Gazette of the United States, & daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1800-1801, November 10, 1800, Image 3

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    Gazette of the United States.
■ on
Monday evening, November, 10.
Prices of Public Stock,
Philadelphia, November 10.
Par amount
of a Jbarc
Eight per cent, stock—loß a ioB 1-4 J
Six per cent* and }
Navy ditto j BB l * a 88 3 4
Deferred 6 per cent 86 1-41 87
Three per cant. 541-4 a 541-1
J l-i per cent. {
4 1-2 per cent j none at market *
BANK U. States, 1370137 J p. cent ad."\
Pcnnfylvania, t jiaija ditto (
N.America 1513151 ditto f 400
InfurauceCo Fenns'a 1 loam ditto J <
North America 85 ic '
Turnpike - 150 a a6o dolls. 300
Schuylkill Bridge ... par -jo
Water Loan, 87$ dolls. too |
Land Warrants 25 a 30 dolls. 100 acres 1
iSt.Augitjlmt Ciitrcb Lottery Ticket! t dollars
On London at 60 days
On Amtterdam, do
3Q a 40 cent- )
[per Florin >
On Hamburgh do 36 037 cents \
[per Mark
Rates of Foreign Coins and Chrren
rencies in the United States—per
act of Congres for payment of Du
Englilh pound sterling 4 44
Irish do do 4 JO (
Durch "brin or GuiUer o 40 f
Hamburgh Mrk Banco o jj't-jj
jjCT* Ihe fubicribtir having frequently
heard coropla nts ot the want of accuracy in
the price current of public has coticl ad-
Ed tofnrnifh the Gazrtte of the UnitedSrates,
occasionally (if called for) with what may in
his opinion be considered th? Market Prices
of Stock, and the Rates of Exchange.
Cbanul street, No. 143.
Pbilailelpbta, 3d November, 1800.
AS there are no such roins in the United States
as Pouuils, Shillings and Police, Tbt Brokers of
Philadelphia in future, intend to buy and (ell all
kinds of Public Stock, at so much per cent, in Dol
lars and Cents, which arc the proper coins of the
United States, and not as horetefore, at so much
per pound. And to prevent sny inconvenience
which may arise to those wha have bem habi'u
ated to the old mtlM, the following table is pub
lilbed, (howing the fiim in Dollar* and Cents, per
Cent, which correspond with (hillings and pence,
per pound. They hope the (iaiplicity ot the nnv
n.-lltJ, will be pleating to the citizens of the U.
States, and give general fatisfa&ion.
P sent. Per £.
D. CM. S. D. ?
50 equal to 10 60
St 7s to 6 6
S3 o'» 10 7 »
53 10 7 8
S3 50 10 8 4
53 75 10 9 o
54 co xo 9 6
54 »? 10 10 a
54 jo 10 10 8
J4 7? 10 II 4
JJ 00 tl o o
U«» 17*4
*4 *3 '7 t O
It jo >7 3'*
86 75 «7 4 *
*7 co 1748
8? *S »7 J 4
87 5© *7' °
When the ftorin rages, and the waters
are troubled, tuMlances ileftincd otherwise
to obfeurity, rite often to the furf-tte. As
in the natural world, extraordinary"caufis
produce uncommon effefls, so in the moral,
there exilis the fume connection.
Undo wbak'eirtumllances-, but such as
the present, Could inch a bass*, treacheious
and unheard-ot wre c 1 as Coxe be liftenet
to with patience, or ever countenanced in
But the antidote tn every bane is wifely
incorporated therewith mid dependent there
on, in a wanner, not always perceptible, but
certainly always admirable and beneficent.
Thus in the Wreck of reason, Coxe
tnounts the Jacobin. c fcaffuld, and a flu'lies
to guide the public fentimeni and public,
orthodoxy in politic?arm morals , and C"Xe
in the attempt, betray? his own perfidy, and
unparalleled baseness, 111 colours so striking
«s to pierce the thickefl gloom of ignorance
or prejudice.
Mr. Win. Duncan is chosen Clerk of the
House of Representatives of this Pate.
On Friday afternoon,after the Go/error
had delivered his Speech, Mk Boileau, of the
House of Representatives, read in his place,
a bill for appointing by a joint xote,
F.le&ors of President and Vice-President
of the United States. It was made the order
for this day.
We aie requeued to mention the ac
count in this paper of a Duel having taken
place between Lieut. Jcfeph C- Cooper, of
Rhinebeck, and Mr. Perkins, (as copied
from the Poughkeepfie Journal of the 4th
inflantj) is totally without foundation.
Dif.dJ —In this city, on Friday mor
ning last, after a ievere illness of two
weeks, which he bore with Christian
fortitude, Mr. George Walbington I/nlay,
formerly of the St£te of New-Jersey.
Dolls. Cts
P. cent. Per £ •
D. Cti. 8 D. ■"
87 75 1766
88 00 1771
83 aj 17 7 8
58 jo 17 8 4
82 75 1790
59 00 17 9 6
89 ij 17 »
89 Jo 17 10 8
89 ;j 17 « 4
90 00 1800
108 equal to 21 7 2
»5 21 7 8
jo 11 i 4
A letter from an officer on board the
frigate George Washington, capt. Bain
bnjge, mentions that they arrived of
Gibralter on the 7th September and sa
luted with 15 guns, which was returned
from the rock. The frigate failed next
day for Algiers.
On the 1 ft, was chacedby fix Britifli
74'i —was afterwards boarded by the
Dragon, of 74 guns, and treated very po
IS *l9O
109 *196
1J (I 10 1
ai 10 8
75 21 11 4
110 22 O 0
A London paper of October 1, fays—
The Mail brings a confirmation of the
Envperor Paul's having taken off the se
questration on the eiFedts of British fub
jefts ; it is to be regretted that it should
have been so haftilv i npofed, and that a
disposition should h;.ve been manifefted
for which no provocation had been giv
Lad Friday Evening, the Operas of the
Mountaineers and the Loci and Key were
performed, for the firft time this fealbn.
The chara&ers in each piece were well
supported, except that of Bulcazer Mulbey,
by Mr. Wood, we do not mean to censure
Mr. IFoodtar his bad performance, be done
it as well as be could. 'Tis the Managers
who are to blame, in rendering him the laugh
' ing stock of the audiance, by his being cast
in such apa-rt: Mr. Warre-n fliould have
played it"
Mr. Bernard h determined not to attend
to Hamlets ""advice to the P.ayers.
" Let thoft that play your clowns, speak
no more than is fetdown for them, for there
; be of them that will themfclves laugh, to set
j on fojne quantity of barren fperfators to
laugh." he may think his additions a plea-'
fiu;.; ; but ;'n quite the reverse ; they will
Create a smile with the above described part
of the alidunce. We hope when h<- a gain
Plays Sodi the author will be his guide ; ex
cepting addition?, he performed the put
with great judgement.
Mr.JD.irfiV junr, made hisappearance after
an 4!; fence of near four years in the charac
ter of Cbeerly. He has £nce his departuit*
Aurora Lit Dfttuletl.
MOUL FRIEViLLE, October 25.
Meflieurs Freneau £3* Paine,
IN a publication iigned .Tench Goxc,
adJrefTcd to the Editor of the Aurora,
and inserted m your Gazette of Thurs
day last, I oblerve the following- sen
tence : " I never understood before that
you, had sent copies, (meaning of the
letter of Mr. Adams) to Mr. T. Pinck
ney, while he was attending the last,
ieflion of Congress." I therefore re
quell that you will give equal publicity
to my declaration, that I never received
trom the Editor of the Aurora, nor from
any other person, a copy of that letter;
that I never before heard of any such
copy having been sent to me ; and that
the tirft copy of it which I saw, was that
which you published in your Gazette of
the 13th of last month. /
Thomas Pinochet.
On Wedncfday last, the Legislature
of Delawer finiflied their fitting, by ap
pointing the following Gentlemen to be
Electors of President and Vice-Preiident,
Kenfey Johns, Esq. Chief Justice of
the Supreme Court, For Newcastle
Captain Samuer White, for Kent
County; And
General Nathaniel Mitchell, for
Sussex County. All good Federalists.
judge Washington arrived at Char
lefton, (South Carolina,) on the 24th
ult. to hold the Circuit Court of the
United States for that diftridl, which
commenced on that clay.
John Davton, Esquire, Lieutenant-
Governor of South Carolina, now adling
as Governor, has iflued his Proclamation
calling on the Legislature of that State,
to convene punctually, on Thursday, the
24th of November, for. the purpose of
chooling Electors of a President and Vice-
The reports of Saturday, of the cap
ture of a French vellei of 44 guns, by
captain Decatur, we believe, to be enti
tled to very little credit.
Extract df a letter from a Gentleman in
Camden County to his friend in Sa-
" The famous Bowles is supposed to
be in our neighbourhood, a party of his
friends, the Indians, have arrived oppo
site to Coleraine, they are much in want
of ammunition, which I hope they will
not get here—a small party of horse are
watching their motions, and Capt. Bow
ycr is on his march with his detach
ment of Federal Troops, for Coleraine."
froiv the ; bc«n second of
/Marines on board the fikjf.ic United Sate;
, uiviiil at' I Ate w|ji;n ue was promoted, if we
j are right informed, to be Jirst lieutenant;
I which is h olivine ajr proof that his nonducl
tvas approved by- his superior officers, and
lucli as , rendered hi in worthy of bjing ad
vanced. Since he preferred the ftagr, he
was Certainly at liberty to return to it and
had he been negligent *hilft an officer, he
would have been punilhed for it, rio doubt,
but he quit the service, without a (lain upon
his , harafter ; and his friends were pi afed
to lee his return to the (hige announced ;
and he may depend upon beintt supported by
theni ; but we regret the necessity of ex
prelfing the mod pointed disapprobation of
the conduft ot feveraVgetitleiwen on this pc
calion, firhff endeavoured to expel him from
the boards, by repeated hilling.
When he asked them " What have I
done to defeive such treatment" What
answer did they make ? None-—for they had
not one.
The conduit nf capt. Murray, oi\this oc
calioii deserves the highelf piaife.
Gazette Marine Lift,
Ship Devotion, '1 remeis, Cape Francois 19
Brig Molly. Arden, Rio de la Plata 67
Ruby, Lillibridgc, Porto Rico aa
Satly, Potter, Richaoond 3
WoreeAcr, Riler, do. 10
Schr. Bctfev, Holl n.Webb, .Charleftnn 14
Schr. VV'iiliams Indulhy, Brown, N. C. 8
I Naval stores
Nanry, Hawkins, Norfolk la
Little Sam, Robinfoti, Richmond 14
Sally, Webb, tfo. 10
Naval {tores
B-irque Piay, Snell, Dublin and Milford 35
Jrrhitd at the fort .*—
Schr. Sukey, Sto' e, St. Ja go de Cuba
Sugars, fegirs, &c.—S. & Rdgeway
Sloop VV aldington, Helhin, Havanna
Left it 14th >1 It —Sugars—J. Gourjon
Schooner Orange, D.>we, from hence, his
irrivedat Cape Frjncois
Captain Tremels, of the (hip Devotion in
f.trms that ojie brig and two schooners of Phi
ladelphia anr 'wo fcho"ner» of Baltimore, were
afhnre oa Ciaco» < >or .:• nit the 19th nit.
Capsa n Lillibridtts, of the brig Rufy, 1.-ft
at Porto R., ftp;, the Ijtft Odloher, the brig
Rol"r». "<arr, priau t.i the French privateer,
and fciiooner Sibra, Rears, of Charlcfton, to
Uil Jkortly.
Captain LilliVidge furthrr co ifirms the cap
ture of Cuirracoa, which was brought to "orto
Rico by a French brig and two l'chooners one
having on board General ivlardi.
_ l'.rig BjiIUI, 8.0wr., frSin tlavamia has ar
rirad at the Point
Capt Trimcli of the Devotion, informs fur
ther, that 5 vtC'eJa wt t artiore on Turks fflsnd
in a cale o wind, on.- brig and two Schouriets
of Philadelp ia, and two feooneri belonging to
Baltimore all bound out
Arrived, lliip Difp«tch, lleiiner—
Left Hatavia Koad Juae 16, iB~o, un4e''
convoy o> the United Statts ship ElTex, Cap'iiu
Prebie, iu c rapiny with tite (uliowiug vefielt*
and J-iva Heid ifl July :
Ship* Chiir», JoCah, )
Dominick, Terry, t Philadelphia
J Uuikeley, Stocklv, J
Juno, Smi
Hebe, Woodward,
Srnallwrod, Sanford,
Nancy, Hnh»,
Brigs Delaware, Dumphy,
Glolir, C ! jr,i< cr,
Sally, Hail,
Exchange, Webb,
Lydii, rarrurd,
Lipwing Clapp,
- •
Th? !>■ ig w-jp '.i .g left tl.e fltet nu tlie i(
of alugutt,in the mornin/, aud the Bulkcley r.
the afiern# uol the lanr.e day. Spoke the brit
f.j ha 01; tiie i;,th ■■ ffCape I agu!!us .•Sank, who
miormt-d he parted from jh« fleet two days be
fore, in a he:vy g.iir of wind and i/ut ti.e
Commod re was not to ne een at lie tim
f'jppofed go.;t a head of t he flset. J hr:
brig Gl* bi left tuc fh*ct in company with the
Difpaich, whom we p .Tied in a hea.y J\".irth
Weli gale.
Ihe (hp Alknoniack of Baltim re was taken
in the litaits of Sur.da off ad pout the 15th
Jui.t, by the French privateer La Confiance,
Captain Sirooeuf, mJUtitng 10 nine pounders
and 150 irfcn. The Captain an; fuj rcargo
were proceeding to Hauvia, but upon meeting
the fleei off Angin Point embarked on board
the Nancy. Th; Confiance twice made her
appearance, hut by the afliftance of her sweeps
was able to elude the purlult ol the ElFex.
The (hip Columbia from Philadelphia arrived
at Java Head i days previous to the fleets fail
ing, anchored at Mew Iflind for 24 hours and
then proceeded her voyage 10 Hatavia. The
ftiip Majens was fcen laying at jncbor off Ban
tam Point, intending to j«in the fleet as I'oon as
poffibl® but was n/t able to reach Mew iflaiid
before the fleet failed.
WILMINGTON, (D ) November 8.
Arrived, flaop Charlotte, Captain Jeffries
Sailed froxji the Havanoa, October 14, in co.
with the lloop Wifhington, Capcain Weflorn,
bound for Philadelphia. On the 15th instant,
was b arded off the Mantanzas by a lyjat be
landing to the Swallow, an English privateer
out of New Providence, who ((formed us that
they had an engitgcment with a French pnva
vateer out of the Havanna ; after firing fit y
nine fliois ihe made her ef'cape hy her sweeps.
This privaleer came out under Spanilh colors,
b'it hj« Frcucli and Spanift eommiffions to't-ke
ail American veiHls bound to an eilcmys port.
Alter detaining us five or fix hours, dit'miffed
us politely.
Left at Havanna the fallowing veffele belonging
to Philadelphia : .
Brig Beaver, Captain Elliot,
Ship Fame, Captain Griffith,
Sloop Cicero, Captain Ketnington,
Btig Clarissa, Captain Thomas,
The brig El za, Captain Israel, and a fchoo
ncr he h.d purchjfed to fail next day.
n Ctolain Brown, failed for Phj
'aceiphii tw"o days before the Charlotte icft tie
Latitude 28, 49, spoke the Polly and Nancy,
Captain Unlcott, of and from New Yoik, from
Ihe liavsnna, out four days, ail well.
Oclober 12, a Spaiulh Irigste, coming in
from a cruize ran down a schooner from Balti
reore loaded with flour and wh'ch funk imme
diacy. Captain and crew abandoned her,
aud gave her up to the Spaniards.
BOSTON, November 2.
L.alt eveniug arrived, in the very fh-.rt pas-
Jape of 26 days from Greeiock, the (hip H I
brook, captain Sayer. Leftthere, (hip Albion
.to fail in three days for Boftoti ; 011 the 6th of
CUober, off forrc-y, f pG fe e the lhip Mariner,
eapiam Boalc, from Greenock Wound to New-
The o>,p Atalant*, captain Ta/or, »/ thii
port, ha* been capiurtd in the Urrfiterranean br
a Spamfli privateer of i» prf an< j Ido mto<
atier ariiiiuiog fight of two kour«, and sent into
Several large Frenfh and Spanifli privateers
have lately been si-ted nut at Algefiras and Ma
laga, f.T the purpose of capturing all American
vefiVis that fhal. be found armed for un-armed.J
i he great eft pohtenefs is fbown to Americans in
tliefe seas by the Britilh.
The ftiip Wafhingion, Delano, is arrived at
Lrvirponl, in 20 days, from this port
T he (liip Diani, captain i homas, ofßofton,
failed from Leghorn, for Bjrcelona, on the iff
ef S ptembtr.
Left at Leghorn, on the tft of September, the
(h lp Brutus, , f Salem, and the lhip Thomas
ftuflel, jaekfon, of Bcwlon.
The fchoonctr Trio, Sclby, of Boftsn, was
fpnke in fight of Leghorn.
Left at Lronlladt, on the 10th of Sente-iber,
ihe brig Thetis, captain Nanz, to fail in about
14 d.rpi for Baltimore, and the (hip Minerva,
captain Page, 0 f Providence, (R. 1.) waiting
to g<ft a treight. The ship Olive Brauch, cap
tain Knapp, of Salem, from London for St.
Peterfburgh, pal Ted ths Sound, about the 15th
of September.
NEW YORK, November 8.
Schr. Den Gode, HenfWht, g t Croix -
Brig Minerva, Wekmanr.',
Ship Fair /irne-ican, has arrived at London.
Th ; e slot p EUza, Morris, r< m this port to
St. Vincents, is taken by a French privateer.
I he Cap iiti and crew made their tfcape in the
boat, being very near the harb ur as St. Vin
cents *hen taken.
Ytfterday arrive!, fch>- nr- Good Intent,
Smith, t« entv days from St Crcix. Spoke
P hooner D fpat.h, Thurfton, eighteen hours
from New /ork, bound to Havanna -Left
1 hern l'chooaer Uerfcy, of and for PhilrJcl
Signals f.,r a brig and schooner were up last
THAT WE have apple to the Honorab!*
Ju ge» el thti Court of Common 1 l»as of
Turlington Cour.!y, lorreliel as iidoivcnt debtors,
and fiicl Court have app'irwe.l t)i t i s th day of De
cember next, to hear us and our Creditors at the
Court Honfe in Mount Holly
November 10.
In the Ihip Dispatch, Jacob Bjuner mailer, from
Coffee, Sugar and
Of the firfl quality.
William Sarfcm,
James C. Fijher,
Jofepb S. Lewis.
ncv„mber 10
Brifiol, (ft 1. )
New Y #rk
Loft this morning,
ABOUT ten o'clock, iu Walnut street, or in
Fofcrth near Walnut street. feveu Bank No'.ei,
amounting together, to One Hundred and F6rtj
Dollars Any person tl at may have found she
lame is requeued to deliver them to the owner, at
No it?, futh Front ftreu, aud thall be rewarded
lor his trouble ii required.
November 1 o. diw.
For Sale,
the brtgantine
mfch enterprize,
S e 19 built of the best feaf»scd tvhtte
«3sz ■ y oak II 1 w.n sal lon the frocks—
will car y a out 150 |b.>rrcis of fl< ur, and maybe
sent to sea at a fmsll-xprnce. F r ternu apply to
No. 115, South Front Street.
November 10 §.
IVantcd to chatterfor Madeira,
H| A good Veflel,
Of ioooor i,»oo barrels
No. 115, South Front Street,
november 10 > §
20 Dollars Reward.
DF.SEft.TED last evening, JO -EPH,P ARKI M.
SON, i the marine corps ot the
United States, he was lorn in Irglan , is arout 27
yeaie "Id 5 leet 6 aiivl a halt inches hig">, d.rk
eyes, black hair, anil fallow complexion. Aifo,
JEREMI • H Cl-AHKaIiN, born in England,
town of Ktockport, i» 39 years ol age, 5 ie t 7
inch** high, eye», light b own h it, florid
complexion and by trade a Hattci ; liom the ap
pearance of his lace the moll evii'.e t marks of at
taclimctit to driik may l e traced, they have bo!/i
served in the Wetlern Army, and low in
full ur.iinrm The ainve amou'it will . pid
with charges t>> apprehend ; or l'«u Dollars
for either by applying to
franklin whArton,
Captain Command ng.
Philadelphia, Mar iue Barracks, N .v. 8. ..
.1 - «
November ,r,, i
Will be fit fenfe%; f-jf the second time this fcatoH 1 )
a ccLbiarc) 1 rarely, in, 5 adts, called
pIZA R R o J
Or, the Spaniards in Peru.
Written by Kotzebue,
With new (ccmry, »rcfli;s, and decora tioas.
Pizarro. mr. Warren; Alonzo, mr. Cain ; A'*ba
gro, mr Vr.trmorc ; Dav.lia, mr f'rancis;
Gouzaio, mr. Duraig; Gomez, mi Blif
, fas; Vaiverde, try Wood ; Las-Catis,
mr. Wlgncll; Caftilian fold'ier,
»r Bernard ; ad soldier,
rru' Milbournc.
Mrs Merry.
Ataliba, mr Wood ; Rolla, nir Cooper ; Orozim*
bo, rnr Bernard. Orano, mr Hopkins; Old
blind man mr Morris; Boy, mafler
Hams; Hi s h Pried, mr Darley ;
ad L'rieft, mr Ba>ly<
Co™. > Mils E. Weftray.
To ivbicb will he added,
Like Majler like Man.
[Characters as before.]
|CP On Wfdnefday, (never afted h?iv)
a celrbtatrd new Comedy, Called THE VO
-1 AR\ OF WEAL, l'H—by the author of
Abroad and at Home.
%* Oil Friday, The C'.ftle Spctfre, with
a new muflcal entertainment, called ST.
I)A\ ID'S DA\ ; Or, The Hunefl: Wdlt>
*t* A Tragedy, never n&ed in America,
is in preparation and will be fpeed:iy pro
duced. '
Bex, one Dollar. Pjt, three cjaariers of z Dol
lar, and Gallery, half a Dollar.
1 hi Door, of the T'-eatie will open at 14 past
S, and the Curtair rite at 14 pad 6 o'clock.
Gentlemen and Ladiee arereqaefted to fend their
fervant-i to keep places in the boxes at a quarter past
five o'clock.
Br» en
* Novel, a Poem, a Drama, which recrelent*
Virtue in lively colours models t'ie reader on
tl ; vari cfeiradt ri, who without his per
rieving i: ; they become intending, and thi au
t"or inculcate* morality withsut feemiise to
mentio- it." Miscier.
Jujl Pubhjhed,
(Suoccflori to the late R. Campbell)—No 10
Chefiiut street,
i he Beggar Girl
And her Bencfatlrefs ;
Author of the W e l(H Heirrf,. Javenile Indftcre
nons, Agnei do Oonrct. and Files, of
Castle Hjwcll.
In 3 volumes—three dollars.
Jml come to hand,
and to be sotd
No. l», Market ftrcet,
A Letter
General Hamilton,
Occafuneii by His Leti-r to
Prejident Adams.
novembcr 9
Gifford's Epifhle to Peter Pindar,
(Price 37 !-i Cents)
AMD or
Dutton's Poem on the present state of
(Price 111) Cents)
Have juU been received by
A. DICKENi, uppofitc Chriil Church,
november 7. dfcJL
To be Sold by
At Ijiimh imi),
|On Second-da-, i/•■. t~i6 lintant,
i At to o'clock. A. M.
The Real Estate of
rH Q MA S BU R R. Esrj.
Late ef Lumbffton; in the county of Burlington,
date of Vew-Jerfey, dece«fcd, •r.r *
id TN the Village , f Lumbcrr r, 1 eti.jen go
J. and 90 acresof land, fnuaf! on the main
south 1 ranch of lvanco' js Creek, about 40 acres
of which may be made good meadow, is p*rt in*
proved and wjtton batik; theVfwnin er is upland
divided into convenient lots, priucipa'.'y endofed
with good ced r fence. I here are 011 the laid
premilof, a large commodiou: and pica tint fitu
atedtwo (lory Frame Dwelling House, Dry goods
Store under the feme tool, a Trick Ki'chen acjoin
ng, with a good celiar under the whole, divided
into fevera! apartrtunt*; a large and convenient
done ! to.-e-Koufe the wharl, divided into
fepirate apartments for the rec-ptian of ail kinds
of country [roduce; Barn, Mablet, anu Waggon-
Iloufe.—Alfa, two other Dwflling Houses". cne
of which is a go«d i;ew two ftcry House, an»i a
BiacVfmith'» Shop.
Ths above property being bounded for a consi
derable diilsnce en the above which is well
known for the excellency of in r atigniott, and
afford* the bed of landings, vvhrr* refl'eis mea-
between 30 and 40 tonsbur'hen conflantly
pass to and from Philadelphia and otSer ; orts of
the United States, recommrnjs it as a p ac. -efr
rable to almost any other in the date lor carrying
ou a very extensive trade
id. A Dwelling-House and Lot ot Land in the
vi'lage of Vinrent-town.
Immediate ptfl'efTion will 1 e given, and a clear
title execute Ito the purch f'e".— I'he terms will
be made known on the day ef fele, by
JOB JONtS, a.jd >Executorr.
Nov 4. tSso tf&tjt.
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