue t» be cloled at the
usual hour, it o'clock, noon, daw
Hamilton's Letters.
nPHE Public may now ]je supplied with duV
1. publication, at the reduce! price of 25 Cents,
by applying at the bookftoresof J.Ormrod hefcut
ft reef, end H. & P. tticc, Second-ftreec No. 16,
between Market and Chefnut.
O Sober 30,
Juit come to hand,
and to be sold
No. 22, Market street,
A Letter
General Hamilton,
Occafisned by His Letter to
President Adams.
november 9
Gifford's Epiftlc to Fc*cr Plnd«V- ?
(Pile* J7 ).»Ctmu) ,!•
*»»'*>», ►c .. '
Duttoa'» Poem'po .the present ftaW 1 |f->r
'(hte rti > Ccoti) •*-
■H*»e jutt txcnrcctiac* b» • '•T •• ' J :
■A. DICK£M«, eppofltr CiiriA Chords JT ,!■'
•orember 7- ' '• ' " 4*-- tfy.
English Grammar,
Ha* this Day been publiftied, by AsBUtT
Bickins, opposite ChrUt-Cbureh,
[Price One Dollar
Oftober 7.
To be Sold by
At Luniberton,
On Second-day, the xjtb of tbit Inst a it i
At 10 o'clock, A. M.
The Real Estate of
Late of Lvmberton, in the county of Burlington,
£ate of New-Jersey, deceaftd, viz,
rft TN the Village of Lumberton, between 80
J. acresof land, fituite on the main
south b ranch of-Raneocus Creek, about 40 acres
of which may be made good meadow, is part im
proved and within hark; the rewain er is upland
divided iato convenient lots, principally en:lofc4
with good cedar fence. There are on the said
premil'os, a large, commodious and pleasant situ*
ated two story Frame Dvirelling House, Dry-goods x
Store under the fame roof, a Brick Kitchen ar.join
ng, with a good cellar under the whole, divided
into several apartments; a large aid convenient
stone Store-House near the wharf, divided into
feperate apartments for the reception of all kinds
of country produce; Barn, Stable#, and Waggon-
Htifcfe.»—Alfo, two other Dwelling Houses. one
of which is a good new two (lory House, and a
Blackfmith'a Shop.
The above property being bounded for a confe
derate distance on the above creek, which is well
known for the excellency of its navigation, and
affords the best of landing'; where velfels mea
furlujy between 30 and 40 tons burthen constantly
pass to and from Philadelphia and'other ports of
the United States, recommends it as a place prefe
rable to almost any other in the ftatc for carrying
on a very extensive trade
ad A Dwelling House and Lot of Land in the
vi lage of Vincen*-t©wn.
Immediate pofTciTion will be given, and a
title execute! to the purchaser—The terms will
be made known on the day of sale, by
JOB JONES, and > Ex^cutorr.
Nov 4, 1800
WHEREAS Duncan M'lnnesdid on the thfr<%
tieth day of April Jali. make an alignment
ps his property -or the benefit of his creditors—
luch creditors are rrquefted to present their ac
counts to tha fubferiber ; and all persons indebt
ed tj> the said Duncan M'lnnes, are reauefted to
pay the fame without delay t to
JOHN CLARK, No 55, "> A&ng
north Water street j AJftgHte
Philadelphia, november 6 law3w
At .;