Gazette of the United States, & daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1800-1801, November 10, 1800, Image 1

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    Numb Fit 15 34';
The folloWin§ DUTIES arc such a3 arise 011 Importations in American Yegels. An Additional Duty of Ten per Cent, is imposed on all Goods! Wares, and Merchandize,
Imported in Bottoms.
vViioislai- From i'o
A LLUM C 8 9 Free
' Almonds lb 22 Isprctad»
Anchors 11 u-^ditto.
A(hes pot none
Bacon ib i° n
Beef, mess. |{ 14
prime 12 13
Beer 6
• Bread, fliip (3 4
pilot 8 9
Braziletto p 60 ✓
Bricks M 650
Stock 2<J 27
Brimstone, roll C 5
Butter in .kegs lb IJt 16
CANDLES dipt 16 17
moult 1 20
Spermaceti 50
Cards, wool
Cassia 75 80 ijprctadv
Chet-fe, Epr'lifli 33 7 cents.
American ro 11 >
"Chocolate, 26
Piiilad. 27
Cinnamon none
Cloves 130 160 iji*rctad. v
Clover feed, red lb 20 do
white 20
Timothy ot 4
Herd grass I jo
Cocoa C 24. 26 2 cts prlb
Coffee Ib 2 5 27 5 cents
Coal, foreigrt bu 5 cents bufliel
Virginia 30 33
Cotton St. Domingo lb 33 47 ) ~
c t ? cents pr 11'
Surrinam 50 J
Georgia sea ifl. 45 . ,
upland 29 30
American C '4 15 18
Rnffia, tarred '3 iflocentsprC.
Copper, pot, sheets, lb 60 1
Bottoms 40 V Fre«
Pat. flieath. 60 J
Copperas ' C 3 5°- 4 do
Corks ijs 33 43
Currants, Zant
DUCK, Ravens p 11 75 12 ")
Russia fail 14 .750
Holland scarce J ad val "
Feathers its 45 s<=•5 <=•
'Fill), cod dry qu 450 J
do. pickled
Salmon do. B 9 10
do. fmoaked
Shad R 7Jo 8
Mackarel 6 8 50
Herrings 4 4 25
Flax lb 13 scarce
Flaxfeed H 9S° 10
Floor, fuperfine B 10 1
common 9 25 9 50
Burr middlings 78
Rye meal / 450 525
Indian meal 450 £
Ship fluff C 233 267
Furs, Otter (k 333 160 ]
Beaver lb 1 3 j
Seal J>Free
Mink fk 33
Muflcrat, 33 J
I I « * I
* Nete. Salt weighing more than 56 lb. per bushel, psys 20 cents per 56 lbs. per bulhel or less, 20 sents per in American vessels; if in foreign veffcls 25 cents.—" From the Cape of Good Hope, or beyond 20
•per cent is added to the coll of all goods paying an advalorem duty."
t The aforementioned rate of duties upon Teas refpett those imported direftly from India—lf from Europe, bohea tea pays 14, fouchorvg 2t, imperiil and hyson 40 cents per lb. It from any other place, bohea pays 17»
Jeuchong 27, imperial and hyson jo cts per lb. in American bottoms. In Foreign bottoms from Europe, 17 t-j, 27, 50 cents per lb. From any other place, 18, 7-10, 29 *-10, 55 cents perlb.
All dutied articles, imported into the United States, not having been landed more than one year, are allowed a drawback of the duties fuhjedl to a deduction of one per centexoept ipirits, which is one half ceflt per gallor*.
JC7* Of those articles that ha»e no price affixed to them, their is either none at market, or such price cannot bu ascertained as to depend Jpon it. ,
STILL, cominuss teaching Ladies' the absve in
(lrumenfs, &c. Thole who may with lor his
inftruilion, th'ir favors will he duly attended to,
«n application made to him, No. 96, North Sixth
flreet, when they may depend on being intruded
•vith care an d attention, and puri&ually waited on,
N. B. R. T eylor having a good fiock of Nlufic,
both vocal aij'l lnftrijmtnttl (particularly for the
SPiano FqrEe) Songs, Opera's, Oratorios, an I Sa
cred Music. -Ahy Lady or Gentleman may have
Music copied out on proper t#rm«. He ha« fevcral
of Handel's, ()ratonos, &c. and all his Oritorio
' Soni_'» ; many ot Dr. Amdt's, Pr. Arnold's, A
bcl's, Dr. B< Ijces's, Bach's, Clamentini's. Edel
tnan's, Goird mrS Haydn's, Nicolai's, Pleyol's,
Sehobert's wo rks, &c. &c. A very sweet-toned,
f*cond-hai<d F fno-Vort.: to be fold, andaGuitar,
with other Pis no-Fortc's. Any person wanting a
GRAND PlAf (O FOR <£, may bo accommodated
with a sery excellent instrument of that hind
worfh their p'tirchafe. Songs, See. compofcd by
# R. Taylor, to I(e had of him, and at Chalk's Mu
jQcal Repofitor)No. 75, North-Third Street, viz.
PrefiJent'a Mai vh, for tw« performers on on< Pi
ano Forte ; th : favourite song oi Summer. De
Tout Mou Catir; En Verite, Rustic Festivity,
Morry Piping Lad, Nobody, Jockey and Jenuy,
Jimyntor, &c. he.
R. T. begs tl le LadH's and Gentleman who call
upooh'm, (or fend) that their addrelifce left it;
writing, ftould he not be at home, which will
much oblige, at id they will be waited op.
Odober *3. V th-&fa;iw.
Dancing Academy.
MR. has the honor to infom his
pupils arid the public in general, that ho ha# 1
opened his acaleuiy for dancing, at his aflcrtiWy- J
room, No. 64, south Fourth fltreet. The atrea
<latice are three time* a week as ufua!,or« Monday, 1
Wednesday and Friday. The hours forXadies are <
from 10 to I in the morninj?; gentlemen «
from 4 to 6, and grown gentlemen from kaif '
past 6 to 9 in the evening
Mr. at No. 50, south Fifth street.
o«5lob. r 71 mthfa tf
Philadelphia Academy.
Mr. Francis Gali^et,
AN experienced and approved [Dftru&or, has
undertaken to teach the FRANCH LAFifi-
GVAGE in this Seminary, to fach of the Young
GentleßWn as may choofc to place tbemfjlven un
der hi» care.
0- Parents and Guardi:iu arc req*e!lcd to
make immsdiate application, that all the scholars
may b»gin at once.
Samuel Magaw 1 Directors of
James Abercrombie J the Academv.
OSober il. 3«»wtl.
; To Printers.
I WANTED—in Exd:anj*<,
A FOUNT of Long Pr;raer,
or 700 lb. or upwards, and a l'ount.ot
Brit'er, weighing 400 lbs. or upwards.
September 2. 4
of the United States, & Daily
By C. P. Wayne, No. 65, South Front-flreet.
W liolelale from I o
cunumV prick: H D. C. D. C. du ties.
Martin Ik 50
Grey Fox 47
Red Fox 1
Racoon 33 53
Fifyer 50 .
Beav 1 5° 3
Wild Cat _ 40 jo
southern 27 hair, fall lb. 16 17
Ditto red 25
Futjic T
GINGER, Race C BJO 15 pr'ct ad \
do. Jam. grd. lb 12 14 do
Glafs,Wind.B by 1 oby 11 II 50 15 pet ad'v
7 by 9 do.
Glue lb ij
Grain, Wheat bu 150 175
Rye 67 75
Indian corn Ho
° l,s 43
Grain, Barley bu {>- 1 [
befl shelled lb 6
Gunpowder Eng. !cg 10 12
do Amer. , Bjo
Hams, Pork- il> 15 ij4
Hair-powder 15 pct ad v ]
Hemp, Russia T j3O 100 cts p C
Hides, La Guira lb to 1
St. Domingo 10 > Fr.-c
Green J
Hw>ps,Hhds. (havtd M <
Hogr-lard • ' lb 16
Honey, country ga none at market
Havannah dj 80 86
Hops ~ '45 jo *
Barrel poles.,
St. Domingo I 1 25 ]
I fie of France 1 2$ 25 ctsp lb
New-Orleans I Its 112 J
Carolina 60 1
Iran Cartings T' 74 67 80
PiS 34,
Country Bar Iq6 67 log 33
IRnffia Bar 100 1 12«- pct
Sweden ,110 120 ? V al ,
Sheet 226 67 240 )
Hoops li 3 33 138 67
Nail-rods I ?2 07
LEAD, Bar • 15© ? I cent plb
Sheet S
Lead white, gr. in oil C 14 50 ij ijpctadv
Leather, f<>al lb t g 20 do
Lemons, Lifbuh bx 7 3 do
Malaga, 10
Cadis * . 5 ,
I Lime (tone H * 525_ 00
Lignumvitx 65 Free*
Logwood 'jo
Boards, Cedar \J 25
White Pine 19 33
Ditto Pan,nel 27 28
Inch & qr. do. 53 33
Heart Pine 28
Sap 14
Oak Scantling 18
Hemlock 10 12
Red Cedar Ft jo
Wholesale From Xo
current PRICE. "S D. C. D. C. DUTIES
Shingles, 3 ft. drefl M 28
2 feet R 8
18 inches J
Limes bll
•Lard, hogs lb 16
MACE 6 6JO rjprctad\
Madder 2j . 26
Mahogany, Bay ' F I Free.
St. Domingo 4.0 J
Molasses, W. India G jo 60 jets per gal
Sugar house 73
v Muft.Fl. in B.)ttlesdz 1 2c 15 pet ad v
Nails, h>
4d 1 1 «
■6d ,6 1 ? I -
8d 1? ( 1 r*£- •
rod 13 [S I> Su
.id 13 J I J S.t
2cd 12:
Cut do. '3d 13!*
4-d T<3 | 14
; 6d 12 1
B<i 11 j
iod ici
i2d 10 |
2od 10
v Nankeen., long p 12^-pctadv
C fliort ♦ 1 do
Nutmegs lb 6 6 50 15 pet ad v
OILFIor. 3©fla. ,2 1 Dhte
12 bottles 8 J
lOU, com. Whale G JO
Spermaretti. 60 * 70
Tanners B, ij
Lintfeed G 80 84
Onions, " . bu
1 go ropes 6 7
PEAS 40 40
Pepper black lb »7
lb r'imento, Jam. 13 6 cts per lb
Pitch B 4 cents
Plaifler, Paris T ijo 10 jo
Pork Burlington, Bo
Porter, Lond. draft lz 8 cts pg Sere
bot. 2jo 3 . ,)n bot> a(1 v
j Philadelphia bot. 110 120 do
Pearl, Penn. patent 8 " 9
RAISINS, bed kg 9 10 tj p ct. a«l v
Bloom & musk bx 4jo j
lh Redwood, ground lb 20 30
'iice, C j
11 Rolln, B j 3jo
SALT, Allum bu 8 118 "
Cadiz I 1 8 gff no s e *
Lisbon -i 6 1 18
Liverpool fine 62 67 J
St. Ulwrs iij 120 Free.
Salt petre refined 27 30 I *■£ pctad v
S il clotK En. No. 1 yd
Segars, Spanish M 8 To
Americ a 2 i 1 per cent
Shutting, Ruflia 17 75 j I cent per 11
Shot 750 8
Snuff, in Blwldars 33 .1
Bottles 6 '
Rappee 694 2 cents per lb
Soap, Castile lb 20
Brown 9 10
White 13 ? per gallor
Spirits, G 133 '39 S 'ft P 2 S <
Brandy, French 1 1 50
The Porcupine.
I TAKE this method of informine the People of
the United States, that on the liriidayot No
vember Beit, Ipropofeto r<fume the publication
of Porcupine's Gazette, under the title of THE
PDRCUtINE ; anj to sotily (in cafe any gentlj
m /in ftioald want it) that the price of
each Number will be Oxpence llerling, and that
the cash mud be received by me before the paper
can be ,uy>pli«d As to the mode of coovey»Rce,
fofre<j'r:nt are the ojiporiu iitie» from London to
New York, that files may be forwarded to the lat.
ter place once a fortnight upon an av -rngc—from
New-Vcrk they can be lpcediiy conveyed to ev
ery part oi the Union. When files can he, with
out Jclar, Cent t • othu places direil, it m»y he
done ; whin they cannot, tluy will all bo fenc te
New-York, unlcl's otherwise ordered.
Pcrcupiiie''S l^erks,
Which have beeu lometime in the Pr«fa, will
he completed in February next, when the copies
fubfen: ed for in America will be lorwarded to
the Subfcri'jcrs.
Any ot my literary friends in America, who
I may be disposed to renew their correspondence
I with me; will pleafe-o dire.9 to me at my print
ing office, No. .1, Southampton street Strand, or
at my bookfVHcf** fliop, Nj. 18, Pall Mall.
London, Peptember 6, |Bco.
T T .WING parted With MirgaJet Rrr.oks by
XJ- mutual content, I do h-reby fu-uam all
5 from credit-up: h-r 011 iay acc. u it, as 1
f will no" pay au» debts 1 f her contraflinc.
Otlober 30 flaw at
■—November 10, rßoo.
Just Received,
Foutth street, corner of Union street,
Frefli Gloves
Real Ceylon Cinnamon of the
best quality.
novrmher 6 tu th fa Bt.
To be let,
That and commodious four flory
Brick Dwelling-Houfe t
No. 343, Hii;ti-itreet.
IT'S situation is peculiarly pleasant and healthy,
and it has svery convenience requisite for the
accommodat ; on of a family ; a pump in the yard,
Toe Tlaufe, Stable and Carriage House, &C. &c. Fcf •
f-flion may be had on the 15th of next month, ©r
sooner, with the confest of the present tenant.
ALS> ,
(On very low terms for the ensuing winter and
i'prirg) a krg« and convenient
Brick Houfc and Kitchen,
Coach house, Stable and Lot of Ground, p'eaf. n'ly
fitnated in the Nor hern Liberties, a little tc 'he
w«:i ward of Fifth and northward ot Caliowl.iU
ftn-its, and within tch mil utes walk lrom tie
' cetkter ot the city.
' Apply to
Attorney at Law —No. t6 fcuth 4th street
oAohtr 19 mwfjir
■ — • 11 ■ »'■ 1 "'» ■" ' -■J ' I, ' ■J' ' ' t . 1
IVV hale late Jbrom To
Spanifl I • 2 d p25
Rum, Jamais 13c 133 3d p 2 S
Antip;u; il2 114 S 4t h-p;i
StCrob 1 10 3 | jthpV :
Wind ware 1 10 j 6th 6
\ New-F.nglani 75
Gin, Holland lij 12028t0 <0 c
Apple Brandy 50 57
Rye 56 60
1 Slaves, wt.Oak pipe M 69 33
Hhd. 40
v Heading 40
Red Oak 30
Leogan 26 67
Barrel 26
Steel, German b 16 "1
Englifti blifterec! fa 14 13 ( 100 cents
Crowley's 1' 17 jc 18 J l* 1 " ( "
American 140 1 44
Starch ih to 11 Ij prct Ad
Sugar, Havan.whiteC 15' jo 16 3 cts perl!>
Brown 114. 12 do
India, ifl quality bs 13 14 2 rip
Muscovado C 11 16 2 do
Lump to 2 6 6t d<>
I-'Oaf, firijle res. 28 9 do
vr 1 I AR, N. C. B 250 3
JL Jersey I 25
v Tallow, Russia ib J4 (2 percent.
Artieticar 14
Tea, Imperial t e 0 1 66 ")
Ycwpg Hyfoi ~2 P 2C TI
Hyson i 20 j P fr !b *
i Hyson Sk n 80 8; 2° do
-Souchong 9a 18 da
Boliea 37 12 d«
Tin in plates ix t 8 Fre«
Tobacco C
Richmond old 6
b do Ileß 6
Peterfburgb i 575 ,
Frederick fburg j
Georgia , 47j
0 Carolina > 47S 5
v Twine, Si'ine 'b ? 4 00 cts
Sewing 46 ) per ewt.
Turpentine B 2jo ,
1 . fpiiits> '" it -fr>
Varnith 33 ij v
Wim jo
Cydei 18 20
Varnifli 23 2j
» Verdigreafe 80
Vermillion 2
WAX, Bees lb 30
Whalebone *
v Wines, Madeira 'l6O 100 to Jo c g
Best Lond. partic. ;4Q 40toj8 do
Sberry ' '*! I 12 1 25 40 cents
11 Lifbjn ' 5 145 ijB 3°
' Teneriffe ! a 8j 93 ( '°i
Malaga 86 90 do
Fayal 68 70
Port none at market 3° t '°
ll ' Claret, ft;pw Bourd'x
ca(ks6oga!s. 40 45 40 prct ad y (
Old fuperfine cargo 60
Of the Pittsburgh Glass Works,
• TTAVING procured a fuffici«nt number of
JTI theraoil approved European Glalp Manu
facturers, and having on hind a large (lock of
thebeft Materials, ©ll which their workmen are
now employed, have the plealure of aflyrin£
the puHic, that window glass of a fupei ior qua
lity and of any size, from 7 by 9, to 18 by 24.
inches, carefully packed irt boxe* containing
100 feet ea h, may be had at the ihortefi notice.
Glass of larger sizes for other purposes, msy
also be had, such as for pictures, coach glaHt-s,
clock faces, ftc. Bottles of all kinds and of any
quantity may also be had, together with pocket
flaiks, picklingjars, apothecary's shop furniture,
or other hellow ware—the whole at leaf! 25 per
cent, lower than articles of the fame quality
brought from any sf the sea ports of the Unitril
States. A li*beral allowance will be made en
sale of large quantities. Orders from merchants
in«l others will be pun&ually attended to on ap
plication to JAMES O'HARA «r T««AC
CRAIG, or at the Store of Meflrs. PRATIIER
andSMILIE, in Maiket-Street, Plttlburgh.
March »,
Neatly execttied at the Office of the
Gazette of the United States.
Cards—Blanks ot'_all kinds,
See. kc. s
Wi!! be printed at the
Shortest Notice.
augtift 23.
froths xvin.
rat hut.